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April 2, 2024 29 mins
Falen and Jenny discuss Jenny's trip, wedding venue suggestions and more! Thank you for listening:)
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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the I'm Still Fun Podcastwith Fallon and Jenny. Jenny is officially
back. I'm back. Yes,we're going. I want to talk about
your trip. But also next week, just a heads up, I'm off
Monday, but that's okay. We'llstill have a podcast Tuesday. It just
won't be like if you're someone wholistens super early in the morning Tuesday.
We'll record it like what I comein Tuesday, so it'll be a little

bit later, but we'll have anew episode next week. Yeah, so
like look out in the afternoon.Yeah for sure. So Jenny, tell
us about your trip. So itwas super good. If you didn't know,
we went to vailin Keystone, Andrewand I did. It was kind
of a joint friend trip and thenpartially just like Andrew and I the second
half and the first part was fun, but it was like, I think

I'm getting to be a little bittoo old to do all the things of
like snowboarding all day and then partyingand stuff. Oh yeah, okay,
and like the first time, thefirst time was fine, but then Saturday
we went all day, like wesnowboarded all day. We went and like
got coffee right after then immediately wentback to change and went to When a
Praise Skid the bottom of the hill, and then we went to dinner,

and then we went to a call. So it was just like go,
go go from the moment we basicallyleft to go snowboarding that morning at like
nine am until midnight that night wefinally caught a bus back to our place
and it was just very, verytiring. So do you even have sex
on a trip like that or areyou too tired? Usually it just depends

because like, for instance, whenwe went to Bend a year ago and
we were there for a week,there were some mornings where we just moved
really slow, so it was kindof like the morning time before all the
activity for your legs are ye dead, and you're like, how can we
lay here and not use our legsto have sex? Yeah, but yes,
there was still some sexual relations onthis trip. I wanted to make
sure check in. Yeah, itwas Andrew's birthday, so oh yeah.

You know what, though, Iam like, so I feel like there
is such an obligation to have sexwith your partner on your birthday or their
birthday. I don't think Andrew andI and maybe he doesn't feel comfortable with
me sharing this, but I don'tcare. I don't think we have gotten
it on on our birthdays in acouple years because we usually go and do
a million things and then we eata hefty dinner. Hell yeah, we

feel like shit, and then bythe time when you're home and it's like
kind of the sexy time, you'relike, no, I just want to
lay here, and so like onhis actual birthday, no we didn't,
but like the next day, yes, that was like the makeup for not
on his birthday. I think I'vetalked about this on the podcast before.
I am a morning or maybe likelunchtime sex person. Anyway, my preference

just because at the end of theday, I'm just I'm tired, Like
I if it's it's like I don'tI'm not trying to actively say no to
you all the time. Just you'rechoosing the wrong time. And I meinly
told Jake that He's like, I'vefigured it out. It's fine, I
get it. I'm like, I'mjust not a nighttime unless we have no
responsibilities. That day, we maybelike went out, we're drinking a little

not too much food, you know. So yeah, but outside of like
the actual snowboarding and partying and whateverof the trip. So many like random
things happened, Like we helped onewi who she it's called catching an edge.
She caught an edge on her snowboardin the line to get on the
lift, and she was blocking theline, and so I see her laying
there and she like dislocated her shoulder. Oh, so we like sat and

got her snowboard off. Her daughtercame up like she was probably in her
fifties. Her daughter maybe not thatwell, probably like fifty. Her daughter
comes up, she looks like she'smaybe sixteen, and I could tell that
she was like, oh mom,what's going on? Yeah, so we
helped with that situation. I almoststarted a fire in the airbnb because typical
Jenny. I wasn't drunk by anymeans, but I went to go heat

up some butter and it was likebougie ass butter that has some wrappings.
Butter has foil around, I know, but the butter I uses the cheap
ass stuff that it's more like justlike this weak paper. But don't you
see it when it's in your handand you place it in the way I
did. And that's why I watchedit because I was only putting it in
to nuked for like eight seconds.You knew it had it, but you
were gonna monitor it. So theflame blew up. They grabbed the door

and open it and it didn't leavea mark or anything. Like we were
gucci Oh yeah, you know whatever. Yeah. But then also like I
got a little Karen esque because wewere staying in these like pretty I mean,
they weren't nice places, but there'sthese condos in Keystone that are right
by the foot of the hill,like near the gondola, and so you

pay like an okay amount. Itwasn't super expensive because I got my ways
to get like cheaper things. Butthere's this fuck It sounds like you blew
the guy that owns the place,just you know the way you worded that
I got my way to get mycheaper things. Yeah, it sounds like
you contacted him. He found himon Instagram. You were like, for
one, blowy, can't we geta desk out? I either did that

or or you can look at myblog meet me Off and you can see
there's an entire blog of how tosave money and ski trips, so you
can see tutorial video on the perfectblow shot. Yeah, that's exactly what
it is. Yeah, But Imean, so anyways, we're staying at
this place and this dog was barkingfor like two hours straight next door to
us. And I looked on ourwebsite and it said no pets allowed.

There are signs in the building thatsay no pets allowed. So I double
checked that, Like, we didn'tjust sign up. Because it's Colorado,
you never know, some pets mightbe allowed. I'm sure there's pets a
lot to a lot of places.And so I found the rental because it
was a different company than the onewe went through for that unit. Emailed
them, emailed our unit, ourcompany too, to complain because I was

like, man, this is obnoxious, Like clearly the owners had gone yep
and like done something and left thedog alone and at night, like we
weren't hearing the dog bark throughout thenight, Like that would have drove me
really crazy. So that was annoying. And then also did they write you
back? They did, They saidthat they were on it, and like
our rental company said that they werecontacting the HOA because it's like a bunch
of condos. So yeah, allthese vacation rentals, Yeah, but then

on top of it, like theplace wasn't very nice, even though you'd
think it's at the foot of themountain. It's in the cute little ski
village. It was ours and thejacuzzi didn't work, so we get all
up in our swim. So aftera day of boarding and the best thing
ever is to go into a jagooziand relax. We get out there.
It was so cold. I waslike absolutely freezing, and then it was

like almost hard to get out ofthe jacuzzi. We lasted maybe six two
seconds and then we left, andas we were getting out, there was
a sauna right next door, becauseit's outdoors and there's a sauna, and
this guy pops out of the sauna. He goes, not too warm,
is it. He's like, we'rejust kind of going in and out,
like into the sauna and the hottub, into the sauna, into the
hot tub, and I was like, that's not what I signed up for.

So we did not have any hottub action for this whole trip.
And that's just like kind of astaple of a ski or snowboarding trap.
But I only know that because Jakeliterally is the least bougie person and that
he's like, you have to havea hot tub on a ski trip at
your place, Like okay, yeah, it's just great to decompress and like
let your muscles actually like take inthe hot tub. It's more for like
your muscles reason than just to likechill in a hot tub, you know

what I mean. But yeah,it was I mean, it was a
good trip. It was the perfectamount of snowboarding for us. We want
to little bit hard on the firstday because we met up with our friend
Bert who lives out there, somy legs were already toast. Also,
I screwed up by training with mytrainer the day before we were leaving,
and then the morning we left,I took a Warrior sculp class and I

lit some kind of say, Idon't know, I lit some kind of
fire in my legs that my legswere already sore. And then the next
day we go out to Veil Andif you're a snowboarder, you know the
pain of having to be on allthe cat tracks. It's really hard for
snowboarders to be on these like flatpaths and stuff. And so I just
really like I learned I should havelearned my lesson by now, because I've
done this on one other trip whereyou go too hard the first day and

then the other days your legs arejust toast. So the next two days
we're kind of a little more chill. Yeah that's fair. Yeah, that
was the gist of it. Ifeel like there was probably other stories.
Oh this is something that happened.Okay, Okay, So our first rental
and veil, the water in thekitchen was like only cold or hot or

something one of the other, andwe needed it to be a different time.
Okay. So I'm texting the rentalcompany and I'm like saying, hey,
can you guys just check this out, like we're heading out to snowboard
whatever, and they're like yeah,of course. So as I'm like texting
and I like go into the bathroom, I'm having some things happen in the
restroom. I walk out, Igo talk to Andrew, I like go
to grab my phone out of mypocket, and I see that I was

sending a voice message to the vacationrental via text messaging in the entire time,
So it caught about these four minutesof things. I didn't send it.
It didn't imagine Oh my god.But I did, however, grab
the part of thank you, Thankyou all can hear. Wow. It's

like when you when you talk aboutyour relationship with someone and you can't exactly
like pinpoint what it might be likebehind the scenes. Yep, this is
an example of mine and Andrew's relationship. And I don't know how well it's
going to play through this microphone becauseit's a screen grab on my phone.
But here we go. Oh mygod, anxious. Think it wasn't.

I didn't think that's what happened there. Maybe could you give me some more
coffee? Of course, so bab, you have to let you. I
think it was. I'm looking atit's a little quiet, but I I
could hear, but I'm in theroom with you. So I caught the
entire time of me going into thebathroom. I just did it from the

flush, the flush, and youknow that was the second flush I had
already obviously I had washed my handsand went back for a second. And
so I go up and I goto Andrew, and I'm just like you
would not believe what just came outof my bee hole? Is when I
say that, and then I saysomething about a snake and I looked in
there and I was like, whoa, and Andrew goes, nice, babe,

can you give me some coffee?Like the most casual commerce say move
right, and you like, canyou give me some coffee? I was
like, yeah, of course,you know, like it doesn't even FaZe
them that I just came out describedwhat happened in the restroom, and yeah,
we move on. I absolutely willdescribe things to Jake and he'll describe
things to me. We are notat a comfort level where I would ever
like take a picture and show him. Oh you don't do that either,

anything like that. And like Ialso, we also don't leave the because
we have like a toilet room,so like if we know the other person's
in there, we do. Iknow That's where you and I are a
little different. We do close likethat toilet room door, but when I'm
in there by myself, I don'tclose it. And then Jake will walk
in. I'm like, you canclose the door. I'm like, well,

I yeah, I do, likeI'm sorry. Well. Also,
last on our last podcast, Iknow it's been like a week or so
ago, we had an email witha girl asking for maybe like less obvious
venue locations and we did get somesuggestions, so I wanted to read the
ones that we got, and Ihave not into these, so I do

not know if this is going tobe in your budget. I don't think
you sent your budget anyway, orI think you sent your you wanted to
have like one hundred and fifty people, yep, but I don't know all
the details. So this one sayswedding venue little log house, Pioneer Village
in Hastings, Minnesota. Affordable forhaving all that space, so many photo
opportunities. So thank you to Rihanna. I hope I said your name right.

It could be Rihanna, Rihanna couldbe. This one is from Lexi
alm Quist. So it's a L. M qui T Farm and Hastings.
The owners are so amazing and thevenue is gorgeous. Okay, that's not
one. We got married at theBanquets of Minnesota and Fridley and it was

very cheap and beautiful. We hadour ceremony and reception in the same room.
That's from Kelsey, So thank youKelsey. I think we got an
email too, so I want tocheck that really quick to give Okay,
wedding. Oh, actually we gota couple of emails, Hey, after
listening to I'm Still Fun, Ihad a unique wedding venue idea to share
my hobby and I got married ona riverboat out of still Water. Stillwater

Boat and Packet Company is the nameof the company. It was so amazing.
They have several boat sizes. Weonly had forty people, so we
were on a smaller boat, butthe range in size from that is up
to three hundred plus capacity. Manypeople at our wedding site it was the
best wedding they'd ever been to.Who doesn't want to spend an evening on
a riverboat? Ten out of tenrecommend, Love you guys, and look
forward to your podcast every week.Love Jess. That's cool. I've seen

some people do riverboat stuff made outin Stillwater about other places, and it
always seems super cool. We didone in Indiana, but it was on
like the Ohio River, so kindof like Kentuckyana for my friend Samantha's brother
his wedding, And that's the onlyone I think I've ever been on.
But I remember, like, yeah, it was like fine, it was
different for sure. This email says, Hey, Foulon and Genny, I
heard your wedding venue segment on yourpodcast and feel uniquely qualified to contribute info.

I've actually DJ'ed at every venue youmentioned in the last year, and
I even warehouse out the same buildingas JX in Stillwater. I wanted to
suggest the loft at Studio j It'sowned by uh sorry, It's owned and
operated by the same people and isonly a few blocks down the road on
the main drag. It's basically asmaller version of JX, but with its

own flair as well. I thinkit'd be perfect for them. Ps.
You mentioned Quincy Hall and thought itwas called Urban Something. You're probably thinking
of Urban Daisy, and they're bothon my list of favorites. And this
is from Joe. He is dayone DJ. I don't think we have
that many men that listen, soshout out. Thanks for letting us know.
Joe absolutely also this is okay,So those I think Did you have

any others? Those were all thewedding venue suggestions I got. I do
have one other email. I don'tthink we've gotten to because the case is
on March nineteen from Oh wait,is it from Girl with No Thoughts?
It is no, it's from Yeahit is Okay, March, Okay,
you can read that. Okay,it I didn't say the person's name.
I was going to say for asecond too to say so I won't say

the name. It says, Hey, girlies, I've been hooking up with
this guy. It's great. There'sa connection, passion, fun, et
cetera. Not dating, just friendswith the benefits. After sex, will
be laying there and he's like,what are you thinking about? Nothing dot
dot dot question mark as I'm supposedto be thinking about something question mark.
Lol. I'm literally not thinking ofanything, just enjoying the after sex bliss

and cuddling. What am I supposedto talk about? Am I supposed to
review? Slash recap the sex?Thanks for the advice. A girl with
no thoughts? I think that that'svery funny because that is something Andrew does
to me all the time, notusually right after sex, but he'll look
at me and he'll see me likesort of what looks like I might be
deep in thought, but really I'mjust splitting my split ends and I'm trying
not to think at all. Yeah, and he'll ask what am I thinking

about? And it's always like I'mnot, I'm just here I'm not thinking
about anything, Like it's fine,but he I think he's asked me probably
after sex a couple of times before. But that's him and us and on
like a closer relationship. If itwas a friends with benefits thing, I'd
be like, bro, I'm justchilling. Yeah. I feel like it's

funny because it seems like a stereotypicalthing a woman would ask, right,
Like, that's what you would imaginethe guy would be like, and then
it'd be like a meme where theguy in his head like it's like a
ball bouncing, you know, he'sthinking of nothing. So it's funny that
it is opposite in this situation.Maybe he's like he is insecure, you
know what I mean, He's likeI wonder if she like enjoyed that,

or like what is she thinking about? Like maybe he is a little more
attached than you, or maybe he'syou know, they're just different personality types.
But I think it's fair to belike nothing, I'm exhausted, I
can't even have energy to think orwhatever it is. I agree. I
don't think you have to give himan answer. If your answer is nothing,
then like that's your answer. Yeah, I don't have to be like,
so I was thinking about the squareroot of sixty four and how no

you know what I mean, it'syeah, but that yeah, that's a
funny, a funny thing. I'mtrying to think if anyone else's ever like
me something like that before. Ican't think. I don't know, I
can't remember. I think I've likeblacked out a lot of my hookups because
they were so long ago at thispoint. Yeah, and that I don't,
you know, I don't think aboutthem, and I don't I had
a lot, let's be honest,So like I don't remember, yeah,

a lot anymore either. I IYeah, I feel like I can remember
most things, but I think atthis point I don't remember. I can
remember like the average size, becausemy list is like I have, like
I don't go beyond like two hands, So it's easy like for me to

like narrow in on like people,I think, and I can remember like
the average like size slash satisfaction.And that's about it for each person.
And there aren't really necessarily yeah,no, for any for anyone aside from
Jake, there are no like youknow, how like there'll be in movies
and the ex'es will get together likein legally blod like from that hot tub,

that time in the hot tub.I don't have a moment like that
that sticks out from any exs ofbeing like that was so hot and so
amazing. I have some moments likethose with Jake, but that could very
well be just because, like yousaid, like I've just forgotten and I
don't care. You know, it'sright, It's not because there was never
a great experience with someone in thepast. Necessarily it's just gone. I

feel like for me because my listis a little bit longer. I put
them in literally either they satisfied meor they did not, And unfortunately,
the not satisfied list is very,very long. Yeah, satisfied list is
a little bit short. Satisfied youare you just saying specifically orgasm? Yeah,
okay for the most part. Imean I still have had like plenty
of fun with certain people that Iwould put in the category of satisfaction,

but not to orgasm. But also, I can't fully blame the men in
all of these situations because I wasyoung and naive and didn't tell them what
I wanted or even knew what Iwanted myself in certain situations. So I
feel like it's not the fall,right, but uh, yeah, I
you know that list. I'll neverforget. I found it one time.

Oh you wrote it Dada list writtendown once and I had found it where
I kept it. I'm not goingto ship a capsule, Jenny. I
should. Unfortunately, I still don'teven think it's like the most updated.
But I found it once and Isent a picture to Tina and I was
like, oh my god, Ifound this list and I was like joking
with her about how there's no roomleft on it. She goes, well,

that's good, and I go,no, I'm just going to start
a new one, a new pieceof paper. Now she's got Jenny,
Jesus, I'm like, no,I kid, because I think I was
like, hmm, I was startingto settle down a little bit at that
time. You should have done likea signing of like the Declaration of Independence,
and you should have had each personsign when they were finished. Yeah,
because then I would have found outsome of their names, So that

would have been helpful. That wouldhave been to Super le Bowl. You
can't always read a person's second here, but man, would I have ever
got on all detective on that.That's true, what is it you mostly
you can't read other than John Hancottthe perfect one that to stick out.
So that's like, if you're outthere and you're starting your adventures, maybe

get a declaration of Sydney's independence.I at Sydney and insert your name and
have them sign it as you go. And then also if you need a
trick because you don't know someone's name, just make sure you go somewhere that
involves them having to show their IDand then make sure you're hovering as soon
as they have to show their ID, because I did that one time too,

after like a hookup turned into adating situation. We come somewhere where
he had to show his ID toget a drink and I was like,
yep, oh I was that wasOh, I do have it right?
Was it? There? Wasn't therea time where you weren't shared with someone's
name, So Steve and I madeup a name for the person. No,
you guys just combined to people thatI was seeing at this well,

I wasn't really seeing them at thesame time. One I was like genuinely
seeing, the other one was kindof on the back burner because he put
me on the back burner for awhile, and then he came like circling
back. You're like, I'm busy, and so I kind of was like
still kind of holding on to himbecause I didn't know where the other what
was going on with the other guy. And eventually I said goodbye to that
the back burner one, right,but yeah, you put there, I'll
just say on me because I don'tcare anymore. I wasn't because there might

be some people who listen you combinetheir names to equals one the kye and
that equal teeth is also if youcan think of all the k one pretty
easily. Whatever. Yeah, whathave you been up to? Though?
I haven't seen you in like,you know, well, I saw you
briefly last week, but I'm getin like two weeks we I mean,

Jake in the family they went ona sk trip at the same time you
did, and it was you justlive it up or what. I didn't
do anything, and it was great. I literally just would layer. I
mean, I had some more obligations, obviously, but I did a lot
of just being lazy, taking backscrolling on my phone and not feeling guilty
about it. Nobody else is around, I can do it. All yeah,

and being like, why do youneed to go out, Dolly,
and they're like, oh, it'sbeen eighteen hours, so that's why not
rallysiant And then I did not Ifeel bad in this, but I did
not miss them until the very end. And I think that I when I
go on a trip, I missOlive because I think I feel guilty that
I left her. And now she'sold enough to feel sad if Jake and

I are like, she knows likeand so that makes me feel bad because
she like cry to my mom forus, But in this situation, she
didn't care. She was I mean, she missed me. She would tell
me she missed me every day,but I'm like, she's with Jake.
So I think it was just likeI just felt completely at ease and didn't
miss them. I think it's likeI knew they were coming home. We're

all good. I knew they werehaving the time of their lives. Dylan,
I mean, he couldn't have beenhappier. He was like when I
talked to him after they went toPark City, he was just like on
cloud nine, like he's like,I've never he's never done skiing like that,
And because he's gone onside of Minnesotaor something. Okay, I think
and I think I think he's doneColorado. I can't remember, but they've

definitely never done anything else. Andhe is such a good skier, and
Jake was like, he is,like Hunter, i'ms better than me.
Like Jake couldn't even video him becausehe's too fast for him. And then
I could see the videos that youshared it, and Dylan started to take
off and I was like, oh, that's when I try to record Andrew.
That's I'm Jake situation. And hethen he said that he actually thinks
he likes Mammoth better. But theywere just getting like fresh, amazing snow

the whole time, and which makesa world of a difference. If you
don't scare snowboard it's insane. Yeah, and Jake said, like all of
them is. It's crazy. Shedid ski school one day, which when
they're that little, they do likehalf the day skiing and then it's basically
a daycare the other half, sothat he could actually go skiing. And
she doesn't like she was. Hesaid, she was doing full green runs
and like so she would do likea couple of miles and she doesn't need

straps or anything, and it's shecan stop herself. That's awesome. I
know, it's like that's so abusive. For Okay, I was trying to
remember. I know she's like closeto my niece's age, who about to
be five. So no, yousent me videos and stuff. And she
looked so good. She was weavingin between cones and I was like,
dang, look at her. Andshe didn't have anything like combining her sees
together, like it was all likefree, yeah and whatever. And that

was even before they got to Idon't I think that one might have been
Park City too, so she hadn'teven had her a little ski school at
Mammoth yet, which like vastly improvedher as well. So but I just
like chilled. And now it's funnybecause Jake's I have to get like seventy
hours of working in the next fourdays because we leave Friday morning for my
birthday trip, and I keep beinglike, maybe I should have done an

extra night there, Like I'm alreadyworried that it's going to feel like we
get there and it's usually for Thursdayor Friday morning, but actually it's like
seven am. And I did thething where it's like, you know,
girl Moth where I got the emailsaying we get upgrade to first class for
like one hundred and fifty dollars.So even though that was one way,
I did it for both sets,so it was the same price basically as

buying all new plane tickets, butsince those were purchased so long ago.
Yeah, this was a math classicthree head are tall or some great deal.
So and then we have like afull day, like the last day
because our flight's not toll like five. Yeah, so I was like,
I kind of want to go ontolike Caramel by the Sea and like Moneray
and stuff, because their aquarium isactually, I guess in the ocean,

so like it's legit, legit,Like I hear its apparently like the coolest
aquarium in the country or something,So I kind of want to I'm not
even like a big aquarium person,but looked amazing. And then these cool
cafes that are in the like Idon't know how to explain it. It
just like looks like the coolest littletowns. And so Caramel by the Sea
is really cute because that's we hadthat West Coast road trip, but unfortunately

it was a bus for us inthat area because everything was shutting down because
of COVID and it was Labor Dayweekend, So we went by Caramel by
Caramel by the Sea. Yeah right, we went in that area. You
couldn't find parking even like within likeprobably three miles of the area. And
then like Monterey, everyone was gettingshoved to that area and it just became
one big tourist trap for us thatwe hated it. But I would like

to go back to see it ina different situation. I'm excited. I
think it'll be lovely. I mean, we're gonna spend the most the majority
of our time like at our resortwhile we're there because it's like all inclusive,
so I don't want to honestly gopay and send money elsewhere. And
then but like the last day,we'll probably go like check out some things.
But I want to go down bythe ocean because they have like it's
like crazy, Like I did notknow Kyla kaya Kyla Lily's I'm going to

say it wrong. You know thosekinds of lilies grow naturally like on these
beach side. Yeah, and they'rein bloom right now. I had no
idea and I was like I waslike looking at tagged photos for the resort
and people are posting photos with theseeverywhere. I was like, Oh,
this is going to be at theplace you're saying that. I don't know
if we I think we have todrive to it's like actually called like Kyle

Kayla Lily Cove or something, butwe weren't going to get a rental car.
And I was like, I thinkwe have to get a rental car
because it's from a money airport tobig Sir. It's like an hour anyway,
and I was getting worried about gettingan uber and Jake had all these
points, so we're getting it forthirty five dollars. So I was like,
all right, like let's like let'sjust do it. And but I'm
just so hype. I haven't hada vacation yet this year. Yeah,

which not like I I don't feellike I need it like kind of thing.
It's not like I'm like I needa break from work necessarily, but
I just want to like go somewherethat isn't gloomy. And so I hope
please like no rain and no likecloudy skies. While for there's like I'm
hoping for so some of the mostbeautiful sons that they've ever seen. Was
on that West Coast road trip andwas in Big Sur and once again,

a lot of it was shut down, so Andrew and I were like hiking
into spots we probably weren't supposed tobe whatever, but it was so beautiful.
And we still want to like startthat West Coast road trip in Big
Sur and then continue down south fromthere outside of Covieah for sure, because
we just feel like we were sohyped for Big Sir, and then that's
when everything was like shutting down againand it was a mess. So I'm
so excited to like stock you andsee all of your stuff. I'm going

to send you. Yeah, I'llsend you stuff for sure. But I've
of course bought a new wardrobe forthe trip, so yeah, I saw
the meme recently that was like,why do I buy a new wardrobe when
the people on vacation haven't even seenmy current wardrobe? No, I was
like, well, it's not forthe people on vacations for the Instagram obviously.

That's the one thing I love aboutsnowboarding trips is I wear the same
shit all the time. I donot have to worry about like, I
don't think twice about going out andgetting new stuff because I wear the same
stuff all the same layers, samejackets, same snow pants, same snowboards.
That's how I am. For likeour National Park trips, I'm wearing
leggings and like a tank top anda Swarts braw everyday. So I do
not care. But yeah, soI will. I guess when we come

back next week, I'll be ableto tell you a little bit about it,
a little recap, a little recap. Maybe you'll give me a featured
section on your blog and I'll givea recap there. I would love to
do that. That would be superhypes because I don't have enough information on
my California page, so I coulddefinitely use So I'm just wheeling my way
onto your set. No, Iwould love it. Well, if you

have anything else, I don't thinkso, except for the fact that I
like behind the scenes footage of thingsthat happened. I was like ready to
go for the podcast about twenty minutesprior to family. I don't have to
share everything. I don't know.I'm ready now, or maybe I can
go poop, And I was like, you can go poop, but No,
I didn't realize she was going toactually terrorize the women's stall, which
I didn't answer my question, ordid you three? I was, okay,

I don't install one if you Idon't know how you use it.
It's too exposed. It gives mecomfort because there's one wall on one side
that I know nobody can be onthat side, whereas like I can only
have to risk one person be inthe stall to the left then, so
it's always if you don't know this, the running dike is that stall one
is my stall and fallin typically isin like a stall three situation. But

then, as she was describing whatwas happening prior to the podcast, I
said, you better not be doingthat to stall one right now. I
wouldn't, but anytimes I walk inand I can tell someone has to stall
one, I'm like, someone youthought it advantage of your stall. No,
I was gonna say I because I'mnot here usually that light where it
was, well, I'll text youlike someone took advantage of her today and
he's like, oh my god.So I hope you have this comfort with

your friends. I'm sure you do. But we'll be back next week.
Thanks for hanging out with us andlistening to I'm Still Fun
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