All Episodes

April 9, 2024 36 mins
Sorry we're late! Today we discuss Falen's trip to Caifornia, her celebrity sighting, celeb fandoms and more! Thank you for listening!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to that. I'm still funpodcast as promised, it is late,
but it's extra late because of me. So sorry to Jenny. I looked
at the clock and I was likenoon, and in my mind it was
eleven thirty and it wasn't in noonesswhen we usually record. So I have
betrayed her. I have shown herthat I don't value her time, and
that's my biggest tad peeve. SoI apologize. It's all good. I

luckily there's no shortage of work forme as a recent so great. I
just got ahead on something. Soit's very exciting to know. I got
back at midnight last night from mytrip. And it's funny because everything changed
within like five hours after our lastpodcast. I was like recording the podcast.

Yees, literally everything I know andI couldn't even believe it. So
you want to go ahead and tellthe full story, just the quick version
is I was like overly excited becauseI was going to Big Sir this like,
and the reason I booked it wasa specifically this resort. Although I've
always wanted to go to Big Surf. Yeah, that was why I chose
that location. And literally, likethe within hours after us recording the podcast,

I get an email wat my momtexted me. He was like,
hey, is just gonna affect yourtrip? And I'm like, eye roll.
No. My mom is like alwayshere's an emergency news story that could
affect you, And so I didn'teven read the story. I was just
like no, because the last thingon Earth I thought would happen is a
landslide would take out the only effingroad into Big Sir, which is exactly

what did happen. And my momwas on the pulse of the news story.
She was and she was right.And so a landslide literally took out
the one road. Everyone's like,why is there one road? Well there
aren't. There is this another road, but it was taken out a couple
of years ago and they have neverfigured it out, like fixed it totally
because they're like, ah, wehave another one. We're good. Boom

half the roads in the ocean.So the resort sends an email like no
one could come in. Trip iscanceled, and I was like a little
annoyed with him because I'm like,this is like a high end resort.
The fact they didn't call, theydidn't chet reschedule, and the more I
thought about it. I'm like,they probably don't know when they can reschedule,
and so whatever, So we pivoted. I stressed out a ton.
I took the first day and waslike, I just want to cry a

little bit and not think of myplan be and then the next day I
will come up with the solution becausewe don't have time for me to research
yep, and Jake's some of thisresort and I'm like no, because I
was like, I want ocean andredwoods because it's what I had envisioned.
And Jake's like, cool, cool, We'll just keep looking and where do

we end up That original resort hesent me after but after I found it,
I was like, I think Iwant this one. He's like,
okay, so you know if yougo back in your text. So we
did Santa Barbara, which is actuallya trip that Jake had planned for my
birthday in twenty twenty, which gotcanceled due to COVID. So it worked
out and it was really cool andbeautiful weather. My beak is burnt.

Jenny was like, notice that assoon as she walked in, my nose
just got hammered. I mean,I know you get, but you do
get more of like an olive toneto your skin, whereas I am just
like bright red when I see thesun. Yeah, so it just stood
out a little bit more differently.Yeah, for sure. The some of
the highlights of the trip. Firstof all, if you haven't been a
Santa Barbara, it really is stunning. And we say like rolling hills kind

of like Malibu is yep okay.And it's also we technically stayed in mont
Montecito, which is like we're MegaMarkle Prince Harry Oprah Live. I only
know that because I cut well.I think I forgot that. And then
when I was asking for suggestions,everyone's like, that was the opera and
Mega Mark and I was like,oh yeah, I never did creepy.

Look. I didn't look up theiraddresses or anything though, even though I
have been known to do stuff likethat in the past. But so we
stayed in that area and all thethings I kept like finding all the TikTok
videos. As I drove around,it was like felt very small, like
we'd go to go get coffee.I'm like, oh, there's that dinner
restaurant I saw, and there's thatshop I saw. So it was kind

of a cool feeling. It's Ithink a pretty bike friendly town. But
we really stayed at like our resortpretty much the whole time because they had
like the one of the most popularrestaurants on at the resort, yeah,
for the whole area, So Iwas like included in our package. So
I'm like, I'm not going togo pay for extra food, even though
I wanted. It was like aweird thing because I wanted to try other
spots, like, nah, I'mjust gonna stay here for the most part,

right, And you do. You'relike in a new city, so
you're like, oh, I wantto try these places. But when you
have like the amenities of your ownhotel, why would you not take advantage
of that? Absolutely? So weso for my actual birthday, we got
up and I wanted to do ahike, so we did this. I
found a few and then I letJake kind of pick. So there's one

called Hot Springs Canyon, and itlooked really cool because it had like little
almost like baths, like multiple roundbaths of hot springs kind of going down
at like side. Did the videoof this right, maybe, yes,
okay kind of, but I Ididn't want to post pictures of me and
my bathing suit in it. Well, no, but it would have shown
Yeah, but I think it wouldhave shown a better idea of like the

depth of them, how big theywere, things like that with my body
actually in it. But I alsowas really insecure because no one else was
taking photos and Jake was bought asfucking professional camera. I was like,
get the I'm like, they're gonnathink I am making you take professional photo
of me, and like I thinkI'm a model, and he's like,
I don't care about them. It'syour fortieth birthday and I want these pictures.

And I was like, well,I care about them. They're looking
at us, and I was gettingso stressed. And but we do this
hike and it says it's a hardhike on all trails, and I'm like,
I was like, okay, fuckit. It was like a four
mile hike whatever. So the firsthalf I'm like, this is easy,
breezy, beautiful cover girl, asI've been saying in our podcast now apparently
that is my catchphrase. I hopeno company steals that, and I get.

But then I was like, thenwe get to the hard part.
And the reason it's hard is becausethen it becomes like you have to cross
over rock the cross water, okay, And they're not like the busiest.
Yeah, and you could do thatales too, Yeah, and I have
rolling ankles maybe, I'm like,oh god, and so I would.
And Jake has this camera and I'mlike, you have to go first,

risk yourself in the camera and helpme. And I'm so We're going back
and forth and then the incline hitshim pretty good because it is pretty high
up. We get all the wayto the fucking top and I'm like,
I know we're getting close because youcan smell that gross sulfur smell yep.
And these two cardio bitches with adog come breeze and past and they like
jet back over the water and they'relike trying to climb this huge rock wall

and like what's happening? And they'repushing the dog up and the dog sliding
on his nails and I'm like,I go, you know, I'm not
quiet. I'm like, I waslike, God, that don't make the
dog do that. You could tellit it's not. And then they're oh,
we're not gonna make it because thedog and they come back over and
I like, there's nowhere to go, and I go, is that how
you get to the Hot Springs?And the woman goes, Yep, there

was a rock slide this week.I was just here last week and this
trail was cleared, and I waslike, are you fucking kidding me?
No, So I was like,Jake, go over and see if we
can climb it without the like becausethey had a dog calling. He goes
over and he's like, there's absolutelyno way we could climb that. He's
like, even if I could climbit, I would never want you to
and I do not trust those rocks. He's like no, and I was

like and I was like trying tonot let things be my usual self and
let it ruin my entire life.I was like, well, it was
still like a really pretty hike.And so we turn around and we start
walking back, and then there arethese people, like I don't know,
a few hundred feet down, crossingover in a different area and I see
a path and I go, Iwas like, hey, is that a

path of the Hot Springs? Andthey're all British or whatever the hell they
are, and they can't hear mebecause the water's too loud. I was
like, is that the hot likeyes, And I was like, all
right, so we cross over wayeasier if we had climbed the rock wall
and then gotten there and seen howeasy that path was. So we it
was Yeah, I don't know ifthose other ladies didn't know. We found
it and it was awesome. It'sdunk and I was afraid I was gonna

get yeast infection. Oh you can't. Is that how it works. I've
never been in a natural hot springbefore. I mean, like a pool
hot spring is called like Chico inMontana. Yeah, that's the only one
I've done, so I don't knowwhat in like an actual natural one in
the woods or I saw what bikesand I saw butt cheeks and tity,
it's a nude one, no,but everyone hikes and then they change.

Oh, and there were the twofittest, like a couple, and I
did not know they were changes,like and I was like the most Minnesota.
Oh can I scoot right pastua?The guy is just naked and I
was like, oh, I don'tknow what to do and he's like yeah,
and he like kind of looked atme like anywhere else you could squeeze
through. And I get down andI'm like Jacobs, I can see that.
I can see almost his penis andhe was like, oh, He's

like I didn't see anything. Asthe hottest bodied girl is in a thong
bikii. I was like, hedidn't see that. He's like, I
don't see other women falling. Ohgood point, but it's stunk really bad.
Then this old British guy when Jakewas taking my picture, was like
getting pictures of and I was like, yeah, clearly it looks like I'm
a Vogue model, but it stunkand I was like stuff was floating around.

But it was pretty and it wasworth it. It was warm,
right, yeah, it was.It was warmer. We get warmer as
you went up, but we didn'tgo all the way to the top of
them because there are people up thereand I was like trying to be chill
own little baths. Yeah, butyeah, people were just like really taking
it in and as they say,we got there at the right time because
as we were leaving, tons ofpeople were hiding. Yeah. Did you
find that hike on like a blogor how did you find it? Yeah?

On TikTok I think. Okay,So did you do any research about
the hike ahead of time. No, I was okay, because I mean,
usually even though all Trails betrays youa lot of times and says it's
a moderate hike, and it's likea fucking extreme hike. Yes, you
know what I'm saying. But usuallyupdates are on there in the common section
for things like that. But Imean, those ladies probably didn't know what
they were talking about. If therewas like the other way, so I

thought was so weird. But theysaid they had just been there the leak
before and had had no issue.But I agree with all Trails it said.
When we did our hike in Olympicat it was called like Lena Lakes
and it was like the seven milethe hardest hike I've fucking ever done in
my life. It said moderate hike, and I was like, you can

all go to hell, and thishike I did not think was hard.
I would say that to me wasa moderate hike. Maybe I'm just more
fit now, maybe that's what itwas. But I also Jake was like,
uh, fell in the Lina Lakeswhen I could have done pretty easily,
but I had all of my backand I was like, I can
pick yeah, Okay. Dylan andI were on our deathbed on that hike.

But then we did like botanical gardenscause I wanted to see the poppies.
They were super blooming. Friday night, I'm ninety nine percent positive Christina
Aguilera was at dinner with us.I cannot confirm because I couldn't get a
good view, but this woman.First of all, the resort we stayed
at was a fancy resort. ApparentlyGwyneth Palualtrew got there. Jake saw her

on their Instagram. It's where celebritiesgo. I guess didn't pick it for
that reason. Picked it because Iwanted to brought the whole time and not
move, and it seemed like agreat spot for that. But I was
like, this is definitely where youcould tell celebrities would go dine. The
staff didn't give a shit, they'reused to seeing them. And this woman
walked in with really long bleach blondehair, leather jacket, and I don't

know why. Immediately was like,I'm pretty sure as Christina Aguilera. And
then but she sat too far awayfrom me to see, and so I
was like, I'm on high alertfor celebrities from this point forward, and
I did post I'm sure you saw, but Adam Levine was at dinner the
night like Sunday night we went bythe time I saw you post a question
on your Instagram story, like youhad already had the answer and whatever the
next slide. But I would havenever in a hundred years guest, No,

Adam Levine, why would you?Yeah, but like I did see
as soon as you posted the pictureof Jake to reveal it, I was
like, oh, yeah, Ican see him right there, and I
show it. Andrew Andrews like whois that? And Togo Adam Levine,
Yeah, who is that? Iwas like, are you serious? He
has lost his cool factor though,kind of like it's not as cool of

a sighting as it used to be. But I am positive did a double
take of me. I was wearinga very bright orange dress. You could
claim it was the bright orange dress, or you could claim he was very
sexually into me. I think hewas probably very sexually into me. Jenny,
probably, I would say yes hewas. Was he there with every
single person asked that and in myDMS, every single person was like cheating

on his wife? Again, No, it was could not be more opposite
and adorable. He was at thetable with his two daughters and an older
lady that was probably either a nannyor grandma, being the most adorable father
I've ever seen, like doing thething where you put spoons on your noses.
He I can't. I don't knowhis daughter's name, but he like
yelled it at her like in ajoking like get or attention, you are

out a lot, you know,jokeing away and it was pretty freaking adorable.
Actually, was this at the restaurantthat was within the hotel? Yeah?
So yeah, you guys really pickeda good spot then for like yeah,
and well not like I mean yousaid it was a nicer hotel,
but like a fancy spot the celebritieswould care to go to. Yeah that's
good. It was cool. Areyou overall okay? Would the pivot that

had to happen? Yeah? Afterthe trip happened because I know you just
like had your heart so sad onbig sir. I did. And that
hotel don't care. I'll go thereanother day. Jake was like, we're
going to go through this year andI'm like, absolutely not. I'm good.
But I was at the pool andthere were these two women and I
was chatting. I chat with themfor a second. They were from Michigan
originally but lived there, and theywere like, you're actually like there.

Actually it's a good pivot because BigService time year is kind of wendy and
kind of cold. And I waslike, Okay, it probably is,
because what are we in April nowright? Yeah, I can't don't know
the date anymore. It probably isn'tas nice over there. And I remember
it always being a little chillier.Yeah, we did the West Coast road
trip. It was chilly on theout side of the road and we went

on like August end of August.But my celebrity hot streak continues because I
famously saw Harry Styles when I wentto California. Where was that at Malo
City Malibou? Okay, at CindyCrawford's like Mexican restaurant. Only people there
because I ate dinner so early.He came in to get take out at
the bar and I was like,yeah, knew him immediately. Just could

tell. You can just tell acelebrity, you can. And you can
also tell when people are trying tolook rich and when people are actually rich.
Yeah, one hundred percent, youcan tell. Yeah, I agree,
I can't remember anymore. But wesaw a rapper at Nobu and Malibu
when we were there, and Ican't remember who it is anymore. It
was the game, yes, wow, how you? I knew that if
I brought it up, you mightactually remember, and I just did not

for the life and we remember.I just remember that my friend Jackie had
no idea who he was, andI think we sup told him that she
didn't know who he was as surethey love that, Yeah, sure he
did. Like the most offensive thingyou could say. I feel like when
people come up to us and they'relike, I don't listen to your station.
I'm like, I always think that'ssuch a rude thing to say,
because I don't. I would neverknow, and I don't care that you

don't listen. We are under nolike there is no assumption that every person
that sees us listens to it likethat, of course not, but to
specifically say I don't listen to yourshow, sorry, Like, why what
did that add to the conversation.I would never come like if you worked
for like General Mills, I wouldnever be sorry. I don't eat your

cereal like I would never It's justso unnecessary and you would not believe the
amount of times people have said thatto me. I know it is true.
I will say that I was comingback from the bathroom when the girls
like saying to him, and Ilike witnessed it from afar, and I
didn't even talk to him at all. I was just like because there was
a group of people talking to him. But yeah, I feel like that's

probably something that was said because wehad spent a few hours at the winery
before that point, and so wewere very intoxicated, and probably, yeah,
that wasn't our best thing to sayto him. The one other thing
I will say is that I didget the best birthday gift ever. Jake
and I love when we are seatednext to assholes and what do you mean,

like a renner? Yeah, sothey first of all, when Jake
checked in, he goes he cameback to the room, was like,
oh, get ready, there's arich ass couple of assholes checking in.
Yeah. He's like, his nameis Otis, and I was like,
oh, of course it is,you know. And he's complaining to the
front desk that they gave him thewrong cottage. He thinks they gave him

his parents cottage and he wants hiscorrect cottage, and it just was making
me laugh. Those they walked inand Jake's like, Otis and there are
his parents, and so Jake waslike, I want to see what his
dad looks like. So I wastaking photos of him because he was behind
Jake. I have a photo ofOtis and his dad. The mom was
British. You could tell that they'rerich af because, like for them to

just casually take their son there,I'm like, that's crazy to me.
Wait, can you give me agerange because I feel like I need that
too, late thirties Oka, midthirties idea of the situation. And you
can tell he's the kind of personsays his mom is British. He brings
out a fake Ish British accent,probably when it serves them, because I
could hear it coming in and outa little yeah. And British people,
I feel like allow them, likethey think that they can get away with

being bigger jerks because of their accentssomething about it. Yeah. And I
say that as someone who has oneof my very best friends is British,
and I've told her that before,straight up to her face. But the
moment they sat down, the servercame up and they're like, they told
us we could have what we olderedlast yesterday, even though it was like
on Sundays they have a special brunchmenu, and he the otis wanted the

fucking breakfast burrito and it was noton the menu. And the guy was
like, ah, I don't wantto make that promise, Like let me
go talk to the chef just tomake sure. And they're like, they
told us if we got here beforeten thirty. So the guy goes back.
He's like uh, and he comesgood news, guys, for you,
we can do it. She's like, I want to be clear,
it's not just his breakfast burrito.I want the things we also had off

menu. Then they walk away andthen the soun's like, you, guys,
I always have to keep the peacewith the establishments because of how you
two act. And they're like,oh, really, well last night you
were the one that was complaining andhe was like, well I was in
the right last night, and they'relike you wa for sure. I was
like, oh, what happened lastnight? I'm sure there was more drama.
It gets worse, Old Daddy warBucks. He fucking orders oatmeal first.

British bitch orders she wants, Iknow, her full order Jenny two
eggs, toast potatoes, tomatoes andtomato sauce, pulk sausage, butterflied grilled.
Okay, that's her fucking order.Get ready. They bring it up
before they brought the two men's appetizers. What is no, before they can

put the date. Jake and Ihave been doing this all like the past
two days. No no, no, no, before they could sit down.
The waiter who brings the food isnot their actual Weai has no idea.
What my line? Yeah, andshe's like wrong, wrong, take
it back and she's like the Iwant to be subved my main course.
When they get theirs and the guycomes up, he's like, what's going

on the main server? Where islike? Is? She's She's like what
are those? He's like, you'retomatoes. She's like, I wanted them
grilled and he was like, youdidn't say that. We'll get them grilled.
Take it back. He's like okay, and she's like, you're not
gonna sit it back there right andbring it back when their food comes out.
You're gonna recook it, right,And he's like yes. And then

the old Daddy Warbucks I need brownsugar. I need brown sugar. Jenny.
This went on forever. It wasthe best moment of my life because
I just wanted to go hug theservers, but like they are probably fucking
used to that, and glory likethat. It was glorious. I love
seeing people like that in the wildbecause it just we didn't even have to

talk to each other. We werejust like yeah the whole time. Okay,
I know this is not helpful toanyone else, but I do have
to show Jenny. I did takea photo of Otis and his crotchety old
down in the mom see what theylook like. The mom's back was to
me, Okay, this is Otis. Oh yeah, that looks like Otis.
And then this is the dad.Look at him. Jenny, Oh

god, yeah, great time.Oh god, man, I you know
now I look back at the timeonce again when we went to Malibu Nobu
and we were the drunk idiots.They actually probably loved us, compared to
tell that snobby rich bitches like that, Well maybe how drunk you got to
leave? Jenny. No, No, we got our own ubers. It

just was it was impossible to getubers at one point because our phones were
dying, so I did ask thehostess for a charger, and she was
very rude, saying no to me, and I was like, all right,
I'm trying to I'm trying to leaveand let you guys close up,
but also road snap. But nowI don't feel so bad that we were
like drinking a little bit loud afterhearing that story, and I'm so sorry

to spend the majority of our podcastwant to take. I am so happy
you had like a good time abe you had some fun stories that's exciting
at times. The other thing Iwas gonna ask you is I know that
Jake sent you that hotel then whenhe's when you guys were trying to figure
out what to do and you saidno at first, So did you proceed
to go into full fallon planning andmode again or did Jake try to step

in and help at this point becauseit was like your birthday week? He
let me. But the one thingI specifically said was I was like,
Jake, you can't stress me outbecause I genuinely am fine like laying around
the room for endless hours, andhe it drives it doesn't drive him crazy,
but he can't do it as longas I can. Yeah. So
I was like, you can't pacein our room and stress me out,

Like I this is what I want. If you can't handle it, you
need to go leave our room andgo walk around the grounds of this place
or go to the pool or something. He was like, he's like,
I'm fine with whatever you want todo. I was like, you say
that until but the Jenny the roomhad three coke and diet coke in a
glass bottle. Yeah, that's thebest way to get it from It's like

the best version of it. Ididn't need to leave. They had Snacky's
in there. You could order roomservice obviously most places you can. I
didn't, But I mean we didwalk around and we did go obviously,
as you can tell, we didstuff. And I wanted to go to
the Channel Islands because it's National Parkclosed because the fucking birds laying eggs over
there. Whole thing. I waslike, let's do a kayak tour.
You have to take a ferry toSanta Cruz Island. Fairies were sold out,

so many things. You had tobook an advance and I didn't have
an advanced situation. Missed it out, missed out, But it was still
really cool and you guys had toswitch your flights, right, Yes,
we did. And I don't evenknow if we're getting refunded. We got
credit and we're trying to appeal toget a refund, but he's like,
it wasn't a death and it wasn'tlike He's like, we probably won't see
it. And I think I evensaid something to Andrew that I feel like,

well, I assumed you were Delta. We did Delta for this,
but because we were flying in aMonterey there, it was very limited options,
so I think we're like American Initially, Yeah, I just assumed because
I know you have a Delta creditcard or whatever and usually fly Delta.
So I was like, there's noway that they're not going to get refunded
because this was like an unfortunate event. We'll see, he tried, So

we'll see if we get refined.I mean we'll end up using it at
some point if not anyway, butobviously, yeah, I usually don't pick
American, so it have to befor something that I need it for.
Right. Also, do you getif you have like a hot tub in
your own room, would you geta naked I was like, I did,
but I also was like, Idon't know that I want to maybe
feel a little bit uncomfortable. Ithink it probably would. I'm trying to

think. I don't know the lasttime I've had one. I think we
had one when we went to LakeTahoe, but we had an actual jacuzi
outside that we kept going into aftersnowboarding all day. So I don't think
we ever used the hot tub thatwas in the room, but I feel
like I would have been fine.This was like it was like a jacuzzi,
but it's like it wasn't like abathtub. Yeah, it's like built

it like it was just outside onthe deck, so it is back to
actually built into the ground, youknow. But it was like a legit,
oh hot tub? What was whatwas the privacy level? Complete?
Oh? Okay then yeah why not? Okay, I don't know. It's
like, was like, is thisgross? Is that unfair to other people
think all the hot tubs are grossto an extent? I mean, the
water's just circulating through my region anyway, right and half the time my swimsuit

goes up my ass cheeks anyways,so it's almost like I'm naked, Like
it's like everything falls apart. Soyou had posted your things, and I'm
assuming you guys are probably doing iton the show today. But the things
that annoy you like disproportionately annoy you. And I think one of them was
when you bend down and your boobfalls out. Are you talking about like
your nipple kind of falls out ofthe top part or which part? How

does it fall out? Yeah?The top? Okay, almost like if
you've been down. There are alot of bras I have where my boob
will almost just completely fall out,especially my right one because it's bigger,
you know, Yeah, And it'sjust it angers me so much because then
I have to stand up and myboobs look like my old choir teachers hers.
She always had four boobs because thebra was always cut one half.
I hate it. Yeah, yeah, because I was like, man,

I feel that way. But thenI also feel like in swimsuits, I
just feel like my boobs are constantlyfalling out of those two So you never
know, you guys will just benaked. Then at that point, agree
and the jqus I agree. Wedid get an email, Oh yeah,
and I was going to read thatBalin and Jenny, you influenced me to
read the Akatar series. Yes,first of all, thank you. Second

of all, now I've gone downthe fandom rabbit hole and have nobody in
real life to share my thoughts with. I'm in an aqutar Facebook group and
someone shared this amazing fanfic that Ithink you both will love, so I
will post the link below, butfair warning it's extremely steamy and you'll probably
want to read it with your partnersclose by. Lol. This brings me
to a question and maybe something youcan talk about on your show. Is

it normal to get sucked into afandom and go down many rabbit holes when
you find a piece of pop culturethat really intrigues you, and how far
is too far before it's considered weird? For example, I discovered the show
Outlander during the pandemic and loved itso much that I found myself watching old
interviews of the cast, listening topodcasts about it, following cast members on
Instagram, and even reading the books. However, I don't think i've ever

I'd ever go as far as goingto the Outlander comic con convention or making
a fan account or anything. Iknow. Some people also join fandoms for
musicians, movies athletes, et cetera. So again, I'm just curious what
you would consider normal and what isthe deepest into a fandom that either of
you have ever gone. PS.I'm definitely part of your fandom. I've
listened to every podcast either of youhave ever done, and of course the

radio shows, and I thoroughly enjoyyour content. Keep up the great work.
Signed a millennial mom of three.Oh wow, thank you, millennial
mom of three. I think I'mjust like you. I'm gonna guess I'm
way more intense about stuff than Jenny. Yeah, probably that's my personality.
And I find that I'm way moreintense than almost any friend I've ever had.

I've had friends like an old coworkerof ours who would get really obsessed
with like country music artists and stuff. I was never really like that with
that I can think of, andmaybe I'm wrong. I was never obsessive
over musical artists. I think Iwas handsome, but I was in middle
school, so I think that's alittle bit more standard. As an adult,
my obsessions have been Twilight. Iwent through a heavy Twilight obsession,

like similar thing where I was sointo it. I think my friend Heidi
was like okay, I mean Ithought it was chill, but like fucking
calmm down. And then I alsogot like that with Fifty Shades of Gray,
which is weird. And I don'tknow why I was like that with
that because those movies they I can'twatch them now. I actually read the
books too. Yeah, I readthe books. I watched the movies.

Same thing I would go watch likeany interview with Jamie Dorn and I thought
it was so hot, and theremight be another one that I'm forgetting,
Like if there was stuff with Alcatar, I would be like that. But
I'm like you where I would neverI'm not far enough into anything where I
would start a fan account. Yeah, you go pretty deep on Taylor Swift
stuff too. Yeah, but thesame thing, Like I wouldn't start a

fan account since I've been a fanof hers the whole time. I don't
go back and watch old interviews ofher or anything. But I'm definitely like
on like the tailor TikTok side ofthings with like where they have like Easter
theories on Easter eggs and things.I don't know, but I think I'm
probably a lot like you millennial momof three where my level is questionable,

and I question myself as an adultwoman, like what is wrong with me?
Why am I into this? Butyeah, I've never gone to like
a comic con or anything, butI think if you go to those,
that's fun. Yeah, And I'mhappy that other people get way obsessed with
it so I can watch their videoson TikTok and not have to do it
myself. Yeah. Yeah, Idefinitely don't go too far into any kind
of fandoms. I think my biggestone would be anything to do with the

Bachelor and Bachelorette because I follow alot of those people. Yeah, and
that there's been so many seasons nowand it's just wild like that. I
can actually remember a lot of thesepeople who were kind of forgettable, but
then they got into the Bachelor groupof people that became kind of dealist celebs
after being on those shows. Sothen I follow a lot of them,
and then when I see something thatmakes me feel like someone broke up,

then I start digging through a bunchof other Bachelor people things. And then
there's two pretty big podcasts that havecome out of the Bachelor franchise, Nick
Vile. I think it's called VileFiles, Bile Files, and then Ben
and Ashley do one. I thinkit's called Almost Famous, and I've maybe
heard some of their podcasts before,but that's like it's usually clips on social

media that suck me in and I'llwatch, but I don't actually like stay
on top of everything to do it. Yeah, you know, we know
it's funny. I listened to regularlya previous contestants podcast, Becca, but
she doesn't talk about the Bachelor really, but they she's part of that group,
so she will like talk about thosepeople. And that does nothing for

me. Because I started listening totheir podcast, it's called Scrubbing In.
It used to be a Gray's Anatomypodcast. They don't talk about Grays at
all anymore. Yeah, and theyalways joked that they should change the name
of their podcast at this point.But I found it because it has Ryan
Seacrest's co host Tanya rad on it, and I like radio people, so

I was like, I had nevereven heard of Beca Tilly, and I
think she was on two different seatsthat show, and she was a virgin
on there and stuff, and shesurprised everyone because she came out like a
year or two ago and she datesmusical artists Hailey Kioko, and people were
so surprised because she was religious avirgin obviously on The Dating Bachelors, and

then she came out as gay withHailey and everyone was like what, And
I guess it was kind of mindblowing. But I like their podcast because
I actually like Beca the most,Like she's super genuine and like funny,
and it has like Ryan Seacrest's producerand engineer on there too. Guys occasionally,
Oh okay, are they on therea lot? Uh huh? Like

everyone. I don't think. Ididn't know that they're not main contributors.
But like Mark, who's Seacrest's mainproducer. He will like host tons of
things. He's he's an interesting He'sa perfect producer. You can tell because
he is. He is regimented,as the word I would use, like
he eats at the same time everyday. He he does like he everything

is the exact same. He willnever he does not drink alcohol. He
does not do this. He isvery strict on everything. He will read
their emails for them, he willhost games. He's very it's he is
such a true producer. Yeah,it's funny, but it's I don't know.
I'm not. I think if youlisten to it, you would probably

like it. They talk about girlstuff, but I know, I think
I've listened to a couple of theirepisodes before. But I'm just in general,
I probably said this before. Idon't listen to a lot of podcasts
because we do radio and we talkand when I go to the gym,
every once in a while, I'llbe in the mood to listen to a
podcast, but mostly I can't focusand like stay engaged in it while I'm

working out. So I always listento music when I'm working out, like
ninety five percent of the time,and that's the main time. Mostly if
I'm going on like a little solohot girl walk, that's when I'll do
a podcast. But I don't.Andrew and I usually walk together a lot
if we go on walks. Yeah, so then you're dallasting anything, you're
talking to each other, Yeah,for sure? Well what anything before we
wrap up? I feel like youhaven't had a chance to talk about anything.

Life hasn't been No, life hasbeen nothing but like chill for me
lately. Okay, after getting backfrom our trip, So I don't have
any fun stories except for I didgo to this stagers. She's a real
estate stager, so she's stages housesand she just had a warehouse sale this
past weekend. I like went inthinking I was going to buy this forty

dollars rug. Well, six hundreddollars later, I have like four different
pieces of furniture. I And itwas one of those things where like I
got there right when it was itwas. It started on a Saturday,
and they I guess it wasn't busyat all because it was actually nice,
hot Saturday Sunday, and they thoughtthat they were gonna get slammed because the
last time I went, it waslike a Black Friday situation. Crazy.

So I go there right when itopens for the Sunday because they decided to
do extra hours on Sunday, andI was like, there's not gonna be
anything left. Well, I walkin and I was like, oh my
god, it looks like literally everything'syeah. I'm getting on FaceTime with Andrew.
I was like, what do youthink about this? Should we get
this whatever? And then people startcoming in and I was like, oh
my god, I feel rushed.Yeah, and so then I started your
pile you grab like price tags offof the furniture you watch. I just

started grabbing shit and I was like, I think I want all this.
And I also had like a coffeedate I had to get to and I
had to do work on the morningshow. This is all at like ten
am Sunday. You end up gettingthen the rug obviously, I got a
rug. Okay, I got oneof those poofs that you can kind of
put your feet up on as likea footstool, and it's very colorful and
cute. It's I love it.I got a new coffee table for our

sun room because I have hated thecoffee table that's in there. It just
it's a nice coffee table. Itdoes not work with anything like our furniture
in any part of the house.And then and that was like a nice
west Elm one that was half theprice of what you home. And then
we Andrew and I talked about havinga little happy hour section in the basement

and we wanted to just get ahigh top with some stools, and so
there was a high top with twostools. Yeah, and so yeah,
I got So there was like fouritems ish and then I had to go
back and get like everything pretty amazing. It was actually five seventy. I
just run it up story. Yes, yes, no, I mean that
was my own. But I yeah, I'm really excited. I feel like

our sun room, it's it's thisyou've been in it. It's pretty small,
but I feel like it's opened upnow because it's the glass top to
the coffee table, and so Iwas just like so excited. I walk
into that room and it feels likea different house. That's all, you
know. So I was pretty hypedabout that. But that was probably the
most exciting thing for my weekend,flying right there. I like it,

but yeah, that that's kind ofit. I made these new I don't
know why, because I save allthese healthy recipes on Instagram and I'm like,
I'm gonna try these later. Yeah, well, I'm going through all
these ones, and a lot ofthem it was like a banana something recipe,
but then you'd have to freeze somethingfor four hours. So I was
like, no, what am Igonna do? Yes, And I go
to make this one last night,and as I'm making it, I was

like, this is not a healthyrecipe at all. Like I for some
reason I thought it was gonna behealthy. It was basically like a frozen
brownie dessert kind of delicious, andit was great, don't get me wrong,
but I have a peanut allergy.I must, because I was ruined
because it was peanut butter was oneof the main ingredients of it. And
then the chocolate too, Like Ican eat chocolate, but not in big

amounts. Yeah, my stomach wasso wrecked last night, it like fell
like garbage. I wake up thismorning, I feel so shitty, and
I like, I give myself graceto wear sweatshirts every once in a while
into the show and be a littlebit like you know, but I I
try not to do it too often, and so today I forced myself into
jeans and a like a top togo with them. I haven't felt good

about it all day. I wishI was in a baggy ass sweatshirt.
Yeah, but anyways, the ifyou want the recipe, I can send
it to you because it was reallygood, and I do have it on
my Instagram now, but it's onlyit's on my Instagram stories, so I
disappear eventually. But yeah, no, nothing too exciting outside of that.
Well, that to be was veryexciting, Thank you very much, all

Right, well, we'll be backnext week and the episode will be on
time. Thanks for listening and havea great day.
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