All Episodes

March 19, 2024 30 mins
Falen and Jenny discuss Falen's weird boob issue, chat wedding venues, the Taylor Swift Concert vs. the movie, a TV rec and more!
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Episode Transcript

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Here we go. I hope youenjoy today's episode because we're not gonna have
one next week because Jenny is livingit up and she's going skiing, which
conveniently is the same time my husbandand children are going skiing. Are you
and Jake having an affair? Weare not. No, I promise you
we are not. However, Imight see if Olli wants to take a
shot ski with me. I knowshe's only like, what four or not?

Yeah, you know I was nevertoo young to start. I'm just
kidding. No, And if youdon't know what a shot ski is,
basically, there's like three or fourshot glasses line up on a ski and
then you take them with a groupof people all together. Somebody who the
shortest person always gets it like drippedon them. The first shot ski I
ever did was at a un lV tailgate when I lived in Reno.

And wait, not you and lv U n l un R. Okay,
now, yeah, I was inReno, Jesus, but obviously they
must have competed against each other orsomething. I don't know why UNLV would
be in my head, but yeah, I did a shot ski like we
used to do. The radio stationwould do tailgates every single leg game,
oh n And so we'd pop upour little tin have music playing, and

then my coworkers were just like hugefans and they'd get very hammered on the
parking lot and so we would alldrink and stuff. So it's actually pretty
fun. Yeah, which I've Ithink I've only done one or two tailgates
here at the u of M.Yeah, I mean, some people might
disagree with me. I would saythat tailgates at the u of M don't
really compare to a lot of othertailgates I've been to, but that's because

I'm from Wisconsin, and Wisconsin tailgatesare like legendary in my opinion, I
could see that. So like,Badger Saturdays were just so much fun,
to the point that when I wasa freshman in college at the u of
M, I wanted to like transferto Madison because I would watch my friends
on Badger Saturdays and be like,oh my gosh, I'm missing everything.
But also I was still like,you know, it's like you're just fresh

out of high school and you seeall your friends still hanging out that didn't
move away. So but anyways,back to our ski trip, yes,
I am going to be around thesame vicinity as and Olive and Dylan are
going, right they are. They'redoing a cross country so they're flying into
Colorado. They're going to Beaver Creek. And Jake did just find out because
he has a rich uncle who hasa time share at the RITZ and his

mom and brother and said they've gone, and like he he found out yesterday
his uncle is leaving the day theyget there, so he will not get
to take advantage of that luxury sue, I know, bummer, But he
also, you said it was thebest a praise I always forget how to
say it meant either a praise SKIor a praise SKI. I think it's
a prey. You don't pronounce thes. It's a p r e S.
And there's a little lad over thee. Is that the right?

I don't know. I asked Jakeyesterday the exact same thing. I was
like, how do you say?And he knew, of course, nerd.
I'm gonna call him nerd because Idon't know it and that's the only
way that makes me feel better.But he was like, I don't think
I'll be taking advantage of that withthe kids, and I was like,
good point, He's like, butshe's right, it's pretty epic. The
best part about that place, soit's at their Rits and at Beaver Creek
is it's not at the bottom ofthe mountain, so people get like lit

up, and then they still haveto snowboard and ski down. And I
know that that sounds dangerous and I'mnot encouraging you want to do that.
But one of my friends definitely tooka huge tumble and he was by no
means drunk, but he had hadand I sat there and everyone's like,
oh, too much of the praise, and he's like, nah, I
just fucked up a bell. Likehe wasn't drunk, but I like,
way, sure he was okay andstuff. And so there are a lot

there's a handful of videos I've seenbefore of like when you still got to
ski down after the prey and it'slike always people tumble in and stuff.
But yeah, it does have apretty good one. I will, however,
be in Veil part of the time, and then Andrew and I are
going to be in Keystone because we'llhave some people we know in Veil.
And Andrew's birthday is coming up onMonday, Okay, And I'll discuss my

little conundrum with a birthday present onthe next podcast we do, because I
don't want him to listen to becausehe listens sometimes. But I'm excited to
kind of do like a friend tripbut then also a little bit of a
just us trip with the later halfof it that's like a breakup of how
the trip is going to be.I think that would be fun because I
wouldn't I feel like, like,well some trips, so I'd be fine

with like doing a full friend trip, but sometimes you know, you want
like a little break, especially ifthey're like party friends or stay up late
friends. We're not staying with them. Oh that's helpful, Like we have
some extra room and it's really onlyone of our good friends that's going to
be there, and he knows peoplebecause he knows a million people. Okay,
And I was like, we dohave like extra like room for someone

to stay with us, but Ilike just decided not to good for you.
I just I am. So itis so hard for me to go
on a trip and then if someoneis staying up too late or partying or
whatever it is to keep me up. I can't handle that. Anymore.
No, absolutely, and Jake istaking Dylan and Olive from Beaver Creek.
They're flying to Park City and thenthey're, oh, sorry, they're driving

to park City okay from Beaver creekyye, and then they're driving to Mammoth
and okay and dang, they're goingthey're doing cross country and then they'll fly
home. They're gonna go into Renoto fly back. Okay. But he
did hire a ski instructor for Oliveand Mammoth so that he and Dylan could

like have some time away from her, which I get, and I'm like,
you're crazy. Literally, He's like, Oliver, are you ready to
go skiing? And she's like,no, okay, well she doesn't want
to ski, see your screwed.But I have like a full week by
myself, which is weird, Iknow. And so I found out all
this information that we were gonna beat the same place at the same time
because fell In texted Tina and Iand she was like, what do you
guys doing. My family's leaving mefree Friday, and I was like,

man, I was like, I'mleaving two that day. I love the
weekend after maybe when you're back,but I love when they're gone. Other
than nighttime. I do not likebeing in a house alone at night anymore.
I hear every single noise. Itscares me. I like, I
just hate it. Yeah, becauseI'm just so used to I'm my body

is so safe feeling with Jake thatI can just deep slumber through probably a
murder happening in my house and belike, in my mind, you'd be
like, Jake's got it, You'refine. So I don't like it,
but can I tell you that?So I ordered the dress which I talked
about on our last podcast or myI got it in the mail. It's
now let me set it up foryou. It's the kind of dress where

it fits your body. It's afitted dress, but it's like a silk
material and it kind of goes overto the side, so there's like a
little rooching on your stomach and ithas almost like a brawlic kind of you
can see the outline of the boobpart on it, which is always a
little hard for bigger chested girls becauseyou don't know how it's going to look,
and especially when you have high knaps. If it's low cut enough,

you're not my it. It doesn'twork most of the time for me.
Has the highest nips. That isnot my issue, not the matter,
so sad, but they're not ashigh as yours. And it's tie strap
and I was like, I putit on, and I'm like, I
don't know, maybe this is toomuch boob. I don't want to like
be stressed because all of it's goingto be there, like trying to lift
her up or whatever. And Jake'slike, no, it looks great.
And then I started looking at itand I'm like, oh my god,

my right boob has alway he's beenbigger than my left. But I swear
to God, I have lost weight, and I think only weight was lost
in my left boob. It isfucking unnaturally different, and I don't want
to look at them right now.You got a sports and Jake was like,
oh, he's not. No.I mean yeah, I can tell,
but like, no, only becauseyou pointed it out. And so

I lifted both to tays up ina cone and turned to the side,
and the right one, yeah,obviously a little torpedo tip, and the
right one is so much further outthan the left. Jake started dying laughing.
He's like, it really is alot bigger, and I was like,
what the fuck? And I waslike, it looks so absurd,
and so now I don't know whatto do. So I'm like, should

I tape down my right boob alittle bit? And maybe it'll like make
them even I'm already gonna have becauseI really like how their dress looks on
me. Other than that, andI think I'm gonna see if my mom
will put like some stitching in thestraps because I don't want to deal with
like tied straps on my shoulders looseningthroughout the evening. But I'm like,
this is annoying that I have todo this for a dress that I spend
a lot of money on. ButI also really like the dress and how

it looks, so like I thinkI'm just gonna do it. But is
that the option? Jetty? DoI just takee my right to tie down?
I don't know that that's going tohelp, because it's gotta whatever you
want to call, like the fatpart of your boob's gotta go somewhere if
you're taping it down, So whereis it gonna go? You're gonna have
a little like underarmpit boob happened.Maybe I don't know, maybe it'll work.

I just I'm I try to trustany kind of boob taping because I've
ever successfully done it before, Sofor me, it's a no on boob
taping. I might try it,I don't know, are maybe I'll see
if I'm bandaged my boobs down totally, so then that like like a sports
bral does where almost makes them even. Maybe I can find like a band
ou band out. How is itcalled like drapless thing. Maybe that'll work.

I don't know, but that probablywill be seen because it doesn't matter.
But I just thought you should knowthat my right boob has seemingly lost
zero weight and my left one lostat all. And it's fucking weird,
man, that is. I mean, they always say jokingly for women that
when you start losing weight, youalways lose it in like the best part.
It's like your boob and your buttonstuff your boob. I guess for
you, your boob, your boobs, Like I don't know what I've necessarily

heard of, like such a drasticchange where like one is that much smaller.
I don't know what's happened. Itdoesn't matter, it doesn't matter.
We have a couple of emails.Also, let's do some emails, all
right. I'll read the one Igot today and you can read the other
one if you want. So thisone came from I don't think she said,
did not use her name, solet us do it. Kindra morning

quick side topic? How different wasthe Eras tour movie versus the concert in
real life? I just watched itthis watched it this past weekend and loved
it. It was so nice towatch in four K and not sketchy TikTok
live streams. Lol. Just curiouswhat your experience was like. Also,
what was your skipped song for yourpea break? Mine was enchanted? Love

you guys, thanks for sharing yourstories and lies with us. Kendra,
you probably haven't watched it yet,have you haven't? I want to,
though, I do. I watchedit with Olive because she really wanted to
see it, which, by theway, my girl, guess what her
favorite era is? Reputation. Iwas gonna say Reputation, but I didn't
know for sure. Okay, Ilove it, Like part of me is
like, does she like it?Because I said it was my favorite?

I don't know because she was like, I don't like snakes and then she
keeps being like put the snake oneon. So it is just like the
concert, except there was a littlebit more time in between the eras so
because obviously it shows her like diveinto the stage or come down the stage,
and then the next second she's outfor the new era. But it

was not much more time because shechanged so freaking fast. I would say
it was pretty identical to that inreal life, other than your seats were
nowhere near as good as the moviewould have it. Even like you know,
on the Flora or whatever, itwas still great. You like epic,
but my skip era is red,and I know that's shocking. I

wanted to see the ten minute versionof All Too Well because I'd never seen
that. But because I work inradio, I would be just fine never
ever ever seeing. I said,the shitn't speak. That's maybe like in
twenty years. Yeah, I don'tgive a shit about seeing twenty two.

We are never getting back together.I knew you were trouble. I am
so over those songs because we playedthem so much. The Red era I
do not care about other than AllToo Well. I didn't go pee though,
I just stayed dehydrated. I didhave my Skip era, but you're
gonna have to help me because Iam not a big enough swifty to remember.
Probably did folklora Evermore? I believeit was ever More. Was that

the one with the trees and thepiano? No, that it was full
house? I don't know. Maybeit was on a house, then it
was. I think it was folklore, and I remember, and it's later,
so Evermore comes earlier, Folklore later. Okay, it was folklore,
And I remember, like because Idid check out like the setlist and how
it was going to go and whatever, and I did plan my pee break

according to I knew. I didn'treally know those songs very well, and
it's just not my vibe for heralbums as much. It grew on me
a little bit because I started listeningto way more of that album once I
saw the concert, But yeah,that was mine. Yeah, I I
feel the same way, by theway, for the most part about nineteen
eighty nine, as I do read, I love those songs more than Red.

But it's funny because Red was seeminglythe most popular era for younger kids
that I saw at the show,because those are like really sing along kind
of songs. And for me,I just like don't care other than like
like I don't need to see shakeit Off again. Uh huh, I'm
good with I'm done with shake itOff. So I Feelia, I have
to tell you so. And Iwatched Survivor and there is a guy on

this season who is a huge swiftyeand he's probably twenty two years old.
He's like a college student still,and he's so funny. He's like,
I'm a swifty I don't know ifI'll relate to anyone about that, but
whatever. And then there's this otherguy who's really into music. I think
he's in a band. I thinkhe's actually toured with like a somewhat famous
band before, okay, and II'm almost positive it's Metallica. Is his

like version of being a swifty Okay. So they went back and forth and
listed songs from each artist or groupuntil one of them ran out, and
I think they got to like onehundred and twenty five or something. The
Metallica guy lost because he was like, I know a ton of their music,
but I don't pay attention to theirbad albums very much, whereas the

other guy just knew every single TaylorSwift song and it is so funny watching
them go back and forth. Iwas like, oh my gosh, I
would never even the biggest fan ofsomeone. I don't think I could ever
come up with more than maybe likefifty right. Maybe the only way I
would be able to do that wasif I went album album by album of

her, because I would get confusedon what I had already said and stuff.
If not, and I don't evenknow. I mean there are definitely
some songs on like earlier albums Idon't even know very well, so I
don't know. I did go toOlivia Rodrigo this week. Yeah, this
week I wanted to ask you,Well, with Tina, it was really
good. It is she is sosexual and I mean she's twenty one whatever,

she is stunning. She is great, I mean really great vocals.
Anyway, she's really great live,and I thought it was pretty entertaining,
and honestly, I think because TaylorSwift concert is so long, ninety minutes
felt like the quickest concert ever andI was not upset by it. She
what I mean bisexual, is likeshe'll like grab her booby and like lift

it and shake it. And shealso has one song where the camera is
in the floor of the stage andshe stands over it in these short shorts
and just squats over it. Soit's just your her CROs Yeah, and
I mean you are seconds away fromseeing her labiya. I mean it is
so and I think that I hadnoticed her tights are like darkened, so
I think it's just to make sureyou definitely don't but you feel like you're

going to see it, and sheis over it and then she gets on
the floor writhing and then she's thrustingfirst of all, great lift like bridge
lifts there. Really impressed but prettysexual. And I will say it for
I mean, I get it,she doesn't want to be probably for the
youth, but I just can't believethat they don't sell youth sizes at these
shows, like oh for the merch. Yeah, I just think they would

make so much money if they hadone shirt option and a youth size,
because I was like, maybe I'llget all of a shirt and I don't
think Taylor did either. And Iget it because they don't want to be
little kid. I just think they'dmake even more money if they had a
youth size option. So I'm throwingthat out there to merch people if you
want to make a little more money. Maybe, I mean for an artist
like that. Absolutely, I don'tthink there's probably too many artists maybe like
Jonah's brothers that's still kind of ayounger well actually no, they're like maybe

not No, they're like late twenties, early thirties girls now they I had
the girl next to me who wasso into every song and she had long,
beautiful blonde hair that she just fuckingtossed into me. Constantly spilled her
drink on me twice, and Iwas like, I was like this,
and so I started filming her handbecause I was gonna say, this hand

is my nightmare because I was waitingfor the drink to spill on me again.
But she noticed. But it's funnybecause she was so annoyed with the
girl behind her, because behind herwere these younger girls where they would scream
sing every lyric where it was verydistracting. They did not bother me as
much as old hair flip girl,but I was like, someone had messages
with me. And so they didn'tgo to the concert because they assumed everyone

would be screaming so loud that itwould ruin the experience they were but I
didn't think it ruined it. ButI saw her last show she was in
town, and the production quality andstuff. It is just so much bigger.
I think she's going to be justI don't know. She's a really
good songwriter, a really good singer. I think she's gonna be massive.
Oh I thought you were gonna sayas big as Taylor Swift, and I
was like, I don't know ifshe's going to get there because she didn't
start as young. I think she, I'll be honest, I think it's

I think it might be impossible toever be a Taylor Swift again. Yeah,
because Olivia has didn't even do ameet and greet on her last tour.
Taylor Swift would spend That's the thingabout Taylor. She has such a
connection with fans because she has spentso much time with actual fans, sitting
out on concourses, signing every lastthing until people were done. I mean,
the artists these days, they don'tand I know it sounds old person

talk, but they don't have todo that anymore. Yeah, they just
have social media and stuff. ButI'm like, even as radio people,
I've never even had the opportunity tomeet like Olivia Rodriguez, she doesn't do
meet and greets. So I justthink that's kind of interesting. I think
that some of those people do dothose things in bigger cities, though maybe
not Olivia or like Taylor Swift anymore. But I just know, like Noah

Khan, I'm such a huge fan, and I've like slowly put a bug
into like promotions ears like if hehappens to want to have an interview done,
I would gladly interview him. Andthey're like, yeah, I don't
think he'll be wanting to do itinterview, But I was like, I
know our friend in Nashville that's inradio, she interviewed him in the last
like six ish months, I think, And I'm like, yeah, I
mean, I get the bigger market, but I'm just saying, like I
don't even think, like I know, bigger, bigger radio people like Elvis

Durant in New York could meet OliviaRodrigo probably, but like they don't do
it with fans is more so whatI'm saying. So I just I don't
know, I think that's kind ofinteresting. But I think we had one.
Yeah, we have more email,so this one comes from Carly.
I think I was okay to sayher name, so it says Hi,
Jenny and fallon. I'm writing intochat about the dreaded topic of weddings.

Uh oh. I recently got engagedin Italy, and although I am over
the moon, I am equally yeah, congratulations, I am equally dreading this
wedding planning process. My fiance andI just bought a house, so we're
not trying to spend an arm anda leg on this wedding. We're shooting
for one hundred and fifty people totaland aren't necessarily looking for a traditional venue.
But we're open. So first,I would love to know some of

your favorite wedding venues you've been toin the Twin Cities, So let's start
there. She goes on for alittle bit more. But I have a
lot, but these are traditional ones, so JX Venue and Stillwater. I've
been to like three weddings there,super beautiful venue, still Waters obviously gorgeous.
Also, these are all probably goingto be very expensive venues because these
are my rich friends. I've beenin to their weddings. Yeah, Bavaria

downs in Chaska's gorgeous. Where wasAllison's wedding. Was that Bavaria Downs?
No, it was she was.Wasn't it at the Arboretum? No,
I'm lying, it's that wasn't Arboretom. Wasn't it in Chanhassen? It was
chan Hassen or Chaska. But somevenue over there I can't remember one where
you can do inside and outside.And then she was so upset because they

it was the weather was bad sothat they had to move it inside.
Okay, I don't remember, sothat's not helpful. The hunting House is
a huge one. I haven't yetto go there yet, but I've seen
a lot of videos and pictures thedepot in Minneapolis. That one's really expensive.
I've heard though. Those are likethe only ones I can think of
in the Twin City. There's likemachine Shop. There's the new one that's

over right next to Earl Giles andI can't think of what that's call.
I was literally just there at adrag brunch. It's Quincy Hall. Yeah,
I was just there yesterday, rightnext to Earl Giles. Yes,
it's attached to us. And itwas called something else like Daisy something I
don't know that's called Quincy Hall.I believe you. And that's a that's
a pretty big venue. So Idon't think I think one hundred and fifty
you're not going to want to doLike a lot of these are bigger venues.

Quincy Hall fits a lot of people. I feel like, I don't
know that I've been to a tonof weddings since I've lived here, so
I don't I mean, I touredsomeone I got married, but that was
so long ago, like and I'mtalking about my first wedding, and prices
wouldn't even be considered like comparable.Now. I'm sure one hundred and fifty

people is a big wedding. Iknow that it may not seem like it
because I think, you know,people have three hundred people, but one
hundred and fifty people. That's goingto be really hard no matter where you
get married to keep that low budget. I don't know. Okay, well
we'll move on this. It saysany wedding planning and advice in general.
I don't have anything to say aboutthis, But what about you from Hollen.

I would say you should definitely geta wedding coordinator, and that doesn't
mean you need a wedding planner.Some wedding coordinators basically will start working with
you like thirty days out from yourwedding, so you've already booked all your
big stuff. But I recommend thatto my brother in law and they actually
hired the girl that I used Castina, and they just like that last month

make sure all because a lot youbook all this crap in advance, so
you got to book your your venue, your photographer, all these things because
they you got to book the monthsout. But then you book everything and
then you like, if let's sayyou have a year long engagement until your
wedding, you feel weird. It'slike there's this lull of like should I
be doing something? No, there'snothing to do until your wedding, Like

a month before your wedding. That'swhere that coordinator comes in and they really
just like help you get all thedetails finalized. They're communicating with the venue,
so you're not on the day ofbeing like if the floor is here,
No, your wedding coordinator is makingsure and some a lot of venues
have the in house one, butlike if you get your own, I
think they'll they do more. Theother thing that someone told me, which

I thought was interesting, and itwas really smart. Is to number your
wedding invites, so you put likea number inside the return envelope associated with
each name, because I don't knowwhat it is with people, but they
just like cannot follow. They cannotRSVP. A lot of people do online
RSVP now, so that's totally different. But if you do like the standard

one, you'd be like you'd getone in and they didn't even write their
name on it, and you're like, Okay, who is this who rsvp'
and I have no idea. Sothat helped a few times when we'd get
one, I'm like, they didn'twrite their name on this, and you
go like, oh, they're numbereighty three, that's this person. And
other than that, I don't knowif I have like a ton of tips

because we like, I'll be honest, like obviously I've been married twice.
My second one was like a verychill vibe and it was ten out of
ten recommend easy breezy, beautiful cover. Girl loved it. And I don't
know, I think it's really reallyhard. Even if you don't do a
quote unquote traditional wedding, you havean inexpensive wedding. Yeah, well,
speaking of when you married Jake.She does have a question actually specifically about

that, because she said, I'mcurrently looking at the venue I believe you
and Jake got married at, whichwas brick and mortar as an option,
and would love your feedback on it, Slash if you'd recommend. Yeah,
loved it. I think Jake andEr are our first We were the first
wedding there. I think we're theimage on their website, which makes me
laugh. I'm gonna tell them theyhave to pay me for that. You
guys had a beautiful night too,like yeah, the good weather, like

the wedding was beautiful, and Istill it doesn't beat my older sister Rachel's
wedding, because that's honestly yeah,but it comes in so close at second
for favorite weddings of a thank you, I appreciate it. It was so
our vibe was like we bought abunch of boos at Costco. At brick
and mortar. We had to hirea bartender, which I think most venues
you have to have a bartender legallyto like serve the booze. Bought a

ton of wine, beer, andchampagne, so as soon as people got
there they could booze. It wasrooftop and the main level, which was
so nice because you could go insideif you were a rooftop. It got
a little hot when you dance upthere. And then the main level was
like kind of a chill down foundand had the best cupcakes and it was
it cupcakes and cake or we didjust cake and then we had we had

ca cake so good, and thenwe did we had ice cream. We
had Night Minnesota and ice cream comeand they did ice cream and they had
a character artists. So those werelike the three things on the main level
and then a stair ice cream.Yeah, a lot of people did.
Actually, I felt that I gotintoxica. I did not remember there being
nice. I killed that for thepeople that were working the booth, I
don't think. I think only thekids. I think Dylan got like twelve

servings, vomited and then raged upstairs. But everyone was like. We had
a live band and my buddy Johnwho owns Anamali's Barbecue, he just did
tacos and chips and guak and itwas pretty easy, breezy, as I've
said, beautiful cover girl. Itwas nice, it was fun, but
it was still that wedding was somuch cheaper than my first wedding, and

it was still not cheap because weddingsaren't cheap, and you can do brick
and Mortar without being a member andcost more. Okay, because I was
gonna say, brick and Mortar isa members club, and so I just
wasn't sure if that was accessible topeople who are not members themselves. Yeah,
well she couldn't. Did use onsaying thank you for making Tuesdays doable,
y'all, and you're thinking your Instagramstoker, not in a creepy way,

Carly, So good luck with everything, Carly. If anyone has a
non traditional ven you wreck for Carlyand possibly other people listening, please send
them our way, because or onesthat are like, you know, a
little cheaper, that would be likehelp so many people. Probably my friend
is getting married in August. Ibelieve at it's kind of like an apple
orchard of sorts. So hopefully,weather pending, everything will work out.

I'm sure there's gonna be like tenthsor whatever set up in case, but
I know that there's like this biginflatable kind of pumpkin trampoline thing. I
think she said we want it's ashow like or it's a fun like pumpkin
patch, fun thing for kids.So I was like, God, you
how many drunk people are gonna beon like the kids playground things that'll pumpkins?
Jenny, all right, feel alittle bit mature when you're out there,

But I don't. I'll be honest. I don't recall where that is.
I know it's it's a little bitoutside of the city, about an
hour north west of the Twin Cities, I believe. So I think we're
gonna either stay sober and have todrive back that night, or we'll have
to find a little place up therebecause it's like a small town. It's
not like a city where there's abunch of hotels. I don't think so,
right, But yeah, I don't. I feel like I've been to

a lot of the classic venues inthe Twin Cities, so I don't have
help with the non traditional ones.Same yeah, but if you have one,
email is Fallin at katiebb dot comor Jenny at katiebb dot com.
One last thing I wanted to bringup because I thought about this over the
weekend. I was watching a showand I don't want to reveal what show
it was. But I bawled myeyes out at the ending of it,
and someone kind of ruined the surprisethat it was going to be emotional for

me. So I knew that somethingemotional was going to be cut. I
knew it. Did I ruin it? No? No, no, no,
I know exactly what show you're talkingabout. You probably do, So
I'm going to refrain from saying whichshow it was. But I was thinking
about this because I get very andI think I've talked about this before.
I get I feel very vulnerable beinglike crying in front of people. Yeah,
and so I was like, didit take me longer to cry in

front of Andrew or fart? Andso I wanted to ask you that question.
Do you think it was a greatquestion? Did it take you longer?
And also was it harder? Wasit harder to cry in front of
Jake or was it harder to fartin front I definitely cried in front of
him first, yeah, but Idon't remember why or context other than there
are a couple of things that cometo mind that I would have cried to

him about early on. So Idefinitely know had to do that first.
And so what was harder, Idon't know. I think by the time
that I farted, Jake had mademe very comfortable, so it was probably
crying because it was probably too early. Yeah, you, I was going
to say, I think the cryingis a little bit harder for sure.

But I because Andrew and I diddate when we were in our earlier twenties
and then started dating again when wewere about thirty, and I think that
I might have parted first the firsttime. Was it an accident in your
sleep? Oh yeah, no,he definitely the first time I ever fart
in front of him, in frontof him, he did not know because
he had picked me up jokingly aswe were walking into my apartment complex and

he like lifted me up and Ijust like ripped one and I was so
embarrassed, but he didn't know,Like he did not know that. Lucky
then, okay, because I broughtit up like when I actually did fart
in front of him. So yeah, but there's a chance that I might
have cried in front of him becausewe worked as servers and people were awful
sometimes, so there's a chance Iprobably cried at work and he might have

seen that. Yeah, but neverBut outside of that, I yeah,
I really think I farted first.Okay, No, I like that again,
you can think about that with yourpartner. One other thing, since
you brought up a show, Istarted a new drama and it's called Apple's
Never Fall and it has the guyfrom The White Lotus I think the first
season, the guy that was engagedto the really beautiful girl and has Alison

Bree and the mom I know too, and I don't know why I can't
think of her name, Annette Benning, but it is on Peacock and we
didn't have it, so we hadthe first episode for free and then Jake
was like, fuck and pay forthe subscription. So we're like two episodes
in and it's a thriller kind ofshow, okay, where well I like
it or is it gonna be scary? No, it's not scary. Okay,

it's not scary. It's like whereyou're trying to figure out. I
think it's like kind of in thepreview, the mom disappears and so you're
wondering, like, is she actuallygone? Did X Y Z killer?
Is what's happening? Like you don'tknow anything, You're just like you're getting
all these these pieces because they'll dothen and now and it's interesting, it's

like good and it has actors thatlike I know and like in it too.
So what's anyways? One more timeApple's Never Fall. Okay, that's
what it was, and it's onApple Peacock, Peacock. Sorry all right?
I have to pee so bad anda half of the past ten minutes?
Should I go in the chair rightnow? No, Jenny, No,
No, because didn't I. Ithink this was like recently where I

think I said this on the radio, and probably because Dave was gone that
day and I was just trying tolike fill time, But I think I
talked about have you ever sat andjust like tried to pee in that moment
even though you weren't out of thetoilet, Like I've thought about that before,
Like I have to pee right now, but if I tried, I
don't think I actually could. HadI present pee in the share pee in
the share. Yeah, it waslike a weird intrusive thought that someone was,

like, Jenny, those are calledintrusive thoughts, And we talked to
our therapists about those things and wefiltered them and we don't say them out
loud. Well, you don't workon radio that we don't filter anything.
Thank you for listening. Jenny,have a great vacation, you do,
say yeah, so we'll be backin two weeks. Perfect, Thanks for listening.
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