All Episodes

December 12, 2023 30 mins
Falen and Jenny discuss vacation sex, Jenny's Timberwolves update and more!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the show. Hello,where Jenny and I chat. You know,
we just really get deep within dowe get that? Maybe we do
get deep sometimes. But I hadsomeone recently be like, oh, so
you guys like plan a bunch ofstuff your podcast and you do all these
things, and I go, no, no, we fell in his on

on the mic buttons and we justlet our balls go right to it.
Can I tell you that I've beenlike a little bit nervous with the if
Jason Show people find our podcast?Can I tell you that I'd like what
about though? Because people who listento me on KATIEWB know how I am,
They know the real me. Yeah, they know I'm a little filthy

vulgar, so are you? Yeah? But then people on the Jason Show
only to the TV version. Andwhile I make self deprecating jokes over there,
yes it's TV and it's at tenam, it's not crude like television.
So I get worried that they andhis democra. I'll be honest,
his demographic is a little bit olderthan KATYWB. That makes sense, Like

someone who can watch TV at tenam is probably not like a twenty nine
year old mom unless they're a stayat home mom right, whereas katiewb we
lean our demographic lean's younger. SoI have been concerned, especially last week
when I opened the podcast with thejoke about eating ass. Oh. So
I was like, I feel likeif someone turned us on, like oh,

she's such a nice girl on theJason Show, are like what the
hell? And they tuned out,which is fine, you know, you
gotta find what you like. ButI'm like, maybe maybe I should put
a disclaimer on our podcast. Idon't know, maybe, but I think
that even though you obviously can getfilthy like that on the Jason Show,
I think it's pretty easy to telllike your sense of humor even and like

I get bummed because I never getto watch the show because during the time,
I'm obviously at the Morning show andstuff, so I never see anything
besides like the clips you post onInstagram and stuff. But I feel like
you can still get a decent senseof your humor. Probably, yeah,
maybe they wouldn't assume you'd talk abouteating ass so openly, but well,
I don't. I don't eat I'mjust that I would wear that out that

that is not on my menu.It just never has been. And I
have no intention of it being added. Is like a as like a I
don't know soup of the day.You know, Oh god, whoever's I
asked? You're eating music? Getchecked out. If it's super situation,
it gets so hairy. Jenny sweatsa lot. Okay, that is true

that he's sweats, but still hedoesn't he have enough hair to catch like
that oyster. No, I didsay I did one time. I did
say, is that something you wouldlike? Because I do think you should
check in with your partner to seeif there's something they desire. And he
was like, fallon, I wouldn'tdo that to anyone, including my works.

And I said, right, butlet's just say is that something.
He's like, no, like I'llshut you down, like I don't even
it's never been something I've been like, I wonder if I love that?
He said, I just don't.So You're fine. It's like, oh,
thank God. I feel like I'mat this point in life where when
I did two Lane for radio withyou and Tina and then Tina and I
just the two of us, Itold every failthy story there ever was,

you know, And now I'm ata point where I'm like Okay, maybe
I should keep that a little moreprivate because I did a little baby.
Yeah. But the one story Ididn't tell last weekend for the Tahiti trip
was that Andrew and I stayed atthis beautiful bungalow thing, so it was
right on the water, gorgeous views, and instead of us having sex with

the views in front of us andthe waves crashing on shore, we somehow
ended up in the grimy bathroom thatwas ten feet away, not even attached,
and banging up against the wall thathad lizards crawling all over it inside.
Okay, I mean eventually we didhave sex in the bungalow, but
it was like one night we hada few too many messal cocktails and I'm

going to the bathroom. He wasin there to shower, and we just
started kissing and the next thing Iknow, that's how it went down.
And I'm honest though, to befair, I mean, yeah, but
I sat there and I'm like,of all the places on this trip,
this would have been the least gorgeousview you could have. There's no view.
You're in like a shack basically ofwhat it was, and that's where
we decided, genuinely, you toldme didn't have air conditioning. I genuinely

do not think Jake and I wouldhave had sex there are I know everyone
thinks like vacation at the time,like that's when there have been. Like
when we were in Spain, wehad sex, I think once, because
it was I showered like three timesa day in Spane. I would change
my outfit halfway through the day.My underwear. I think I went through
three pair a day. Oh mygosh, so much. I just want

I can't even physically imagine, Ipromise you, because I would be the
same way. And I did sweata lot because we were by the ocean,
like literally on the ocean. Itwas like that, okay, And
overnight it definitely cooled down a ton. Andrew was a little uncomfortable because he
didn't have like the white noise ofa fan, and he's got kind of
like restless restless leg in a littlebit situations, so he didn't sleep super

well in that bungalow. But I'mtelling you, like I was maybe a
couple degrees warmer than I would havedesired, But it really was not that
hot. I was not sweating there, Okay, it was only during the
day when the sun was like upand the sun goes down, you show
because I saw your crotch sweat,Jenny, and I know, but it's
like there's always like the joke ofgirls pack enough underwear in case they shit

themselves every day on a trip.That's not why I packed my extra underwork.
Well, I mean in case mycrotch sweats. I mean, I'm
like a make sure of both.But legitimately did pack probably two and a
half times the amount of underwear Ineeded, and I almost went through every
single pair on that trip because wewere sweating somewhere and I was constantly anytimes

we'd do something and we'd go backto check in at the hotel or the
bungalow or whatever, I would changeand put on new underwear. So yeah,
it was one of those situations.But I am like you in the
sense that when we went to NewYork this past summer, Andrew and I
didn't have sex ones. And grantedit was like a long weekend, it
wasn't like the super week long trip, but there's something about you feel like
you're going to on a vacation.Yeah, you think you are, but

then we were go, go go, so like the entire time we were
there that I was not, likethere was no part of me that wanted
to do anything besides sleep when wewere actually in bed. So and I
don't know why. I don't knowif it's a societal thing, but I
felt like guilty leaving that trip thatwe didn't have sex once. Like I've
had that too, you know whatI mean over it? I don't know,
but yeah, there's a little funsexy time update for I wanted to

know. I did get a messagefrom someone and I know this doesn't relate
to a lot of people, butI was going to touch on it quick,
and they asked me to talk aboutmy boatox experience specifically, like how
often I get it, any sideeffects in cost? So real quick.
I have been doing it for threeyears now. I am thirty three years
old. Years yeah, yea flewby. I got it about three years

ago for the first time, andthen I didn't start getting it till like
another six eight months after that,Like I got it once and then I
didn't get it again for like eightmonths or something. I cannot believe it's
been three years. Yeah, soI have I look back at these photos
for me from one and I wastwenty five even, and that's pretty young.
I had elevens since I was inmy early tuties. You do not,

though, I mean you sort ofcan see like a tiny little but
mine were so aggressive that that alwaysmade me self conscious. So yes,
I did start getting home when gettingbotox when I was thirty, I believe.
And you can get it anywhere fromthey say three to four months.
Honestly, I go like five months. It's fifteen dollars a unit, and
I like full disclosure. I workwith the place that I go to,

so we do social media trade soI don't pay for it, and I
do get quite a few units becauseof the agreement we have. How do
you get probably, I mean Iprobably get like sixty because we do six,
yes, because it's not just likeoh, one spot here, one
spot here, it's not one unit, no no, no no, so

it'll be like five units in onepoke. So that's kind of how So
it's the amount that they put toget better with it being around your eyes
because that was where you kind ofbreak out before you better. Now,
Yeah, if you don't know thestory, the first time I ever got
botox, I fainted and it's it'sbasically, that's just the story. I
got anxious. She was around myeye. I asked her to stop.
She went to get me water.I stood up and I shouldn't have,

and I felt it and I lookedlike it was seizing on the floor.
She said, So that was thewhole thing. Mike can laugh because she's
okay. Yeah, So if you'rescared of botoxs, trust me, I've
been there. But yeah, soI get about sixty units, and I
probably would not get as many asI do if it wasn't a deal that
I have with them. But Iwould say for me, side effects,

No, there's positive side effects,which is it helps you sweat less.
Obviously, it reduces it helped myskin become a lot clearer actually, like
I always had some pretty big skinissues in my forehead and now it is
usually more clearer than what it usedto be. But I know that it
is a luxury. I totally nowthat it's a luxury, and I know

that a lot of people don't evenconsider botox, and I love that.
I would not have had the clinicnot reached out to me, even though
I probably would have considered it atthis point. But like to the extent
I wouldn't have had this clinic notreached out to me. I've talked about
this a few times, like I'vehad the curiosity for the past couple of
years, and I like, becauseI think I could get kind of a

similar partnership, you know, whereI would get it for free, which
is we're so lucky that that isan option. And I just like,
I haven't pulled the trigger yet,but I think I turn you know,
I turn forty next year, andif that that matters. But I do
think, like maybe I'll consider itmore as the days go go on.
I don't know. I'm like,but I feel like you're a good example

because people get so nervous about itmaking them look plastic y, and you
don't look like that. But it'slike, even like with the plastic surgeon
guy, I've been like, doI do like social art, sorry radio
like endorsement with him. I obviouslyI haven't had plastic surgery, but I
talked to a lot of his patientsand they brought this up and they were
like a lot of people are afrad. They're gon like a real housewive like

with plastic surgery and stuff. AndI go and you don't do that.
He's like, well, I could, like if that's really what someone wanted,
but most people, especially in Minnesota, don't want that look. But
like some of the coastal cities,people genuinely want to look like Yeah,
so you might think, oh,they had a bad job. No,
not necessarily. That may have actuallybeen what they chose to look like because

they wanted that kind of plastic ylook for sure, But most people,
he said, like in Minnesota,don't want that. And I think most
people in Minnesota that provide botox orfillers and they know that, Yeah,
I definitely and you can definitely tellyour esthetician injection person whoever that, like,
you don't want to look like so, like you don't want your face

to be like if you took bothof your hands and you just like shoved
your cheeks as far as you couldto the back of your face, you
can tell them like, I don'twant to look like that. And that
was when I first was ever goingto get it. Andrew was not really
for it, and then he realized, what I do, like, it's
just to get rid of those wrinklesthat make me feel like honestly they were

too I was too young to begetting those in my eyes. But everyone
ages differently and they look at agedifferently and all that stuff, So just
go to someone you trust. Imean, I would recommend my clinic.
It's called the Metropolitan. I lovethem there. I would not still be
going there three years later if Idid. I like them. But one
other thing I wanted to bring upbecause I've gotten some messages on Instagram and

comments and stuff of asking if I'mthe new Timberwolves and aern A host.
I am not. But what Iwill be doing is I will be guest
hosting here and there, probably moretowards the end of the season. But
yeah, I got so many messagesbeing like I must have missed us on
the podcast, like you didn't givean update whatever. So that is the
update. So I did do thegame last Wednesday. I don't have any
games booked for the near future,but they did ask me if i'll help

out sometimes this season, so that'swhat I'll be doing. That's exciting.
Yeah, I feel like that's reallygood because I know you were super into
that and like wanted to get it, So that's really good. I'm glad
that you're gonna be doing some fillin stuff here and there the show.
I asked this on like our showbecause I heard it. I was listening
to this podcast and they were kindof going back and forth on it,
and I was like, so Iasked on like our afternoon show. I

asked Zach and Vaughant and the nightGuy because they are so different, They're
crazy different, and I kind offall a little bit in the middle.
But it's it was like an interestingdiscussion they had on like your comfort level
with your partner doing things with peopleof the opposite sex. Oh, okay,
So it was like it started offlike easy with like would you feel

comfortable with your partner going to grabcoffee with someone of the opposite sex that
you do not know? Because obviously, in the example, if I went
to grab coffee with Zach Jake,how would that be any concern? Right?
Same with like Jake with one ofhis female coworkers like Mel, I
would never care. I've met Mel, she's married, just kids, Like
I have no concern, right,So say it's someone you don't know,

would you feel comfortable now? Andnot a client? Like maybe, like
maybe he's because Andrew's unique because hehas like new potential clients, but like
aside, say it's not a potentialclient, like, let's say it's someone
he works with that you do notknow, So it's not helping him sell
a house necessarily, He's just goingto grab coffee with a woman you do

not know. Would you feel comfortablewith it? I mean he does do
that kind of thing already, whereit's not just like him trying to get
to know a client or figuring outwhat interests they have. So he does
do that already. I can't rememberhalf the people he even talks about because
it's ever changing. So he'll bringup a female name and do my eyes

my ears perk up a little bitmore. Absolutely it does. But if
I didn't trust him to do thatand be good with what he does for
his job, then I wouldn't beable to be with Andrew. And so
it is kind of a consistent thingthat he is out to. Not consistent.
It's not all the time, buthe does get coffee with women who

I don't know who they are,or I do kind of know of them,
but I don't know them personally.Yeah, so I would be lying
if I didn't say that like itdoes. It does concern me a teeny
bit only because like I just feellike I don't ever put myself in that
position where I'm getting coffee with aguy of the opposite sex you know that

he doesn't know. But I justlike I said, if I didn't trust
him, I couldn't be in thisrelationship with him, because that's the nature
of his job. What if hesaid he was going to grab dinner or
drinks with a person of the esex that you don't know, Yah,
I would probably say why, Yeah, what would be the purpose of that?
Why couldn't you have done something that'sa little more casual. So on

the podcast I was listening to,they were like, yep, fine,
because I fully trust my partner todo anything. Yeah, Like they can
go like, obviously there are situationsthey shouldn't get into. Because the guy
on the podcast said he was stupidand he and he invited the coworker to
his hotel room because he's like,let's just like get this work done.
And then at the end his wifewas like, you don't get to do

that. He's like, oh mygod, never even crossed my mind that
that would be weird, But you'reabsolutely right, Like I'm so sorry,
and all the girls on the podcastwere like, yeah, hello, and
he was like, but we reallyyou know, obviously it was very innocent
and the wife knew it was soanyway, And then they went to the
next level, what if they saidthey were going to grab coffee with an
X or what if they were goingto go grab dinner and drinks with an
X? And I had the sameresponse to you where I said, Well,

if it was with an ex,I would go why, Yeah,
what on earth would you need togo grab coffee with them to talk about?
Like? What on earth would youneed to talk to them about at
dinner and drinks? Yeah, someoneof the opposite sex. I would probably
be like, like for coffee,I'd be like, okay, Like,
because I trust Jake, I don'tthink I would really I would do the
thing of like, how do youknow her? And why? Like yeah,

like what's the conversation about? Andthen I know Jake well enough to
know he would not be getting coffeewith someone for funzies. It'd be for
business. And then for dinner anddrinks, I'd be like, does that
feel like normal? Or should wemaybe do coffee instead? Like I think
I would do that. And withexes. I'd be like, okay,
do you feel like you need to? Okay, that seem like okay cool?

Should I go sit on my ex'sface? Would that make you for
dinner? Would that be? DoesJake have like a level of he knows
like the pitch of your voice determineshow angry you might be in a situation,
because like I could like totally befake and like on the radio,
be like, yeah, I'd bechill because I trust him so much.
Yeah, of course I do.But I am an insecure person. Like

I'm never gonna like I'm not insecure. I've dated people who have cheated on
me or whatever. That's fine.I mean, that's not Jake's fault that
previous people did. But we allhave like the little bit of baggage we
carry along with us, right,So I just like, but yes,
my my pitch would be like howare you okay? I feel like I
think he would do it just atrigger me. Honestly, Yeah, he

wouldn't even want to. He'd belike, yeah, is that cool?
And I'd be like, I don'teven think though that you have to say
that. It could be from likeprevious people cheating on you or previous baggage.
It is literally just like society nowadays, like you hear at least I
do. Maybe it just comes withgetting older. You hear so many things
about cheating or guys dating multiple peopleand girls too, not just guys,

and so it's like, I thinksociety has also put this added pressure on
people to like be a little morecautious with their partner going out and doing
things that should be completely innocent.But like the standard of getting drinks with
someone that's like doesn't feel innocent atall. So yeah, I'm definitely,
yeah, probably very similar to you. I wouldn't I wouldn't love hearing Andrews

say like, oh, I'm goingto grab a beer with Jessica. Yeah,
you know, just we're just hoppingover to Central across the street because
like the whole office that he workswith, they go to this place across
the street all the time and itdoesn't concern me, but you bet your
ass, I pay attention to likefemales names that I haven't heard too often
before. Then I'm going across thestreet. It's so crazy. I was

going there also at what time?Yeah, that's exactly the time I would
be there as well. So carryon. Ha ha, oh my god,
catch me in the window. Wait. So I'm curious what you said.
You talked to Zach and Vaant aboutit, mm hmm, and they
both said that they wouldn't care aboutany of it, No, not at
all. First of all, Vantwasn't even comfortable with this girl going to
get coffee with someone else's. He'slike, He's like, I'm the most
insecure person you've ever met. Okay, Zach is the complete opposite. But

like, yeah, he was kindof like no to with like going out
with an X. But he's like, well, what is it is an
ex from fourth grade? Then whywhat I care? Right? But if
it is it like the X beforewe got together. I mean, he
just is like Zach is how Idescribes Zach. And I've even said,
this is Jenny. I have nevermet a more confident person in my entire
life, and that is like thereis I am envious of that level of

confidence I've I've never because Jake isincredibly confident too, in a different way,
but like it's just it's so uniqueand people, you know, people
have told me. Both of mysister in laws have said that they would
describe me as a confident person,and that's so bizarre to me. They're
like, I get a, thereyou have your I wish I was as

confident as you. And I'm alwayslike I am the most insecure person I
know. That is so bizarre tome. I think though, when people
look from the outside in and obviouslythose are that's your sister, so like
that they would know you very well. But like people kept telling me,
like I can't believe you can goand be an entering a host at a
at an NBA game, And I'mlike, you have no idea the mental

strength, and I put myself throughto get to where I was though,
like I was anxious the entire dayof the day before, Like it doesn't
come without all the things that youdon't see, Like you might see the
confidence as I'm on a microphone,but you have no idea what's going through
my head sometimes or what led upto it. So I think some people

see you because you're so talented andradio and you you're on the TV,
and you have all this confidence todo all this stuff and you're really good
at everything, and so you are, and so I think sometimes people mistake
like you doing what you found tobe very good at as confidence because our
jobs seem like you have to havea lot of confidence, yeah to do

it, you know, but youare. We're all confident, in insecure
in many different ways. So I'mnot saying you're an insecure person, but
we all have insecurity way too,for sure. Is it bizarre that we
have this week and next week andwe're done with this year of radio based
I have. I'm not that I'mcounting. I have eight radio shows left

and seven Jason shows left. Yeah, and obviously after the seven Jason shows,
I'm done with that. But eightradio shows because I have this Friday
off, and I have next Thursdayoff, because I have like two random
days. All of has her littleChristmas concert next week. It's gonna be
so cute. I'm gonna probably crylike a Psychoh my god, my dad.
As long as she doesn't do herlike fake shy bit she does,

I'm like, god, she isJenny. I think she might be a
theater kid. Really, she madeJake and I go to the basement.
She turned off the lights except forlike one spotlight. Made she goes put
on scary music, and so Jakeput on like a classical and she was
doing the thing like it's scary andit's dark, and and she was like
going around and singing and like repeatingthings and getting in our face. It

was so musical theater. And we'relike, what the fuck. But we
like, we're like this is amazing, Like we want to encourage it,
right, We're like, oh mygod. And if you don't clap it,
then she's like, no one likedmy performance. And we're like,
oh god, she's already like me, it's a horrible Then she goes upstairs
and we started getting her to watchshe had already watched it. But she

now is memorizing Matilda the musical,because she likes the regular Matilda a lot,
but the musical she makes us playthe songs over and over again so
she can memorize the words, andshe like acts them out. She like
watches the TV and memorizes their choreography. I think she's going to be into
like musical theater. I could seeit because she has a lot. She
was already like the kid who talkedto everyone, and now she acts shy.

You know, yeah, she'll assoon as she she'll take a second
a warmth and then she's fine,but yeah, yeah, but she was
always pretty outgoing since she learned totalk and do all that stuff. So
I can definitely see it. Ijust I'm like trying to gauge because I
think she has a little more ofyour outgoing personality. Not that she's not
outgoing. He's just a little morequatru it's not outgoing, but he's like

reserved in his like when he talksin a group, he's you know,
a little more reserved in terms oflike he's not as loud. He's a
good listener, yes, And soit's like, I feel like there's such
a mixture of the two of you, and I haven't seen all of it
in a while, so I'm sureshe's changed drastically since the last time I
even saw her, But there's agood mixture of the two of you.
So I'm trying to figure out ifshe's going to be like this kind of

like super intelligent, because she definitelyis smart, super intelligent like behind the
scenes person or more like out infront of people and you know, maybe
doing broad away who to day.Yeah, I'm curious. You know you're
curious about your own kid anyway,but like I am curious about it,
and she she loves making people laugh, like she has a my friend got

a knock Knock joke book, shehas a completely memorized so she like makes
you do like she says, youhave to do the who's there? Oh
kay? Thing? But anyway,it's it's very cute. But that's our
latest thing other than getting ready forChristmas, and just I don't know,
like I feel it's I love Christmasseason so much. I don't know.

I know, you just spent theweekend wrapping your presence and getting ready for
I do too. I love itso much too. And I feel like
with the light dusting of snow wegot this weekend, it kind of like
actually put me in the Christmas moodbecause as of recent I was like,
ah, this doesn't feel like holidayseason at all. But I went from
having pretty much nothing ready for theholidays to everything's ready except for a couple

things that are coming in the mailin the next two days, okay,
And so I feel a little bitpsychotic that I have everything wrapped. Everything
said, I have like notes inmy phone so that I don't forget what
is what because I've wrapped it sofar ago that I don't remember which present
was for Andrew. And you know, you know, you always got to
have them open their presence in likethe order of least best. Yeah,

like the best. So I've gotnotes in my phone for that. But
yeah, I got pretty aggressive withthe presence. But I mean, you
brought me in these delicious cookies thatI've been staring at me since I walked
in the studio, So I'm excitedto eat these. But that's like one
thing I'm sad I didn't plan todo with girlfriends or something, is like
a cookie exchange or a cookie makingday or something like that because I don't
have a kid. So that's likeobviously that's the thing with you guys.

With Olive and we always go homeand usually my mom makes us sit down
one day and do cookies with her, even if it's on Christmas Day or
something. But it's just like notthe same. I feel like when you're
doing it like after Christmas, Iguess whatever Christmas is good, but yeah,
it'll be good. I like,I agree, it's funny to like
make people open like the least tobest present. Jake and I have pulled

back a little bit this year.I was like let's put a limit on
it because I don't want to gocrazy and just like focus on the kids.
And my sister and I agreed notto give each other anything and just
focus on kids and all of that. But it's I don't know, I
love it. And there was somethingelse was going to say, but it's
completely gone. So so yeah,let me ask you this, because I
have this big dollhouse thing that I'mgiving my niece for Christmas, and it's

it was like a not as bigas I thought, but like the size
of it. I know how kidsare. They see a big presence,
They're like, oh my gosh,this is the best present, even though
if it would be the worst present. And so I went out and I
got my nephew two different things thatare both like kind of big, and
I wrapped one and it already lookedlike it was in a huge box itself.

That I almost returned the other thingbecause I was like, well,
now it looks like I'm giving himtwo big presents versus her one big present
even and so I like still keptboth of them, but I feel like
there's going to be an issue whenshe only gets to wrap open one present
from me and then the other oneslike two presents. Yeah, kids are
weird, and I know I don'twan to answer that, because kids like

some like Dylan would never notice orcare. All of will probably be the
opposite. She's like, will probablylike why did Dylly get two and I
got one? And then she dohave Broadway musical about it. But I
don't know. I think it dependson the kid and how little they are
and how distracted they are. She'ssuper into her dollhouse. She may not

even see what he gets. Idon't know where. I also think I'm
getting all this money from, becauseI know, I just went on a
trip to Tahiti and I was like, oh, I'm not going to spend
that much money. And then Ifound myself just like scouring through Patina two
different days this weekend, Like Iwent to one in Highland, a St.
Paul, and then another one inMinneapolis, and I just like,
I just love I've become the personthat does love to give gifts. Yeah,

so I'm like buying all this shitand I'm like, Jenny, you
don't have to give all these presentsand pull it back a little bit.
Yeah, And I just can't helpit. I just I do love giving
presents nowadays me too. It's likemy favorite thing. I love picking out
something that'll be good for some orlike that I think they'll love. I
already gave one to Laura yesterday,my sister in law to be, because

they're not spending Christmas Eve with usthis year. They're gonna with her family,
which is such a bummer. Butso I gave her. I drew
her name, so I gave herher present and she loved it. I
got her candle warmer hot gift.Guys and wars are so good you his
candles can get so expensive. Wedon't even burn candles. We literally heat
the same candle over and over again, and then it hardens back up and
you can put a timer on it, a dimmer on it. Oh my

god, it's like it's glorious.I don't think I even knew that that
was the thing. Honestly, it'sso pretty. So what is it?
Does it go underneath? Yeah?It has. It looks like a little
lamp almost okay, And then youset the candle under the lamp part and
the light bulb heats up the candle, so then you get the aroma throughout
your house. Without having to burna candle. The one that I couldn't
do. I don't know why.It was like the usual Christmas tree one

I love. It felt like Iwas breathing in toxins. I don't know
how to explain it. It grossedme out so much. And Jake was
like, I am not getting thatat all. You are crazy, but
I can't do that one like that. Andrew was like that about a Christmas
tree one I had burning because wehadn't we had made a nice well,
he had made a nice dinner Saturdaynight, and I was like, well,
we got to set the mood,like, let's burn the candle.
And it lasted through dinner. Andhe walked back in the room that it

was in. He goes, wewe're blowing this out now. I can't
handle this, and I'm like,okay, And he even went as far
to put it in a completely differentroom. It was blown out because his
senses are so he's so sensitive tocandle smells and some of them, yeah,
they are so strong. How areI get that? Well, unless
there's anything else you want to add, we're at our thirty minute bar.

No, I'm good, I'm excited. I have a pretty busy week ahead
of me, so maybe I'll havesome fun stories. Okay, I'm going
on this Limo Christmas Lights tour thingThursday night with friends that they've invited me
the last few years, and I'vejust never been free or I don't know.
They've done it on a Monday nightand I was like, no,
I'm not doing that. Yeah,but I'm excited for it because I feel

like it's kind of party bus vibes. But as you mature, you're going
to be sitting. You're not goingto be like dancing on a sturper pole.
You will be at least I haveno idea watch I'll come back and
be like, oh my god,bruis for sturper pole. I found.
Well, that's gonna be fun.Next week will be our last episode of
the year, obviously, and thenwe'll come back in the new year and

have some because we'll take the weekof Christmas off. Yes, and I
don't know how the week of NewYear's will work yet. Yeah, it
probably will probably end up having twoweeks off. Yeah, maybe we'll see.
Maybe we'll get one in. Yeah, all right, thanks for listening.
Have a good day.
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