All Episodes

November 21, 2023 30 mins
Falen and Jenny have life updates about Falen's water heater (lol), Jenny's big audition, a new trend on TikTok and more!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hello, it is Fallon and Jennywith I'm still fun and I I'm going
to start off by saying, guesswhat Friday, I got a new water
heater. Oh yeah, and thanksto the power of this podcast, I
did not spend ten thousand dollars onthe water heater. Good, but I
have a funny story, So Iwant to give a shout out. Because
it was Kayla who DMD me andsaid, Hey, my husband, and

I'm going to give his business ashout out. It's Crimson Copper Plumbing,
she said, my husband, youknow, I can't promise it'll be cheaper,
but you should have someone else lookat it, because everyone else kept
going on and on about how crazyit was with how expensive. I was
getting quoted, and I got quotedten thousand by two different people, and
so many people sent me photos ofwater heaters at home depot and I'm like,

guys, I know that water heatersthemselves are not that expensive, but
number one, the size that weneed isn't even sold in stores. You
have to order it. But wehad to get all new like piping everything
because we were up to code.So that's why ours was more expensive than
like average Anyway, we did notspend that amount. But this is the
funny part of the story. Sowhen he came over to look at our

stuff, her husband, I wasn'tthere. And so the day that they
were coming to fix it Friday,I had taken off. So I was
gonna be like, possibly the pointperson. And Jake and I were talking
about it because he had a coupleof errands run and I was like,
can you please be here because Ijust like, I prefer him to be
the point person. Ye anything likethat, I just do. And he

goes, oh, you bet yourass, I'm gonna be here, and
I go what does that mean.He's like, I'm not leaving you alone
with a hot plumber. Oh,And I go is he hot? And
he goes, fellan, I mean, I guess I shouldn't speak on it,
but yes, And I was like, what do you mean and he
goes, I go, well,you know, you know, intrigued.
It's like, what describe him tome? And he's like, oh,

you know, just tall and likemuscular, has like long hair, like
hockey hair. And I was like, oh, I was like okay,
and but it just made me laugh. Obviously he wasn't concerned obviously, Cayle,
if you're listening, wasn't turned onby your husband. Don't want to
be wirried about it, but itjust made me laugh that Jake thought your
husband was hot, and he's like, I've seen too many videos that start

out like this, and I'm like, first of all, maybe bring back
your porn usage of like you plumbing? Yeah right, but fixed and all
them. I just wanted to thankher and other people that had reached out
with like suggestions. So that wasa nice way to like start the weekend,
just to get that checked off thelist. Because when we moved in
our house, we had like Ithink I told you, like HVAC the

AC both had to be replaced afterthe first like year, and so it's
kind of like now the trifecta ofbig things in our house is complete,
which means we shouldn't knock on woodhave to deal with anything knock on wood
for like hopefully ten years. Good. Oh, I know, so glorious.
Feeling good. That's good. Yeah, what's new in your world,
Jenny. I'm sure people are wonderingif there's any update on the timberwooll Okay.

Unfortunately not yet, and it's weirdbecause I like don't know if like
I would talk about it on thispodcast, but I probably wouldn't like announce
it to the world if I don'tget it. Oh, okay, you
know what I mean. But like, I haven't heard anything as far as
I know, I don't think theyreally told either of us the people.

I think it's just like me andanother girl. So I haven't heard anything
yet. We'll see. I'm notreally sure what the hold up is because
I feel like they were like tryingto make a pretty quick decision on this
one, but they haven't yet,so it is what it is. I'm
just trying to like not let itlive in my brain. You know.
Yeah, Easier said than done,for sure. Yeah, I'll just like

go okay, I'll go right aheadand get into this. I am so
anxious right now. And I toldPallan as soon as she walked in today
that I don't know what's going on. It happened sometimes. I did like
have some drinks with girlfriends yesterday.I didn't get much sleep. I think
I overscheduled myself. My brain islike just playing games with me right now.

And I told Paalan, I'm like, I really want to do the
podcast today because it'll be a nicedistraction. And I was like, hey,
we can record this tomorrow. Peopleyeah, like without even explaining if
we're like, hey it's coming outa little bit late, no one,
no one would care, you know. But I was like, well,
I just want to do it tolike hopefully distract myself for a little bit.
But it's like I don't want tobe that person that talks about anxiety

all the time, but if metalking about it can help anyone else out,
I like want to do that becauseI think sometimes anxiety is like really
hard to describe and you don't knowyou can pinpoint why it's happening, and
that's probably like the hardest for peoplewho think like me, who need a
reason. And so right now I'mlike, what's making it even worse is

the stressfulness of like why do Ifeel this way? And stuff? And
to describe how I feel, Icouldn't even tell you. I feel uncomfortable
in my body. My heart isracing a little bit higher my brain.
It almost feels like foggy, andit's and I know that like the alcohol
I had yesterday probably is what's likeplaying a game with me right now.

Because I didn't sleep well last nightand Dave was on vacation today, so
Drake and I did the show byourselves. But I was like, man,
I want to like come into thispodcast and always have really good energy,
but just so you know the pastlike two weeks that I'm energy,
So you know what they you fillthat you fill the room with. Someone

told me that they were listening toa podcast, so I have a couple
of things, and it was likefor kids. She's doctor Becky's her name,
and she was on the Armchair podcast. And I didn't listen to the
episode, but I'm going to.But my sister in law and then my
soon to be sister in law didand they were like going back and forth
and like how amazing it was,and I was like, I want to
listen to it. And they said, if you are a high level anxiety
person for some reason, if you'rearound like kid they were talking about kids,

and then you bring your kid intoa room where there's other kids with
anxiety or whatever, they can onlyfill some there's only room for one hundred
percent anxiety, right, So likea lot of the times, if you're
super anxious and you go into aroom with other anxious people, you feel
less anxious, which is a weirdthing because it's a weird balance. Anyway,
I'm not saying that's what's happening withyou right now, but it is
just of course, this week,I'm like much more chill, and this

is the week that you have somethinggoing on. In the past couple weeks,
I've been a little like tired,felt burnt out. But the first
things I said, because I don'thave anxiety like you, I was like
doing the same thing you're trying todo a little bit with Like I was
like, oh, is there somethingspecific that's like circling in your mind?
You're like, no, that's what'slike so frustrating about it. And I'll
have these moments where and maybe it'smaybe this is what it is, But

I don't feel like I overly experienceanxiety the way you describe it. But
there will be days where I feellike I just want to cry and something
feels wrong and I don't know whatit is, and I don't feel like
it doesn't feel like I don't knowit's it's like you said, it's hard
to explain, But I don't havethose days often. But it'll be a

day where I feel like I justfeel like really sad today and I don't
know why, and something just feelsvery off. Is that kind of similar
or no, I meanfferent. Ithink no, I mean it's pretty similar
to that. I just like,right now, the kind I'm experience is
experiencing is like I want to jumpout of my skin. And I don't

even know how to describe that feeling, like it's if you've never experienced something
like that, I don't think thatyou can understand it, and so I
don't know. I just I somedays I love my brain, and some
days I want to cry, LikeI could probably cry right now. I'll
probably go home and cry because Ijust think that, like, my brain

works in such weird ways some days, and little things trigger it. But
like right now, I don't Idon't know what's going on, and I'm
frustrated on top of it that Ifeel like this is all stemmed from drinking,
and I don't even drink that muchanymore. When I do, I
only have a couple of drinks mostof the time, and I feel like
I had four glasses of wine yesterdayand somebody bought our table of girlfriends a

shot, and I did take ashot, but I by no means felt
drunk when I got home or anything. It wasn't like I was like so
drunk and I got home. Iliterally went and put our Christmas tree up
when I got home last night,and talked to Andrew when he had gone
to watch the Vikings Broncos game withsome friends and talk to him and stuff,
and so it's like, I'm frustratedthat, like my brain got so

triggered by I think the alcohol thatit's putting me in this feeling today and
I want to go home and justtake a nap and try to sleep it
off. But that's like what willprobably not happen is I will just lay
there and feel the anxiety and myheart will race and I won't even be
able to sleep, maybe though I'mfucking exhausted right now. So yeah,

I Anyways, I just wanted tojump in and say that I'm trying my
best to be interactive, but Ithink as Fallon's talking, it's almost like
my brain is not fully there.But let's just get to one thing I
absolutely want to do today, whichis to read this story that we got
an email about after we talked lastweek about my mom considering maybe trying to

teach Sea Seltzer, which I waslike, that's so wid My mom alone
has never been interested and anything likethat before, even though I think she
dabbled when she was a teenager.Because every not every, but a lot
of teenagers like whatever they're around things, they try things. So this comes
from Bethany and says, Hi,Jenny and Fallon, I just been listening
to your podcast on Latcho. Jennystory about her mom thinking about trying to

teach Sea drink and made me feellike I needed to share my story about
my stepdad, who I've called dadsince I was four, and we'd let
me set the stage. I'm fortytwo, my dad is seventy five.
In twenty twenty, my mom passedaway and it was obviously devastating, but
it changed me and my dad's relationshipquite a lot, since my mom was
the main point of contact in theirrelationship. Since then, my dad has

definitely opened up a bit more andI've gotten to know him better. My
stepsister, his daughter, was alsogetting in closer to him. She loves
weed. Through a series of conversations, they realize they both like to partake
in weed, and my dad revealsthat he's been smoking weed our whole lives.
My dad was such a stickler aboutrules and being an upstanding citizen and
say no to drugs, et cetera. And I find out at the age

of forty two, my goddamn dadis a pothead and always has been.
Then I ask him, so,if you've been smoking weed my whole life,
where the hell did you get thisweed since it wasn't legal anywhere until
recently. You had some dealer Andhe says to me, well, your
biological dad was a great supplier formany years. What my mom divorced my

biological dad because of his drug addictionand drug dealing when she got pregnant with
me, and come to find outmy stepdad was buying weed from my biological
dad. I was just blown away. I'm still processing this a year later.
There's nothing like finding out your parentit's completely different than you, and
vision makes me not quite as selfconscious. Anyway, I thought i'd sare
my parent and weed story. Ihave a great day, And that comes

from Bethany And so when I readthat, I just laugh because it's so
funny. It's interesting to see thathe hid that your entire lives. Like,
I feel like you can sometimes pickup on stuff like that, yeah,
figure out, Like I don't know, you might not notice if a
parent drinks as like much until you'rea little bit older and understand alcohol better,
and then you might like pick upon stuff like that. But I
just thought that that was so funny. My mom is by no means doing

that on the side. Yeah,trust me, she is like not into
it. She was like pretty antiweed up until I think it started being
legalized and more normalized and stuff.So thank you so much for that email,
Bethany. I appreciate we appreciate it, all right, let me say
this, we'd appreciate it. Thankyou so much. Well, I will
tell you that my mom does lovethe ganja, and I don't know what

her preference is. I don't reallytalk about it with her, yeah,
and I probably should, But itstems from I have my own like weird
things with like just addictions in myfamily. So even though I realized that
smoking weed is not like an addictivetype of thing, I am just weird
about like even like I don't evenlike to take tyle at all. I've
talked about this before. It juststems from like childhood weird stuff. And

so I discovered my mom smoked mewhen I was in high school. She
would always go to the basement.Never understood why we did not have a
finished basement. Was gross and weird. And I remember one time she did
not expect me to be home.I was out with like friends or a
boyfriend or something. Came back hometo grab something and I went downstairs to
say something to her, and that'swhen I discovered she smoked weed. And

I was so disappointed, and Iwas so upset and blah blah blah.
But I am so naive because everythingabout my mom reads hippie stoner. And
also I dated a guy in myfreshman year of college. The day the
first time I locked eyes on him, he was taking a massive hit off
of a bong. Yeah, Andfor some reason, and I believe this

guy, who was only a yearolder than me in college, stopped smoking
weed to be with me because Iwas like, I'm not dating someone who
smokes weed. He smoked weed thewhole time. I never knew. I
found out that, like, youknow, a year after we broke up,
and it was like I wasn't mad. I laughed, like how naive.
I was right, But I thoughtthis guy the first time I saw
him taking the massive hit off abong was just like, yep, I

don't notice. It's so it's funny, and it's also funny that I cared
that much. I've talked about thisbefore. I wouldn't like love for Jake.
Jake used to smoke a lot ofweed too. I wouldn't love for
him to do that, like whilewe have a little kid in the house,
so I would just be stressed abouther finding stuff or whatever. But
I don't. I'm getting better atnot caring that people do it. Yeah,

but it's taken me time. It'sand it's like, and I understand
everyone that smokes weed their argument likethat it's better than alcohol and things,
and I know we're not getting tothat, but it's just so ingrained in
me and I don't know why,and it's like so weird because like,
funny enough, obviously alcohol affected myfamily more than weed a bit, so
you would think that that would beweirder. But I also just like,

don't drink a lot either. ButI did want to ask you because you
went to a new restaurant here andit's similar to something I went to and
I was going to ask you aboutit because you said you really liked it.
Yeah. So it's called Public Domainin the North Loop. It just
opened a couple of weeks ago,and it's an open concept bar mostly bar,
but also has food, so it'sa restaurant too, and it's just

you go and you tell them whatkind of alcohol you like, and then
like kind of the the sort oflike flavor of drinks, like do you
like sweet, you like bitter?Stuff like that, and then they just
come up with a cocktail. Wellthey have cocktails in mine, but they
make a cocktail that they think isgoing to work for you. Yeah.
So my first one, I said, mezcal, not sweet, not bitter,

just somewhere in between whatever. Andshe made something called the mescal mosquito
mosquito. I was just gonna saysomething that muscato for a second mescal mosquito
And it was super su good,Like I loved it. I can't remember
what Andrew got, but yeah,it was fun. We just stayed for
a couple drinks. We didn't getfood, but yeah, I liked it.
It's a very dark vibe Okay,lighting is very dim and so I

feel like some people don't like that, yeah in an environment, but I
would recommend checking it out. Weso I went to a place this is
not this it's in Paris, soit sounds fancy, but it's like I
had never heard of a concept likethat, but then I saw it.
Probably who knows on a TikTok orsomeone I follow, because how else would
I have found this place called Bizoo? So I planned it for this past

year when we went with my nieceand nephew. And it's very Parisian.
So it has the tiny little circletables and the tiny little chairs around a
tiny table, and they're all outfront of the restaurant because the restaurant's tiny.
Well I wasn't call a restaurant.I think it was just a bar.
And then but it's funny because allthe chairs face the street. I
don't know, it's like you're veryclose to people. But I hope I

wonder because it didn't look like you'reall stuff looked like super fancy kind of
thing, so maybe they'll eventually moldinto this. But how it worked there
was the guy came out with likehis little iPad and to each person it
was like kind of similar, likefirst of all, like what spirits do
you like? Do you like sweet? You like sour? Do you like
bitter? That kind of stuff?And then he'd be like do you like

kind of like herb taste, likethis botanical vibe? This all these different
questions, And then when they cameback, all the cups were so cool,
Like my dce got one that waslike a clear like clear butt cheeks,
and they were like fun cups.Some were playing, some had glitter,
some had like you know, reallycool ice cubes. Some have like
huge decorative florals and things and them. So they were really like fun and

it was for the aesthetic, butthe drinks were still really good. Yeah,
But I like really liked that concept. So I saw that place,
I think from the actual video youdmmed me. I had seen that same
video that like got your attention,and I was like, oh, I
want to go try just because,And I was I, you have I
don't know a time when you've likecasually just like invited me like that like

last minute. I was like,I wish I could go. That would
be fun. I had two birthdayparties on Saturday. It was chaotic or
I totally would have gone with youand Andrew because that would have been fun.
I know. I just I textedfallon Antina and it was I don't
know, like late Saturday morning orsomething. I was like, Hey,
we're going here tonight if I'm sureyou guys are busy, Like there's no
chance either of you are free,but feel free to come if you want,

and not that, Like I mean, it was kind of like a
little bit of a day night.I will say that, like, I
feel like I've become so lame becausewe went there and had two drinks and
I was like, I want togo home. Yeah, like I didn't
want to stay out. Andrew couldhave gone and done did other things.
And we went home and I feellike I showered and I went upstairs.

And I've been watching that like twinFlames thing on Netflix. I watched like
the first episode, but I needto watch more because I know it's just
going to get crazierazier. If youhaven't seen it, it's like a documentary
on like basically this cult where theyconvince people they will help them find their
quote unquote twin Flame, which isbasically their soulmate. Yeah, and so
I just I literally went upstairs atlike eight pm that night because we'd gone

right when the placed open at five. And Andrew went downstairs to play video
games and that was like our night. And I mean, if I would
have asked Andrew to hang out,he totally would have. But I was
like, man, I'm literally likeupstairs in bed at eight I don't even
like do this on a weeknight halfthe time. And I don't know,
I'm like, I love getting asolid amount of sleep on a Friday and
Saturday because during the week I don'tget as good of sleep, you know.

And so I just I sat thereand I was stressing myself out,
like you're pretty lame now. ButI don't like to think that, because
I shouldn't feel like what I didwas lame. You're not. You just
accomplish other things earlier. Yeah,and I think that's okay. I think
that's like a very common shift.Like you feel lame because you're not going
out to a club, but yourealize I don't want to go to a

club anyway, but you're still likeyou do activities. You're very active.
We are fortunate in our job thatwe get to experience like kind of like
grand openings or unique events that maybeother people don't get access to. So
we'll have like a couple of thoseevery other week or so. So I
would say, I understand like thatoutlook, but just because you you did

like day drinking on Sat. Sundaywith your friends, So I mean,
I don't know, I would behard on yourself, is what I'm saying.
Yeah, I think you just whowants to stay out late. I
mean I used to, and Idon't I know that I don't want to
stay out late anymore. I justthe fact that we literally went right at
five left probably by like six thirty. I was home, showered and in

pajamas and upstairs and bed at eightpm, like ladies are hard days on
the Morning show though that was Saturday. Oh okay, mind, Jenny,
I have no sas for you now. You disaster. Yeah, no,
Friday didn't do shit. I thinkI like, literally we had a dog
dropped off this past weekend. Butmy league, my weekend was pretty low
key because we do have well minusI guess Sunday, Funday and yesterday.

We do have our trip coming upthis week, and so I just was
like, I don't want to domuch. I just want to chill and
be prepared. And Thanksgiving is rightbefore it too, so it's like I
just want to make sure I havebeen aggressively ordering things for this trip,
like dresses and stuff. You haveto it's a rule. If you're a
woman, you have to order anew boardrobe for a vacation, Like it

is a rule. Just do it. Yeah, I'm just I am kind
of disappointed in myself, honestly becauseI have never really been an online shopper.
Yeah, like every once in awhile, sure, maybe around Christmas
time, but I have been orderinglike new stuff from Amazon every other day,
and there's a new package on ourstairs, our steps, and then
I get disgusted at like the plasticand the cardboard or the boxes and stuff

that get delivered. And then Itry things on and I return it and
it doesn't work, you know,Like I'm like, don't be this person,
Like just because it's convenient, don'tbe this person. But That's what
I've been doing for that. Itwas like two weeks and I have like
three new things that need to bereturned now because it didn't work out and
it didn't look as cute as Ithought I was going to, you know,
and I just don't like that that'llbe better because I've always been a

go to the mall right. Itry a bunch of things on, but
I spend way too much time whenI shop. I spend too much time
trying on clothes. I am nota quick like try it on and you
like it, you don't know.I like stare at myself and then I
like debate and I'm like, wait, maybe I did need a different size
in it. And then I trydifferent size and I have to put the
other one back on to like reference. So it's not a fast trip if

I go shopping at them all Yeah, I do combo. I like to
go in store for some places.And then I do like, I don't
order a ton of clothes from Amazon. I've ordered like a handful of things.
These pants I'm waring from Amazon thatwas your like Lululemon do leggings,
Yeah, those are pretty good.I still do like Lulu better, but

for the price difference, these arefine. Yeah. And I just ordered
a ten dollars like shirpul looking vestthat Tina posted and I was like,
I don't warn vest, but I'mgoing to get that because it was really
cute. It was ten dollars.But usually I don't do that, but
I am so. I partner withMall of America year round anyone for the
radio station, but they do.They're doing a gift guide this year,
and they always pick like a handfulof people to be part of their gift

guide. But they asked if Iwould do it this year. I said
yes, but they this year theygave out categories. My category is cozy,
and I was like, yes,this is like that could not be
off. I know they initially theywere like, if you don't want to
do cozy and you want to likelean family, I'm like, nope,
I don't want to lean family.I want to lean cozy because that is
so I get to go like basicallyshop and find like cozy gift ideas and

I was like, it's my dreamand that's like what I would pick out
for just about anyone on my list. Anyway, I also texted Jenny,
I have to share this very excitingnews. I got a new This is
like when I got Preparation H Brandpartnership. Yes, and You're like,
dream, that was my dream.Because I've been open about my hemorrhoids.
But I got an email from Dulkalax, which is a laxative place. But

first everyone what you said, Jennydura Axe. So I'm like, I'm
like, oh, I've heard ofthat before. And I was thinking,
isn't it called like dural logs.Isn't there I'm going to google it because
I'm a computer in front of me. There's something that's like a firestarter log
thing. Oh my god, maybeI'm wrong duraflame. Okay. Then I
was thinking about different. I thoughtyou were combining this like flame thing and

I was like, well, that'sinteresting. But then it said lax so
I was like, oh, thatsounds like a laxative situation. So it's
really though, But Dulkalaxe, Dulcalaxe. Sorry, I texted Jenny. I
don't know was it Friday or yeah, Friday. I'm like, holy cow,
Jenny. I got like an emailfor like what it's like a national
brand. I don't really get those. And they were like, hey,
we're interested in doing something with youand moving quick and are you interested.

We understand some people are like alittle bit, you know, they are
too nervous to do something like this, And I were back. I'm like,
girl, I'm like, I talkabout my hemorrhoids. I have no
shame in the game. And butI got the partnership and I was like,
Jenny, And then that's when Isaid, by the way, I
told you the wrong brand. Iput du Relax. It's dull realexs and

he goes, yeah, that makesa lot more say yeah. I was
confused because I was like, oh, I don't think I've heard of that
before. And then I was like, oh, maybe it's something else.
Okay. Also, I have toplay one thing for you. You already
know what this is, Jenny,but you don't know that I'm playing it.
Last week, I was in thestudio with Zach and he had told
me about this new trend and itwas on TikTok and we laughed so hard.

Oh my god, you and Isent so many text to each other,
laughed really hard, and I said, have you seen this trend?
And you said you had just watchedit. But I don't know if you
had watched it because I sent it, or you had just family seen it,
Okay, like not too far aheadof that, but I had seen
it. Yeah, So I stillhave never gotten that. On my algorithm.
Yeah, Zach showed me, soI'll give him credit. And it's

where you go up to your partnerand you're like, name that fart and
the partner has to guess, likewith like by making a sound, what
the fart's gonna sound like? Andit was a montage of these and it
was so funny. Are you comfortablewith me playing one of these? I
don't care? Okay? So,oh is it the ones? I?
Yeah? Oh sure, Well it'sonly because it involves Andrew. That's why

I feel bad. No, that'sfair, Okay, I want to say
that I won't play because no oneneeds to hear it anyway. But Jenny
sent me two videos immediately, likealmost as if they were already in her
camera role. The first one shewas way off, and then the second
one it just said much closer yeap. So then I hit it and she
was so close and I was likelaughing. And Jake's brother Davy. He

and Davy have the same weird It'slike it sounds like they're like and it
was one Andrew sounded like that too. We're almost look like pushing so hard.
It's like like so hard. Itsounds like they're gonna blow a hole
in their pants, and Laura describedDavy's farts like that and I shared cry
laughing, so I'm like, that'show Jake's farts are. So then I
texted her, I'm like, shouldwe record them? And it just sounds
like they're shitting their pants basically.She's like, absolutely, but it is.

Yeah, it's a funny trend.If you haven't seen it, I
think you just type in like,uh, name your fart or name that
far, yeah, something like that. I think it was. I thought
I was guessed that far, butyou're probably right. It probably was all
find it yeah, And I'm sorryif that becomes your all. But it
was pretty funny. And I knowthis is like a short week, so

I'm I know, that's another excitingthing. We Actually I have only have
the Jason Show tomorrow. I don'teven have the Jason Show on Wednesday,
nice, which is exciting. Sothen I only have three Fallon and Zach
shows this week. I think that'swhy I'm in a peppy mood because I
see like the work of the yeardwindling, you know what I mean,
like coming to a close, LikeI have a short week this week.

I took the fourteenth and fifteenth ofDecember off. I took the week of
Christmas off, so I feel likeI have like these little little break moments.
Yeah, and it's giving me excitementand then I love Christmas time.
So it's been so nice having likedecent weather that that's help too, because
I watched this. Did you seea video Jerome posted the other day about
being indoors. Jerome is my oldtrainer, and Jenny knows him because he's

at Lifetime and I've brought Jenny intowork out with him FORIGN She el soo
to sees him there. Yep,but Jerome will post I mean some things
he posts. I'm like, Okay, I don't know whatever you know,
because he's obviously very into health,fitness, sleep, all these things,
and he's a lot more disciplined ofa human than I am, clearly,
But he posted one that was reallyopening. It was almost like a cartoon

video showing how the change in peopleand like health and illnesses and all these
things. I know they're not onlygoing to be because of this reason.
There are tons of factors, butone of the biggest things is we went
from spending so much time outdoors tospending like the majority of our time indoors
breathing this like circulated air, doingall this, and I was just like

so eye opening to me. AndI knew that anyway, but Jake and
I both like, wow, thatreally hits. I think it really hits
too when you have a kid,especially, so I'm like, we have
to spend more time outdoors. Andthen in my mind, I'm like,
great, I'm glad you just cameto this thought process as winter as approaching,
and Jake's like, we can stillfind creative ways to go out and
be out more, because it's beenan ongoing joke that I preferred to stay

on my couch, you know,and I do, but through time with
like Jake and with all of Ihave been better about getting outside. I
still don't like live for it,but I also grew up just not doing
that. Like when I lived growingup until third grade at my dad's on
the farm, I was outside alot. But then when I moved with
my mom into like we lived inthe city next door to a gas station,

I wasn't outside playing a lot.So my life shifted and I stayed
like that for a really long time, even though it was active in sports.
I don't know, so I justlike it was a good reminder.
And then one more thing I wasgoing to share. I'm listening to this
book and it's about I don't know, kind of like it's more for I
think, helping you, uh withkids, because as an adult too.

But it's I won't get into it'scalled Range. But one of his quotes
he said today was deep learning happenedslowly, and I just thought that was
really good because we all spend somuch time trying to like figure things out
quickly. We want quick solutions,but the deep learning comes from like slow,
like a slow process. And it'slike with anything of weight loss,

you want to happen overnight, butyou know that it's a slow process if
you want to stay et cetera,et cetera. But it's not. This
book has nothing to do with weightloss. It's more about like kids and
how they learn and how they shouldlearn as opposed to how they're actually taught
and blah blah blah. So it'scalled Range. It was a girl the
Art retreat I went to last November. She had recommended it. I downloaded

it, never listened to it.But now I actually am listening to it
and it's very interesting, nice,and I can only listen to it in
doses because it's very like it's avery mature book. Yeah, you like
you know, there's a love storyand doses of this. But for sure,
anyway, that's about it for us. We will not have an episode

next week. Jenny will be in. So good for Jenny. Enjoy your
holiday. I hope that it's good. I know that any holiday can be
hard for some people. So knowthat we love you and we're thankful for
you, and we hope you havea happy Thanksgiving. And we'll see you
the week after the week after Thanksgiving. That makes sense, It makes sense.

Yeah, all right, bye,
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