All Episodes

November 7, 2023 32 mins
Falen and Jenny discuss Jenny's big audition this week, Falen's sad realization, more household and more! Thanks for listening!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the podcast. It isBalin and Jenny and the podcast is called
I'm Still Fun. Do you haveany debts you would like to pay off?
Jenny? What I mean by thatis anything you'd like to follow up
with since our last podcast, Anymessages or anything you've received. I don't
think so nobody wanted to talk tobeing about me pooping myself last week.

No, nobody didn't know. Nobodyreached out about that. Are you listen?
I feel like I had a message, but now I realized I don't
think I saved it. If Idid, I think we might have responded
to him and just said thank you. But the only thing I got was
I got a multitude of messages withpeople's minds being blown of why on Earth

my water heater would be ten thousanddollars because you can buy a water heater
for a few grand at like ahome depot. And I thought I said
it on the podcast, but it'svery likely I didn't. It's not just
a water heater. I have toget like all of our like pipe stuff
is not up to code, solike you have to get like a legit
plumber in I think to get thatpermit to get it approved through the city.

Yeah, to get it up tocode. You did men tell that
I thought I did. But anyway, one two different people sent actual people
to me. One person sent aplumber they used that was great. Jake
called, They never returned the call. And then another one said, my
husband's a plumber reach out. SoJake called that guy and he came out

and looked at our house this week. So we're waiting on a quote.
So fingers crossed, we do spendless than ten thousand dollars because Hull trust
me. I know, I mean, I know nothing about that stuff,
so I have nothing to say.You can always talk to Andrew. He
will know more than I do ifyou need someone else to do like,
he will definitely know some stuff.But Jake's father in law can do anything.

I'm talking plumbing, electrical work,laying tile, building a house,
putting windows in. He like cando anything. But he works for himself
and already does this. Like wecan't even I don't. We don't even
feel right calling him to come howhim do that at our house. If
we had like an emergency, we'dprobably call him. Second thing with like
house thing because they have a newaddition to finances that I'm adding. Okay,

so we also pay for a likea law and care service. So
they do like motograss in the summer, they do fall clean up. They
were actually doing that today, andwe do have fall clean up where they
blow the leaves and get rid ofthem. And then the biggest thing is
they plow our driveway. So theyjust send an email saying they're no longer

doing snow removal. We're like fso we had to find new people.
We got someone out super great quote. Well sorry, super great people.
The quote was very average. Butfor unlimited plows, since you don't do
this, how it usually works isyou have to pay in advance for a
certain number of plows period, likeeven if you only got two plows because

it only snowed twice that year,you have to pay for a certain number
to reserve them. Okay, butlike our company, if you go over
that, then it's extra, extraextra. This company was here's the total
price for unlimited. It was twentyfive hundred dollars and I was like,
God, I don't want to paythat every year. I was like,
I wish that we know, wecould just do it and Jake's and our
neighbor two down from us has abig hill. Also, we have a

crazy hill, like it is notnormal. And so Jake was like,
I can do it. If thatguy can do it, I can do
it. So now we're getting themost ridiculous three thousand dollars snowplow to save
money over time, because Jake wantsa super wide one you can't buy at
home depot, so that in theoryit's up one, down one and he's

done because it's wide enough for that. And he we looked at getting the
plow on the front of the truck. All the reviews said, all the
reviews said, do not do thatto his specific kind of truck because it
actually is bad for your truck.So it initially stara with Jake saying he
found like a fifteen hundred dollars one, and then he's like, oh,
the reviews are bad on it.I think we need this. When I

was like, you always find away to fucking find the most expensive shit
every single time, like time.Okay, I agree with that because I've
heard enough stories with Jake, butI would say with this specific item,
I would agree with Jake to getthe nicer one especially agree. I mean,
I've seen your guys' driveway, andif he's going to be the one
out there doing that, you definitelywant one that works very well and it's

gonna last a while. And Imean, are you guys gonna get it
soon or you're gonna maybe wait tillBlack Friday? Because that I just brought
that up with Andrew. I said, we need to figure out what we
need and look at Black Friday dealsand get it. I guess it'll depend
because if snow starts coming, yeah, we're gonna have to get it.
But that's only like two weeks.Oh, you're right, you'll need it.
You'll need something before the okay,because we are going to probably buy

a snowplow this year, and Isaid, we should probably make sure we're
monitoring Black Friday deals. If youdon't, I said snowpow, I meant
snowblower. We have one if you'dlike to buy it, but you're gonna
have to change a spark plug onit. No, I'm not Brian behind
your broken Jenny. It's not.It's just fine. It's been six hundred
dollars on once. Get back tome. I bet You'll be crawling way

how much? How much was thatspark plug? Man? Because you're a
cheap ass and I am. You'regonna arrive there like, let's see if
we can find a deal, andyou're gonna be go, oh fuck even
like the shittiest ones are like thismuch, and then I'm gonna get some
little shit ass text from you.Know what would happen is I would buy
from you because Andrew would have claimedthat he would have been able to fix

it himself, and he would havegotten a take fixed the spark plug on
it before, which tells me Andrewmaybe he could. But I think we've
Andrew and I have put off acouple of things that need to be fixed,
and we just don't need to haveone more thing added to the list
of things that need to be fixed. We still haven't put our railing back
up to get upstairs. That isa city code violation. I'm gonna contact
this thing, yeah, immediately laydown. For three months since I painted

our upstairs bedroom, and I whenI've done leg day with my trainer and
the next day I can't even getdown the stairs fairly because I need that
damn Really, that's on the stairs. So I just think we need to
buy something that is functioning already.We don't need to add something else to
the list of things that like needto be fished for us to use.
Okay, so the brand of oursnowblower does not even exist anymore, that

should not be for Are you tryingto tell me you're junk right now?
Yes, speaking of I also havea pony. I bought all of her
birthday that she sat on maybe twice, that I'm selling on marketplace right now.
Ooh. If I didn't already havea present for my niece for okay,
I was gonna say maybe I would, it's been too much fun.
I already would be like, no, it's we spent like two point fifty

on this stupid thing. Yeah,no past, and I thought she was
gonna love it, and now I'mtrying to sell it for like one seventy
five. I literally bought it inSeptember. No bites, no bites on
itself. I'm just we spent allweekend just like getting rid of stuff.
We try to teach all of aboutdonating. Guess what she's not into.
She's not into donating. As itturns out, I doesn't want to get

rid of anything. No, sheall of a sudden was like, God,
I love it that toy like whichthey I used to do that same
thing. But we just distracted herand we made some hard calls. This
morning, she asked for one ofthe teacups and I was like, I
looked at Jake. I'm going throughthat in the trush yesterday. So we
did a bunch of cleaning up thisweekend. Jake's got a bunch of bags

of donations. I did more trimmingof my bushes. People came to me,
by the way, after the discussionfrom last week and said, don't
do a greenhouse necessarily because it's likea big, you know, commitment.
This is what they told me,and I was going to share it in
case anyone else was vibing. Okay, this is what they said you do.

They said, google winter sewing.So basically all you need is zip
block bags. I think people doa milk jugs, but I'm not going
to save excuse me, milk jugs. And then you put soil and the
ziplock bags and the seeds in there, Okay, and then it grows and
you can do it without having toget a greenhouse. This stuff interesting.

So I was like, oh,just some ziploc bags and soil dabbed on
it. Yeah, easy enough.Right, Allegedly, I was gonna say
it's easy, I'm going to tryit. I would be the same.
I did not inherit a green thumbfrom my mom, who is a phenomenal
landscape own company. I didn't inheritany of that. You could ask me
what a flower was and I'd belike, I don't know a rose and
it's like a bush, which,to be fair, roses. I do

not know anything about growing plans.So we've talked about your stomach issues.
I posted on my Instagram yesterday.You probably saw it, but I had
to come to a harsh reality.I don't think I can actively seek out
case so anymore. Yeah, Idid see you mention that just refue or

what happened every time, And I'vefinally based it like I've gotten really sick
on KESO multiple times, like wherelike my stomach immediately starts grumbling. I
hit the toilet a couple of times, and last night we ordered it out
and I immediately started getting sick feeling, and I was like Jake, He's
like, yep, you had toface it. Eventually it's the cao.

I don't know why, kso,but like regular cheese doesn't do that to
me. I don't know if it'ssome kind of the melting component. I
don't know what that is. Imean, all cheese melts. So I
don't know what I'm saying here atall, but it's a sad reality,
Jenny, And I know what it'slike to be you who has stomach issues
with one thing. Yeah, itis a bummer because you enjoy the fine

things in life, like keso,and you want to be able to continue
and enjoy that, or you don'twant to feel like craps, so then
you try to start cutting those thingsout, and then eventually you become weak
and you will eat the keso again. Yeah, and you'll forget about the
stomach issue, and then it'll hityou and then you'll be gosh, I
shouldn't have done that. Yeah,and then you'll forget about it, and
then five months later you'll do itagain. Yeah. I don't eat Mexican
food enough, so I'm absolutely goingto be like, you know what,
maybe it was just that caso,and then I'm going to like poop in

someone's house. Guarantee if I don'twant to, I don't know. You
had a really big weekend though,Yeah, I did share what you want
to share, yes, So Imean if you follow me on Instagram,
you might have seen this already.But I actually auditioned to be the in
arena host for the Minnesota Timberwolves.That's so exciting. So they need a
new host this year. They stillhave their really awesome host, John Barry,
who's been doing it for many,many seasons, and they're looking for

a new one. And they hadreached out to me about a month ago
as if I was interested. Itwasn't just mine. It was like an
audition process. So I had acouple of meetings and then they brought me
in for the game on Saturday,and I just was thrown right into it.
And if you don't know this aboutme, I actually worked for the
Minnesota Timberwolves on their hype squad calledthe Action Pack for three seasons. I
also interned for them, I thinkright out of college. I interned for

them for one season. So Iknow how like the entertainment department of the
Wolves games works because of all thebehind the scenes things I've already done in
the past. So I went intoit very nervous based on the fact that
I had to memorize an entire script. And I got the script Friday night
at five, right before I haddinner plans with some girlfriends and the game
was Saturday night. So there's likeparts of it that are voice of God

where I just read from the script. I'm on the mic, but I'm
reading from a script. Didn't Thatdidn't stress me out at all. Yeah,
but then the stuff that I didhave to memorize, it was very
important to hit the sponsor stuff,you know, like say things in a
certain way. I was able tolike improve it a little bit to sound
more like my personality. Yeah,but I didn't really know that until I
arrived and I talked to the personin charge of everything, and he was
like, yeah, you know,like I'm not the best at copywriting.

Like, if you want to makethis more like sound better to you,
you do what you want. Sothat helped me a little bit to be
able to know that. Like oneof the I mean, I would do
these live reads and they'd be probablylike three to four sentences, like a
full paragraph I had to have memorized, and two of those at a time
during a live shot. Oh,I would not. I don't even know
if my brain you know, whenyou're younger and it's so easy kind of
to memorize things. Yeah, andit's like easy kind of as an adult

to memorize songs. But I don'tknow if my brain works. I mean,
I know, like if I fuckinghad to, I could, I
don't know. Man, that's sohard. Yeah, So it was.
It was about so there were threeThis is very technical and I'm giving more
detail than I need to, butthere was like three live hits during the
pregame. Each of those live hits, it had two paragraphs worth of things

I had to have memorized, Solike six paragraphs in the pregame that I
had to have memorized. And onceI got through that, it was just
easy. There were a couple morelive hits I had to have memorized,
but that was just like one paragraphat a time. I was able to
look at it ahead of time.You know. I was just getting through
that pregame stuff that got me nervous, and I screwed up a little bit,
Like I didn't do it word forword, but I never screwed up

to the point where I like didn'tknow what to say. I just kept
going yeah, And like there wasone point where my co host had walked
away because he had like come outwith this big inflatable to like I don't
know for one, this promotion wewere doing, and he had walked away
to get out of that and changeand stuff. And he was supposed to
be there to like popcorn comments aboutthings that were going on on the video

board, and he walked away,and I just had to jump in and
start like commenting on like the fansin the arena doing things and stuff.
And so I kind of just likedid what I've learned from radio. I
remember things from when I was onthe Action Pack, and I think I
brought the energy that I think Ineeded to bring. But they are auditioning
other people, so I have noidea. I think I did an okay

job. I would say I thinkI did better than I anticipated good.
So I'm pretty proud of what Idid. And if I do not get
it, it was a great lifeexperience. Yeah, And if I lit
way there, I had to.So they have like call times before the
game and we have to beat pregamealways starts like an hour before ball.
Oh god, what's it called.I don't even remember. Off, Yes,

tip off Jesus. So I usuallywe have to be there about an
hour before that. So I wasthere. I got there at like four
thirty to get situated, situated andstuff, but I didn't have to be
there till five fifteen and then oneyear are you done? So the game
got done around like nine thirty.I probably was out of there at like
nine fifty. I had a littlemeeting with the guy who's the head of
the department, and we kind ofchatted about the position and and I like

did try to sell myself at thatpoint. I was like, listen,
I know that, like this wasmy first game. I think I did
a pretty good job. I wasn'tperfect, and I want you to know
that I am very teachable. Iwas like, I will just show my
track record on the morning show.I went from being a behind the scenes,
part time assistant producer to where Iam now. And I was like,
and I'm think I'm pretty easy towork with, Like if you need

me, you need to email me, like I will get back to you.
And so we had a really goodconversation after the game, and he
said that he's gonna make the decisionwithin this week. I think it's just
a matter of auditioning the other Doyou get free food? I don't know
what the food situation is because weused to get free food on the Action
pack, but now they bring incatered food, like right before the game

starts, and they all eat inthe offices Action pack does, and I
didn't really see what like the restof the department did. So I did
not have any dinner, and Iwas very nervous all day, so I
forced myself to eat, so Iwasn't like jitterating because I didn't have anything
in my stomach, but I couldbarely eat like a much thing throughout the
day. So I went home andhammered a box of they're called Goodles.

They're like Kraft mac and cheese.Okay, but hammered that box when I
got home. But yeah, itwas exciting. And one thing I want
to make sure I say is thankyou to you, because not many people
knew I was doing this, andI'm gonna like tear up saying this,
but Fallan is like one of themost supportive friends I've ever had in my

life, and like, like,this is no shame to anyone else because
most of my friends didn't even knowI was doing this. But Fallon was
just like so supportive, sent methe nicest text like encouragement, told like
made me feel better because we weretexting on Friday about like my anxiety and
like just like she said all theright things to make me feel good.
And I'm just like so grateful tohave someone like you because it's like you're

really excited to do certain things inlife, and when you have friends like
that backing you up, especially whenyou're nervous, yeah, anxious, it's
just such a great thing to have. So I do want to make sure
I said thank you for that.So I'm gonna tear up too, of
course. Yeah, no, Iagree, Like I just feel like you're
the I don't know who else they'reauditioning, so maybe they're perfect for it
too, honestly same, but butsince I know you, I just know

you're perfect for it, Like youhave like the energy and that's what I
was telling him, Like, theydid not email you because they want someone
to like be like a sports cast. They want someone who's fun and that
is just like you, and youbring like a good positive energy wherever you
go. Unless you haven't pooped ina while, then it's questionable. Yeah,
then you might get a little bitof a crabber Jenny. But when

the mic turns on, I continuestill turn on. Okay, here's another
question. Did you recognize Davy mybrother in law's friend Brandon is Okay,
so Davy my brother in law,his best friend, Brandon is like six
foot five. He's like, justlike very you can identify him from from
anywhere. And he texted me andhe goes, hey, is Jenny at

the Wolves game throwing out shirts?And I go, well, she's auditioning
for the inn host arena host butI was or whatever I said, And
I go, but yeah, sheprobably is, and he goes, Dude,
she threw me one. I thinkshe knew it was me. Tell
her that was sick. And Iwas like, And then I saw later
where he posted where he was sitting. I'm like, I don't know that
she could identify him from there.So I did two different T shirt tosses

and I have no idea what.I just whatever section, like if a
section was standing and I saw abigger group of people that were all like
hyped and their hands up. Ialways aim and I'm pretty good at tossing
to where I wanted to go,Yeah, because I did many T shirt
tosses back in the day, andso I like aimed towards a certain group.
But I definitely wasn't like honed inon a person. I just was

like, oh, that looks likea good group. Throw it that way.
There it was. But as soonas I throw out, I pretty
much run back to the band toget a new one, so I don't
pay attention to who got it.So if if I threw one to Brandon,
shout up, but I didn't know, I didn't see his gass in
the crowd. Also, I textedyou a picture that Steve O's best friend,
Kevin, he was at the gameand he texted me too, was
like is Jay. I was likeyeah, and I go, how she

doing. He's like so far good, okay, got great reviews. And
I had texted that to Andrew becauseI figured you were probably not able to
text him, and he was justlike hoping you're so I was like when
Kevin sent me that, I textedAndrew was just like, hey, looks
like she's like doing a good jobor whatever. And but yeah. I
was like very excited for you,and I was like, also, Timberwolves

play a lot of games, right, Like, so is that like,
I mean, I know obviously youwouldn't have auditioned because you thought about that
in advance. Are you nervous abouthaving so many games in the mix with
the morning shows early hours? No, I mean there's a couple of weeks
that are gonna be really rough.I've already looked at the schedule, but
I just it's just interesting because thisis something that I would have loved to

do when I actually did audition forthis position nine years ago when there was
openings and they said no, butlike we're doing the action pack. You
should audition for this because we reallyliked you, but like, you're not
fit for this job. And Iwas like, totally fine. I had
no radio experience back then when Iauditioned, and so it's something that like
I wanted back then, and sowhen they reached out, I was like,

I love it. I want todo it, and I know it
might get overwhelming at times with themorning show, but I don't go to
bed until like ten thirty most nights, so the weeknight ones, it's not
going to be that late, like, and I know that, like they'll
understand that I need to rush outthere as soon as we're done. I
know there's usually like postgame meetings totalk about things, but I think they'll

probably be understanding that I can't staytoo long after the game, So I
think it'll be fine. There's justlike a couple weeks kind of February March,
where I think it's like a backto back like Friday Saturday, and
then like a Tuesday Wednesday, likewithin like a week span, where I
think like some of the weeks mightget a little hectic and stressful, but

for the most part, they're spreadout enough to be able to like have
one here and there and it notfeel overwhelming, right, So I think
it'll be fine. I did doublecheck the schedule before I said anything,
because I didn't want to sign myselfup for something that was going to like
ruin me. That's smart, yeah, but it's something that I'm like so
excited about that, Like, Ithink there might be some weeks where,

yeah, I might be a littlebit tired and drained, but I know
that once I get there, itwill be like that'll be out the door.
Yeah, Because I just have somuch fun when I'm there. Yeah.
It's also, uh, when doesthe season end. I think it
goes into April, so but likebeginning of April and then obviously longer if
they make it to playoffs. AndI mean they're doing well, they're doing
good at home away games not somuch. Yeah, so like they're doing

okay so far, so we'll see. They might go further than the regular
season. I think. Also whenyou know that it's like a limited time,
it makes it also more doable,which is kind of how it's been
for like doing the TV show forme, Yeah, like knowing this is
I'm really tired right now, butthis is going to be like done in

early December, yep, so youcan make it through this chunk, you
know. And I feel like thenext if they do hire me November I
do have to miss I would haveto miss like three games because of our
Tahiti trip. So of course theyhappen to have three games that we cut
our whole. Yeah, but theyare aware of that. And then December

there's like not too much, soit's more like the next year, so
I can kind of get like agrip on how everything is I'll get more
comfortable and then when the schedule getsa little bit more hectic come twenty twenty
four, I think it'll be easy. I do want to say one thing
though, So I wanted to havelike the perfect outfit for this game because
I just wanted to like look good, feel good all this stuff. And

I found these great like leather pantsand loved it. Wore a jersey and
did you buy the jersey or didthey give it to you? Gave it
to Okay, cool? And itwas a special City Edition night. So
it's their new City edition jerseys andthey're super dope but looking so I love
it. But you had to heapit. Yeah, okay, wish I
wasn't aware. Yeah, I gotthat price take when he handed it to

me, and I go and Ididn't take the price take off right away.
And my friend Tony that works onAction pack, he goes, girl,
we got to get this off.What are you doing? We gotta
get the price tag off. AndI looked at Sheridan, the guy who's
in charge, and I go,well, I don't know if I was
like giving this back. He goes, no, that's yours. He's like,
yeah, get the price tag off, He's like, okay, okay.
So I wore that, and thenI was like, I'm gonna wear
these sparkly like litterary silver heel bootieswith the pants, and I thought,

like I walked around in them inthe house. I've only worn them for
a New Year's party I hosted likefive years ago, and so I walked
around in him in the house.I was like, oh, these actually
aren't too bad. Oh my gosh. By the first quarter, my feet
were cramping, like they were crampingbecause of the arch in it, and
I thought that they were comfortable enough, but they definitely weren't. And now

I realized that the New Year's partythem. I definitely was sitting quite a
bit at that party because he hadlike a vip booth thing that I could
sit in a bunch and I wasnot standing in half of the night.
Did you wear them the whole night? I wore him the whole night,
and I but I was lucky becausepretty much like halftime, like towards the
end of the second quarter quarter throughlike the beginning of the third, I

didn't have anything to do, andso he my like stage manager guy.
I guess is what he does he'slike, you can go sit in the
back for a while because I toldhim. I was like, Steven,
this was a poor decision. Ishouldn't know one in these And he's like,
he's like, you can go sitin the back. You don't have
much right now if you want to, just like take a breather. And
I was like, yeah, Ithink I'm probably going to because my feet
aren't feeling the greatest. He's like, yeah, that's why I told you,

you should probably just sit down.So I did have like a little
bit of a break, but Ilearned my lesson Tina like that used to
work with us. She had textedme, and I don't know how she
found out. I don't know ifshe saw someone's social media or something,
but she was like, are youdoing Wolve stuff again? I go yeah,
And so I'm texting her. Iwas like, I didn't tell her.
I don't think actually yeah yeah.I was like, I made a
poor decision though I'm in these damnheels and I'm sitting in the back right

now. She was texting me rightwhen I sit in the back. She
goes, girl, we got toget you in your sneaker. Era like
I'll help you with that. Ifyou get the job, I'm going to
help you with that and like getyou on your sneach. Shit. Maybe
I told her Saturday morning because Idon't care. Maybe I might have told
her at the we went to theillum Candle Warehouse tail. You should bedazzle,
like put jewels all over tennis shoes. Trust me. I have so

many ideas because I of course creepedon other female and arena hosts before going
in on Saturday, so so manyother people I've got like ideas from a
like fun outfit kind of like theonly one I know and I think she
was someone you looked at is AliLove from Peloton because she does one in
New York, so yes, Andshe's lucky because I think she is the

host for the Brooklyn Nets, whichI think their colors are black and white,
so she has like so much luckwith being able to wear black and
white gear at all times if it'snot like actual Brooklyn Nets stuff, So
good for her. Love that forher. I'm gonna have to step up
my green in blue wardrobe if Iget this, because I mean, I'll
wear wolves apparel, but you knowyou can wear like stuff that's not like

say Timberwolves on it too. Butyeah, so that was my weekend of
excitement. That's so exciting. Andnow we're just waiting to hear I know,
and they didn't tell you just thatit's hoping. They're hoping to figure
it out sooner than later. TheyI think they're going to have a decision
probably by like Thursday, because there'sa home game tonight and home game Wednesday
night, and so I think whoeverelse is auditioning, they'll have that done

by then and they'll probably have adecision by then because I know they want
to get the new and arena hostin like asaps. Yeah, so we'll
see, Okay, well, goodluck, thank you. Exciting and nerve
wracking, and it is like probablyjust such a relief to have it done.
And it's funny because you'll probably benervous, not that nervous, but
close to that nervous for like yourfirst few games, and then it'll just

be like everything else where, you'relike okay, yep, and if you
make a mistake, it won't likeruin your day. You'll like, yeah,
made a mistake, put it onyou know, So sure that's awesome.
Yeah, other than that did youdo anything else you had to day
off, Like Jenny actually came inon her day off to recorded this.
That is some dedication to the podcast, you know. Well, I wanted
to make sure we still One thingabout doing a podcast is you are successful

if you're like good at it.But then also you want to make sure
that you have your podcast out atthe same time every single week, and
you don't want to skip a weekand stuff. So I told Philan,
I don't mind. I live fiveminutes away from the stage. Yeah,
it's not that big of a deal. I would be sitting on my couch
probably looking at tiktoks right now,and I didn't come in and do this,
I know. So other than that, No, Andrew took me off
for brunch yesterday to kind of likecelebrate. He also, I'll tell you

this story. So he played theother role of the host the script,
and we practiced together on Friday andSaturday, and he literally was like so
funny. He's like trying to pretendto be an inn arena host and going
back and forth with me. Andthen I told him the one thing I
was nervous about was, like Ihave talked on the mic on a stage
before, but I've never had toworry about being in front of a camera

and like, you know, lookingat the camera, and so he grabs
my pham roller and he puts itin my face. He goes, this
will be the camera. Just pretendyou're looking at the phone roller and she's
like putting it in my face andstuff. And so I have to give
him a big shout out because hewas really really helpful and supportive. And
I refused to let him be atthe game. He wanted to come to
the game, and I said,no, please, Ye that'll make me
nervous, but yeah, so hetook me out for a brunch on Sunday.

We went to the Copper hen Itold him the story about how I
said, I basically wanted to havesex with your wedding cake because that's where
your wedding cake was from and Ihad never had any baked goods from there
before. So we did that andthen not much else. I tried to
relax. It's hard. I'm notused to relaxing on a Sunday because we
planned the morning show on Sundays andso it was weird. Like I did

relax, but I don't think mybrain knows how to do it. And
you were talking about that on thelast podcast when Jake went and took the
kids somewhere and you were like doinga million things and Jake was like,
sit down, like, yeah,chill for a second. It's also funny
because you're right if you take off, but if you only have one day
to take off. For the morningshow, you take off Monday, but
for the afternoon show, you haveone day. You take off Friday because

you don't want to work until sixpm on a Friday. Yeah, but
Sunday is where you do a tonof extra work, so you want Monday
off so you don't have to dothe Sunday work. But that's to be
fair, true. I only tookthis Monday off because I originally was actually
supposed to do the Timberls game tonight. We record this on a Monday if
you're listening on Tuesday or Saturday ofthe week, by the way, And

so I was supposed to do theTimberls game tonight and I wanted the day
to just prepare for it, sothat's why. And then last minute,
well not last minute, but afterwe had set that up there, like
can you do Saturday instead, Sothat's why I took it off, and
then I just decided to keep itbecause I really don't. I don't know
what to do with my vacation daysthat I have left over because we have
the trip coming up in a fewweeks, but I have a couple of

vacation days I still used. Ihave three, and I'm like, I
just need to take them. SoI'm like, I'm gonna take. Zach's
taking off this Friday to use hislast one. We both have enough for
like the week of Christmas, buthe has one extra, so he's taking
this Friday. So I'm going totake next Friday. Then I'm gonna take
a Thursday and Friday December, Iguess because I'm like, I don't know
what to do with them. ButI'm my god, I am effing using
my vacation day absolutely and don't.And there's like, I know, I

think you are the same way asme. I felt guilty being off today.
I felt so guilty, and Idon't know how to get out of
that mindset because you are allowed touse your vacation days, but I just
feel because I am so I'm theperson who puts our show together. Yeah,
I feel like I'm leaving them hangingwhen I take a day off,
and I didn't take it off forlike a big purpose. Like I'm actually

off next Monday too, because myyounger sister's supposed to be doing a marathon
and Madison on this coming Sunday.Yeah, so I'm gonna be back in
Wisconsin and I'm not driving back untilMonday. So I'm taking next Monday off
too, And I know I'm probablygonna feel like guilty about that. You
shouldn't, but you will, butyou shouldn't. Yeah, take your vacation
days. If nothing else is takenaway from this podcast, it is,

don't feel guilty. Don't be likeus. Yeah, take your vacation days
because you deserve them. Everyone deservestheir vacation days. And just do your
best to like actually relax. Yeah, so besides the candles sale, what
else did you do this weekend?I took all of to like a yoga
class, because like kid yoga Ican do because it's not real yoga.
Yeah, girls, I hate mywrist. I hate it. Friends invite

me to classes all the time,where I'll get invites from local studios to
come try class. I'm like itis. It isn't you. It's me
like I have wicked wrists and youdo tim many downward dogs. I don't
like it. And then we hadlike celebrate Jake's sisters think this weekend is
like a busy weekend. I finallywas just like, Jake really wants to
go to the Stevie Nicks Billy Joelconcert. I have a friend selling tickets.

Do you need tickets? No,I got okay tickets. I'm gonna
be honest with you. I gothim free once on the radio station out
and I so I was like,I do I want to see Stevie Nicks
so bad, but I've seen herbefore and I just don't give an ass
about Billy Joel. It's a partialbit for radio where I say, hey,
he's a hack and only has twosongs. That's a bit. But
I also just like don't care.So I just texted as brother because Jake's

like, all go by myself,and I'm like, I would never make
you. I would go with youover you going by yourself. So I
texted his brother and his brother werelike, oh, I don't really know
their songs, but hell yeah,I love a concert deal because we have
Adam Sandler tickets that I did buyfor Sunday, and I honestly thought about
selling, well, when is theBilly Joel? Is that that Friday?
Oh Friday? And then Saturday isAdam Sandler? Okay? Or sorry,
Sunday is Adam Taylor. And I'mlike, part of me wants to sell

my Adam Sandler tickets because I'm like, I just don't want to do anything.
Yeah, and I've been saying no, this is one final thing too,
because then I was like November,they say, you know, but
I actually got invited to be ona podcast, and I was like racking
my brain to find a time thatworked for them between the TV show and
the radio show. And then Ifinally was like, what the fuck are
you doing? And I message thelady back and go, hey, I
really want to do this, butcan we do them in the beginning of

the year because right now I'm reallystretched thin. She was like absolutely,
and I was like, why doI do this to myself? I would
have dreaded that day because I wouldhave had no break. And I'm like,
you can say no, or let'sdo this in the beginning of the
year, which I did. Seea meme that's like we've officially hit let's
let's circle back at the beginning ofthe year season. I'm like, hell

yeah, I love that season.So anyway, that's it for the podcast.
I think, okay, all right, good well, thanks for hanging
out with us.
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