All Episodes

March 5, 2024 34 mins
Jenny finally reveals what she's been working on behind the scenes...
Plus, more random bits about their weekends!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the I'm Still Fun Podcast. Hi, Alan and Jenny. We
were just doing our usual like ketchupcatch up. Yes, I need a
haircut because you got a haircut andI'm feeling very jealous. And I haven't
had a haircut in like over ayear because the guy who damn Yeah,
because my guy who cut my hair, Charlie, who was like the owner
of house salon, moved to Hawaii. Oh didn't know that. Yeah,

so he comes back, I thinklike every quarter, but I don't ever
get it. Yeah, for likea weeerson. I need to find a
new person. And I also likeall of my daughters. She needs a
haircut because her hair is so long, so we got a full family.
Have you ever cut her hair?One time I had her aunt Hannah cut
it. Hannah cuts hair, butnot like all the time anymore. She

used to, so now she's likenot in practice. I guess if you
will, And she casually mentioned shedoesn't love doing like children's cuts, and
oh dang, we had her doingshe does Dylan's hair though, still so
yeah, guy's hair is usually alittle bit easier ill depending on what I
guess how they get it style.Yes, that plays a big role.
Yeah, we or I just likehadn't had it cut. Honestly, it

only was probably five ish months.But my hair just it gets damaged so
easily. I feel like in myends start getting so choppy, and I
am so guilty of splitting my splitends. It is my crutch, it
is my thing. Andrew always hethinks something's wrong if I'm splitting my split
ends, and so we'll be likedriving in the car and he'll look over

and I'm like splitting my split ends. Or I'm sitting on the couch and
he's working and he'll be like,what's going on whatever, and I'm like,
babe, this has just made mythings. That's high school Jenny's idol
sit. Yeah, like, andI'm still like paying attention, Like we
would be show planning and I'd besplitting my split ends. But I'm fully
engaged in hearing the conversation that's happeningaround me. It's just something I do.
Yeah. So today, by theway, I was driving into work

and I was like, I'm sotired. I'm so tired, and Jake
was like, drink some water,you know, because that always helps me,
and I go, I haven't hada single sip of water, Dady.
He's like, how do you liveyour fucking life like this? And
I was like, I don't know. So how much water have you already
had at this point, Jenny,I actually probably have only had four ounces.
I did tell myself. I thoughtyou were gonna have said a lot
more than that. No, Ihad today, Yeah, no, like

four ounces because I was had areally bad night of sleep last night,
and she'd be drinking all that water, Jenny. Well that's what I tried
to do. But I got myselfcariboo, which it's a Monday morning right
now, and I don't do thatbesides on Fridays. But it was a
struggle getting up this morning, andI was like, this is going to
bring me a lot of joy andcaffeine, so I'm going to get it.
So I came in, had afew SIPs of water, and then

allowed myself to drink my coffee prettymuch the rest of the morning. And
that's been it was. It's nota good day though for me with water.
My inntech's better do you because weboth have these like mean girl like
I drink a full one every nightafternoon. I guess okay, So they're
like rip off Stanley, so they'rea pretty big mug or cub, whatever
you call them. And I've triedto drink at least like half of one

during the show. But I alsojust don't have a lot of pot breaks,
so I get stressed if I startdrinking too much because the next thing,
I know, almost every commercial break, I'm having to run in the
bathroom. And I'm also the producerof the show, so sometimes I'm doing
things in the commercial break that Ican't be running in the bathroom. So
I don't drink a whole one ofthose. But yeah, today was bad
for me. And also it isthe most typical male thing to say whenever

something's wrong, did you drink somewater? Have you drinking enough water that
at least the way that andrews,Okay, I have a headache, Well,
how much water have you drink today? And I'm like, Babe,
water is not always the answer.It probably is, but it's not always
an it frustrated. I don't knowthere was a guy thing. I mean,
I Jake it is because Jake alwayssays that. And sometimes even if

I've had water, I will say, like, I haven't had water in
two days just because it triggers him, and it brings me joy to watch
him just flip out because he startshis day every day he has one of
those like liquid ivs, but Idon't even think he uses that brand.
Yeah, and he's like, gottaget your elector lights, you gotta get
on mad and I'm like all right. And then I did go to pilates
and the girls like, I getdizzy every time I stand up, and
she was like, sounds like youprobably need to like focus on electrolytes.

I'm like, I get dizzy everytime I stayed up. I'm thinking this
my head ytra focus on electrolytes.But I'll never tell Jake that. She'll
never let him win that one.So I think the thing with Andrew when
he asked if I drink en upwater is what annoys me. Is like
he won't be complaining about anything,but it's the fact that he drinks like
a pot of coffee every day andthat's his intake of liquids. And I'm

like, you don't ever drink water? How do you know? Why are
you always telling me like you drinkmore water, drink more water? And
so yeah, I get a littlesnippy of sometime or I'll like, or
I'll say before he even brings itout, like I have a headache and
I go, no, I didn'tdrink much water today, Like I'll say
that kind I'm off nice. Ialso know you will have no empathy for

me. But I set my firstalarm this morning since leaving the Morning Show,
I don't set alarms anymore for anything. Yeah, just wake up naturally,
so I'll always have been like kindof an early sh right kind of.
But I actually like sleep later now, Like I wake up at like
sometimes like seven thirty eight on weekendmornings, which I used to wake up

earlier than that without Olive, butnow like Jake will usually get up with
her on the weekends. But Isaid, an alarm that is six am.
Workout class today, oh day yeah, because they didn't have a seven
Yeah. But I was like,I don't like this. I'm not gonna
that's not gonna be like a newhobby. I was like, I the
benefit of not the one benefit ofnot in the Morns Show is me not

waking up that early, So Idon't want to do that again. So
Jake was like, I think it'sgreat to like overload your mondays, you
just get so much accomplished. AndI was like, okay to an extent,
Yeah, Mike, I don't know. I do eight am workout classes
sometimes on the weekends. It dependson the weekend, but I like love
to go to my trainer's gym anddo with her eight am class class on

Saturdays. And then yesterday I wentto an eight am Warrior Sculp class.
I walked in to that studio completelyout of it, not realizing the instructor
was talking directly to me as Iwalked past her and was offering me this
workout band that we needed for theworkout, and I just completely ignored her.

I was belining into the sweat,and then this guy like waves in
my face trying to help her getmy attention to grab us, and I
go, I'm so sorry because Iheard her talking, but I thought she
was at the front of the roomand I didn't realize she was right when
you walked down. And I'm like, I'm so sorry. So she comes
up to me like forty five minutesinto the class, she goes, are

you awake now? And I'm yeah, you can call my assot. It's
okay, Like I get it,but yeah, no, I wouldn't on
weekends. I allow myself to like, I would not do a six am
workout class if I like can sleepin a little bit. Yeah, I
I that is for sure. AndI was going to tell you too,
I did have one. I'm allover the place, by the way.
I think it's because I'm tired.There's no there's no consistency to where my

brain is going to go here.I'm not like another workout. I'm leading
into something very different. Because Ididn't want to forget to tell you,
but yesterday we went, Jake andI took all of to a little dance
thing at Chanhassen High School. It'slike all the girls that kind of go
to all of school, but they'rethe older girls, like seniors, so
they're like it's a higher level danceand it's cool for her to see them.

But I I felt so bad becauseso first of all, we sat.
It was with two other girls thatgo to class with all of So
we let the three girls sit infront of the moms and it was me,
the two moms to my right,and Jake to my left. The
three kids are sitting next to adad and I felt so bad for this
dad, because they're like chat andthe whole time, and we're like quiet,

So I am getting onto my daughter. But then there is a scene
where the show's because it's different musicalnumbers and it's three eggs are on the
stage with just like a little holewhere it's supposed to represent like the bird
being born. Okay, but thebeginning, it's just the girls are behind
the egg. You can't see themand just their arms through the hole doing

this thing, and I lean rodjakag happy, my fucking luck. I
trained for twelve years and I'm afucking egg and they show and all I
could just show us my arm andJake lost it. He couldn't stop crying,
and he's like shaking the whole rolerole and he's like because he just
I think he could actually imagine thisbeing me. And then I couldn't stop
laughing, so I had yelled atall of We laughed through the entire performers.

We couldn't stop, and we werelike trot and we just hear us
heavily breathing, and I was like, if these poor girls look out,
they're seeing us like laugh hysterically,if their parents are around us. They're
like these adult assholes, and wejust couldn't stop. And then we left
the intermission because I was like,all of this was driving me nuts.
She was like she couldn't help it. It would go dark and she'd go
ha because she's like, why isit dark? On a I was like,

oh my god, So, howwas your weekend to do anything fun?
Yes? No, I did dosome fun things, well sort of
fun things, but okay, Ifinally played pickleball. Did you like it?
Yes? You know the actual rules? Yes? Because so my friend
Bailey, she's from my hometown,grew up with her. My family and
her family all grew up together,and she is this tennis star. Her,

all of her sisters, her andher two sisters, they are these
tennis stars. She holds like recordsat Saint Mary's and Winona from when she
went to college here and played tennis. So she is intense and really good,
and so was her sister McKenna thatwas up visiting, and so they
taught us the rules because there wasa group of like thirteen of us there
and we were just kind of rotatingplaying and stuff, and only f I

think four people total knew how toplay, so I was making sure I
was watching for a while before Iwas the annoying one like I don't get
it whatever, So I didn't goin till a little bit later, and
I picked up on the rules prettyeasily. I felt like I actually like
knew them better than people who haveplayed before by the time I was playing.
So I felt good about that becauseI thought it was going to be
a little more difficult to learn.It's not really. You just had to
get like kind of basics, likedid she teach you just scoring or does

she teach like you're always supposed tostand back with server and all of that.
Okay, yeah, yep, andthen she's taught us or she so
she plays close to the kitchen andsaid, how like the pros play close,
but we have to be careful becauseyou can't step in a whatever when
you're volleying. And if that's whatit's called, right, volley volleyen,
I think that's what you would callit. That's what I thought too,

because I asked someone. I waslike, is that what it's called in
pickleball or is it called like pickling? Like there, so there was a
different phrase. I feel like thewoman used, but now I can't remember
what she used, but I would. I don't think anyone would get on
to you for saying volleying. Yeah, so at one point, h Bailey
is so, my friend Bailey,who's the tennis star, is playing with
her friend Ashley. Ashley is aboutfive months pregnant. Andrew and I are

playing on the other side, andI started just like slamming balls at Ashley,
and after the second time, Igo, Ashley, I'm so sorry,
I'm going to refrain from doing that, as like, since you are
pregnant, and I am seriously scaredI'm gonna hit your something. But of
course my competitiveness came out. Iwanted to beat Bailey because Bailey was like
unbeatable, nobody beat or the entiretime she played, even when she played

with people who weren't very good.Ye, and we almost beat them,
and so yeah, getting hyped orwhatever, and I was like, all
right, Jenny, slow down,don't hit the pregnant girl. Whatever.
But yeah, that was super fun. But outside of that, I had
talked last week about how I've justbeen working on something and that consumed my
entire weekend and it is finally outin the open on my Instagram. So

I started a travel blog and yeah, so I can finally talk about it
because I did published it and it'sthe website is live. It's called meetmeof
grid dot com and I am stillworking on putting a lot of information up
on it, but I have itfree to the public, so you can
go look at it now if youwant. And that's really what's been consuming

my life for the last couple ofmonths. Like I spend weekends like it's
like I worked during the week,I go home, I work on the
website, and then my weekends havebeen like heavy content writing weekends, and
that's kind of home. My weekendwent and Andrew and I did go play
basketball two different days outside because heloves to shoot around. So that was

fun, nice little break from lookingat a computer screen. But yeah,
man, those of you that lookat computer screens for like eight hours a
day, and like, I'm surepeople have meetings and stuff, but when
you're just like looking at a screenfor so many hours, I don't know
how that doesn't get in your head. Because I could not sleep last night
after spending about eight hours writing upall this content on the website, and

it was like I was having dreamsabout it. I was stressing out about
little details and stuff, and soI can't imagine having a job like I
look at a computer screen for work, but it's also engaging conversation, you
know, it's just different. I'mconstantly looking at it. I have been
privy to the information that Jenny's workingon this, which I think is so

great because Jenny loves travel, andwhat I said to her was like,
she doesn't travel like super cheap whereyou're staying in hostels, but she stay.
She does it like in a verybudget friendly way, and I feel
like it's very relatable, which Ireally like because so many people have like
partnerships and their hotels and stuff area thousand dollars a night. I'm like,

who can afford that? Like whenis this world? Like I And
I'm not knocking them forgetting it,like I would post the shit out of
it if I got that free hotel. But that and also like one of
the top things that I really lookfor what I'm looking for because when I
like research for travel, Jenny andI are kind of similar on how we
research. We do we both researcha crap ton, but it's not to

plan every minute of every day.It's because we want an idea of what
we're doing if we're only going toget like we only get a week off
at a time. So if I'mgoing to be somewhere for a week,
I'm not wasting time sitting around beinglike googling things we should eat, like
eat or do. So I liketo have a list of options so that
we can and I do well.I will build out kind of like example

day, you know, and likeif you have to book something, then
I'll book those things. But Ireally liked because how I research. I
like when people will say here's afive day itinerary or here's ten day or
whatever, and that's one of thethings that you did that I really like.
I feel like people will really appreciatethat and enjoy it. And also
when you do those things, it'slike when I look at other people's like,
you know, five day teneries,I'm like, I don't like day

four at all, So I'll justplan something totally different, you know,
if I'm looking at someone else's blog, so I just I don't know.
I always like those because it alsogives you kind of a time frame because
sometimes you'll think things. Oh that'sonly like twelve miles apart, but in
like reality, it could be likean hour to drive with something crazy and
you know, you don't know untilyou're there. So I really like that

because and obviously she includes photos,which I'm a photo girl, a love
photo of a food item on amenu, you know. So yeah,
it's you can tell like the detailedwork you put in and it's really really
helpful and nice. Yeah, thankyou. I appreciate that. Yeah,
it's going to be a lot oflike travel guides for all the dust I've
been at. I do have onetab that's all travel tips of things that

I've learned in terms of like someof it's kind of money saving tips,
but other things are just like helpfuladvice for like going on a long flight
because honestly, I only traveled longflights in the last couple of years,
and I did so much research aheadof time because I didn't know like what
to expect and stuff. So it'sa lot of kind of tips, some
frugal tips, some ways I bookedthings cheaper, and then just guys of

what I know, packing tips,packing lists and stuff like that. I
think that was the main thing whenI went to Thailand, I was looking
at anyone who had a Thailand packinglist because I was also only bringing a
backpack. So I was just likeevaluating all these different lists that I was
seeing, and Foul and I bothlook at travel blogs when we plan trips,
and so I just I really lovedhaving that information at hand, and

I just wanted to have that forsomeone else to look at because so many
people message me and will be like, well, how do you even plan
your trips because we'll talk about meplaying things frugally and whatever, and travel
blocks have been so helpful for me. Well, it's like, also,
how do you plan a trip ina backpack to Thailand? Right when we
did Switzerland and Paris, I onlydid a carry on and people were freaked

out by that. So I can'teven imagine going smaller to a backpack.
Yeah, I mean it almost.It was a forty liter backpack, which
is a little bit smaller than Ithought I was going to do because I
was going to go out and buyone, but I ended up borrowing my
girlfriends and it ended up fitting everythingquite perfectly. But also, like I
mean, I learned like how beneficialpacking cubes were and stuff like that.

So anyways, it's been a longjourney coming. I had an idea about
two years ago to start this,and I tried. I tried real hard
to start it on my own,and I finally hired a website company and
they worked. So they just likeworked so well with me and really helped
develop what I saw the website tobe. And everything else from now on

is on me, like all thecontent creation is. But I struggled for
a while to get this off theground because I had no idea how to
build a website and I was tryingto teach myself for a while, and
I would have bouts of like,oh my god, I'm getting it,
I'm getting it, and then I'dget stuck and I was like, you
know what, ef it Like,I've learned this from Andrew that some things,
if you have the money, areworth spending the money. I greed,

yeah, and I like have asavings so it's like, you know
what, this is like something I'mpassionate about. I want to put some
money into this. I don't wantto build a website because there's some people
out there whose websites I still goto, but it's so poorly built yeah,
and it's not aesthetically pleasing, andI will still look at their information

every once in a while. Butlike I lean towards the people whose websites
are built out correctly. They're easyto navigate, they're nice to look at
because they have pictures and stuff,whereas like other people would be like grainy
images or like things are sized wrongor something. But yeah, so Fallon's
known all about this for a littlewhile and I'm excited. And I mean,

whether you travel or not, goahead and check it out if you
would like to. And if youhave any ideas or feedback for me,
yeah, let me know, becauseI mean I'm still learning. I'm still
learning what to do with a websiteright now. It's still just such a
great feeling when you finally like you'vebeen working on something for so long and
it finally is like out in theworld. It's like such a gratifying feeling.

So congratulations, thank Yeah, whatis that website again? Because you
know, meet me off grid dotcom. Okay, yeah, you want
to shout I mean you can,you want to shout out the website company,
I will, I'll give him ashout out. They're called Integrated marketing
and design. They're based out ofI believe, Prior Lake, and I

just I've been working with this guynamed Chad and I want to say he's
probably the owner. I might bemiss speaking, but he just I don't.
It was like you never know whenyou hire someone to help you with
something, how quick they're going tobe with things. And I felt like
I was the one who was likeslow getting him stuff and he said,
all right, Jenny, we havethis, we have this, but now
we need this, and I'm like, oh my god, like because I'm
still working a full time job,like trying to juggle both things. So

I kept being like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, And I mean we
had a couple of meetings ahead oftime to like have a vision in place,
but really I just gave him someexamples some other travel bloggers I follow
and stuff, and he just ranwith everything and did honestly, he did
more than like was even put inthe contract, Like he added more things
than he did, more than likeI anticipated. And I am so grateful

for it because it would have takenme even longer to have this thing going
live if it wasn't for how muchhelp they were. Yeah, that's awesome.
Well, not to shift completely,but we didn't have any emails,
but I did want to give ashout out. We did get a joint
message this past week on DMS.Yes, and now I don't even have
it in front of me, soI don't even know her name, and

I felt bad. I find it. It was someone who is in the
thick of the Love is Blind actionas we are, and so they were
like, oh my god, they'refilming in the Twin Cities. So one
person DMDB and Jenny and they werelike, it was it's Milton's right,
is what it's called Millies Millie's setit wrong, Millie's. They were filming

there because obviously they're the next seasonactually might be two seasons from now,
but either were Minneapolis. They're inlike the phase where they live in the
apartments and I don't think that they'vedone the wedding portion yet, but they're
doing the dating at home and blahblah blah. So they were at Milly's.
I got a DM you weren't copiedon. I don't think you message

upon. My name is CAMMI wholet us know about mill But then you
message us saying where you heard thatthey were at High High and then I've
gotten a couple others since then,but they're very seems like they're focused really
on like kind of like that NorthLoop, Northeast area, North East area
for sure for their filming, whichis really fun. And of course one
of her Cammy's notes was that shesaw the gold cups because they're known for

like the gold cups, which isfor continuity, so that like you know
what I mean, that's when theyuse them. And so I was like,
that's it's just so funny, andshe said she knew it was weird
because she was like at the restaurantand they brought out these Italian pasta dishes
and she's like, they don't servethat here, Millie. It only does
like appetizer kind of like charcuterie,wird kind of vibes. They don't serve

like full dishes because they don't havea huge kitchen there. So I'm trying
to think of I've been to Mellies. If I have, it's like once,
it's only been open since last summer, so it's fair it's very new.
Then I feel like no, yeah, but they were upstairs filming there
and I thought that was very fun, and I was honored that we were
a top thought for people and they'reall of us Blind is filming. We
got a message Fallin and Jenny,I know, I appreciate that I've been

so like hyped. I was bummedbecause I don't know why I misread this.
I thought all the rest of theepisodes for Love Is Blind came out
this past Wednesday. I didn't realizeit was only two, and then we
get the next two this week andthen reunion like the week after or whatever.
Yeah, they're really what Rerillly,I thought we were gonna have like
four episodes to watch this weekend,and then we watched one on Thursday,

and then Friday that was our bigthing. Friday Night, like we're gonna
watch Love Is Fine. Yeah,well, I will tell you this much.
Next weekend is gonna be hype becauseit'll be the reunion yep which is
my favorite. But Friday night nextweekend, like the fifteenth okay, new
Casey Musgraves album, Okay, OliviaRodrigo concert and now the fourteenth, like

midnight or something, Taylor Swift's concertshow is on Disney Plus. I assume
it's free on Disney Plus. Soassuming it is, I will actually watch
it. I haven't paid to watchit in the theater or when it came
out on whatever else it was on, because it was like, absolutely not,
I spent enough money seeing your concert. I will wait because eventually it
will be free. Yeah, sovery very active weekend. The following weekend,

we watched Survivor in our household.Okay, Andrew is a huge super
fan it, and so it's likeit's hard to get him to watch shows
I like most of the time,even though I did get him on Love
is Blind the season, but it'seasy for me usually to get in with
like things he likes. So Ido watch Survivor with him. And on
this last week, it was thepremiere of the new season and one of
the commercials was for Dick's Sporting Goods, and they were so aggressive with the

way that they were like, makesure you go to Dix dot com,
like the way they said it,and I was laughing so long. I
was like, they can air thison cable television. So I'm like laughing
and I'm like mocking the way theysaid it to Andrew. And Andrew looks
over at me. He goes,oh, well, have you ever gone
to meet spins dot com? Iwas like, no, I haven't whatever,
and I'm working on my computer whatever, and he comes over. He's

like, well, look it up, and I go, well, is
it a porn site? He goes, no, and so I type it
in. It's a fucking porn site, of course it is. Oh my,
I'm like, Andrew, this isa work computer, Like, I
can't be looking so Steve would Stevewould? I know you would. He
started laughing so fun so hard.He thought he was so funny, and

I'm like, babe, I can'tbe looking this stuff up on a war
computer. Like even though we behindthe scenes, we do probably look up
things you would not normally look outthe computer. But yeah, he thought
he was so funny for doing thatto me. And I'm just like whatever,
I'm gonna go delete my history nowand hopefully nothing ever comes with this,
even though I don't think because it'sa laptop and I don't think they
really track any of us that workon air, probably what we are doing

or I don't honestly know that theyhave the ability to with my computer,
but maybe who knows. Yeah,find out you're gonna get an email list
with you. Are you visiting meatspends dot com the one time? Honestly,
I was looking and I'm not gonnareveal what it was, but I
was looking up something for the showthis morning too that I said to Drake
and Dave, Hey, you're gonnahave to polish for me that if they've

come after me because I'm on thesite that you like, it was for
a bit for the show, andThey're like, I'm not saying shit,
and I'm like, okay, bothof you. F both of you.
I'm trying to like produce the showand I have to be on these websites,
and now you guys aren't going tocome to bat for me, like
whatever. Other than this website launchingthis week, give another things going on

this week or this weekend. Notreally, I just have to I really
have to find now that I havethis website, a balance of life,
yeah, because right now it's beenlike hard in the pain getting stuff on
it, and I do need tolike take a break and enjoy life at
the same time. So this comingweekend, I think I'm going to try

to just be social and not doanything on it. Yeah, but in
a couple of weekends. I mean, this is a little far out,
but I think it's so fun andunique and I'm so happy that his family
is like this. Andrew's grandma,Okay, I got to think for a
second, she'll never listen to this. I just have ruined a surprise once
before for the family. I remember, yes, and it was also for

surprised Grandma's also for Grandma Handy,Yeah, listen to this. We are
going to a Beyonce drag brunch forher birthday. And like she was fine,
Yeah, So we like just boughtour tickets for it. And I
actually have only ever done like theMorning Show drag brunch things, like I've
never gone to one at Union oranything like that. So I'm really hyped

about that. And I just Andrewwas just talking the other day. He's
like, how wild is it thatGrandma Candy's birthday We're going to a Beyonce
drag brunch. And I'm right.I love that your family is like that,
because my family, yeah, isnot so much like Yeah, I
feel like that's how Jake's family wouldbe, but yeah, my family not
so much either. I don't know. I did talk to my younger sister

Katie, who she's the one whohad the stroke last summer. I talked
to her for a while this pastweekend, and I just like to report
on how she's doing. Sometimes peoplewill ask, and she's definitely doing a
ton better. She also listens tothis, so I'm not going to go
into like details of that stuff,but it was really nice to see her
where she's at right now in life. And I think like every once in

a while some of her words geta little jumbled, but for the most
part, she is very much backto normal with everything, and I'm just
happy to hear that, I think. I mean, people have told me
it takes like at least a yearfor anyone to recover from a stroke if
they're able to. Yeah, Sojust talking to her, I was I
mean, I was overly paying attentionto everything, so I'm like over here,

like I don't know how she iswhatever. But it was very normal
conversation and it was really nice tosee that. Yeah, that's so awesome.
I mean, that's been Katie.If you are listening, Jenny has
been endlessly worried because she loves youso much, and obviously if that happened
to anyone's sister, wou'd be veryterrifying. But obviously Jenny's sister is so
incredibly young, so it was very, very scary for the entire family.

And that's amazing. And I thinkobviously her youth is what is probably one
of the biggest reasons why she's ableto recover as quickly as she Right,
I would assume that also, likewhen they were able to catch it.
Yeah, and that plays a hugefactor too, because I mean that's why,

like stroke awareness is so important andI'm only learning about this because of
her, yep, But like thesigns of seeing someone having a stroke can
literally like change if someone can recoveror if it like will affect them the
rest of their life, Like howquickly you catch a stroke happening? So
yeah, yeah, but other thanthat, nothing nothing else. I mean,

you did stuff with I know youguys did the Drag Show? Can
I tell you? I like madeDrake feel like crap on Friday for a
half second because we were talking aboutwhat we were doing over the weekend.
He goes, oh, I'm goingto this like Drake show with Fallon and
Ted, and I go, wow, thanks for the invite, And he
was oh, and I'm like,I'm just kidding Drake, like it was
live, and He's like, Iwas gonna feel so bad. I was

like, I thought she invited you, and I was like she did.
I just thought, well, also, I don't know that he shared this,
but we had, Drake and Ihad a very beautiful bond moment.
Because so I went before I wasmeeting them at the Rotunda. I went
to Sephora. I got like allthese products I was going to buy.
I wait in line. The line'snot moving. They're like it moves fast.
I'm like, okay, it's mallof America. It's not like your

fault. It's a busy Saturday night. So I did a jerk thing and
left all my stuff right there online where I was. That is a
jerk move. I bailed. Igo, we go to the show.
We maybe do a little chipsy salcyafter Yeah, oh god of course,
and I said, I go,hey, I'm going to go back to
Sephora. They're open for like fifteenmore minutes and see if my stuff is

still sitting where I left. It. Heed to tell you all this.
He didn't. He told me onething about Sephora. But I'll wait till
you finish your thing. So Igo back, my stuff is still there.
I was like, oh yeah,so I grab it and then Drink's
like, oh, actually, canyou help me? And I was like
okay, and he was like Ikind of want like a foundation ey powder
thing. And I was like really, and he was like yeah, because
he's like I get like so oilyand I stream and all that, and

I was like, oh, yeah, for sure, and I go,
I don't think i'm the best personto help you with this stuf. I'm
not like a makeup person. Ilike have things that I consistently get,
or I'll try a couple of newthings here and there. But I am
not a big foundation powder person.And he was like okay, and I
said, but I'll help you asksomeone. So I asked a woman.
She brings us over to this guyand she's like, can you help color

match? And the guy looks atme and he's like, look at my
face. I go, oh,no, no, it's not my color
match. He goes what And Igo, it's not my color match,
it's his. And he's like okay, and he looks over and he's staring
at him. He does like thefull thing, and then Drake goes and
looks in the mirrors like, ohmy god, oh god, like this
looks so good, and Drake isjust staring at himself. He is thriving.
He was so he was so impressedhow I looked on him and he

got it and he's like, I'mreally happy we went here. Thank you
so much, like I've been wantingto get this stuff. And the guy
was like super nice and helping himand everything. It was just like a
lovely I felt like I was takingmy son and to get his first makeup
match color match, you know,so for it was very cute. So
the only thing I had heard fromhim was that he was shocked at how

expensive makeup is it is. Yeah, he was like, are you fifty
dollars for whatever? And I waslike yeah, and I think I just
made a comment on the show lastweek about how expensive makeup is and like
guys will never know, or maybesome guys do know. But he could
get a cheaper version with like Walmart, but he also Sephora name brand one.
That's like something though that I feellike I learned once I started having

like a little bit extra money,is I stopped buying the really cheap makeup
and got nicer stuff, and thatstuff always lasts longer anyways, and it's
nicer. So I learned that,Like I would buy you know, blush
that would break within like the firstweek or something like that, It's like,
now I buy something that's a littlebit pricier, but it lasts longer,
so I think it evens out inthe end. Are also Drake and

I split. I made him becausehe was gonna get his own meal,
but I only wanted one like fajitataco. I was like, we split
FATA's with me. He's like yeah, they bring it out and you know
how knowing fucking fahidas are, becausethat's what Drake wanted. Where the fajidas
and the guy it is it couldhave caused a fire, like the fire
alarms. I've never seen more smoke. The guy sits in front of my
face. I start choking out ofcontrol, and everyone at the tables laughing,

and then the server even was like, oh my god, and he
moves it. I was like,why didn'yone film that? No one cared?
Drake of course got photos of it. I was like, okay,
fuck off, like give me amoment that could have been a great viral
moment. Drake, God, You'rethe worst. And they weren't live or
any live photos you could turn intolike a video. He waited till after
I choked it out and then hefilmed anyway, But it was a delightful
weekend, And yeah, I don't. I don't hang out with Drake very

often anymore either, so that's whyI got invited him. I was like,
Oh, I was gonna ask you, so, do you think you're
going to fill in on the JasonShow now or anytime they kind of need
to fill in? I think so. I mean they want me to.
The only times I'm like no iswhen it's like a company holiday that I
have off too, because I'm like, no, I don't want to work.
That's like I don't want to workbecause they asked me to on like
Presidents Day or something. I waslike no. I didn't give him a

reason, but I was like,because I have the day off and I
don't want to get my hair andmakeup ready and go on into the TV
show. But this one worked out. It was like three days, which
is really nice, but it reallyis exhausted to do both, I was
going to say, because that meansyou're like going from It's like, yeah,
people work really long days sometimes,but with these it's like such a
you gotta be on and then yougot to be on again. Yeah,
sorry, Colt, you're getting someleftover shit today. I'm gonna be like

it was you got to carry theshow. I'm tired, bro. I
forced Colt to tell me his exactaddress because I knew he lived in Saint
Louis Park. So when he wasin last week one day, I was
like, tell me where you liveand I like googled it immediately and I
was like, we're neighbors. Heldyou know, we're like neighbors. But
he also said that he didn't givehim yours and I said that was on
purpose, because she doesn't want youto know where she lives. She just

wants to know how close you areto her. It was, and then
I was like pointed. I waslike, I put an offering on a
house here, and I did thatthere, and I was like pointing out
all these spots on the I toldhim what street I live in. I
love side of Minnetanga Boulevard, Ilive in the reason all that even happen
is He's like, have you heardof Parkway Pizza? Go? Have I
heard of Parkway Pizza? I waslike, Jenny's boyfriend has a sign in
the yard, and he goes,I know where they live. Okay,

there my the other people that havea park of Parkway Pizza signs. And
we actually don't have a sign anymorebecause I think it fell down or it
broke or something and somebody like somebodythrew it in the trash after that's weird.
The trashman day, I was like, oh, interesting the Parkway signs
there. Well, rip Parkway Pizzasign. At least the building still stands.

Don't worry, Andrew will keep thatbusiness alive as long as it's thriving
around the corner from us, becauseliterally the man orders at least like one
to two times a week from there. And yeah, it's delightful. All
right, anything else I'll till Igot all right, have a great week.
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