All Episodes

March 12, 2024 35 mins
This week Falen shares her husband's weird new sleep habit, Jenny finsihed book 2 of ACOTAR, they discuss their weekends, goodles and more! 
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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to that I'm Still Fun podcastwith Falon and Jenny. What are you
gonna stop lying? You're looking atme like something so wrong and that I'm
lying to you about anything. Iwas touching my teeth just now with my
finger in my mouth because my teethfeels so gross because I've been sucking on
cough drops all morning. Do youever get that like you're taking well,
not taking medicine. I'm literally justsucking on cough jobs and they use those

You using the little lootens that arejust sugar. No, they're the halls,
They're the frock falls. Lemon,lemon. Oh my god, I
need to go to bed. Ihad so many midnight snacks last night.
What is happening right now? Okay, wait, see you have a film
that you have film on your teeth. Have you brushed today? No?

I have, But I'm saying thesefucking cough drops are like lathering my teeth
with crap because I've been sucking onthem. Mar No, I'll be honest.
I don't use cough drops often,thank you Jesus Lord above, because
I am not. I The worstthing ever for me is a sore throat.
Yeah, I mean you get them. You have like some kind of
prone genetic disease. I made thatup, but you do get them,

and so I do not deal withit often, and so I don't even
remember what it's like to use coughdrops. Maybe I do get the film.
I don't hate them so so much. But you needed a little sweet
relief. I know. I doit, just like it takes the pain
away, just briefly, basically forthe duration of sucking on a cough drop.
But the reason I had so manymidnight snacks is because I just kept

waking up and my throat hurt,so I'd go downstads and eat something so
I could cote my throat with something. Because where'd this come from? Me?
I guess like the weather change?Okay, So I was like,
is it because I'm fucking healthy andI go to workout classes and this is
what I get. Yeah, becauseI don't think it's the weather change because
it hasn't been that drastic in thelast week or so. Well. I
mean it got a lot colder again, that's true. But then someone pointed

out, Jenny, it's probably fromgirls' night out on Thursday, and I
was like, you're right, ye, duh, we're all like heavy breathing
and each covid right now air.Oh fuck. The only thing that's wrong
with me is like a little bitof a scratchy throat, and it's bad
enough that it's a toy. Started. Oh my god, stop. I
do not. I can't. Iwas just sick like a month and a
half ago, and I just Itruly don't get it because I do take

pretty good care of my body.That's the problem. You gotta stop,
you gotta stop. You're just likehe's stop going to the gym, the
gym, stop washing your hands andall the things that they tell you to
do. So I build up that, Yeah, you gotta build it up.
You gotta like be like my daughter. The other day. She was
sucking on a sheep toy. Idon't know where the sheep toy came from,

for all I know, my momgot it on marketplace, so the
grossest thing on earth. And Iwas like, quit sucking that toy.
And then next thing, the sheepand the mermaid were playing in water,
and she's like, mom, gross, come look the sheep had an opening
in it and when I would shakeit, like clumps of something were coming
out. That did look like seaweedbecause she was calling it stewing. And
I was like, this is whywe don't put these toys in our mouth.

And I like launched in the trash'like sheepy. And I was like,
he's dead because guess what, he'sfilled with disease. And then I
was like, this is questionable parenting. I didn't go that intense. Yeah,
but this is why she has animpeccable immune system because she you got
to go on marketplace, you gotto order something, schedule, you gotta
suck it or lick it. Ohgod, can you imagine? Can you

imagine, Jenny, what have yougot on Marketplace the recently? Oh?
You know, just a joy?If I suck on it, it'll build
my immune system. No, Iokay, can we circle back really quick.
The reason I said you're a liaris because you fucking lie all the
time about the time you played thefishing game with your niece and you got

competitive and you are a psycho.Now let me rewind. I got a
text from Vaunt our night guy earliertoday. He said we should all go
to rich our boss's house and havea game night. I said, oh,
that he actually probably would enjoy hostingsomething like that, and I would
have fun doing that. That wasall I said. Then he says,
Jenny said it would not be funwith you or her, and I wrote
back, She's right. I amthe worst winner and loser and she is

way too competitive. I go lether tell you about the time she almost
killed her niece over a game ofHungry Hungry Hippos. And I said,
she'll deny it, and then Iwrote, wait, I always say hungry
Hungry Hippos and she always goes,nah, it was a fishing game and
then avoids the fact that she wascompetitive with a two year old, and
he goes, she did, infact deny it. I was like,

of course she okay. Well,first off, I was so confused because
Vonn's reading me back to the text. He's like, I hear you got
really upset during a Hungry Hungry Hipposgame. And I was like, are
you talking to me? Because hewasn't looking at anyone, like I didn't
know what was happening. He justgot aw it was fishing game. Well,
and I go he goes, oh, not that like, and then
he said something else and then Igo oh, I was like the little

fishing game. I was like,yeah. He goes, yeah, says
that you just deny that you likealmost beat your niece up or something,
and I go, no, Ididn't do that. And I was like,
well, she got in my wayand I was trying to count how
many fish I got, so Ipushed just that I didn't push her.
She didn't push her. There isvideo evidence of her accusing the two year
old of cheating because she was accupetitivestealing my fish because I was going up

against Andrew, and I think whathappened. I thought I had lost because
it didn't seem like I had asmany as him. So I started blaming
my niece for stealing some of myfish, and then as I counted them,
I realized she had not been Idid win and that Maddy did not
steal any of them. But itwas sick. It was caught on video
for a moment where she turned ona two year old, which I've done

worse. I am those saying Iam known to steal latar and bring some
joy. When I discovered my niecewas cheating with the heads up game,
the bands were on the head andshe I was like, why is she
doing so well, because she wasso young. It was bothering me because
she was beating me. And Isaw she could see the reflection in the
fireplace last and I was like,I don't play with rats, and then
I realized that was way too intense. I don't think I've heard that story.

Yeah, it's one of the Latart'sfavorite stories of me. So I
don't play with the rats to yourlittle young needs. Oh yeah, yes,
come on, man, Like Imean, I guess I would have
been tempted to. My mom claimsI was the biggest cheet at Mickey mouse
YACHTI and Shoots and Ladders as thekids, So I don't know why I'm
surprised. How is your week,Jenny, I mean it, it was

good. It was good, youknow whatever, But I did have I
need to remember it though, becausemy brain is mush right now because of
all my midnight snacks and my throatand stuff. Oh Jake wants to know
what is the because everyone always tagsyou now because you're an influencer on goodles.
He wants to understand what is thebenefit of goodles. He doesn't know
what they're made of. I don'tknow exactly what they're made out of But

it's more of a plant protein situation, and they're higher in protein, and
they're really not that higher in protein. They're higher in protein, they're not
super high and fat. They're likelower in all the kinds of things you
wanted to be a little they werebetter than the uh Bonza chickpea noodles.
Yes, and I'm sorry, butBonza is disgusting to me. I don't

think they're disgusting, but I don'tlike them and I hate like when you're
cooking them, and it's just doesit do that when you cook these noodles?
The water bubbles up and over andfilm me? It does it do
it with goodles? No? Itdoes not do that with me. Then
that's game changer because the Bonza itpisses me off. I'm like, this
isn't worth it to me. Andit's also so high in carb still because
it is still Chippy's that is,I don't feel like this is any better

for me. So I'm not wastingmy time. Let me tell you a
story about Bonza. So I wentand got this big pack of them from
Costco because you know that's my spot, and I'm like, okay, I'll
work this into my diet, likeit's supposed to be healthier obviously than regular
noodles. And I've ate it afew times and finally I bought it again
and I went through one of thefive packs in this big box and was
I felt so bloated and disgusting,and I was like, I'm not eating

this anymore. No. So Igo up to Drake and I go,
Drake, do you want these Bonza? But that explains a lot. They
were in his studio, okay,And so I was like, do you
want this? I was like,I don't want to throw it out there,
most of it's left, like there'sso much left in here. He
goes sure, and then he textedme last week. He goes, Jenny,
I'm trying the Bonza pasta tonight.I'm like, okay, sweet,
I hope you like it. Nextmorning he goes, I don't know what

the fuck was in that stuff,but that one threw me in an hour
and a half. I was shittingmy brains out. And I was like,
because you finally ate something that wasn'tTacko Ballad to Potland, his body
has the opposite reaction. It waslike I do so Anyways, but yeah,
Goodles are the shit. I gotit, like the normal kind that
was more just your regular craft macand cheese, but now they don't have

that. At my Costco I goto they have the white cheddar kind that's
shells. Oh oh momuck she likeyshe does? They are so good like
And this is how pathetic Andrew andI are. We went so if you
know this about us back in theday when we lived together, I originally
I said, let's keep our groceriesseparate whatever, and then he didn't like

that, and so we finally startedbuying groceries together. Well, our last
Costco trip, we see the Goodlesand we both bought an entire box of
them, which there's about ten packsin each bot and we have them still
in those boxes in a drawer,so we know who's this, who's and
who ate a Holari because He's alreadygone through three of him his boxes and
I've only ate one. We arekeeping that separate. Still. I don't

want to, like obviously our podcastto just be like Health and Fitness,
but I gotta tell you, andsometimes I feel bad because I share some
of these stories like on the AfternoonShow, but I just assume the percentage
people that listen to both are it'sprobably slim. So I feel like it's
fine, probably sharing. But Ihad to tell you this. Jake gets
in bed on Monday. I don'tknow, maybe it was Monday or Tuesday.

Yeah, it had to be afterwe did the podcast, And did
I tell you this? I leanover. We kiss each other every night.
I tell you this, No,I kiss them, and I'm like
that felt like weird. And Igo lay down and like it's in the
dark, and I'll usually talk tohim for a little bit unless I'm super
tired, and I'm like, wow, I'm sleeping, and he I asked
him a couple questions. He's likemm hmm, and I go, is

your fucking mouth taped shut? Hetaped his mouth shut. So about months
ago he started on the Breathe theRight Strip journey Okay, and he's like,
oh my god, I'm gonna somuch oxygen. I was like,
great, I love to hear it. And Jake never snored. He was
never a snoring person. That's you. It is, it is and and

honestly he is like Jake is justa dream in so many ways. But
to go as far as even hissleeping is a dream is like beautiful.
So I was like, I didn'trealize you were struggling that much. He's
like, I'm getting deeper asleep.So he saw my trainer from way back
in the day. Jerome will tapehis mouth and Rome Jrome has for years,
like he has even when I workedout with him, which has been
forever now, and uh, hewas like I didn't have the right tape.

So he used a breathe right stripon his mouth and he woke up.
He's like I haven't had that deepof sleep and ages. I'm like,
okay, congrats, but I'm like, what is happening like slowly and
I'm like what is the like sciencemind this? I don't know. Yeah,
that's like okay. So he justclaims he's breathing better because it's like
better breathe out of your nose whenyou're sleeping, I guess, and not

be a mouthpreaver. He's like,wouldn't hurt you to try, And I'm
like never going to probably, Sothat is number one with that little skank.
Okay, And so you kissed himand he had a strip on his
mouth, is like, yeah,it was happening. What is happening is
we get older, is it gonnaget weirder? Like, am I gonna
look over? And Cult was jokingthat I'm going to look over. His
arms are gonna be tied behind hisback and it's gonna slowly become more BDSM

every time. Yeah, he saidthey are mutually exclusive. Okay. The
other thing yesterday, two days ago, I go to apply lotion to my
leg and you might have seen thison my Instagram. I've been down to
put lotion on. Just hammer myforehead into my countertop like an idiot.
I have like you can't even seeit, but it hurts so bad.
I have a huge bump and I'mlike just that. I don't know why.

I just wanted to tell you that. I'm I think, yeah,
pain, are you in pain rightnow? You got a headache, you
got a migraine. You need tobe you need to call him sick for
your shift today? No, Iactually show my shift. You know what?
I actually like genuinely just like lookforward to doing my show with Colts
every day and then I'll like it'scrazy. It reminds me of when we
had a really good show, whichwas pretty consistent. I feel like on

the Morning Show because it was soaction packed, where I'll look at the
clock, I'm like, oh mygod, it's five o'clock. We only
have an hour left. And thoseare the best days. There are,
absolutely there were some days in theMorning Show and some days like on the
Afternoon Show, where it's been like, oh my god, we're only an
hour and it feels like it's beeneight hours. But there it has been
pretty consistent, like of like whereI look at the clock, I'm like,

oh my god, it's already fiveo'clock. And it's like that's like
such a good like work feeling whenyou for any job when you look down.
That's why a lot of people likeprefer, you know, action packed
jobs like you probably was serving becauseit's like you would look down. By
the way this girl on the showthe other week where like what do you
do and how much do you make? Brunch server? So she only does
brunch four days a week one hundredthousand dollars last year and it wasn't like

a high end fancy place. Couldn'tbelieve it. I've misunderstood as how much
servers make. That's why she shewas kind of saying she's like people like
look down on me almost and she'slike, now I make a hundred thousand,
and that was like I think shesaid that it was like eighty thousand
pay maybe something, and then anothertwenty thousand tips or something. It was

something like that, I eighty thousandpay. I thought it was losing.
I almost thought it was like fortax taxes, you know what I mean,
and then another huge chunk of likecash. Yeah, so maybe cash
is the twenty thousand. Yeah,some of the time that card. Yeah
yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. I think it's like very

like misunderstood by people, because truthfully, I made more serving up until maybe
the last couple of years of myjob here, like when I started on
the show and I've been on theshow for almost eight years now, I
made way more money serving than Iever did on the show up until recently.
So I mean that's how I paidoff my student loans very quickly.
Yeah, I was like hustling myass off serving as much as I could.

And like good for her that sheworks four days a week and does
like brunches and what she may evendo like the late night stuff. Yeah,
I mean I was definitely not workingforty hours a week surveying, and
I was able to like really savea ton of money while all of my
friends were getting like actual career jobswith their degrees right out of college and
they were getting paid like thirty thousanddollars a year starting, and they were

all struggling so much, and Iwas doing I wasn't had all this extra
money, but I was paying offhuge chunks of my student loans at once,
and nobody could really understand how Iwas doing that. Yeah. But
yeah, so servis are wed.Now I have the flexible schedule, Yeah,
which is really nice. I wantedto talk about it. Did you

finish Book two of a Court ofThorns and Roses? Okay? I do
so, Okay, we'll come backin a second with Jenny's thoughts on a
second book of a Court of Rosesand Thorns. Thorns and Roses, just
say Akatar, We'll be right back. Jenny. Yeah, I have to
tell you about Okay, I toldyou about the little sheet recipes I've been
seeing with like where you lay downstrawberries, peanut butter, and chocolate.

Yeah, they call it like barksomething bark. My new one is banana
snickers. Have you seen those.Oh okay, it's kind of the same
idea. You cut a banana inhalf, then you make it in four
so it can like the pieces canlike kind of flat. Then you put
peanut butter on those pieces. Thenyou put little peanuts on it. Then
you drizzle chocolate, which I willtell you how to make that, and

then the little salt flakes and putin the fridge. I love that well.
I love like chocolate cover bananas anyway, so that adds a little peanuts
and crunch in there. But Isaw that if you mix the cacaw bliss
that we've talked about before with likea little coconut oil, you can use
that to drizzle it and then it'sso much better for you. And I
was like, okay, I'm makingthese now. The issue will be not
eating all of them in one sitting. That's the hard part, right,

isn't it. I feel like Ireally need to do something like that or
something just like in something basic withthe cacawblst because I know that it helps
with a healthy immune system. Andif you can't hear it in my voice
right now, my immune system isn'tas good as it should be. Yeah,
I noticed that I'm like, I'mglad you're over like across the room.
I know, right now, stayaway from me right now. I
like had to cough drop in asecond ago. Well I do like with

the cacawblyst too. It does fighttemporary inflammation related to exercise. And this
is where I get to drop ina humble brack. I've been exercising more,
Jenny were I just wanted to workit into the conversation. I do
every conversation, you know. Butalso it is keto and vegan friendly and
that's always important to so many people. Has ten superfoods in it, so

it's just a bunch of health packedinto a tasty coco powder. Yeah.
And the best part about it isas we're talking to you about it and
you're thinking, I'm going to goorder some of that, we do have
a discount code for you. Yeah, we do. So you can just
go to shop dot earth Echofoods dotcom slash fun and then you'll put in
the discount code fun for fifteen percentoff. And I know that's kind of
a mouthful, so I'll say itone more time. It's shop dot earthechofoods

dot com slash fun and just putthat discount code in so you can save
that money. I'll put it inthe show notes too, to make it
easier. You can click through smartWhat am I saying? No, We're
back and we're back. Yeah,Jenny is now you finished arguably the favorite
book in the series. Some peoplewould argue that obviously pretty much no one's

favorite book at all is number one, and pretty much no one's favorite book
is the fourth book. Are therefour or five? I'm confused? Okay,
the fourth book is very short comparatively, saw that and but yeah,
okay, that's good to know becauseI really like you. And Tina had

said on this podcast when we hadTina on that people didn't like Love the
first one, and Tina was like, oh, I liked it. I
liked the first one. I didtoo. I didn't like see anything about
it, and my girlfriend and Iwere texting that we kind of thought that
the second one was a little bitslow honestly at points. But I will
say that people like the second onebecause they like the love story that unfolds
in it, right and like spoileralert right now, because I'm going to

actually like say certain things real quick, Okay. In the second book,
when they do finally have sex.I don't even think that that was as
hot of a scene as it was. Like the finger banging scene. Yeah,
that was the fucking scene for me. That was it. That was
a good one. I've gotten backto that one. I was ready to
have you. I listened to it, yeah once, and I re listened

to like, oh, nevermind,okay, yeah the other future things.
Yeah. But so I'm finishing thesecond book, and I think I had
texted you whatever day it was,I was like, I'm gonna finish this
book. We gotta talk about itMonday. And Andrew actually came to bed
with me, because a lot oftimes he'll play video games and come to
bed a little bit later. Andso he's listening to a podcast and I'm
in like the final like they're hookingup like whatever scene, and I'm like,
yes, oh my gosh, andAndrew's layne I met. I mean

I roll over and look at him, and he's like he's like heavy breathing,
mouth, wide open eyes show likehe passed out. And I was
like, God, damn it,you're actually in bed with me now,
and so, yeah, that nothing. He has not gotten the gifts of
these books as Jake has gotten fromyou. Well, I will say the

Throne of Glass series didn't give Jakereally anything because it was, like,
it's a very different series. Ittakes a lot of people almost four books
to get into. Yeah, andit also is not sex based, like
as much. They're sex that comeslater, but not like Instill, not
even remotely like these. I can'tremember if I sent you this TikTok,
but it was a woman who hadjust this giant stack of probably like fifteen

books, and she goes, shestacks them on the table. She goes,
these are books that my husband reallyenjoyed. He didn't read them,
but he enjoyed them. And shestarts going through all and she shows each
one like from the front of it. And I'm like making mental notes of
me muddy books because none of themare like the very ones. They're just
muddy books. Yeah, I'll haveto get into some of these after I
get these books. A lot ofpeople say, like, if you actually

like smut like the a guitar noteven you know, So I don't know.
I still want to finish her othersor start her other and do her
other serious. Sorry, Yeah,before I venture into fourth Wing, and
then after fourth Wing, I don'tknow what I'll do from there, but
I know and I don't even knowwhat I'm going to do after these ones.
I also think I need to takelike a reading break because I feel
like I'm like, yeah, consumingso much right now to try to like

stay on trend and get it done. But then when I'm reading too much
at once, I'm like, well, I'm not enjoying it. Then I'm
just like forcing myself. But Idid want to get through the second one.
Sorry, I'm like a saliva iscoming out of my mouth as I
suck on this cough drop, andI want to tell you a story,
but I'm paying it and some peoplehave turned our podcast out. Jenny,
I'm gonna literally put this one tothe side because there's extra saliva right now.

So I need to tell you whathappened yesterday. Okay, Andrew and
I we went and returned literally abirthday present he gave me, which my
birthday was in May yesterday that year. Yeah whatever. It was like this
backpack that he got me that hethought I'd use for hiking and snowboarding and
stuff, and it just was thevibe it wasn't athletic enough and like fit

right whatever. We finally go toARII to return it. They have a
great their their customer support is sogreat though, So he didn't have a
receipt or anything, but of coursehe has as a kind of matterror so
like it did matter. And I'mlike, Andrew and I are very good
financially in different ways. He's goodat investing and stuff like that, and
I'm good at like frugalness and howto save money in certain ways. And

so for me, I tell himas we're about to go to ARII,
I'm like, maybe we should lookfor a snowboarding jacket for you because his
is ripped. It's literally being heldtogether by duct tape and has been for
three fucking seasons. Yeah, AndI was like, why don't we go
look as there's probably a ton ofsales right now, and he goes,
I don't need one. That jacketwill last me another like five years.
And I go, but this iswhere we're different, Like you should invest
in something when there's like a gooddeal on it and then that saves you

money in the long run. Buthe doesn't see it as like I don't
need to and I was like thatrip is going to get worse. Yeah,
Like, I know, you're areally good snowboarder and you don't fall
a lot, but it's going toget worse eventually. So why not invest
when there's all these deals going on? He's like, no, I don't
want to. I don't want to. Or walking out of ARII and he
gets distracted by something and I'm like, well, what are you looking at?

He goes, Oh, I justlike looking at these double bags for
when I like start going to thegym, and I go, so,
you're telling me that you want tolook for something that you don't even do.
Like, he does not have agym membership, he does not work
out, he doesn't do any ofthose things. But he wants to invest
in a Duffel bag instead of anew jacket that he actually wants for a
hobby that he actually does. AndI just sat there and I go,

what what do you even need thisfor? He goes, well, eventually
when I go to the gym,and I just like, I'm like,
okay, babe, I mean Ilove that for you. But this is
where we're so different when it comesto like spending on like material things.
Oh, my gosh, I loveit that we have had a very so
I didn't you know, after Christmasyou're kind of like on a purge of

or I want to get rid ofstuff and I'm not spending I was like
selling on Marketplace, but it hitFishley this weekend, Jenny, I bought
it a little crazy, I did. I went really crazy. I bought
a dress, a really hopefully nicedress. But I bought it from a
website called Reformation, and it's apopular dress. But all the dresses on
there, if you've ever bought anything, they're all like minimum, like two

hundred dollars, so this was threehundred dollars. I looked at it like
this, So I bought it sorryfor Jake's brother's wedding, okay, and
I also thought I have a bigbirthday coming up. Maybe I could wear
it for both. So I wastrying to look at it like that.
I have no idea on sizing,so I just bought a size and I'm
like, if it's I don't know. I'm sure they have a good return
policy. But I was like,I normally wouldn't spend that much on a

dress, but I want something nicefor like the wedding and everything, and
I don't. We don't do starparty or jingle ball anymore. So usually
I would spend a lot on likeone or two nice dresses each year,
so like, okay, get outof your high just do but anyway,
so that that, and then Iwas like, I want a new couch,
and so I just bought a newcouch without even try, like sitting
on the living room. What's wrongwith your couches? Okay, I have

what's wrong with them? But Ihave a gray couch that I fucking hate.
I bought it a room and board. It's so comfortable and deep,
which I like, like in theoutlet in general, great couch feather down
fill in my life by a feather. I didn't even know it was like,
you know what I mean? Likethat. I think I was so

used to my whole life that wasn'tI best have bought couches from cheaper places
where it was always like polyphill.So I didn't even know it was an
option when I bought it. Andit is constant mother effing feathers. I
was going to get the things replaced. It was going to cost as much
as almost getting a new couch.To replace the cushions, and I was
like, you know what, Idon't even like this like coloring anyway because

it has like dirt kind of standsout it now because I have a kid
and a dog and I let myanimals and both animal and kid on the
couch. So I ordered a couch, and right before I hit place order,
I was like, maybe we shouldmeasure this couch by it's been ninety
six inch one and then Jake measuredthe couch and out ur kurt one was
like eighty seven. I was like, oh, I should get the eighty

four inch then and not the ninetysix. It's like literally seconds before,
and that is such a me moveto hit place order. So anyway,
I'm getting a green couch. We'regonna see how it's gonna look. Oh
fun, I think it's gonna bekind of it says sage, Okay,
but I'm praying it's a dark sage. It looks like it is, but
with my luck, it'll show mea fucking light sage. But I know
it's gonna show animal fur. ButI've just it's like whatever it looks hairy

bought a couch from the place.It's a different style, and it was
it's such a comfortable couch. SoI have faith. So we'll see in
ten to twelve weeks, i'll know. That's how long it takes. Do
you want to say where it's from. Oh, it's a place called sixpenny
Okay, have you get I gettheir ads all the time, and your
first purchase you get like ten percentoff. But it's they're expensive, but

it's this. It was the sameprice as if I bought one at the
room a board outlet, So forgetit. So anyway, take all my
money. I'm poor. I feelsort of similar, only because I already
just had like a Savannah trip andthen we have we're going to Veil and
Keystone in about a week and ahalf, and so I haven't been spending
much money at all. And butthe one thing I really want to invest
in is a desk, because nowthat I have this on this website,

like I need to have a destto sit on. How's it going with
your website? By the way,it's good. Do you feel like are
you getting like feedback? Is thereanybody get feedback? There is? I'm
not focusing on any of that rightnow, Okay, right now, I
am focusing on just getting content upon it because it is a very tedious
thing and I'm just doing as muchas I can for the moment. And
I'm really not promoting it quite aton at the moment either, just a

couple of stories. Yeah, I'vegot just a lot to do on it
still for me to really feel likeit's at where I want it to be
at. Then I'm like, hey, go check this out and stuff.
But I don't know it's out there, and especially since I got back from
Tahiti, I have just gotten somany messages from people asking questions about Tahiti
and Montrea and stuff, and solike, you know, like I can
direct people now to the site withlike all the details and stuff. But

yeah, now that I have thiswebsite and I work from home, and
like I still do work on theMorning show from home every night and then
on Sundays or kind of work fromhome days, but it's not like super
long shifts the blog though. Iwill sit down and work on it for
like five hours at a time.Yeah, I need a desk at this
point. So I was just Iasked on Instagram for help, any suggestions.
I got just an influx of suggestions, and the main one I got

was for the COSTCODESK. That's anadjustable one, okay, and so I
might look into that. Otherwise thereare a handful of the Amazon suggestions that
I might get, but like,I've been looking on Marketplace trying to find
like a cheap one, and youwould sick of it at this point because
I can't find what I'm looking for, and you can ask here in the
office, they had they got aten of those stand up desks at work,

and I think a lot of thesalespeople realize they don't like it and
they don't use it. I betyou there might be some extra ones laying
around here. You could just nowI should you should ask Emily, But
yeah, I don't know, butyeah for spending for me. I also
was just thinking this morning that Ihave really resorted a lot to like sweatshirts
and crew neck sweaters this past winter, which is fine, but we're coming

into spring in summer, and Ithink I got to revamp my wardrobe,
especially because I just got rid ofliterally ten giant garibage bags of clothes.
Yeah, because I did this closetlike clean out thing. So I do
feel like I need to start doingsome shopping. But I hate shopping.
I hate shopping for clothes so much. And I used to be the person
who went to the mall all thetime yep, But then I get so

in my head at the mall becauselike you have the opportunity to make the
decision there versus like online, Yeah, you can try it on at home
whatever, And I don't want tohave to go back. So then I
spend too long in the dressing roomtrying things on and then retrying something on
because I'm not quite sure between twosizes and so, yeah, shopping is
just not my thing. But onlineshopping also isn't really my thing. Yeah,

I need pants or like the thinglike I have to try on pretty
much, and I know it's cominginto spring, but I like i've been
I've lost some weight, so Idon't my pants are too big for me
now. Yeah, so I needto get like new pants, but I
don't know what size are what todo. Yeah, I don't know if
I'm down one size or if I'mdown two sizes. I don't know where

I'm at. So I'm like Ineed to go actually try some on.
So and that was the same thingwith like ordering the dress. I'm like,
I have no idea what size toorder because we'll see when it comes
in. But I'm like, whatever, it's fine as long as, like
for online shopping, as long asit's free returns. Yeah, I'm like,
okay, cool, Like this isn'tthat bad. But I don't know.

I just I'm not. I Also, if it's not an easy way
to return something, I don't likeit. Amazon makes everything so easy.
If I got to like package somethingup myself, Wait, how is it
easy to return for Amazon? I'venever returned to anything, and I'll think
from Amazon never. Oh so Ilive very close to a coals and you
just bring it to the cols.Okay, so that's for me. I
know you can do like pick upyour print off a receipt like here.

Well no, you just literally goonto Amazon dot Com and then you hit
return on your item and then theysend you a QR code to your email
and it's on your account, andthen you just go into the store.
You give them the item back andthey scan the QR code in your email.
So there's no printing off labels,there's no idea. You don't even
have to bring it in any kindof packaging and you can just bring it
to them and they deal with it. But I do normally keep all the

packaging for my Amazon stuff so Ican return it in that if I need
to. The one time I evertried to excuse me to saying thank you,
it was a dress I ordered forthe Tailor Swift concert and the company
literally would not return it, andthey asked if they could. Uh,
I don't know what the reasoning was. They were like, can you just
keep it and we'll give you likea percentage of money back? Oh,

it was weird. Tell me thisstory and I was like, what the
fox? So I just kept itand didn't even respond. I'm like,
so it's literally still in the Amazonbag. I never even opened the Amazon
bag laying on my floor. Ithink that that was it. I think
that happened to me one time too, because if they're on the hook for
paying for the rich yeah, maybethat costs him more than the actual it

probably did than to give you likethe full refunds. Yeah, and pay
for whatever else. Yeah. Whatare you doing this weekend? I'm going
to Olivia Rodrigo. Oh we areFriday night. Oh that's exciting. I'm
on thinkings. I'm trying to getTeena to buy the other one from me,
but she's like, I don't know, I'll let you know. So
if not, Jake's going. AndJake knows the entire album from listening with
all of so it'll be good.I say, he'll like that. He

would. Yeah, I love oliveraevergo. And I did think about that
concert too, because it does seemlike a fun one and it's a Friday.
Obvious, it looks like it lookslike her stage, like her last
one. You know, she wassuch a baby act it was there was
no like production. This one actuallyhas like it looks like production and stuff
outside of literally working on my blogbecause that's my life now for the time

being, I'm gonna just get togetherwith a girlfriend and catch up with her
and she had a baby about ayear ago and we don't see each other
all ever anymore. And then Ihave another event. Oh, I already
said this on the podcast. Ididn't want to ruin the surprise, but
it's that Drake Brunch that I'm doingfor grell Yandy Andrew's grandma, and I
didn't want to ruin the surprise becauseit is a surprise, but there's no

chance she's gonna listen to Minnesota Goodbye. But one time on the radio I
said what we were doing for herbirthday and I was like, oh,
shoot, that was a surprise.I hear it. Whatever, But that's
about it. I have just apretty wild like month and a half coming
up of things going on. Alot to do with like dog watching,
a vacation. We're planning my dad'sretirement party April. I have a girlfriend's

birthday who we're trying to maybe goout of town for that for the weekend.
And so sorry, I just I'vebeen talking all morning to my throat
is like giving it out on younow. I was gonna say too.
A couple questions. Did you listento any of the new Ariana Grande?
I haven't the new one that we'replaying though, why or we can't be
friends or whatever? Is growing onme that my first isn't through aut the

almost like snore fast, don't careand now already I like that song.
Did you watch any of the oscarslast night? Also? No, I
did not. I know that it'smy job to be on top of those
things, but like I do notwatch movies enough we'll care about that.
I. I mean, we sawthe Barbie movie and that's pretty much only
one. I tried to watch ThePoor Things that Emma Stone's winning Awards for.

I was like, this is oneof those artsy movies that is not
for me, and I just stoppedit. I was like, I'm not
going to do it. But Iwatched like clips because I wanted to see
Ryan Gosling's performance of it. Ijust can it was so funny. Did
you watch it? I did watchthat. I caught up on social media
at like clock last night to everythingI felt like I needed to, but
I didn't sit down and watch it. He also presented with Emily Blunt and
that was hilarious. I think Isaw that one too, because they were

going back and forth about Barbie andopen and then Billie Eilish's performance was actually
it was very beautiful, like verygood. And then there was one other
John Mulaney came out for Best Pictureand Allie did was just talk about Field
of Dreams and how it's like thebest movie and how it should win.
Is that that's what he's in oror he's not in it? Jenny,

are you fucking kidding me? I'msorry. Field of Dreams. Do you
know how old that movie is?I don't know. Do you know who
John is? I thought he wasa comedian. He is a comedian,
Okay, but dreams is not theDreams? Is it all computer? Field
of Dreams? Oh my god,I thought that was one of the new

artsy fartsy oscar It is not.I came out in nineteen eighty. Yeah,
yeah, Kevin Costner was, Yes, he was. Oh my god,
I don't know. You're way better. This is why it doesn't matter.
This is what's so funny, becausehe literally goes out and just talks
about the whole plot of the movie, A Field of Dreams, and man,

that's a great movie that should winfor Best Picture. And that's what
his whole thing was. It wasso random and so John mullaney and fucking
funny. Those are my highlights fromthe awards last night. There might have
been more, but I didn't watchthe show either. I just watched highlights.
So anyway, well, I learnedsomething new today. Thank you for
it. I'm act I'm leaving itin, but I should delete that.

But I'm leaving it in because youhave all right, let us you've seen
it in the batter I'm calling thisepisode John mulaney stars and Field of dreams
that makes no sense. Here wego, have a good day. Thanks
for listening.
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