All Episodes

February 20, 2024 36 mins
Falen and Jenny discuss Falen's new visitor, Jenny's sick, sneaky habit, pilates and more!
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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the I'm Still Fun podcast, which, by the way, we
got I'm not calling you out,Megan, I love you, but we
got an email from Megan. Sheclearly listens and she it says I'm still
fine now. I don't know ifit's an auto correct or if you think
that's the name of the podcast,but it made me laugh and I loved
it. But I was going tostart off with this quick email from her.

She says the scream I scrumped whenon the last episode someone mentioned Zodiac
Academy. It is one of myall time favorite series. It will also
be a complete series come April.I haven't read Akatar yet. It's on
my list, but is a dauntingseries, but wanted to give my two
cents on Zodiac Academy. It's soso good and will make you feel every

emotion anyway, Love you both.I'm originally from Minnesota, I currently live
in atl What up Atlanta? Niceand I'm a longtime listener of katiew b
Fallon you are missed on the morningshow of Jenny. You are doing a
fantastic job. Love that we stillget to listen to y'all together. Keep
up the great work. Xx.Megan, So thank you, Megan.
I wanted to give a little shoutout to her for listening to the podcast

even though you live in Atlanta.Now that's so cool when we hear that,
you know, I feel like Ikeep adding more and more series in
books to my list ever since bringingup like you brought up a Gatar and
now I'm like starting to finally readthem whatever. And then everyone's like,
you got to read this next,and this, and I'm like, oh
my god, I can't keep trackof everything, but okay, yeah,
it's a lot. It's a lot. I had a work call today with

a charity group called the Bond BetweenAnd as soon as I was like a
zoom or teams is what we usehere at iHeart And as soon as I
got on the team's call, shewas like, how's Olive or whatever.
I said, oh, you know, good to a little bit about all
of it. And then she's like, okay, now for the real conversation.
She was like, let's talk Aguitar is like, oh, I
didn't know that this meeting today wasgonna go. So then there's a guy.

His name is Patrick, and he'skind of like the mediator of our
meeting, and he just sat thereand listened to me and the two girls
talk about Okay, so speaking ofI was going to tell you this little
tidbit I thought you would. Isaved it even though it happened last week
because it made me laugh, andI was like, Jenny's gonna like this.

So Jake and I pulled up haveyou seen the Netflix documentary called lover
Stalker Killer? No, but Davejust brought it up on the show.
Really so he didn't really give manydetails, but it sounded like something I
probably wouldn't watch. No, it'snot about watching it, Okay. So
we were watching it, but Iwas not paying attention. I was like,
I don't know if I was listeningto my book, if I was
on TikTok, what I was doing. But out of nowhere, Jake was

Jake cos I'm pretty sure this documentaryis based on you. And I go
what And I look up and hegoes. He pauses, it rewinds it
and it showed a text that thestalker woman sent to her like husband or
boyfriend or whatever he was, andit said she had sent him a message
and said, it's not funny becauseit's based on a true story. Every

whore you talk to, I takepictures of their license plate. I don't
care if they're customers. Oh mygosh. He sounds like a text you
send me, you, Jake,And I send it to his sister and
she she confirmed and she goes,but I mean, you guys are married,
so that is what she's supposed todo. And I was like,

Okay, thank you Hannah for supportingme. I always know she will but
maybe laugh. I was like,I'm gonna share that with Jenny because that's
funny. That was the ongoing thingthat Jenny's not like as jealous of a
human as I am, but Iam. I would really lean into the
character of being a little psychotic.It's like one of my favorite parts of
you though. Thank you. Imean, like, I definitely get jealous.

I'm not like, well, yeah, I'm crazy person who doesn't like
I totally get jealous of things,but like fallin just like does it in
a murderous way. Yeah, it'strue. So it's just like a different
level, but it's a very joking, obviously level. Jake always says times
I don't know. He always islike, I hope someone overhears you like
one day whatever, we're talking intoa store parking lot. I'm threatening him

or he's like, if anyone everfind if I ever died, anyone finds
my phone, they're not gonna thinkyou're my wife. They're gonna think you're
a person that killed me. AndI was like, okay, call them
down too far, too far.I told Jenny that he was out of
town this weekend, so it waslike A, it was a it was
exhausting. Yeah, he had allof yeah day and I didn't even have
her, like the whole time ofmyself. Mean Friday, my mom had

her half the day. Friday mymom had her, or Saturday had her
half the day because I did anart class. And I was like,
what am I complaining about here?I mean a lot it's like to have
a child. I just know whatit's like to watch my helly and nephew
sometimes my beautiful, lovely niece.The two different personalities, that's how it

goes. My sister will concur abouteverything I just said about both of them.
I love them dearly, but Imean, yeah, they're tired.
Like I love the fact that Iget to give them back. Yeah I
give here, you go your children, not mine. It's true. I
know I can tell what when mymom is done with it, and I'm
like, I like, sometimes I'llgo on vacation and I can watch through
the monitor and you can tell,well, my mom is putting all of

to bed after a long like sheis done. Now She's like, thank
god, bedtime. Yeah. Wellmy mommost sometimes be like no, I
am done, actually saying all right, Debbie down a little bit, like
it's a little bit much. Yeah, So did you have a good weekend?
Yeah, I mean it's been prettylow key, I feel like besides,
I mean, we had a bacheloretteparty like two weekends ago, so

I feel like this past weekend itwas just like a chill. Yeah.
I didn't make any plans, soI didn't do a whole ton. Really,
I'm contemplating if I'm just going tobecome like completely sober. And I
know you might think that that's ajoke because we talk about me partying a
lot or like my used to partydays whatever, But I don't know what

alcohol does to me anymore, likeif it's worth it anymore. Okay,
because I drank probably like they werekind of strong, but I drank some
margaritas on Saturday at this get togetherat a friend's house, and like,
by no means did I get drunkor anything, but definitely tipsy. But
got home later that night Andrew andI made food. We took these dogs

for a walk. So that showsyou how like coherent I was. Still
I wasn't like stumbling or anything,but then you know, I have some
food, I sat. I thinkI read like a tiny bit of my
book, but I was definitely tootired at that point, and I go
to bed and then literally for eighthours, I laid in bed and woke
up. Every twenty to thirty minutes. I would wake up and my heart

would be racing. And so it'slike I've always had I've had a hangover
anxiety, probably since I was liketwenty four. Yeah, and I just
pushed through it, forget about it. Whatever I deal with it for a
few hours goes away. But nowit just really affects my sleep so aggressively
that it throws me off for liketwo days. I'm so tired. So
Sunday I had all these plans ofgetting shit done, and what did I

do. I got up and dida couple things, and then I was
laying on the couch and fell asleepand then literally went upstairs and just take
a nap again because I was Ijust was tired, because that's sleep.
Even though I was quote unquote sleepingfor almost eight hours, it wasn't sleep
now. It was such like Iwould wake up, I would roll to
the other side, fall back sleevefor twenty minutes, wake up, roll

to the other side, like Iwas switch sides. I was constantly moving
around. And then God Andrew sleepslike a rock because he wouldn't have been
awake so much. But it's justso weird. And my heart's like racing
when I wake up, So thereis definitely some anxiety there, but like
I don't feel necessarily anxious, butmy heart's racing. And the same thing
happened in Savannah, like the onenight that we went out and partied and

stuff. I was good, likeI drank enough to probably knock me out
for a little bit, and butalso once again didn't get very drunk,
like I know my limits now andI know when it's time to call it
yeah home, yeah. And soI think I woke up that morning at
like four am, and from fourto seven am, I was fighting that
sleep again of my heart racing,and I mean my resting is at fifty
five and my heart was at onehundred, just laying the ease, and

that is just like not how itshould be. So I know it ties
in with just the general innxiety thatI have right outside of putting alcohol getting
that involved, but it's so notfun the way it affects my sleep,
and I feel like the lack ofsleep makes me crazy. Yeah, it
really makes me kind of crazy.And I mean, obviously there's plenty of

science out there to prove that,yes, if you're not sleeping, it
can like drive you a little insane. So I just don't know that it's
worth it. But at the sametime, like I've had plenty of times
where I have had a couple ofdrinks and it's just like nothing. Yeah,
but I don't know it. That'sso crazy to me that it would

like shift in you like that,even though you said you've had hangover anxiety
for but that's always like the dayon earth. It's like I wake up,
I feel kind of gross, likewhatever, and then I feel a
little bit anxious throughout the day andit kind of goes away. But this
was like it's literally like I can'teven like sleep through the night at all.
I'm like wondering, is that likea question for your doctor or a
question for your therapist? Right?You know what I mean? I do

have therapy this week. I haven'tseen her baby about that. I think
I've got a girl I got totalk to her about This is really personal
and you don't have to talk aboutit. Have you decided one way or
another if you will start medication foranxiety through therapy? As of the last
appointment, I had said that Iwas good for the moment, but I

don't know. It's been a roughlike handful of months. I would not
handful, like a few months,I would say of just like a rollercoaster
of emotions. And I like feltlike I was like doing good and like
I know that there's nothing like badabout taking medication, but I've just like
in my head it's always been like, oh, I've gotten through really bad

anxiety before without medication, Like whydo I need to do it now?
Because I have? I have gonethrough like almost debilitating anxiety where I didn't
leave my college house for like classesI had to be attending, and I
like got through that anxiety, andso there's like a part of me that's
like, well, you've gotten throughthis before, you can get through it
without medication now. But I haven'tloved the last few months of just like

this roller coaster of stuff. SoI think I'm going to talk to my
therapist again because the last appointment wedid talk about if I needed to if
I thought I wanted to get onmedication, which I then have to see
a psychiatrist at that point, Ican't go through my therapist. So she,
you know, she's like, wegot to talk about this because I
need to recommend you to someone elsethen to get you going on that if
that's what you feel like you want. So I think I'll probably just like

discuss all the things I've that havehappened in the last month that I want
to talk to her about at thiscoming appointment, and then maybe revisit We'll
definitely revisit the medication thing. AndI know, like I've heard like really
positive things from people before who havereached out and said that medication has really
helped them. But also like mytherapist has told me that it really like

definitely helps you in those moments ofanxiety. But it also levels out your
emotions in general, so you're likereally high highs aren't felt the same way,
you know, And I don't knowthat there's any thing's super wrong with
that for me, but like,for a second hearing that, I was
like, well, I don't wantto like, yeah, be leveled out.
I want to feel emotions and stuff, but I think don't want to
feel that anxiety. I think that'sthe truest dilemma with many of the medications.

Like a lot of people they feellike they're not depending if the things
I've heard, you know, ifit's like the negative side of things,
they don't maybe feel like themselves asmuch, yeah or yeah, the same
thing, Like they don't feel thelike excite. I don't know if the
excitement's the word, but think likein those kind of moments as much.
I feel like even this is likea terrible like reference. But I feel

like that's like what because you thinkof celebrities like I feel like Kanye West
has talked about that, like howit really stifled his creativity kind of for
writing when he was on medication.That's why he would go off of it.
He'd like think he was fine gooff of it and then he was
like, I don't think he wasfine. I think, yeah, it
just made him feel like he wasbecause he felt so like level. But
I mean maybe that you know,I don't know anything about it, and

they'd have to find the right onefor you and right, no, I
exactly, And I know it's alsoa process of like you don't just start
taking it one day and the nextday you will yeah, right, youah
have to like sit there and likehopefully it works the way you want it
to in like a few weeks.Six weeks I think is usually like generally
a time where you should definitely tellit be able to see a difference.

But yeah, I don't know.I mean, once again, I'm not
opposed to it. I just Iguess I had thought that, like I
haven't used it before, but likethese last handful of months just haven't been
I don't know, it hasn't beenhard. I don't want to sit,
well, it has been hard inmoments. I don't want to sit and
say that like life has been supersuper tough, but the moments that have
been tough have been like really tough. Yeah, and now I'm gonna cry,

Jenny, would you say it's allbecause you're not with me every single
morning. Yes, I literally textedyou. No, I'm just kidding,
I mean truthfully, as I havetears in my eyes, but I like
mean this authentically, like the lackof having your friendship like every morning is
hard. Like there's just like alot of things I think that have happened

in the last year in my lifethat have like not triggered anxiety, but
like when something does happen that's anxiousfor me, I don't have like the
comfort that I used to in certainways, and like you're one of them.
And like I literally, I meanthis was a complete joke, but
texted her Friday morning. I waslike pitting out so bad Friday during the

show, and I was in thebathroom and I was like, holy shit,
there was like a gallon of sweatin my armpit. And I sent
her a picture and I was like, do you miss seeing me put paper
towels in my pits? Every morning? I would look up, especially when
Dave was gone and she was runningthe board. That's when she pit the
most. Oh my god, becauseshe'd be like extra stress for doing more
work, and I look over andshe'd just have paper towels hanging out of

her teacher I would I wouldn't,So yeah, there's just there's many moments
where like, I mean, whateverI missed on the show, and there's
nothing wrong with like Dave and Drake, like we still run the show and
it's great and everything, but it'slike, you know, I don't get
to have the comfort that I havefrom Falin and I his friendship, and
like, you know, you guysdon't always get to see what happens behind

the scenes with us, but Valain'sjust always been there for me and she
still is. It's just that likeI don't get to see your embrace,
you're not like physically there, andit's the same with me. And then
I think also we both don't wantto vent to each other because we feel
bad piling on. But we usedto be able to vent to each other
like just every morning if we neededto, And which is so ridiculous because

I never care if Jenny vence tome, and I know she doesn't care
if I vent to her about things, So it's just silly, like we
shouldn't hold it in because I thinkI think in our like our jobs,
like we both like love, likewhat we do so much. But of
course, like anything, there aregoing to be things you vent about,
and it's like with your closest coworker, it's there's only one person who truly

understands it, you know. Sothat's why it's like easier for us to
vent to each other, just becauselike we understand the industry and like how
it affects people, like you know, if something upsets me with like our
sales department, I can text Jenny. I literally texted her on like Friday
because someone like sent me an emailand it annoyed me, and I was
like, did they do this tothe morning show by chance? And Jenny's

like nope, and I was like, god, it just like fired me
up to me then, So youknow those like insider things that like you
can invent to each other about,Well, good luck with therapy this week.
Thanks. I mean for a while, because I was seeing her pretty
consistently for a while, I waslike, oh God, another appointment,
And now I'm like, oh,yes, an aportment, I need it

this week. It is like itis definitely a good feeling when you need
it, and they can like kindof calm you or reassure you. But
I had those two where it waslike too often, I'm like, I
don't even have anything to talk aboutthis week. I don't know, and
that I felt like I was justmaking up stuff to like talk about almost
so I wanted to talk about myhemorrhoid. You have another one, yeah,
but it's like okay, so thisis to go back. I had

hemorrhoids removed like three different times.Everyone always asks about it. It was
thrombos, it was external. Itwas really painful. I had one one
I was pregnant, and then I'vehad it like twice after like so one
immediately because when you push, alot of women get hemorrhoids from like the
pushing process. So mine were sopainful. Everyone's like, how do you
know. I'm like, dude,you that's all you can think about because

it just it's painful. And ifit's like that, then my primary care
physician recommended a colon and rectal clinic. So that's how it all went down.
And I always like give the thing, like, if they'll give you
a couple of painkillers, do it, because the first couple of days are
brutal. Not gonna lie. Thefirst person gave me a painkiller the second
time he didn't, and I waslike, what the f. So the

third time I got so nervous goingin that they weren't going to give me
a painkiller, and they didn't thatI took extra strength tile and all in
the parking lot before going in becausethey like, dumb it. Then remove
it and then it's just like,but that area heals very quickly, so
it heals, but every now andthen I will be able to tell I'm
like getting one, and I getso fucking stressed out, like it's all

I think about. Yesterday was uncomfortable, and I get the thing where you
take a picture of your asshole.I thought you were going to say,
you know, you put the youput the mirror in a certain angle on
your bed somewhere in the eye cloudssomeone just vomited, but I was like,
I need to like see what itlooks like because and it was like,

and I know. The solution isif it's like you're starting to feel
it come on, it's like allabout like your nutrition basically and your stress
levels, which I've been stressed lately, so I'm like, I'm sure that's
part of it. My eating hasbeen clean, but I have not been
drinking enough water. So my firststep was like chug, chug, chug,
chug water. Also, like sittingon hard surfaces is not good for

it. It's like if you sita lot. That's why they tell you
not to sit on the toilet fora long periods of time. So like
yesterday, I was like if Ihad to sit on my butt, like
for food, I sat on apillow and I'm like on the couch,
I was like laying on my stomach. And I slept on my stomach last
night to give her some time.And today it feels a lot better.
But it was like I'm like chugging, chugging, chugging water. And I

think I'm just sharing this in caselike anyone ever, because people will say,
what do you do? And Isee all of these maybe the answer,
I don't know if it's holistic.Some are holistic and some are like
ridiculous not holistic, crazy suggestions becauseI have a video about hemrhoids on TikTok
and people recommend all these things andI'm like, I don't say anything in

the comments, but I'm like no, Like I had a friend message to
me and they're like, I sawif you put sugar on it, and
like, I'm like, no,you can put sugar all over that thing,
but once it's hit there, ifit works for you, great.
I got to the point where Iwould try anything. I get it,
but no, and then someone's likeyeah in the comments, yeah the sugar
doesn't work. I'm like, yeah, no, kidding, Like I'm not
surprised the sugar doesn't work. SoI just always like people ask me still

all the time about them, Butit feels better. Today. I went
for a walk, okay, ina calm or down because I have genuine
questions. Yes, yes, mychild, So you have another external one,
yes, okay, and but Ithink it's going away. Okay,
That's what I was going to ask. I was like, do you think
it's just going to go away onits own? Because I had one once

upon time in college and I'm apoor college student who doesn't have health insurance.
I'm literally pooping blood and I'm like, yeah, whatever, no body
don't care about it. Whatever,And after like a couple of weeks,
I was like, this is probablynot If you're putting blood, you should
go to the doctor. Right.So literally, I'll never forget me and

my girlfriends we were drinking one nightand I like went and had to go
to the bathroom and I was like, ah, as you guys, I
like, so I think I havea hemorrhyer. Yeah, and we're drunk,
so I was like, hemy,like we're nacking. Yeah, And
I'll never forget one of my roommate'sboyfriends thought we were the most disgusting people
ever that. I'm just like,yeah, my heavy, I'm just like
cleaning out of my butt. Andthen I went to the doctor finally a

couple of days after that. Theyhad me bent over you well, not
bent over there, just put meon the side. Yeah. I was
just on my side and she waslike, yeah, I mean it's already
healing. Like it had gotten tothe point where I don't know if popped
is the right term, but theydon't pop, Okay, it'll just like
kind of go back. It's almostlike it's inflamed basically. Yeah. And

ninety percent of the time, evenafter having a baby, they most of
the time, if you're like drinkingthat water you're eating, well, you
know it will heal itself, that'swhat. But I'm like, you will
know if it is not like itis, like I had Jenny cover an
event for me last minute because Icould not even stand up. I was

so uncomfortable when I got them removed, and and I'm Jake, look at
it, and I'm the first thatI had the first that the dot.
I spread my cheeks and the doctorwas like, oh my gosh, those
are large. I was like,okay, well you didn't have to go
there, lady, all right,But I mean I surprised everyone with them.
And then but I yeah, it'stypically they go back. Yeah,

and if if they're so uncomfortable andpainful, you should go to someone.
And people get so embarrassed, butmen and women get them, and it's
common also when you're older. SoI drink your water, drink your water
that and then also do you usethe squatty potty? I have a squatty
potty. I have a bidet.I feel like that stuff is helpful too,

because like then you if you're havinglike constipation issues, it helps you
a little bit. With like theelevation. We just have a natural squatty
potty built in because our bathroom isso small that the tub is right in
front of the That's how I'm growingup house. I just put my feet
up on there, and like Andrewand I are just we're kind of gross.

We don't always show the door unlessthere's like really bad situations happen,
and you'll like come home and I'mjust feed up, and he knows what's
happening because he'll see me and I'llbe like, hey, yeah. I
was like, you should go ina different room, don't be like standing,
because he'll come home and he'll justlike want to talk about his day
and he'll be in the hallway tothe bathroom as I'm literally legs are up
like I'm trying to go to thebathroom, and I was like, maybe

just give me like five yeah,you know, like just give me a
little bit. But yeah. Therewas a squatty patty and our Christmas exchange
this past year, and I thinkmy younger sister Katie put it in and
she was like, Jenny, becauseyou never know what the exchange present is,
that's the way our families is,obviously, and she's like, Jenny,
I really think you'll like mine,blah blahlah blah, and I didn't

take hers, and someone else didand said it was a squatty patty.
I was like, I had havegot one of those. It's built in
with my toe. That's a genius. That's a genius, like little Christmas
pass and for sure, but Ido think we need one in our basement
because there have been times where areand I are both needing to go number
two and one of us has thebasement and we're like, oh, no,
where to put our feet up.If you don't know what a squatty
potty is, by chance, itis just like basically a little stool you

put in front of the toilet,because they say that that's how your body
is more naturally meant to be whenyou're going to the bathroom, so it
makes your bowel movements more natural,easy, less strained. And I don't
have one in our powder room,and so I use all of this little
toilet in front of it. Shedoesn't need a little She just needed a
little toilet in like a year becauseshe can sell on the big girl toilet

now. But she uses her littlepotty too for and I a should just
get a stool. She'll put itin front of the toilet so she can
step up and get on the toilet, and then she pulls it over and
puts it in front of the sinkso she can wash her hands, and
I'm like, I should just getyou an act. She has a stool
downstairs for her bathroom, like brushingher teeth, but not upstairs. So
no, whatever it was, Yeah, it works for what she needs exactly.
Care I was also going to tellyou that I did. I've done

two plates classes now and I haveanother one set for Wednesday Friday. I
did like a the A there's anew place in Mound, so it's like
right by me. I wouldn't haveknown, but my neighbor Jen and my
neighbor, I mean, she liveslike an differ neighborhood, but she's very
close to me. She is likeone of those friends you want to have
because they know everything that's going on. I never look at like Facebook groups

and stuff for like news in thecity. She'll like, did you hear
did you see I'm like, no, no, tell me everything. So
anyway, she's like, there's anew pilates I'm going to go if you
want to go, And she's sellingher peloton because it hurts her knees.
And she has this thing she saidrecently where when she does she's really competitive
and when she does intense workouts likepeloton or like hit classes. She says

it messes her up for like twohours after the class, where like she
doesn't feel right, she feels dizzy. It's not a good feeling. So
she's like, I don't want todo those. I just saw her actually
post on Instagram today she's selling herbike, and so she's like, I'm
gonna do pilates because it doesn't hurther knees and you don't really even I
don't sweat a ton in there,just like a little bit. Yeah,

but it's a reformer kind And Itold the lady. I was like,
I feel like pilates is having abig moment. She's like, oh,
so I don't know that. Shefelt that. She agreed with me on
that. She's like, it's alreadyalways having a moment, bitch, that's
why I open the studio. Novery nice woman. But I just loved
how it's slow. And I wastelling Jenny, I feel like it works

little muscles you never hit and youdon't know about. And it makes me
understand why a lot of the peoplethat you see who do pilates a lot
have those longer, leaner bodies.So I am praying that it will give
me a long, lean body.I have to break it to you lean
potentially, but long. I thinkthat I will say webbing. She was

telling me. She was like shocked. She's like it was a different instructor.
She was like very kind. She'slike, hell and I can't believe
this is your second class, Likeyou have such great form and like you're
so blah blah blah. And Iwas like, oh my god, like
keep telling me how this compliments girl. And then we got to where we're
on our laid on your back andyou put your legs straight up in the
air and she goes balla, doyou have really tight hamstrings? And I
was like I do, and shelike I can tell like and I was

like, I also have a badhip. She's like, okay, we'll
do some hip flexer stretches. Atthe end. It's like all right,
lit and uh, but I didlike a month unlimited nice. So I'm
getting excited and I asked her,I said, how many times a week
would you recommend? She's like threetimes. This like that's probably good.
I feel like that's a pheramountony too. Yeah, And it goes very quickly.
I don't even look at the clock. I don't know where clock is.

But like in those good high intents, don't for it, don't find
either or else you'll always know whereit is. It's true because when I
do would do like for instance,when Steve would convince me to do Warrior
sculpt at Lifetime, I would lookup and be like, why why is
there still thirty minutes? I won'tmake it. I won't make it.
I hated it. I hated it. I love Lifetime, but I fucking

hate Warrior Sculp. You don't likeyou're supposed to leave an exercise filling like
high yeah, on indoor fins,like, oh, I'm so glad I
did it. I never felt likethat leaving work. I felt like my
I always said this, my soulwas removed from my body. I hated
it. I mean, sculp classesare really hard. I do still do
one on Friday mornings every once ina while when I can make it to

it. Yeah, but I justwent to the spin class instead because I
couldn't make it to the SCULP classon this past Friday. And like,
I'm very comfortable in working out situations, but I know some people aren't.
And the instructor straight up came tothe back row where I was in my
loansome like nobody. Yeah, shegoes, I've never seen you before,

who are you new? And I'mlike yeah, She's like, well,
what's your name? And then Ilike tell her whatever. And then I'm
getting call outs in the middle ofthe class, and you can tell that
everyone in that class goes all thetime because I had to. I couldn't
tell what I was supposed to bedoing at the time. I was like,
what did she say? I couldn'tunderstand what she was saying, and
so I was watching everyone else andI was like, I think I'm supposed
to be doing I'm going to pushup motion right now. I'm not entirely

sure. Yeah, but I meanin the end it was great whatever,
but I like, I should becomfortable with this. I go to plenty
of workout classes, but that momentwhen you're first called out, yeah,
in a class you've never been to, it's kind of like, I don't
know if I needed the call out, but okay, yeah, I haven't
been to a lifetime spin class ina very long time. Some of the

places I've been to for spin Ididn't like it as much as Peloton,
because I didn't like the instructor's musicchoice, okay, and I was like,
I'm stuck in this and this isnot inspiring me. So I like,
that's one thing I do like aboutPeloton is I can pick the exact
I can see the playlist basically.But also I did do so Target had

one like crossover with soul Cycle andthey had to pop up here and I
got to go to it. Andbecause soul Cycle is like probably the best
known spin kind of thing, andit was an experience to say the least.
And it was like that where theycall you out. There were like
candles, there are all these things, and I was like this, I
understand the hype behind it, butI it felt a little culty. Yeah,

like cause you know, like howthey make jokes that like people who
do cross That is a little culty. It had that vibe to it for
sure. I was like, oh, I would eat. I am a
kool Aid drinker man, Like,I don't need to be around this,
So I gotta get out. Igotta get out. Whet good. So
I have one story I have toconfess. So, oh God, did
you shit in on a bike?No? It's nothing about that. It's
like quite opposite of what we've beentalking about for the last ten minutes because

it's fitness. It's more on theside of like am I a healthy person
or am I not? Because whenit comes on to it, after I
tell you a story, you probablynot gonna think I am. Okay.
So Andrew and I had bought thesefruit snacks from Costco and they're like zero
grams of fat, like kind ofokay, low when calories whatever, But
it works with my diet and howI track my macros. So it was
a nice little snack to have everyonce in a while. So we bought

a box a handful of months ago, went through it whatever. The last
time we bought it, Andrew waslike a fucking addict. He could not
control himself. All of a sudden, I look over and there's like ten
fruit snack wrappers etched to him.God, I'm like, babe, what
is They're not even that good?Yeah, like the kind of stick to
your teeth. And I only getthem because it like is zero grams of

fat and whatever. I was like, they're not even that great. And
so he goes and hammers through thisbox within like a week, and it's
a box of ninety I had apile. Okay, a week might be
in a like an exaggeration. Itwas probably like two weeks, but still
two weeks. And I even hidthe last few because I was like,
I would like to enjoy some ofthese. I was barely getting one a
day at the rate he was going. So the next time I go to

Costco, I'm trying to find somefood that works with like counting my macros,
and I find like the jumbo Costcosize of rice crispy treats, and
those also are pretty low and fatand work with my macros. So I
was like, hey, when youeat them? And what's the word when
you don't eat a lot at atime? Oh, when you like,
I don't know, like the portionit yeah, or like moderation. Okay,

when you eat a moderation certain thingslike they're fine for you, you
know. So I buy this boxand I hide it in my car learn
them as the next day because thefirst time I go into it, it's
frozen. Because I bought it likea month and a half ago, when
I was like five degrees. Iwas like, fuck, I have to
put them in the house. ButI have to hide them from Andrew.
He cannot know about these or elseI will never see them again. So

I have them hidden and and You'relike, noticed a rapper recently and he's
like, what's that? What Iwould do is it be my little treat
at night as I'm going to bed. You and I would have one year,
I would have like one to two. Sometimes if I like had the
calorie count in the account, Icould add in like three if I wanted.

But I like finally confess to himone night and I go, Babe,
I have been going, hey,I'm on these, but I am
like, yeah, moderation. AndI open up the drawer to my nightstand
and I reveal just like a pile, like an extreme pile of Rice Crispy
Street rappers, and he's like whathe starts freaking. I was like,
are you kidding me? Where arethey? Where are they? And I

was like, no, you don'tget to know where they are. Yeah.
So then for the last week orso, he'll do something and he's
earned a Rice Chrispy tree, youknow, and I have to like He'll
be in our sunroom, which ison the main floor, and I have
them hidden somewhere on the main floor, so I run. I literally rustle
around in multiple rooms to throw them. Oh my idea where the box did

in. But it's the only wayI can get stuff like that, Like
yep. Andrew is always like,well, we just got to eat it
all now, so the snacks areout of the house, like that's his
look of life. He'll buy abag of chips. He's like, well,
I just got to eat it allin one sitting because then it's out
of the house. And I waslike, well, maybe it's so much
like Jake. It's disturbing. Theyare so Jake came home, I'm a
girl like buying girls, got cookiesand handed me the box. He had

just been in the grocery. Sobetween grocery where she was selling to the
house, there were two cookies left, and he goes, I saved you
something. You saved me some.He's like, I need them out of
my life. He's like, she'sgoing to be the next president. The
way she hustled me. I'm like, she probably looked at you and you
handed or your walling like shut up. And I was like, you're pathetic.
They're the same. They are NoAndrew's exactly like that with Girl's coaches

moments too. I can't act likeI'm like holier than that. I'm a
piece of shit half the time.Well, I was gonna say, like,
I can't control myself either. That'swhy I don't keep a lot of
stuff in the house because I havea struggle with that. But like,
this was one thing where I didgo a little crazy one day and I
ate four and I I had theworst stomach cache ever. And it's like,

all right, we know the threeis my limit, you whatever,
But I usually, like I said, I just like, usually it's my
treat at the end of the day, and I have like one and then
I put the wrapper in the drawerso that Andrew never sees the remnants.
And so yeah, that was likemy dirty little secret. I was hiding
from him pile and now he knowsall about it, but I don't care
because he ate all the fucking fruitsnacks. And I was like, this

is what you get. You're nota lot of housing candy too in the
garage. But then the mouth micefound it, I did, and yeah,
you hide stuff everywhere. I hidthat way from him, and then
I think when we either last yearor the year before, we had like
two trigger treaters and we had aCostco size of Halloween candy, and I
was like, let's put this awayand like, I know whatever. People
might disagree with us, but Isaid, we'll bring it to the movies

when we want, like snacks andwhatever. So I was like, let's
go hide this away. But Idid tell Andrew to hide it because I
didn't really want to know where itwas. Well, of course, he
admitted to me after a month thathe'd ate all of it, and he
like he just was getting into itevery night, and I'm like, all
right, so we're just allowed tohave snacks in the house because neither of
us can control ourselves. By theway, I think they texted into like

the main show text number, butsomeone who listens to the podcast, so
that they because of you. Ithink it was that it could have been
an email discovered Goodles. Yes,and they like their kids and family are
obsessed with them, so they werelike, You've changed their life. And
I feel like it was a textlike in the afternoon show. Yeah,
and they were like, oh mygod. And it might have been like
a topic we were talking about,and or maybe it was something else.

Maybe it was like a text toyour all show that I just saw when
I got in. But either way, you changed someone life with your Google.
They're so good thing, and Ihaven't tried them yet. I still
need to try them. They're sogood. But of course, of course
I find them at Costco and nowin the last month they're not there anymore.
So I got them I started.I probably found them back in the
summertime. I bet you gobout themon Amazon, but you think, I'm

sure you can. But it's likeI always try to get you know that
cheap like bulk Life, which isCostco. But yeah, you can definitely
buy them elsewhere. I think youcan just buy them in single packs at
Target or something like that. Andthere's different varieties too. I've only done
the regular mac and cheese kind ofone. But yes, I was so
bummed because I feel like I'll alwaysfind something I love so much at Costco
and then it's gone after like sixmonths when I love it too much,

like I'll never see it for anotherlike six months to a year. Our
top thing we get like endlessly.Well, other than like because Jake and
Dylan eats so many eggs, theyget their eggs there now. But the
bare lightly breaded chicken breast or chickenpieces are my, like our whole family
all of us love them, like, yeah, you can like make kind
of like Chick fil A like sandwicheswith them, and they're like great protein

and not a ton of calories andthey're so delicious. We pop them in
the air fire and that's like ourtop always get at Costco for sure.
So yup. Anyway, well that'sour time. We've been going longer lately,
and even today Jenny and I arelike, I don't know if we
have a lot to talk about.We're starting, I don't know, get
Jenny going on Orden or snacks andthere you go, or me talking about

fairy porn. All right, Well, thank you so much for listening.
Have a great week.
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