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December 19, 2023 38 mins
Falen and Jenny discuss...guys trimming their...ummm yeah...,their best and worst moments of 2023, a BUNCH of your questions, and what do you do on NYE besides going out? Happy Holidays! We love you!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I work out every single time.I'm like, let's take a picture of
the podcast, like it just workedout and I don't even care. I
know, Hi, welcome to you. I said, we got to take
a picture, and Jennie like,will you look nice? I'm like,
I come straight from the TV inJanuary. When we take a pictures,
I will be like, I'll looklike I went to the gym. But
it's just that I haven't showered indays. Yeah. Do you like my
new shirt? Gut? I do? It's so bright white right now.

I like, it caught my eyeimmediately. It's a Viking's crew neck.
Yeah, but it's mostly white withlike obviously the lettering in purple. But
it's so white. I'm like,dang, that's a bright shirt. Well,
they're doing like a wide out gameyeah Christmas Eve, so all their
stuff is white. And I don'tknow how I got into the Vikings good
graces, but it has been verybeneficial to me because well I know why
they want, like I think theywant, you know, their goal is

they want moms to feel like it'sa fun place to go as well.
Right, So one of the ladiesthat works there had reached out. I
did the thing with Dylan for hisbirthday, and then she was like,
all right, now you're on thelist, and so when we get like
new gear or whatever, we'll sendyou. Someone was like hey yeah,
and so she had said I'm goingWe're sending you some for the Whiteout game.
I was like, oh my god, it's so exciting. Because I

looked at the link. I waslike, and this is not I mean,
they gave it to me for free. But I am, even though
not a sports fan, I lovea cozy shirt. Yeah, and if
I'm going to be a sports fan, it's going to be for like the
Minnesota teams because I live here.So but I was literally like looking at
it and I was like, Iwould be happy with anything in that store

because all of this stuff was cutelike this. I know, I feel
like the fans stores are actually reallygood because I don't have that with the
Vikings. But also I'm a Packersfan, but yeah, the Wolves stuff.
So when I work a Wolves game, the head of the entertainment department
sends me pictures of things. He'slike, what do you want to wear?
Because I obviously have to wear they'reapparel, and so then I just
like pick random stuff out and therewas literally like thirty options last game,

and I was like, this istoo much. I was like, can
you just pull a couple things?And now I'm like obsessed with the one
thing I wore and yeah, no, very cute stuff, very cute.
So I was like, shout outto the Vikings. I'm glad I'm somehow
on their like mailer list, andI shall I remain there forever and ever.
Okay, you said you had aquestion for me. Yeah, okay,
so this is like a general question, and I know you did your
Instagram question thing. So I wasjust thinking the other day, obviously,

we're wrapping up twenty twenty three,and I'm curious not that you should like
necessarily compare years to each other,because every year has like highs and lows,
but how do you think you wouldrate twenty twenty three two maybe like
recent years that you've had, becausetruthfully, I feel like this has been
one of the more challenging years forme. Obviously it's no secret there was

a lot of changes in our careers, but then just like I don't know,
I feel like mental health wise,it was a little more challenging and
not that like there weren't some reallygood times, because there definitely were.
But when I think of like goodyears, I don't know that I would
put twenty twenty three at the topof Not to be depressing about it,
but I think it's reality that sometimesyou have good years. Sometimes it's just

like, you know, not asgood of one. But how do you
think you would rate it? Ithink challenging is a good word. But
it's interesting because I think I talkedabout this a little bit on the last
podcast. I said, next yearis going to be. I am in
the best spot mentally I have beenin right now that I can remember.

Yeah. Good. It took aminute for me to get there. But
there's this thing that I saved,and I was like the other I was
like, I think i'll post thatas my end of the year, like
it. I kept seeing it allyear long, and I don't know,
well, I do know what it'sabout. To me. It's just this

phrase. God, if I canfind it, who knows that. I
was like, that really is itfor me this year? God? I
probably won't be able to find itif you post it on your story,
right, No? Not, Okay, it was kind of saved it It
was like, yeah, some wordslike one of those like things just written
and now I'll probably never find it, but it was along the lines of,
you know, one of those quoteswhere it's like the challenges that get

you where you need to be.Basically, it's not that it's so much
better than that I should have beenprepared, but I'll find it eventually and
I'll share it because I was like, that is going to that has stuck
with me all year long. Everytime I say it, I'm like,
yep, that still stands true.But I always say, and I'm not
joking, but I always say,twenty sixteen was like the worst year of

my life. Yeah, this isnot it, but it's something like this
growth is painful, but nothing isas painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't
belong. Okay. So I lovethat it was something like that, and
it might have been that, orthe real flex is removing yourself from anything
that repeatedly triggers your mental health,hurts your heart, or lowers your vibe
like I had. Those are thekind of the things that I like,
like latched onto, and I justthink that I made a really challenging decision

earlier this year, and it wasit was It really was the best thing
for me. And here's why.I think overall, I felt like I
loved doing it so much, butI also was like, I need to
do the morning show realistically. Yeah, I love doing it so much.
It was like, but it wasso comfortable. And you know what,

I'll give Dave credit for this becauseI think that he said that he wishes
he would have done something else atsome point he regrets that. And I
thought I would totally regret leaving theMorning Show, like it'd be the worst
decision of my life. But ithas been such a challenge for me and
I've learned so much. There werestill things I was learning in the Morning

Show, but it wasn't like this. This is like all new challenges and
I think that's healthy and I thinkthat's good. The challenges were very felt
very almost like midlife crisis to mein the beginning, Okay, and so
I think I was like, ohgod, you know, but now I
feel like I'm on like the rightpath. Yeah. So I would say

overall this year, I would notlook back on it fondly, but I
think it'll be a year that actuallystands out to me in my life because
I made a difficult and good,challenging decision for myself good. So I
think that's how it answers. Yeah, No, I mean that's a great
answer. Yeah, And it's it'shard to compare years because different things happen

in different years. So it's likeyou might have had such a low low
for like a couple days in oneyear that you define as one of your
lowest lows, but then you couldhave another year where you have like three
months of just bad like juju orsomething, you know, but it wasn't
that bad, you know. Andthen also you could have some really good
things that last really long time.So yeah, I feel like not that
I didn't like twenty twenty three.There are so many, so many highlights

from twenty twenty three, but Ijust think that we faced a lot of
challenge, specifically with my family.Obviously, my little sister had her stroke.
Yep, that has been like verytough on my family. And then
just you know, just like somepersonal stuff too. I think that was
like challenging for me and obviously recentlysome mental health issues. But I still
like think that there were so manygood things in twenty twenty three, and

then same with you with the morningshow. I mean not that I wasn't
already on air with you guys,but I was not like at the level
that I'm at now without you beingthere. So I've learned a lot more.
And you think you know everything untilyou get thrown into that position.
I'm even specifically talking about today exactlybecause Dave was on vacation again today,
and it is just when you getput into someone else's full time job,

it's you really realize what they haveto deal with from their perspective and stuff.
So yeah, overall, I'm notsaying twenty twenty three was a bad
year. I think it came withits challenges, but also some good highlights
too, So I was just curiouswhere you thought. I think it's good
to look back on it like youare, like, I think it's good
to acknowledge that, like, yeah, that even though there were a few

bad moments here and there, overallwasn't bad. I will, like I
said earlier, I will joke thatuntil the end of time, twenty sixteen
is my worst year of my life, and I will continue with that forever,
and I hope that nothing ever trumpsit again. You know, yeah,
but it's it's all as annoying asit is, it really does help
you grow and learn some valuable lessonstime. I agree, No, I

agree. I saw this thing too, those we was gonna talk about on
our show today. And it's likea challenge. It says, challenge yourself
to say nothing negative for twenty fourhours. Okay, So that means mentally,
either you can't speak negatively about yourselfothers, you can't even say things

like it says like you want money, but you say I'm poor. You
want happiness, but you say mylife sucks. So it's like, for
twenty four hours, be much moreconscious about the words you use about yourself
and life. And I'm like,I'm gonna try that because I am.
I am a glass half empty bitch. But it's okay. I'm not saying
that it's not something worth trying,but man, I can't con sometimes how

my brain thinks, you know.So it's like if it starts, maybe
just like nope, yep, andthen read like yeah, yeah, I
don't think it's gonna be easy.And you couldn't couldn't do it for more
than twenty four hours. I mean, my god, I don't know,
all right, I do have Bythe way, oh my god, I
made I told Jake he should Trima'sbush and okay, I feel like that
was on a left field. Iwas like, wait, I thought we're

getting too questions on your Instagram.Let me just okay, does Andrew ever
tremas bush or does he keep it? Okay, he does, but it's
like when he thinks, maybe likehe's getting some good action and very close
up in that area, you knowwhat I'm saying. Oh yeah, no,
Jake is. But not too frequently, Jake, I'll be like,
I can't even see it anymore,and I'm like, oh, it's a
good, good point. I'll goclear that out. And it's kind of

an ongoing joke. But I toldhim. I go, you've got to
find a middle ground. What doesthat mean? And I go, you
are one of two ends of thespectrum. There is no one between.
For your bush. It is eitherso now Jake is a harrow boy,
Yeah, like it is. Eitherit is either so aggress like I don't
even want to get in there fora handy, my friend, I'm gonna
rip out something. It's like itis too much, or he goes naked

mule rat and I'm like, dude, there is an in between ya.
He's like, I don't know whatthat is, and I go literally in
between. I was like, itmakes me uncomfortable when it's straight Gonzo's no,
like I need like something like itmakes me so uncomfortable when he's like
basically straight racers. It it's toomuch. Okay, there's no mystery.
But I also like, as afemale, I don't know how I wouldn't

just like be straight razor for themost I mean, I guess they have
trimmers, yeah, and they justdo razors right. And so yesterday he
was like, today's the day.I'm like doing the full like trimming the
beer, trimming the coach his coachand uh so I walked in and I
was like, let me look.He said no, and I was like,
come on, let me say.I was like that's much better,

and he's like, okay, sodid you help him do it? No?
I didn't realize he was doing it. He like went downstairs with Olive
and I was like working on somestuff for like our show, and then
I was like, what is hedoing? And I was like I was
doing the game where my hair wassuper greasy. I knew I was not
going to want to get up andwash a blow dry and curl it this
morning, and I was like,I do not want to take a shower

to night. So I was playingthat game. I was like, just
get your fucking lazy ass in theshower. And I walked in and that's
what I saw, the naked spreadpresentation. I was like, oh,
okay, this is what you've beendoing this whole time. Once upon a
time, I did help Andrew withhis grooming and told me this, and
it was I have no interest inhelping Jake. I mean it was mostly
not like the bush situation. Hecan handle that. But it was like

I wanted to see how like Idon't know the sweet spot was or not
the sweet spot if it was likehis testmire, Yeah, his juice st
I was looking for his juicepot,like how tender it is, because I
mean they grow hair on their penis, you know. So I was like
helping him with a little razor,not obviously the big trimmer. But I
got nervous and I was like,take it back, I don't want to

do it. No. I alsobrought Jake's bush up at his company dinner
Friday night. Oh yeah, youhave the holiday bart. We did,
and it started off with like ajoke about Jake. They were I don't
know who brought up probably me vissectomesand a lot of the guys. One
guy at our table had not hadone, he doesn't have kids yet,

and the other guys all had hadvisctames and they're like, oh my god,
what's it like? And so Jakewas explaining that you're awake during it,
and he's like, what, it'slike Lasick. We were laughing.
I was like, it is kindof like Lasic and Jake was like,
it takes, like, you know, however long I don't know. He's
like fifteen or thirty minutes. Andthe other guy's like, why did yours
take so long? Like mine was? Mine was even shorter. And Jake's

like, as it turns out,I did not shave my pubes well enough,
so they had to get in thereand do it. And I go,
it's the Goottler bush. It's acurse. And and then they were
like I'm sorry what And I waslike, it's an ongoing thing. I
say. The Gottlers have three things. They have the Gootler gut because they're
all gassy. They have the Gottlerheat because they're all charismatic, and they
have the Gattler bush. And Igo and Jake's sister Hammah loves that one

because she loves me. Just amassive bush. But they were like,
oh, and they're like, whydidn't you shave? And He's like,
I probably did. And on theway there it grew back. So I
was like, yeah, so it'swhy the situation. So shout out to
laser hair removal. Who did I? Oh my god, someone just I

think it was someone I met.They were like talking about listening to episode
one of our podcasts. It wassomeone I knew, and they brought up
to be like Jenny's ass eating thelaser my my favorite story from the podcast
for the year. I was like, I honestly think it might be my
favorite like story from the podcast aswell. So I've gotten better because I
just had my fourth hyrie. Yeah. No, I just like prepare it

a little bit mentally more you talkto it, you go all right,
the brown ad girl. But Idefinitely well, first of all, I
can't see it. If I could, I would look her in the eye,
the one eye and say, ma'am, behave the things she's been through
with the pam rider removal, sheprobably looks like, right, actually,
can I tell you I'm fun?This is a super side, random fucking

note. But I was laying inthe guest bed after a shower. Our
bathroom's right the guest bedrooms right nextto the shower, and I was just
like laying there, like on myphone, chilling for a second, in
a towel, and so I lookand there's a full body mirror right there,
and I kind of I just Ijust spread him, like so you're
on your back and you spread it. I was on my back and then

I kind of rolled over to getup, and then I saw the full
body mirror and I realized the towelwas pretty much are you on your hands
and knees now? No? Now? Or At first I was on my
belly. Then I flipped and Iwas on my back and I was about
to get up, and then Isaw the full body mirror. So I
kind of like spread my legs tosee the spread what I was looking like
in the vicinity. And then Iwas like, so this is what Andrew
sees like when he goes in there. I was like, interesting, there

were a couple of creases. Iwasn't expecting a body fat and I was
like, that's nice. And soI was about to pull him in there
and be like, so this iswhat you're looking at him? And I
was like, all right, clearlyhe's into it. Yeah, spot,
I don't need a question. Yes, But I just was like, hmm,
I didn't realize this kind of angleis what I look like. I
you know, you know what Iwant to ask Jake. I saw this
podcast and I don't know who itis, and it could be very popular.

It was like one of those videosthat pulls up on my for you
page or maybe someone sent it tome. Someone might attack me in it,
which but it was like a husbandand wife clearly and her talking about
asked. She was asking him ifit felt different after she had the baby,
and he was like yes, andshe's like, oh, like is
it better or worse? Like it'snot worse, and she's like, but

you can tell a difference. He'slike, yeah, So I feel like
I should ask Jake that if itI've never heard that question I ever heard
that before? Well, the questionor like hearing that it might be different
obviously, but I just yeah,I don't know. I think, like,
you know, the stereotype of somewoman get insecure, that it would
be like looser or something. ButI don't really think that that's true.
I think that like that's just amyth. Like I think your body pretty

much it knows where to go.Yeah, if she goes back, she
goes back, she looks a littledifferent. Apparently she feels a little bit
like but she goes back. Okay, are you ready for ask me anything
questions? I put this up onInstagram and I have not pre read them,
So Okay, we got a lot, Jenny, we got a lot.
Ok First off, would Tina everdo an episode with you? I

think so it would be harder thanit used to be because she has a
real big girl job now that sheactually has to go into the office to
you and be present. But Iactually was thinking about I brought this up
to Jenny when we started the podcastand doing a series of where are they
now with former people from the show, So like Steve, Tina, maybe
Mike, that might be it.I don't know who else we would ask.

I mean, we could ask oh, Jordan, Jallie, we could
ask I don't know who else therewould be to ask. Honestly, I
don't know either, So it couldbe like a like a series we might
do so I might reach out.But Steve also has a big boy job,
so he had to, like whenwe have lunch. I think he
had to like lie in Sandy adoctor's appointment to come have lunch with me
to like clear space on his likeshared schedule. Okay, would you rather

get one million dollars to day orearn five cents for every step you take?
Five cents? That would add upso quickly. Yeah. There,
I feel like we've done on wouldyou rather recently? Like this on the
Morning Show? And I think thesmart choice is actually to get the million
dollars right away and invest it.Yeah, So I think I would probably
do that, But I don't knowhow quickly five cents adds up. I'd

have to do some maths. Ifigure out if you do ten thousand steps
a day, wouldn't that be likefive thousand dollars a day. I'm really
bad at math. Ten thousand,I'm five hundred. It's only five hundred.
Yeah, so let's say that oneactually five days in the year times
five hundred hundred, one hundred andeighty two thousand, five hundred dollars.
So it's going to take you atleast like eight seven is years, but

eventually million more than a million,about six years a million. But then,
yeah, what's the investment return ifyou invested that immediately? If I
got a million dollars a day,would invest all a million dollars? I
would pay off things about myself.I don't know I would. I would
invest some, but I don't thinkI would invest all of it. Yeah,
I know I wouldn't stair rail inmy house. You know you need
what I want to stare rail likea new one. Oh. The railing.

The railing, I hate it.I got to find like a contractor
to do it. We literally haven'thad a railing going from our bedroom down
to me in six months. Iknow, because that is first of all,
that is city illegal. I knowto talk about it, you are,
but let me tell you ry code. Because Andrew literally went and just
like threw random shit out when Iwell, okay, I don't know for

sure, but he did admit hecould have done this. We're missing one
of the anchors for the railing,so there were like three and we can't
find one of them, and wealso can't find the for the curtain rod.
We can't find the hooks to putthe curtain rod on. So we
also one of the windows does nota curtain rod with curtains on it.
There's shape, there's blinds on it. It's not just like completely open.

But yeah, we finally decided wehave to just get a new railing,
period, and so that's our situation. I just need the railing because it's
like the one an eyesore that's outdated. Left in the majority would yes,
and it's it's not even like acurrent style and it doesn't match any I
just hate it. It's like,right when you walk in my house,
you see it. Yeah, soJake agreed with me that that will be
something we do this year. Good. Okay. How to stay sane while

having to deal with extended family stayingover for Christmas? Oh that's a good
one. I'm wondering, is ityour family or your partner's family. Yeah,
because if it's your partner's family,then this is the rule I have.
I am allowed to go in myroom and take breaks from that family,
and it's Jake's responsibility. Here's thething, with Jake. Jake is
not as chatty as me, andI feel like I have to dominate conversation
or it's just silence, and thatalways annoys me. So he's gotten better

about that. It's brought it up. I'm like, hey, these are
your people, so you got tostep up the convo. I can't.
I'm holding it on a backbite.Get exhausted, Get exhausted. I think,
create reasons to leave. Yeah,I was gonna store activities for them
to do. So, hey,I put together a list of ideas for

you. You know, mal Americais doing this on Saturday. You should
go. I don't know that's agood one. I don't have any answers
for people coming to stay with mebecause we are the ones who go and
stay. But for us, whenwe go and stay at my mom's,
we literally are like, all right, we're gonna go in the bedroom and
just like hang for a little bitand just we literally get away from everyone
and we maybe watch a Netflix showor something and we just like have a

moment because otherwise, like I don'tknow, and nobody gets mad at us.
I don't know what the relationship iswith the family. Nobody cares are
some people are weird about that though, they think you're being ruds. Yeah,
what were the best and worst thingsthat happened this year? M I
mean I would say best is hardbecause I we had so many amazing trips

this year, like so many amazingtrips, and weirdly enough, I think
that most people might expect me tosay that Tahiti was my favorite trip,
but I almost might go with ourtrip to Bend, Oregon, our snowboarding
trip. I don't know. Ijust loved that city, and it was
not a stressful trip, like becauseI have flying anxiety, and then that

anxiety kind of lives with me fora couple of days, like going into
a trip, and it takes mea while to get into that vacation mode.
The trip to ben was just likeamazing. We did so many fun
things and snowboarded, and that's justlike our personalities, so I feel like
that was one of the best things. I mean, the worst was definitely
my younger sister having a stroke andjust the toll it's taken on the family,
and honestly, like selfishly not meas much because I'm not there,

But I mean I was home fora while helping out and going home a
little bit when it had first happened, So that was definitely the worst.
Best for me would probably be thetwo most memorable things that come up are
the trip we took my niece andnephew on to Switzerland and Paris, more
so the Switzerland part, even thoughParis was awesome he'd already been before.
And Taylor Swift both nights because itwas just, yeah, that concert was

epic. Worst easily losing Elliott,like that's yeah, absolutely the worst thing
that happened. Okay, how toestablish boundaries and keep up with it.
For example, certain certain people ina friend oh, that their thing cut
off. So I don't know ifI'm gonna be great with that. I

don't know. I've worked on boundaries. You have to decide what those boundaries
are, and I mean you haveto stick with them. And the thing
is you feel guilty and you haveto stop feeling guilty, and that is
easier said than done. And Ihonestly think that you could read some books
on it that I don't think anythingJenny and I say are going to it's

going to really help. Because Ihad to go to therapy for it.
I was going to say, also, maybe you have the people pleasing issue
that a lot of people have,where you're like incapable of setting boundaries and
you just always want to make everyoneelse happy, and then that obviously burns
you out. So maybe look intotechniques to not people please as much?
Yeah? Yeah, who would playyou in a movie? Oh god?

I like I could see maybe JenniferLawrence because she's a little bit puerky,
weird, like outrage A good one. I think I could maybe see that.
Oh man, I'm trying to think, because okay, I feel like
I get like the boss. No, I don't want to say boss bitch
because I hate that term. Ithink yours would be Kate Upton because of
her her big old titties. Ohyeah, and I like to bounce them.

I like to do some beach runswith them, bouncing up and down.
Hello. I don't have a singleline in my movie. Actually,
I'm just running the entire time andworking out when Oh yeah, So anyways,
my movie, you have to bea twenty one or older, not
even eighteen. You be twenty one. What would yours be? I don't

know. I think for Laurence isa good one, but I mean if
you based on how I look,it'd be nothing like that. I feel
like, Oh, I wasn't thinkingabout looks wise at all. I was
thinking of solely personality. I don'tknow. I mean, if I want
like someone older than me, i'dgo Melissa McCarthy for me. She's like
funny and like can do like funnybody humor, which I like, like

physical comedy. But if I wentyounger. I don't know why I thought
Jenna Ortega. I think I onlywant her because I like her, not
because she would actually be like meat all. She's a little too dry,
yeah to be me. I don'tknow. That's a good question though.
If anyone has an answer for us, who they think it would be,
let us know. Email us.Yeah, for sure. Robin just
says I think you both are amazingand I appreciate you. That's all.

Thank you. This person said,Fallon, do you get a commission for
all of the War of the Rosesthey still play with you on them.
I do not receive commission, butI will be looking to that for my
next contract. Thank you. Favoritegames to play as a family or favorite
holiday traditions. We play Left RightCenter, which is a simple, easy
game it's I told Jake this lastnight. I am so bummed. We

don't really play many games anymore.We used to play them with Dylan all
the time, and I want toget back into it. I know what
the problem is, though, Idon't know how to play all these new
games, and I do not Igo. I think it's like the patience
is gone where you used to readthe instructions. I just want someone to
show me how to play it.That's how I am too. I'm so
sick of like even watching YouTube videos. It doesn't really help me. It

becomes so confusing, and I hateit. Like we got the ticket to
Ride last year because Dave always recommendedit, and even Zach said he loves
it. I don't feel like learninghow to play it. It seems like
it's too hard. I am liketotally the same thing when someone has to
explain an entire game like it's usuallyonly happened on like ski trips, and
someone to be like, let's playa drinking card game, and I'm like,
I don't want to learn a newgame. You know, I'm like

that, But I am totally thesame. I'm trying. I was just
trying to google and it's fine.I'm not gonna be able to figure it
out. But there's a game weplay that's newer in our family where everyone
has a role. There's like witnesses, there's a detective, there's someone like
was murdered or something, and youhave to like convince everyone who is who,

and like everyone's head's down at thebeginning, except for like three people
get to like converse or something.And I'm so sorry I cannot recall the
name of it, but we onlyplayed it a couple times, and I
was not at Christmas last year,so I don't remember the other one though,
is I mean, we just doyour Christmas exchange, so that one's
always fun because we do the wholeLike you pick a number, whoever's lowest

goes first, and then you cansteal up to like two steals. Usually
you can't steal something right back,okay, yeah, and then obviously at
the end you can like exchange presenceif you feel like And I did it
over FaceTime last year since I wasn'tthere, ended up with just garbage or
I was so mad. I don'tthink it would have gone the way Yeah
it did if it wasn't for that. We I mean, this isn't a

Christmas game, but we just play. We love I mean, catchphrase is
the easiest one. Alas we lovecategories the catchphrases, like we did that
even when we went on a wewent on a family trip over a Labor
Day weekend with like my mom andsister, but we went to like Charleston
area and we spent like both nightsjust playing that, sitting on the couch
with each other. And it's fun. But I always like the heads up
game on the phone too, becauseit's free, and that's like kind of

similar, but it's like more youcan do act ones and those are funny.
Some of these questions are like kindof the same one you asked like
the best Yeah, uh ooh howmuch did it rec cost to redo your
bathroom foul? And I love it? Thank you. I will never share
that probably ever done and will doyes. Correct. Have you enjoyed your

time on the Jason Show. Youadd a lot to the show? Thank
you so much. Yes, Ihave four days left. I would just
say, so it is Friday.You're in the rest of this week,
so Friday is your last day.Yeah. So if you're listening to this
on Tuesday when it comes out,then I may be already done with that
show, but I have four daysleft this week. A lot of questions
about your Timberwolves thing, Jenny,because people are confused. I'm confused too.

Something happened because a lot of themare saying no one was hired.
What is that? What is happening? Like multiple people put that, You're
honestly as confused as I am.Yeah, I don't have an answer for
you. That's why I said onthe last podcasts that I'm not going to
be doing it, but I'm goingto be guest hosting. And someone had
commented on my things saying I didn'tgive an update, but I swear that's
what I said on the last podcast. But if that wasn't enough of an

answer for you, that's all Ihave. I don't have any more information
besides that. I'm just going tobe helping fill in when they need help
with games. What is one thingyou really want to accomplish next year?
Oh, I feel like I gotto find a side thing for myself.
I know I do, like,Oh, I have one too, dogs
and I watch dogs on the side. That's like sort of a side hustle.

But I feel like I need tofind a new hobby or something,
and I don't know what that'll be. Okay, I have one. I
don't know what it's called. I'vesaid this before, but I want to
learn to do it. So ifyou want to do it with me,
Jenny, you can, but Idon't think it's going to be your thing.
I want to learn to play that. I don't know which culture at
it's specifically. I know it's Asian. It's the die. It's the not

dice like look like Domino's. Okay, that's the shape of it, but
it has different things on it.God, why can't I think of what
it's called? The game they're playing, crazy rich Asians. I never watched
that. Oh my god, didyou're the worst? You haven't anything that's
I heard. It's so good too, and I always debate watching when I'm
watching this week and it's so good. It's so good. But anyway,

it's a game that they play,and I want to learn to play it
because I told Jake, I waslike, you know, like when we
go out like to bars and stuffor things and we're just like hanging out.
I don't want to be on ourphones, right, you want to
actually play some of the games,and we do talk. We will call
up like games on our phones andplay with the kind of questioning games,
and we we're pretty good at keepingconversation. Like it's not like we don't

have anything to talk about. ButI think it'd be fun to like have
a game we could play. Andhe's like, let's learn cribbage. And
I go, no, it's athat's a math game, and I hate
math, so he'll just always beatme. I want something we both can
like play and have a chance ofwinning. He's like, that's fair.
So that's what I want to learnnext year, and yours is to learn

that also with me. Thank you, Jenny. I mean, I'll consider
it. I literally have no ideawhat you're talking about, though, I
know. Let's see, here area few a few fun ones. Favorite
meal right now? Ooh, that'sa good one. I don't know.
I've just been doing a lot oflike bowls. I love bowls, like

you know where you mix things together. Well, what are you putting in
your bowls? Give an example ofyour favorite things you put in one?
I'm a little burnout on one bylike a ground chicken, And there's like
a Trader Joe's hash as like it'slike really finely chopped vegetable sage, sweet
potatoes, and I mix it alltogether and it's really easy. I like
things like that that are and maybesome I throw. Sometimes you'll throw an

egg on top. So I justreally like really easy bowls. Mine's not
too exciting because I stick to alot of the same things, but I
usually do like ground turkey whatever,eat that all the time. But I
found this spicy Mexican Polly Feller ricefrom Trader Joe's, so I kind of
mix the two, and the riceis actually like really healthy. It has

flavor and taste nice. So I'vebeen kind of combining the two of those
a lot lately, and maybe we'llthrow it in a tortilla here and there,
but for the most part, Ikind of just eat the two on
their own. I mean, theground turkey has like taco seasoning and it's
like more of your Mexicanish dish.And then I'll throw some things on top
of sour cream or something. Yeah. Yeah, would you rather always be

sticky or always be itchy? Sticky? So hard sticky for sure. Having
mosquito bites and itching constantly is sowhatever being sticky it's just it's inconvenient,
but it wouldn't be annoying. Well, it would be annoying, but not
compared to being itchy. Two more, what do you do when you start
to like your best friend romantically?Oh, that's hard because do you know

for a fact that like there's nochance on their end. Yeah, if
you know for a fact there's nochance, I would like maybe to your
best friend almost take a step backor something, because that's brutal. That's
brutal. The only thing I canthink of is we know two radio people

who did a show together and thenthey ended up I know, but I
think they're the exception, not theway they are the exception that you could
be the acception. But what I'msaying is what happened with them, and
maybe this can to help you out, was they were somewhere, they had
had some drinks. I think theyhad gotten into the conversation of like,
somehow the alcohol encouraged the conversation ofif there was feelings, and then I

think he kind of retracted after thatconversation happened and was like, no,
we shouldn't do this, because Ithink they were doing a morning show together
and at the time and they stilldo a podcast together, and so they
were like, we can't do thisour careers blah blah blah. But then
eventually, like that conversation finally blossomedinto they are dating now and have been
a while. Yeah, so I'mnot saying go out and get drunk,

but maybe that could be a littlebread from me, little like, hey,
who do you like well? Imean we're in second grade, so
who do you like? Well?I feel like it's so hard, I
don't know. I'm like, maybe, yeah, risk it, and then
if you're good enough friends, youcan be like, let's just pretend that
didn't happen so it doesn't ruin ourfriendship if they are not reciprocating. Yeah,

okay, last thing, ideas ofthings to do on New Year's Eve
that aren't going out to bars orclubs, And I put this is a
separate question on here, Gosh,do you have answers? Because I am
not coming up with anything. Gamenight with friends or a movie marathon of
sorts. Everyone puts sleeps sleep.Don't worry, Jenny, your sister said
Packer versus Vikings. Game Go PackersGo of course vont to be funny,

said drink and have dinner, becauseit's what I said. Other than that,
a lot of people said games.Play a bunch of just dance and
board games. So many games,cake decorating contests for kids. A lot
of people do like if you havekids, like the eight pm ball drop
thing. This one says our newthing sweats, pajamas with cocktails, apps

with our friends. A lot ofpeople said, buy all the frozen apps
and make those family cabin time,make apps, hobby ice fishes, sometimes
games and movie. A lot ofpeople said bowling that was a big one.
Yeah, that'd be fun, orgoing to just a cabin somewhere.
Board games seems to be the topone, which is funny since we already
talked about that. So another people'sA lot of people said seeing a play

you can see like this one said, I'm going to see Peter Pan at
the Ordway with my fifteen year old, have neighbors over and do appetizers and
get out by eight thirty. Ihave gone skiing and tubing, bowling,
a comedy show, all fun fora full group, take a bath and
cut a pet early COTTI of bowlingpuzzles because I'm an eighty year old trapped

in a thirty four year old body. Play low tia. I don't know
what that means, so look itup. Have a nice meal. We
had last year fondue. Someone saidlast year we did. We met Jake's
siblings and had cocktail somewhere early andthen we were home and probably in bed
before Bingo is another one people putin there. There's a lot of things.

If you want to look online onInstagram or TikTok, just search like
I don't know, Christmas Game,Olympics or something, and there's so many
families that are doing kind of likeChristmasy related games. So one of them,
for instance, is you have abunch of cotton balls in a bowl
and you try to lift it,you try to like put it into a
cup or something. Then there islike a snowball theme or something, and
it's harder than what you think itwould be. Yep. So it's all

these kind of like Christmasy things.Or you have a bunch of cash on
the table and you use a spatulaand you try to live poop it out
and put it into a bowl,and you're also blindfolded during that, and
everyone cheers for you, so youfill in really good. You're making all
this money and you're doing good.But there's just so many like random fun
games out there if you're not reallya board game person or you're like typical
like catchphrase, there's so many randomthings that wouldn't require you, like you

probably have a lot of the essentialsin your already. The most reason what
I saw was you take a tubeof toilet paper and also a tube like
with toilet paper on it, andthen also a paper towel tube with paper
towel on it, and you tiea string to your waist with it hanging
down like below your crotch, andthen there's a wiener on top of that,
and you try to get the wienerinto the tube as it's standing up

vertically on the ground. And soyou do the paper towel first, then
you get it into the toilet paper, and then you switch. So it's
it's kind of team oriented. It'sdefinitely a stitch where you're gonna need people
to be there. You're gonna needto like probably like six ish people,
so you can have like a coupleteams. But I don't know, snow
tubing on Buckhill. Someone said,someone said, go Mini Gothic at cankin

Wonderland as a family in the morningon New Year's Eve. I think that's
most of them. Like a lotof very similar things with like the bingo,
rent a cabin, make apps toboard games, have friends over,
bowling at country club lanes with thekiddos. This one said they do it
every year. There's a candlelight trailwalk. I think I've seen that online.

You could just google that, letsomeone else get it. You go.
They go to a hotel because theyhave a family and then the kids
can swim, so they've book ahotel for the night, which sounds like
really fun. And I'm trying tothink if there's anything they've created, anyone's
out size skating. I mean notthat you're doing that very late, but
I feel like that's another fun activityyou could do right now. Someone did
say that earlier. It was likea mix of different activities to do.

Man, there are a lot ofthem, and they're very a lot and
the top answer go to bed atnine pm, not kidding hop answer,
which made me laughing. All right, do you feel good? This are
We went thirty almost eight minutes today, I feel great. Yeah, Jenny
and I are now going to goget salad from Swee Cree. Hell yeah,
hungry. We're listening this year,like I think we talked about last
year. We probably will be backthe second week of January because we're off

the first Yeah, and then we'rejumping into a new year. Yeah,
so we'll probably be back that weekafter, so probably two weeks off.
Thank you so much for listening.Thank you, love me by Happy New Year.
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