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February 13, 2024 38 mins
Falen & Jenny chat about Jenny's trip to Savannah, read emails, chat about the Super Bowl and more! Thank you for listening:)
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the I'm Still Fun Podcastwith Fallon and Jenny, and it's just
us today, no extra guest,which is okay, I mean maybe not.
I I will say we got alot of great response the past couple
of weeks, but last week wegot so many I'm sure you did too,
messages from people loving Steve on sayingthey were laughing so much. And

obviously that always, you know,makes us happy. That's our whole goal.
So I want to thank you allfor such positive feedback. We I
think both Jenny and I was likevery nostalgic, and it was very weird
because we really haven't done audio talkingformat with Steve since twenty twenty when I

was like, oh and I didn'tthink about that. It was weird.
It was weird, but at thesame time, because you guys obviously had
like I was a little more,but I was really behind the scenes back
then on the morning so you know, I mean I was on for random
segments, but I wasn't on allthe time, and so like I watched
the two of you get right backinto the shit that you used to do

on the show. Yeah, Imean it took like ten minutes maybe,
but you guys got back to it, and I just thought it was so
funny and just making fun of eachother. Oh yeah, whatever, it's
been. Steve and I we didn'treally have like a complete, I guess
update, but I would say,I mean I still talk to Steve at
least weekly, sometimes multiple times aweek, you know what I mean?

Like what we have so many mutualthings and friends and stories and things that
remind us of each other, andthen just keeping each other updated. And
we still get lunch probably every once. There were three months or so.
Yeah, it's not I mean,especially it's harder now because he has a
different job. It's harder for himto go grab lunch with me. But
I know, you guys talk maybea little bit less than we do,

but you guys still talk. Yeah, yeah we do. We're actually just
texting right now because Big Booty MixNumber Volume twenty four premiered over the weekend,
and he I feel I just wasout of it. Yesterday. I
was traveling back from Savannah and hehad texted me that there was a preview
on YouTube, and then I realizedI forgot to respond to it, and
I just got to the gym andI texted him I was like, oh

my god, I'm so hype thatyou sent me this because now I have
something to listen to at the gymwhatever. And so yeah, we text
about like random things every once ina while. Steve and I are like
not as consistent. But then whenwe do talk or like we will FaceTime
each other, we'll end up talkingfor like forty five minutes sometimes, but
it's once every six months, youknow, it's not that often. So

but yeah, we stay in touch. And then I mean same with Tina,
Like we're both you probably talking hangout with Tina a little bit more
than I do. At the probabpoint. Yeah, but yeah, I
still text Tina here and there,and I begged her to come pick me
up from the airport yesterday, butshe was busy apparently I just kidding.

No. I told her I wouldpay your money. I was like,
dude, i'll pay you. It'llbe cheaper probably than an uber, but
I was like, I'll throw yousome cash. She couldn't. Though she
couldn't uber, I did. Ijust we'd been taking ubers all weekend and
I just wanted to have someone likethere to pick me up. And I
don't know, I we flew intoTerminal two, which I did not register
with me because we flew American outthere, and then we flew southwest back
and so I was like, I'mordering an uber not realizing it, and

I'm like ordering it too Terminal one, and all of a sudden, I'm
like looking around. I was like, this is wait a minute, yeahn
one, And anyways, the ubercame real fast. I just you know,
when you get home from a tripand you just want to get home
yep, like yep, you don'twant to deal with like waiting for someone
to pick you up if they're notthere, or like waiting for an uber.
Because I think Andrew got home froma ski trip once and I had
plans already and he had like delayedhis ski trips, so it was on

him that like I couldn't come gethim. And he got home and he
waited forty five minutes for I thinkhe had ordered Lyft first, and then
he finally canceled and twitched to Uberand it was fine. Yeah, but
it just it's a nightmare having towait for those cabs or whatever. Sometimes
we unless it's like a super longtrip or we have crazy late hours,
we park at the airport now,because it's really like in most situations,

especially for like a long weekend,it's just easier and it's not even that
expensive, especially for where we live. We're lucky. My mom lives there
and she never really has anything goingon. So the only time I don't
ask her again is if like ourflight's super late, because all of would
be sleeping and she's probably watching allof us. I would never do that.
You're although, now we have Dylan. Oh that's right, unless he's

with us, I can like Dillycome pick us up. That's true.
You got your little built in driver. Absolutely. So how was Savannah?
You went for a bachelorette party thisweekend? Yeah? Any drama unfolded?
Anything crazy happen that you're willing toshare? Oh, she's looking off to
the distance. What can I share? We'll we'll get me in trouble.
There was drama. I'm not goingto share it because it's pointless. But

that was just drama. There werecomments made that too many people, you
think, no different personalities. Yeah, that's that's common. I think I
think it was. It all camedown to personalities and there was just drama
because a comment was made about foodthat was cooked and someone else thought it
was hurtful, and it was.And I told that person that it was
hurtful too, because they were somethinglike that. But that was a thing.

I mean, I talked about thison the radio today. But my
I mean, one of my friends, she kind of made me uncomfortable at
dinner because I didn't like my food, like it was not very good.
And I had asked her ahead oftime if I could have some of hers,
because I was debating between what shewas ordering and what I decided to
order. And I said, canI have a bite of yours when it
comes? And then I'm eating mineand it's not very good, and she

just inhaled hers and then she wasfull, and she still had about half
of it left. I was like, well, can I have some bites?
I was like, honestly, mine'snot good. I might just eat
the rest of yours if you're done, and she's like, yeah, for
sure. But then the server comesand she's trying to ask the server to
take it away and take it offmy bill pretty much and all this stuff.
And I just unless there's something reallyreally wrong something, I am not

that type of person. I justthink that that is a rude tendency,
and I told her I thought itwas rude, and I tried to keep
it calm because we're at dinner andwe're out to eat, but her and
I we call each other out forour ish and so sorry if you heard
the story on the radio already.But in the end, the server did
end up taking it off my thingbecause I didn't eat it. I like,

really, it got pushed to theside and it was never eight again.
I ate the rest of my friend'sfood, And I know she was
just trying to do the right thing, but she has a very bold personality,
so the way it was handled,I felt like rude and embarrassing.
Okay, yeah, so yeah,that was probably the other part. Other
than that, the trip was good. I mean for having we're supposed to

have twelve and one girl ended upbailing the day she was supposed to fly
out because she drove herself to theairport and she was so sick and she
was like I can't, like I'mgoing to go back home, and so
that was a bummer for her.And then it was like, yeah,
outside of that, it was prettydrama free, pretty chill. We had
an itinerary. We stuck to mostof it. What were highlights you would

recommend people if they're going to Savannah, I would say, I mean,
we had a lot of if you'redoing like a group trip. We had
a lot of fun doing the PedalPub because we did it during the day,
so you got to see like partsof the city. Well February right,
I wouldn't see it sign you mightnot want to it's a little too
toasty. So I did really likethe Pedal Pub. I thought that that

was fun. I liked just honestly. Wandering around, we stumbled into some
really cool shops, one like boutique. My girlfriend got these really cool vintage
earrings from another like vintage shop rightnext door. We weren't staying in downtown
Savannah, so that made it alittle bit difficult to explore as much as
I would have liked to, becauseubers were not like cheap, like if

you wanted to go by yourself.But I also, did you guys go
to Tybee Island when you went?Yeah, but I call it Tibby Island?
Oh? Is that how it is? Gosh, I've been saying it
wrong. That's probably right. Okay, Yeah, we called it Tibby Island,
but I mean I could be wrongtoo. Yeah, so we I
mean, obviously we went. Itwas February, so it was pretty cold
and not touristy at all at thetime when we went. What time do

the year did you guys go?I want to say around September, but
I can't remember. I feel likea lot of our trips are kind of
like late summer, early fall,and that was my friend's Hidi and Abbey,
and we only really went to TibbyIsland to see like the lighthouse,
and then god, we didn't evensee the lighthouse. We might have gotten
a meal there and then left.We are we have been old bitches since

we were in our early twenties.We are a lighthouse free. We love
to see a lighthouse. I mean, man, I'm surprised I didn't realize
that there was one there, andI should have because I remember seeing like
photos and pictures and like Stuvenir stuffthat had a lighthouse on it. So
I don't know why I didn't realizethat. Well, so we someone had
recommended a coffee shop on the wayout that way, so I don't know

if it's tybing or tibbying, butit's t y b E A N.
And then it ended up being inthis little area with a couple other cute
shops and just the shops itself theylooked like surf shops, like very colorful,
yeah, and a really cute area. So I liked that. We
stopped there. And then once wegot to the beach, it was cold,
yeah, And I mean it wasseventies in like low seventies in Savannah

all weekends. So we all broughtour suits like thinking we were going to
like whatever that did not happen andcold punch. Yeah. But what I'll
say is, did you guys havea car when you went Yep? It
was really hard for us to getubers in that area, Like it was
honestly kind of a nightmare for ourgroup. The other group had way better

luck because we split up all weekendlike six and five to get excels and
we could. I thought we weregoing to be stuck on that island all
day. We could not get anuber to save our life. We asked
our server for a cab company numberand try to call them, but they
were going to charge us like ninetydollars for this cab that was going to
take us ten minutes back to ourair being maybe like fifteen but still like

kind of extreme. So anyways,we finally got an uber. We had
to split up then and just ordera smaller uber yep, but and we
got one right away, but thenthe other one wasn't coming for like twenty
five minutes. And when you wantto leave and keep going with your trip,
you want to get going. Sothe first one comes and the guy
was so nice and he allowed usto shove five people in his arm,
and we just canceled the other one. So yeah, I would say,

just like walking around and exploring wasreally fun in Savannah, just looking at
the differentect architecture. We did aghost tour and I feel bad saying this
because I don't want to insult anyonewho might listen to this, but it
was not my thing, like becauseI have some friends I might listen to
this, and it wasn't my thing, mostly because I'm not into creepy stuff.

And we just walked around. Itwas nighttime and I know that that's
what people love that stuff, Anddid you guys do anything like that?
Yeah? I think, And Ithink it's okay to dislike it. My
friend's Heidi or my friend Abby doesn'tlike spooky, creepy stuff. She's kind
of like you. But we didin Savannah we did a Hearst tour and
a prison tour and the Hurst tourwas fun because they drive you around and

the reason I like that, andlike when we went to Salem we did
like the you know which tour andthe evening is because a I always think
those tours kind of give you alittle bit of a lay of the land,
which is nice if you do themearlier on in the trip too.
You do learn some history, eventhough a lot of the paranormal portion,
you know, is a story.You know, it could be true,
it could not totally like a talethat's been told for years and years that's

gotten grand or probably yeah, butit's still like I think it's fun,
so like I totally get not likingit, but we like Like the prison
tour we did I thought was lame. The prison ghost tour, I was
like, that was walking. Iwas like, this is lame. But
the Hurst tour, I think becausethe tour guide was so fun, like
over the top. That made thatone fun. And then the like in

Salem I feel like, if Salemis really small, it's it's so small.
After you do like the hocus Pocusstuff and stuff like that, you
kind of are looking for things todo, so like doing a witch tour,
it kind of makes sense. Yeah, no, and I agree.
I'm I'm happy I got to experienceit. And I actually would recommend doing
those tours instead of that we did, because we just met in a park

and then had a guy that wewalked around for like an hour and a
half to different places. Okay,And the hearst tours look super cool.
I mean it's literally like an openedhearse where you sit on top and it's
like you're out in the open.So those looked pretty cool, and I
would I would probably have preferred ifwe would have done one of those,
I would have might have liked ita little bit better. But it's not
really my thing. And there wasone story that did like really creep me

out, and I did wake upthat night. It was our last night
there. I did wake up afteronly being asleep for like an hour,
and I was really anxious and Idid not I had like a bloody mary
that day, so I know itwasn't from alcohol. Yeah, and I
was super anxious and I couldn't pinpointwhere it was stemming from. And I
don't know if it was just likeI had been dreaming weird dreams and woke
up feeling weird again from like someof the store worries. Because it's just

I don't like spooky things, becausethings sit in my head and do not
leave, Like when I hear somethingscary, it takes over my brain and
it's almost like I can't tell thedifference between something that's fake and something that's
real, and like some of thatstuff is quote unquote being there. Yeah,
right, So I think that's whyI don't like it, because it
makes me feel really uncomfortable. Andanyways, but overall, the trip was

good. I was a little nervous, go I've never gone on that big
of a bachelorette party trip before,and I think it was pretty fine.
I mean, I got along witheveryone, We had a fun time.
I think the bachelorette had a goodtime. We were on the same flights
there and back, so I wasasking her like how she felt and what
she was most looking forward to andwhat she liked afterwards, and yeah,

it was good, but my recommendationseparate from what we did is stay downtown.
Yeah, we did not, andI think that that kind of took
away from some of the things wecould have been doing throughout the trip.
Yeah, we we did a splittrip, so we my friend's Droe and
then I flew and met them,and we did a split trip between Charleston
and Savannah. We liked Charleston better. Savannah was cool, had like more

of the spooky history, even thoughCharleston has its fair amount. But we
also did that's we went to Savannah. They had filmed the water canoe with
the rain scene from the Notebook outof Place there, so we went there
and wrote in the like little canoes. It was so bizarre with like when
you go there, you're like,this is where they filmed. It just
seemed bizarre. We did that,I know, the like kind of marsh

swampy areas or something like that.Yeah, did it stink because we passing
over this. It wasn't really mark. I guess it was like a park.
It was I don't know, itwas hard to it wasn't like,
Yeah, I don't know. Itwas interesting and I'm glad we did like
some different We always researched weird randomthings like that. Yeah, they're stupid,
and I'm like, this is fun, that's fun. A lot of

the I just feel like, becauseobviously we had a big group, and
then we didn't have a car andwe were staying out close to downtown,
we were kind of limited unless wewanted to be spending a lot of money
on ubers, and we did endup ubering a little bit more than we
even had originally anticipated. Yeah.So, but the funniest part is like
the first night we get in,we got in in the afternoon and we

some of us decided to go exploredowntown instead of just like hanging out at
the Airbnb. So we go andon the way back, I'm like,
god, id of like smells inhere like someone farted, you know,
in our uber not thinking anything ofit. And then the next day we
take another Uber. My friend Shelleyis literally like covering her nose at one
point, and we thought our uberdriver like that Uber driver the next day

was like crop dusting us. Andthen finally the next Uber we have,
they're like, that's the swamp.Just so everyone knows, like it's not
me parting like they like said thatthey clarify that to it. So apparently
like the swamp marsh stuff that wehad to drive over constantly is what we
kept smelling. But Shelley and Iliterally were looking at each other like,
oh my god, this guy islike ripping ass and the hilarious. So

yeah, but it was fun andit's a cool city, just lots of
I mean, I've never seen Spanishmoss before, so pretty. Yeah.
We were told by one of ourother Uber drivers not to touch it because
it has mites on it and thenyou'll have like rashes, like bedbug stuff.
I didn't touch any of it,but no one warned me of that.
I'm pretty sure Savannahs where we wentto the famous Angel Oak, because
you can drive through. It's thisreally beautiful road of Spanish moss, and

I think we drove through that.And I want to say, because since
we did both of those, Iget them a little confused. But I'm
pretty sure the Angel Oak, whichis a very famous tree. We went
got a photo with it. It'sa massive tree and you have to go
through like yeah, like a toweror like a I don't know, like
a tunnel of Spanish moss, whichis very beautiful. I was like a
toddler. Once the Uber driver saidnot to touch it, every time I
walked past, I wanted to totouch it. I was like, I

don't see any mites. Yeah,yeah, I have a microscope budget.
How was your weekend? What haveyou been up to? H What did
I do? I mean, wedidn't do we what do we do?
Jake's family came over. His brotheris getting married in June. So it's
kind of like a like a discussion. You know, we're having a lot,
like just chatting about that. Notbecause of them, I think,
you like, we just overly askthem what's going on. I'm gonna miss

Laura his I. It's funny becauseyou have all these bachelorette parties. I
have none. I haven't had bacheloretteparties in so many years. And even
I think most of my friends thatmust have had them they lived in Indiana.
When I worked in Reno, Igot ten days off a year.
I could never go home for him. I was like, either can come
home for your wedding or your bacheloretteparty, you know what I mean?
And also so I mean, Ifeel like I've only been to a handful

of bachelorette parties, but I'm missingLaura's and hers is like a chill one
in Stillwater. And I guess Ihave to go to my niece's graduation,
which is fine, but I'm excited. I don't know, I'm excited.
All of this is to be aflower girl and all that stuff. So
I was thinking, that's really cute. And I've said it before, but
Jake's family they fucking kill weddings.It is the They are the best family,

Like his whole family. They'll allcome in. It won't be like
my family, where maybe one cousinwould come because they're not going to pay
for that and stay in a differentcity. They're kind of homebodies. No,
the full family from Portland, Arizona, Chicago, They're all gonna fly
in built. It's they and theyjust have They're so wonderful. Like the
whole family. They dance and thewhole night away they party. No one

is sloppy, drunk, annoying.I was gonna say, it doesn't get
too sloppy. Well no, andthey're just the best. So I'm really
hype for that. So Jake's auntcame to visit. She moved back from
Ohio, she's stopped by, butwe I was like, I could not
believe how much I was into thesuper Bowl last night. I could not
be like I stopped. I watchedlike the first half, because you watched

the first half, and I waslike, this is so boring. And
I watched the halftime show and thenwe left. We were over across the
street like in at our friend's house, and we drove back to our house,
put all of to bed, andI was watching the show called One
Day on Netflix and it's a seriesand I was so into it. I
had one and a half episodes left, so I put that on Jacobs.

So I guess we're watching this andnot the super Bowl, And I said,
do you want to? Was like, honestly, no, it was
a lame game. So I watchedthe two episodes and that covered the third
quarter, and then I pulled itback for the fourth. We downloaded the
free fucking Paramount app for the oneweek trial wouldn't load. I'm like,
this is the worst example paramount ever, and so Jay could get it on

his phone, but we could notget to work on our TV. So
I did what I did for theGrammys, pulled up TikTok watch the super
Bowl on TikTok Live, and thenit started getting I didn't even think.
I was like, what do youmean, Like you were just watching the
clips that everyone was everyone live streamsthe Grammys. Yeah, so I watched
the last and I was so stressed. I wanted the Chiefs to win so

bad just because I wanted Tailor andTravis to be happy. It was just
so stupid. It's like the dumbestshit ever. And I was like,
it really is true, though,it really is true. You can hate
her all you want, but itreally has made a lot of people like
me who did not care about thatactually like watch. Yeah, I would
never have I've watched the second halfof the super Bowl before this. I
never I would have looked the nextmorning, read the scom and like cool

congrad unless it was the Vikings,which that hasn't happened, saying and then
maybe I want to care more becauseit'd be important. But I don't know
that that's pretty much it. Idon't know they're too too exciting. I
mean, I do watch football,and not all the time, mostly just
the teams I care about, whichis the Packers, And then I do
care about the Broncos now because that'swhat Andrew sivana. But I do always

watch the Super Bowl for everything,the commercials, the Haften show, and
the actual game. And I alsolike kind of started falling off like set
end of second quarter or second quarter, love the halftime show. Then third
quarter was half fain attention working onthings. But then I got really into
it, and I didn't know whoI wanted to win, because I find

Patrick Mahomes to be kind of annoying, so I didn't really want to have
the Chiefs win. But then Ialso thought about how everyone thinks Aaron Rodgers
is annoying or they whatever they thinkabout him, and I don't feel that
way about him either, so Iwas like, well, maybe I shouldn't
root out the whole team because Ithink Patrick Mahomes is a little annoying.
So then I think I was happyin the end. But originally I think

I went into it wanting the fortynine ers to win, and it was
a good game. I thought.I also wanted them to pan to Taylor
Swift more though I wanted to seeher reaction, and they did at one
point when Travis had a big play. I remember in the fourth quarter.
But I wanted to see so manymore, so much more of her reactions.
And I know that they had tolike walk a fine line of what

they could do. But yeah,it was a good It was a good
game. Yeah, period, Isaid super Bowl. He I mean,
that's I agreed with that, likeI think everyone can agree. Ended up
being like a really good game.Two things. Number one, you look
like an elf right now, andI'm going to take a photo. Don't
don't make me stop because my headwas hurting. I know, okay,
never, I'm not going to takeit. The picture quality with the lighting

is not attractive, but from myangle, you look a beautiful elf.
And I was like, you couldbe in like Lord of the Rings.
But I also really oh I watchedlike the TMC footage because like what they
do after and then you go toa party and they saying you belong with
me. They played her song andthey sang it to each other. Yeah,
learned Travis with I thought was cuteand I just kept thinking, we're
gonna talk about it on our showtoday too, Like everyone saying the way

he treated the coach is a redflag for a relationship. Did you guys
talk about that. So I'll behonest, I get a little nervous touching
on certain subjects that can be kindof controversial without Dave there because I am
still new because Dave's on vacation,I'm still new to controlling a show.
Yeah, And so I did touchon it at one point. We didn't
get deep into it. I mean, I stated in my opinion that I

don't think it was as bad aspeople are, like some people are making
it out to be, because testosteroneis through the roof. You're in like
the biggest game. You've worked yourwhole like you work your whole life to
be where you are, and reactingout of anger because of a play that
could have like helped you get likemajor points in a huge game. I

feel like it's pretty natural. AndI feel like I should gone back and
rewatched a video a couple times becauseI think I only watched it like once
or twice. Yeah, So wekind of talked about it because I know
that people are saying this is abig red flag now for Taylor, right,
And I I'll be honest, So, I thankfully have never been in
any relationship where I have feared anyform of domestic violence. So it's really

easy for me to say. Myoutlook on it was that was he was
it was a dick move. Heshould not have done that. But his
coach did come out after, bythe way, and I'm sure he's just
trying to save face for Travis.Yeah, but he was like, he
just startled me, caught me offguard. And it's not even what he
repeated what Travis said, which wasdifferent than what people thought he was saying.
Yeah, he was saying I wantedI should have been in. That

is what he was saying, becausethen that like he could have stopped something
from happening. Yea blah blah blah. I think it was a turnover when
they were in the red zone toscore and they lost seven potentials. The
coach's outlook was he's not being selfish. He loves the game that much like
he wants to help his team.Yeah, that was his reference. I
did not look at that as thisis someone who could then turn that on

whoever he's dating in a relationship.But again, I've never dealt with any
form of domestic violence myself, sothat is a I guess ignorant statement because
I don't know, but I didthink that I just felt like that was
a stretch and someone could tell mevery different. But I am going to
talk about it a little bit todaynot And I also think it's like harmful

to imply that someone is capable ofthat. I think that's harmful as well.
So I'm gonna I'll address it gently. I'm gonna say this is what
I've been seeing a lot, whatdo you think, and open it up
to other people instead of overly statingmy opinion on it. Since I don't
feel like I have a fair Iguess, well, I guess. I
mean, I guess I do havea biased in one way opinion, just

like anyone else would have. Right, So what I was the thing I
was going to talk about that waslike one of the top things. I
did watch the clip a lot.He's aggressive, but I feel like I
was surprised, since I don't watchbut all, to see how aggressive all
of them were for everything throughout theentire game. I mean, my mention
of it on our show today was, I literally play kickball and people get

like upset and like yelling in eachother's faces, Like that's kickball. So
I just I really think that peopleare passionate about sports, and I agree
that I have no experience in anythinglike that and luckily, but I also
think that you cannot pick one thingout and immediately turn them into an abuser.

I think that that's a really unfairthing to do to a human.
But yeah, so you guys,you'll have to know how your conversation goes.
I do have some emails on pollI have one too, is it?
I have one from Haley? Okay, I might have more than that
too, actually, but this onewent from Balo. So but but I

want to make sure we didn't alreadydo this one. Did she did?
What do we do? The one? We didn't do that one? Yeah,
I didn't do that one because Ihave that one too. Here.
I'll read mine first, because Idon't think it's really like advice, like
if yours is the one you areasking about as advice, so it says,
hey, ladies, first and foremost, I love that you started this
podcast. I work from home,so rarely get to listen to those Fallon

and Zach in the afternoon, andthis gives me the girl chat and fallent
time I've been missing. Okay,so I have two topics, and yes,
we are going to touch on Akatarone more time. It says one
Akatar fallon, be prepared to haveyour life consumed, which you already admitted
you have. I read the entireseries and it was exactly like you said.
Like you said you did, Ibought each next book before the book

I was reading and it had ended, so it would be seamless. I
wish we were friends so we couldtalk about it when you were done.
I have only a few book girliesin my life, and none of them
have read the series yet. Ihad a series depression when it ended,
which you also touched on, right, And when you're done with that series,
I suggest Zodiac Academy if you heardof that one. No, I
was gonna say, that's the firstI've heard. I'm on book eight of
eight with the same premise hot Fayis It's Faye right, Hey, Okay,

Hot Fay Spice Magic. It's basicallylike Harry Potter, but far darker
and a lot sexier, obsessed,and then she goes on to say number
two Jenny's quote unquote to do list. So a few weeks ago I had
said how I always have this todo list in my head that I even
put like reading or something on it. Like I just constantly feel like things
that you used to just like leisurelydo all of a sudden it's like on
a to do list. She says, when I say this hit close to

home is an understatement. I wasyelling at my podcast while listening because I
couldn't relate to that more. Iused to actually have a stress list,
which is where I'd list all thethings I'd been putting off in one spot
so I could go look at itand remind myself aka shame myself into getting
it done. More often than not, it did the absolute opposite and just
showed me clearly how much I wasstill failing at getting stuff done, which

just froze me more. When Jennysaid she's now adding reading a book to
her list, it really resonated becauseI was there. Let me start by
saying, I'm a project manager fora fast paced in store retail agency for
major retailers. It is definitely ourcareers that put us in that mindset of
organization and aggressive multitasking, which isalso why we're good at our jobs,
but also why we can be alittle neurotic on the flip side when that

gets applied to life. You losetrack of the things that are truly meant
to be relaxing, like reading abook, because it's just another chore we've
added to our task lists. Evengoing on works was on my list.
I started seeing a therapist and shesaid, Haley, stop, get the
trash novel, read the book,go on the walk. It doesn't need
to be do the It doesn't needto be perfect to quote, do the

thing. It's okay to sit andspend time reading or insert whatever activity.
It shouldn't be an area of additionalstress. The point is that it's okay
to sit and do nothing for morethan thirty minute minutes, even if you
have stuff to do, because youdeserve to let your mind rest. Your
mind and body need to function properly. She goes on a little bit longer,
but she ends up with saying,anyway, love both of you,
ladies, keep on keeping on,have a great week, enjoy the heat

wave. This came in a coupleof weeks ago, so that was when
it was like fifty years So thatcomes from Haley. Thank you, Hailey,
Hailey, what do you think youyou do? List? I read
her email a couple of weeks agowhen she first sent it, and I
was like, Hailey, you're right, and so is your therapist. Just
read the trash novel and stop thinkingit's like something else to check off your
list. Yep. So I haveleaned into that a little bit more.

But I do think that to dolist, like actually writing things down on
it to do list, does helpme personally still because hers is different.
Here's the stress. She was puttingthe worst things. So yeah, I
think I'm in the in between.Okay, So yeah, side note,
I have moved on to Throne ofGlass, which is a different Sarah series.
It was her same author, butit is her first series. She

started writing when she was sixteen,so way less spicy, like like there's
nothing there's like they might kiss andthey might imply that they hooked up,
but there's no detail. So shereally graduated as she went along. And
I am on book four and Ithink there are seven or so. It's

a lot, I know, Iknow. And then after that I will
do and you know what, it'sweird about this one, and then after
that I'm gonna do Crescent City,which is her other one. Number one.
There's this book series is unique.You can either read there's one book
called Assassin's Blade. You can eitherread it first okay, and then read
book one and two and on word, or you can read book one and

two and then Assassin's Blade at bookthree. So I read Assassin's Blade at
book three because it's her recommended reading. But it gives you history, so
it's kind of like it stops thestory from the first two books to give
you history, which is a littleannoying. Then I hear books five and
six you need to read it tandem. They take place at the exact same
timeline. So but they're from twodifferent characters. So if not, if

you don't read them in tandem,back and forth, yep, you'll read
one and instead of moving forward,you're like going back in time to catch
up. And that could be annoying. So what do you do? Read
one chapter from one book and thengo read the same chapter And I don't
know book there's actually a there's actuallyan outline of how you should do it,
and I haven't looked it up,so I was like, that's I
think it's kind of cool and different. So here is our last email,

Fallin and Jenny, listen to bothof your show podcasts every day. Thank
you and was so glad you starteddoing this. I missed you too together
in the morning, so it's greatto still be able to hear you to
together once a week on I'm StillFun. You both always give great advice,
so I thought i'd write in andhope you would maybe read my email
on the podcast. I found outsome news last weekend that I am looking
for advice on for starters. I'mtwenty four years old, and as usual,

my friends are starting to get engagedin our planning weddings. About a
month ago, my good friend fromhigh school asked me to be a personal
attendant at her wedding this fall.I was honestly surprised by this, as
I still view her as a friendof mine and always will, as we
have many special memories for middle schooland high school. But I honestly didn't
think we were close enough anymore towarrant anything more than an invite to our
wedding. She has a friend Isee occasionally a few times per year,

along with our other high school friendgroup to catch up over drinks and dinner.
However, I accepted and was excitedto be a part of her day
Now this is where it gets tricky. Last weekend I found out that my
boyfriend's sister is having her wedding theexact same day this fall. She just
booked her venue. What bad luck. Now I do not know what time

everything that day is quite yet,but I assume the weddings will follow a
traditional timeline, such as the weddingsin early afternoon, reception for dinner,
and then a dance to follow.My gut instinct is to get ready with
my friend in the morning, dophotos, attend the ceremony and politely part
of cocktail hour before leaving, andattend the reception and dinner with my boyfriend
and his family. Thankfully, theweddings are taking place around fifteen to twenty

minutes away from each other, soit would definitely be possible for this plan
to work. To give some context, my boyfriend and I will have been
together for over two years by thetime these weddings take place, and I
truly love his family like my own. But I don't want my friend to
be upset about me leaving her onher wedding day, because even though we
are not very close to anymore,I don't want to hurt her feelings.
If this was someone that I stillviewed as my best friend, I would

be thinking. I wouldn't be thinkingthis way. I said, I was
surprised to even be a part ofthe wedding period. So here are her
questions. I'm going to read themall out. Okay, am I a
jerk if I leave my friend's weddingafter the cocktail hour? Whether I am
in the wedding or not. Well, she's personal attendant though, right,
Look, I think that's a littlebit different than being in the wedding.
I'm saying no based off of whatshe's saying about their relationship. Yeah,

next one, is my friend ajerk? If she gets upset, I
cannot attend the entire reception. Here, I'm going to read all of them
because I have, like I feellike, an overall answer. Should I
tell my friend I can no longerbe a personal tendant if I have to
leave? There is one other personalattendant a part of the wedding besides me.
Okay, so she isn't the onlyone. Are there any other solutions
to this dilemma? Have you oranyone else you know been in the same

situation? If so, what didthey do and should I just do what
is going to make me the happiestin this situation? All right, Taylor,
here are my thoughts. Yeah,I go for it. I think
this friend asked you to be apersonal attendant because she thought that she would
she felt bad. This to me, it's young. It's young because and
that's not an insult at all.I was the exact same way. When

you're younger, you like, Ifeel like you're so worried about including high
school and college friends and this groupof friends and stuff. And then when
you get older, I think youstart kind of narrowing it down like your
friends, and you've gone out oftouch with some people. So my honest,
my honest thought is what does apersonal attendant do? A personal attendant
to me is like the title yougive a friend who you didn't want to

put them on your bridal party,but you feel guilty, so you have
them stand at the front and makesure people sign a guestbook and hand out
the program. It's I feel likesuch an unnecessary thing because most people,
not everyone, because not everyone canafford it. Has like a day of
coordinator or a venue coordinator or someonewho actually does the real work of setting
up, tearing down hurdle, ithurting people. So I would do what

I personally would do, is Iwould give her the option. I would
say, hey, this is that'swhat happened. What are the odds.
I've been a really tricky situation.So I want to ask you what you
would prefer. Would you prefer Ido this half day or is that leaving
you high and dry? And you'drather just have someone replace me? Totally?

Because it's important to me to bethere for my boyfriend's family. It's
your boyfriend's sister. It's not likeit's some random person. That's your boyfriend's
sister. And I'm sorry, Ithink she if she doesn't understand that,
then that's a whole different set ofissues. But I think give her the
option if you really are concerned abouthurting her feelings. Yeah, And because

I would say personally, I wouldprobably want to spend the full day with
my boyfriend's family, and so Iwould probably be like, hey, this
is really hard. But it alsosounds like that wedding is quite a ways
away still, so like you haveyou're not leaving her a month before the
wedding. Yeah, maybe I'm wrong. We've I misread it. I don't
know. I just feel like thissummer so okay, maybe miss that,

but no, I mean I agreewith everything that you have to say.
I would almost be more on theside of like being selfish and bailing on
the wedding completely and saying sorry,I have my boyfriend's sister's wedding. It
just came up. But I alsoknow that this is something I also have
not experienced in life, which ishaving a wedding and having a party and

having people do all these things.So I know that it's very stressful if
someone bails last minute. But Ialso don't feel like personal attendants are as
important as like the actual bridal party. No, you know, so I
just feel like if you were inthe bridal party, this would be a
different scenario. But I think thatshe can do without it. I don't
even know what personal attendants do.My sister had two people that I'm pretty

sure she asked kind of last minute, not last minute, but like not
super far ahead of time, thatwere hers, And I don't know what
they did. Haven't I'll be honest, I maybe I'm just very out of
this world. I haven't heard ofanyone doing personal attendance since I was like
in high school and my sister gotmarried. Uh that was I haven't known
a single friend in the past tenyears have a personal attendant. Maybe in

Indiana they do still, And Ialways think it's like an old school title
because it's so common to have likean actual coordinator for your wedding. Now.
Yeah, no, I honestly Ihave no idea what the two girls
that were my sisters did. Ithink you need to decide if you want

to give it, if you're gonnaif you're gonna feel guilty and it's going
to ruin things and you're fairy stressed, give her the option of the two.
But I'm with Jenny. I wouldI wouldn't be like, hey,
this is the worst thing. Iwould still love to come to your bridal
shower and bachelorette party if you're havingone, unless it's the same time as
hers alt now, but yeah,yeah, I agree, Oh good luck.

Let us know what you decide.Yeah, and you can always email
us Ballin at katiewb dot com orJenny at katiewb dot com. A little
bit longer of an episodes these pastfew weeks, I know, well,
we have a been able to justch chat ourselves for a while. I
haven't listen to fucking Steve bitch,just kidding. We love you. Steve.
Like he's listening, I know heprobably he did listen to his episode,
I think, and that's maybe theonly one. So anyway, have

a great week. Thanks for listening.
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