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January 2, 2024 30 mins
We couldn't make you wait ANOTHER week! Falen starts the podcast with a pathetic plea, Jenny took a sex quiz, we chat about the movie "Saltburn", and we discuss our "Ins and Outs" for 2024.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Surprise. Were we talked about notdoing an episode today. Yeah, we
just weren't sure because we knew wewere coming to New New Year. We
both had like shows to get likejump back into after a week and a
half break. But then we decided, you know what you deserve this podcast?
Wow huge related holiday. Give it. So it is late today,
but it still is out and you'relistening to I'm Still Fun. If it's

your first episode, thank you,welcome, I'm fallin. Jenny is here
with it. And if you've beenwith us through all of them so far,
thanks thanks for hanging out. I'mgoing to begin the podcast with a
desperate, desperate request okay of meor of I need you to do it
as well. Okay, I justposted my Dulcal acts and I talked about

it on this podcast. I needyou guys to go like and support it.
You could comment to the That's thebiggest way to support your good friends
Jenny and Fallon. Yes when wemake when Jenny makes post for Warner Stally
and or Falla makes a post fordulkal Ax, if you like it and
comment on it, it makes itlike you know the client gage better and
that helps us pay our bills orit helps Jenny get a refrigerator. Yeah,

and maybe you don't care about that, and I honestly understand. So
TikTok or Instagram. The video hasposted on both fall and KATIEWB, and
my shameless plug is over. Idid, actually while I was not consimpiated
on the toilet's see it this morning, and I already did the emoji of
the girl with her hand up inthe air, like three of those,

and commented that because you know yourgirl's consumpated often, I could probably use
that, and then I liked itas well, So you're welcome. Please
go to TikTok and do the same. Thank you, I know, okay,
sure to get on that as thankyou very fallin KATWB on both right,
we got to start plugging our socialmedia's work. I follow us Jenny
KTWB, even though I feel likeif you listen to the podcast, it's

a good chance you already guaranteed.So we're two minutes in and I've spent
the entire time talking about my Dulcalaxvideos. Jenny anything, Yeah, which
then yeah, Andrew and I tooka sex quiz over the holidays. Would
I don't know why it came uphow he found it or anything. But
all of a sudden, I getthis link and he goes take this quiz
and it's all about sexual desires andwants and needs, and so it's like,

do you like to be choked?Do you like to be tied up?
Are you interested? In order toselect? So it's either it's either
not at all if he please,if he desires it, or yes,
okay, And except for thee alsoat the beginning, unchoked, what did
you select? I think I probablysaid yes because I'm about that okay,
but not like to the point whereI can't breathe just like a thought,

a little like tension. Okay.But Jake has never and I do not.
I guess if I really wanted it, he would, but I think
he's too nervous. He's he's he'sdominant, Yeah, but I don't.
He's never done that. Yeah.Yeah. So the best part of it
all, though, is at thebeginning, it's like, do you have
a nickname for the partner you're takingthis quiz with? And I think I

called him like my big tutor orsomething like that. It's like Zaxy,
like do you want your big tutorto tie you up against the bed and
this is and I'm like, okay, every single question had that name in
it. So anyways, that wasfun. But we're going over the answers
and it so it'll show you everythingyou both said yes to, okay,

and then it'll show you the oneswhere it's like if he wanted it,
if you both said if he orshe wanted it, but then if one
of you said yes and the othersaid no, there won't be a matchup
on that or I won't show that. So he goes, yeah, I
mean I pretty much said yes toeverything, and I go like, then
what, yeah, you know,and he's like, I mean there were
a few, you know, likehe wasn't about being pegged. Surprise,

surprise. I don't even want totry that out for that one unfortunate but
then he revealed that. So hetook it one time and then it wasn't
working, so then he went totake it again. He said, on
the first time, when it cameto if you're into three sums where it's
two guys one girl or two girlsone guy, So the two guys one
girl, he said no, yeah, and then the two girls one guy,

he said, if I was intoit, he would be down.
And then he said he went backthe second time, and he was like,
I said no to both because itwasn't fair that if like I was
saying no to the two guys thing, that I was saying even yes to
the two girls thing. Whatever.So that made me laugh because that's the
most typical guy answered to something likethat. But I mean, can I
be honest, Yeah, I thinkwe learned some things about each other and

like it could be more adventurous now. Yeah, okay, And the last
week and a half, I thinkwe've infiltrated a few things and it's been
nice. I we Jake and Italked about going to like a sex shop
together because we haven't done that together. I just like think I'm very bland
adventurous, so like, I willtry different things, but I think i'll

I would have to very much easemyself into adventure. Yeah. I know.
I joke that I'm a starfish inthe bedroom and I am a lot
of the time. But I willand have tried different things. Yeah,
some things I don't need to tryagain. Oh I'm good. I mean,
can I tell you at my bookclub? Oh my god, this

goes into it. There's a girlin my book club and she is just
like so outspoken and I love herto death. And I was like,
it was like the shortest book clubever. It was so short. We
went to the book and she goes. I go, God, we got
to like fill some more time.Some of you guys drove like a distance
to be here, and she standsup. She goes. At my other
book club, we'll ask questions inthe beginning, and usually like kind of

like blah blah blah, like normalor whatever, like if you're bald,
you shampoo in your head or not? She goes. But last time it
was do you prefer anal or blowjobs? So pick and all the new
people in my book club and Igo, no, one has to answer
that. The first girl, it'sher first time in my book club.
The first girl stands that goes anal. I was like, okay, And

then they branched off into a sideconversation with girls around them, as I
was nervously like, okay, Idon't want like anyone to feel uncomfortable,
you know what I mean, LikeI want this to be safe space for
everyone, right. But then Ican hear them be like no, it
can be really good if you do, like it depends on this and that.
And I was like, all right, I had this back in,

but I learned some things about mybook club gals as well. Buzz.
Yes, I don't know, it'sbizarre, but I are you gonna like
incorporate any of those things immediately?I feel like I've already forgotten a lot
of it. And it didn't havea lot to do with like sex toys
just a fyi. It was moreabout just like desires and stuff like like
do you want more sensual time atthe beginning and like stuff like that,

So they like covered all kinds ofdifferent grounds. I mean, yeah,
there was the pagan question, butthere wasn't a whole ton that's like do
you want them to wear a cockring? You know, there wasn't a
lot of specifics like that. Yeah, but I would say that I think
it just opened our minds to likerealize that we both desire a few more
things than what we have been doingfor the past four years, Like you
want those little nips flicked more?Yes, stuff like that. I'm experience

it is. Actually we have thatconversation, though I don't know if you're
like this but for me, sometimesit feels like I'm breastfeeding, even though
I don't know what that even feelslike. And sometimes it feels like very
sexual and sensual, and lately it'sbeen on the good side of things,
but sometimes if he's doing anything inthat era, it literally feels like I'm
like breastfeeding. But once again,I don't even know what that feels like.

I've never done. Yeah, butit's like it's then just push his
heat away. Yeah, No,and he knows, he'll know when I'm
like, it's it's just weird,like it's definitely it has to do with
I'm sure with my cycle where I'mat hormone rise whatever. But no,
I will say. One other thingthough, is like we were hooking up
the other day and I'm not kiddingyou. It was workout, like I

was doing a hundred crunches in theposition I was in, in what I
was doing to him, and Ihold at one point, I'm mentally imagining,
what are you doing that you're layingdown? You're doing like you're laying
down, you're doing a crunch,so your head's just kind of going up
and down, bob and back andforth. And he has straddled over me.
Why in my face if you doa blowjob like that, because we

were when you're doing a blowjob,if I'm giving you a blowjob, you
are laying in the most optimal comfortspot for me. I was comfortable at
first because we did it earlier andthis was like a very long session for
us, and we had done somethingsimilar earlier. But the second time around,
I just was not in as goodof a position, and I was
like, oh my god, I'mgetting abs right now. Long I should

No, long sessions do not existin my world. Well here reas in
native just like not that we're likeliterally insertion sex for like thirty minutes.
I'm talking like just lots of differentthings. None of that exists. There
is no time. There is notime. You're right your advocate and jobs
and whatever, and one hundred percenthonest, even when I'm on vacation or

have a weekend away from her,I would rather fucking sleep or like have
like actually be able to do somethingwithout someone asking me to do something for
them a hundred times a day,Like I'm sorry, Like it is like
let's get her done. Okay,We're both good and goodbye. Okay,
I'm not saying that. I likethat a lot of the times too,

but it was like for us,it was a holiday break. We don't
have kids. Yeah, I hada lot of time for ourselves, and
it was just like, I don'tknow, just some really horny shits.
I'm gonna be honest, and I'mgonna leave it at that. Coomar talking
about this, we got to moveon to a different topic. He spent
ten minutes talking about it. JesusJenny. On that topic though a little
bit. Did you watch Saltburn?Oh? Thank god? Yes, okay,

you saw it? Yes, thankgod, I'm talking about it on
our show today. Actually, andI know for a fact there's no chance
Zach saw. I think if Zachsaw it, he would like he'd pee
himself and turn the moon. Aga. Well, I think he'd be bored
with it and not I don't.I guess I actually don't know Zach and
well enough to do. I justthink that there's no chance. So I
have like no one to talk toyou. Because Jake took oll of to

go do something. I was like, oh, this is for free,
and I had heard of it alittle bit, but then since I watched
it, because I watched it veryearly on and break of course, I've
seen like endless, endless reaction videoson TikTok and things like that. If
you don't know what it's about,I'm not going to completely describe it because
it's I feel like to describe itwould be to give things away. So

the gist is a guy who's notrich goes to a school with a guy
who is rich and who's very liked, and everyone wants to be around him.
They become friends because the poor guyhelps the rich guy with something.
So the rich guy invites the poorguy to his summer home and it's like
this luxurious and he has the castleand his family and friends that come suck

off the rich teat if you will, are all very eccentric and strange.
And that is not even remotely theplot at all. But it's really hard
to describe it because I guess youcould say the poor guy is infatuated with
the rich guy. So I don'twant to spoiler anything. But there are
two scenes that everyone isifically talking aboutkind of three scenes. There is a

scene that involves a bathtub, ascene that involves a grave site yep,
and a scene that involves a periodOkay, I would add the fourth one
to the very last fourth scene thatinvolved oh the yeah, the dance,
Okay, there is, yeah,there is. Uh. It shows one
of the guy's dongs a little bit, yes, and it's very large.

And they said that he did notuse a prosthetic. Yes, that was
the one that I knew about.That in the bathtub scene where the two
that I had seen just in memesor something on social media before I actually
was and then when I saw them. Yeah, I'm not going to like
go into things, but I willsay that, like some of the scenes
that I think people were disturbed by, I was like sort of turned on

by, but at the same timedisturbed. The bathtub one didn't turn me
on all that vomit. Yeah.Also the period one didn't do it for
me. No, none of thethree really did it for me. I
mean the way he was like,I think the way he spoke was a
turn on kind of yeah, butnot the actual action didn't work for me.

But I know it's like you're like, guy, it's an A twenty
fourth film, and A twenty fouris one of these like production companies that
they do very unique odd movies soI wasn't that surprised. It has Jacob
a Lordie in it, and he'slike the super hot tall guy from Euphoria
yep, and from The Kissing Boothand the New Priscilla movie. So he

is the hot rich one yep.And the only other person I knew because
I didn't know the poor guy,but apparently a lot of people did,
was the mother of the rich guy. She was in another movie I watched
year like years ago the Dave actuallyrecommended, where she kind of does like
insurance fraud on old people, liketakes advantage of them. Right, Okay,

that's years old, I think,yeah movie. But yeah, so
she plays usually like she even madea joking video. She always plays like
a cold bitch. Yeah, shehas the perfect face for it or something.
I think she might have been inGone Girl too? Was she the
woman and Gone Girl? Oh?God? I watch that in so long
I can't It might have been BenAffleck's wife, yeah, probought. I
might be wrong about that. Sooverall, though, what would you write

the movie on a scale of oneto ten? That's hard. I don't
think i'd ever watch it again.Well, I probably wouldn't watch it again.
But I would definitely tell people togo watch give it seven for seven
or so for creativity, because Iwas I think I picked up on kind
of what was happening, maybe ahalfway or three fourths the way through,

but not to the extreme that itwas. Yeah, I think it took
me a while. I there wereonly I think the one scene, the
grave scene you talked about that waslike the one time I think I got
caught on my phone and so Ididn't and I didn't go back and watch
it, so I didn't really rememberthat part when people were talking about that
line. But honestly, i'd probablygive it like an eight out of ten.
I don't know. I think Idon't watch a lot of movies.

I'm easily like surprised by things.I don't know. I pay close enough
attention a lot of times, Yeah, to pick up on a lot,
and that one had like a lotof surprises. I think in the end,
I could have guessed how it ended, but I couldn't have guessed how
it got to the end. Yeah. No, anyway, I would say,
if you watch it, know thatit is a very adult movie.

Very much don't watch and there mightbe some scenes that you're like, what
the fuck? Why did Jenny andfallon things? Don't watch it with your
parents, even though I saw agirl a TikTok video of a girl saying
making my parents watch Saltburn, like, oh my god, you must have
like a family that's completely open tothings. I could never watch that movie
with my family. If I watchit with my mom, she's like,

oh goodness, gracious, what ishappening? And then she'd probably like,
oh, that was Nope, tooweird for me. I just know she
would. So, but is thereDid you want to talk about your goals
or are your ins and outs forthe year? Oh? I mean sure,
why not? I saw our goodfriend Kate Rattit's post today and I

actually liked her take. She didn'tdo ins and outs, but she said
she's doing monthly goals because when youdo like years, she's like, who
knows where I'm going to be inSeptember. You know, that's a really
good point. So she's doing monthlygoals. I think, yeah. I
think I went into it as morelike trying to build hobby or habits,
better habits more than like, Iguess goals, some are more goals,
But I mean mine are just ifyou follow us on Instagram. I know

this is repetitive, but reading beforebed, coffee, dates with friends,
new hobbies, alcohol, moderation,budget, travel, therapy, making beautiful
choices, being weird, gratitude,investing, and doing it for the plot.
Those are my inns for twenty twentyfour. And then my outs are
kind of some of the opposites ofscrolling before bed, extensive dinners with friends,
fear of failure, energy suckers,people pleasing, wasting groceries, negative

self talk, too much, spendingon wants instead of needs, and doing
it for clout, overly complaining,comparison. I definitely put overly complaining because
I think it's really unhealthy to notcomplain when you feel the need to.
But comparison is a huge one forme. I am just it is my
personality to compare myself constantly. Thereare there specific people you compare yourself honestly,

you, I yeah, because andI mean that in like the most
flattering way. I don't mean thatin like a negative way. I I
compare a lot of my career toyou because I think you are like one
of the most talented radio people I'veever met. In my life, I
think, and right now in like, I mean, obviously you're a female
too, and it's just it isa little different in this industry being a
female, and so I think Icompare myself to you a lot, just

because, like you probably know thisabout Fallin, she is just always doing
the next thing, like she hasgot good ideas. But then it's not
just that she's not just focused onher show, her in Zact show,
it's like she also has a newpodcast or something like she's always got a
new podcast or a new project she'sworking on, or like you made those
MPs hats and stuff, like youhave such an entrepreneurial spirit on top of

being so good at your job,and I feel like, I don't know,
I feel like I compare myself toyou sometimes because I just I admire
everything you do while still having suchgood energy on the radio, Like you
could go home and not do anythingand have like plenty of energy for the
radio, but you still go homeand do other things on top of like
entertaining every day on a show,And truthfully, that's exhausting for me.

I get pretty burnt out sometimes,like coming in and knowing I got to
like turn it on and it's notevery day, but there are hard days
where you know you got to turnit on because that's your job. Yeah,
And I never felt like that whenyou and I worked on the show
together for however many years. Ialways felt like you came in, you
maybe would have a bad day,but like it you were immediately cracking jokes
though, Like it was like youjust have such a great radio personality on

top of everything else, the nicestlike thank you, everything you said is
so nice. Yeah. So,but I mean there's plenty of other people
I compare myself too, but Ican realize I think like you're one of
those. And I mean that inlike seriously a flattering way. Yeah.
No, I didn't take it inlike a negative way. I think that
we all do that for sure.I mean I do that with like other

women in our industry as well.I mean I'll look at you for like
different things, like as far aslike how committed you are to taking care
of yourself physically and challenging yourself likebeing outdoors and things, And I'll look
at things like that and I'm like, ah, God, I gotta do
more of that. Because I sometimeswill sit there and think you know,

you're only getting older fallon and oneday you'll wish you could have done these
things. And I'm getting more intoprobably because I am getting older, I'm
actually caring about that more. Andpart of me gets a little upset that
I didn't do anything like that inmy twenties really, like it was not
a common thing with like my itwas to work out, Like every girl

in college was like worried about howthey look. Yeah, but it was
not a common thing to go outfor a hike where I'm from, Like,
and we even have where I wentto college, a place right near
called Garden of the Gods, andit's like really popular hiking area and stuff.
And I think I always look topeople that went and did that as
like hippies, which sounds weird andstupid, but like I did, I

don't, like, it wasn't likesomething that me and my friends were doing.
And it's so interesting how like evenmy friend Abbey is into paddle boarding
and stuff, we were never intostuff like that, And I guess that's
just like the phases in general,like of trends, but it's so interesting
and I'm like, so I'm like, I really want to do like more
of that, and that's what Ieven have on my end, like I
have readers, because I don't thinkI have seniors yet. My ends I

have being outdoors. I see alot of people try to do like the
thousand hours outside and that's really popular, and I of course was like,
what is that math Wise? It'slike a little over two hours every day?
Yep. Obviously some days you're goingto be outside for like five hours
if you go to the beach.Other days, like in the winter especially,
you might not be outside for aweek. Yeah, you might in
a doesn't country be in your car, I don't think right, like you

have to be I don't think so. Yeah, the full cup of water
to start my day. I wasn'ttrying to do too many huge goals,
but like that one has been helpfulwith my digestive body as well, learning
something new, taking a class orlesson to improve on something. And that's
I'm thinking more art for that becauselike I've never really taken classes, and

I think it would be really beneficialfor me. And then I put travel
in driving distance, like I'm sofocused on these luxurious trips and it's like
I think we might do like blackhills and bad Lands this year because it's
drivable and I've never been so out. I put thinking the worst. I

just always think the worst thing isgoing to possibly happen. Always scrolling,
which was the top one I sawevery single person on earth put for out
comparison in a crippling way. SometimesI'll see someone that like, kind of
similar to you, maybe, butit doesn't sound like yours is is crippling,
but mine. Sometimes I'll see somethingsomeone's getting and or being the way

they're being treated, like within ourcompany, for instance, and I'll get
so upset that, like I'll feellike, why don't they value me as
much as this person or that person? And I think it's just like it'll
go in circles in my head andit drives me insane stuff needing more and
more and more, don't need more, and worrying about slash. Predicting the

future. That's one of the thingsmy therapist told me. She's like,
quit predicting the future, Like,quit predicting the future. Yes, you
cannot predict the future, so quitpredicting it. Because when I'm predicting it,
I'm always predicting the worst case scenario, which goes back to my earlier
one of thinking the worst. Yeah, so I feel like I saw I
put up a thing. You cancheck it out on my Instagram because I

just like, did the thing whereyou screen record answers. Yeah, I
saw that I was reading some ofthem earlier before we recorded this, But
I was curious about that too,because it gave it was sorry. It
was our responses to how to stopscrolling so much, because I truly think
my phone is my biggest addiction.Mm hmm. I think it's probably most
people's biggest addictions. Because over thebreak, I mean, I was hitting

a point yesterday where I was like, I need to get back to work.
I have spent so much time livingthrough the lens of other people's lives
on social media and that's insane,and like, normally I'm like pretty decently
social. I don't think I wasas social over this break, and I
think it really took a toll onme. And like on New Year's we
debated because we had gotten tickets togo to Z and Andrew is not as

big of an EDM fan, ifhe's even honestly a fan, he's ever
been to a DM show. ButI was like, well, it's fun.
A lot of our friends are goingto this. Let's just do it.
And then we kind of like dayout. We're like joking like maybe
we just get like some lobster andsteak and make a fancy dinner and drink
some wine and that'll be the endof it. And then I said,
no, I need to go besocial. It is not good for my
mental health to like not be socialand talking to other people. I love

Andrew, but I need to getout, Yeah, see more people.
And I only really socialized a coupletimes overbreak, so I yeah, the
scrolling thing got so bad that Ifeel like I need to screenshot your answers
that you posted on your Instagram.Yeah, some of them are so hard
because I've tried the thing where youleave your phone in the other room and

then I just feel anxious with itnot next to me. I have a
hard time watching a TV show withoutlooking at my phone. Like literally,
we'll put on a show that's serious. There was when we started watching.
Now we both were looking at ourphone. I'm like, this is not
the kind of show you can lookat your phone and know what's going on.
Yeah, you have to pay attention. One of the only shows this
year that I really think I hadmy phone down the whole time was the

last of us because you had topay attention, and it really like captured
my attention, and I just thinkit's so unhealthy. Like yesterday, I
went on two walks just to notbe on my phone for like an hour
straight because I went on two milewalk and I listened to a book and
then I came back and then Jaketook the kids to Dylan bought like a

snowboard on Marketplace or something, sohe took him to get it. So
that because anyway, I don't wantto get into that. He just you
know, he doesn't want to Dylango into some random dude's house and becoming
his like enslaved child. So weso then I was like, Okay,
I can't just sit here while they'regone. So I went like on another
mile and a half walk because itwas like I just need to get out
of the house. And used tolike if it was even as chilly as

I was, I would be like, nope, I'm not going out for
the whole winter. And my momdoes that, and I do not like
that. Now my mom's older,and that if there was a fucking millimeter
of ice. Debbie will find itand slip on her back. I mean,
I swear to God my whole life, she's been like that in Indiana.
It barely even get frozen and she'dfind the like an inch of ice.

But oh god, I'm like,oh my god, how do you
find it every time? So Idon't want to be like that where I'm
like, I never leave my darkcave of a house. So I'm really
really wanting to do that this year. Yeah, I think getting outside is
so important. And I know thatit sounds miserable to us all living in
Minnesota for at least like three tofour months of the year, but man,

just like we took the dogs thatwe were watching to the dog park
yesterday for twenty minutes, and justthat twenty minutes was like good to be
out of the house and like justoutdoors. I don't I don't understand the
science behind it, but I knowthat it is really healthy for you mentally
to do stuff like that. Soyeah, I got to work on being
outside. I mean, like Andrewand I snowboard, but this has been

the worst winter. Yeah, firstsnow, so I don't I haven't gone
to Afton at all. Like,we don't have any trips planned. He's
got one ski trip planned with hisoffice. But that's like it so far
in terms of like actual activities outdoorsthat we normally do, like quite consistently.
But yeah, look at us,we're just trying to like become new
people in twenty twenty four as everyonewants to the first week of the year

and then and after that it's like, wait, what I said. I
was gonna put my phone down.Yeah, I did it. And Jake
yesterday went to the jail and he'slike, I'm starting the year off right,
you know. I said, great, good for you. I was
like, I'm going to go formy walks. I don't like I go
to Lifetime and I try to classthis this break, but I don't know.

I just have I've gotten this weird. I like to do my stuff
at home and then I'll go onoccasionally. So Jake went and he said
it was dead, and I wasso surprised, just as usually the first
day everyone's in there. And hewent in at like nine am, so
he didn't go like super early andgo super late. Yeah, that would
have been like prime time for thelifetime. I go to nine am on

like a day where most people haveoff on holiday, it would have been
so packed. Yeah, but Ididn't. I'll be honest. I did
not work out yesterday. I washungover. Yeah, yesterday as a New
Year's Day whenever you're listening to thispodcast. But yeah, I did not
make it to the gym. YeahI did. I didn't even have a
full cocktail on New Year's If Iordered one, I drank half of it.

And Jake was like, I'm justlike it's because he's been so focused
on his health and fitness lately.He goes to the gym every day.
He hassana, he does a coldplunge, he has like a whole thing
protein goals, and he was like, I just can feel I feel like
shit even if I have like twodrinks. And I was like, then
stop finishing them. Order your drinkand if you feel like I don't really

want this, don't worry you spendthe money. It sucks, but don't
finish it. I was like,I got that cocktail and I was like
halfway through, I'm like I don'twant the rest of this, And in
my mind, I'm like, youprobably spent thirteen dollars on this. Finish
it? No, why why?So it's like, no, it's how
I am with food too, Like, you spend this much, it's not
going to be good if you reheatit tomorrow. Finish it, get your
money's worth. And it's like,no, I need to like comment on

that shit. So he's like you'reyeah, no, I feel it.
I definitely like I didn't get hammeredby any means. I'm in your's eve,
but I had like a handful.I had a few beers and then
I think I took like two fireballshots or like a pole of fireball at
some point, so I had likea handful of drinks. I was,
by no means like super hammered oranything. But we got home and we

left z a little bit early sowe could try to like manage to get
an uber without the cluster that wouldhave been the concert getting done. And
we get home and I'm like,all right, it is Google time,
which goodles are like a protein heavykind of craft mac and cheese. Yeah,
I was like, it is Googletime. And I knew that I
had gotten like a little bit intoxicatedat that point because I told Andrew,

because I got like a really sadlook on my face because he looked at
me and goes, Okay, wellwe'll share this box of goodles and I
go, no, what share thisis for me? And he said that.
I got like so sad, andI was like absolutely, not like
whatever, and so I'm like,we have to make two boxes. Then
I remember telling I was like,we have to make two boxes. If
you think you're getting some guys,yeah, So that's when you know I've

definitely reached a little bit level oflike tipsiness if I'm like demanding I have
an entire box of goodles for myself. Yeah, And they tasted so good
and he just was like whatever.I think he snacked on some like crackers
and cheese or something. Instead hejust smells your aromas. I hate you,
but yeah, I really like Ilook back in granted, you grow
up and most people grow out oftheir drinking habits, but I don't know

how I used to do what Iused to do because I just like was
by no means hammered. But Islept like crap. I felt like crapped
all day yesterday because of sleeping likecrap. I wasn't like nauseous hung over,
like alcohol in my system. Ijust was exhausted. Yeah, and
then I had no motivation. Andwhen you're in that mindset, you also
don't feel like eating healthy, Sothen I'm eating crap. I mean,

Andrew made is a healthy dinner,but I ate like this ram and I
try not to eat because it's Andrew'sramen and it's super high and like all
the shit you don't want, likesodium whatever. And then I at seven
o'clock at and I went to thegas station around the corner and got myself
a Fanta orange soda because Andrew wanteda snack, and I was like,
cool, I want a soda,Let's go do that. I don't drink
soda either usually, and so I'mjust like, I can't. I can't

do this. I used to likeliterally practically meal prep for my hangovers.
I would get all kinds of sodasa gatorade, and have like pizza pre
made, so I knew I justhad to heat up. And now I
just don't even want to have thathangover. I don't want it anymore.
It is just pointless. So byno means, am I doing like a
dry January? I mean I couldbecause I really don't have any intention of

drinking anytime soon. But it isgoing to be a rare occasion that I
drank to the point of even gettingtipsy anymore, because it's not and I
say this, and I got abachelrette party in like a month. Yeah,
but it's just not fun for meanymore. Yeah, it really isn't.
I get that. It hasn't beenfor me for a long time.
I know you way more mature,quicker than I were. I don't know
that accurate. I don't know ifthat's accurate, but we had our mark

Jinny all right, all right,Well, happy New Year. If you're
setting ins or outs or goals orwhatever it may be, I hope twenty
twenty four is a great year foryou. It's going to be for us
because we're putting in the universe.Yea, So here we go. Thanks
for listening.
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