All Episodes

December 5, 2023 31 mins
Jenny is back from Tahiti with all of her trip details! We also discuss Falen's decision on where to spend her big birthday coming up and more!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome back to the podcast, Jennyand everyone else. I'd like to start
the podcast with a joke I sawon a meme yesterday, Why did six
want to Fuck seven? All Ican think of is seven eight nine?
It was like a seven joke becauseseven eight ass? It doesn't even make
sense. I'm like, I don'tknow, Okay, sorry, what's the
joke? Why did six want tofuck seven? Because seven eight ass?

And I don't even know what it'sabout. And I sent it to Steve
and he was like, I don'tget it, but it I'll laugh.
And I was like, yeah,that makes no sense. I think they
just wanted to include that. Soanyway, okay, he's coming out there,
Steve, that little fucker. WhatHe sent me a happy Thanksgiving text,
which is so nice, but theway he does it is such a
Steve thing. He found a pictureof me from some random YouTube like submission

for an interview for a job Idid when I was like twenty one years
old. Lots of people have foundthat video where it's like and you think
it's private, it's not, andpeople still send it. And so he
took a screenshot was like happy,Happy Thanksgiving, and I was like you
know what I'm thankful for, Steve. I was like, I'm thankful I
discovered eyeliner pencil so I can pencilmy eye lines, and friends like you

that reminded me that that's what Iused to I found a video or a
picture of me from Reno and Iwas like that when I first moved here,
where I would do the black onlike my waterline all around and I
really loved it. And then Ijust saw this picture of the day.
I was like, oh man,I really went so hard on the eyeliner.
But it was for a while.I was gonna say, we all

did like right on your like insidelid. Oh yeah, yeah, oh
yeah, thunder, oh yeah.I had to make sure it was like
really dark on there. I neverwent through like a smoky eye phase because
it just never I could how todo it and I never looked right.
But even when it was like popular, I think maybe I had a couple
of events where maybe a professional didit so it looked better than if I

would have done it. But Inever went through that phase. Luckily.
Well, welcome from to Heati.Thank you, You're welcome. We want
to know all about the trip.Yeah, so is that where you want
to start. Let's h okay,all right, So it was an amazing
trip, I will say, becauseI've gotten so many messages from people who
are like, did you go througha travel agency? How did you do
this? Blah blah blah. Fallonand I are very similar when we plan

trips. We are like psychos,where we look at travel bloggers, we
look at Instagram, we look atTikTok. We make I mean, I
make an itinerary. I don't knowif you fully do stuff like that,
but I don't do an itinerary.I just do like a list of things.
That's exactly what I do because Ido not like wasting time trying to
figure out things and research and Ilike to have multiple options. Do what
kind of food? Do? Wefeel like here are three places I found

that are these types of food orthree activities or whatever. Yeah. So
I did plan the entire trip onmy own via travel blogs, TikTok,
Instagram, all that stuff, andI kept it. I mean, it
was by no means cheap. Itis still too Tahaiti, but I kept
it reasonably cheap because we did airbnbsinstead of the nice like Hilton Ho tells

that have the overwater bungalows yep,And I know I posted about one of
the airbnbs that was like a bungalowitself that was right on the ocean.
That thing was probably nicer than likethe overwater bungalows at the Hilton almost.
I mean, it didn't have airconditioning, so there was that, but
it really wasn't that bad because therewas such a breeze from the ocean that
it kept it decently cool. Yeah, that's really nice, but yeah,

the trip was great. Andrew andI were not intending on doing so many
extreme hikes that we did, andwe ended up doing two pretty hard hikes.
What changed your mind? You weresitting on board and like, no,
no, it wasn't that. Itwas like we had planned on hiking,
but we didn't plan on doing thathike, and then we changed our
minds and we're like, fuck it, let's do this peak hike. So
the first one we did in Tahitiwas like there were a couple sketchy areas

where if you had the wrong footingyou could fall and like truthfully fall to
your death potentially, and so andso on that hike. About halfway through
Andrew goes. I think that weshould split up the food because if one
of us falls, make sure thatthere's food for the otter one. My
god, okay, I literally eversaid to me. I'd be like,

we are turning around and we aregoing back down. That is psychotic.
So literally we find like the nextspot where we have more footing to be
able to like move around, becausethat's how small the paths were, and
so I and I was the onecarrying the food, so I would have
been good, but yeah, Isplit up the food. And then we
didn't end up getting to the peakof that one because we got to what

we thought was the peak and thenrealized it was still very far away.
Isn't so funny? It's like thingslook so much closer. Well, it
wasn't even that, it was becausewe already got into the clouds, and
so we were like, eh.And so we get to this place and
it has a hut and it hasthis water thing, and we read about
it on all trails. We thoughtwe were there, we weren't, and
so we were like, we're notgoing any further. This was good enough.

We're only going to see more clouds. Keeping going, So we didn't
get to the top of that one. No, but I did get a
photo from that that night that wasn'tthat one, but that one I did
want to send you, Okay,So I sent Fann a photo of my
crotch sweat because Fall and I arediscussing. We do this and we send
each other photos of you there,like our sweat left over on a machine
that we just worked out, ourhunderboob sweat, or our crotch sweat.

So on that hike, though,I was sweating so much, So this
is the first one I was justtalking about. And I'm like, as
soon as we get to the top, you're taking a picture of my crotch
sweat, I'm sending it ton.Well, we get to the top and
there's this German guy just like takingin the scenery and we like which you
couln't see much because we were inclouds, but we're sitting there and we
ended up talking to him for likeforty five minutes at the top, and
by then the crotch sweat had disappeared. For the most fortunate, say wow.

So anyways, then we did anotherhike when we went to a different
island. It's called Molrea. Ihope I pronounce that right. I still
have no idea, and that hikewas terrifying. Like I'm telling you that
the physical part was very challenging,but I have never been mentally challenged so
hard in my life on a hikebecause of they once again basically cliff drop

off on either side, because itwas straight ridgeline. Yeah, there was
like very little footing. Videos andpictures don't do justice to how scary it.
That's the one you posted kind offootage of you hiking that you did
more footage of me hiking. Ohprobably, Yeah, that one looked You're
right, you couldn't tell how scaryit was as far as like cliff drop

offs, but you could tell howuntraveled the path was. And that to
me, Like the comments I sawwere like absolutely where everyone's like I would
be I don't know if snakes arethere, but I would be afraid there
were snakes there. And that's whatI was like, Yeah, for sure,
but usually like when you do ahike, uh huh, you can
tell it's been hiking four years,looked like off trail kind of hiking.

Yeah, it was wild. Truthfully, I was making it further mentally than
Andrew was Andrew started getting more scaredbefore I did, and then because he
started voicing his fear, then Istarted getting more scared because Andrew's way more
fearless than I am. So Iwas like doing okay, but then he
started being like, I don't obabe, maybe we should turn around. And

eventually we got to a point wherewe saw clouds over the peak again,
and we were like, we're notgoing not gonna make a good view anyway.
And it wasn't even the view situationlike this looked like clouds would have
passed through and we still would havehad a decent view. We were truly
scared that it was going to rain, and we would have like died going
down if it was raining because thepaths were so already kind of had some
mud to it. If it gotslippery or anything, we could have fell

off basically a cliff in seconds.So we were like, we're not gonna
be those dumb people. And it'slike we hike, but never hikes that
are dangerous like that, Like wedo pretty extreme. We've done like some
intense hikes in Colorado in the teetanstuff like that, but never something where
like you get the wrong footing oryou slide a little bit and you fall
to your right. So anyways,besides the extreme hike, yeah, we

did some fun things. We snorkeled. It works out great. I did
my research on where the sharks andsting ray kind of lagoon Aio was,
and so our airbnb was right infront of it. So we literally kayaked
out to it, skipped having topay one hundred and fifty dollars per person
for an excursion, and went outand did it ourselves. Our airbnb hosts
gave us fish for bait to bringthe sharks, and and you are,

oh, why was terrified? Whatkind of sharks were they? They were
the blacktip reef sharks. Okay,so they would not they could, but
they're not. They're not known tobe aggressive at all. You just don't
try to touch them like they swim. I would do it. I think
I would do it, but Ithink I would be like so uncomfortable.
I'd be like I'd get four picturesand that's it and get back in the

little kayak. Well, so I'mall about, like just gotta go pro
So I'm like, Andrew, getall this footage, you know, and
I'm getting in the water. Isthat where your pictures are from to the
GoPro Yes, Okay, I wasgonna ask if you got like a little
one of those waterproof bags for yourphone. Okay, oh no, we
had those in Thailand and they wouldnot have worked as well for like taking
as good of pictures. But yeah, so we got out and these I

wish I should posted this video.These stingrays. They smell the bait and
they're like puppies, like thinking youhave a treat. So they're on you.
They're literally above the water on you, and I started freaking. I
was like, babe, I don'teven have the bait. Andrew had all
the bait. I was like,throw a bait away because the hosts our
host told us to just throw itlike far away if you want them to
get away from you, like justthrow it somewhere else in the water.

And like once we did that,I'm like bummed that we kind of wasted
all of our bait because we realized, like they really are just friendly creatures.
They're not going to hurt you.Yes, there is a huge risk
with a sting ray, like ifyou step on their stinger, I'm eating
Steve my story Jenny. Okay,to be fair, Steve Irwin pulled this
the like stinger thing out of hisheart and that's what caused him to die.

He wouldn't have died had he leftit there. Why did he do
that? He should have known becausethat's what I'm thinking, right, I
know that. So anyways, sothat was super Steve. When with stingrays,
god, no, I didn't evenknow that until Andrew told me.
I just assumed the sting ray venomkilled him, but Andrew was like,
no, he died because the stingerwent into his heart and it punctured something
and had he left it in there, he would have been able to like

survive. But anyways, that wasone of the highlights of the trip and
one of the main things I wantedto do was like snorkeling and stigrays.
But outside of that, I hadlike a couple funny stories. We already
talked about the crotch pic that Isent found, so that was from the
second hype. That was super terrifyingand I have never I truly wish we
would have weighed ourselves before and afterboth of these hikes, because that's how

much weight I feel like I lost, Like three to four pounds on these
hikes because we were drenched in sweat. It was insane and that humidity.
Well, in that picture of Jenny'scrotch she sent me, it would not
even be defined as crotch sweat.It went down to her knees, and
I was like, I can honestlysay I've never seen crotch sweat go so
low in my whole It was sobad, and I looked absolutely hideous in

all of these like videos and pictures, so you might notice any ones that
you've seen are kind of fire awaybecause I sweat so much. I also
had made the mistake which I didn'tthink of at the time. I got
a spray'stand before this, because ofthe way I sweat, it started melting
off in different areas. And thenlike I legitimately had to tie the shirt

that I brought for protection against thesun, this long sleeep shirt, so
that's what I thought I was goingto use for I had to tie it
around my head to stop the sweatfrom dripping down, making the sunscreen drip
into my eight eyes, burying myeyes. It was like, like,
I know a lot of things lookso glamorous on Instagram, and I try
to relay that like it's not definitelyalways like that, because there were moments

where I was in so much likesweating pain that I was like, I
need to just lay in a bathright now and not move for Alur.
I was even freaked out by thevideo you posted of you and what looked
like a like silky satin dress.I'm like, oh my god, you're
wearing that and a humid location andbad at night. At night, it
really was bad because I was like, I would have swass, I would

have underboop sweat would be so gross. No, it's just like when you
get into like these jungly areas,that's where the humidity really got to you.
It wasn't so bad when you wereby the water. Would you go
back there? I would. Andrewand I both kind of made it like
a bucket list thing that we bothwant to go back and do that hike,
And truthfully, we almost did thathike again, the really scary one

for a second time, because butwe didn't because Andrew got sick and he
couldn't do it. So he gotsick probably day four of the trip.
We were there for like seven anda half days and it hit him like
a brick wall, but he didn'tlet it stop him from doing anything.
Like I wanted to go on thattrip in Snorkel. That was like my
main thing. And we had alreadydone the sting ray and shark thing,

but there were so many beaches aroundthat I like wanted to still Snorkel,
And so one day we did goto a beach and he just sat under
a tree and read his book andI was just flopping around in the water
for like an hour by myself.I felt so bad for him. On
one of the pictures, I thinkhe was in a kayak you posted his
face looked so puffy because and youhad just posted he was sick, or

I probably wouldn't have looked at itlike twice and I saw it, I
was like, oh my god,you can tell how sick he is.
And it made me feel so badfor him. Yeah, you know,
one of his eyes looked like hehad like an allergic reaction to a beasting.
It got so bad and I feltso bad for him. But yeah,
okay, so this is the typicalJenny disgusting story. So because of

like my diet being very off ona vacation. I was having some bowel
issues where I was just shitting mybrains out and when I could, and
between that and then Andrew being sostuffy that he was constantly blowing his nose.
We literally went through all the toiletpaper every day that we were at
the hotel, and so Andrew waslike, man, at one point,

He's like, the title of thisvacation should be called Meet the Shitters,
because we were just like I mean, he was having some stomach issues too,
on being sick, but then hewas constantly blowing his nose, and
then he'd take a roll with himeverywhere he went. And then I'd go
in the bathroom and there's only likea fucking sheet left of the other role
and I'm like, babe, Ineed the roll. We have no toilet
paper. So there was that.And then one thing that you would hate

in Tahiti is that I could notfind iced coffee to save my life.
That's so I feel like it's socommon in other countries, like they I
think they think we're trash. Theystarted like americanizing, like Europe more with
iced coffee. Like the first timeI went to Europe, I couldn't find
a single iced coffee. So Ido just like I will just drink it

if I need to, but ifit's super hot and humid, I do
not want like a hot tut I'msaying. I wanted cold coffee, And
to be fair, I did findsome in Tahiti, but in Moreo,
which is where we spent most ofour time, not a single place like
we finally found this amazing like bakerycoffee kind of shop supposed to be coffee
shop, and I'm trying They speakFrench there, just in case you are
unaware, and I'm trying to relaylike an iced coffee with like maybe a

latte or whatever, and they kindof have that on the menu, but
it's all in French, so I'mnot fully understanding it. And she's like
yes, this, yes, sothis and this, and she's kind of
pointing at things that she was goingto mix together. She basically blended ice
with coffee and put like a weirdflavoring in it, and then so it
was all liquified. It wasn't likea frappe like smoothie like texture. I

thought that's what she was going todo, but no, it was like
a liquid of ice or like ofcoffee that all she did was blend ice
into it to the point of itjust being a liquid. It was awful.
Yeah, so that was not fun. But yeah, other than that,
would you how would you rank iton places you've been? I think

it's just it's so hard to saybecause every place is so different. But
I would say, like, becauseI planned this trip so well, it
is very high up there on placesbetter than Thailand. No, I would
say that because but that it's hardto say because you planned this better than
Thailand. I did plan it somuch better. And also Thailand has so

much more to offer, Like it'sa it's an island in like the middle
of the Pacific Ocean, Like there'snot a whole ton to do besides look
at the scenery, go on hike, snorkel, like that is a lot
to do. That's not what I'msaying. But like Thailand, the culture
there, the activities, like there'sjust so much more to do there,
Okay, And I felt like moreimmersed in a different cultural experience there than

Tahiti because there is a lot ofAmericanized things in Tahaiti, and like in
European because it's French. So Iwould say Thailand is still better. And
Andrew and I like, yeah,we want to go back and do these
hikes, but we don't feel theneed to go back again, Whereas Thailand
we literally feel like we could gospend another month there and still not scratch
like the space of everything we wantto do there. And also my frugal

side would say Thailand because it waskind of expensive to eat in Tahiti and
I don't really put eating out aslike high priority on my list of things
to do on vacation. I'm moreof a like, let's get something to
eat. And truthfully, we hadlike some not great food there, Like
I did do enough research on theisland of Tihiti and so we ate at

some pretty shitty restaurants there. ButMoilrea, I did a lot of research
and it was good food. Butthere's a point where you cannot eat any
more seafood and that's like their specialty. So it's like they do have some
good pizza there, though they havenailed down pizza all right, there is
that then, But yeah, sothat was it. I'm I will say
that most trips, I feel likeI get really sad and I don't want

to come home, and I'm like, oh, I wish I could have
a few more days this one.I feel like we did so much that
I finally was like, yeah,I'm good. I'm like, I'm good
to go home. I'm tired,I'm ready to get back into a routine
of things, and so yeah,that's kind of how I felt with it.
But it was amazing, that's awesome. It looked it looked very beautiful.
I like the water and stuff waslike so picturesque. It's like what

you want it to look like.So it looked so pretty. Yeah,
and you looked super hot in yourbikini photo. Thank you. I was
okay. I had like ideas ofthings I wanted to post on social media
going into the trip, per lookingat a bunch of other people's instagrams,
you know, but there was nopart of me that ever thought I was
going to post some like kind ofthirst trap looking swimsuit pic. But then
Andrew and I just did like thisphoto shoot, and I was like,

we both look pretty good and thislike it is a beautiful background. I'm
gonna post this, yeah, andnot feel like it feels conceited for me
to post something like that, LikeI just don't love to. I mean,
you work out hard. I getit. I'm I would be the
same way. I would feel likeuncomfortable doing it and then be like screw
it. But also you're on abeach, so you're obviously wearing a bathing
suit, so it's like it's funny, but I it's funny when you go

to like beautiful places like that.Nothing I have no video or picture I
take ever does it justice. Andit also never looks like any actual influencer
because I don't have all their photoediting tools. Took super contrast things to
make it look crazy, and Idid not edit anything on my photos besides

I have one. On the swimsuitphoto, I did use face tune,
just sort of edit. There wassuch a difference between the tan on my
legs and my feet because my feethad sweated off all the tan that I
looked like a cave woman, Likethat's how different than my color and the
half collar. So I had tolike edit that a little bit because like

I go to go glow for spraytans and they do a phenomenal job,
and that looked like so bad thatI was like, I can't be posted
on tag us bitch, I don'twant anything like that. I was like,
well, I did not have nearlyas exciting. Yeah, your life

you can have. I'm nothing excitedto share. I will say I did
have. I posted on my Instagrama humbling experience because I don't know like
a lot of the people at Foxvery well since I've been doing the Jason
Show or whatever. But I didgo in yester not yesterday, sorry,
Friday, because that's day. Itwas Sunday and I had to go potty.
Yeah, for a long Nothing ismore embarrassing than when you are sitting

on a toilet in a business andthe light goes out. I was sitting
there. I was like, ohmy god, because then then not only
first of all, you have towalk at Fox where I am, you
have to walk through the sales pitand they're all like, hey, fallon.
Yeah. So then when I comeback twenty minutes later, but so
he's like, oh my god,oh my god, oh my god,

there's nothing I can do to getthis light back on. Like I tried
waving my house. It's not it. Someone comes in and then the lights
come on, and now they knowyou have been sitting in the dark for
god knows how long, and it'sso awkward. I fucking hate that,
like quit having I get it's forlike energy purposes, but it is so
embarrassing. And I'm like, Ido not know these people here well enough,

so I wasn't ask you to.So Jake has his company, they
have like it's not a party,his boss hosts like a dinner at his
house and we and like he invitesa bunch of people. So we have
that on like the fifteenth. Butthey just emailed our the Fox people just
said, like with the Jason tooh, we have the Fox Party on
the fourteenth. You should And Iwas like, I wasn't invited. They're
like, no, you are throughus because you should. And I'm like,

what do you think should I goto that? Because I've gone back
and forth in my head like itwould be good to go and see people
maybe, but part of me islike we're already doing Jake's on Friday.
Yeah, but it'll be the onlytime I ever get invited to the Fox
party. But then I also likeI know everyone, but also is it
a kind of cocktail walk around chatand you can leave right away if you

feel like it. I right away, But leave at your own discretion.
I think so, but then Iwould still have to get like a babysitter
for two nights in a row.Yeah, I mean, aka, my
mom, that's tough. I'm allfor like trying. I feel like I
try to put like holiday parties asa higher priority on my list. And
like Andrew has always missed his withhis work because of a snowboarding trip the

last two or three years, andhe finally is here this time, so
I'm gonna go with him to hisin like a week. And then I
think I missed our iHeart one lastyear because I was on a snowboarding trip
or something was happening. I wasgone. I missed it because no one
said it was a holiday party.I was so frustrated about that I got
we got the invite. Yeah,but like, I'll be honest, we

had a girl takeover, like andshe plans fun outings and things all the
time. We have never had thatin the history of iHeart. We maybe
have one thing a year. Sonow there's something like every month, which
is so nice. But I'm obviouslynot gonna go to something every month.
So it was like, hey,we're gonna be at a brewery and I'm
like, cool, it never saidon the thing this is our company holiday

party, but apparently everyone else knew, so it's the one event every single
person went to. I was onmy couch and then I saw everyone posting.
I was like, oh fuck.And then Dave came in being like
who was unlimited everything? He wasopen bar and I was like, oh
no, So if they do wantto get this year, then I probably
will go. And I'm like,I don't know, but I think I

don't know. I don't have therespective of having to get a babysitter for
two nights in a row, andMom, it's not like it's a real
thing. Mine's more guilt of menot being with all of two nights more
so than having to get a babysitter. If you will, I mean,
if it's just a quick thing,and is it like is it right when
she's going to bed or is itbefore that? I actually don't know,
yeah, because I could love thefox one, but she's starting to be

like sleeping half the time. Imean she has about like eight now,
so it's not Yeah. Also,did you see the video that Jake posted
of her skiing again? Yes?I say where were they They always go
to Highland because Dylan is yeah,Dylan's uh, he does ski lessons for
kids. He did last year andhe does again this year, and so

it's her third ski season and sheis just she loves it, and I'm
so happy she does, because I'mjust so happy that that he's passing that
on to her since I would clearlynot. And because they're doing a big
ski trip this March, he's takenthe kids and that'll be really fun.
Did I tell you that I bookedmy birthday than you did it? Okay?

So I had gone back and forth, I know, even on this
podcast about Alaska, but I decidedI wanted Alaska to be a family trip.
And the one of the places Ireally want to go is Catmi and
it's like all chrisly Bears and Jake'slike, we can't take all of that.
I'm like, I don't plan ongoing to Alaska a ton, so
when I go, I want tolike do a lot of things. So

I'll just wait maybe until the kidsare a little older, or she's older.
So I kind of was like,I think I just want my birthday
to be for me and Jake andI don't want to party. He's like,
what about a dinner. I waslike, I would be open to
doing a dinner with friends, becauseI feel like I'll be sad if I
don't do anything with like my friendsor family. But I was like,

I really would rather just spend moneyon a trip. So it's not a
big trip. It's like three nights, and I did book big, sir.
So what I booked was I gottargeted by travel and leisure and ad
it was like the ultimate all inclusiveof girls trips, and there are id
I'm like, I feel like whenyou think of all inclusive, you only

think of like Mexico, And soI was like, are there nice all
inclusive places in the States. Well, first of all, it's fucking laughable
this article because the places they recommendedwere so spectacular. But I'm like,
none of my friends could afford this. This is not something I could afford,

like a full week of so butI was like, for my fortieth
I am spending the most I haveever spent in my life on an all
inclusive for just three nights for meand Jake, and so I booked it
and so cool because the way theplace is positioned I guess it's like,
you know, half on the ocean, half redwood. So the it's all
inclusive, so it involves like theytake you on hikes, or they'll give

you like make you a picnic basketto go to the ocean, or like
all these different things. So itlooks very cool. You could have upgraded
to a luxury status and you geta beside every single day or there.
I did not upgrade to that,but I thought that was really cool.
But we'll have access to like allthe grounds and stuff. So I was
like, now what it's had tofigure out where we're going to fly into

and all that stuff. But Ibooked it over my actual birthday and I'm
excited. I tell Jenny before wegot on the podcast. Next year is
my year. I can just tellI'm fine turning forty. I just feel
like everything is going to fall intoplace for me next year. And I
don't know what that means, butI feel like, because I've wondered sometimes,
I've wondered, am I a personwho's capable of ever being truly happy?

Like I'm such a the glass ishalf empty person, and I don't
think I'm capable of being like theoptimistic person for like you know what I
mean. But I do think thatI can like finally feel content and happy
in life while still bitching about minorthing. And I just feel like I've

already like started that shift and adjustment, and so I'm looking forward to I
think it's going to be a goodyear. I do too. I think
you're gonna have a great year,you too, Jenny, I agree,
I'm looking forward to it too.I want to say real quick about Big
sir, Well, I just havea question. So it's a hotel you're
saying that, mm hmm okay,because I'm like thinking of Big Sur.

And when we did our road trip, I saw like campgrounds and stuff like
that, but we didn't get farinto it because it was like wildfires and
stuff when we went. But I'mso excited to see all that because that's
like on our list of like wewant to go back and do our road
trips, starting basically in Big Surand then going down to like San Diego
to finish the West Coast road trip. But you're gonna have a super fun
time and don't sleep on like maybeflying into I think it's San Jose might

be an easier option. Than SanFrancisco, and it might be cheaper because
I didn't look at like a lotof different airports when I was booking our
West Coast road trip, and therewere more than just San Francisco around.
But for me, they have theclosest is Monterey. Obviously it's going to
be a smaller nobody. Actually Ididn't know about that either, and we
were ending our trip in Monora andit was going to be cheaper to just
fly out of there, and Ididn't realize it until like a month later

that they had an airport. Soyou should check that out too, I
wanted. I'm looking at Monterey andlooking at even though I know it would
be like a lovely drive I've Iwas like, again, I might like
order like a car to take us, because once we're there, we're not
going to be, yeah, withthe car driving anywhere. So I think
we're going to spend all of ourtime like at the resort, going to
like the ocean or to the woods, and you don't need a car for

any of that. I think,yeah, I don't think. So I
was like, maybe I'll just geta car that takes us there and then
takes us back to the airport.That'll be nice. So how long are
you going? Just three nights?Okay, it's like you said you weren't
going to do a week, butI was like, you got to at
least go for a cup few nights. Yeah, and I think it'll be
it'll be short, too short,and we'll be like, oh, I
wish you were staying longer. Butit's fine. It's still fun. And

I might do like a like Isaid, at dinner with friends or something,
because Jake was like, what ifwe like do one of those fancy
things where you hire people to comeinto your house and cook. And I'm
like, I love my friends,but I don't want to spend like three
thousands. So you don't spend threethousand dollars, but I don't want to
spend that. I would rather honestlyhost a pot luck with my friends and
make everyone bring a dish. MaybeI should do it. You have to
come, Jenny, Well, obviouslyI'll be there. I'll be there at

whatever option you decide to do.But also I don't want you to feel
the pressure of like having to hostpeople on your own birthday. Yeah,
I love that, and you'd likebe stressed about cleaning too, and like
organizing the house. And your houseis always like clean and organized, so
whatever. But I always feel likewhen you put on the stress of like
you're excited to host something, butthen you forget about, like the day
before and the day of, howstressful it is to actually have your house

together for it. It's so stressful, it is. Yeah, But anyway,
book that and excited and that's awesome. Catch me. I'll be wearing
a G string, will you.Yeah, I'll be posting photos. Yes,
No one wants it. Nothing wantsit. Thank you for listening.
Welcome back, Jenny. Thank you. Here real quick, I'm just going

to give a quick up date.But I know the last podcast I talked
about having like a really bad boutof anxiety, and truthfully, it last
much longer than just the duration ofthat podcast in that day, and it
did inspire me to finally get therapystarted. Yeah, Jenny, I did
set that up. I'm not soldon my therapist yet. I think I
might for me to find someone,truthfully who has a little more education,

like a higher up, because Ithink she's just she's not that she's not
educated and has like the right credentials, but I think I need to go
to like a psychiatrist instead, andsomeone who can potentially prescribe medication honestly,
So we're I got another appointment withher this week though, and I'm not
like saying no to her yet becauseshe was great for like a first session.
But I have another appointment this weekand We're gonna see how it goes.

I'm feeling much better than two weeksago. But yeah, thank you
for everyone. I have gotten alot of messages and I appreciate everyone's messages,
and you all have such kind words, and I hope that me talking
about it has helped out some people, because, like I said on the
last podcast, I know how lonelyit can feel sometimes when your brain is

thinking crazy things and making you feelall weird and you feel all alone,
and to know that someone else knowswhat you're going through makes you feel les
alone. So thank you for themessages and the emails. I super appreciate
it. Well, thank you.Yeah, I'm glad that you finally found
your way to someone and you're startingthat journey because I think that it will
be helpful for sure. And yeah, thank you for listening
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