All Episodes

November 14, 2023 31 mins
Falen and Jenny discuss her T-Wolves update, Falen's mid-life crisis, Jenny's trip back home to WI and more!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I'll ride. Here's a little bitlater than normal episode, but it still
came out on the proper day.So shout out to Jenny. Last week,
Jenny came in on her day off. This week, you just had
yesterday off, but you were inWisconsin, so you couldn't just come in
on your day off. Yeah.I didn't get back to like the middle
of the afternoon, so I wasable incapable of physically being here to record.
I went or I have Friday off, and I'm so excited. And

then obviously next week is Thanksgiving,so we all have Thursday Friday off.
And then I took off another randomThursday Friday in December, and then the
week of Christmas. Like basically,I had all these extra vacation days I
had saved, and you just neverknow, I never know how to allot
them. Like I know, obviousI'm gonna take cause like I have,
I have twenty two days, Ithink, and you have of of eighteen.

Yeah, and I know I'm goingto take like two full weeks off,
you know, kind of split upat some point in the year.
But then you have all these otherones. You don't want to use them
all in the beginning of the year. But then I almost kind of cause
you usually take off the week ofChristmas, most of us do. But
we also are lucky because we don'thave to like use a ton of vacation
during that time because we already aregiven like Christmas Eve, Christmas Day,

New York' Day, So assuming thatfalls on like a weekday, yeah,
we get lucky in that way.But yeah, I really saved more than
I expected this year, which iscrazy because I feel like I took plenty
of trips. I think the oneof my one week trips the Switzerland Paris,
though it was like occidentally Memorial Dayweek, so we already have that
Monday optimately had to take four daysfor that. I think we're dealing with

the same thing on the Morning showthat Dave and I both have vacation days
to use, and so now we'rejust like throwing them in there, and
it's fine, but I just likefeel like I feel bad because for the
listening experience, it is always kindof a bummer. I feel like when
someone's gone. Sure, so nowin the next like month and a half,
one of us has gone at leastprobably one day a week, if

not longer, Because I have myweek long Tahaiti trip coming up. But
I did the same where I hadtwo trips right away at the beginning of
the year, and then had aquick New York trip, but that fell
on like Juneteenth weekend, so wehad Juneteenth off and stuff, so it
wasn't really like vacation days I usedfor that. And then outside of that,
I think I took one day offaround Labor Day. So yeah,

it's a lot of vacation that needsto be used between everyone. But also
there was just so much changes onour station in like the end of summer,
beginning of fall months that everyone wasgetting acclimated. And also jury duty
was a big thing for me.I didn't know. I was trying to
plan a like fall leaf peeping tripand I couldn't do it because of Dory
duty, which I later found outI could have like postponed jury duty if

I really wanted to do that trip. But I'm happy, Yeah, I'm
happy I got it done. SoI don't know if you have an update,
but I wanted to ask you ifyou have an update after your Timberwolves
audition. I don't have an update. I'm not gonna lie. It's making
me a little bit nervous now atthis point, because I kind of thought
that they would have someone in bythe next home game, which is coming

up this Monday. Oh to auditionyou mean or full time? Okack,
whoever it is. I do know, like the head of the department was
going on a trip to Florida likethis weekend, like kind of probably like
a longer weekend situation. So Ilike am thinking maybe i'll hear in the
next couple of days. But theother person auditioned, Yes, Okay,
do you know who it is?I don't know. Okay, I don't

know who it is. You didn'twant to know, Yeah, but I
found out for my friends who workat the Timberwolves, like what she does
and stuff like that, so Idon't. I still don't know who she
is personally, but yeah, we'llshe do hosting kind of that would be
good. Okay, yeah, okay, she's not in media, but she
does kind of hosting the fair competition, which is for sure, and you
know they'll pick the best person andlike you said, which is a good

ad you have. Of course,you are excited, you have your hopes
up, but you this came toyou out of nowhere you didn't like kind
of you didn't pursue it, right, So if you don't get it,
I think you'll probably be bummed,but yeah, it won't break you.
I'll totally be bummed if I don'tget it. I'm not gonna lie.
It is something I very very muchwant, right and if I don't,
though, yes, I won't belike so broken. It's not like this

is like never audition again. Yeah. Yeah, but I mean like I,
if I don't get it, nofeeling's hurt. I probably'll still be
like, well, I don't knowif you need someone to fill in sometimes
scause I'm sure everyone can't make everysingle day, Like I will totally be
there as a sub if you needsomeone, so we'll see. I don't
know. I'm just like sitting aroundwaiting and then I like, I haven't
been anxious about it, but thenlike a thought kind of comes across of

like what if I get the calltoday? And I get like a little
anxious of like what if that callcomes in and I'm going to be like,
am I mentally prepared for what thisconversation is going to be? But
right, so you went home toWisconsin. Was it fun? It was
super fun, just mostly family time, that's all. I really honestly do
want to go home anymore. Iit makes me kind of sad, but

not really because most of my hometownfriends don't really live in my hometown anymore.
But I really don't spend much timewith hometown friends anymore. So it's
always just a ton of family timeand it's fun. But Andrew and I
need like breaks every once in awhile, and my mom doesn't have like
the biggest house, so our breaksinvolve us like going in laden in bed
and like watching a show on hiscomputer, and Adria and I aren't really

like lay in bed kind of people, and this is that nighttime or if
I need a little nappy, SoI don't love when we go home,
and we kind of have to dothat to just have some time to ourselves.
But it was fun, good tosee the family. Did lots of
family stuff. But the reason wewent home was for my little sister's half
marathon. And she is the onewho I got to start saying my sister's

names because I always say little sister, older sister. I know. We
did like a quiz once and Iwas like, I don't even know their
names. Yeah, Katie, Sothat's Katie. She did half marathon.
She's the one who had a strokethis past summer, And it was kind
of up in the air of shewas going to be doing it because she
actually has a procedure she's having donethis week that's kind of a surgery to
get some blocked arteries like blood clottythings in her neck figured out, and

she's going to be in the hospitalfor like a day. And the weird
thing was, we're rolling up tothe marathon, it's like super early in
the morning, and I look overand she's like bleeding down her face and
I'm like, and I think itwas maybe like a z it or something
she had picked, But because ofeverything she's been through and like blood cloths
and blood thinners that she's been on, she like bleeds like she doesn't stop.

And so my mom was getting kindof concerned about that too. Yeah,
And and she was fine. Shedid her half marathon, she completed
it. Shout out to her,she did a great job. And then
in the evening though, she wasstill bleeding. So my mom was like,
I got to keep an eye onthat because that just like makes me
nervous. Yeah, okay, sobut yeah, super fun. I will
say that there is someone I'm notgoing to point out who it is that

frustrated me this weekend in my familybecause it's someone who pushes Andrew and I
to get engaged, like that conversationof engagement, and we were talking about
something that involves the family, andthis person specifically said, well, no,
Andrew can't be a part of thisuntil you know, you got a
ring on that finger and all thisstuff, and I just it was in
a public setting where people who don'tknow us had to hear this these awkward

conversations. So I was frustrated becauseI feel like it puts these random people
in like a weird position because thenI get like defensive. And finally I
said something to them and I go, well, why are you single?
Why aren't you dating someone you know? And that person kind of just was
like, well, you can tellme to you can tell me, and
I go, no, I can't. It is not my business. It

is up to you to live yourlife the way you want to. But
I was getting pretty frustrated, andI talked to Andrew about it after it
was all going down, and hewas like, I don't really care.
He's like, it doesn't make meuncomfortable. Who cares if it made the
other random people uncomfortable? It justis what it is. But I just,
man, if you're that type ofperson who asks someone in your family
when are you going to get married? And they're just people who are like,

live in a really good, funrelationship and don't like need to get
married, don't feel they need toget married, just leave it alone.
Like it's just really frustrating. Obviously, there are the couples where you know
the like one or the other doesreally want to get married, and I
know, like that would probably bea little bit more I don't know for
the person that wants to get married, like more comfortable with someone like yeah,

I know it's what I'm saying,but yeah, there are so many
The whole world has changed so muchwith people's outlooks on wanting to get married
at all and wanting to have childrenat all, and it's I just think
in our lifetime it's not going tochange. I think that it's like we
got to keep saying it because theyshould know, like, oh, that

does make me uncomfortable. But it'sso funny to me because I'm like,
I wonder if by the time we'readults are like the old people, it'll
have changed at all, because itis becoming more common to not and but
it's just so interesting because I justfeel like I don't know why people I
don't know. Is it because theyjust have nothing else to talk about,

so they're like trying to fill thespace with something. Yeah, and I
know that it's not it's probably notthat. I know it's coming from a
place of like they love Andrew andthey want that person to be a part
of our family, and they justwant us to be married. And they
have more traditional views of like society, like societal normal in the past,
you know. So I totally getwhere they're coming from. I just don't

like when it becomes a conversation that'sin front of other people don't even know
ye or don't know that well,yes, that's the only thing. But
I mean, once again, it'slike I still love them, and I
understand that they just want the bestfor me. So I get where they're
coming from. But I think whenyou pointed out to someone that you are
like uncomfortable with the conversation, thenjust send it. Don't keep doing it

for another twenty minutes. That's allyou gotta do. But yeah, so
that was pretty much my weekend home, and we won't be home for Thanksgiving,
so it was nice to be homefor a little bit longer than just
a quick like day and a halfof what I normally get to go home
over the weekend. But what didyou all do this weekend? Friday?
Jake went to the Billy Joel StevieNicks concert, and I going, I

never wanted to go to that.Yeah, I wanted to see Stevie Nicks.
I don't care about Billy Joel alland I looked up their setlist.
I honestly could have done, evendone on this podcast. I don't remember
maybe talking about it, but shehad like fifteenish songs and he had like
twenty two. I'm like, I'mnot saying through twenty two freaking Billy Joel
songs? Wait? Was he first? No? Second? And I was

like, I wish there was away you could tag someone else into a
show, so I could have watcheddev Nicks and then tagged someone else in
with him. But I also hadpurchased tickets for Adam Sandler months ago,
and that was Sunday, and Iwas like, I do not want to
be away from all of two differentnights. So I texted his brother and
said, Davy, we go.And he's like, sure, they're legends.

I don't know they're songs, butwhy not. I said, okay,
great, and Jake got home.I didn't. I was already sleep
when he got home. And thenext day he goes like, man,
he's like, Davy is just He'slike I had the most Davy experience ever
at that concert, and I waslike, what does that mean? So
Jake's brother, Davey is the kindof person that you meet and you just
like them immediately. He can talkto anyone, he will talk to anyone,

and he's odd and quirky. Yeah, he's so friendly, so friendly,
he will he like worked in NationalParks for years. He was like
kind of like a no bad Sohe said that they were like, let's
go buy T shirts, and Davy'slike, I want to look at the
T shirts up close. So hewalks up to the table and Jake said
there was a line a mile longfor T shirts and in Davy fashion,

the woman goes you, which sizedo you want? And David's like we'll
take two mediums or whatever. Andthe woman hands them the shirts, he
buys them and leaves and didn't evenlook at the line, Just like that
is such a dave move, Likeno ill will or intentions, he just
gets lucky. So then Jake sayshe was ubering Davey was, so he
was drinking more than Jake. He'slike, so Davey started getting a little

Davy drunk, and he's like andhe was gone for a long time,
and so I finally was like,God, is he okay? So he
texted him and he said he likestarted looking around. He looked behind him,
and Davey was in the row behindhim with two like seventy year old
women and they were all dancing together. And he's like, I have no
idea how long he'd been there withthem, and it's just so funny.

I was like, I'm glad hewent with him because he probably had a
much better experience than he would havewith me. Yeah, but then we
went to Adam Sandler. It wasso adult. I didn't expect it,
like in one way, like pervertedcrude, and I didn't expect that.
So Zach and I we have differentsenses of humor, completely different senses of

humor. And so when I waswatching his openers and even some of his
stuff, I literally knew Zach wasthere, and I thought to myself,
Zach is gonna hate this because that'snot his type of I feel like Zach
gets uncomfortable, wrong girl humor kindof stuff, like if you mentioned periods
of like okay, moving on,I'm like, all right, you know,
grow up, Zach. But that'sjust him and that's fine. But

the girl from SNL, Sarah Sherman, was there, so she was one
of the openers, and her kindof shtick was like I'm so gross,
and she would talk about how grosservagina is and make the camera guy zoom
in super close to it, andshe'd keep going on and on and on
about how gross and make it grossereach sentence she said. And I knew
people were going to be grossed outby it. But Jake and I were
crying, laughing, and her Iaccidentally recorded her entire set. You weren't

allowed to film anything, but myphone was just recording on my lap because
it was being recorded for like aTV special. I think. So then
Rob Scheider, Funny, Kevin Jamesshowed up in the middle of the show,
but Adam Sandler's jokes were really adult, and Zach didn't like it because
he said that he didn't do anylike classic like Honica songs and stuff like
that. I was like, well, he was filming a TV specially,
he probably didn't want to do oldstuff. Yeah, but he yeah,

just like he did a joke wherehe's like talking about fingering and he was
like, I'm so old and tirednow. He's like, I just will
stick my hand out on the bedand be like to my wife like it's
there for you if you need it. You just rub around on it if
you need to. The middle one'sclean, like you like the middle of
your favorite good And I was laughing, so I was like, oh my
god, Like I just was soso he was so perverted and even though

he hasn't changed it all and hishumor is like the exact same, made
me laugh a lot. And Jakeand I like loved it and it was
just so interesting because I listeners DMand me I posted a picture, They're
like, oh, it wasn't great, Han, I'm like, we have
I'm a crew. I have acrude sense of humor. So I thought
it was funny. And he wouldjust break out into a song randomly,
and there was one about masturbating tothe woman on the raisins box. I

just like was like, I didn'tsee it coming. I was just like
so random and funny. So Iwas happy I went to that show.
I'm like, I don't know,And people were dressed up as his characters
from movies and stuff like t SwiftAction. Almost there was like Bobby Bouche,
there was a scoobasty. There werelike some good ones in the audience.

But it was very funny and I'mglad we went to that. Did
you think that he was the funniestof everyone who was on stage, because
I feel like sometimes like when youget big names like that, like someone
else can sump. Yeah, soSarah Sherman was like close, But so
Rob Schneider was the least funny tome. Okay, he kind of has

like that older guy that almost walksthe line of like a couple of political
things, not really, so Ididn't like, he's not my cup of
tea. He had a guy thatdidn't know open from the very beginning from
his new movie, and he immediatelyout of the gate was like, so
I base if I come and agirl on on where they live. If

I pull, I put a basewhere I pull out where they lived,
Like if she lives in Detroit,I'm pulling out because like I don't want
to have to visit Detroit. Youknow what I'm saying, Like that is
not but if she lives in Hawaii, I'll risk it, you know.
And I was like, oh,this is gonna be a very adult show.
So he they all have like eightminute sets. Rob Schneider came up
and sang a song later on theshow because he's a really good singer.

And then Kevin Smith did a funnysinging bit, and this is where it
kind of came full circle. Noone knew this and he didn't say anything
that was interesting. But Kevin Smithwas like, you know, quote unquote
in the audience just watching the show, No, he was, he was
planted. Brought him up on stage, and then he brought up because Adam
Sandler had his own piano player,Kevin James brought up his own piano player,

and Jake goes, oh, man, it was Billy Joel's guitarist.
But no one in that venue knewthat but the night like he's like Friday
night, he told me Saturday.He's like, oh my god, Billy
Joel did this song with this guywho did this It's like an Italian song.
He's a kid, the most beautiful, like opera voice, and that
was the guy. So he playedthe piano and sang most of the song,
and then Kevin James would do acouple of funny parts. Uh huh.

But I was like, they didn'teven mention that, Like I don't
know. I was like, waswere they in town earlier than we thought?
Yea, every celebrity does stay atthe Four Seasons. By the way,
that's where Adam Sandler stayed. Yeah, I saw someone we know that
was having lunch there and literally likethey looked over and Adam Sandler was eating
there, Yes, he said,I stated, at a really fancy hotel.
Like, well, he obviously didthe Four Season blets. Be honest,

that's where all the celebrities stay nowwhen they come into town. See,
he's got to go to the cafethere and look for them. I
guess. Literally, yeah, Idon't know, but we already put up
our Christmas stuff. Psychotic. Isaw you share your classic video oh yeah,
wait, now I'm forgetting it wasa you thought it was a fake
tree. I try to order afake tree for Williams and Noma and it
shut up real because like, whoknew Williams Nooma? But it is a

Christmas classic. I share it everyyear and it brings me joy, makes
me laugh at how stupid I was. H If you haven't seen the video,
you can see it on my Instagram. I just posted it, so
it's like the most recent video onmy feed. And Yeah, but I
don't know, I feel like I'mI'm ready for this year to be over.
I don't know if you feel thatway or not. Probably because I
have a trip coming up, Idon't feel like quite ready for it.

Yeah, And I don't get tospend a lot of time with my family,
and we're doing Christmas with my familyboth Eve and day this year,
so I'm really looking forward to that. Yeah. So I would say,
not necessarily that I am ready forthe end of the year refresh that we
all much get from, like takinga break. I will. I just
feel like there's so much creativity thatgoes into our jobs, and I know

that a lot of jobs are likethat. Yeah, totally get that,
and some jobs have no creativity andthey wish they had like a little bit
more or whatever. Yeah, AndI think that like by the end of
the year, we get to thispoint where we feel like we are so
drained of trying to come up withcreative stuff and we just like need that
break. I'll never forget when Iworked with Carrie Noble when it was Oaken
carry On City ninety seven, andCarrie told me that when she she was

a singer and songwriter, when she'dwrite an album, it was like cutting
open a vein every single time andjust like bleeding yourself dry to come up
with songs. And she's because shekind of switched over to teaching people singing
lessons and stuff like that versus writingnew albums, touring and whatever. She
was like, I'm just getting tootired of it, and like not to

be that extreme, That's not howI feel with like coming up with creative
segments. But I do think thatthere's a part of where my creative brain
just needs a break. Yes,and then I know I will think of
things constantly still and make notes ofit, but like the fact that it
just comes to you randomly versus needingto actually have something ready that day.
Is different when you have that break, you know it is. It's funny.

I'll go on vacation and because Iknow I don't have to come up
with anything, I'll come up witha million ideas on vacation. But like
this week, for instance, whereI'm not on vacation. It's not that
I don't have ideas. I dohave ideas, but it's like I have
to sit down and make myself comeup with ideas. It's just a very
different thing. I totally know whatyou mean by that. I am turning.

We've talked about this forty next year, and I feel like I'm going
through like a little bit of amidlife crisis, if you will, even
though it's I refuse to believe theforties midlife. Yeah, But like I
question if I even want to doradio like and I and I don't say

that to like be for people.I don't. It's not for I don't
want people to be like, no, you have to stay in radio.
It's not like that. It's notlike a cry out, but it's I
feel I think I feel I've talkedabout this in the past few episodes.
Very spread thin lately between doing thetwo shows, like I I don't know,
and so I'm I feel like I'mquestioning, like what do I actually
want to do because I'm in aI think I'm in a really bad phase

of life right now where all Iwant is to be at the point of
retirement and that's almost like wishing awaylike the next ten years if I'm lucky
enough to retire at fifty or fifteenyears of my life, because I just
want that portion to be over withand be done with the working portion and
actually relax my brain. And soI'm like, is it because I am

at that point where I don't wantto think of new bits every single day
anymore. I'm tired, I don'twant to do that for fifteen more years.
Or is it because I do justneed like a week off. I
don't know what it is. AndJake was like, Fallin, if you
quit tomorrow, you would literally belike within two weeks desperately trying to find

another like radio or creative job.Like he said, I know you too
well. You could never sit aroundand just do nothing. And I'm like,
well, I'm not saying do nothing, but I have had these really
deep conversations with him about what doI want, And a lot of people
have asked me, oh, nowyou've done TV, do you want to
do TV? And I'm like,not really, I actually feel like I

mean, Jason's show is different becauseit's a lifestyle kind of show. Even
though it's not a lifestyle show.They actually say it's not lifestyle, it's
more pop Culturrey maybe, but sothat one's like you can be have more
personality, like I would never wantto do news, like never want to
do news. Neither would not.I wouldn't be good at it. I
think I'd pronounce everything wrong. Iwouldn't understand what's going on. I think

I just wouldn't be great at newsanyway, and said I wouldn't enjoy but
like a more fun show maybe,But I just love radio because of it's
so Lucy goosey. If you will, okay question, because I got I
dove real deep into this Instagram thisweekend your and enne Agram three, aren't
you. I have no idea I'vetaken that test about it that I swear

you and I were the same inthe last time, but we took it
right, and I almost swear meyou and Drake were the same, which
I feel like we both agreed.We feel like Drake must have lied because
there's no way he's the same asit because nothing like us. It makes
no sense. So but I thinkthat like when you're younger, you probably
don't answer those questions as honest asthat they get older. But I took
the quiz like within a year anda half span, and mine was almost

exactly the same. I think threewas still my highest, and then it
became even higher like a year anda half later when we all did it.
And I think threes are we're likeperfectionists, and I think a lot
of like what you're saying, aspeople will say it's burnout or whatever they
want to call it and put itinto like a category. But your personality

is someone who you try really hardin what you do and you don't half
ass things, and that is whatI think is leading you to feel like
you're so exhausted from everything because youjust want to be perfect with everything that
you do, and so that isbecoming draining as you continue to do the
same things every single day and sometimeslike I am the same way. I

am so detail oriented with things andto the point where like there are things
I do after the show that I'mlike, why the fuck am I double
checking this right now? You knowyou did it right already. Stop doing
this again. You're wasting time,You're burning yourself out, like staying later
to double check this when you knowit's fine. And so I just feel
like I just did this dive onthis Instagram. I'll give them a shout

out. And I don't know howqualified she is. I haven't done my
research, but it's a girl whosename is Ashton, and it's just aneagram
Ashton and if you don't know howto spell it, just look it up
anyagram Ashton. And he just breaksdown so many different things, like what
are your triggers, what makes youexcited? What makes you mad? Like
stuff like that, or how totalk to an enneagram three and an Andrew's

a seven that's like the adventurous,impulsive kind of aneagram version. And when
we go through those things, itjust makes us understand each other so much
more so. I don't know that'sprobably maybe that's not helpful or not,
but I do think that, likeyou have a deep love for radio,
it's just everything that goes into itsometimes becomes draining because of your personality type.

Yeah, because I feel the sameway a lot of times, and
I feel like in the last fewmonths, I've kind of tried to like
take a step back from that likeperfectionist inside of me. Like, for
instance, two weeks yesterday, Iwas kind of like helping the guys plan
the show for the day when Iwas out with like a couple things that
I just set up and like theydidn't work out whatever. But like two

weeks ago, I didn't have atall. And when I would take vacation
after they had let Steve go,I would send you and Dave full rundowns
of everything. I would give anote to where to find something. I
did so so much that I waspractically still working on like my days off
because that's just like my personality type. And I realized that when I'm on

vacation, I get to be onvacation. Yep. I do not need
to be helping people out. Theyare capable of doing it on their own.
Yeah. So I just think that, like, you got to take
a step back here and there whenyou can. And obviously you are doing
a new show and you guys areworking hard to like develop the show.
So it's hard because right now youcan't really pump the brakes. You got
to be like full on the gasright now. I know it's crazy,

and it's also like and you're right, it's funny because I'm not a perfectionist
in the like in a way,I just I'm really hard on myself because
I am not a perfectionist in theway that you are with details, because
I still like, i'll fuck andif I'm editing a piece of audio.
I edited War the Roses for yearsand rarely made mistakes on that because I

knew how important it was like tonot miss a cussword. But I'll like
Friday, Zach was out, Iedited something, went to play it on
the air and left a clip ofsomething at the end that shouldn't have been
in it, and that it justlike I was like, you got to
move on, move on, don'tlet see. But like that's how Zach

and I are so different. Ifa bit that I came up with doesn't
go well, like we're not gettinga lot of calls, I get this
sinking feeling of like failure, butthen you got to move on to the
next thing. Zach does not havethat like he is. I wish I
had more of his care free,calm, positive outlook on everything. He's
just like, it'll be fine,move on, and I just do not
have that. So I then Iand since I'm the technical host of this

show, now you do feel alittle bit more pressure, right, which
is a good thing because I've learneda lot doing it. And I think
that that's important for me because Iwas in the same position for like eleven
years. I wasn't Like It's notthat I wasn't learning, but I wasn't
learning like I am now Now I'mlearning a whole new set of things.
But it is yeah. I mean, I also like just have to realize
my life changed a ton this year, so it's just figuring out. I

don't know. I keep saying thenew routine, but as soon as I
changed, I started at the Jasonshowing, and you know what I mean,
it's like weird because that is notgoing to be my normal routine.
I did find out my end dateis twelve twenty two, so I do
have an end date. Okay,I thought you're gonna be done a little
bit earlier than that, but metoo. But I guess I don't know

if this is public knowledge, butI guess Kendall is extending and shows she'll
start back in the new year,okay, And so yeah, and they're
like, is that okay? AndI'm like, in my mind, I'm
like, I guess the extra weekdoesn't really matter. Yeah, but I
like this Friday, I'm not takingoff from the Jason Show, even though
I'm taking off here, but inDecember, I have like the fourteenth and
fifteenth off, and I was like, I'm going to take them off both,

like they can find a fill inbecause I just want a couple of
days off. Yeah, well wehave at least we have Thanksgiving coming up,
and like holiday time. I knowyou can just like relax a little
bit over those times and hopefully justhave a little refresh for the new year.
I know. That's I think that'sjust how why I'm like, I
just want this year to be overwith, you know what I mean,

And I just want to like likeI feel like, well, I'll know,
like our routine better in the newyear, but I'm not doing multiple
things at once, I feel you. Okay, I have one more thing
I want to bring up before wewrap this up. So Andrew We've talked
about this before, but if thisis news to you, Andrew does indulge
in TEACHC related things. So yeah, he gets a lot of TECHC seltzers

as of recent and he kind ofbrought it up of like, maybe I
should give those a try because they'revery low dose of THHC and it would
take like a lot to really feelanything. And he's like, why don't
because there's just like I am okaywith being completely sober from weed whatever,
but there's a part of me thatwishes that, like sometimes I could have

something that would calm me down,that is an alcohol that makes me feel
like shit the next day, youknow. And I just know that like
weed does that for a lot ofpeople. So he kind of was like,
maybe you give these a try.So there's like a part of me
that's been thinking about it. Butthen I was shocked this weekend because he
brought a pack home and we're packingup our stuff to leave yesterday and my

mom's looking at this can and shegoes, oh, She's like, was
this yours? He goes yeah,she goes, oh THHC And he goes
yeah, like there's THHC in thatwhatever, And He's like, I've got
an extra un do you want it? And she goes, mmm, I
don't know. And I could notbelieve she was even contemplating it, because
the woman has been anti weed myentire life. Yeah, and I know

a lot of people still are andthat is totally fine whatever. But she
almost thought about taking one, andthen finally she goes, no, I'll
just get a little too loosey.I don't need one, man, I
don't need it. She's like,but maybe when you guys are home for
Christmas, I'll try I wait,And I was like, this is not
the mom I knew like three yearsago, and I am very happy to

hear that if we can crack herdown a little bit for it to be
less like stigmatized, stigmatizes at theright I'm sure to be this like evil
thing. Then that like gives mea little bit of hope, because I
just know that there's there's so muchdebate between weed and alcohol and what's that
for you? What's not whatever?So I just was laughing that I heard
her be like, oh, justget a little too lucy. Are you

gonna try one yourself? I don'tknow. I might. It's just that
I know how my brain works,and it has to be in a moment
of complete like relaxation all this already, because if I do it on a
Saturday night and I know I haveto wake up Sunday morning and do work
for the show and all this stuff, like something will be triggered in my

brain to not like it. ButI would like to try, just because
like there was a time in mylife where I would like smoke every once
in a while with friends in highschool and college, and for the most
part, it didn't do it awhole lot to me, just me a
little like hazy and like tired andstuff. Yeah, but I guess when
I think about it, I don'teven know in those moments when it didn't

give me anxiety that I even likedit that much. So probably maybe I'll
give it a try just to seeand maybe I'm at like a different point
in life where it'll hit me differently, but we'll see. I don't know.
I just I know that like eatingedibles and smoking is definitely not my
thing. No, Yeah, toomany bad things, too many panic attacks

have happened from that. I'm gonnacall this episode. Too many bad things
have happened all right, Thanks forlistening. Sorry it's a little bit late,
but we appreciate you
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