All Episodes

February 6, 2024 42 mins
Falen and Jenny are so excited to have Steve-O in this week to chat life post-KDWB and what he's up to!
Also, we wanted to offer a discount code for Earth Echo Cacao Bliss. Fet 15% off when you use code: FUN!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hello, Oh my god, youjust already shot up steam. Second.
Wait oh, so, so stoptalking for a second, you guys for
this show that you guys introduced theguest and everything, and I don't have
a guest, so but you didlast week. Well one, okay,
get to that. Here we goon. It is the well no portion

of our our podcast today. Atleast everyone got to hear the screech owl
before we introduced him. Steve Ottione man to Welcome to the Journey on
Filling Show. Welcome to the Journeyand Filling Show. Two girls at work

at different times off the day,and we stop the short still working work,
shopping And though I should have saidand Jenny, though that's the order
of the names. That's usually howrespect it is. I'm demanding like that.
I always demand my name first,clearly, God, no more,

and my name is fast bitches.Is this an accent? If heel's offensive?
Honestly, I don't know what itis? Is am I all?
Let me just review no swearing aloud? Yeah, but don't like be ridiculous
about it. Don't misogyny? No, no, sexism Is that the same
thing? No? I think racism? No? Umm, okay, so
none of those things can be coveredon this podcast. I feel like you

knew the answer to that. Butyou are you just gonna Is this your
attempt? Are you just going totry to like you haven't stirred the pot
in so long that you are waitingfor your moment? This is my chance?
No, it's not. We recordthis. We'll let it go out.
One opportunity to get everything, getout of here. You know what,
you had a new line, youknow what crazy for the last three

years. Here we go forty eightdays, sixty two minutes and fifteen minute.
You do that. I'm like myfour year old. That's how long
I have not been a part ofKatie w B. That's how long ago
I was fired. That amount oftime. I looked it up and on
the calendar that I have in mybedroom. Yeah, it's kind of like
a new group clock and what itis. It's like I like, no

one's stopped me halfway down like theroad. Like I usually can get through
the entire eminem wrap. I cando all these things. But you guys
know me so well, yeah thatI can't do anything. Yeah, So
Steve, on this podcast series,we see where people who used to be
a part of this charming what's thischarming station? Where are they now?

So? Can you catch us upfrom the day you found out in the
home depot parking lot? You areyou soon found everyone in this room.
Jenny and I will have our dday. What parking lot will we be
at? You know? Oh yeah, and then you'll start working there per

time. Do you want to talkabout the deep depression? Do you want
to talk about the No? Allthree of us are in therapy, so
I feel like, you know,we've all we're all different phases of it.
I mean, I think I'm amess in progress. I think I'm
gonna be honest whatever for me personally, Like I was ready to go from

Katie to w B. I wasjust too much of a baby and too
much of a freidy cat to doit. Yeah, because I knew that
I never wanted to be like ahost of a show. Because I think
that's kind of how Tina was.Like she said like she needed, she
needed a kid to go and shewould never have quit. She said,
but it was like actually a blessing. Yeah, it's a blessing and a
curse. It's both. There's bothsides to and I think that's with anything,

it's a no matter what, it'sprobably just like if you're in a
relationship that lasts way too long,and then you know, you know,
you have to have something happen tobe able to move on a comfortable relationship,
a comfortable relationship, you know whatyou're getting. Financially, I knew
what I was getting. Scarier,it's unknown, is very scary because you're
like, what am I going todo? This is all I have,
blah blah blah. So you know, in a weird way, I'm like,
oh, I kind of like neededthat, and thank you for that,

because again I knew that I didn'twant to be like a lifelong radio
person, but I also didn't knowwhat I wanted to be in my life.
So in the time since then,I've gotten to a lot more and
just to the marketing and to thebusiness side. And I went and I
was the marketing director and like bigcontent part for Dean's Home Services and I
was there, and then for thelast six not even six months, four

months, I've been the director ofdigital marketing and growth management for a company
called Brandography that is a marketing companythat's based here in the Twin Cities,
but we have clients all around thecountry from like everything from like e commerce
to services. Here in the TwinCities. It's you know, it's stuff
where if you talk about it,it sounds really boring because you can get

into the needs. But it's somethingwhere I really like it because I get
to like work with like all differenttypes of compan and I get to see
like just how it all works.And that's something that interests me and that's
fun to me. You're always likethat, you always like look liked looking
at that kind of stuff. Ilike tinkering with things. Yes, you're
a big tinkerer. I'm a bigtinker. And I think the biggest thing
that in the process of because whocares about that? I think the thing

that I've learned and we've talked aboutfoul and you and I personally is the
two things that I think that werelike big eye openers, you know,
beyond therapy, which I hate.I hate therapy. I've never liked it.
Yeah, I don't like anything aboutit. But Steve and I actually
have the same therapist for a while. Oh really he recommended it, and

while he was nice, he wasnot the right fit for me and that's
what was for us too. Butlike, it's funny, we have a
therapist right now who said to usat one point like, well, you
shouldn't be going to a therapist forthis long, for like how long we'd
gone to our old therapist. AndI was like, wait a minute,
We've almost been with you as longas that lasts. Therapy. But I

do think like the thing with therapyis you can go and talk about like
your issues with your spouse, butthey are invested and they know everything about
you usually or even a friend.I think in a weird way like I'm
sure there are horrible therapists out there, but we've been lucky to have therapists
that I feel like they say,here's my point of view on it,

here's what you need to do,and then a lot of times they just
kind of listen to you. Yeah. The two big things, like I've
said that we're big for me isbelieve it or not. Ted Lasso kind
of changed me. I think,Yeah, Steve and I have talked about
that, because I know you've alsowatched it too. Yeah, But then
Steve and I were FaceTime once andI saw that he had a believe sign
above his I don't know, walkwayinto a room and I was like,

no, big ted lassa fair oldSteve would hate the news. Steve.
I know he would be really disappointedin me. So that was one thing
just because why I think at thetime, I was kind of like going
through another like switching. I wasleaving the Deans the home service company,
where I had people that I lovedand I still do love and I still
talk to you every single day,but I'm like, I have to move

on because this isn't going in likethe direction where I want to be going.
And that's just how it is sometimes. I think for me is that
it was the perfect set of likepeople being seeing that people can be kind
while still working together. And Ithink there's a lot and I still do
with this in my current job asI deal with people and we all deal

with people where it's like you're wondering, It's like are you putting a mask
on? Is this really how youtreat people on a day to day basis
in a good way, in abad way? And I thought ted lassoh
sorry, I thought ted Last wasthe perfect like this is someone that let
put his heart on his sleeve andhe went to the thing of saying like,
hey, I'm going to be empatheticand I'm going to be kind to

you. And I was like,hey, that's the kind of person that
I want to be. Where I'vehad to deal in the past with clients
that I wonder I'm like, aredo you putting a mask on that you're
just mean on purpose? Or you'reshort, or you're you're uninterested in small
talk? Yeah? Is there's somepeople that hate small talk and that's fine,

but then they but they make itawkward when they don't want to have
small talk with you. So Ithink that's one thing. And then the
second thing is I realized that Iwas having a midlife crisis, because that's
what happens when you're forty well.I mean, I've had that conversation with
my therapist before, like anytime youhave like a big career change or whatever,

she's like, you have to beprepared for what feels like for her.
She doesn't say midlife crisis, it'sidentity crisis exactly what it is.
So she was like, you know, that's very realistic, like it's going
to be like a and I've talkedabout that with I guess I shouldn't reveal
everything someone else we know who leftmedia for instance, and she had to
kind of realize, you know whoam I now? Because media is very

interesting And that's one of the thingsyou and I talked about where it was
like one like what was the whatwas if you feel comfortable sharing? The
hardest thing about not being on thestation anymore? U consistency? Oh that's
not what you told me. Whatdid I say? I don't remember now.
You said it sounded if sounded stupid, but it was feeling like people

cared about it. Oh yeah,yeah, that too. The thing where
it wasn't like people saying like,hey, how are you? How are
you? It was more like theywould check in on you in a weird
way, and even if it wasbad, like, uh, you know,
there's been plenty of things that peoplehave said to me that are bad,
but it's almost like they would interactwith you, and they would it's
they seem like they were interested inyou, which I realize now they don't.

They're not really interested in you.They're interested in like the story the
same thing as you see like onvander Pump and you see whatever I mean
I think about, Uh, whatare those kids from the Hills, the
Heidi and Uhi Spidey. Right,that's a perfect example. Like you watch
stuff that they have done, andthey were like the villains and they were
bad guys, but really in theday, they just wanted your They just

want attention. Yeah, and that'swhat we all just want, is I
mean not everybody I know? Fallonhates it. Yeah, rough me,
Yeah, he hates it. Doyou not have consistency in your jobs now?
No? No, no, no, I would say what I missed
about when I first left here andthen I was laid off and I didn't
have a job. Oh that wasI mean, if you want my honest

to god truth about consistency in myjobs now is I've been lucky that both
jobs that I've had give the freedomthat's similar to the freedom that is here
where I was told by an oldcoworker that I have no business rhythm,
which is which I went from here. No, not from here, from

the last place I worked at.Yeah, she said, you, Steve
had you have no business rhythm,And I'm like, what do you mean.
She's like, I'm not the kindof person that will walk in at
nine am and have a task ofthings to do until noon, and then
take a one hour lunch and havemy cheese sandwich, and then from one
until five do my other tasks.That's a business rhythm. Yeah, I
don't have. I'm like, Iget there at nine o'clock or whatever time

I get there. I do thisthat I do some bits for half an
hour, and then I pound throughsome work. But then I get exhausted,
so I take an hour and ahalf lunch, maybe two hours,
doesn't matter. But then for thenext three or four hours, I'm like
ravenous about it. And that's whatwas here at the radio station. I
mean, you know, you dealwith it on a daily basis, and
that's just because unfortunately, this isn'tlike a like a job that you can

put in a box and put itlike a list of requirements. This job
you have to kind of fake ittill you make it a lot. And
that's probably not healthy for your stomachand probably for your adrenaline, and it's
probably not healthy. And I'm sayingfor all the stations that are here,
but I mean, no matter whatI know, fol and you work in
the afternoons now, but now justbasically your clock has changed when you have

panic attacks and anxiety about making surethat you have enough things on your show
today because I know that the otherIt literally has just changed, It just
changes the hour. It's so funny, it really has. Like now I
don't like I don't do anything onSundays. Yeah, used to like I
would do stuff on Sundays. It'scrazy like I have like by full Sunday
to do whatever I want. ButI know Monday morning I'll get up and

I'll ease into prepping things for theshow that day. Prep wise, I
do love like this schedule better andbecause because we would prep our show after
a show, and after a show, I'm tired. I've like used my
energy, my brain is dead,and I'm like the last thing I want
to do is sit here and thinkabout new ideas because I'm like my I'm

tired. So I actually love thisschedule for like prepping now because I get
to sleep, I wake up andI'm like, I'm refreshed, and I
can like, actually I feel thanka little bit more clearly, Yah to
prep the show for the day.And then when my show is over at
like six, bye bye nothing likeI am dust in the wind. I

go home and so I can havedinner with Olive, and it's just I
do prefer I've said this already.I don't like getting off at six pm
on Friday, but I'll take itfor the like other stuff, it's it's
a give and take, you know. Well, I think that's like all
jobs, like there's always going tobe no matter where. Again, like
with the when I worked the Deansand I did marketing and I could,
you know, come in no matterwhat. Sorry. I think the biggest

thing is in talking about structure isit was nice to know that, oh
I had to be here at fivethirty in the morning, yes, or
five in the morning, whatever itwas. Yeah, there's no coming in
late for you can't be like I'mgonna be like thirty minutes late today.
No, you're flirly missing your shofWell, you know, in my current
job, because we are a remotehybrid in person company. What Yeah,

it's so we have like fifty peoplearound, so like eighty percent of our
company works here in the cities,but then we have people that live in
a couple other states. So likeI'll have like a couple of days where
I'm like tomorrow I'll probably start Honestly, at seven am because I'll just want
to do stuff and get stuff donebecause just there's a lot of things going

on. Yeah, but then I'llhave another day, like another Monday,
where I won't start until nine thirtyor ten. Yeah, you like you
having that flexibility now with being ableto be remote, because obviously there's none
of that in radio good and bad. I guess for the most part,
I think there's other people they're like, isn't it a blessing? And I'm
like, I'm a crack addict forattention. Yeah. See, I want

to say, I don't see youthriving. You love doing stand up comedy
bits for which I think actually remotework is probably what's kept you employed because
you haven't had the opportunity to offendand be fired in person, because most
businesses are not like radio, andyou would never be able to say the
crap used to say, so,what's what's so funny about it? Where
I'm like, yeah, I'm acrack addict. I gotta stop, you
know what I mean? That sortof thing which no one's had a problem

with it, but they all saythe exact same thing is so we use
Google, and there's Google Meet.Everyone's seen it before. So there's also
Google Chat, so that's like they'reslack in chat. So that's like ways
to interact on your computer. Thingsthat work is slack. Yeah, so
he does slack. So on bothof those you can just click the button
and call them for like a videocall, Like you don't have to send

a link, you can just hitthe But so I've had six or seven
people go, I don't actually knowyou could call somebody. You're the first
person to ever call me before.And it's usually because I'm uh, you
know, I just need it.You need to give you get hit.
Steve went through a sick, likesix month phase of just random face timing,
and I was like, there's arule. You don't get to FaceTime

someone without telling them in advance.You don't get to do that. And
you did pull back, but youare real when you first were like gone
from here for the first like maybeeven year, real fast and loose with
your face times. Like, firstof all, half the time I was
on the toilet, that's where youusually face times happened. Yes, always
when you're pot Yeah, Steve,what would you say were your top three

moments from your time here at KAWwhich I didn't prepare you for. I
thought about texting you so you couldthink about it. It could be event,
it could be whatever. Sorry tobreak in. We'll come back to
Steve in a second. We'll getright back to them. But Jenny and
I are so excited because guess whatwe have. We have a wonderful product
called Cacao Bliss. And you're like, well, what does that even mean.

Basically, it's this healthy chocolate powderthat you can use for a bunch
of different ingredients. And I knowI've actually been putting it in my morning
coffee to add a little flavor,because your girl is not like a straight
black coffee kind of girl. Ilike that ever have flavor in it either.
Yeah. No, I saw thistrend going around on probably tik It's
probably on reals too, but TikTokwhere they lay out thinly on parchment paper,
like thinley sliced bananas or strawberries.They put peanut butter on top,

and then they spread chocolate on topand put in the freezer and they break
it off and it's like a healthybark. And I looked up because it's
like, I'm going to make thatwith this product, and I'm going to
try it later this week. I'veseen that all over like, yeah,
okay, I see, I thinkI actually have been seeing it on Instagram
more, but I've seen different kindsof it, and so you'll have to
let me know how that goes.But yeah, Cocao Bliss. It's part

of the Earth Echo Foods brand andyou can go to their website if you
want to check them out. Andthe best part about us talking about it
is that we have a discount code. We do fifteen percent off if you
use code fun And I know alot of people will ask questions like is
it vegan, things like that itis keto and vegan friendly as like ten
powerful superfoods, so it's really goodfor you, so it can improve like

digestion help support that. Yeah,the improved digestion part was like sign me
up, Yeah exactly. So ifyou want to check it out for yourself,
I like went to their Instagram andlike started looking because people posted recipes
on how to use it, andI was like I saw some like almost
like peanut butter cups, chocolate cupstoo. I was like, oh,
I'm making those, and I savedthat. So lots of ways to use
it, you can go to shopdot earth, echofoods dot com slash fun,

but our promo code is fun.Yeah, so you'll get your fifteen
percent off and you'll have to letus know what you do with it if
you try it. I'm I knowthat I made some like kind of just
a mixture of chocolate and peanut butterwith the cacao and then put it over
bananas and just froze the banana fora little bit too, So it was
a very simple thing. And thenI wait before I froze it though,
I had to put some peanuts onit, so that was like an late

I've you need a cry so yeah, super good stuff. Check it out
and use that discount code fun Andnow back to our program. I think
one of the top ones is Fallonthrowing her dogs up in my car.
Definitely one of my favorite of alltime. And I can tell you exactly
where we were. We were leavinga Booty cruise. We were driving up
the hill and within a minute shehad her shoes off and had thrown her

feet up in your dash on mydashboard, and she goes to my dog
and she goes my dogs are barkingand I was like, I don't know
you. It was early on.That was she told me all of her
feelings on the way down to BootyCruise, because that's when it would take
two hours to get there because therewas all this traffic on thirty five and
there was construction and the mass weused to do, like what was it
three booty cruises every month of thesummer. Then it got pushed back to

one and then they stopped doing it. Yeah, it was so much.
I think my other memory, I'mtrying to make sure I include both of
you and these memories because honestly me, I don't care talking about Jenny this
time. Okay, Fallon, II was gonna say you were here longer
than us. Though some of yourbutter memories might come prote other day.
My other one, obviously, honestlywill always be when death. This is

it sounds horrible at the beginning,but when Dave's mom died. I know
what you're gonna say, though,But you started off like that on Stawa.
We went to Florida to uh forI don't even remember. It was
for like an Animal Kingdom and Disney. Is this where you got sick on?
Yeah? I didn't get the record. It's sick. I didn't get
sick, and he don't change hisstory. They had endless free shrimp and

all would not die, all ofthem. And that was basically the funny
part of the story though. TheSo it was Himalayan whatever that opened at
Animal Kingdom and Disney. The wholemorning show was Corey Foley, myself,
this woman named Chris and me.We all went down and it was the
thing where you hear about like celebritiesdon't get where they can get, like
a tour of Disney, and youhave a guide so you cut all the

lines. Well, we got todo that. And then at night,
the night before, they had aprivate party for all the people that were
there Animal Kingdom and the Shrimp Off. I'm not kidding Jenny, because I
had a picture somewhere it was amountain of shrimp because we were near like
Mount Everest. So they had createdthis thing of shrimp and I filled four
plates and Dave's and I remember Davegoing like you're gonna eat more. I'm

like, baby, these are good. I didn't care. It was fat
Steve and I was all about it. So in that trip we did the
party I definitely had a last shrimp. The other thing I'll always remember is
I saw a woman from Australia drinkingwine and she was like eight months pregnicant
and she was just pounding wine andI was like, oh, this is
awkward and I knew better than this. And then that night, Dave's like,

yeah, my mom passed away becauseshe had been sick for a long
time. And I looked over athim and he's walking down the hallway and
he's got a bottle of jim Beambecause we all did shots of jim Beam
from his mom. Huh. Andhe bought like a multiple rounds because that
was her favorite drink. And thenin the morning, like what you do
with a bottle, He's like,I had the bottle and I packed it,
but I can't find it. Youcould never find the bottle. And

on the car ride there in themorning, he kept on going because in
my memory of it, he saidthat he thought he could blow out the
alcohol if he just kept on doingthat. And we started the show,
and we started the show and hestarted calling us the wrong names. Oh
God. And he says he didit as a joke, but I think
it's because he really was that hungoverin that moment. He was just like,

fuck it, I don't know what'syour name. So that's my second
mamory story. My favorite memories withyou is shooting you with a paintball gun
while you were dressing. I'm actuallymad about that. That's the one times
because I'll never forget. The videowas so horrible because it was just me
cackling because he Dave was so closetarget shooting him and Steve. We were

by my house in the woods,and Steve screamed because I was having fun.
At first. I was having funat first. They were like,
oh, they shot paintballs at me, and I was like, okay,
this is funny first, and thenI was like, okay, let's stop.
I was like, let's stop,and they kept me. I was

like, no, but let's stockget it. I did not, but
I said let's stop, and theykept me. And then the other one
where I said that's I never connectedto you, but it was karma for
Dave was we went some park somewhereand Jordan was there and they started throwing
eggs at me. Oh that wasalso at my house. Yeah, that's
a bout your house in the park. Yeah, and the part that pissed

me off I remember was it wasJordan. I think he hit me perfectly
with his hand and the egg andhit me on the head and it hurt.
And also then someone hit me inthe back. And I have a
sensitive back, like even my kidstoday, Olivia, who's fourteen, she'll
smack me on the back like howhow Like I would smack you on the
back like hey, buddy, yeah, And I had just have a sensitive
back. I don't know what itis about my back, but I feel

you. I don't know, Idon't know what. It is so painful
and it enrages me, and Ican't stop myself, okay, and I
get so mad. And I wasso mad they were chasing me around.
Jordan hit me then on the backand I was ready to to beat him.
And in that time, Dave droppedkeep somewhere in the ground and he
spent two hours walking in the fieldlooking for his And I said karma for

that, because I was. Iwas pissed at that one. And I
didn't get pissed by that kind thatwas your favorite memory, or at least
she's saying things that she thinks werefunny. Can I ask you the one.
There is one thing that I needto know. God tell me now.
Uh uh? Why did you oncebreak up? Dude? This is

all I wanted to know, thewhole reason, because you're the nosiest little
bit ever. People listening probably tohear what you asked, but we're not
going to answer it. Yes,it's not yours to answer. Well,
we did we come together? Youknow, Jenny Steve, I have told
you a million times the answer tothis You've never told me all you fucking

get you never didn't work out?Answer dated before and broke up? No,
you said there was a reason.This is always a reason. You
don't just break up out of oneday, like, hey, I don't
want to be with Andrew was alwaysher one that got away, she compared
everyone, hell was the one thatgot away for him? What's your ass

like again? No? Large?No, what's paper bag? Oh that's
a different person. That's one ofmy other story probably that's my third favorite.
But I don't know Andrew's like sideof things. I'm just simply saying,
as your friend, as you like, dated and bonked, that's what
it was. It was. That'sa lot of it. I feel like

I'm nice way to put it,I feel like Andrew was like the like,
where's the one? I compare itevery to. Of course, I
wish like I met Jenny, likefifteen years earlier before I ever met Christy
another major that sounds like a fuckingweirdo. You said no because I was
always like Jenny. That would bethe story where you're like, you went
back Jenny picked you up. Thethings that she would do and she would

tell us are fucking crazy. Anhe was going through that phase when we
worked there. I was always Iwas always like, why didn't I ever
get to meet anyone like that?The craziest person I ever met that I
had sexual relations with was the girlwho said that I made animal noises during
sex. And Jenny is the one. You wouldn't have matter anyway, because

you were not invited about the JennyJenny like Maya. If you want to
know, my favorite Jenny story ofall time, Oh God, here we
go is the one with the guywho who's so hot and then when your
house and then he was drunk andfells in the couch and then he started
walking the hallways and someone had tobring him back into the apartment. You're
getting it wrong, but it's worsethan that. It was it. I

was hooking up with him in theshower and I was like, you can
get out now. I want tojust be in here by myself. Yeah,
he went and passed out, wellwhat I thought was passed out on
the couch. And finally, aftertwenty minutes of letting the water run down
my drunken body, I get outand he's gone, and I'm like,
sweet, this is the best casescenario for me because that's who I was.
And I go, I pass outand then I wake up in the

morning and all of his like cellphone, his wal everything sitting there and
I see that I have like phonecalls from the front door to my phone
like multiple times, starting at likesix in the morning. Eventually I get
a knock on the door. Hestumbled across. He drunkenly stumbled across the
hall to the neighbor's snake garment.Thought it was he was naked. He

you fucking threw a guy under thebus and he did it himself. He
was so young across Yeah, whatever, I thought he'd just go in bed
like a normal person. Pass person. He doesn't know where he is.
He goes across the hall. Theyapparently don't walk their door, because he
walked in walks in the bedroom hethought was mine and demanded to know where
I was, and he got pissedbecause then there was a guy in what

he thought was my bed. Sohe starts freaking the funk out. He's
like, what are you doing?Man? Where's Jenny? And this guy
is like coming out of his sleepinglike, bro, I don't know who
the fun you are, but youneed to calm down. And then he
gave him a pair of like shortsand a T shirt to wear and let
him pass on. Yeah, thatwas the part that's still to this day.
I'm like, what a person.And he didn't call the cops.

I would have called the cops.I know he felt very for him.
Which also, this is a wildbecause the story has been brought up twice
on the last two days because Iwas just with my college friends because who
it was. I remember this guywas hot. That was the thing about
him too. He was I mean, yeah, he was attractive. I
mean I'm like, no, you'reconfusing this guy. You are a different
I think you are because you're thinkingof the super hot guy that came to

the super Bowl party. We allthought, yeah, we all thought he
was attractive, he had a greatperson. You thought he was hot.
You were horning for him too.I wasn't. I remember exactly. He
was like. He looked like,uh, maybe I'm away I'm that band.
He kind of looks like the leadsinger of the Lumineers. That's the
one I met instead. Hey yeah, anytime you sing that song, say

hey, it's oh hey. Well. Also, Jenny's favorite bands Almoner folks,
that's right, because that got banged. He listen. Listen because Andrew
listens to this ship sometimes. Let'sbe of not bringing up everything but my
past. That's how I knew thatAndrew was the one, though for real,

they aren't married yet. Who knowsthat that's ever gonna happen. That's
true. Thank you for saying that. Keep going. Why was he the
one? The time where you guysgot back together? Here we go.
I think I know which story thisis. Do you want me to tell
it? No, you tell it. Jenny. We were sitting in the
other room, this other studio,and She's like, Andrew last night,

like this is the best time Ifeared that last night yesterday afternoon. We
were just sitting there and the cherryblossoms. I look back and he was
going down on me, and thecherry blossoms were blooming outside, and I
just there's nothing better, was whatshe said. There's a little more detail
the blossom. The cheery. Oneplace I lived in for four years had

one cheerry blossom treet right outside mywindow to my bedroom door, and it
just happened to be blooming at thattime. And I remember laying there a
live and I told Steve that story. And of course, when you tell
Steve any ridiculous story, it liveswith you for six months after it gets
caught up every two days, youknow whatever. But I knew that's the
story you're going to. I hada coworker bring up because one of my

other places I work, not theplace I work at now, Oh Deans,
I'll say, I don't care aDean's. In my first maybe month,
I walked up to the owner andwe were doing something and we were
talking. I don't remember what wewere talking about, doesn't matter, but
I walked up behind her and Ihad told her. I was like,
oh, yeah, it's kind oflike the minivan and they're like the mini
van and I came up behind herand she's when the hated hugs, and

I gave her a hug and Isaid, what in the bank for in
this tank? Steve and the HRdirect and the owner never said anything,
she never complained about it. Butthen the HR person heard about it and
she's like, you can't do that, And I was like, you're right,
I'm sorry about that, but wellyou shouldn't have done it here either.
I love two things. I lovebits and physical touch. God forbid,

I have two things that I askedfor in life. Okay, I
left. I hope that others haveto be approving of your physical touch.
Steve, I don't go to peoplethat I don't. You just gave a
story where you did you just whyAndrew break up? No moving on?
This is like the part of Stevethat I missed the most is when he

started digging himself into an absolute graveon the show and Fallon and Dave would
just go in on you, andit was the best part ever because you
wouldn't give up either. You wouldstill fight back. But then those two
would talk about how stupid, stupid, stupid that's the word, want to
use it? Was stupid. Youknow what it is now, it's just

a different differences of opinions, Okay, And that's the thing, and that
we're all out to have our ownopinions. Oh man, But I will
say that, like one of thehardest things when she was like, oh,
was like I was it that hedidn't make money for his family anymore?
Jenny? It's hard for you.Yeah, it was the hardest part
for you. Was it the partthe suicideal feelings that you were feeling?

Maybe the fact that I maybe Ididn't have insurance for my children and we
you know, and then we hadto figure out how to Yeah, you
know, how horrible was it?But Jenny, tell us how you did
you feel? I got how longinto this podcast before I brought up my
feelings right by ship? Hey,Fallon, out of all the people in
the room, I would have expectedyou to do it. It's good to

see that things have changed. Okay, Really, therapy has been great for
Fallon. Jenny maybe needs to gocheck in someone's hearing about your fucking feelings.
I'm scared. I love you.Guess what. I had a bang
energy drink walking into the building todaybecause I knew it I'm glad to hear
you stopped taking your medication again andjust switched it out with energy drinks like

you used to do in the morning, show your fucking hands and be shaking
everywhere. Christy doesn't think it's avery good thing for me, she said,
She's like, you had coffee andan energy drink and you're popping addies.
And I was like, come on, it's not a heart like beating
out of your chest. That's howI say, so thin? Why something
like my boyfriend, the man drinkstwo pots of coffee and I'm like,
how do you breathe? Like onthe toilet? Yeah, that's your why?

And two pots of coffee, nottwo pots, but he has.
That's probably not good for like itcould be a little whiter, Jenny,
What were you going to say itwas hard for you when Steve was like
it was hard for me when Iwould be in my studio having five million
things to do, because honestly,I used to be asked to do so

many things from Dave, like Idon't know where that I don't think you
guys need to do the stuff Ididn't do. I mean, but I
would be so drowned. Was likeworking stuff, and Steve would just come
in and start saying some stupid shit, but like funny stupid shit. Or
he would ask a very naive questionabout something sexual that he needed, like

clarification on yah, and you alwayshad us laughing because also you would make
Tina uncomfortable in situations sometimes because shewas beyond naive I think at that point
in life too. But Steve alwayscould like brighten my day. But my
favorite story from when Steve was herewas after it was December, where it
was the day last day we wereall working together before the Christmas break,

and you know, we're all joyousit's the last day, except for my
car got hit overnight and I comein time one well, it had happened
three weeks prior, and then Iwalk outside and it had been hit again,
and I'm like, are you kiddingme? And so I had been
like keeping it together after like oneof the hardest years ever, and it
got hit again and I was like, I just want to be done,

like I'm so over there, andso I'm crying and Steve comes into the
studio and doesn't know what to sayand walks out, and then Fallancy she
comes in after and sees that Iwas crying and ste was like, I
didn't I don't know what to do, and Pund's like, just go say
I'm sorry if we're a hug andSteve got like so uncomfortable because he didn't.

Ryan and so Balin came in andwas like, robot you just like
you always could make me feel betterwhen I was down, but when it
came to like it was always likea social, awkward way of feeling making
you feel always hug you, butI think it was to suffocate your face
so we didn't have to talk toyou while your guys let me tell you

right now. Yeah, I thinkyou're right about that. That is something
I have dealt with in therapy,is that I understand emotion. That the
part that I love slash hate aboutmy current job. And this is where
again getting back to like the remotework is my favorite part is I love
watching people's reaction. I like That'sthe one thing is if I'm not interacting,

if I can actually I can seeif there's six people in a meeting,
I can see all of their facesat the same time, and I
can watch them react yea or notreact, and it's it's probably a sickness
because I love to see the reaction. Like I had a woman I said
something to her and she rolled hereyes so hard that I think I heard
her neck crack. Oh yeah,And I have never been more excited.

I was like because I could feelbecause a lot of timesh if you're in
a meeting, are in a thing, you don't see the person's facial what
you know? You know what Isaid, You see creep, You're nasty?
And I like it. Answer thisriddle for me. You ready,
there are thirty cows in a fieldand twenty eight chickens. How many didn't?

Do it? Again? Thirty cowsin a field and twenty eight chickens?
How many didn't? I know thisone? It's like they twenty eight?
I don't know. Failing, Isuck at the stuff. You're gonna
say it, and I'm gonna belike, duh, ten ten is man?
Ten didn't? Yeah? Ten didn't. Because there are thirty cows in

a field and twenty eight eight chickens. Twenty eight chickens, how many didn't?
Oh see, I wouldn't fuck thatup immediately because I'd be like,
there are twenty eight chickens, articulatedand like completely get it wrong. I
asked the last week and said Iwould reveal the answer this week. Is

there anything else you would like toleave the I'm still fun podcast listeners with?
Well, I mean, I justlike to say that I think both
of you guys are two women thathave a ton of w riz. We
have what He should just let him. He's trying, he's young. But
you said w rizza. Girls havew rizz? What is w rizz?
That means you have riz? Thatmeans that you're like, ok w win,

you don't want to have l riz. Okay. And I'm not passing
the bread. Okay, I'm nottossing the bread. I'm not doing any
of that. That's different. Yousicko. Do you know what it means?
Which part you do? Okay,that's what Lumineer's guy did. No,
Jenny, what did he say?Because that's another good one. I
never get it right? Do youwant to do? I said something about

my ass hurt one night after Ihad been sleeping in his bed, and
he goes, oh, you don'tremember how I ate that out like a
sack lunch right, And I waslike, no, he didn't. No,
Jenny and I are very openly notasked people. No people. Even
though I did have a dream aboutsomeone saying I ate your ass last night.
It was really fucking weird. It'snot my thing anyways, but keep

going. I don't do it veryoften. But here's what's crazy, girl.
I mean, we're still young.I you might have to I might
actually ask for you to cut thisout. But we'll see. You know,
a whole lot of time I'm postingit, scheduling it that I shaved
my ass last week. I swearto God, the cheeks are in the

inside. I got some this sobecause I I let me finish, I
use the razor. Sounds like youI have the front. Yeah. As
much as I've grown or not grown, it's still when you say grown.
Are you talking about your pubes thatyou're doing? Let me finish? Okay,
you seem to not be making anypoint, okay, because I don't

know. This is what's amazing.Do you think that like this is crazy?
I have gray hair on my ass, but I don't have any on
my pube area. What does thatmean? I don't think it means anything.
Don't think you ay to worry aboutif you're stressing. Okay, it
would be harder for them to laserthe hair on your ass if it's gray,
because it's based on you can't,Yeah, you can't so and honestly,
you shouldn't do that to someone anyway. They don't deserve that treatment.

This week, Jake had the mostStevo situation ever happened. He said,
he went to the gym, heworked out, he sat in the sauna
for an excessive amount of time forhim, went and took a shower,
and in the shower, immediately itflashed to him he forgot to pack extra
underwear. Oh, that's started panicking. He's like, not the kind of

person that can free ball it.So he put his underwear in the swimming
suit dryer five times, spraid itwith cologne. Something that yes, five
times sprady with cologne worked the restof the day. At one point,
looked down was wearing a salmon coloredshirt that it had gotten so bad he
ran back to the bathroom, puthim under the dryer for like twenty minutes.

He has a presentation in two days. He's like, has no idea.
He online today ordered there's a brandof shirt that has built in lining
for your pit sweat because he's sostressed about this presentation and pitting in front
of everyone. I can say Idon't have that problem because I got him
lasered. You got the and thatreally was so were you talking about your
pubes growing or your dog growing?You never really answered that one. No,

the pubes like they're still black,but the button let them wet.
Because I've had this conversation with Jakethat there's a fine line between jungle and
naked mole rat, and he's like, what's the fine line to go the
in between? Motherfucker? Like,I don't want to die naked, and
I don't need it to be likea full book. I mean the I'll
be honest. The hardest part is, I don't know if you knew this.
Because of all the plastics in ourfood, yeah and or whatever,

our taints are getting smaller and smaller. And that's always the toughest part.
Okay, First of all, Ihave seen Steve's balls, and he has
no His balls are huge, andI can tell you right now about his
doggy that's crazy. But I willsay this, I saw them and it
was a traumatizing moment. How Isaw them was Tave ordered a massue and

Steve cut naked in the studio andthey slipped out because that's how I'm supposed
to do it. How often youget last story, last story? Maybe
we'll see what happens here, right, dude, I told a story that
was really kind of inappropriate. Andif Falon's podcast gets to fifty thousand downloads
in the next six months so theycan illegally sell it to all and Jenny's

podcast. Secondly, Nope, nevergonna air. But the one part of
what just happened for the past fiveminutes I can leave in is this part.
You're fine, We're the King ofthe Four, not queen, not
duke, not prince. You're fine, We're the King and the Four.

Oh hey, Also, you canlisten to old episodes of my podcast.
It goes both ways with Christy andSteve. Are you gonna have any new
episodes? I know, like we'retrying. We're thinking about kind of bringing
it back around because Christy's working ata school, yeah, and I'm working
as a job now, so whereas a job now, the the bang
is starting to wear off. Uhokay. I'm also just trying to see,

like, how is she going toedit this like that's gonna be the
fun. I'm just going to cutout Eddie part where you were talking.
I think, yeah, yeah forgood good plan. Hey, but thanks
for joining us, Steve, Hey, thanks for having me. This was
a lot of fun. It wasgreat seeing you girls. I hope nothing
but success. I have so manypositive, amazing memories with you girls,
and I can't wait to just watchyou girls continue to fly same with you,

fly fly away above the clouds.So thank you for being a friend.
Thank you for being a friend.Do Do Do Okay Bye,
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