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January 30, 2024 45 mins
This week we kick off a series "Where are they now?". Web Girl Tina joins us to catch us up on her life. Where is she working? Who is her lover? What's her favorite moment from her time here?
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the I'm Still Fun Podcast. I'm fallin. Hello, I'm Jenny,
and guess what we have been talkingabout it and it's finally happening.
Are you ready, Jenny? Yes, it's one of the it's our episode
series of Where They Now? Soweird. You almost did it like three

times. Well I thought you weresetting me up. You were giving me
eyes and I was like that wasthen then I thought about doing it again
just to be annoying. Yeah,they nailed that. We got a like
a produced intro right there. It'sgood. So it's a where Are They
Now? Series? It is Balin'sidea. I love it. Previous co

workers where are They Now? Andobviously our top requested is Tina formerly known
as web Girl Tina. Hello Tina, so bitches Tina. What were the
years you worked for iHeartMedia? Well, if you go all the way back
in the day, I was anintern twenty thirteen usually, and then I
became a promotional assistant in twenty fourteen, and then I became the digital whatever

my title was up to debate intwenty seventeen before I got the boot twenty
one. You know, the funniestthing I remember is Tina had literally just
been let go. You were literallyI was the first person because they took

her into the conference room and shehad just been like, I don't know
why I'm here. They having meto do photos of something she I didn't
know. I walked through the lobbyto go pee, and I'm like,
I have three seconds of pee orsomething like really aggressive at her, and
she had just been let go,and I had no idea. I asked
you. I was like, areyou leaving? Because I thought maybe you
were going to the elevators and thenwe could like go down together and You're
like, no, I just haveto be really fast and get back to

the studio. And I was likeokay, and then I just kept walking
and I said, I'm like,hi to our boss. Did that get
the boss? And the like girlwho has to be in the officer firings
is behind me? Actually, andactually he told me before you did.
Because I went to the bathroom,he like followed me because I was gonna
be like I texted you pretty quick. But I think he was like,

hey, like just so you know, just so you know, and I
was like yeah, and I waslike, oh my god, I just
like so casually was like, Igotta pay, so anyway, I forgive
you. Since then, that's whatwe're catching up on. Oh yeah,
where have you been. Yeah,we've been doing on these streets, Tina,
a lot. That was so longago. My gosh, I know

we're coming down three years, right, yeah, twenty twenty one, and
this is the year of twenty twentyfour. Shout out wow, yeah,
so it will be three years.It's true. Well what have I done?
I took some time for Tina,was great, real nice stuff.
Really enjoyed it. That sounds likeyou had a lot of self pleasure and

going on. I did what happenedduring the day, and then I dabbled
in the freelance world. It's afun place to be, but it was
lonely and I worked by myself andI missed having lovely coworkers like yourselves to
talk to every day aka to bitchwith. Yeah, and then and then

I got an actual job job lastfall. So I am currently with the
men's clothing company Hammermaid. Wow.Wow, love to see it go.
Well, that is all fun andDanny, and we really care about your
career. What we need to knowis actually what you were doing outside of
trying to find a new job eventhough you were freelancing. So I feel

like nobody knew. Nobody knew thatI wasn't here, or nobody, well,
they didn't know you weren't here fora time because nobody could say anything.
I took like eight months for meto stop getting random comments and dms
like where are you are you stillwe literally get like a year after your
goll we would still get a randomtext message like I haven't heard web girl
Tina in a while. Yeah,dude, it's not been a while,

it's been an entire year. Soyeah, I mean we just said it's
almost been three years, and yeah, they still happen, right, I
don't work here anymore. Yeah,yeah, if you didn't know, but
she still hangs out with us.Yeah, so we're all still friends.
True, and she also has acquireda lover. They lived together. Yeah,
that technically happened in the year oftwenty twenty one. I know,

but I don't think we were.Did we talk about it like one time,
That's what I was trying to diginto. Yeah, your lovely BF.
No, we started dating, andI didn't tell anybody because I didn't
want you guys to know in privacy. Obviously we've kind of told us,
didn't you, but it still took. I had been dating him for like
two months before I even told you, guys, Okay, but then we

went to London, England together andthen everyone found out after that, Well
you did some soft launch yeah,yeah, of course, Instagram yea,
and the back of his head,you know, the usual thing. And
then yeah, and then we hardlaunched. But that was only like two
months before I stopped working here,so it ended pretty quick. But yes,

we are still together. We dolive together. Wow. And he
you guys met because he slid intoyour DMS, right, he sure did.
He stocked me for upwards of threeyears. Really, yeah, that
part, well, it's we weshould clarify that because we don't want to
encourage anyone to do. Yeah,don't say that, and then you're gonna
get the person, because that's nothow it was. He didn't actually stock

me, so according to him,which I do believe this to be true.
So he said that we matched onbumble, and I was like that,
I don't have bumble, but Ihad bumble for like a two week
window at the end of twenty eighteen, and I remember like signing up for
it, doing it, and Ididn't like the whole girl's talk first thing
that wasn't really mymo. So Ideleted it. And he said that he

matched with me, and I hadalready matched with him, and so he
had been like waiting for me tostart the chat and I never did and
I was like, well, Ithink I deleted it, logged back on
in twenty twenty one. Yeah,full account still there because I'd been using
hinge and when you delete Hinge,full profile goes away. Bumble. No,
it just like interesting, kind oflike turns it off. So I
think anyone who I had matched withcould still see it. Yeah, So

he found me on Instagram and thoughtlike, if you followed me, I'd
see it and be like, ohthat was that super cute guy from Bumbo.
Oh wow, that didn't happen noat all. So he then followed
me, but waited until twenty twentyto slide into my DM. When he
knew ever what it was broken becauseof COVID, he was like, oh,
he's broken, she's vulnerable. Buthe was too dumb to realize that

it was COVID because he asked meto get drinks or coffee in November,
right as we were going into thatsecond Wait. So I responded back and
I was like, would love toask me again? In six weeks they
said the thing was and he didn'tget it. He thought it was blowing
him off. So then he didn'tDM me again until the beginning of twenty

twenty two. Yeah. Oh soalmost like a whole year. Yeah,
so he followed me. It tookhim almost two years to DM me and
then another year and a half washe dating other people in that time?
So between twenty twenty and him messagedme again in twenty twenty two, there
was a relationship. So yeah.But then then he did that time in

twenty twenty two and I was like, I got nothing else going on.
So we went and we had adrink and it was really nice. Did
you have sex on the first nightyou hung out? We didn't actually,
okay, really, we didn't eveneat food. We had two old fashions
down at the Old Crave in theWest End. Wow, they were the
strongest old fashions I've ever had.Yeah, we should have eaten food.
Oh and fun fact, you guyslived like right across the street from you.

That's another fun fact we realized onour first day. He was like,
oh, like you said, westEnd was convenient, Like it was
also convenient for me, Like wheredo you live? I started describing where
I live and he was like,I don't know, I'm unfamiliar with that.
And then you started describing where helived. Were describing the same trail.
Yeah, He's like, I'm not. You guys like to describe it

precisely. You are basically down thestreet, like a half a block from
each other, technically like three housesin the street. You cross the street
and go in three houses. Andthat's how cool it made moving in so
easy, I'm sure amazing. Yeah, yeah, no rental vehicles required.
That's nice. You guys stated forhow long? And then you moved in
together a couple of years ago?Now right, Yeah, we no,

a year ago, so we datedfor it was like almost a year or
we're coming up on a two yearanniversary, so we dated. I moved
in right before Christmas last year,mostly because I was spending all of my
waking hours there and I lived.I was like, what are we doing?
I go home to change and shower, like yeah, it's like he
never slept at your place. No, Like two times, I think,

well, it's a dog too,so that makes it probably harder in his
own house. Yeah, and Ihave a roommate and whatever. So yeah,
we've lived together now for a year. Okay, I've been dating for
basically are you someone who wants toget married? Because some people are like,
oh, you're gonna get married,But then some people are like,
I don't. Actually like Jenny doesn'tshe doesn't not want to get married,
but she's it's like not her toppriority. Yeah, you want to get

married? And if so, wouldTrevor be your top choice? Important question?
Thank you? Yes, he wouldbe my top choice. Okay,
I think I'm not like in likesome sort of hurry to get married.
But I I also don't know ifI'd ever want to have kids, But
if I did want to have kids, i'd want to be married and for

the children before the children. AndI am of I'm almost thirty two years
old, you're ready geriatric pregnancy.Yeah, so it's like, do I
want am I like sort of arush? No? Is my body kind
of in a rush for questions?Yeah, it's so fun to be a
woman. I'd rather not. Itis literally the dumb thing ever, so

yes, And also I don't know, yeah, yeah, okay, what
of what fun trips have you beenon since we last spoke, you know,
because people like to hear about travels, Yeah, they do. They
like that I went to London andDublin. Oh no, I just went
to Dublin two times. I'm nota huge fan of you did a cool
cruise? You know? Last yearI went on a cruise. I went
to Greece, the Greek isles.I sent you all of them the other

day. Are you thinking of goingout on a Greek cruise? No?
My sister, So, my sisteris eight and a half years older than
me, and she has never beenanywhere like Europe. They've been out of
the country, like they they they'revery involved in their like church communities.
They've like built homes in like Nicaragua, not Nicaragua, why, I'm alla

sorry. And they've done like Bahamaskind of things that aren't far. And
when I took her kids last yearon a trip to like Switzerland and Paris,
she was moderately livid, not atme, but that she's like,
I've never been to these places.My kids are getting to go. And
she was really frustrated. So sheher twenty fifth anniversary is this year,

and she's like fired up, like, if you don't take me somewhere like
fancy, I'm gonna lose it.And I'm like, my and I've said
this and she agrees. I'm likemy brother in law Brian is never going
to win because Kara is like me, she's particular, she knows what she
wants. So for her to sayhe better planned something, he is trapped.

Yeah, if he doesn't plan something, she'll kill him. If he
does plan something, she won't likeit. Probably, so he I'm like,
I texted him. I said,if you are planning a trip,
you need to text me the thingsyou're planning before you do. And he's
like okay. And so anyway,she and I have just been talking and
she saw me post the Italy trip. She's like, oh, maybe I
should go on that and I saidabsolutely if you want to, and then

she was like, ah, thedates don't work, and then she said
we're looking at And anyway, Isaid, what do you want to do?
Cara? Like, what are theplaces you want to go? You
have a you can't go to allthe places. You need to pick one
or two and then she's like,I don't know, here are my top
and okay, and she goes,maybe a cruise would be better. I
was like, you get sick allthe time, and she goes, yeah,
but I do the patch and I'vedone cruises before, not as motion

sick you as so she said she'llbe fine. So she was like,
I go, well, my friendTina just went on a Mediterranean Chris,
because Grease is one for spots shewants to go do so she was like,
oh, that would be nice.So then that's why I asked you
for what your itinerany was. Andthen she found one that I think that
they're considering doing. So anyway,I don't know. I hope that she
does it because she deserves it forsure. Yeah, and she does something

fancy. I had seen you likeshortly after you had had that trip,
I think, and you had likeraved about how convenient it was. Day
after I went to E White's thing. I was really struggling with the jet.
But I saw you guys like theday after I got home, but
you said that the cruise was likejust so convenient because you would watch other
people who would like have to belugging their suitcases all through like all these
little towns and stuff. And likewith the cruise, it was like you

just docked, you got off,you explored, you went back on at
night yea. And so it wasjust a really convenient way to travel and
see multiple areas of Greece. Yeah, Greece. I don't think a cruise
is right for like ever. Firstof all, I love cruising. I
don't think it's for everybody. Yeah, but if you like it, it's
so great. It's like being inan all inclusive resort in like Mexico or
like Vegas or something like that.But it moves, yeah, and takes

you places. And Greece because allthe islands are pretty small, not all
of them, but most of themare pretty small, and they're very like
not as modern as you like.They're still kind of like back in history
in a lot of ways. Andhe had the faerying system between islands does
not look fantastic. So if youwanted to see multiple places in Greece,

someone just asked me this. I'mlike, if you want to go to
like two places in Greece, justfly there and yeah, the fairy whatever.
We went to six different islands andit was great. Wasn't your only
complaint, like just your sweating ballsthe whole time? Yeah. We went
in July, oh god, andit was ninety plus with the heat index
every day. So I brought like, I mean, this a girl thing,
but like cute outfits, what awaste, Like I don't like hair

up every day. I was like, I don't even feel like you sweat
as much as Jenny, and Iknow I sweat, just you did probably
sweat more. I inherited a okay, and he did. But you know
who, our friend Raven doesn't sweat. No, and neither does Trevor.
He does not sweat. It's soannoying. Yeah, and the two other
people really didn't either. And soevery day like I had a little mechanical
fan and I was like, itwas just like not fine. I was

like embarrassed, like I'm dripping.I wouldn't do that again. But Norwegian
Cruise Line not the nicest cruise lineI've been on, but easily like the
cheapest I've ever gone to Europe.I've heard celebrity is really good and I've
never done that. I didn't haveany problems with the object. It was
totally fine. Yeah, we wedidn't want to pay a lot anyways,
Right, Yeah, Disney's like thenicest Cerson line I've ever been on.

I think Alaska's supposed to be prettygood too, right, But yeah,
no, I've heard great things.My friend Tony did an Alaskan cruise and
he just absolutely loved it. Ithink he actually messaged me because I was
like talking about Actually he did,because I was talking about like posting about
going to Alaska. Yeah, which, by the way, Jenny, I
told Tina. But I casually justbooked air tickets today to BAMF and because
they had we will we do thethrifty traveling thing. And like a couple

months ago, a few months ago, they did this hugely cheap flash sale
to Tahoe and that's I was like, So I booked those, yep,
and we were like for our nationalpark this year, We're just gonna road
trip. We'll do like Black Hillsor whatever. And then they sent out
a flash deal on BAMF today andI was like, I'm doing it.
Yeah, And if I changed mymind last month, if I changed my
mind, I'll cancel it whatever.But I'm just going to get the deal

while I can. What months.Are you going month June o Father's Day
weekend, So it'll be like Ifeel like that's the place you go to
either in like the heart of thesummer or the heart of the winter.
Yeah, I don't want to goin the winter because I want to go.
I want to like I don't skiand I want to go hiking.
Well, I wouldn't got am tosnowboard. I would go for the actual
like landscape unto like maybe even thoughI can't ice skate, but like ice

skate on the beautiful legs. Oh, I want to find the white grizzly
bear. There's the other thing.Yeah, there's a white grizzly yep,
and he's I mean he's They allhave numbers, t whatever, because you
know they're in the park. Yep. One person is saw them casually on
the side of the road and it'sso rare. But yeah, I'm out.

I'm going to cover my body insalmon and I'm going to go on
hikes and I'm really hoping to findthat white grizzly with my favorite here for
about two seconds and then be deadthe next minute. You don't know what
my training egg. It might notbe Oh, gosh, training, you're

nice training when you sit on theseriously got it? You would? Oh,
by the way, Jenny, guesswho's also read the A Guitar series.
I did that in like twenty twentytrend. She's she got the I
just started physical books. I'm fiftypages into the first book because I was
finishing another one. Nothing to me. How many pages are the first book?
Because I read it on my phone. Every book like a million pages.

But read books on your phone?Sure everyone has. I could never
a kind listener gave Jenny all thebooks very nice and Jenna, and you're
they A lot of people call thefirst book you pay your dues. But
I liked the first book. Buta lot of people it's not that the
first book is bad by any means. The first book I enjoyed too.

And then you get to the secondbook and you're like, oh, crash
okay, So you read it,and then but you did an audio book.
How do they pronounce? Is itfarah? Okay? Because it took
me so long to know how tosay when I read the Harry Potters,
it hasn't gotten far enough for youto ask. Literally, I don't even
want to say anything because I knowso many people want to read the book.

So even where I'm at, likesomething just happened and I was gonna
like talk to you guys. Ican talk to you off the podcast about
it, but I barely say itin the book. They begin it.
Yeah, well they did it atthe beginning, but they were like they
were. One of the sisters waslike her name, and so I kept
trying to make sure I remembered howthey phonetically spelt it out. But I
have to ask they will be I'mnot gonna be anything away. There will

be other names that come up thatyou'll probably wonder too, that a lot
of people pronounce wrong, that theywill give you right one that like everyone
pronounced wrong until I think until TikTok, like book talk of Acata took off
and I was like, escos,what that's how you say that? So
like I can't say it correctly inmy head because I read it wrong.

Also side note, I didn't knowI don't know if you know this,
Tina, but someone DMed me afterour last episode. And by the way,
we're talking to a court of thornsand roses. A lot of people
I get asked every single time yeah, but they said that the first book
was intended to be a Ya noveland that's why it's less spicy the first
book, and it gets and thenit changed and it got spicier. Does

the last book is Stephen the spiciestfor me? And then on now that
I'm on book talk, everyone's like, if you thrunk Aquitar spicy, that
tells me you you just started itis not I did, just maybe not,
but I like it that author haslike the two other series, So
I did just start throwing up glass. That's what I'm going to start.
Which order did you do? Becauseyou can do them? And I have

chosen to read it the way thatthe author intended it. The point five
first no she has, she saysyou should read it third, but a
lot of people have said after fourthis like the biggest emotional impact, but
the author said you should read itthird. See some people said that like
because the point five book gives history, and that you might be confused in

the first book if you don't know, as I'm not very far into it,
but there are many times where she'ssort of like vaguely referencing something that
must have happened in the past.But it hasn't affected me to being like
I'm like, I bet I'm goingto learn about that. But I'm not
like I don't know what she's talkingabout. Like, I just think it's
interesting. You can read this onebook either in first or third. I

think it is interesting. So whatyou just said that sentence. I thought
you were about to say it's interestingthat you can read. And then there
was a fly pass for a second, and I was like, it is.
It's very interesting for anyone. Itshould be freaking fauling over audio books.
I alwayst read mine. I did. I did, so this is
the final thing because I don't wantto talk about a guitar for it all

last. I'm sorry, but Ishould do a book series podcast and just
reread series of like five years tothe game. But I did make Jake
listen to because I said I Iwas just so curious if a sex scene
would turn him on. Now.The difference is he doesn't have the build
up like me. Work like theyalmost but they don't. That helps.

But I was like, so,I was like, I go, so
you want a fucking or a secondscene? He agreed to listen. He
goes, I don't care fallon.You picked, so I'm not get anything
away. I picked one, andfirst of all, he's like, how
fast you listen to these? AndI was like, I do one point
eight five. He goes, okay. First of all, he's like,
if I read these, I wouldand listen to it. He's like,

I would never do that speed.I'm like, okay, So I made
him listened to the entire scene andhe kept doing like the face oh oh,
like surprise. And then I go, so did it turn you on
at the end and he goes,I can see where it would turn you
on. He was like, butI think it could turn me on if
I read it. He was like, I can't listen to that woman's voice.

And oh, okay. Interesting.Yeah, but I just want to
see his reaction to a graphic description. I did tell Andrew that you were
all horned up reading those books andI was about to start them, and
he goes, yes, I can'twait. It works. Yeah. Nice?
So what else? Parents? Wewould talk about Garber on the radio

a lot. How Garber They're nice. I talked to him today my mom
called. I thought it was asimple question. Hour later, Garbert doing
over the phone. We were chattingabout all this stuff. Nope, they're
still good. Did my dad didsay to say hi to you vote,
so he said my love to Jennyand Fallon. I said so much Disney.
No, I haven't. Actually,I decided to take a break.

I went in the end of twentyI like, I actually don't remember when
it was twenty twenty two, butit was warm, so it could have
been. Could have been some time. I don't know. But I decided
to take a year off, soI did. But they're going in like
April. I might take along.I don't know. I was just in
Florida, but I went to aretirement community. So you haven't written the

shout out. You haven't written thethe Gardens of the Galaxy ride yet?
Then, No, I've written that. I haven't ridden the Tron ride.
Oh that's the new one. Thelast time I was there in twenty twenty
two that had just adounce, hadjust happened. Yeah, I want to
go back now that Epcot has Yeah, that one and if for home Mawana

experience. Now I do want togo. No more walls. Yeah,
should be lit. I love that. I'm sure I'll get back soon.
Yeah, been itchin it? Waskind of hard to be in Florida and
like see y'all like Disney like postersand like billboard and stuff. Then yeah,
not going. I'm not surprised becauseI messaged you and I was like,
oh, you're going to Disney andYou're like, no, We're with
Trevor's family. It was also theweekend I was there was the dance team

nationals and all, like I hadso many friends down there. They're all
like, oh my god, you'rein Orland, know you're coming, And
I was like no, So no, I didn't do either of the things
that I would normally do. So, Jenny, do you have anything that
this past week that you did thatyou would like to chat about? Jenny
Tail, No, not really.I've been boring. Yeah, I've been
super boring. I've just been tryingto like go outside every once in a

while. And I think be depressed. Boring is on Sunday, by the
way, Yeah, because I work. You has a normal job now,
so she couldn't just casually come onMonday and day. Yeah, every day
at like two thirty ish three inmy brain just sort of like shut us
there, and I'm like, okay, that's when my show starts, so
I have to I haven't been upand doing the stuff. No, I

haven't. No, I've been justbeing yeah a slob. What have you
been up to this past weekend?Uh? The only thing I did is
I did go to Mall of Americayesterday and I met a couple of the
Peloton instructors that looked Coolah. Itwas fun. It was very quick,
like, yeah, they you know, they have a They did a good
job. It was a very smoothevent. They were very nice. I

I won't share that, never mind. It was something that I learned about.
No, I won't. Okay,I feel like I should edit that
out completely. I'll leave it in. I don't care. It was nothing
to do with them. It wassomething I had learned about, like a
behind the scenes thing. You werejust like, this is the most boring
information I could share at this moment. Honestly, Yeah, like I'm not
contributing to entertainment value. But luckilythe girl who is our mutual friend,

Jess, she was there because I'mnot. I would have been by myself,
and it was like a little like, you know, you're by myself.
Yeah, So I had texted herbefore. I was like are you
going? And she's like yeah,I'm like, can we be French?
The coma cob I was gonna textyou to see if we could be friends.
So that was fun and I didn'tknow what to say. I meet
and greets they I don't fuck.They're like an event where they did a

like a motivational speech at all.It was just like not the great and
they were They said four, Ionly sell three stations because there are three
instructors and you walk in and it'simmediately the guy named Adrian, and each
one had a mocktail you could grab, but you just talk to them,
and then they had a person thereto take your photo if you wanted it.
And Adrian's not like my person.Do you take any of those Callie,

I do. I don't take anyof Adrian's. And but jet,
my friend Jessica does run absolutely andtreadmill and I think it has strength too,
but I don't use history. Ihonestly go with female strength trainers's great.
I do not do a ton oftune Day did some bikes with her.
I always thought you were recommended touneday to me one. She's great,
but okay, so track so much. I pick. It depends on

my mood. Who I'm going topick for you. Yeah, that's because
Tune Day, I know was goingto destroy me. So I only picked
Tunday if I am the most energeticI've ever been, so I don't pick
her off. So I honestly Itold Tina this. I have been doing
basically zero rides. I've been doingonly strength and so my top person has
been Cali for the past like threemonths. And I never did stuff with

Calli before until I just really startedincreasing the this, So anyway, it
was him. Then you go tothe next station. It was a girl
who does yoga and her name's Chelseaand I don't know her very well because
I don't do yoga. And thenCallie was the last one. So she's
super pregnant. I was like,I go, So she's the one I
talked to. I was like,I go. When I saw you on
the schedule, I couldn't believe youwere coming here this pregnant. She goes,

yeah, it's gonna be kind oflike my last shing I do.
And I go, man, Iwant to use that pregnancy to get out
of this. And she's like she'slike yeah, and I was like,
and then I thought she probably madea great appearance fee for doing this,
because I was like, I betshe made a lot of money. Jakes
like, I bet they don't makea lot of money. I was like,
I'm not saying in general, I'msaying for the appearance, she probably
made a lot of money. Ingeneral, I'm gonna guess it's like anything.

The more popular you are, Yeah, like the Robin and Cody,
they probably make an f ton ofmoney from Peloton. But then as you
go lower down, the newer ones, the ones that don't have any people,
they probably make an average amount ofmoney. Instructors. There's so many
instructions there, the top five exactly, and it opens up to more opportunities
to like make more money on sidethings. So anyway, it looked like

it was very fun. Yeah,that's the only thing I did. Kind
of lame. I know. Shetexted me yesterday, so that was Saturday,
and literally asked what I was doing. And I don't know why you
have like this sixth sense, butI was pooping at the time. So
she at lunch she was like,Jenny and I text each other. Yeah,
that so bizarre because the last timeI text her she'd pooped five times
a day. I wonder why Icatch her on the toilet when I okay,

but that was my sickness, whateversickness I got last week. But
she texted me I had just gottenhome from this coffee shop Andrew and I
had gone to and immediately had tohit the bathroom because I didn't do it
there, and she's like, whatare you doings when I'm on the toilet
board. I do text you becauseI did it. I don't know why
I shared this on the podcast acouple of weeks ago. I took all

of the tell you shared this onthe podcast, don't think so, no
you didn't, and I just wentback and forth through texting. That's it.
I really thought I did it.I must have told someone. Okay.
So I went to Edinburgh for abirthday party and it was a problem
and yeah for me as I saw. But as soon as I got there,
I'm like, oh god, ohgod. I was like, I
have to poop so bad. ButEdinburgh is not like it's like there're too

many people, and Jake's if there'sa bathroom over there, that's going to
be less busy. So I goin and it's it's like it's not coming
fast, but I can't stop likea half a half from it now.
And it had been a couple ofdays. I don't know what's going on
my body and I was like,oh god, oh god. And so
I'm sweating because I had left mywinter coat on like an idiot, and
so I started panicking, and soI go, what am I doing to

do? And so I text Jake. I'm like, I don't know what's
happening. It like won't come,but like I can smell. I can
smell it, and I'm just likeand I can't leave. And a woman
walked in and goes, oh god, it was horrible here, said that
whow I started running more I was, and so then I texted Jenny and
I was like, someone just camein, and then its horrible in here,

and then it gets worse. You'renot court. Finally I do nothing.
I wasn't yet, nothing is happening. I don't know. It's like
on the cusp it hasn't really.So then finally get as much as I
can out before I was like,I have to stop. I can't get
here stop. I can just stop. I can't. Can you not I

mean not really without it being likevery uncomfortable. Yeah, I mean I
like a pinch stop like a pinch, and it stopped, like while your
stomachs is rumble and tumbling, youcan like be like I taking a break.
Yeah, oh no I can't really, not really, I couldn't.
It wasn't so I so then Igone wipe and it was never ended,

and so then it gets worse.So then I go wash my hands,
I go back out and I go, oh god, I feel like I
like smell it on myself, likeI think I was in there too long.
It's attached itself to me, AndI go, wait, I have
my coat on. Didn't like touchme when I was wiping, and Jacoes
Jacob's you smell like shit. Hegoes, you need to leave this child's

birthday party because said I smelled likeshit? Probably did I did, and
I washed my coat was like wroughand I'd like this an apologies to Edinburgh,
which actually hadn't said the name ofthe place, because I'm sorry.
So the host children birthday parties,they probably had plenty of blowouts at that.

Probably why that lady said is shedidn't think she was actually offending a
full grown adult. Number one,I was not complete. I was just
embarrassed, so embarrass because I waslike, they're gonna see my shoes,
They're gonna I've been in here fortoo long. I was one second away
being the person who's like in thebathroom so long, the like out,
you know, BUTULY didn't have automaticHow many times that happened to both of

you in this bathroom this one?Not many. I don't have time to
take my time here, I wasgonna say usually not many. But when
I used to post like a bunchof weekend shows because I used to be
on on like Saturday, like literallynoon to like seven I think Sundays,
like it was like I think Idid like seven hours one day, eight
hours the other. So I washere all the time on weekends, and
I the what's were out on meall the time that my heavy party days,

so like I would drink your bodySundays, like, why did you
do so? Yeah? The dad'suh so yeah. That definitely happened to
me more frequently when I was drinkingand I was here or by myself on
weekends. Were mature. I don'tknow, I mean, I don't know
how much mature. I just liketry not to sit in the bathroom so
long that the lights turned off onme anymore. You're gonna get Haim,

right. You gotta be careful,Tina. What do you miss most about
working here? Other than me andJenny being the top things? Because we
knew that was your answer as whatcomes in second free food? Really?
Yeah, I think that was thefree food that was like sitting out for
like an hour or now I hitand it touched that table. Yeah,
so I see people post about thatand it makes me sad sometimes. What

else do I miss? More flexibility? Maybe? Yeah, I do miss
that, I think. I meanI probably had too much flexibility when I
worked there, well, not alwaysmore like COVID once COVID hit. Yeah,
yeah, that's where it was flexible. But I was definitely like in
every day and all that what jazzjesy jazz, but jazz I had.

I was basically like a department ofone and my manager was like super hands
off and like very nice, butlike I mean, I wasn't managed basically
by everyone, and the only personwho knew my workload was me, So
I just kind of like worked howand when I wanted to Obviously after COVID,
I got way more flexible, LikeI could be in the office,

out of the office, ye leavego whenever. So that was really nice,
and I do not have that amountof flexibility anymore. Miss I also
miss wearing sweatshirts and leggings work everyday. Yeah, I can dress pretty
casually, but not like I lookedlike a hobo. You can't wear legg
there, No, you can wearlike like I'm today. I'm wearing like

leggings and like a sweater. Yeah, you could probably do that as long
as you like, you know,you don't look like you just rolled out
of bed, like you put yourhair up or whatever. That's fine,
but I could probably only do that. You couldn't do it too much.
Yeah, weird, I can tellyou. But I now know how gross
I dress every day because I woreto that Lula Limit event. I wore

like one of those kind of likebuilt in sports broad tanks underneath of a
shirt, but I didn't have theovershirt on it. And I was sitting
on the couch and all of goes, why are your boobs out? And
I go, They're not? Likeit was like a high cut top.
She's like, yes, they are, she's like your shirt and I said,
oh my god, you've ever seenme in something that fits my body?
She's only I think her whole lifejust watched me be in huge sweatshirts

and bedpants like I don't ever wearlike fitting stuff. Sorry. When I
used to wear jeans here, peoplewould be like, what's going on in
an interview while you dressing? Yeah, so I missed the casual aspects of
here. I miss getting lunch withyou guys. At the time crushed so
much row Ho chips. We rarelyget lunch now. I felun different.

Yeah, I mean people probably stilldo, and probably like some sales people,
but they're now work. Sales isnow required to be in what three
or four days a week? Ithink it's finally, I think it's four
now. Maybe I think it's well, I think technically they're supposed to be
here on Fridays, but they aren't. Yeah, they have meetings quote unquote
meeting. Yeahs site meeting. Iknow, sorry, but yeah, I

also miss the we I never hadmeetings pre COVID. We used to have
like station meetings on Fridays. II also had them for cities on Thursdays.
We never had like I never hadlike teams meetings or zoom or whatever.
Like I was never part of meetings, not that I have a lot
now, but like I do notcare for meetings. What was one of

your favorite memories from your time here? I should have prepared you for this,
because that's like a hard thing tocome up with. I could think
of one myself that Tina did onetime, and I want to say found
you might have been on vacation forthis, but I don't know. We
played some game you lost whatever daredice kind of vibe it was, yeah,
and you had to make the pumpagain. I was gone, But

I did see the tongue it,I saw you the more tongue. I
loved quarantine. That's the quarantine.I didn't have to do that much for
that. Yeah, actually I did. Like it was a lot of thinking
write it and then I had torecord it. But I wasn't even here
when What about the event? Youhave an event that? Yeah, jingle

balls were always the most fun.You like jingle ball or star party better
jingle Ball? Me too. Ithink I'm more of a star party person.
Really. Yeah, it's a littlemore relaxed jingle Ball is so boom
boom boom, But I like theboom boom boom. I like the bigger
artists, Like I'll be honest,I like that I could meet the biggest
artists. I liked like big productionof jingle Balls. That was always really

fun. It really felt like wewere like doing something. Star Party was
really fun, but it felt morelike a smaller show we were putting on.
Whatever I missed, Yeah, Imissed like doing stuff in the studio.
Like I have a lot of funnyvideos from my Instagram stories of me
and Jenny just being fucking weird.Man. We were we were. I

did Tina probably once, like nota month, but every couple of months,
something that I found in my archivesand I'm like, remember this.
The only thing I send to apast member of our show is every time
I see an animal birth video,I send it to same make me watch
them. And it grussed me outso much. I loved the time the

three of us of the show togetherand we did the animal sounds. Oh
my god. I was just thinkingabout this the other day. I was
like thinking about sometimes I reminisce onthe good old days, and there were
a couple of times because Drake washere and Dave would be gone because previous
to that, Jenny was the producer. So if like Dave was gone,
I would maybe sit in with youin the main studio, but Jenny would

still be in the other studio.But so Drake was definitely here, so
the three of us got to betogether and it was I don't know if
people liked it or not, butit was fun. It was very fun.
And the bit was we would namean animal you haven't heard of it,
and we had to each guess whatthe sound they made sounded like,
and then we played audio. ButTina hat was freaky good at it because
she worked at the zoo and shecould like break down the name of the

animal, because I think Drake wouldgive us the name, right, yeah,
at least what the animal was.She and I would not have a
no, like it was so weird, and she'd be like, well,
that's some kind of a monkey species. Yeah, what how do you know
that? This did actually just happened. Because Trevor and I like to listen
to the Initials game. We playit like later on, but the initials
this week were st and Corey startedtalking about he was like leather back log.

I was like, stay turtles,what the fucking I was like,
there are seven? And then Ijust kept saying, I mean he's like,
you need help, professional, buthe's jealous. He's not as smart
as you. Trivia. I dotrivia a lot. I'm only good on
very niche things. Yeah, overthe's any kind of riddle one in there?
They always are like one kind ofriddle one like this. There's this

riddle going around right now. I'mprobably gonna do it on the show tomorrow
unless I think it's getting too big. But have you seen it? I
don't tell me. I don't thinkI gave it to Jake today. I
did. I did just the oneabout the cows. Yeah, yeah,
okay, don't tell Jenny. Iwon't. Okay, so it is,
Jenny, are you ready? Yeah? There are thirty cows in a field

and twenty eight chickens. How manydidn't? Oh? I did see this
on TikTok and I scrolled because itwas like, I don't get it.
How many didn't want? How manydidn't? What do you mean didn't?
And I just eventually scrolled because Ididn't care enough. So no, I
have literally no answer to that manydidn't, because I also was like,
how many you're not telling you?I'm not giving the answer away. This
podcast is going to drive people crazy. Remember though, that this isn't gonna

be This is gonna be out afteryou do it on the show tomorrow,
So you should give the answer thatpeople listen to her, Well, they
do listen to her. Should wemake a note and say, next week
we have to get the answers incase they don't. Sometimes I listen and
my drive to work as real listenersdo I listen in my car? Oh
my god, I'm driving. Thankyou for your support. Sometimes I get

sad. Yeah, well, Ithink we all get said because we all
have gone through extreme different phases ofthis job. Like, well we anymore?
Yeah, I mean, I guessyou spent the co hosts the whole
time and now you're the host,so like probably not as many jumps,
but a huge jump in the lastyear. Well, I mean, I
like I when and I hope weget Steve on. When Steve was let

go, that was maybe like oneof the worst weeks of my entire life.
And it's still hard because, likeyou said, when you sent Tina
videos, probably some of the besttimes that I can think of partially in
my life are like times with likeSteve, and so that'll make me tear
up a little bit. And thenhonestly, not getting to like hang out

with Jenny every morning is kind ofbrutal. And that's why we did the
podcast, because like we're going todrift a bar, like we're not going
to be friends very like we'll belike friends, but it'll be texting more.
Though now we definitely text more becausewe don't have like our morning chats
anymore. I mean we see eachother like at least once a week with
doing the podcast, but no,I know it's it's the same like Steve
is to you, Tina's that tome, because I mean I spent well

little insider thing. I was notsuper nice to Tina when she started.
It was very it. I justwasn't super open and friendly because they had
just gotten rid of Mike, andMike was who sat in the studio with
me and him and I became soso close, and so I just like
I felt like I lost a partner. Yeah, and I was, And

so it was really hard because literallythe next day of the day I was
studio with me and I was like, Okay, now I have to adjust
to this friendship I just had withMike and this coworker relationship to now with
Tina. And Tina and I kneweach other but not super well, so
like it took me a little while, yeah, to like open up a
little bit to her, and thenonce I did, she probably wished I
never had because I went to shutthe fuck up. Well whatever, No,

but like Tina and I would spendevery morning together and we just we
were each other's therapists yes day.We knew everything about each other. So
now it's like, we'll get together. She came over last weekend. She
was helping me with something, andafterwards she stayed a little while and we
caught up, and then it waslike her boyfriend's texting her like are we

gonna have dinner? Like blah blahblah, and she's like, yeah,
home soon. Thirty minutes later,he's like, hello, you said you
were going to be home soon,and Tina loves like four minutes away from
me. He's like, are youguys having to sleep over? Now goes
you guys just having to sleep over? I was like, okay, chatting
now because we never see each other. True though, That's what happens when
I hang out with Fallon too.It's like, Okay, here's everything that

we've missed. Also, Tina's transitionfor me was easier because Tina and I
were already friends. Yeah, Iwas super close to Mike, so that
was hard. But I think sinceI was already very close to Tina,
it wasn't that transition wasn't as hard. For the transition would have been hard,
but it was really like Mike wasthere on Monday, and then I
was there on Wednesday, and Iwas on vacation. When Mike got like,

oh you were he texted me.I don't know why I remember,
Like guess I remember certain things,but I was in a dressing room in
J. C. Penny in Indianawith my mama and he like texted or
called me, and so I rememberthat because also, you really weren't there
for both of us when we gotlet go, I see we were.

Actually I swung by the liquor storepicked up a bottle of wine, and
then then Fallon and I just chattedso random. I went to Monte Carlo
for dinner on Friday, and itwas the first time i'd been there since
the day I got let go.I was like, Trevor and I were
talking about it, and I waslike, what happened? And I was
like, because I remember going todinner being like, I don't want to
be sad about this, I wantto take this as like a new opportunity

whatever, and but I remember beinglike in good spirits and then I was
like, oh yeah, Falon andJenny came over for like three hours and
we talked. I also think thatyou handled it like so much differently than
I would like. You were Youdidn't like really cry, you were don
were in shock. You was kindof like, okay, no, I
wasn't. I was the opposite ofshock because I was in the digital department

and I have a lot of friendswho had been in the digital departments of
different radio stations across the country.And slowly, over the last like year
and a half, like pretty muchsince covid I, theyablished a digital hub
in Nashville, and a bunch ofpeople moved there, and the people who
didn't go to work at the Nashvillehub, I just slowly started watching them
dissolve the local digital departments, andMinneapolis had always performed really well digitally,

so we kind of just thought likemaybe we were safe. Yeah. And
then so when I walked into theoffice, the first thing that was said
to me was like, your positionhas been eliminated. And I was like,
yeah, we knew this was coming. So it was like shocking,
but also not. It wasn't likeI walked in and they were like,
you've done a horrible thing, pleaseleave. You had done plenty of horrible

things and know about it. Butyeah, so no, I wasn't syocked.
You know, as we wrap thiswhere are they now? Episode?
Is there anything correctly please? Three? Two one? Well, they thank
you. That's much better. Isthere anything you'd like to say to the
people of the Twin Cities? Alltwelve of them that are listening right now,

the beautiful number of people. Ido missed them. They're lovely,
kind, generous people. I stillhave people like come up to me at
stuff or send me d m s. And we have like the loyalist,
kindest listeners. So shout out,shout out, shout out, shout out.
Okay, we miss you, wemiss you. Whenever you want you
guys here weekly, No, youhave to have well, we would start

giving you tasks to do, butwe can't pay you, so you're okay
with that, all right, Thanksfor listening.
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