Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is a podcast from woor.
Speaker 2 (00:03):
It is Jesse Kelly Show. Final hour of The Jesse
Kelly Show on eighth Thursday. Gosh, it's been such an
amazing week. I've been amazing this week. What else has
been amazing this week has been? Well, the financial news
interst right cuts. That's a good thing. I hope I
had a chance to speak to a couple of economists. Oh,
by the way, I should note BK is gonna show
up our specops guy. He's gonna show up about a
half hour from now and talk about this Israeli up
where they're blowing up pagers and walkie talkies. So BK's coming,
and I'm gonna talk a little bit about some border
stuff in a moment.
Speaker 1 (00:41):
But I just have to.
Speaker 2 (00:42):
Say, interst rate cuts, let's hope it's not purely a
political ploy, and let's hope it doesn't cause inflation to
blow up again. But man, at least people will be
able to get in home easier now. It's just it's
been really sad listening to the stories of friends and
people I know who've just been priced out of owning
a home because a mortgage payment when interest rates are
what they've been it's pretty much double what other people.
Speaker 1 (01:10):
Pay for a mortgage.
Speaker 2 (01:11):
I just couldn't even imagine paying well, I could imagine,
but six and a half seven percent for a home.
I say I could imagine because the first home I
ever bought. Get this, Chris, you know, Chris, we might
be about to lose Chris. He's just going to die
of a heart attack right here on the air.
Speaker 1 (01:25):
Speaker 2 (01:25):
You know what, my first interest rate was seven point
twenty five percent? What Chris, It's fine. It's a calm down, Colmack,
get a t or something. It's okay, it's calm down.
Cone That easy, Chris, easy easy?
Speaker 1 (01:38):
Speaker 2 (01:38):
Yeah, didn't hurt, man, it hurt, all right. So couple
border things. We have this from a retired border patrol chief.
Just you know how I tell you all the time
the federal government that the people who run the government,
they are flooding us with foreigners on purpose, legally and illegally.
They're opening up the border the illegals could come in.
Then they have this refugee program where they're gobbling up
tens of thousands of people from Cuba and Haiti and Venezuela,
and they're flying them into the country and the administration
is so invested and that border staying open so this
country can be flooded with drugs and rapists and everything else.
Listen to this from the retired Border Patrol chief.
Speaker 3 (02:24):
In San Diego. We had an exponentially increase in significant
interest aliens. These are aliens with significant dies to terrorism.
Prior to this administration, the San Diego sector averaged ten
to fifteen siars per year. Once where it was out,
the border was far easier to cross. San Diego went
to over one hundred sias in twenty twenty two, well
over that in twenty twenty three, and even more than
that registered this year. These are only the ones we
caught at the time. I was told I could not
release any information on this increase in sias or mentioned
any of the arrests the administration was I.
Speaker 2 (03:00):
Just I'm want to pause on that for a moment,
or let him continue. He was told not to report
any of this. The federal government opened up the border.
Democrats opened up the border on purpose and ordered the
border patrol.
Speaker 1 (03:15):
To shut up about it.
Speaker 3 (03:17):
So evil and wrong, trying to convince the public there
was no threat at the border. Fentanyl is another issue.
The San Diego area sees between eighty and ninety percent
of the methan, fhetamine, and fentanyl seizures annually for our
entire country. With little enforcement at the border, these drugs
were coming through in mass. During my last year in
San Diego, the price for a single pill of fentanyl,
for example, went from ten dollars to twenty five cents.
Oh to make matters worse, during twenty twenty two and
twenty three, I had to shut down San Diego traffic checkpoints,
which are critical for drug in addiction, because the resources
had been diverted to the process and release mission.
Speaker 2 (03:56):
The large numbers are just make sure you hurt him correctly.
There he had resources of his removed so they could
bring more people in.
Speaker 1 (04:07):
That's what he said. Processing.
Speaker 2 (04:09):
What that means is they take away the drug stops
so you can go file the paperwork for the illegals
they're allowing to flood into the home.
Speaker 3 (04:18):
Also had and still have a negative impact on the
San Diego community. I had to release the illegal aliens
by the hundreds each day into communities who could not
support them. To quiet the problem, two flights a week
were provided from San Diego to Texas. These flights simply
brought aliens that would have been released in San Diego
over to Texas. Each flight cost approximately one hundred and
fifty thousand dollars. This was the administration's way to try
and quiet the border wide crisis.
Speaker 2 (04:46):
Democrats are evil. There's just no other way. You can
describe what they've done. There's no other way. And then
look what's it look like on the ground. Listen, Listen
to this from Marjorie Tailer. Listen, listen to the human smuggling.
And then I have a story out in New York.
Just listen to this.
Speaker 4 (05:05):
Let's talk about jobs. You were saying jobs. They want
to come in and they're pursuing jobs. Oh, the cartels
are getting jobs all right. Cartels and coyotes are currently
making around thirteen billion a year in human trafficking. Our
wide open border is definitely providing jobs twenty six times
more than that of the previous administration. Under President Trump,
the Mexican cartels employ and estimated one hundred and seventy
five thousand members and have associates, facilitators, and brokers in
all fifty states in our country. Yeah, we're having jobs
provided for these people.
Speaker 2 (05:47):
There's a story out of the New York Post. That's
freaking awful. The NYPD, New York City cops, they rated
a brothel a house of ill repute, if you will.
They raided a brothel and found a bunch of these
women who were illegals. And these women were being forced
to work in this house of ill repute to payoff
debts of up to fifty thousand dollars.
Speaker 1 (06:20):
Now, I've gotta be honest with you.
Speaker 2 (06:22):
I'm not up to date on the going rate for
hookers today, but that sounds like years and years of
work to me. For a young lady living in hell,
that's what that is. Imagine what her life is like.
And Democrats did that on purpose, on purpose, over three
hundred thousand missing children. Remember the little.
Speaker 1 (06:52):
Tidbit of intel I gave you that one time. The children,
some of them.
Speaker 2 (06:58):
The cartels are Oh gosh, I don't even want to
talk about it. There are kids listening. The cartels are
filming the children. Yeah, I'm just gonna stop. You understand
what I'm saying. Inside the United States of America. And
Democrats did that on purpose. And when the Border Patrol
chief tried to report on what Democrats did to the border.
He was ordered to shut up, he was told to
stop the traffics, stop the traffic stops so they can
haul more people into the country. And Democrats did that
on purpose, not an accident, not a weird byproduct. Democrats
are doing that to this country on purpose. Four years
of this and we are so full of filth now,
it's unimaginable what another four years of this will do.
It's un imaginable. They are destroying our country on purpose,
to say nothing of what it means for the jobs
the economy. Drone powers you see risk that further labor
market cooling have to come through job losses.
Speaker 5 (08:13):
So on the on the job creation, it depends on
It depends on the inflows, right, So if you're having
millions of people come into the labor force, then and
you're creating one hundred thousand jobs, you're going to see
unemployment go up. So it really depends on what's the
trend underlying the volatility of people coming into the country.
We understand there's been quite an influx across the borders,
and that has actually been one of the things that's
that's that's allowed the unemployment rate to rise. And the
other thing is just a slower hiring rate, which is
something we also watch carefully, so it does depend on
what's happening on the supply side.
Speaker 2 (08:52):
Yeah, another four years of this be tough to handle. Anyway,
I'm gonna move on.
Speaker 1 (08:59):
You know it's doing.
Speaker 2 (09:00):
Hey, Jesse, being bald is only for people with perfect heads.
So I wanted to help you out and let you
pick out a two pay.
Speaker 1 (09:08):
Of your choice. You know that's not very nice.
Speaker 2 (09:10):
Consider it a gift from all the listeners and Chris,
even though he's probably too cheap to pitch in. I
lived in the red I live in the red state
of Alabama, now fleeing the communist state of Massachusetts. I
should have moved here sooner. And then he actually sent
us a link to two pays. You think you're funny,
You think I won't rock a tuo peck. I'll rock
a two pay just to hear my wife yell about it.
We're simulcas. Remember you can watch me do the show.
You know, my TV shows on the First TV every
night nine pm Eastern, But you can watch me do
the radio show. You think I won't sit here with
the most absurd looking two pay every day, I'll do
it just out of spite? What Chris?
Speaker 1 (09:51):
What? Chris? Please?
Speaker 2 (09:54):
I need this? How much are they well? I guess
we should probably ask how much they're Wait a minute,
it's a company expense. What I'm on camera, Chris, that's
to improve my looks on camera. I'm sure Premiro will
be fine with it.
Speaker 1 (10:09):
It's fine.
Speaker 2 (10:09):
How are they gonna find out? They would never even
find out. You'll find a way to expense it. Don't
you know how to do special accounting or something? Is
that not you didn't learn that?
Speaker 1 (10:18):
Speaker 2 (10:18):
Anyway, we'll do some emails here in a moment. Before
we do those, let me take care of your pain.
Are you hurting? I'm talking about daily pain. You know
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Speaker 1 (11:24):
All right? Do some emails next the Jesse Kelly Show.
I like it.
Speaker 2 (11:28):
See Kelly Show on a Thursday, reminding you of two things.
Tomorrow is an ask doctor Jesse Friday. So you need
to get your questions emailed in now to Jesse at
Jesse kellyshow dot com.
Speaker 1 (11:42):
That's one two.
Speaker 2 (11:44):
Bk Our former Air Force pjarspec up guy is gonna
join us in about the ten minutes from now. Why well,
because of emails like this one, Jesse Israel has not
commented on these devices talking about the explode devices, which
is leading me to questions. And the guy goes on
talks about exploding devices Iran things like that. I'm gonna
ask Bka this exploding pager story. It's crazy, it's cool,
but it's odd and there are a lot of oddities
to it, and I know he's been digging into that,
So we are going to dig into that with bk
here in ten minutes from now. You see the Teamsters
they're refusing to endorse a Democrat for the first time
in twenty eight years. Why because they pulled their members,
all their leadership. Remember union leadership. They're all corrupt scumbags,
all of them. But union members are generally, oftentimes just
working men. It's good people working. Then the union members
all support Trump, and they were worried about a revolt,
so the Teamsters had to just back off of supporting
anyone that. Look, it doesn't sound like it's a big win.
If you understand how deeply embedded in Democrat politics unions
have been forever, it's a big win. It's a big
deal that they.
Speaker 1 (13:05):
Are sitting it out. It really is. Dear Historian of
the People.
Speaker 2 (13:09):
As much as I love your political talks and episodes
about ancient history, what are your thoughts on the Old West?
Living in Texas, I'm sure you're surrounded by history of
the Old West. I've been listening to a podcast called
Legends of the Old West. Oh I've listened to that one.
That's good and why at Irp's story has been fascinating.
I love all you do the Old West. I love
it like any other American man loves it. Just the
idea of how crazy it was. And I will tell
you this, it inspires me when I read stories about it.
And here's what I mean. It was well known how
dangerous it would be to leave the relative safety of
Eastern America. Hold on, I have to sneeze. That's gonna
go quiet.
Speaker 1 (13:57):
I just sneeze. Could you tell what did that time?
That ride?
Speaker 2 (14:01):
Nailed it right and I hit the cough button said
no one hurt anyway. Bless me, Chris. That's what you're
supposed to whatever. The Old West, it was well known
that it was very, very dangerous to move out west,
to go grab a plot of land and try to
hack a living for yourself out west. It just was
the weather, the animals, the Indian attacks were common. Part
of the reason you see wagon trains they traveled together
is because it was so dangerous to travel beyond Indians
just robbers, it was. And to think how many families
did that, And you want to tell, I mean, people
yell at me when I tell you to move from
a blue state to a red state. Families through everything
they owned in the back of a covered wagon and
set out into wild, wild territory with nothing but a
rifle between you to protect you and others. If you've
ever read, here's a book recommendation for you. I always
get book recommendations, And before I give this out, I'm
just gonna start adding this disclaimer. Every time I give
this out. They podcast every show, every single show is
uploaded onto the interwebs. It's podcasted there. It's on iHeart,
it's on Spotify, it's on iTunes. So if you happen
to miss the name of the book, do not email
me asking me the name of the book. We get
a thousand emails a day. I'm not going to email
you back. Neither is Chris. You will never get a
response back from me, ever, because the podcast is right there.
It takes half a second to download it and listen
to it. All right, Anyway, I said that, and now
I forgot the actual name of the book. It's something
the Summer Moon, Chris, look it up. The story of
Kawana Parker, something about the Summer Moon. Everyone's yelling at
the radio right now if you've read the book. But
it's a story really about a family woman she gets
kidnapped by the Commanches. And it's a hard read because
the Commanchees they're one of my favorite Indian tribes. They
were massively powerful, but they were they really were savages.
They it's in the book murdering babies. It just that's
exactly right, Chris. Sorry, Empire of the Summer Moon. Let
me say that again. The book's name is Empire of
the Summer Moon. For a third time. The book's name
is Empire of the Summer Moon. I will never say
it again. So that was the three times you get.
That's the name of the book.
Speaker 1 (16:50):
All right.
Speaker 2 (16:50):
It's an amazing book, and obviously it's a story about
a woman being held captive commanches, the efforts to get
her back, in all those things. It's a great book.
But the danger, the reason the kidnapping happened and the
murder and the assaults and that everything was just one
day a group of Commanches showed up and they just
rode in and murdered everybody and kidnapped them. And that
was that was that was a risk you took and
when you read about all the old outlaws and the
old gunman, the wyat herbs. But then when you dig
into that story too, you'll find out those lines got
blurred so often in the Old West that sheriff, that
gunman you love was probably a wanted criminal and another
town over. It was just an insane time and the rules.
Speaker 1 (17:45):
You know what, I'm gonna explain.
Speaker 2 (17:46):
We're gonna go talk to BK in a moment, and
I'll come back to this. The lack of rules or
structure fascinates me about the Old West because I've actually
lived that for a brief time in my life. And
I'll explain right after we're done with BK. Who's gonna
talk talk to us about exploding pagers? The Jesse Kelly Show,
Chris turn it off. Gosh, I just I have a
preemptive headache whenever we're going to have BK on. I
don't know whether it's the music or whether we have
to hear about his abs. I don't know what it is,
but I'm just I'm preemptively annoyed already. But he is
like a super spec up guy who could murder me
with his pinky. So I guess we'll let it go.
Joining me now former Air Force PJ and host of
the amazing podcast World News with BK, My friend b K.
B K Okay, I didn't even know you could blow
up a pager.
Speaker 1 (18:32):
Yeh, Jesse.
Speaker 6 (18:34):
I've been trying to untangle this all morning, and boy,
you talk about a secondary effect from globalization and the
international market. This is going to be a headache to
track down everything that actually happened, because right now we
don't even know where these pagers came from, which and hey,
who uses how many? How many companies do you know, Jesse,
that you could dial up and say, oh, I need
a pager for some reason. There can't see that many existents, right.
Speaker 1 (19:02):
Yeah, b Kay. I'll be honest with you.
Speaker 2 (19:04):
I've refrained from a lot of comment on this because
I am so fascinated and confused.
Speaker 1 (19:10):
I'm right there with you.
Speaker 2 (19:12):
So the Israelis had the foresight to what purchase a
pager company in anticipation that Hesberah would call up with
the big order. None of this makes sense to me, BK.
Make it make sense? What have you figured out so far?
Speaker 1 (19:27):
Speaker 6 (19:27):
So, so, Jesse, I was initially skeptical of their being explosive,
them I'll take the hit on that because I was like,
in order to do that, you'd have to break into
a warehouse, steal a box of pagers, then implant the explosives,
and then then return to the box of the warehouse
and have that company unknowing to them, ship their pagers
to that client. Right. So now it's coming out that
this Hungarian based company was actually an Israeli front, but
somehow the timeline's not adding up. Okay, So the pager company,
the original pager company, right, is a Taiwanis based company
called gold Apollo. Right, and gold Apollo they release a statement.
First of all, this was weird to me. They released
a statement saying, hey, no, no, we worked with this Hungary
based company which is called BAC Consulting, but we don't
do any designer manufacture of the products. All they do
is slap our logo on it. And I was like,
wait a minute, Jesse, if you try to open a
McDonald's in America, the McDonald's Corporation comes down to make
sure that you're doing everything exactly the way they expected
to do right, And that's the case for most subsidiaries
and franchisees. I would imagine so that was just weird
to me. In other words, we'll just put our logo
on it. You guys are in charge of the manufacturing,
the durability, the name for everything else. That was weird
to me. I'm like, well, wouldn't you want to be
involved if the company is putting your logo on their
product and your name. But let's continue. So then the
Hungarians come out because this BAC Consulting, which was the
Israeli front group, was established. They came out and said, no, no, no,
there was never The Pagers were never in our country.
Then they were digging further and they into the Hungarian
like justice ministry. They were like, well, who are these people?
They found a record for May second, twenty twenty that
suggests another weird word to use, that a company the
same name had existed in the past and was shut
down in twenty twenty. Right then they also found a
record that said BAC Consulting was registered as a new
company on May twenty first, twenty twenty two. Now that
would imply that's when the Israelis kind of set up shop.
And again it is crazy to realize, like what, maybe
they saw this coming, Maybe they instilled enough paranoia in
Hesbelah that Hesblah realized they couldn't use phones, and indeed,
back in February of this year, the Hezbollah guys were saying, hey,
no more phones, We're going to use pagers. Somehow they
anticipated this problem, but we don't know now where the
pagers actually had the explosives put into them. Presumably they
left Taiwan. Again, going back to my original point, trying
to track down shipments from Taiwan, who's a global hub,
you know, it's going to be almost impossible. Somehow the
pagers left Taiwan. The Hungarians said they were never in Hungary,
So where did they go from Taiwan? And that's all
what we're trying to figure out. And then the other
thing that this this Apollo Gold, this Taiwan East company.
Did the CEO came out because he's getting thrilled about it,
and he's like, no, well, I've had a long standing
relationship with this BAC Consulting. I trusted them, And I'm like, well,
wait a minute. They just registered as a new company
in twenty twenty two. Are you talking about the company
that existed perhaps before? That's a you see what I mean,
it's quite convoluted Jessey. I'm still trying to figure it
out myself.
Speaker 2 (22:45):
It's so convoluted, BK. And I know it sounds like
a stupid logistical detail and maybe it isn't tell me
if it is. By the way, I'm speaking with BK,
host of the World News with BK, former Air Force PJ.
Speaker 1 (22:56):
Speaker 2 (22:56):
The logistics the details of putting a tiny because it
would have to be tiny, a tiny amount of explosive
in what we think is at least twenty seven hundred
so let's just call it three thousand pages. So what
the boat park did a port and you had what
an army of little tech wizards and with screwdrivers and semtex.
I don't understand how you could even do.
Speaker 6 (23:20):
That, right, So obviously I'm not explosives expert, Jesse, but
there are the explosives now are highly technical. They use
something called PETN, which is highly used in the military.
I'm not going to go through the whole name because
i can't remember. It's it's a chemical name. The PETN
stands for something and it's possible. And now I'm wondering, well,
were they intended to kill or just name or just
scare the hell out of people, because you have to know,
these hes blog guys got to be looking at every
device that beeps, you know, as they walk by, wondering
if that's the next thing to blow up. And it's
a sinister deal. Now I try to cover all aspects
of this. Many people are saying that this could be
considered terrorism by the Israelis, like, after all, your exploding
these weapons in the civilian population. I have far less
sympathy of that view, Jesse, because I mean, not only
as Tesbelah did. They not only drugged, tortured, and then
executed a United States citizen, the CIA station chief in
Beay Route in nineteen eighty four. Of course, they along
with their comrades and arms, were responsible for the Marine
Corps barracks bombing in left in Bay Route, which killed
hundreds of US Marine sailors, killed dozens and dozens of
French paratroopers as well. So I'm not really going to
go out and cry over Hesbelah. There were civilian casualties,
but again you could argue that the civilian casualties were
highly limited and to get them to get that much
bang for your buck with that few civilian casualties, I
mean it's impressive. What I can't reconcile, Jess, is this
part of the Israeli military and intelligence apparatus, with the
Israeli military intelligence apparatus that bungled it so badly on
October seventh. That's the part I can't get around my head.
When you have people they didn't notice the Army of
Hamas operatives breaching their fence, by some accounts, over one
hundred and fifty separate places, they breached a border wall,
over ran bases, and the Israeli military and their intelligence
didn't even notice that. But they have this much foresight
to years ahead and plant explosives in the pagers. It's striking, Jesse,
and its just shows the wide swath and the wide
spectrum of ability in militaries today.
Speaker 1 (25:39):
It really does.
Speaker 6 (25:41):
B Ka.
Speaker 2 (25:42):
You mentioned French paratroopers. The French are mocked because of
what happened in World War Two. Really, that's the reason
the French are mocked as being a bunch of useless
surrender monkeys, despite the fact their military history is absurdly good,
really really good. They fought like lions in a million
different places.
Speaker 1 (26:00):
But speak a little bit.
Speaker 2 (26:01):
Just the last question about the French spec Op super
ninja types like you.
Speaker 1 (26:06):
There's some studs over there.
Speaker 6 (26:09):
Oh yeah, just they those guys did so much work.
They do get a bad rap. I mean that's you know,
in World War Two, that's on leadership, that's not on them.
And plus by World War two, as you know Jesse,
world War one just decimated the European I don't think
they've ever recovered from it, the German people, the British
and the French. That was a scar from which they
will never recover World War One. But despite that, yeah,
they've and as you said, they operate all over the
world in so many different environments. They've been in Africa
for many, many decades just jobbing out. They're highly capable.
It is kind of amusing when I was in Paris
working for a TV shows there for a couple of months,
and you see their counter terrorism police roll up. But
it's funny because this little tiny car will roll up,
you know, like European trash car and like four like
huge jack dudes and like kit berets. We'll get out
of it a chance to talk to him. I'm like, dude,
you guys need like some you know, American muscle cars.
Or something up in here. This is this this little
poogeo that you're driving with the two watt motors and
no go I mean, I know you. I know you
guys have ab names in twenty two inch fison, which
I of course can respect and relate to. Jesse with
a little pet putt motor, get it out of here.
You guys need some f three fifties or something. So Diesel,
come on now.
Speaker 1 (27:27):
I hate you BK. Most of the world nudes a DK.
I appreciate you, my brother. Thanks Jesse.
Speaker 2 (27:34):
Yeah, you know, I bet BK doesn't. I bet he
doesn't need chock. I bet he doesn't because he is huge.
He's enormous. He's one of these workout freaks. For the
rest of us. Though, even if you are a workout freak,
testosterone's real. The testosterone crisis is real. It is a crisis,
a societal wide crisis. What are you doing about yours?
Speaker 1 (28:00):
Speaker 2 (28:00):
I know you can go down to the clinic on
the quarter and get a needle stuck in your arm.
Speaker 1 (28:05):
Don't do that.
Speaker 2 (28:07):
Natural herbal supplements handle it naturally. Twenty percent increase in
your T levels in just ninety days. A male vitality
stack from chalk is what you need. The dimes are
waiting by the phone. Pick up the phone dial five
zero Chuck three thousand. You can even text it five
zero choq three thousand. You got questions, don't answer them,
Go get your stack.
Speaker 1 (28:37):
We'll be back.
Speaker 2 (28:41):
The Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment of The Jesse Kelly Show.
Just learned everything we could possibly learn about exploding.
Speaker 1 (28:48):
Pages from BK.
Speaker 2 (28:49):
If you missed that or any other part of the show,
the entire thing is available on podcast on Iheartspotify iTunes.
Speaker 1 (28:58):
Remember I'm not giving you the name of that book again.
Speaker 2 (29:01):
You're gonna have to go download a podcast if you wanted.
Also tomorrow's and ask doctor Jesse Friday. You gotta get
your questions emailed in now to Jesse at Jesse kellyshow
dot com.
Speaker 1 (29:14):
I love you Bag, I love you bag, Bommy.
Speaker 2 (29:18):
Let's do some of those emails before we get the headlines. Hey, Jesse,
I live in the mountains at the end of a
private driveway. There's only one family passed me on the
same road. They're old school hippie liberals who are very
anti gun. We were visiting at the mailbox a few
days ago and she was saying how they were stocking
up on food and supplies in case the hard times.
She asked if I was doing the same. I said, no,
I'm buying guns and palettes of ammunition. She snapped at
me and told me I'm stupid because I can't eat
guns and ammo.
Speaker 1 (29:48):
And I asked why, and asked why I'm not stocking
up on food.
Speaker 2 (29:52):
I looked her dead in the face and responded, because
you're stocking up on my food. The look of revelation
on her face when the light bulb kicked on was
absolutely glorious. Uh I read that one because it's hilarious.
And two, there are rich guys, super super rich guys.
This is something super rich guys do. They are disaster
prepping in extreme ways. You know, how do you disaster prep?
How do I disaster prep? I buy an extra box
at am I when it's on sale. I make sure
I have emergency food, a way to get clean water.
You know, you try to try to get some basics
in there, have a go bag, some basics in there. Well,
super rich guys don't disaster prep like you or I do.
They build elaborate bunkers, They have private properties, and this
is something that's these super rich guys are doing. They're
hiring hiring elite guys, former seals, merks, stuff like that
to guard them and guard their facility in case of
a collapse. And this entire concept makes me laugh because
super rich guy, you're stocking up on stuff for the
murk team who's going to take over. They're just going
to shoot you in the face, and they're going to
dump you in the ditch and they're going to have
all of your stuff. Just little heads up to everybody
of your rich guy's doing that. There's no substitute for
you learning how to protect your self, how to protect
your self. It's important, all right, all right, I want
to play Tim Walls here. This is sometimes sometimes politics
is so dumb you really think that the dumbest people
are involved in it. The Kamala Harris campaign has clearly
decided on a line whenever they're asked about the economy
or jobs or prices, they've decided I did on this
line where they'll talk about middle class, middle class. I
grew up middle class. You heard Kamala Harris say this
repeatedly when she's asked any question about the economy, I'm
a middle class person. I grew up middle class. To
the point she's getting made fun of now no matter
what she's asked, that's what she says. Well, they love
this idiotic line so much they're all using it.
Speaker 1 (32:22):
Lation. Let's start with inflation.
Speaker 6 (32:24):
When you tell people who wake up frankly each morning
wondering how am I going to get by financially, Yeah, I.
Speaker 1 (32:29):
Tell them, Kamala Harrison, I know something about it. It being
middle class folks.
Speaker 3 (32:32):
Our family said at the table, trying to pay.
Speaker 1 (32:33):
The bill, that's not an answer, and they use it,
repeat it.
Speaker 5 (32:38):
Growing up in that middle class family, She's laid out
a plan for an opportunity economy.
Speaker 1 (32:43):
They just who thought that was a good call.
Speaker 2 (32:46):
Somebody came up with that line and they workshop that,
you know, they probably pulled tested it or something, and
they decided that that line, that line was.
Speaker 1 (32:55):
A money maker.
Speaker 2 (32:56):
Contly, all right, anyway, speaking of exploding pagers, the I
f CJ doesn't buy any of those, so don't worry
about that. But they are going to provide emergency food
for people. They're gonna provide bomb shelters. They are providing
bomb shelters, flack jackets. You know, firefighting is something we
don't think about because we're so blessed. When you have
a fire somewhere, you call the fire department. Well, there
are places in Israel where that's not an option. There's
no fire department, No one's coming. If your fields get
set a light, you're on your own. How do you
get firefighting equipment? The IFCJ provides it, the International Fellowship
of Christians and Jews, and right now they're doing a
big Flags of Fellowship thing. Go and support them, become
part of it. Support IFCJ dot org. It's all one word,
support IFCJ dot org. Go support them, all right.
Speaker 1 (33:55):
All right, And now here's a headline. But you know,
you know the thing headlines we didn't get to.
Speaker 2 (34:04):
Dozens of tenured professors could lose their jobs under Florida
Review if they don't improve performance. Florida continues to be
the motto the model for red governance and how it
should be for anti communist governance. And I'm so happy
for Florida, I'm tempted to move to the freaking place.
At the same time, it upsets me that other red
states aren't doing this. This should be every single red
state and shame on all the rest of them who aren't.
Speaker Johnson's funding bill with voter integrity add on is
defeated in the House. Fourteen Republicans voted with the Democrats.
It's just all so predictable that this thing's going to pass.
They're going to pass a continuing resolution. They're going to
pass some gigantic omnibus bill in December that spends inhuman
amounts of money we don't have, all while the American
people suffer. I hate the predictability of all of it.
Israel is going to war, attacks on hesbealad devices, signal,
the Jewish State, Jewish state. That's a hard word to say,
Jewish state, the Jewish State, the Jewish State is ready
for escalation. Don't shake your don't shake your head, Chris.
Now you gave me the hiccups. Look what you did. Anyway,
Apparently it's through.
Speaker 1 (35:19):
I just had a hiccup again.
Speaker 2 (35:21):
Israel's going to war. Look, Chris, I love you back
what Chris? But California governor signs laws to crack down
on election deep fakes created by AI. Blue state after
blue state after blue state continues to pass communist laws
cracking down on the freedoms of the people. In case
you needed another excuse to pack it up and leave,
Trump calls for government shut down over failure of Republicans
to pass a temporary funding measures with the Safe Act,
with the Save Act. Look, the government isn't gonna shut down.
If it does, it'll be very brief. We all, no
Republicans are going to cave, because they cave every time.
And more importantly, Democrats know Republicans will cave. Democrats know
full well that they can play this game every time
because the low TGP is going to grab the rankles
for him.
Speaker 1 (36:14):
In the end, we got to wait.
Speaker 2 (36:16):
So after the election the Republican motto, Union members were
paid to show up at a rally for a vulnerable
dem Text messages reveal, as I said earlier, union involvement
in elections on behalf of Democrats has been going on
in this country for decades, absolutely decades, where union members
have their dues abused by the leadership that's all in
the pocket of the Democrat Party. Vladimir Putin urges citizens
to make whoopee. I'm not going to say that word
during work breaks to address Russia's dire birth rate. It's
a fascinating thing going on in nations across the planet
where people aren't making enough babies. We're not making enough babies.
Speaker 1 (37:00):
This has been a podcast from w o R