All Episodes

December 4, 2019 30 mins
Honey went to Thailand so of course, we had to get all the details. Plus, Carolina is hooked on Temptation Island. Are you watching? 

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
On us, because maybe my crust will still be outside
by the time I get out of here. Who is
your precious? Who is this? What is the Chicago Hope?
Chicago Chicago Inc? What is Chicago Inc? Let me google this?
What is this person? What's his name? You're always coming
in here and love? Last time it was Romeo Santos here,
Let's see Chicago. What is it Chicago here? I'll show

you it. Oh, Chicago Inc. Like like tattoo. Look at
I put Chicago Incorporated. I see him, I see the
whole show is full of hotties. I love it. My
husband hates when I watched this show because I'd be
like that Zaddie every time to come into screen. And

does he really get jealous or does he just say,
like you're just talking. He's like and he's like, you
wouldn't even stand a chance. Exactly. You open up a
whole can of worms. And I'm gonna start off with
life in Spanglish. I don't know if we start with
how you help my family and I bond over the holidays,
or if we talk about your trip. I think we
talk about your trip to Thailand first, because it looked spectacular.

The trip was amazing. You were living your best life.
And I know the phrases played out, but you truly were,
like you can't see it. I really was. And you
know it was different because like everything that sounds, the people,
the language, the food, I've never experienced before. So it
made for a really like memorable type of trip because

everything was brand new to me. Even they drove on
the wrong side of the street, the food they eight,
the music they played, I've never experienced anything like this.
Well they're on the right side, honey, you know for them,
they're on the right side. But no, it's true. Remember
when you left, I said, it's you're gonna be totally
out of your comforts. I was, I really was. I
couldn't understand anyone. The time difference was throwing me on.

Did it rock your world? The time difference? I cried,
I was delirious at one point over there it was fine. Here,
I'm having such a hard time. I woke up at
ten thirty the other day. I'm like, when do I
wake up at ten thirty am? I wake up at
eight am on Saturday and day. Yeah, and even this
morning I was having a real difficult time waking up. Well,
we didn't go to Thailand. My husband did. But we

went to Hong Kong, and the time difference was so
dramatic for me that I was in the middle of
Hong Kong Park and I was crying on a bench
and it was our honey was so tired. I didn't
know what to do with my body, felt like and
and Mark was laughing, not like laughing at me, he
was just like, Oh my god, I don't know what
to do, Like what do I do? Do you need
me to help you? Like it was just like I

was a wreck. The time difference really really messed with me.
But I'm also very sensitive. That's Bella. It's like she
starts feeling like physically ill when she starts getting tired. Yes, yeah,
I need I need my sleep girl. But what was
the most memorable part of it? Because you went to
Chang Mai, did you go to Orga? Okay, very different,

very very um peculiar because people thought you guys were
like celebrities what they were, and they think we were celebrities.
I think it was older Chin the people that never
saw black and brown people really, so I think it
was just like oh wow, people from a different race
and people with different hair texture, and they kept like
wanting to take selfies, wanting to take videos touching our hair.

So I think like the combination of the skin color
with the braided hair made for a very curious, novelty
type of human for them, and they were just different they.
I was demming with Bella because I was following along
as you guys were going, and she goes, girl, it
is straight wild. They're like touching us. We're so big
into like personal space and not touching and oh, I'm sorry,

you'll bump somebody's shoe and you're apologetic. These people were
like grabbing their phone and taking selfies with you without you,
like even knowing I was on the train. This one
lady was like taking pictures of all of us and
sending them to their friends, and their friends were sending
like hard eyes back, and I'm like, what are you
telling you friend of Chinese like I found a brown person. Yeah,
I'm confused, right right right, But you know what it is.
It's like, And I think that's part of the reason

why we do this podcast is twenty nineteen and to
see kind of reaction, I think it is eye opening
to people because you would think, like Wow. You know,
we living in New York City have seen people of
all different you know, races and cultures, and but then
you go away and truthfully, they probably have never left.

They probably because it was a lot of older Chinese people,
so sixties, seventies, eighties, probably people that never travel and
I've never seen someone that's black or brown or braids
or like course hair, because they were really more interested
in Ashley, who's black, than anybody else. Ashley was like
bad lady. She was like, I'm queen up in this

exactly had a little swagger she did. She had like
the twist in her little braids, and some people were
like untwisting it, like grabbing her hair. It was weird,
but we were super nice about it. You know, I
didn't want to go to jail in China. That would
have been here in New York. I would have been
at at the first precinct, like off the rip. But
we were super chill about it, and we were just like,
you of want, let's just enjoy this little layover and

get the funk out of Yeah. Yeah. And then you
guys went to Thailand, which I mean, yeah, Thailand was
was amazing. I'll tell you that much. I think it's
a trip that everyone should take. The flight is a murder,
like it took twenty hours to get there, but once
you're there, it makes it all worth it. But you
said something, and I'm going to call you out on it.
You said you will never travel with a big group

of people ever. Good. Why so give us what what happened?
Break it down like because you know what you have
to always. This is what I remind people whenever you travel,
even if you're in the Continental US, pack your patients.
You never know what can happen. You have delays, you
have this that somebody forget something. You know what went
down with your group of how many couples? Four couples?
We were three couples and then an extra three people,

so it was a total of nine. But here is
the thing. You know, everyone paid for their trip out
of their pockets, so they want to maximize their experience absolutely.
But then we're traveling as a group. So when someone's
hungry and nobody else is hungry, they still want to
go eat. You got a pack of protein bar? Honey, No,
they'll dv like we need to make a pit stop
just so I can eat. Or if someone is like, oh,

I'm against cruelty against animals. I don't want to go
to the Tiger Kingdom. Then they're just like on the
fallback and then we have to figure out how to
pick them up later on. You know, I disagree with that.
If you here is the itinerary. Okay, this is how
it's going down. We have researched, we're going to the
monkey sanctuary, We're doing the tiger place. We're gonna go
and visit some elephants. If you're not into which, by

the way, I believe you went to an elephant sanctuary,
you're actually treated very well. Yeah. No, the animals are
treated very well everywhere we went. But like I said,
it was just everybody everybody has a thing or it's
like I don't want to eat breakfast at seven. I
want to wake up later. So I think more than
four people is not a good idea to travel with. Tough.
It's tough, it is, it really is. It's just you know,

I don't like this restaurant or this is expensive, and
then everybody else doesn't think it's expensive. So it's just like, oh,
can I get a separate bill? Can we get nine bills?
Game over? I'm sorry, you do not get that right.
You do not reserve the right to get your own bill.
When you travel with nine people, you just don't get
to do it. Like you just gotta go with the flow.
I'm sorry, And you guys can at me at the

real Carolina if you disagree. But I just feel like
you know what you have to be willing to And
I'm not talking about something extravagant, but like, like I'm
constantly hungry. You know, I eat probably six seven times
a day. So even for myself and my husband, I
have learned that either I pack nuts, a protein bar
or some gum because he is not stopping. He loves me,

but he will not stop because you know what it is,
It's like, why should we get away from the game
plan if we're only here for this limited amount of time,
we have this many hours to see all of these
sites and all of these things. We're going to go
off the beating path to find you something that you like, yeah,
exactly or whatever it is. And then it's like then
now we're thrown off and we don't have enough time

to do every thing. So no, he's and we were
on a tight schedule. We were on a super tight
schedule because it was just like, Okay, we're doing this
at thirty, were doing this at three thirty. It's like
one time. It's like we're doing the temples. Today is
the day to do the temples. We drive by a
place they have like these chained up elephants. My brothers like,
I want to ride those elephants. I'm like, absolutely not.
We're not riding elephants that are chained up. Like, we

went to a sanctuary, we bathe them, we fed them.
How are you now going to contract exactly now he
wants to ride abused elephants and the whole car is
like no. And he's like, well, you can sit in
a car and wait for me, And I'm like no,
that's I'm sorry to your brother, but that's so selfish,
like we all gonna sit here on the bus like
while you're trying to ride on some chained animals. Thank you,

by the way, but thank you. So what would you
say was the best part of it? I think that
the elephant sanctuary was beautiful, you know, like you were
in your elephant girl. I really was. And it's so
crazy because there's such big animals, But I really didn't
feel fearful because elephants in a weird way connect, Like
if you look him in the eye, it's like they're
like humans in a way. It's like Dumbo. Yeah, and

they're very gentle. And just the fact that you can
you can bond with animals that you know have been
rescued and you're not being cared for, and it's like
just giving them a bath. Period. It's just like, why
don't you give an elephant a bath? Such once in
a lifetime unique experience. It really is that. In the Monkeys,
we went to Monkey Island and just a bunch of
wild monkeys lived there. I did not find me on

Monkey Island. I got attacked by a monkey on the
book about it. When did you get attacked by a
monkey on my honeymoon? Where in Bali there was wild monkeys.
It swung from my hair, it was like, and then
it came up and it bit my shoulder, but it
didn't break any well. Stand god, That's what I was
worried about. You guys. They had a picture. Mark took

a picture of me before and I'm smiling, and then
it was probably two seconds after he took that picture
that this monkey attacked me. It was a first ski
monkey like I had to and I again, don't at me,
but I had to like smack it off me. It
was trying to bite my shoulder. It was wild. And
then I looked and there were some of them. They

had these oozing tails because they're wild. These are wild animals,
like injured. I mean, I don't know what. They didn't
have any NEOs born, so they were like injured. And
I was like, Mark, get me out of here. My
hands were shaking so much that ago I slam two
beers to call myself down. I'm not even kidding you.
Think about it. You're like standing there by a waterfall

taking a picture and then monkey attack. So yeah, but anyway,
you were saying about the monkeys, we didn't get off.
We didn't get off at Monkey Island, but they looked
wild as hell. I'm not. Yeah, it's for really no training.
They don't have owners. They just live in it wildly.
That's what I'm telling you. It's animal instinct and that
monkeys saw something in me that he liked and wanted
a piece of and I wasn't having it. So I

need to tell you this. I'm gonna change the subject
really quick because you started something and you can't take
it back. Now, Honey, I am damaged because of you
and sleep. I can't think. I can't do anything without
thinking about Temptation Island. Do you know that my family

bonded over Thanksgiving with Temptation Island. Armently ranges from the
ages of seventy three to four years old. My dad
is seventy three, my son is four. That my kids
were watching it. But when I tell you, it was
so amazing. We literally sat through season two it's episode

seven right now. We couldn't take it. We started season one.
We need to watch other human Oh my gosh, you
started a thing. And I said, I blame honey, and
my mom was like, tell honey, we blame her. It's
a It's addictive, and I feel like I misrepresented myself.
On the last episode we were talking about Temptation Island

because I was like, you know, I don't know, but
you want to go now. There is no way in
hell I would take a loved one. I don't care
if he's my boyfriend, might jump off my husband sad
my side. Why on earth would you subject your loved
one to that and literally dangle It's like dangling raw

meat in front of Lion Carolina. It's just how you
can test your relationship and see if it will survival
of that temptation. No, no, they're making it worse by
tempting them. I think that you're tempting fate. And why
do that? Why would you even put yourself in that
if you really truly cared about somebody or love them, like,
why would you even want them? Why would you want
to test them like that? It's the trust issue. To me,

it is a trust issue, and people do that all
the time. I remember back in the days, like make
a fake me hint the page and try to come
onto my great try d MM and Sea of hill By.
People have been doing this forever and that it's just
on TV, and it's amazing. It's so amazing. I'm obsessed.
If you guys are not watching Temptation Island, by the way,
they have not paid a penny for that. They really
have not. They need to give a a trip to Hawaii.

I mean, I am telling you, Mark Wahlberg, if you
get sick, cough cough, I am in as host. I
am ready to go. My sister in law, look to me, Leslie.
She goes Carol, why can't you go on and get
a job like that because I have to leave my
family for like three months. Leslie, Now I know. I
was like, dude, it is If you have not seen it,

you will get hooked. It is most horrible. I make
everybody watch it just so I can talk to them
about it. It's awful, awful. But now I got the
season pass. It's on my dv R. I cannot wait
for Thursday nights already. I already watched the two episodes
that miss while I was traveling. Are you caught up
to episode seven? Oh my god, I cannot even. And

there's always one dirt bag. Evan was the dirt bag
on season one. David is the dirt bag on season David.
David is like a beast in the wild. I'm not
even kidding you. He thinks he is like in the
Garden of Eden. This guy. I can't. I don't even
want to talk about it anymore. I don't want to
give any more away. So there you have it. But

I did want to give you the credit for making
my family and I we were literally on the couches
on top of each other with blankets, like just cuddling, drinking,
and watching temptations. That is so amazing. It sounds like
a perfect Thanksgiving to me. It was. It was awesome.
I don't have turkey for Thanksgiving. I'm kind of mad girl.
I wasn't tallyant eating thigh food. My last tie didn't.
I was like, I don't want any more pet tie. Okay,

so this is the topic. No more pet die. Oh
my god, that's so funny. So this is the topic.
You're invited over. You go to a place and you
eat the food and you get sick. They were about
five of us that had bubble guts, and we're pukin
and poopin and doing all guds. Tanny bathroom, excuse me?

Where is your furthest bathroom? And where are the matches?
Because do you do? I felt so bad because it's
like you don't want to offend. You're in the person's house.
It was my brother's house. But you know, what was it?
Did you put your finger on? What was it that
tour everybody stomach apart? We couldn't. And that's what we think, honestly,
and and this is the truth. We think we may
have caught a virus because the five people who caught

it were on an airplane, so there were a number
of combinations. Because we had ham, we had turkey, and
that's the thing we were trying to eliminate. Because my
mom goes and she was she was so embarrassed. Don't
make me sick and make me tipsy. And I said
to my mom, I, god, Mom, all I did was
drink wine. I was not mixing, I said. I was like,

I was sitting downstairs and I literally got up and
I said, and I have to excuse myself. And I
went upstairs and I got super sick. The next morning
was instant. So that was probably something you did eat.
You know. I heard when you eat it takes at
least twenty four hours. That's why you're hitting me. When
I eat something that doesn't set up with my stomach
within three minutes, I am sick. But the coincidence is this, okay?

So I my insides were tore up that night. The
next day, I go downstairs at like seven in the morning,
because of course my kids don't ever let me sleep in,
and my nephew Evan comes out and he's like, man,
I was so sick last night, And I said, what
he goes yeah, I was sick. And I go, were
you sick like yesterday? Goes, well, I didn't feel good

all day. He goes, Um, he goes, but I got
sick from both ends. I'm like, oh my gosh, me too.
So then I know, right. So then I said to him,
did you eat the turkey? Yes? To do eat the ham? Yes,
I said, Okay, I did too. Then my little niece
ten years old did not drink. Obviously she did not
have the ham. She had the turkey. Okay. Then we

went through everybody pass of elimination. There was no combination
of food that made sense like that. We were sick
from the food. So this is my warning to everybody
this holiday season. Purel your face off before and after
you get on a plane. Because my wife that's the problem.
And I said, Mark, I think this is your fault.

I said, because as soon as we got on the plane,
I normally wiped down the chairs, the arm rest, the seatbelt.
I'm not don't everything. And I didn't get a chance
to do it because we were switching with the boys.
Now I wanted it with daddy. You know what I
want is it with mommy. So I didn't get a
chance to do it, And I said, I blame you.
It might have been him. It might have been him.
So yeah, but anyway, it was just I felt so

bad after, and it's just like, oh my gosh, you
don't want to seem ungrateful. But then after you're like, well,
maybe was it the food. I don't know, did you
wash your hands while you was season in that ty,
because you know, maybe deep in the turkey with the hand.
Oh my god, please don't get me started. You need gloves,
you need I didn't use gloves to cook carolina. I
need to touch things. I don't know how people do
anything with gloves. What are you talking about? Gloves? Of course,

whenever you're dealing with raw meat. Girl, No, I just
washed my hands real good with a little bit of gloo.
After a little bit of glo, you put a little
bit of a little exactly washing the meat with a
little bit of bleach. Sometimes you told me that about Vanessio,
which concerns She makes like a big thing of water
and then she puts like a little cap of of
gloos and then everything, he says, it kills all the bacteria.

It's just in Dr says, do not wash your meat period.
Men included I'd no, no, he said. I asked him,
I believe that you up the chances of contamination because
then think about it, like all of that water is
splashing everywhere. You have to get every part of that

surface before you you know what you're saying, You're spreading
the bacteria exactly exactly. So that was your food safety
tip on this week's Life in Spanglish. There, that's it.
That's it. So now we were talking about getting ready
for the holidays, and my husband hates stuff. I refuse
to not buy him anything. So now I'm sitting here

thinking and I'm like, oh my gosh, what kind of
thoughtful gifts can you buy? Listen, my husband tells me
what he wants, that's the thing. And I was going
to say, I don't im it's always expensive. This is
not meant to be offensive, but I was gonna say,
Nuni Nunoni is a PLANNONI wants Balenciaga sneakers. He wants
the news actually for rims, for cars. He asked me
for like television's um. He asked me for an arcade.

He'll asked me for DJ equipment. He does not care.
He's like, you make him bank you want to spend
someone me, You've got a trick on Daddy for Christmas.
He doesn't care, but he does buy me equally as expensive.
You better pop out exactly, might get better be big, honey,
I need to carry it up myself. Okay. So he's
that person is the opposite. He says to me, don't

buy me anything. I don't want more stuff, And I'm like,
but I can't have the kids and us opening gifts
under the tree and he always buys me something, and
I'm like, I just feel so guilty. So I'm like
looking up things to buy from. And I am the
world's most practical person. So I noticed that we were
on the plane he had all of his like chords
and headphones and things like that. Yeah, so I'm going

to get him a tech accessory case. That is the
most boring fucking present I could possibly come up with. Like,
but but he needs it. Yeah, that's usually a thing.
It's the hardest thing to buy for men, it really is,
because it's like, what do you buy them dress? Shoes,
a tie because it's a personal taste and then they
have their own like style or whatever. But somebody like Noonie,

I wish Mark was like, Noonnie, Oh, he don't care.
He will DM me like, buy me this ship right here.
I'll be like, Lord Jesus, how much is that two
thou dollars? Oh my god. He doesn't care. He's like,
I'm worth it. Do you guys go nuts for for
the holidays or do you guys do a limit? We
usually do like one big gift. Okay, so you just
do what do you want? I was like, oh, I want,

like I told my want, like, that's it and that
I'll wear all year. I'll get a lot of users
out of it. But don't buy me a bunch of
like dumb stuff. I hate a bunch of dump stuff.
I just want like, Okay, I told him, I said,
I need a new MacBook, like I feel like the
MacBook I have at home is heavy and it's old.
So buy me that and then I might replace his
DJ equipment with the newer version that just came out.

Really yeah, and that's it. So it's like one big gift,
but we'll use it all year long. I just think
the holidays have gotten out of control. It is so
hard for me. We have, like I mentioned, thirteen grandchildren,
four cap on kids. When you have to shop at
thirteen kids. Like you're like, okay, I'm gonna spend fifty dollars.
I feel like wants you graduate from college, you're out,
You're out the game, Like you need to get a job.

You don't need that gift card anymore. And then my
my nephews argue the opposite. They're like, we don't have
a job where we have like low end jobs, we
need those gift cards. That is true, I don't see
your kids. If I don't see your kid for Christmas,
I'm not buying them anything really, because that means that
you don't care enough for them to spend time with.
We don't see each other for Christmas. So Thanksgiving is
our holiday. But you're in different coasts, right, we're all

along the East Coast, but but we're locally. Like if
I'm in New York and like, you're not bringing your
kid to come pick up your gift, I'm probably going
to return it. It can just become too much, though, honey,
because like now, okay, so for example, like we buy
we put a number limit on all the kids, right,
and so all the aunts and uncle is all that
thes and theos, we all pull our money together, we
buy gift cards for them, say, and they can get

whatever they want. Maybe I'll do that. My sisters want
to do that, and spending two dollars on little kids,
well I think. And it's also like you buy them something,
they might have it already. They're not into Spider Man anymore.
They don't want L O L dolls, you know what
I mean. So it's like change every year. They can
go and get whatever they want. So we do that,
but then it starts like you got to buy the teachers.
Then some of my some of my friends, they're like, oh,

we we wanted to buy something for the kids, and
I'm like, uh no, they don't need one more thing.
And it makes me feel like not generous or in
the spirit. But it's like when does it end? You know?
I got the thinking this year and I told Noony.
I said, you know, I know someone who's going through
a real difficult time, you know right now, she's she
it's weird. I met her at an in store and

she came and she was like, you know, I used
my last money to come see you because I wanted
to meet you in person. And it's so crazy because
it was like I was at this instrument. Then I'm
like I looked at a kid and I'm like, wow,
these these people are struggling. And I was like, you know,
let's go buy him sneakers, let's go to foot locker.
And I pretty much but like whatever money I made
that day on her kids, and like I've always kept
in contact with her and like as of recently, she
has lupus and she's hospitalized and I d m her

and I said, listen, I want to take care of
your son for Christmas. I want to do his gifts.
And I kind of told Nuni, I'm like, maybe we
shouldn't do gifts to each other. Let's just do gifts
for this one kid. So there is different ways, you
know that you can celebrate Christmas and take all that
stress off of you because I can easily tell my family,
like I'm fostering a kid for Christmas, I have no
money for you guys. So there there is alternatives, and

I am thinking of going that route this year. I
love that idea. It's dope, and there's so many people
that are really struggling. I d said, do you need anything?
She was like, he needs a coat, and I was like, okay,
I'll ship it to you that you know, and I
think this year that's kind of like the route I
want to go. I wish I could, but I got
these ungrateful kids I have to buy for. I'm not
even kidding you. They are so ungrateful. I even say

to my like, i'll i'll I am that. I will
text message all my brothers and sisters and be like,
did they get the gift card? Because I didn't get
a thank you. I'm just looking to me and make
them say thank you. You know, I bought these thank
you cards for my boys and they're only four and six,
but I they say like, thank you so much for

that and has a blank and then it's like I
really love it because and it has another blank. Have
them do it. I made them sit and they did
not write them. They I wrote them out, but I
made them tell me, like what did you like about
the Marvel Avengers lego? And I was like, oh my god,
when is this gonna end? But I made them sit
there and I said, because if somebody's taking the time

to give you a present, I did make them sign
the bottoms. So they did that. Took three hours for
them to sign all of them, and they were probably
like twelve giving them home training. That will not be
your children, t r VP. They will say thank you,
They will do all the things that most humans in

my life do not too well, you know what it is.
And Market even said to me, he's like, why are
you doing that? You could send the evite has a
send a thank you through the through the computer. And
I said, but it's so not personally. I want them
to sit down and like say, I like this because
you know that one of them got a vest and
he's like, um, thank you so much for my blue vest.
I love it because it is warm. And I said,

that's true. It is true. It will keep you warm.
So you give a proper thank you, you know. So
maybe that's what we're are imparting to everybody this holiday season.
Take the time to say thank you. That'll be good. Yeah,
take the time to say thank you and take the
time to give back. Man, sometimes you don't realize that
some people around you might might be going through some ship. No,
you're so right. It could be a co worker, It

could be you know, somebody that writes the bus with you,
somebody you know that you see all the time. It
could be you know, security at the front of your building.
Whatever those dorman though, those dormans break it. They make
they do, especially during the holiday season. They get thousands
and thousands and tips, especial here in Manhattan. Yeah, right now.
My garage guy, he was such a jerk to me
in November. All of a sudden, it's December two. He's

so nice. He knows, he knows what time it is. Listen,
in my building, they put a list of like everyone
who works in the building, like a concierge, and they
put a list of everyone's name. I'm sposed they don't
put a picture. Next time I don't see you, you
don't get the full amount. Back when, back in the
day when I lived in Brooklyn, no way, because I
was like, you know what, these people work in shifts.
If if you are not working on my shift, that

is true. I will give the people who opened the
door for me daily or help me bring up my
fresh strike. This was back when I lived in Brooklyn.
But there were some of the people I legitimately I
had no idea who they were. I would never see them.
And they are some people that don't even look up
sometimes I walk in. I'm like, so the conciergees is
not going to say good morning, right, got it? Okay,
you're watching that Netflix? Ok good, that'll pay you this
holiday season. Then I came in and the security guard

was sleep stop sleep sleep. Okay, Well I duck ten
dollars for every time you're watching Netflix over sleep on
the job. No, it's true, it is. It's tipping season.
And the one the one area where I don't skimp
on is with teachers, teachers, my kids teachers. That's me.
With my beauty people. Oh yeah, you know what I'm

gonna ask you. If I go to my beauty person
every four weeks, what's a proper tip for the holiday?
Every four weeks she colors people. Once a month, she
colors my hair. Yeah, I've got grays, I got hellic
on us. I would probably give it a hundred dollars
for like the entire year. I give her a envelope
with a hundred bucks on because they're from that. Yeah,
because it's like an extra tip, Yeah yeah, yeah for

taking good care me. Sometimes she'll throw in a couple
of extra foils. I'm like, cook me up. I'm looking
a little bit like that, you know, because then't remember
then you're gonna have your your lash, your brow, your nail.
So it's like if you start got to do that consistent.
I don't do lash and you don't. I'll do my nails.
I do my nails like very infrequently. I do the
home nail. Yeah, like right now, this this is actually

from the salon last week. Teach me your ways, Caroline girl.
I wanted to see all the way. You know why
necessity is the mother of invention right well, because when
I was broke, I used to do my toes myself.
Oh you gotta do you know what you need to
do yoga. You gotta be really flexible to do your toes.
I'll tell you why. Because you gotta get that knee
up there. You get a proper brush joke. But yeah,

when I was on television, you couldn't go on TV
or I wouldn't go on TV without, um, you know,
a proper nail. Ghe nails. Never. That's why I do
a neutral nail. And I always do a neutron nail
because and um no, I mean I pad through a
little rhine stone here and there. But I would always
have like a neutral color. And then I just started
to learn I would watch the nail people and I

was like, you know what, I could do this at home,
like a quick touch up in between one week on,
one week off. That's a great way to save. But yeah,
so holiday tipping season it's coming around, and like everybody's
out here looking for a tip. Man, I'm telling you,
I don't know what to do. It's like where where
do I cut back to start baking? Maybe you can
give teachers cook's and brownies and show like that, Hey,

I maked you some cookies. No, because you know what
now people are like, I'm gluten free, I don't eat well. No,
the peanut butter and is serious. That's real. That can
go into shock. Everybody's allergic to everything, That's what I'm saying.
I'm allergic to high maintenance. Like you know, I'm allergic
to the bullshit. That's about it. I really am not
allergic to anything in this whole world. We either, but

we are. We should make a T shirt that says
life in Spanglish allergic to the bullshit exactly. Okay, there
you go. On that note, we hope you guys are
having a great holiday season. You have a great Thanksgiving.
Make sure that you email us Life in Spanglish podcast
at gmail dot com. You can get us on socials
and you can also subscribe to Life in Spanglish wherever

you listen to your podcast, so that when we upload
a new episode, you can get notified and follow us
on social media. I am honey, Jerreman. I'm at the
Real Carolina, and don't forget to go and watch that
Temptation Island. I'm telling you're going to get talk. Yes.
Oh when I did a blog for Thailand to have
it up on the website, oh yeah, tell everybody Honey
German dot com. So if you have any questions about Thailand,

I won't be answering them one by one because I
answered twenty detailed questions about the trip to Thailand, going
away from the visa process to what you're going to eat,
where you can stay, and what activities you can do
really quickly before we go. Question do you think having
a website is worth it? Now? Really? It's not. Even
people like Bowler Alert put everything on Instagram. Nobody goes

to websites anymore. I have it, and I updated every
now and then, but I don't think it's worth it anymore.
And everybody I know that has a website finds it
to be tedious and yeah and a pain and the ass.
All right, well, I guess there goes Carolina bermudas dot com. Um.
All right, So on that note, we'll be back next week. Guys,
have a great one.
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