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October 24, 2023 • 30 mins
Tony, Ice & MoJoe recap the When We Were Young Festival and our Las Vegas Aces championship parade. Plus, one of us got to experience Green Day in a small room and the Sphere. Listen to hear the stories behind those experiences.
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Episode Transcript

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Live from Fremont's Street Experience in fabulousdowntown Las Vegas. It's the podcast that
celebrates our city. This is LivingLas Vegas, celebrating win City. We
are the city the champions here inLas Vegas. I like that. It's
crazy to think for the first onehundred and thirteen some odd years of our

existence, we didn't even have professionalsports in Las Vegas. Right and now,
last twelve thirteen months, we've hadthree professional sports championships, big time
and a big parade to celebrate eachone of those. Last night, the
one for the Aces. It wasgreat to see everybody show up except for
two Chains, who was an hourlate. But other than that, it

looked like a party. I wishI could have been there. That looked
like an amazing celebration. I watchedit from the comfort of my couch and
it looked well did It looked likemaybe the crowd wasn't as big as they
were hoping it would be. Downthere. It was, you know,
a Monday night after a busy weekend, tough to get down to the strip.
Lot of negativity on the strip aboutgetting around with f one stuff,
and I think I think it hurtthem. Maybe from an attendance standpoint down

there last night? Was it onMonday? Was it on Monday? Last
night? It was? I don'tlast I want I want to say it
was a weekday. I know itwas a weekday. It was either a
Tuesday or Wednesday. I feel likeI don't know why I thought it was
a Friday last year. I don'tthink so. But yes, you're right.
The f one stuff is a bitof an I sore and a deterrent
for at least a little bit.But it's still awesome to have another celebration

in the city. Yeah, andobviously it didn't stop them from really enjoying
celebrating with the fans who did comeout right. You know, obviously the
ladies from the Aces had a greatnight last night. But I mean,
you'd kind of loved to see you'dlove to see the plaza as full as
it was for the Golden Night,or maybe even as full as it was

last year. It just didn't seemlike it was as big a crowd.
Yeah, but that's okay. Celebrationis a celebration, and you know,
especially knowing all the deterrence that arehappening right now on the streets, tough
to get down there, tough toget around, right, especially on a
Monday night at five o'clock when youknow traffic has been brutal lately. So
for what we've had over the pastfew years, do you think they would
have gotten a bigger crowd if they'dhave done what we said and taken it

out to like Water Street and Henderson. Yes, I've been a bigger crowd
in Henderson. We've got a biggercrowd in Summerland and I she were there.
We had a bigger crowd for thewatch party on the on the night
the Night's one and on Water Streetthan they had at the Plaza last night.
Yeah, you think so. Theaces, absolutely there was. There
was easily eight ten thousand people atWater Street. It felt maybe not quite

that big. Well, it wasalso my birthday, so I had some
adult beverages and that's probably what mostof them showed up for sure. Right,
I want to talk more about Vegassports because it was a crazy weekend
in w NLV got a big win. Our Nights are undefeated, which is
an awesome way to start the season. They played a night at the Fortress.
Okay, that's Vegas sports. Imean that's the Yeah, that's the

rep. It's all good except forthe Raiders and the UNLV Rebels are eligible
for a bowl game. Now,it looks like all eligible once you hit
sick wins. So what does that? What does that look like? What
bowl? Do you see that happening? How the rest of the year goes,
they end up nine and one orten in one or I don't know
how many games are on their schedulethis year, but if they only lose
one, including whatever Mountain West championshipmay be out there for them, sure,

and they're in the conversation for allthat. No matter how you slice
and dice it, it's the mostsuccessful UNLV football season in a long time.
It's like the nineties, right,big win for them over the weekend,
So love to see them continue this. Right. The only ranked team
that they have to face in theirregular schedule is the Air Force November eighteenth.
That's a tough one nineteenth rank,that's the I mean, but a

win there is huge, right tobeat a ranked team after you know,
a successful season anyway, you beata ranked team pretty pretty big. And
their only loss of this season istwo number two Michigan. Right, if
you're gonna take an L. That'sprobably the Michigan was probably cheating. I
mean yes, I mean they're underinvestigation for cheating, right, Yeah,
I didn't know that, but we'regonna call it cheating. And that's that's

an L with an asterisk, right, So that's going on. Yes,
the Raiders, blah blah blah.We want to talk. We want to
talk Halloween, and we want totalk about our weekends. Let's be in
with the Halloween and start with theweekends. I like that. Let's go
kind of in order here, startingwith Tony's epic night Thursday, which,
for you to go out like thaton a school night is a rarety.
You don't typically do too much ofthat, right, I think if you

are offered tickets to see Green Dayin a room that holds a thousand people,
you know, in a club,it doesn't matter the night of the
week, you're you're going, right. So that was a special opportunity,
one that I was lucky to begiven. And yeah, absolutely wanted to
go see that. Just a coupleof blocks away from us here Fremont Country
Club. I didn't really know howthat whole building is situated, Like there's

the there's the front facing sort ofthe corner part of what used to be
Seers that's like a billiard's hall,right and a bar, and then on
the other side is the ballroom partand that's the Fremont Country Club. Okay,
so billiards and something or other ison one side and then Fremont Country
Club on the other side. Soyou kind of go through the billiard's place,
and then you end up in thatroom, which was just a really
cool club atmosphere. Green Day wentthrough the entire Dukie album. You had

a crowd that was a little warm. It was a little sweaty in there,
but uh oh, I was like, what so they were drippy?
Yeah, it was hot in there. Yeah, so we had yeah,
but we had a great time.That looked and they played drinks doukie front
to back. I mean they didthat's rare. That's special, you know,
it's I think they had a goodtime and the crowd had a great
time and everybody knew it was somethingthat was unique and it was going to

be one of those things you'd talkabout for a long time, right.
I think you said it on atweet on air. Tony m great,
great person to follow for local stuffhere in Las Vegas. If you want
once a week tweets, what youlack in quantity, you you gain in
quality for sure, and put alot of thought into the one tweet a
week. But what you did saywas this is a it looks like an

old timer, and that was anAlzheimer that looked like an old timer.
Way to go. Yeah, Imean, it's easily the best downtown Las
Vegas show I've ever seen. Andlook, we have some great shows,
right, we have the whole DowntownRocks Free concert series. We have.
You know, there's a lot ofgood shows down here. Obviously Life is
Beautiful, which I've actually never beento because our festival is on the same

weekend the iHeart Festival. But froma downtown Las Vegas standpoint, I'm not
sure you could top this Green Daywith under a thousand people in that place,
pretty incredible. My FOMO was onan all time high for sure that
night, but we did get toget our Green Day in. I was
just gonna say, you got yourfix too. You know, It's funny
I didn't on purpose go see Alltime low three times this weekend, but

I ended up seeing them three timesthis weekend, which is an all time
high. Thank you, thank you. I'm here all week. Friday night
took the thirteen year old to gosee All Time Low at the Pearl Theater.
Love that venue. Yes, Ijust tay for granted, how good
the sound is in that room,Like it's not piercing, but it's full.
You get the chest vibrations from thebase, but it's not like piercing

your ear loud. It's just sucha great sound room. It tells me
one of my favorite groups is atthe Pearl. I'm there. It's just
so good. I agree with you, even if it's just a borderline like
group. I kind of like,you know you're gonna have a great night.
It's comfortable in there. It feelslike, you know, that same
vibe that Green Day was in overhere at the club. It feels small
and intimate. Yeah, so andthe Pearl Man they had the I Agree,

which is by the way where theninety five to five of the Buwl.
Saint Jude Santa Jam will be Decembertenth with a great lineup including Parmalee
and a bunch more and it benefitsa great cause. Tickets start at thirty
dollars ninety five five the bull dotcom. Don't miss that, No,
don't miss that. But I tookmy thirteen year old. It was kind
of her first punk show really thatshe's ever been to. That wasn't part
of our iHeartRadio Music festival. Sowe did the fourth thing for half the

show and then we got found aseat up top, which there's no bad
seat in that venue, so thatwas great. My buddy was supposed to
fly in from Tampa. He missedhis flight and we had VIP for Saturday.
Wow, so we're like, well, now what my thirteen year old's
like, I want to go.All right, let's do your first festival.
So I took my thirteen year oldto her first festival when we were
young. Unbelievable weekend and what afestival. And Ice was there to be

your first one, right, youknow what I'm saying. She was a
rock star. She had a greattime. Now, now, remember last
week when we were talking, Ididn't know if I was going to this
festival. Oh, you made yourway there. I knew you would.
I made my way, and uh, it was the only reason why I
went there was for good Charlotte.I had to go and say good Charlotte,
which not to take away from thatyou had a moment. But Sunday

they I cried Sunday they brought outLol Wayne with them. Yeah, I
know, but is that pure goodCharlotte. No. It was a cool
moment though, But yeah, aboutthere was a lot of those surprise pop
up shows. Yeah, Avroll showedup, Tony Hawk showed up with the
gold Finger and performed. There's alot of those cool like oh I didn't
know they were going to be there, kind of moments. And that's a
neat festival. I mean, it'sbig. They s had like eighty six

thousand people capacity. It's massive.But those side stages are not small at
all, Like they all felt likeheadline the stages. I need to go
do more festivals there. And Ithink I mentioned I was going to do
this in the last podcast. Parkat Resorts World because you know the rewards
card you get, you get freeparking if you have one of those,
it doesn't cost anything. Good localhack right there, but they were doing

forty dollars event parking when I pulledup and I was like, oh crap,
and I showed him my card.They're like, oh, you're good.
I was like, nice, andit's you know, less than a
mile of a walk. I'm like, that's the move. Yeah, I
paid fifty bucks to park when youcan just take a few extra steps and
get for free. If it's free, it's for me. So that was
a I'm going to take that intoconsideration. But by day two, man,

my dogs are barking, and I'mlike, I can't believe he went
back. Well, I didn't doany of the side stage stuff. On
day one. My thirteen year oldand she wanted to stay parked in VIP
so we did that and saw themain acts. But I wanted to go
see some you know, Simple Planand Goldfinger and MxPx and some of these
smaller bands that were great. Imean, so I got to do that
and I was home by eight o'clockon Sunday night, So there you go.

But Green Day shut it down.Blink one eighty two was great.
They played a bunch of new music, which you know, it's fine,
the new album's great, but theyleft some hits on the table. Offspring
killed it, yes, some fortyone, Oh my gosh, I don't
sleep on them. No, Andyou know what's crazy to me is that,
like seeing them on stage, theyall look like they haven't aged at
all. Yeah, no, nodoubt, you know, like Derek from

Some forty one still as like tinyand skinny as ever looking dope. I'm
like, dude, I need tobe on whatever they are are. The
thing that my biggest takeaway from thatfestival, and kudos to I guess not
just the organizers, but the fans. You know, when you go to
any any kind of festival, whetherit be a metal show, a rock
show, a country show, evenpop shows, there's a bit of mo
cheesy mode. That's that the rightword? What are you trying to say?

No? What? There's a bitof not bullying, But I'm a
I'm a tough guy going to theshow and I'm going to walk in front
of you and I had I've experienceda little bit of that. I see
any of that. It just feltlike a bunch of people there to have
a good time. Everyone seemed prettyrespectful and there was a good vibe.
I feel like I had some meangirls who were standing in front of me
at Good Charlotte, but then again, it could have just been like me

being like super loud, and maybeI ruined their experience because I was like
super in my feels in my moment, I was feeling paranoid or I don't
know. They were just kind oflike looking back at me, and I
was just like uh. But thenlike towards like the end of the set,
like they took pictures of me andthey were like starting to become my
friend. So I don't know whatwas going on, but I felt a
little mean girl. They probably sawflavor of love and we're just too afraid

to ask for the autograph of theselfie, right and and and no offense.
But I think you know, youwere having some beverages and I was
reading yes, yes, yeah,Sobriety can tell you that it was.
It was a uniquely good vibes inthat crowd. Yeah, and maybe it's
because everyone's old. The feet arehurting, the lower back face. One
of the things I noticed at theGreen Day line, because I stood in
that line for like an hour andfifteen minutes, was it was a great

mix of all ages. There weredefinitely young people there in their early twenties.
One of the girls I met hadflown in from Florida to meet her
friend here, and they were definitely, you know, probably under twenty five.
Both of them and then the otherpeople behind me were like my age,
you're older and right, so itwas well, they sold tickets like
they planned to be here and justhappened to be able to get ticket.

That's crazy. They will probably gointo the festival maybe. Oh yeah,
good point. You know. Yeah, the older lady said she wasn't going
to the festival, that she gotthe tickets. I don't know how that
all ended up. And she camefrom Australia. I don't know how that
all. Maybe she was already planningon being here that weekend. Anyway,
my point is there were lots ofages and the and the mood was right
and good. Nobody had some kindof attitude. What word were you trying

to use? Cheese, the machosen the mochiese no, I don't know
me and words they're hard. Butit didn't feel like the tough guy thing.
You know, there's good people areflexing and pushy, and it was
very respectful, portive, respectful.When you got eighty thousand people together doing
that, it's a great night.And they can also go the other way

too, real easily. And yeah, outside of that little experience, which
probably was just me being paranoid andme being in my own head. I
just had so many fun conversations.Because after Good Charlotte, you and I
split up mojes and I just endedup going to do my own thing,
which I always do. It wasjust do like the Irish goodbye and don't
like to see you. But Ijust met so many people from all over

the country, dude, and itwas just cool to share that moment with
strangers and did feel old when wewere young? You said you saw other
people around that made you feel likeyou know people your own age. Was
there a nice younger crowd too.It was a good mix. But your
daughter, yeah, looking forward toit and excited about it. Yeah,
And look there's a lot of bandsthat appeal to young people too. And

I mean she she like five secondsa summer, which that's not my thing.
But and we got to see thirtyseconds of Mars again, so that
was great. Oh what a show. One night too, I went to
Simple Plan. I was like,man, this crowd is exceptionally large.
Yeah, because like the side stage, it's more not wide but narrow.

Yeah, so the crowd goes backfurther. So we went kind of close
to the front of the pit,and as we're walking back, it felt
like we just kept walking, likekept going through people. I'm like,
how big is this crowd? Andthen I looked a glance over at the
main stage and Jared Leto was upthere. I was like, oh,
that explains it. They were comingover to this show because driven a second.
Yes, exactly that. But yes, there was a good array of

because it's not good the thirty secondstomorrow stuff. Okay, thank you for
saying that. I went ahead andjust I didn't want to anymore. Like,
bro, I get it. Youwere in my soul called life in
the nineties and people know who youare in your movie star. Some people
still love they kill a great song, not live. It ain't not anymore.
I don't know if it ever was. Sorry, but he knows how

to schmooze. The always shouted you. Notice this. He did it at
iHeart Festival, shouting out all theorganizers by name. Yeah, did it
at this one too. I waslike, this guy is political, he's
like work in the crowd. Iget it, but I don't get it.
But my point was there was alot of parents and kids with them.
I thought that was great. Ilove seeing that kind of musical taste

baton being handed down to the nextgeneration. And obviously there's some common ground
that you can relate to your teamwith. I love that, yeah,
absolutely, and I certainly did thesame. And shout out to the staff
and everybody who helped put that eventon man. I mean like from the
beginning I picked up, you know, the credentials to you know, hitting
the bar, like everybody was juston point and polite and free water,
free water and just doing their jobwith the smile on their face. And

that that you know, can makethe experience or not for you too.
And that weather on Sunday, man, with that breeze, I don't know
we could have had better weather fora festival than that. They were owed
some great weather after last year andwhat happened with that. Yeah, they
ended up canceling a day last year, right because they got so windy and
right, oh yeah, that's aright. I forgot about that. But
a new respect for the for thefestival grounds. And when we were leaving,

we were driving up the Strip.I don't know why we ended up
going that way, but I didn'trealize it. Butts up right to Las
Vegas, Boulevard. Oh yeah,the main stage. I guess I didn't
realize the where it was, butthe uh they were the offspring were doing
that that very vulgar part of badhabit. It's over rocking bind I rolled
down the window with my kid,all I hear, is you stupid that

part? Oh of all times Ihave the window down, yeah, i'd
But that's a cool spot. Ihighly recommend going to see a festival there.
It looks like they have kind ofa festival for every genre at this
point at that the next one beingSick New World. Yep, it's cool
to hear you give it the highrecommendation because they had some negativity after Lovers
and Friends. I know Sick NewWorld last year went pretty well, but

I think there was a power outageat one point, and power outage knocked
out like a whole performance from oneof the key bands a lot of people
were going to see. So it'smaybe they're sort of getting the habit down
right. And this is kind ofa new spot. Las Vegas Festival Grounds
when I first came here really hadonly hosted one or two big festivals,

and as I recall, I don'tremember them having gone really well. But
then we did our daytime stage therefor a couple of years, and then
they started adding the Sick New Worldand the you know and the when we
were young and lovers and friends.It seems like there's another one out there
too, So it'sfest with Imagine Dragonsin a couple of weeks for that.
Yeah, does my SEMA credential getme into that? Or do I have

to buy an additional ticket? Becausethat actually looked kind of great. What
a sima? I don't know.I have no idea. It's an auto
convention. It's interesting. Yeah,it's a lot of people in the UH,
the automaker and dealer business who comehere to UH to see cars and
be involved in that kind of aconvention. And that's a show that they

haven't really publicized very much. FirstI'm hearing about it. Yeah, I
mean, Imagine Dragons is the bigheadliner, but there's some other really cool
bands on Incubis Wits Khalifa. There'sa good line. Yeah, it's interesting.
That is that's a great point there, that's where they're having it.
I saw the sign for it.I assumed that we were driving by when
we were young. When I sawthe sign. So yeah, and the
other thing I was going to mentiontoo an observation and you might have experienced

this at Green Day Ice. Idon't know if you did. When you
talk to these people who are flyingin from all different points of the country
in the world, when they hearyou from Las Vegas, they're like,
oh, that's so cool. There'slike a sense of pride you get from
saying, yeah, I'm a local, you know what I mean, like
out of town. That's just thecoolest thing. I don't know if you
experienced that too, what I experiencedin line. And I'm going back to
a conversation I had with somebody fromsouthern California who was in that line for

Green Day. They were like,I'm like, yeah, everybody from California
is moving here. They're like,oh why, Like they were negative about
it. Oh really Yeah, I'mlike, I live here and I love
it. Oh what's it like?You know, so some people aren't aware
of how great it is. Let'skeep it that way. Yeah, right,
and we don't have to. ButI was, of course singing the
praises of Las Vegas, and I'mlike, I'm surprised you're not already planning

a move here. It was abeautiful So this was Thursday night. It
was a beautiful night. Everybody wasin a good mood. We were in
downtown Las Vegas, which I thinkis great. Some people when you're hanging
out in downtown Las Vegas, Iguess some people don't think it's fantastic.
I don't know why. It's awesome, Especially was that night, so you
know, it was kind of tryingto talk them out of moving here.
Yeah, Telly and I were talking, like when we were young, like

how much of that crowd was fromout of town and how much of it
were locals? And everybody who Ihad talked to and had a conversation with
was from out of town. Yeah, most people I talked to us from
out of town. I don't Idon't know that I even encountered local besides
you. Yeah, because I thoughtthat's a good point. On one second,
this is a podcast called Living LasVegas. You're saying not a lot
of people listening were at that.No. I mean I just didn't run

into them, that's all. Ididn't talk to a ton of people.
You were a social butterfly. Yeah, how many do you how many locals
percentage wise? Do you think isthat when we were young. I'm curious
to know a complete guess. Iwould probably say thirty forty percent, thirty
percent locals, Okay, awesome?Is it higher than I should be guessing
we were like ten percent? It'sall a guest. I'd love to see

the data me too, I'm curious. Yeah, I don't like to see
final attendance too. Same, That'swhat I'm saying. Yeah, yeah,
if anybody who's listening who has that, or if you guys know who to
call. I'm just curious to knowhow many tickets did they sell to people
from Vegas. Yeah, you candm us on Instagram or Twitter or I'm
sorry X or threads at Living LVpod. Curious to know that the answer
to that. Yeah, but again, with so many festivals they're developing in

that festival ground, that's a coolspot. I enjoyed that. Although I
realized that I'm not as young asI used to be preached into the court,
have enjoyed it a lot more whenI was young. I see what
they did there. So that wasthe weekend. Let's move to the parade.
Yeah, we talked about the parade. I guess, yeah, so
last night I did something else thatI thought the weekend would be hard to
top. I went to the spherefinally, Okay, unreal. Yeah,

I'm not even gonna try to doit justice with words, because it's beyondwards.
You saw that movie right there,Aaron Krofsky eighteen k Postcards from Earth.
What it feels like you've done soaringover California at Disneyland, where you
get in the seats and you flyover, it's gonna smells so good.
They got the sense and they dothat here too. They do, yes,
the sense and the wind. Soat certain points when it's windy,

you feel the wind coming at youwhat so, and the seats vibrate so
it feels like you're moving. Butyou know it's like four D. Yeah,
it's it's special. It's expensive.And by the way, we did
so expensive. What's the ticket pressin ninety bucks plus ticketmaster fees? You
know how that goes? But theit wasn't full, which again, why
don't they just drop the price andfill it up? Right? This shows

I said seven o'clock on the ticketdidn't start till eight. They want you
to spend an hour in the lobbytalking to the robots and stuff so they
can get all the information and whateverthey do. Where did you talk to
the robot? I didn't. Iwatched a bunch of people do it.
I got some social but it,uh, I just didn't want to give
any information. If started asking mequestions, I'm like, I ain't answering
that I've seen terminator and that onend. Well, now, jeez,
I'm a little paranoid to that.It's a very special venue. And you

talked. You did a great jobof summing up what it was like to
walk through that. Yeah, quoteunquote concourse, because it does not feel
like that at all. They've gotholograms in there and the robots and it's
just and the sound when you walkthrough the tunnel to get to your section,
you feel the sound changing, likeit's like a like a recording studio,
just a dead room where can snapinto. It's just unbelievable. Yeah,

I haven't been in it since itwas finished. I was in there,
well, it was still under construction. It was getting close. But
but yeah, that's cool to hearyou say. You said you're not going
to try to put it into words, but you put it into some words,
right, I mean, there's somethings I needed to explain to what
it was, but uh yeah,it's it's it's emotional, it's very moving.
Oh well, you know it's obviouslythere's an underlying theme about taking care

of our planet. But right,yeah, it was pretty special the way
it was put together and the amountyou feel like we should take care of
our planet. Now I'm gonna,you know what, I'm going to take
things out of the trash and putthem in the recycled bin. Now,
thank you, Darren Muskowski or whateveryou know that guy. Yeah, no,
cheesy, I don't know that word. I don't know. Okay,
finally tonight, what I'm going todo Halloween too, but our golden So

you said parade, but then youtalked about the sphere, I said,
we talked about the parade, okay, yeah, and we talked about the
Nights undefeated going for seven straight winstonight. Yeah, I looked up with
the what the longest wind streak inNHL history is? Thank you? What
is? It's seventeen games? Hseventeen. Now, look, this team
could do it. I mean,you know, that's a hard feat to

accomplish, but six in a rowis hard to accomplish, and why not
dream dream it up? Who knowseight o'clock, So that's gonna be awesome.
And it's here at the Fortress,so nice the seventh or the sixth,
the seventy seventh. Yeah's get that'sawesome. Let's get so eighteen is
the record? We got to hit? Hit eight Let's hit eighteen. I
like it. We'll awful little eighteengame win streak to start off a second?

Like it. Let's go full Blackjacktwenty one straight, come on,
sounds good. I like it.Let's move to Halloween real quick. You've
you've gathered a ton of things happeningaround town. Do you kind of want
to run through all this so peoplecan be pointing in the right direction as
we move into what is going tobe a action packed Halloween weekend this weekend?
Yeah, absolutely. I feel wetouched on Gilcrease Orchard a little bit
in an episode or two or go, but that'll probably be so busy this

weekend. So if you're going goearly, try and go on a weekday,
you know, the rest of thisweek. If you can get the
doughnuts and then let me know howgood they are, because they're amazing.
And something cool that's starting on thetwenty sixth Tommy's Express car Wash. I've
never seen a car wash to dothis before. Tunnel of Terror. It's
a hunted car wash that's going tobe open for three days, Like I

said, starting on the twenty sixI love that, and it's from six
to ten again Tommy's car Wash.The exact location is for five to five
five West End Road. They're gonnaoffer Tunnel of Terror experiences with crazy scary
ride, pop up looking dressed teammembers and just wild things. Dude,
while you're getting your car wash,get your car wash, and the real

ones roll the windows down, bythe way, what, I'm kiddy?
What? No, you start achallenging Wait wait my car's soaked now?
Yeah? Do you think it wasgonna happen it's a car wash? No
way, dude, I kind ofwant to do that. And I purposely
haven't gotten my car washed just soI can check that out too. What's
the admission? Do you have thaton here? The emission is twenty bucks.
That's not bad. That's not badfor an experience. That's cool.

And you know what I'm kind ofbummed out about is, like, you
know, we were just talking about, you know, before we started the
podcast, how much I love Halloween. But I'm just like not, I
don't know, I'm just I'm likeworn out. I'm like beat, I
just don't want to do anything.I haven't gone to a haunted house I
can't tell you and how many years, but like this could check that box,
you know what I'm saying. Feelstoday you're riding the wave after a
big weekend. You were exhausted,you weren't feeling great yesterday. Get to

like the second half of this week, and I bet your attitude changes as
you start to feel better and you'relike, all right, what are we
doing? Yeah, it's time toget my costume ready, dude. And
if not, you can come trickor treating with me or with Tony,
Okay I could. I'll be oneof your guys' kids. This is cool.
Well, I think we actually talkedabout this too, that year round
of horror experience that's going to openup here in Las Vegas. Yeah,

when is the Universal's Halloween Horror Nights? And it's that's gonna be year round.
It's gonna be a part of thetwenty acre expansion of Area fifteen.
It doesn't really say when when they'redoing that, when it's going to be,
you know, coming to life,but hopefully soon because I want to
check that out seriously, dude.And then moving on to if you if
you're getting married here in Las Vegas, a lot of our Las Vegas wedding

chapels are offering spooky themed weddings aheadof folloween. That's something that I would
do. I would do like aChucky themed wedding. I would do like
a Freddy or like a Friday thethirteenth. I don't know. I'm just
like big into that kind of stuff. I like a unique, a unique
experience. You know, you willcut the bride. I don't know.
That's weird to me. I don'tknow. Whatever, Hey, if it's

your thing, then check it out. I mean, if you're a horror
fan, that's a cool way tohave your nuptials. I guess have Chucky
say you guys are friends still bein or just Jason going, do you
job? I'm done? And thenwhere Tony starts to be like, I
think we're done with your jokes,Joe. I think it's hilarious. Could
you not tell? And then civilly, how do we did. We agree

how we say Tivily Tivoli? Yeah, I think it's dude or Tivoli.
I don't know. I think Tonycorrected me because I think you're it's Civily.
But you guys, how would Iknow? But they just got a
bunch of Halloween stuff going on everyThursday, so you probably have like this
Thursday from six to eight, yougot live music that they're going to be
doing out there for you. Saturday, the twenty first, that was last

weekend. Halloween movie Night is comingup this uh, this Saturday, the
Nightmare before Christmas. That's what they'regoing to be showing. So that'll be
cute. Well, I mean,you know sometimes that's you know, what
you got to do for the kids, all right, Mojo. And of
course around this time of year,I saw ojiv scaryew years ago. It
was a scary moment. Was hecutting in line? It was thank you?

It was a harvest like farmers market, what like a harvest farmers market?
And Oj Simpson was there. Theyhad just gotten out of prison like
a week before, and we justdefinitely didn't expect to see oj walking by
wow enjoying a beautiful day in LasVegas at the farmers Market looking at new
knives, or he's making love looknice and bloody. And of course,

right here on Freemont Street, Rockand Corps is gonna be kicking off.
When did they kick that off onThursday? You can even go down there
right now, start celebrating, becauseI bet you there's gonna be a lot
custom a lot of creepy costume peopleout there right now. Be safe whatever
you do. Yeah, I wantedto go around the room too, since
you know Halloween is next week anda lot of people watching horror movies this
weekend. Favorite scary movie, Okay, well I can start, go ahead.

I think Tony, you got definitelyThe Exorcist. The Exorcist is by
far one of my favorite scary moviesof all time, no matter how many
times I've seen, it's always gonnaget me in my feels, and one
that I'm going to watch tonight.I just want to point out that this
fourth grade teacher in Miami played thismovie for his fourth grade students that left
them traumatized. It was Winni thePooh, Blood and Honey, and it's

not a kid friendly movie. Itis rated NR, so no rating and
he played it legit for like twentyto thirty minutes, and these kids are
freaking out, So the parents arefreaking out, and I'm like, oh,
I want to watch that. Wheredid this happen? This was in
Florida. A fourth grade teacher playedMooney the Pooh, Blood and Honey.
So I think I looked it up. You could stream it on Amazon Prime.
So I'm gonna do that tonight andI'll let you guys make better decisions

than to show that to children.That's really yeah, exactly, Tony.
You I think mine is not ahorror movie per se. You know Cape
Fear? Do you know the movieCape? Maybe that's it, Like it's
a scary, scary movie. Idon't have to horror movie, right,
yeah, yeah, yeah, Idon't know. If I have a favorite
horror movie, He'll have Eyes tothe remake. Oh, the remake,
the one in the nineties, latenineties. Interesting because I haven't seen that.

I don't think highly recommend. Myfavorite villain is Freddy, but the
there's a new one. It's analien abduction kind of movie, but it's
a horror movie at the same time. It's a there's no one left to
save you and it's on Hulu.Came out this year brand new. If
you want to see something scary thatinvolves aliens, you know we are in
your area. If you want athat is on Hooley, you can check

that out. Dude, you knowit would be cool if we all took
a trip to the Clown Hotel andTon of Pa. Come on, dude,
no Halloween is you know what?Maybe that's what I'll do this weekend.
Is the whole thing haunt And I'vebeen by it a few times.
Obviously it's really weird looking, freakingky, but so that's the deal. It's
supposed to be. Every room is, every room is themed differently, and

it's all supposed to be haunted.It's right next to a cemetery. Oh
okay, I hadn't seen the cemetery, but obviously driving through there, you
can't miss the Clown Motel. Youguys, enjoy that. I'll be rocking
back and forth. Curl up ina corner over here, and no hard
pass on that. Whatever you do, just be safe. There are weirdos
who like to try and make thisa bad night for people, So be

safe and know your surroundings and wearbright color clothes and all that because people
drive stupid here, too true.And I guess we'll be back on Halloween.
Okay, that's scary. Next week, and tell them we'll be around
doing what we do here, livingin Las Vegas
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