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Longhorn Weekly with Coach Star. Heis brought to you by Pluckers. We
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World Casino and Resort your place tofeed you like a star. Rico an
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Best in Texas by Saint David's Set, official healthcare provider of Texas Athletics,
and by Texas Lottery. Longhorn fansplay the Texas Lottery today. The Texas
Lottery proudly supports Texas education and veterans. Now here's the voice of the Longhorns,
Craig Way. Hello again everyone,and welcome. So another edition of
Loghorn Weekly with Coach Sart coming.You're right from Pluckers the West Campus location
here in Austin and presented by theTexas Lottery. Well was Texas long worn
team nine in one and the bestrecord for the log Worn since two thousand
and nine. The best starts nineand one, and I know you're happy
to be nine and one even therehave been some pretty exciting finishes of the
last couple of weeks. There havebeen the exciting finishes. But you know,
as I was talking to a coupleof people the other day, some
of the games might have been alittle ugly, but I sure as heck
would much rather win ugly than losepretty. Right, I've never lost a
game pretty. But I'm really proudof our team. They continue to fight,
they continue to show resiliency, theycontinue to find different ways to win
games, to make plays at criticalmoments. And when I go back and
I think back to our first yearhere when we were going through that five
games and how many games we lostto where we had the lead, then
we couldn't make those plays in thosecritical moments and we end up losing those
games. And so the fact thatwe've grown into the team that we are
today, I'm really proud of theteam. And more work to be done,
though. What was it that coachRoyer used to say, old ugly
beat told nothing. I think Ithink it was the one one of his
many phrases. But you know,there was a lot that wasn't ugly about
the win over TCU. There wasa lot that was really really good and
impressive to see, and even thoughit was disappointing in the injury to Jonathan
Brooks. He had a marvelous game. He had several guys that had standout
performances. For you, no,we really did, you know, on
the offensive side of the ball,Like you mentioned Jonathan Brooks, I mean,
you know what a play makes onthe screen pass he goes over one
hundred yards again rushing the football.Thought. Xavier had a fantastic game,
hit ten catches, also got twopass interference calls, which is exciting for
everybody. You know, a dmitch with three really huge plays in that
game. You know, he catchesthe fade for the touchdown, the backed
up ball on the sidelines from ourown two, then obviously that fade go
ball there on third and twelve tokind of seal the game. Thought JT.
Sanders looked like he was back tohis old self. It was great
having Quinn back on the defensive sideof the ball. What Tavandre Sweat and
Byron Murphy continue to do is isjust pretty remarkable and quite frankly, as
a team, we played a greatthree quarters the fourth quarter of the game.
The fact that you know, wegave up twenty points in the fourth
quarter and gave up a lot ofthose chunk explosive plays and then couldn't possess
the ball. You know, wewent into that game saying to ourselves,
Hey, a year ago when wehad lost to TCU at home, we
had a bunch of third longs.We couldn't extend drives, we couldn't find
explosive plays on first and second down. Well, the other night we found
the explosive plays and we had eightthird and one to threes. The problem
was we were two for eight onthose third and one to threes, and
those are the ideal scenarios. Youwant to be in third and one to
three. So, like I tellthe team all the time, we're not
a finished product, right, andthere's always room for improvement, and so
there's definitely some things there for us, the most notably offensively, that short
yardage type offense has got to improve. I want to ask you something else
about a point you just made,and we'll get to talk about Jonathan Brooks
in a few minutes, because it'sunfortunately what happened to him. But you
said j T. Sanders are startingto feel like his old self, when
I think Jalen Gilbot was a whileto get healthy and feel comfortable again getting
back out. I know Jade Baronshad to fight through some injuries. I
mean, most of your secondary atone point or an others has taken its
lumps. How difficult is it?Jordan Whittington another one. How difficult is
it for a lot of your guysveterans even to understand and for them to
push through. They probably understand it, certainly better than the young guys to
push through and to continue to recoverwhile still remaining effective on the practice field,
and then when you need them ina ball game. Well, I
think that's the key to the drill. I mean, you just look at
the offensive line. Christian Jones didn'tplay the week before and he was back
out there, not probably not quiteone hundred percent. Kelvin had gone through
some ankle stuff earlier in the year. Obviously, what Quinn is doing.
You reference JT and what he hadto go through, you know, after
the OU game, and kind ofmoving forward, Jake Majors misses basically the
entire entirety of that OU game,so he's finally getting back to one hundred
percent. You referenced the secondary andkind of what that looked like Ethan Burke,
you know, the time he wasout to come back in. So
all in all, a lot ofguys have had to play a lot of
football for us, and now tostart to actually get healthy outside of Jonathan,
which we'll talk about. I know, it's a huge benefit for us
because now when we go play Imean I get to bring seventy guys to
Iowa State here Saturday night. Allseventy of those guys can and probably will
contribute some which shape or form toimpact the team. All right, And
then of course additionally, uh,the team comes through the game against TC
by making a big stile and thenreally, as you pointed out, and
then we're gonna have to end footballof the ball. I'm we'll here the
highlight later on the cash by aD. But there's a mentality, is
it that goes into the understanding gotto get a first down, got to
keep possession of the ball, gotto find a way to run out the
clock. Well, I think youknow one of the things, you know,
the the classic example is when we'reat Alabama, when you can take
the ball and you can run itevery down and you finish the game and
you're taking a knee and the game'sover and and and that's it. And
that kind of was not completely theplan because we throw it on first down
to to JT. But on seconddown we have a really effective run,
we get called for a holding penaltyand so now all of a sudden you're
sitting in second and then you gotto throw the fade. You have to
throw a pass on third and twelveto maintain possession. We throw the ball
to h to uh A d Mitchelland he makes a heck of a play.
So you do and call and executewhat the game requires in the moment.
And that's what that game required forus to go win. Uh And
like I said, our guy hasmade some some you know, big time
plays a critical moments to do that. All right, Now, before we
get to the break, the otherthing, I gotta ask you about what
you're wearing tonight for for folks,for folks who don't know, I mean,
this is a team USA USA nationalteam soccer sweatshirt and official this is
officially John Bianco. All right,this is officially licensed gear. Now to
a lot of the layman fans,Oh that's cool, Sark said, Hey,
go USA, because their matches iscoming up tonight after the show.
So you'd say, okay, goUsa, go Usa. But there's more
than that. I knew that youwere not only an accomplish football player,
but has been revealed on this programbefore an accomplished baseball plaer. I didn't
know what a soccer dude you werefor a while. Yeah. Well,
I grew up in a soccer family. Yeah. So my dad was a
huge soccer fan. My oldest brotherplayed collegiate soccer, was an All American
in college and played you know,gone on and had an opportunity to play
some professionally in soccer. So whenI was young, that's what we did.
You know, it was soccer andit was baseball. Uh. You
know, I really didn't play footballuntil the ninth grade. So I grew
up, you know, kicking thatball around and running around and playing club
soccer. And I thought I waspretty good until I started playing against the
really, really good guys and youfind out, man, I better find
another avenue. But in the end, I love the sport. I love
the fanfare that it provides. Iyou know, I just think internationally it's
it's unbelievable. And I think thegrowth, you know, I think so
much of soccer. People wanted itinstantaneously in the States just to pick up
and take storm, and it's takentime. But over time, I think
the MLS has improved. We've gotsome great players that have that have decided
to come obviously play here MESSI now, I thought from the women's perspective,
just the success that they've had onthe women's side internationally from a US perspective,
and and now the growth of wherewe're at that the talent pool here,
uh, I think is tremendous andso it's it's fun to see,
but it's it's also great to watch, you know, the other leagues around
the around the world. And Ihave to tell you, my favorite show
of all time is Ted Lasso.Oh, I got a lot of that
is my show. I probably watchedthat thing three times through all the way
through. So there's a lot ofreally cool stuff for coaches in there too
now. But uh, it's justI think it's a great sport. I
think it connects people, you know, beautifully around the world. And uh,
I'm excited that the USA Soccer ishere in Austin for a ball game
tonight. Yeah, so you've gotUSA Soccer against Trinidad Tobago. It's a
big CONCA Cap quarterfinal match and ahome and home which you don't you know,
and football, you don't really getthe home at homes unless you're in
the NFL, obviously, but thatthat's an unusual thing too, it because
they turn around and play what onMonday if any, they turn right around
and go back and so big match, big match, and you've got to
take care of the ones on yourhome turf. So I know they're all
excited for it, and it shouldbe a great atmosphere for sure. All
right, look forward to that obviously, looking forward to Texas and Iowa State.
We'll talk about the matchup with theCyclones. We welcome you back to
Longharton Weekly with coach Sart coming awayfrom Pluckers the West Campus location here in
Austin and presented by the Texas Likeby the way, before we get too
far away from soccer, congratulations toAnge Kelly and the Texas soccer team.
Long Horns will be playing in theNCAA Tournament in the second round, getting
ready for Florida State coming up tomorrow. Yeah, Angie's done a great job.
What a deal, you know,winning the Big twelve tournament and then
win in their first round match,and so challenge going on the road for
them too. We're pumped for you. Think about this. The university right
now has nationally ranked programs and Ibelieve it's six sports, six to seven
sports, football, men's basketball,women's basketball, soccer, volleyball, obviously
going for a Big Calf championship.This is this is a this is a
great time on campus. Let metell you something. So when I get
the job here, okay, I'mI'm miss Laurie Ell, and I are
staying in the AT and T ConferenceCenter, and so I've got Longhorn Network
like just on the team on acontinuous loot. And so you know,
I'm watching our women's basketball teams makingthe run of the tournament. Yep,
men's basketball wins the Big twelve conferencetournament that year. Volleyball is doing their
thing, and so you know,and now I'm thinking, so we win
the Director's Cup, and I'm thinkingevery single sport, every single sport,
and in most schools say this,it is real here, every single sport
is competing for a national championship.I went to Omaha that year. I
mean every single sport, softball,track, and field. I mean,
it is phenomenal what is going onhere. And it's something quite frankly,
that we use in recruiting. You'renot just coming to a football school.
You're coming to a school where youare rubbing elbows with an Olympic gold medal,
a swimmer, the number one amateurgolfer in the world, a top
ten draft pick in baseball NBA firstround draft. I mean, it is
every single sport and it is That'swhat to me. There's so many great
things, there's so many things thatmake the universe of Texas special and that
make our athletic department special. Butthe fact that there is not a sport
that doesn't either start, finish orsomewhere in there in the top ten,
top fifteen in the country every atsome point in their season. And to
me, there's nowhere else in thecountry that can come close to talking that
way. It's not close. Youand I have talked a lot about the
science of recruiting, because I knowthere's there is a real science, and
there's an art and all that otherkind of stuff that goes into in the
philosophy and things like that. Butyou know, I hadn't really thought about
it that much. I think youmade a good point about it, that
you're you're obviously recruiting the school,you're recruiting the community. Clearly you're recruiting
a program, but recruiting from theperspective of the other sports, the other
successful sports on campus. Do yousee that as an interest point when you're
talking to these young men about it, or that your staff is talking to
these guys about, Hey, lookI saw that the basketball team got to
the Elite eight, or you knowwhatever. Well, I think this.
I think we talk a lot aboutlike minded people right. Like minded individuals
push each other to be the best. And so when our guys are in
study hall, when our guys goto training table, we do it with
every other sport. Our football isnot separate, when you know, ours
is all inclusive. And so whenthey go to study hall, they're seeing
every other athlete. When they goeat lunch or dinner, they're seeing every
other athlete. At the end ofthe day, you're in line getting get
your food, you're sitting, you'resitting getting ready for your math test,
and you're in a tutoring session andthe gall across from is talking about,
yeah, we got our National Championshipmatch Saturday night, or yeah, you
know I I just set the collegiaterecord in the in the hunter in the
hundred meters last week, or yeah, hey, we're pitching to go to
Omaha. Here it's it's like,man, I better, I better pick
it up, right, I betterraise my game? Or how do how
do you sit there and hold aconversation when the best in the country are
are sitting there with you? Andso we do preach that a lot,
but I also think that that shouldmotivate our players, and hopefully our players
can motivate other athletes in their perspectivesports to or respective sports to be the
best that they can be. Andhopefully we inspire other student athletes to want
to come to the University of Texaswhen they get to come on their you
know, visits and you know,whether Vic Schafer's got a got a galon
an official visit and they're at dkR for a home game and feel that
energy in that vibe, and like, I want to be part of that.
And so I think we all playoff of one another. And like
I said, we've we've got greatcoaches here, and we've got great student
athletes and at a wonderful place.And I think a ton of credit goes
to CDC for the job that he'sdone and hiring and keeping the coaches we
have. I think a ton ofcredit goes to President Hertzel and his support
for athletics at the University of Texas. And I will say this too about
the student athletes here. They're notjust athletes. They are student athletes.
The student athletes here do a greatjob in school and so it takes a
lot of people to make that happen. So we're in a fortunate time and
era of Longhorn Athletics. And Ithink I hope everybody out there appreciates really
what's going on on the forty acresright now. From an athletics standpoint,
when you have a team going up, going through initial warm ups on the
field, it sounds like you noticeit. You look to the sideline and
you'll see basketball staff. There werethree big time recruits or you know.
And by the way, it wasannounced to Rodney Terry with the number three
national signing class for men's basketball wasannounced today that that was announced today.
Vic Shaffer got the number one signingclass in the country, and women's basketball
announced last week. But when theyhave perspective student athletes on the sidelines there
we're walking there. You notice that, don't you. I do. I
do, because you know, wehave our recruits down there, and I
really try to be as interactive asI can with the other sports recruits.
And I know r T that wasa huge one he got yesterday. I
mean that just a massive, massivedeal. And so I try to go
greet them as well, or they'llthey'll bring some of them by the office
and get a chance to be withthem, because hey, the better they
do, the better it is forus. And hopefully the better we do,
the better it is for them.And so like I said, it
all it all works together. Andif they're bringing them to a home game
of hours and that's part of theirofficial visit to decide to come to ut
Man, I sure as heck better. Hope we a we play really good,
that we've got a great atmosphere anddk R for the those kids to
see, Like I want to bepart of this in our students sections,
rocking and the whole thing, becausethat's what makes this play special. And
you know, at the end ofthe day, I know Austin is growing
and it's grown even in the threeyears I've been here, but this is
still a college town and the fortyacres are amazing. And so I'm hopeful
that these young kids, as theycontinue to come here, they appreciate it
that man, they're part of somethingpretty special right now, all right,
coming up, we're gonna get tosome of your questions for Coach Sark when
Longhorn Weekly with Coach Sark Premiere Pluckersand presented by the Texas Lottery continues in
a moment, and that only beginsto describe the play of what happened there
on the Quinn Youwers interception. Wewelcome you back to Longhorn Weekly with Coach
Sark. It's one thing, therewas the interception in great pursuit downfield,
but the effort of two guys afterthe interception. You had a lot of
guys involved in the play, buttwo guys, Jordan Whittington and Xavior Worthy,
were just tremendous. What happened afterthe pass had been thrown pretty incredible,
you know, because first of allthat the deep ball was intended for
Exavier and as the corner and thesafety converge, and he kind of gets
knocked down. The corner's laying ontop of Xavier at the twenty yard line,
so the TCU defender starts returning theball. Jordan Whittington dives to tackle
him at the thirty five and misses, and now he's on the ground,
So both of them are on theground as the return is happening. And
you know when anytime there's there's interceptionreturns and guys start weaving, you're just
holding your breath. A he doesn'tscore, because that's when it gets scary
and being nobody gets hurt because that'swhen a lot of injuries occur. Well,
as he's winding his way back.Of course, Jordan Whittington ends up
there because he's hustling like he likeyou would expect, that's who he is.
But he doesn't just try to tackle. We talk a lot, and
you talk a lot about like inpractice of applying the things you work on
and that you practice. We sayit all the time. Defenders have the
worst ball security of any player onthe field because they're not used to carrying
the ball. He doesn't try totackle him. He comes in and punches
the ball out, the balls loose, flying over two people is the Xavier
Worthy who just had ran fifty yardsto the twenties on the ground, gets
back up, runs back another fiftyand dives to recover the ball in the
pile. And so to me,like that was a really cool moment as
a head coach that probably most peoplewouldn't think. Why is the head coach
appreciated that because the first of ballwe talk to the players every day.
We critique effort first. So whenI grade the tape after every game,
I critique the effort of every playeron every play. Then I critique fundamentals,
technique, alignment, assignment scheme.And so when you're two of your
best players who have been in yourprogram for three years, play with that
effort on that play, and Icould go in Monday morning and show that
film if I'm a freshman and I'msitting there thinking, that's what it takes.
That's what a championship team, anda player on a championship team looks
like, that's how you have toplay all of the time. They didn't
pick and choose. They weren't worriedabout how many catches am I getting or
not. Jordan Winston, I thinkhad one ball thrown his way the other
night on forty one plays, andthat was the effort he played with on
that play, Watch Jonathan Brooks touchdownrun at the end of the first half,
watch Jordan Winnington go block the safetyto clear the pathform to go score.
So for me, that was agreat moment, and that to me
was a culture play. That wasour culture shine through that these guys are
totally bought into the team and whatdoes the team need on that play to
help us win? And it wasJordan Winnington forcing a fumble and Xavier Worthy,
you know, recovering it and thenultimately two plays later Xavier Worthy then
turning around and catching a forty fiveyard go ball that he is exhausted on
because he just ran that whole playbefore. So it was really cool moment.
You know what else, I thinkit's a statement of conditioning, the
physical condition your guys in to beable to get off the ground after they
run down and make a play likethat, no doubt, no doubt.
And and you know, I thinkat the end of the day, with
Jordan, even when his tank's one he finds fuel in there to go
as hard as he can go.He's avery Worthy He's an anomaly. That
guy can run all day. I'venever been around to anybody who can continue
to run the way that he runsin practice, in games at top end
speed, over twenty miles an hour, multiple times a day, and at
practice that that guy can do it. But with Jordan somewhere in there,
he's got a reserve tank that hecan tap into to go make those extra
effort plays. A couple of questionsfor you know what, saying, if
you could be a student for aday, what's the first thing you would
do? Now know what? Bythe way, is a ut engineering student
with a three to three gpa.He says, I love beer and wings,
especially Pluckers Wings. I'm bad fora three to three guy there,
all right, But if you couldbe a student for a day, this
is so easy. Yeah. Iwould sit in the stands in the student
section and go to a football game. Yeah, it looks awesome. Those
kids have a blast, and Ikind of get a little taste of it
at Moody when I go to thebasketball games. You know, I love
going to the absolutely. I likesitting right there and watching our students heckling
the other team. I think it'shilarious. But they're just into it.
But when I'm from my vanish pointwhere the students are and the orange smoke
is going up there at the startof the fourth quarter of the music's playing,
the bands right there, they looklike they've had a really good time
all day long. Okay, thenit's just likesay, man, if I
could do anything, I would goget right in there with those guys.
They look like they're having a blast. That makes sense. Jean Our number
one fan wants to know, isthe environment at Jack Trice Stadium and Ames
as hostile as some other places?Since she even listed the copmowcers. The
copbos is a unique thing with thehalf half split. But in terms of
going on the road, how doesHiero State stack up. Well, it's
definitely a hostile environment that that goeswithout saying. You know, I think
about like going on the road toKansas State. I think they've got a
great home field advantage the way theydo it. Obviously we go to Lubbock,
there's that that that that that kindof you know, in hostile environment
going up to Aames is very similar, you know, it said it like
any when you go on the road, you have Texas across your chest.
A. We got to understand we'regonna get their best shot. We're gonna
get their best schemes, their bestplays, their best effort too. We're
gonna get the best effort out oftheir fans. And so whether it's crowd
noise, whether it's the heckling,you know, whatever it is, we're
gonna get their best that night too. But I think that that's when you've
got to have that poison, composure, that confidence, that leadership. And
this is something I've been really proudof our guys about. You know,
we've grown into a very good roadfootball team that I think, you know,
keeps their composure, you know,kind of does a good job of
taking the crowd out of the gameearly in the game with our execution and
and then ultimately having composure when adversitydoes strike to kind of regroup and get
recentered. Poise, confidence, leadership, all qualities of our next guest,
Colt McCoy joins us when we couldtell we welcome you back to Longhorn Weekly
from here Pluckers the West Campus locationhere in Austin. Craig Way coach Sark
joining us right now on the hotLine all time lifetime Longhorn All American forty
five wins as starting quarterback, WalterCamp Award winner, Heisman Trophy finalists and
runner up. Please welcome Colt McCoy, who's on the program with us.
Hey, it's great to have you. I appreciate you doing this call it
tell everybody, first of all,how you feeling. How's everything going?
I know you did you know afterthe injury and everything and working back through.
How you doing these days? Well, my Boddy's never felt this good
in the fall. I can tellyou that I understand that. Thirteen years
in the National Football League, doesit Does it feel a little bit weird
not to be going through the dayto day grind? It can be at
times. You know, I battledthrough an elbow injury, and you know,
I feel pretty good right now.But I'm actually really happy with my
family and kind of gotten a goodroutine with them. And yeah, I
watch football, I keep up todate. But it's gonna take a lot
for me to go back out there. I think, Hey, Colt sark
here man, how you doing,buddy? I'm awesome, man, How
are you? I'm good. I'mgood. I'm sitting here looking at a
couple of your stats, and I'vekind of blowing my mind that you don't
you don't pay attention to sometimes untilyou see him kind of in bold forty
five and eight as a starter atthe University of Texas forty five and eight
man forty five wins' that's phenomenal.And then I'm looking at your stat line
here from the Iowa State game intwo thousand and seven when you guys win
fifty six to three, play threequarters twenty three to twenty nine for two
ninety eight four touchdowns, one ofwhich was a fifty eight yard touchdown pass.
El was a forty four yard touchdownrun. I need a little that
mojo man for Quinn here Saturday night. What do you think can we can
we pull that off? Absolutely?You guys definitely can. Man. I
feel you guys are like a justright on the verge of breaking out fifty
points on somebody might as well doit this week. Huh, that's not
like good A good idea, goodplan works. And col I know obviously
you've gotten to know You've gotten toknow Quinn as well. You had to
bounce back from injury during your career. He is bounced back as well.
What do you say to a guy, you know, like Quinn or something
about about how you work through that, how you bounce back through that and
how you move on to the nextthing and recover your old self so to
speak. Yeah, you know,I mean, we all know when we
sign up for football, there's onehundred percent chance of you know, injuries,
and you know, very rarely asyou get this part of the season,
is there or anybody on the rosterwho's not dealing with something right,
And you know, Quinn had theshoulder, he looked great last week,
And it's just something that you yougot to depend on your trainers and your
your streets staff and you know,your coaches to kind of know where you're
at and what you can do.And I think, I think Quinn's gonna
play great this weekend. I feellike he's been playing great all year and
Park keeps downing him up and andI'm excited to watch for sure. The
only thing about I would stay isthat grass gets real long, because they
know we got all kinds of speed. You know, they've got a new
surface. They've they've they've kind ofwent to the uh similar to Green Bay
surface. Where there's there's some turfmixed into the grass, so it's it's
not it's not what it once waswhen when when you were running around out
there, So it's not We'll seehow that looks. Hey, I wanted
to switch gears. I want toswitch gears into something else because I know,
you know, when you came tout you read shired your freshman year
behind Vince. Okay, and obviouslyyou were, you know, a big
time player and used to you know, competing and played a bunch of sports
growing up. And so we've gotQuinn here and and Arch is plating,
and Malik has played and there's Archmanning right who's a freshman and he's going
through his freshman year. Take methrough a little. I know people probably
don't ask you a lot about this, what your freshman year was like behind
Vince and that in that year,and and kind of how that helped you
in your future for the for thenext four years, and what that looked
like. Yeah. Absolutely, no, that's a great question. I tell
people close to me all the time, and I've told Arch before that the
red Shirt year was the best thingthat ever happened to me. I mean,
I was not ready to play.I mean, playing at the University
of Seconds is so competitive and you'vegot to earn your spot and your stripes
every year. But I just reallyspent time with the coaches, with mad
Dog and the strength staff. Youknow, I hit a little growth for
it that year, and I wasjust really really intentional and really detailed and
uh getting into a routine and studyingthe offense and watching it week to week,
preparing like I would play, butknowing that I was likely going to
red shirt, and you know,I needed to put on some weight,
I needed to get stronger, Ineeded to get faster, I needed to
process information quicker. Right. It'sthere's a big jump from high school to
college, especially when you're playing youknow, big time football, like like
you know we wear at UT.So it was definitely the best thing that
happened to me. Although you know, as a competitor, it can be
hard, right, Like you wantto be out there playing with your with
your buddies, with your guys teammates, but you know, there was no
chance I was going to play infront of big young So I really used
that year to my advantage. Andyeah, I think I think it was
a huge blessing for me. Well, I know this. One of Arche's
uncles, Eli, said he wasso glad he red shirted. The other
uncle, Peyton, says he wishedhe had been able to red shirt,
and that was a plan until therewas an injury that forced him in that.
McCoy's er special guest Colt, hangon with us. We're gonna take
a break. We'll come back.Got some other questions to get to you
as well as we continue a LonghornWeekly from Pluckers the West Campus location here
in Austin will continue. In amoment for Roles that way looking to throw
the battle, but Throp's downfield,as did Penance intercepted picked off bringing it
outside in tc and territory is TerrenceBrooks. Cooks, who last week tipped
the pass that was picked off byMichael Taff comes up with one of his
own, Terrence Brooks's second interception onthe season, and the Longhorns will take
over in TCU territory and the hornFrog forty three, We welcome me back
to Long Gorton Weekly with Coach sarrprem here Pluckers the West Campus location here
in Austin. It probably does yourheart good to see a guy like Terrence
Brooks who tipped the pass that Michaeltaff got for an interception, won't week
come back and get one of hisown the next week. Yeah, I
was. I was pumped for Terrence, but I was really excited for us
because we've been talking about our twominute defense here for a little bit of
time now, where we've given upsome points and touchdowns at the end of
the first halves and even some Latonball games, and so I had made
it a big emphasis to the defensebefore they took the field. You know,
let's get a stop, but morepoint, let's go get a turnover.
They're gonna throw it to us becausethey need to throw it. They're
gonna try to get some points onthe board. Let's let's disguise these coverages
really well and go make a playon the ball. And Terrence did a
great job of sinking underneath the cornerroute, getting the pick and then setting
it up. And we talk alot about complimentary football. I think it's
three or four plays later, Jonathanbrook scores to extend that lead right before
the end of the half. Ourspecial guest right now is Colt McCoy,
who joins us cold at this startfor Texas at nine and one is the
best since your last year of thetwo thousand and nine season. And when
I'm curious to get your thoughts onthe mentality of going on the road,
because you guys won every road gamegoing all the way obviously into that National
championship game. The Long Wars thisyear have won every true road game.
The only loss, of course theygo you game, but they won every
true road game. What what aboutthe mentality that it takes when you go
on the road, especially as youknow, in a hospital, what games
could be. Yeah, so Ithink that you know the mentality of the
Longhorns, you know, you know, top down from start to everybody else's
you know, from the outside lookingin, Like we're nine and one,
right, every goal that we wantto achieve is still right there in front
of us, right, whether that'son the road, whether that's at home,
Like that should be enough motivation initself. You've played ten games,
it's been a grime. You yourquarterbacks battle through injuries, your backups won
two games. Like there's a lotthat has gone on, you know,
on this football team, and we'rewe're sitting in a position that is you
know, everything is in front ofus, and so you know, you
know, for the message for me, it would be like, man,
like there there's there doesn't have tobe a whole lot of you know,
motive speeches and hype speeches like likethe goals are in front of you,
man, let's go get them.You know, I think you're spot on
and I and I think that thattakes you know, maturity week in and
week out to get that done.You know, I'm probably thinking about that
that O nine team and your leadershipand what that was like and the other
leaders on that team. Uh,to have that mentality, and I think
we've grown into that type of teamnow to where we've got players who have
been within the program with us forthree years now and hearing a consistent message.
Uh, and to now be inthis position that really going on the
road is about poise and composure.Uh. You know, I think some
of the mistakes people make when theygo on the road and especially hostile environments,
as they start playing emotional football.I mean, you get emotional,
you start to make mistakes and andthings of that nature. And that's something
I've been I've been really preaching tothe guys and they've they've they've really impressed
me with this year is they're poised. Their composure on the road and then
ultimately the connectivity and that I doyou have you know, you got seventy
guys on the road, and theoffense and the defense and the special teams
all you know, working complimentary offof one another's huge as well. Yeah.
I used to always always remember GregDavis used to preach like no,
no preat penalties, like especially onthe road, right, it's going to
be loud, let's practice that,Let's be prepared for it, Let's understand
it, and like let's have thaton our minds. Right, We're not
going to have you know, falsestarts and you know, legal motions and
these things when you know, becausewhen the crowd gets involved early in the
game and you start, you know, having some dumb penalties like that,
it just it kind of snowballs.And you know, I remember that was
always a really point of emphasis,a big point emphasis, especially in the
NFL, right, like these placesthat you go in the division and you
know we're going to aims in conference, like don't let that crowd get involved,
and you can you can stop thatby being disciplined and you know,
not kicking yourself in the foot,you know, on things that you shouldn't
do. Up couple of lightning roundquestions for a year. Number one,
what was your favorite play to callor that came in your favorite play call
to run? Googo trips right Sampat five thirty eight hook curl and and
it was going to well. Ihad I had comebacks on the outside,
I had a little little hook routeover the ball, and I had the
spot receiver running like a middle readpost. So I kind of felt like
I had answers versus all the coveragesand ever got stuck. That's what Coach
D dialed up for me. Okay, all right, So that leads me
in the question to factor fiction.Our good friend Kwan Cosby claims that he,
and not Chipley, was your favoritetarget factor fiction. Of course,
of course he claimed that. Heclaims that he goes oh man Colt.
Colt wanted me more than chip hedid. That's what that was. That's
that's his claim factor fiction on that. Well, if ship, if ships
are you getting in the football alittle too much, calm would definitely let
me know about it. So Itried to I tried to appease both of
them. Okay, all right,And then one other thing for you.
I know this is Highway State thisweek, Texas Tech Senior Night is next
week. But here's another factor offiction for you. Didn't you always get
a little more amped up? Imean you were from Buffalo Gap. Didn't
you get a little more amped upfor playing Texas Tech than say, some
of the other teams in this league. Oh yeah, one hundred percent.
You know, I went to asmall school outside Ablene, Buffalo Gap.
Our school was called jim Ned.But you know, if you graduated from
my high school and you wanted togo to college, you went to Tech.
And so I I could pick outthe faces in the stands every time
I played there. And I loveplaying Texas Tech other than O eight.
But so, so it sounds likeyou're going to be back next Friday night
for the game. What do wethink hold any shot of that? Hey?
Sure? Why not? I meanI'm unemployed right now. Might as
well. That's a great way tobe un employed. And by the way,
congratulations on being newly elected to theTexas Sports Hall of Fame in the
class of twenty twenty four. Forfolks, that to know Cole McCoy is
going into the Texas Sports Hall ofFame. You're already been inducted in Texas
High School football for the all timeiconic sports figures in the history of the
State of Texas. What does itmean to you, Well, thank you
very much. Yes, I'm veryhumbled by that. I mean, I
am Texas through and through, whetherit's the State of Texas, the University
of Texas. Just what that hasdone for me is I can't even put
in the words. And to behonored that way, I see it as
just, you know, a wonderfulaward that there's so many people in my
life that have played a role inthat, from my great teammates and my
great coaches and my parents to youknow, anybody that has been involved along
the way. I'd be so foolishto tell you that, you know,
look what I did. And soI'm grateful, my family's grateful, and
I think it's a really cool award, and and I want to represent the
University of Texas as best I can. Well. Colt A, just congratulations
again for me. And I knowthat you say you're unemployed now, but
I'm sure you've got a bright futureas if you want to be an analyst
on TV, be great at that. You'd be a hell of a coach
man. So I just let meknow if that's the path you want to
go. And you've got great rapportwith everybody around you. You're such a
knowledgeable guy and unbelievable experience, soI wish you the best of luck.
And you know this, man,You're always welcome here. It's always fun
having you around, and hopefully youtake us up on coming back next Friday
night when we play Tech after Thanksgiving. For sure, there's nothing better than
beating the Red Raiders. Man,we got to get it done this weekend,
but I'll holler at you next week. All right, Buddy Colt,
thanks again and congratulations thanks for joiningus. All right, thank you guys.
To hook them, that is collMcCoy. Uh. Coming up,
Sark and I will take a lookat this week's opponent of the Iowa State
Cyclones with Long Worn Weekly with CoachSark from Pluckers here in Austin and present
about the Texas Lottery continues on theLongwort Network and the Long Worn Radio networked
from Lear back here a Longhorton Weekly. Uh, It took a lot of
guts to make that call. Tooka lot of guts to make that brow,
took a lot of guts to makethat catch. Do whatever you need
to do to win, right,And that I've said that a lot like
you call plays, at least howwe call it. What does the game
require to win the game? AndI know so much is made in fall
about stats, and sometimes it's hardto quantify stats because who'd you play?
Who'd you play in the preseason?You know who? We don't even play
common opponents anymore in our conference play. So the biggest stat that matters is
it a W or is it anL? And uh? We just like
stack and w's and so we tryto call the plays that we think give
us the best chance to win thegame. And that moment, I just
felt like one of our two playmakersneeded to touch that ball on that third
and twelve and that incident, ithappened to be a D and the Xavier.
It had a heck of a gameup to that point, but a
heck of a throw, heck ofa catch, And again, making plays
at critical moments is something that we'vebeen working on for three years and to
now be able to do it twoweeks in a row. Last week it
was the defensive stand on the goalline for four straight plays. This week
it was the throw catch to Adon third and twelve to get that victory.
All right, we'll look forward toseeing you. Hopefully you're up with
us there at Jack Trice Stadium inames IW, say seven o'clock kick,
we'll be on the air here onthe Longborn Radio Net from Learfield, Act
six o'clock. Hey, thanks toCole McColl joining us, and we'll see
you next week when we talk aboutthe final game of the regular season against
the Texas Tech Red Raiders. Forhead coach Steve Sarkisian, I'm Craig White.