All Episodes

October 27, 2023 • 46 mins
Coach Rodney Terry previews the exhibition game against St. Edward's and presents Craig Way with a special gift.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hello again, everybody. Welcome inanother basketball season preview edition of Longhorn Weekly
with Rodney Terry Artie with us inthe house tonight here at Pluckers the West
Campus location here in Austin. Gladto have with and and since this is
our second show, I know we'regetting closer to the start of play.
And I'll bet your guys you knowwhat too, from what you've been putting

them through and what they've been goingthrough on the floor, it's in there
right now, Craig, It's it'sbasketball season. You got the NBA started
already. You know, we're acouple more week or two away from you
know, regular season play, anduh, uh I got they had a
lot of practice. They're ready,you know, ready to start going against
other teams and uh start this journey. You and I have had this conversation
before about about the player's dream,the dream of getting to play at the

next level and and guys, youknow, start their journey and then they,
uh, you know, a guywe're excited about, Serge of bar
Rice being making the Spurs roster andwe're the sing all the different guys working
their way up through the system,and other guys that that have started off
and being draft picks and all thatsort of stuff. When you have a
deal like your guys go through practiceyesterday and the start of the NBA season

last night, how much are yourguys just gravitated to getting to where they
watch games, whether it's Mavericks andSpurs or Knicks and Celtics or whoever it
might be, that they're they're intoit. Uh, seeing the start of
the NBA season, well, openingday rosters, we have eleven loan words
right now on NBA rosters right now, which is a big deal for us.

And uh, you know, ourguys, you know closely follow the
guys that are currently playing in theleague as well, and uh and there
comes to communication with them as well. Uh. But but again, basketball
junkies, you have to be abasketball junk I mean, obviously, our
guys that can excel in the classroom, we want them to do really well
as students, uh and get thatpush and done. But but you got
to watch a lot of basketball,be a student of the game, watch

guys that you you know that yousee that you see yourself potentially being like
in the at the next level.And uh, just turn to continue to
learn the game and watch the game, and not only coming from you,
but like our guest tonight, willbe UH, your assistant coach Team McClain,
all of your coaching staff and thetraining staff and other people who are
around the game and around the UHthe collegiate game as well, and those

who have been dappled in the professionalgame as well. UH. They can
use them as resources, right,and they visit with them about the journey
in the road and what it's likefor them to be able to work towards
taping taking that next step. Well, the great thing about our staff,
we have so much experience and allyou know, all of my all of
my staff have had a chance tocoach lottery picks. I mean, we've

coached NBA players and we've helped twoLich guys in terms of trying to get
to that next level. And soyou know, oftentimes we'll use some comparisons
of guys that we've had a chanceto coach, UH and and share their
experiences and some of the growth thatthey had to go through while they were
in college, you know, priusand walking on their professional career. Take

it bring everybody up to date onthe progress of the group. As you
draw closer, you know, wedid that thing before the Orange White game,
had that and had the Orange Whitescrimmage. You have an exhibition game
coming up Monday night against your AlmaMonters, saying that bridge and we'll talk
more about that coming up in alittle bit, but just the mere fact
what you and the guys have beengoing through over these past couple of weeks

as you draw closer to the startof this, Oh, absolutely, I
definitely want to dig into that aswe continue to move forward. But what
I like to do now is isI like to take some time real quick.
And I know this is none announcedto yourself and you're not really knowing,
but guys, we have the best, the best voice in any collegiate
athletic program around the country, ain'tCraig Way. I mean, Craig is

incredible. I mean he is toddless. He works games at the game,
he goes program the program, andand he's the best. I mean,
he's he's a living legend. Andit was so blessed to have him,
okay, you know, with usand working with us every year and stuff,
and I wanted to I wanted togive you to night something. It's
a small token of our appreciation forwhat you do and how you do it

all the time. And again itis it is a makeshift for right now
for what we want to try toattain in the future. We really want
and we're striving every year to tryto win a national championship. Okay,
but we're gonna give you your ringtonight, man from last season. You
know, this is Craig very welldeserved. You know, again, this

is gonna be just the main stayhere before we get the number one that's
said lead eight RINGMAJO Big twelve championshipas well. It fits. This guy's
the best, man, I'm justtelling you right now, we're so blessed
to have Craig and and what hedoes once all the time, you know,
just the voice of long on athletics. Man, he's the best.

And again, man, we thankyou, just a small token appreciation for
what you do for us all thetime and all the hours that you put
in the time and you wait youhave away from your family. Man,
we love you and we'll appreciate you. Buddy, Archie. I couldn't thank
you enough. I appreciate that thereward, the reward is getting to work
with you and the staff and everybodywho's a part of it in the long
warn basketball family. It's a verylingoln I thank you. You're right,

it wasn't what that was not announcementwas not expected. So it's thrown me
off. That's sad. That's said. I'll try to bring it back full
circle here. It's to talk aboutthe team. But that's that's incredibly nice.
If you thank you, No Craigfrom the bottom of my heart.
Absolutely, you know, you know, early in the season, early in
our journey right now, we learneda lot about ourselves. This last weekend

we got a chance to play areally good car run a team on the
road and you know, a teamthat has you know, three NBA prospects,
two first Team All pack twelve guysand will be one of the best
teams on the West Coast. Thingsthat we took away from that that scrimmage
we played really well in Smurts,We really did, you know, and
you know, with eight minutes togo, you know, we call it

winning time. Sometimes it can beten minutes, it could be eight minutes,
could be four minutes in the game, but eight minutes in the game
were up one. So we're we'releading, you know, and so now
we have to try to learn howto close the game out. You know,
what does it take at winning timeto to really you know, finish
the game, you know, Anduh, we learned some valuable lessons you
know through uh through coming up alittle short in that in that scrimmage,

but uh, you know, wewe we we found out some things in
terms we gotta continue to work onour transition defense, We've got to continue
to work on our flow offense,and then we've got to be able to
move to the basketball. The ballkind of stuck a little bit on us,
uh from an offensive standpoint, andall things again that we're more than
capable this time of year fixing andgetting better with. Uh. But uh
uh I love this group. They'regonna they're gonna grow all season long.

And we came back here in thelast three four days and really worked hard
on some of the things that thatwe needed to try to get better with.
And uh, again, we'll bea work in progress throughout the course
of the year. But but I'mexcited about what I saw. If if
you were if I can take youback to a Kansas State game last year,
Yeah, we played in the offensiveteam in Colorado that really wanted to

score the basket. Similar type gamethat we had with k State, you
know, where it was a teamthat wanted to score a lot, and
we needed to sit down and getsome stops and learn how to get stops.
And so the listeners say, we'vehad a lot of defense work this
week. You didn't give up onehundred and sixteen points. Didn't give up
one hundred and sixteen, but wewere pretty close to it. We're we're

at eighty seven points. You know, we scored almost eighty right out of
about almost eighty of ourselves. Ithink we were at seventy eight. But
but we just again at winning time. What goes into winning? You know,
similar type situation last year with scrimmage, Houston would lose by eight and
again right at the eight minute markof the game. You got to be
able to find a way to findsome grip, to get stops and then

to execute what you're trying to doon office. But I thought I effort
was really good. I thought ourguys competed at a high level and for
a better part of that strimmage,it felt like a mid season game in
terms of two teams competing at ahigh level. I have always been fascinated
by the close scrimmage thing because I'veheard that this goes back to when you
were on Coach barn staff, andI remember Coach barn saying that that he

thought, you know, the exhibitiongames are great. It's good for the
fans, uh, But a lotof the load in work really goes in
the closed scrimmages and and and byclothes folks on. There's no fans in
the area, there's no media inthe arena. It is it is only
the players, the coaches, thetrainer, the medical staff, that sort
of thing. But I from everythingI hear, it's very intense, and

so it's it's almost like you forgetthat there's that there are fans in the
stands, that there are no fansin the stands, because it gets really
intense, and it sounds like that'show it wasn't Boulder. We'll playing a
great I mean it's a great games. I mean, super competitive team,
older team in Colorado. We haveolder guys. We're super competitive, and
it was really kind of a slugfast and what games this time that you

really do for you again is theyreally you know, hone in on things
you have to get better with.We played those games when I was here
previously with Rick, and we playedGonzaga in every year. We can do
transition drill after transition drill in practice, but when you actually do it against
another team that does it really well, they really make you have to try
to apply getting back stopping the ball, you know, and not being the

victim where you're back on defense andyou're on your heels. But again,
we got a chance to learn someof that this past weekend, and I
think we're going to be better forit moving forward. There's a lot of
different ways also to do the closedscrimmage. Some I remember where you would
get out, play a full fortyminute game, take a break for lunch,
come back and work six Situationally,sometimes it's the flip how did you

set it up this time around?You know, Tad and I got together
on it, and we thought thatsometimes that in the midst of going up
and down and you play a fortyminute game, you don't really get the
execution that you want to have.So we started out the first part of
the scrimmage. We had fifteen possessions. Okay, and we played a fifteen
possession half court execution game and wewon that execution. We won that game.

Then we got into the forty minutegame and you know, the game
was tied at halftime. You know, really we should have been up one
possession. They made a shot atthe buzzer to tie it at the half.
And then we come out in thesecond half and they win the second
half. You know, they takeoff from the eight minute march and they
got a little separation at that point. But you know, again, a
lot of good teaching points, alot of teachable moments from our scrimmage and

boulder And by the way, youdid it at fifty three hundred and seventy
seventy feet too, you did itat out for jo. Yeah, were
no excuses, you know what Imean. And again we had a lot
of guys along a lot of minutes, and you know, they played through
the fatigue a little bit, andwe went into the game saying, hey,
we're not gonna let this bother.This was a quick turnaround trip.
We went over I think we gotthere about nine o'clock that night. Eight

am. We were doing a walkthrough and we were lacing them up and
going at twelve o'clock, so itwas a quick turnaround for our guys.
Well, good learning experience for that. All right, we've got a lot
to get to on the program.Assistan Church, Tea McClain's gonna join us
next. We're gonna talk about thedevelopment is Longhort basketball team. Glad to
have you with us here Walboard Weeklywith Rodney Terry. Well continue here on

the Loggart Radio and that worked fromLairfield. We welcome you back to Longbarton
Weekly with Coach Rodney Terry from herePluckers the West Campus location here in Austin,
and always glad to talk basketball withour tea and always also happy to
talk basketball with assistant coach Team McLain. Who's with us tonight, Rtie.

One thing that's that's always said,and I heard Coach Barn say, but
I've heard lots of coaches say it, I've heard you say it, is
that when there's younger coaches coming up, you always want to have some younger
coaches on your staff who aspire tobe head coaches. And it's an added
bonus when you get a guy whohas been a Division one head coach for

fourteen years and now in the secondyear on your staff. And I always
thought the chemistry that you had builtwith the with the coaching staff of something
special. Well again, you know, you know, with Steve, you
have a guy that's won at everylevel, you know, and not just
been a head coach. He's beena successful head coach, one of the
best coaches ever at at Wyhoman Universityand uh, you talk about winning the

national championship at Hudson, Kansas,I mean every level. He's been the
n N Indiana and worked with TomCreem and those guys one at a high
level. Every level he's been,he's always been highly successful. And you
talk about a guy who's you know, respected around the country amongst his peers
at a high level. And thatdoesn't even get into the stories he can
tell you about his time with BillyTubbs. We can't tell those, I

imagine. So but it's it's goodto see you here and your second year
of you guys being together and andand uh with this particular staff and and
uh, like I said, Ialways get the vibe that this coaching staff
has such good chemistry about it.Well, I can tell you that one
thing coach did and we we wehad great synergy last year and that word

people talk about synergy, but yougot to have it with your players,
but your players feel it from thecoaches and coach brought in Frank Heith and
coach Hate and me. And it'sfunny how we all circle back and have
known each other a long time,and when you have great respect for the

people you work for. And youknow what's fun is every day we come
in and go to work, everybody'strying to help each other. And I
think that's the fun part. Throughoutour careers, we've had friends who are
assistant coaches and you hear them tellbad stories and because the head coach they

worked for, he leaves early everyday. He does this. And what's
fun for us is I've never andI say this in great respect, I've
never worked for a head coach thatworks as hard as coach does at recruiting
every day, at running the programevery day. And yet I hope the

good part for him is because ofCoach Hayth, because of me, Brandon
Chappelle, young coach that's learning,and now Nick and Byron Jones, he
has faith that the people are alldoing their jobs to keep the program at
an elite level, which allows himto even reach out more. And so

it is. It's a great synergy. Every day we all walk in knowing
we've got a job, let's workhard, let's have fun doing it,
and really get after it. ArchieI made this comment last year on the
show that one thing that really impressedme was we would be coming back from
West Virginia or ames Iowa or somethinglike that, and I'm watching all of

your assistants and your gas and laptopsare open, and there's moving up and
down the aisle and they're looking ata certain set and a flight of tennis
say hey, can you guys takeyour seat there, and and they're they're
they're trying to point out something orthey're asking you for some help. I
mean, that's the kind of thingI guess that that that teams talk about.
Everybody's wanting to help everything. No, absolutely, I'll tell you,
you know, the minute we gettime to get on that plane, we're

already watching that game. We're already, you know, prepare for what happened
and transpired in that game on theoffensive side of the ball, defensive side
of the ball. So when weget back we can give our guys the
intel, you know, or whathappened, whether we won, whether we
lost. You always have lessons throughoutthe course of games, and we're always
trying to get better. And Ithink our staff does that at a very

high level. Yeah. And Ithink I also remember several instances where even
as the coaches are diving into allof this and doing this, there'll be
a player come up and sit downwith you and say, hey, show
me that out of bounds play orsomething that something like that. Well,
and I think that's the thing whenwhen you have great buy in as coaches,
that just makes the players feel it. And whether it's the preparation,

the fact that you know it's anold saying, but whenever he knows you've
got each other's backs, well,that's what you're trying to get your players
to understand, is you know,we're going to work as hard as we
can to make you the best preparedteam in the country. And when they
see us doing that, the buyin for them is unbelievable. Yeah.

One thing, uh, Rodnie,that also comes to mind about this group
is that it's never easy for ahead coach when when there is some change
that goes with a coaching staff.But we talked with Frank Haith a couple
of weeks ago and what a naturalfit it is for coach Hate coming back
and and the mixing in as asSteve just said, the synergism that that
goes on when you're bringing somebody backinto the fold to mix with your staff.

I know a lot of thought asto go on to how's all this
going to work? No, absolutely, I mean with the continuity of Steve
Bag Chris Ogden back, you knowthat was that was a good base for
it there and now we needed tocome in and Brandon being back as well,
Brandon Chapelle, now we need toget it. You know what else
could it could help, you know, enhance our staff, continue to take
it to the next level. Andyou know, coach Hate to have a

chance to be here prior in usgetting a chance to work together was just
a natural fit. Bringing back,bringing Brian Jones with me, work with
me for seven years at Presno State, very familiar with the way we go
about our business. Bringing Nick Matsonback, you know, with the director
of Operations and also getting a chanceto coach and very familiar what we do
as well. And you know bothof those guys, you know, you

know, working hard to be aleaded in their areas, and it's been
a really good fit for us.Really coming out, we're gonna spend some
more timers Steve McLain talk about notonly his road and his path up here,
but also this Longhorn basketball team.We'll do that when we continue here
from Pluckers the West Campus location herein Austin, and we'll continue in a
moment. We welcome you back herein the Longhorn Weekly from Pluckers the West

Campus location here in Austin. Heywant to remind you to Rechester Free for
the battle in the Big Apple sweepStakes at Texas Sports dot com slash New
York for your chance to spend Novembernineteenth and twenty with long worn men's basketball
Madison Square Garden of New York Citycourtesy of Texas Farm Bureau Assurance. Hurry
registration closes on November fifth. We'rehere with Steve McClain, a man who

is at home in New York.I mean you're okay around New York,
right? I love New York've beenthere many times and played a lot of
games there, and luckily we've wona lot of games there, absolutely,
and the Garden's a special place,isn't it? Well, it really is.
And when you get to do thislike we have, there's certain places
you always remember and and you embracebecause of all the great coaches, the

great players that have played in there, and the Garden's one of those.
And it's so cool because no matterhow many people are in there, it
feels like it's it's sold out,and so it's an unbelievable environment for fans
that have never gotten to go there. Do you get the vibe from the
players also that they feel the specialnature of playing in a building like that,

which is the nickname for it isthe world's most famous arena. So
that all to tell him something,right, Well, no question, I
think when kids walk in and youknow, coach keeps talking about it.
But we've got an unbelievable group ofyoung men right now and their basketball guys,
they know the history. They know. If you ask Max if he's

excited to go to Madison Square Garden, yes he is. And so you
know, I think that builds onit. And then you walk in that
environment and you feel it. Andthis year it's fortunate we get to play
two games there. You, likewe said, have had a long and
story career all the years at fourteenyears as the head coach at the D
one level at Wyoming and UIC,and also have been on some outstanding coaching

staffs with some well regarded names inthe business. Is there a common thread
that runs through all of that?Through your time stay with with Tom Crean
or Billy Tubbs or somebody else,you know that as well as with this
Texas coaching staff. A common threadthat you notice that the head coaches do
or utilize or that that that theystrive and try to make their program better.

Well, I think this it's I'vebeen fortunate that you know, every
every head coach I've worked for hadto work to get where they were,
and so they had to work asan assistant coach. They had to pay
their dues, and so they appreciatewhat you do as an assistant coach,

and and that makes you come inevery day and work even harder because you
know it's appreciated. And and andso that the common theme though of it
is starting with coach here, puttingtogether a staff that that can put their
egos aside and go. It's allabout winning. How do we help our

team be better every day? Andif it means I've got to do this
or I've got to do that,then you just do it. And that's
that's what hopefully the young coaches aroundus are learning. So as they get
a move up and they get athat you know what, Coach talks about

it all the time. He startedas a high school coach. It happens
in everybody's life and young people,everybody wants to start here. Well,
no, sometimes you got to reallylearn the grind and the process to then
really appreciate when you're here. Andhere's the other if I'll give you one
more answer to that, Coach TomCrean unbelievable assistant coaches, unbelievable recruiters.

They didn't change when they became headcoaches. A lot of guys all of
a sudden get that job and thengo, well, I kind of want
to go do other things. Theyfroddle back. Yeah, I'm the head
coach. And that's why I sayto you, saw it, Artie took
a call while we were sitting hereduring break It's and that's why they're successful

because they don't let that change themand so that's what makes it fun for
everybody on the staff. That also, and you made a great point in
talking about how winning coaching staffs everybody'sbought in and works on it. But
you and I were talking before theshow. You've known coaches that there were

staffs where that did not happen.And ultimately those staffs either splintered or it
just didn't work, and the programsweren't successful because there wasn't a complete buy
in, not only from the players, but starting at the top of the
coaching staff. Well, and thoseare the programs that don't have a chance
to win a national championship. Theywon't play for Big twelve championships. And

again it comes back to the synergyof can you read what's the old saying,
can you read the room? Canpractice be going on? And you
know, as an assistant coach,no, I got to help change what's
going on in here. Maybe it'sjust your energy, Maybe it's I gotta
get the guys to move quicker.I can tell coach isn't quite liking what

they're doing. Well, that's onething coach has in myself and coach Hay,
we've stood there and here's the otherthing that you learn in this business
not every day is going to bea great day. And so how do
you try to help to make thehead coach's job easier? What do you

take off his plate that he doesn'thave to deal with it's a difficult day.
Yeah, and so you know,that's the fun part of it.
And I tell people, you know, I think when you enjoy what you
do like we do, I've beenfortunate. I've been doing this forty years
now, and I tell people thatday all be done is the day I

wake up and think I've got togo to work, because right now I
have fun every day. I'm withgood people and and that's what brings you
to work every day. You've beendescribed quite often as kind of the defensive
coordinator of this group. Is thatis that something you just you embrace as
the whole uh your area of specialtybeing with the defense and trying to get

the guys dialed in defensively. Well, I think one, I'm fortunate because
coach Terry is a very defensive mindedcoach, and so I think, again,
you talk about synergy, we havea pretty good synergy of Okay,
Steve, here's what I'm thinking nowlet's implement it. And again that's where

last year. I told somebody lastnight that team had to grow, that
team had to change. We hadto change some things we were doing defensively,
and and yeah, I take greatpride in that. You know,
I love prepping for games. Ilike making can we can we out prep
the other team? And I thinka lot of times we do. It's

great to see again. I appreciateyou doing. There's gonna be a lot
of fun this year. Looking forwardto it. Well, it's always fun
to see you, and congrats onthe ring and thank you. Hopefully there's
many more to come. There yougo, steep A playing with us.
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Yeah it comes on. This islog Worn Weekly. We've got more coming
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available everywhere on the free iHeartRadio app. Free never sounded so good. We
welcome you back to log Art Weekly. We're Rodney Terry fromire Plucker's the West
Campus location. Let's get into questionswe got for you here. Our number
one fan, Jean wants to knowwho was your most influential person in your

life? As a young athlete andwhy. I think I know the answer
to this, but I'll let youanswer it. You know what, my
favorite player growing up was Magic Johnson. You know, I watched I watched
the championship game against he and LarryBird, phenomenal College of All basketball game,
and from that point on it justseemed like the joy of basketball.
I just love the way he interactedwith everyone, made everyone else around him,

and we all wanted to go outand be Magic on the court,
you know, throw no look passes, you know, and just have fun,
you know, playing. See,I'm older than you when I grew
up in North Carolina, so forme, it was Charlie Scott when player.
And then fill forward later on,uh Melanie asking what's your favorite part
about being a basketball coach, specificallythe head coach of Texas? Well,

you know, when I get achance to work with great young people every
day, a you know as gooda basketball players. Max asmis Is He's
an incredible kid. He's an incredibleguy to be around. Broad Cunningham.
If I could coach Broad Cunningham everysingle year, I mean, what a
what a life? You know whatI mean, He's he's just a lot
of fun to be around. He'sa super competitor and uh a and a

great kid. But uh, justworking with that guys every single day.
Man, I wake up every dayexcited about working with them and spending time
with them. Uh. Dolores isasking do you happen to know where the
players go to party? Where dothe players go to party? You know
what, They're in season right now, so they're gonna party when the seasons
over, right now. We're inseason right now. There. You have

to sacrifice some things during the courseof the season, so hopefully party is
one of those things that they're sacrificingright now. The most party would be
just gathering to watch an NBA game, right Yes, absolutely, you know
a great outing where they're they're alltogether eating with something. You know.
You you brought up the dal aboutwinning time and it kind of goes into
this question for Karen, who wantsto know how do you keep the team

motivated when the team is behind ina game? You know what, I
think you constantly encourage guys to continueto work hard. And the thing that
we always say to hear it throughoutthe course of the game is work the
game, work the game. Forforty minutes. What does that really mean?
Working the game? Hey, youknow what, we make it off
to a good start, a badstart, it doesn't matter. We're gonna

work the game throughout the throughout thecourse of the forty minutes. Basketball is
a game of runs. Basketball isa game of ebb and flow, you
know. And it's whatever team thatcomes out and puts their wheel on you
for forty minutes, it's gonna bethe one that comes out on top.
And you have to learn how topersevere through adversity. There's gonna be a
lot of adversity in the game ofbasketball. No one's gonna play perfect for

forty minutes. One of our keyguys in the corral moment wants to know
every team has natural leaders that arise, usually veterans in the offseason. Do
you allow that to happen on itsowner? Is it something you would encourage
behind the scenes? Good question,No, great question. I think again,
anytime coaches start trying to anoint captainsor say this guy's gonna be the

captain of the team, I thinkthat's really hard to do. I think
captains, you know, really again, separate themselves because there are guys that's
gonna do the right things both onand off the court, and they're gonna
they're gonna live by an example everysingle day. No one's gonna follow someone
that doesn't. You know, they'renot about the right things and they don't
do the right things every single day. So you know, no coach can

just annoy the guy guy by theway he cares himself and what he does
every single day. He earns theopportunity to be a captain broad cutting him
does the right thing every day onthe court, off the court, and
so when it's time for him tohave something meaningful to say, guys are
gonna follow him. They're gonna listento him, and so that that's what
has to happen, all right.Coming up, we've got another special guest.

Our latest Corral ambassador will join uswhen we continue with Longboard and weekly
premiere Plucker's the West Campus location.Oustar will continue in a moment. We
welcome you back here to Log GordonWeekly with Rodney Terry from here at Plucker's
the West Campus location. We alwaysenjoy having an ambassador from the Corral,
so please welcome a junior from theway down in Brownsville, Texas. Emilianoloyas

with us here said, I appreciateit. Thanks crowding me. Now I've
been given some notes about you here, and I'm just gonna let you confirm
or deny this. This says funfact. Amiliano's love for ut started when
he was a little kid. Hegrew up watching the Aggies as his grandfather

is a massive Texas A and Mfan. Yet Amiliano always rooted for Texas,
if for no other reason to simplyannoy his grandfather. One day it
all clicked. He made it hisgoal during high school to attend the University
of Texas and earn your degree.You're a junior majoring in finance. Is
all that true? That's all true. I'll tell you what. Being forced

to watch the Aggies is kind oftough, especially when you see them lose
to burn Orange every single time.They kind of leads you to wanting to
become a long harm go out tothe winning side. Yeah yeah, and
and and Rodnie you remember that.And it's funny because next year it all
starts up again against A and M. But we've had some memorable trips over
to College Station for games, somegreat games over in college station, some

last second buzzer beaters over in CollegeStation. So gonna be great to reinnew
that that robbery there and get achance to compete against the against the Aggies
again. I always think that twoof the most iconic moments in the rivalry
were in the back that were theac Los shot when Texas A and M
won a forty six to forty threegame over there, and then Kevin Durant

having just that landmark, incredible gamewhere he hit the big three late and
I said, there's your National Playerof the year, folks, and it
was, and and it was that'sa no brainer. Everybody kind of kne
it was going to be that.But those those are the kinds of things
that rivalries are made of. Bigtime games, you know that. And
I think AC made that shout overDaniel Gibson that you gets it was really
good defense and it was even betteroffense. But you talk about a high

level game, and both programs atthat time were very at at very high
level as well, so highly competitivegames, big time games. So Emiliano
had a question. I wanted tosave it for the segment when he was
on with us here and you hadyou had two questions really, One was
what are you looking forward to themost this season? And then what is

your favorite Moody Center moment? Sowe've only had won one year in the
books with it right now, firstof all, but let's go in reverse
order. What's been your favorite MoodyCenter moment so far? I think it
had to be the last home game. I want to say, Well,
we had had a chance to honorour seniors from last year's team, and
it was against Kansas I believe itwas, but I remember correctly, and
big ball game for us. We'dplayed those guys over at their place,

and we had a chance to havethe rubber met gaming up places in senior
day and a lot of emotions anduh, you know, just getting a
chance to send those guys off aftertwo good years with this incredible feeling.
And then, uh, as asfar as what you're looking forward to the
most, and what do you meanby that question? Emiliano, Yeah,
so, I mean, obviously wehad a great season last year. Uh,

but just I mean we got tosee the guys at Gregory and I
guess my question to you is,I mean, what are you most excited
about? We've been hearing all ofthese rumors that Dmitch is ready for a
big, big time season. Andwe know we got Max coming in and
we got Tyreez who is also imean expected to produce a lot. So
I mean, what are you lookingforward to the most of you know,
the returning guys and the new guysthat are coming in. This is a

guy who's done his homework country right, Yeah, no pressure, right,
no, you know what I thinkagain, the thing that excites me most
about this team is the ceiling thatwe have. It's gonna be a team
that starts out one way that hasthe chance to grow all seats alone right
now when the misters trying to learnhow to win and what it takes to
win right now, that's gonna inthe ceiling for our team. It's it's
really high because we have a numberof guys that still need to emerge once

a little bit, and then wehave some returners that that are gonna be
in bigger roles this year, andand so we're gonna ask those guys to
step their game up to another levelas well, and they're gonna be in
there crunch town and winning town.It's gonna be really, really, oh
great to see this group over thecourse of the season really jail come together
and uh, you know, showsome grit and be able to close out

games. Emiliana, what got youinterested in being in the corral? Yeah?
So, I mean, like Isaid, I've been a longhorn my
whole life. I was really reallyexcited when I got into ut and uh,
you know, my freshman year atthe Irwin Center, I always thought
the Irwin Center was lacking something.It was a great venue. I always
just felt that we needed that homepresidence at home field, and uh,

you know, my freshman year,I was able to connect with Reid who
was our president last year, andReagan who is our vice president, who's
our current president now, and youknow, just gonna about to connected with
all the guys and uh, youknow, uh made friendships, and you
know, unfortunately I'm here now andI'm really really excited for the season.
Have Read and Reagan done a goodjob in their administrative roles as president and

the vice president. Now Reagan's steppingup. Yeah, I mean he's done
a great job. I mean he'sthe most informative I know. I mean
he's working twenty four to seven behindthe scenes. That guy everything that's corral
run, everything that you know,from T shirts, from the beat signs,
from everything. And this goes tothe students. You know, Reagan's

the guy behind that. He's aman behind the screen. Now we know
because Mumman told us this. Youknow that sometimes you guys can get under
the skin of the officials from timeto time. It's it's it's happening there.
Have you had getting those moments?Yeah, I'm guilty of that,
real yeah of you know, youget caught up in the moment, you
know you, I mean you've fallin love with the guys, you love

them, you just would support themso much, and you know, you
get caught up in the moment.Uh, sometimes the ref makes a bad
call. You you know, youchirp, you let them hear it.
And sometimes you know, being inthe front row and I mean I got
Jack right here also known his peoplehat guy. You know, we'd stay
out there multiple hours prior to tipoff in order to get those front row
seats. So I'll tell you whatthe refs do hear you? And if

you have one say anything to you, uh not during game, but what
like Hawaiian shirt guy, the JerryPollard game to one night, right,
not end game, but I havehad various Smoody center stuff. Tell me,
hey, turn it down a littlebit. Okay, all right,
but you love that stuff, Ronnie. Right, Oh, I think it's
great again. It's all about moments. You're created moments right now you're gonna

remember the rest of your life.And you know again, just great opportunity
to come in and have fun.Let loose a little bit. You stressed
a lot of times in your academicdomain. Now you get a chance to
come over and have a great time. Emilia, I'm great to have you.
Thank you for great meeting you.I appreciate it. Some o our
rally Basslard coming up. We're goingto talk about the first game to come

up, an exhibition game when LongboronWeekly continues from here Pluckers the West Campus
location in Austin on the Long WornRadio Network from lear Field, we welcome
you back to Long Mordon Weekly toRodney Terry from here Pluckers the West Campus
location here in Austin. Yeah,you have an exhibition game coming up Monday
night. And if if I hadknown nothing about your background and where you

went to college, I would havethought just on its own faces. Is
really cool. There's been exhibition gamesagainst Division two, Division three schools in
the past, and I've always hada findness for Saint Edwards just to just
across the river down there and whatAndre's done with his program down there.
And then on top of that,here you are in nineteen ninety Saint Edward's
graduate. So you've got you've gotScene EDGs coming in for an exhibition game

on Monday. What does this meanto to? Uh? You know,
this is a special thing we've got. We've got, you know, coach
Sark this week going up again,that's right against b YU and then you
gowing up against Saint Ed's on Monday. No, absolutely, I think again.
You know, Coach Cook's done anincredible job with the program. He
has an older team, a teamthat has a chance to be really good

this year. They got a lotof experience and uh again, an opportunity
of a lifetime for those guys toget a chance to play against the University
of Texas. I know if Iwas there and it was in those guys
hues, you'd be super excited aboutthe opportunity. You know, when I
was here previously playing at Texas whichwas Tom Finders, was really you know,
making Texas basketball relevant. The RunningHorns, you had BMW playing at

a very high level. Oftentimes weget over and get a chance to play
some pick up with these guys.But now to actually get a chance to
play in the game, I thinkagain, it's an incredible experience for both
institutions and for the city of Austin. So you would have liked when you
played at Saint Ed's an opportunity togo up and try to guard Travis Mace,
Oh, absolutely, no doubt aboutit. And Lance Blanks both Lanson

I played against each other in Heights, you know, and Lanson one of
my best friends, you know,and uh yeah. Just the opportunity for
those guys to compete against them ina in an organized game in front of
everybody. Oh wow. I meanit's, you know, the big opportunity.
And some folks might say, well, okay, they're playing a Division
two school, it's a it's it'san exhibition list, but it's a game

against an opponent, and that initself, I would think would probably have
your guys attention and the fact thatyou prepare for an opponent and go out
there no matter the level. Well, again for us, I mean,
we respect every program we play.There's not one program on our on our
schedule that we don't have a lotof respect for. Again, coach Cook's
got a great job. This willbe an older team with Division one transfers.

They won't be attimidated coming in andplaying against us. They'll be excited
about playing against us. We haveto be excited about playing against them.
We have things we have to continueto get better with UH in the early
part of the season, and youknow, we've got to come out and
compete at the very high level athome. We had had a question somebody
wanting to know, what did youfeel there with an area where you want

to see your team take another stepeven as you play an exhibition on Monday
night before you get ready for thestart of the regular seats. Well,
we worked all week really hard onour defense. I mean, and again
we're gonna play a State Edward's teamthat can really shoot the basketball. These
guys a couple of years ago Maytwelve threes against Rice and beat Rice.
So you know, again, anolder team that can shoot the basketball so

shoot the defense is gonna be reallyreally big for us to do this ball
game. We have to continue towork on our transition defense, just like
I'm sure ninety percent of the teamsin the country early in the year,
you have to really work hard atbecoming a really good transition defensive team.
So we've got to get back,try to get our defense set, and
then we have to sit down andfinish possessions so we can get out and

try to play our strength. Iwant to remind folks that the exhibition game
is Monday, best price of allfree admission they're at Moody said. The
corral was going to open at fivepoint thirty. The doors are up in
for the general public at six.The corral will be reserved for the UT
students as we know, and besidesthe court side seating, the rest of
Moody is open seating, so youcan sit wherever you want. And everyone

is encouraged to wear their Halloween costumeas well. There's free pizza for the
first five hundred UT students and freeHalloween candy for all students and attendance,
and the best costume is going towin a prize, so we're going to
get We'll have a lot of funwith that, all right, ourte and
I got a few more questions toget to. We'll do that with log
Worn Weekly from Pluckers the West Campuslocation here in Austin. We welcome you

back to Logoron Weekly with Rodney Terrypremiere Pluckers the West Campus location here in
Austin. We have one more previewshow. It will be next Thursday night,
so we'll look forward to bring thatto six o'clock. We'll be six
o'clock live all across many of thesesame Long Worn Radio Network stations. By
the way, for those of youlistening here in Austin on our flagship station

A thirteen under the Zone and inmany other affiliates. Coming right up is
Loggorn Weekly with Coach Sark. Theprogram we recorded last night and had tight
End Jermichael Finley on with us.Former Long Worn and great tight end Jermichael
Finley on there. Who was playingwhen you were coaching for you? Remember
Jamar good Back. He really wantedto play basketball and was like, hey
man, you too high up thedepth showed the football. That's true,

absolutely all right. So a coupleof questions here and they're related to Halloween.
Okay, your game is on Monday, night the thirtieth and and there's
still there's going to be a prizefor the best Halloween costume. We want
folks to show up for that.Uh but someone Katie is asking, are
what are you planning to dress upfor for Halloween on Tuesday? You know
what, I haven't given a lotof thought to that. Last year,

I was kind of a last minutegap, but I I dressed as a
new sheriff in town. Oh yeah, not bad last year? What was
pretty good last minute had my boots, my hat, and uh yeah,
some accessories to go with it.You have your guys said anything? Katy's
asking, have your guys said anythingabout costumes that they might want? The
last two years we've dressed up andwe did it more as a fun time

with the lift, so round onthe lift, so we were in the
weight room and all our guys hadthe different costumes. And uh, I'm
sure you know, as we leadup to this game, we may have
a little bit more time to tryto prepare for something like that as well.
Our final question is the most importantquestion. Like Ethan is asking this
question, Ethan wants to know yourfavorite Halloween candy? What is the one?

The corn candy. Can you likeonly doing Halloween right, not during
the during the whole year, butbut Halloween for whatever reason and ever since
you were a kid, you lovethat corn candy. And here's the thing.
You pick up one, you cannaeat the whole bag. Yeah,
I think candy corn gets a badrap. You know, I really do.
Got sugar now, it's a lotof sugar. Gets this sugar right

in there for you. But youknow what, an all time great,
no doubt about it. Hey,we'll do this again next week. We'll
have one next Thursday. Looking forit, all right, we'll look forward
to that. We want to seeyou. We hope for that that we
could see you at Booty Center andthat will be Monday night. I hope
to see you there. And againeveryone's encouraged to wear your Halloween costume as

well. And free pizza for thefirst five hundred UT students and free Halloween
candy for all students in attendance andthe best costume win surprise. We thank
you for joining us for Coach RodneyTerry, I'm Craig Way. Thanks Daron
Bronker, studio producer and arm siteengineer, as well Wisdom Anderson and also
Cameron Parker. We'll see you nexttime on Longboard Week
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