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January 26, 2024 • 45 mins
The big matchups for the Texas men's basketball team continue with games against BYU and Houston on the horizon
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Longhorn Weekly with Rodney Terry is broughtto you by Plucker's Windbar. If you
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Now here's the voice of the Longhorns, Craig Way. Hello again,
everyone, and welcome to another editionof Longborn Weekly with Rodney Terry coming away
from Pluckers the West Campus location herein Austin. Glad to have those of
you watching it on a Longhorn networkas well as those of you listening all
across the state of Texas on thelong Horn Radio Network. From lear Field,

you know here it is. Youhad to back to back games last
week that ended on the disappointing side, but from the department of the sky
is not falling. The Longhorns turnedaround to beat ninth ranked Baylor on the
dramatic driving lay in by Tyree Hunterlast Saturday. Then you go to Norman,
Oklahoma. You beat eleventh ranked Oklahomathe fifth straight time at Lloyd Noble

Arena, Lloyd Noble Center, thatyour team has won there at Lloyd Doble.
So things can turn in a hurryin this league, can't they.
Well, there's a big twill play, you know. And every night you
got to bring you a game,whether you're at home, whether you're on
the road, and you know,you got to come play, you know,
and you you know, I remembertalking before the Baylor game, you
were like, we just went backto work. I mean, there was

the disappointment of the UCF loss andthe loss prior to that against West Virginia,
and you said, you guys justwent back to work and nobody get
And you preached this and I've heardyour players say it about not getting too
high or too low on any onewin or any one loss, that sort
of thing, but just being businesslike in your approach. Well, you
have to have a next play mentality, next game mentality as well, you

know. And you know, Ithought again, you know, we go
back to our Cincinnati game. Weplay a great game on the road in
a hostile environment. We come back, we don't play so well at West
Virginia. We come back and weplayed decent and well enough to win the
game against Central Florida. We justdidn't close the game out, you know,
in terms of finishing the game,you know, with sixteen point lead
and work the game pretty you know, pretty good throughout or better part of

it. And you know, justhad to be able to play forty minutes
as opposed to you know, thirtyminutes in that ball game in conference play,
and you know, you just staythe course, you keep working.
You can't keep getting better. Isaid to our guys, we have a
good team. We've just got tocontinue to be more consistent with what we
do and how we do it,and the urgency has to be there for
forty minutes. And as much aswe don't like getting off to the one

and three start, we could bethree and one right now. Yep,
we're good enough to be three andone. So you know, we're gonna
keep working. We're gonna keep gettingbetter, and you know, no matter
what, you know, we're gonnakeep you know, the the game with
us for one night, win andloss, and we're gonna go back to
the drawing board. I had alot of folks ask me, uh after
the Baylor game, and we'll reviewthat in a minute here, but I
had a lot of folks ask mewhat changed in the seventy two hours from

the UCF game the Bay, Isaid, not a lot in terms of
the approach and what your guys didand going back to work. It was
just working about improving the execution.Yeah, no, for sure. I
mean, you know, our staffalways does a great job with the preparation
for our guys, and you know, we always talk about, you know,
the big the big game is thegame that's in front of us right
now, the one that we're we'reparticipating in. And uh, you know,

pressures if if you've got to goout there and you're not prepared for
the game, you know, butwe're prepared, and uh, you know,
again the ball dame bounce our way. We got great looks against Central
Florida to close that game out,and you know, we gave up some
second chance opportunities and they they capitalizedon those and made the most of those.
But again, you know, wecame back and we had to learn

lessons through a loss as opposed tolearning lessons through a win, and we
just continue to get better. Whata competitive game it was on Saturday against
Baylor. Twenty one lead changes inthe game and I imagine sometimes you know,
that could take a mental toll ona team when it's just up and
then down and then up again anddown again, you know, and things
like that happened, and I'm surethat there's there's probably the concern when that

that sort of thing happens. Butyet your guys kind of really kind of
stayed in the moment, like youlike you've told them to do. Yeah,
well, basketball is a game ofruns. Everyone's gonna make a run.
I mean, Baylor's got a reallygood team and they've had a great
start to their season, and youknow they're gonna make a run no matter
what. You're gonna have to comeback and you're gonna have to make a
run. And you know, youhave to learn how to also stop runs
in basketball. To stop runs inbasketball, you've got to put consecutive stops

together, and then you've got tocome down and execute your offense at a
high level as well. When yourteam shoots as it did in the first
half nine of eleven from three pointrange against Baylor on Saturday, so eighty
one percent. When when they shootthat, we know what law of averages
do so do you and the staffalso prepare the guys understanding that some of

that shooting does quote unquote come backto earth a little bit, and you
got to find other ways to affectthe game. Well, I think again,
always tell our guys we don't evertry to go into a game thinking
we have to shoot our way througha contest. You know, you've got
to You've got to come in andhave a defensive mindset because at the end
of the day, you're gonna winwith your defense. You know, we'll
find ways to score and figure outwhat we have to do from a score
and standpoint. And you know,defenses in this league are really really good,

you know, so obviously get there'stimes and throughout the course of the
game when you've got to consistently executeyour offense. But you have to be
to put stops together. So youknow, again, I thought we played
really well offensively against Central Florida too. I mean, first had they had
to change their defense, they couldn'tguard us. They went man and I
mean went zone. And even whenthey were in the zone, we did

a great job attacking the zone,especially in the first half. Second half
thought we did a good job attackingthe zone and we just didn't have some
shots fall all the way, andwe got great looks attacking the paint,
you know, their zone, thingsof that nature. But we've been pretty
good office. I think the thingthat's really helped us is when we come
in we have a really good defensivemindset. It helps our office because now
we can score up our office aswell for my defense. Well, and

to your point about zones for folksand while they they you know the things
with the zone, which well youseef did Baylor. You saw a lot
of zone and that's Scott Drew's mantra, a lot of time one three,
one two three whatever, mixing itwith man. You saw all of that
on Saturday, and still your guysfound ways to execute against it. We've
been pretty good of your zone wholeyear long. I think got guys again

did a great job attacking the interiorsof the zone and not just selling for
shots. It's all wants you tosettle for shots, and you're gonna have
to make some shots. You know, you're not just gonna be to get
the ball to the paint all thetime. But you know, we try
to get the ball to the paintand play inside out versus the zone and
try to score an interior and drivethe zone a little bit as well.
But we did all of those.We did a great job against Central Florida
with that, did a great jobagainst Baylor with that as well. And

we'll see some zone a b whyyou will bring out their zone and they'll
have some zone for us as well. And because we've been really good and
man and man offense, pick androll has been really good, you know,
we're getting to be a pretty gooddriving team and getting paint touches is
really important. I want to giveyou a chance to kind of take everybody
through the final sequencing, say thetwenty seconds or so in the Baylor game,

starting with the fact you're up atthat point seventy one seventy, You've
got the ball, you're working fora shot that doesn't go down. Kendall
Weaver makes a great flick back outfront to get it out to Max and
then of course it forces Baylor tofoul, and then of course he gets
the three Prozen and Taylor bridges it'sthe three, and then we know what
happens with Tyreeks. But I wantto have you take everybody through what the

players are coach to do in thesituation is the sequence unfolded. Well,
I think again, there's always alot of coaches have different strategies on how
they want to close out games.I think it was you know, we
you know, you alluded to thefact that Kendall made the big play.
We got the extra possession, Maxwent to the free throw line. Now
we're up three, it's fourteen seconds. We call time out and uh.

And in that time out, you'resetting your defense out points absolutely and even
proud of that. He you know, you're telling the official, Hey,
he makes the second free throw.I want to time out because we're gonna
be up three. Now there's adecision to be made by the coaches.
Okay, do you play it outokay and uh and let them come down
and try to make a three,or do you want to file? And
uh? You know, the thingwe said in our huddle is that we

it's usually rule of dumb. I'llgive you the rule of thumb. Okay,
ten of seconds, the less tenor less ten seconds the less,
we're gonna file. The only reasonwe don't file is if we don't have
a good free throw shooting team,right, you know, But if I've
got you know, max ninety percentfree throw shoot. I got other guys
can close out the game with thefree throw line. We're probably gonna file.
We're gonna take our chances on gettingthe ball in bounds and getting to

the right person to shoot the freethrows right. So it's fourteen seconds,
it's not ten seconds. It's alittle bit above the strategy piece. So
we tell our guys, or Itell our guys, here's what we want
to do. Eight seconds they getacross the court. Eight seconds, we
want to file going toward the ball. You don't want to file a guy
in the active shooting and now hegoes to the free throw makes a shot,

and he makes a free throw,win the game. No, we
want to foul going toward the ball. We let the official know. Doug
Sermons, a very veteran official,Hey, we're gonna foul. So he's
looking for us to make a foulright and put them on the free throw
line. So they come down.They run a place similar to what we
have. We call it pistol.They're running pistol, and we have a
chance to fil. It's about tenseconds, not eight seconds. We have

a chance to file, and wedon't file. They delivered the pass across,
so it's too late to fil.Now you got to play it out.
D Mitchell has a great contest.I mean he shoots a rainbow ball
goes in, no problem. Wedidn't get a chance to file. Our
guys, don't panic. Games tiedand momentary freeze for a moment because it
looked like everybody was looking to you, going do we call time That's right,

Games tied, Stone face. Noproblem is not what we wanted to
happen. It happened, no problem. Got stay poised and we did.
We literally worked the day before specialsituations. We worked on the same play
that the guys ran without having tocall time out. We call time out,
they set their defense. Now theyhave a full court press. Now
they have who knows what they're inand we could be a man could be
in zone. So now you haveto play a play that could work against

man on zone and get the ballup the floor and get it in bounds.
You don't call time out. Theyhave no chance to set their defense.
You got five seconds, we gotfive We got plenty of time.
I mean we practiced a special situation. With three point two, we can
get to the basket. You haveto know time and situation. So it
worn't out perfect. Guy guys,you know, tyreech takes the ball out
three. I think we did itthree times in practice the one day,

and you know, we had toexplain to we want to get down the
hill, the shooters are in thecorners. The shuit's gonna give me the
ball back. You're coming, youknow, speed ad you know right ahead,
and uh, we worked it toa t, you know, but
we did it in prior. Wedid hit three times in practice the day
before, and he got all theway to the basket. Wasn't an easy
basket, no, I mean itwas. It was. It was a

layup shooting on his way down finishingthe play, but the two guys had
to cover the guys in the corner. He got down hill, the ball
came into the sioux. He knewexactly what he was doing in terms of
passing the ball right to Tyree's comingin. So it was perfect execution of
a play that we have that wecall quickie. Yeah, and it was.
And of course Tyree's kind of hangingin the air, like you said,

he's on his way down and thatfoot is just just just a little
bit about the floor when he releasedit. But he had to do that
with the hand at the face.No, absolutely, I mean I was
just proud of our guys. Youknow. Obviously we didn't get the foul.
They make a big shot, Westayed poured. It was a quickie.
Right now, we get it inthe Sue's right where he's supposed to
be flint it, and we're gone. That's the play. I mean,

in a dead ball situation, weprobably would have to Sue started a half
court, make his way toward theball and give it to him on the
run and still have the corners andguys field and everything. But as it
was, was in the right place. He came toward the middle, made
the pass, executed the play,and we won the game. Absolutely,
it was a winner of the BaylorBears. We'll talk about the win of

the Okplumba Sooners as well, butup next. Sarah kun Yama joins us
here as we continue from Pucker's theWest Campus location. This is long Warton
Weekly with Rodney Terry on the longWard Network and the Longbart Radio Network.
From the We welcome you back herein the Longbart Weekly from Pluckers the West

Campus location, here in Austin,RT. If you will do the honors
and introduce our special guests. We'vegot Zerich with us today. Big fella
from mal Paso finished up his highschool basketball in San Antonio, San Antonio
Jay High School, the correct right, John Jay High School got a chance
to recruit Z when he was inSan Antonio there John Jay and signed with

me at Utah saw a lot ofpotential in him in terms of being a
young man that was super brad letic. He was about sixty six at that
time, shooting perimeterive shots, alot of threes at the time. And
uh, but I said, man, if this guy grows just a little
bit, he has a chance toreally grow into something. I think he's
Uh he's a lot like a uha David Robinson, who's kind who I've

kind of liked him to. DavidRobinson grew from sixty six and uh go
and behold, this guy is acouple of years later and he's six eight.
He goes from six six to sixsix six to six eight and got
a chance to grow, put somemeat on his bones, and uh,
you know, he's matured into areally grown man. Uh in a physical
player for us and someone I'm reallyhappy to have in our program. See,

I want to give you a chanceto try. I want to have
both of you talk about this.I want to give you a chance to
talk a little bit about the experienceof being recruited by our team, not
once, but twice. First ofall, your time, uh yet when
you were at John Jay and withhis recruitment of you the first time and
then the second once you went intothe portal about transferring from UTAP to Texas.

Yeah, I mean, Artie,you know, I'm familiar with him,
and when he recruited me out itfelt like, you know, he
sees something in me. So,you know, coming out of high school,
you know I was ready, youknow, the way he was,
this his demeanor and the way hesees he sees something in me that the
other coaches didn't seeing me because Ididn't have a lot offers coming out of
high school, right, So thefact that he sees something in me just

made me trust him even more so. The fact that, you know,
entering the portal again and he calledme like one of the first coaches to
call me, he just you know, it showed that he still, you
know, cared about me, hestill believes in me and knows that can
take my skill to skills And aloved one threw it to the player,
Artie, what about what you sawfrom Zark when he was at you Chap,

not only when you were coaching it, but then after you left to
come back over here, as yousaw him to continue to develop as a
basketball player, that once he enteredthe portal made you definitely want to contact
him and and rekindle the relationship.Z alluded to the fact that he was
very under recruited. A lot ofpeople no recruited him. He was an
undersized six to sixth guy and uh, again with a lot of growth and

a lot of potential. Now,I loved him when I saw him,
and I watched him for one hourand I literally left from Dallas and had
to go to another AU game.And I told her my coaching staff at
the time, I was like,Hey, I want that guy. I
want to recruit him hard. Idon't care if anybody else is not recruiting
him. I said, I wantthat guy. So we recruited him hard.
And uh, I'll tell you afunny story. The first day we
had him on campus, we startedworking him out. We had some really

good players in our program at thetime. All anyway, Bryce Williams and
some other really good players. Ifyou'll get you some really good post guys
already in our program. First dayof practice he comes in and uh he
uh, we're doing a little conditioningwith it, you know, And we
start out the conditioning bought. Hetrips over a line right just in regular
condition and falls down. And myguys look at me, My staff looks

at me, like, this guycan play. This is the one you
want to do this, guys,the guy you want it right, I
say, guys, trust me,he's bam me. He's falling all over
the place. He's just hey,I'm just telling you right now, ground
zero, right right now, withthis guy, he's gonna be a player,
you know. And lo and behold. Throughout that whole year, he
got a chance to red shirt,and he practiced every day against elite level

over the post guys, and hisconditioning got better. He got better,
and by the end of the season, man, he was giving those guys
fits on the scout team. Nowand I say, this kid's got a
chance to be a player. Ileft, you know, Jeremy Cox and
those guys continue to work with themthere at Utel and continue to develop him.
But he's put a lot of workin and has really worked on his
body. His body looks great,and and you know when he plays with

the physical mindset and gets out thereand let loose, you know, Zerk
is really affecting gets a lot ofthings done. Zarah, let me ask
you about it. You know,the developmental process wants Artie left to come
to Texas. What's going through yourmind as as you continue to play there
before you entered the portal where you'restill trying to prove and where did you
want to improve your game the most? I would say my defense, and

like my hook shot, that wasone thing I wanted to work on as
well, but like, mainly mydefense, that's what was gonna get me
on the floor. And I struggleda lot on my defense, bostering defense,
so I was something like just beingquick with my feet. So over
my time at YouTube, I wasworking a lot on that bostering defense and
just being more vocal and quick,and you know, I got a chance

to play and then over the courseof the years, I started getting better
and better, started working on myhook on my shot, and then my
role just expanded from there. Doyou like being back? I mean,
you're eighty miles away from where yougraduated high school now, so you're a
little closer to home in that respect. Do you like Do you like being
back closer? It's nice. Earlierin the summer, I went to go
see my old high school coach andthey were happy to see me, So,
you know, it's nice to beclose to family, friends and whatnot.

Yeah, and n RT, Iknow, like you said, once
he went into the portal, thenyou felt very strongly that you wanted to
have him in to really help developthe depth of your team. Was no
brainer for us. I mean,he comes from a great family. I
mean his dad's been in the military, and mom's a school teacher, and
you know, brothers are very goodacademically as well, and aspiring to be

a doctor. And I mean justa great family and a great kid.
And he's gonna work hard, it'sgonna be coachable, he's gonna bring it
every day, and you know,just love him being in our program.
I mean it's a great ambassador andsomeone we wanted in our program. All
Right, We're gonna spend some moretime with Sara Hunty. I'm as we
continue wal Gorton Weekly from here atPluckers the West Campus location here in Austin,

present about the Texas Lottery. We'llcontinue bounds pass into the corner the
tyreek Hunty and moves the ball backout front on the right side tyreeks on
the dribble, trying to drive intothe traffic end of paint and swings it
out now to Weaver Kindle driving throughtraffic, scores all the glass with the
left hand. Time out Porter Moser. We welcomed me back to long Horton
Weekly from here Pluckers the West Campuslocation. That was a big moment in

the first half. Kendall Weaver ata big game. And I know you
guys think an awful lot of Kendleand what a big game he had against
the Sooners the other night. Yeah, yeah, he played a great game.
You know, his motory, hisactivities is unmatched, and you know
he gets the whole team going.You know what I'm saying. All right
now, I want to get youto tell folks a little bit more about

your background, because those who knowyour story know some interesting things. First
of all, you're before you wereeven born. Uh. Your dad who
has a great name. I lovehis name, Kingsley. Uh, he's
uh from Nigeria and your mom marriesfrom Washington, d C. Now,
how did they meet online dating?Actually? Really? Wow? Had they

had? They both tried it withoutsuccess with others and they just landed or
there was it the first time dealfor really? You know that worked out
well? Okay? All right,all right? So then your dad had
work to become a US the simperright, Yeah, yeah, he joined
the MILI My mom actually foods inNigeria, that got married, and then
my dad flew back with my momand then my dad joined the army in

nineteen ninety eight and he's still servingnow. He's working in the Pentagon right
now, okay, all right,now, so he does logistics for the
army. Right, did you everhave any desire to join the army or
another branch of the servicer A littlebit, but that's it, don't do

it? How about your transition bothpersonally, academically, socially, all that
sort of stuff. All pass.So he is in the state of Texas,
but it's six hundred miles to theway. It's a long way out
there. How about what the transitionwas like for you transferring in and not

only playing basketball Texas, but whatit was like for you personally. It
was it was kind of hard atfirst, but I got used to it
pretty quickly. Like the culture isa lot different. I'll say that in
terms of basketball, I didn't reallyplay much basketball, and I'll pass it
like it was all really new tome. I didn't really get started to
like really high school or I startedtaking it serious and I started having my
growth spurt, So it was itwas a pretty smooth transition. Now,

normally we get to some questions forcoach in the next segment, and we
will, but Katie, who's oneof our favorites who's an ambassador in the
corral, wants to know what yourcurrent hype up song? Yes, and
as you think about that for forfor folks on enough, when when the
team is on the road, there'sthere's an interesting eclectic mix of music,

like when they're practicing on the floorand getting some shots done. Even at
team meals at breakfast or pregame meal, there's uh, there's there's some music
always going on and it's a prettyinteresting mix. But do you have a
special hype up song that you likemore than others. It's a I know
by Bob Marley, really the greatBob Marley. Wow, that's that's a

What would you like your future tobe? You know, beyond basketball?
Uh? Beyond basketball? I wouldjust I mean, you know, is
there a specific thing within your courseof study you're interested in? Is there
a specific pression a profession that you'dbe interested in? Wants your basketball?

I want to do something in themedical field. Yeah, some of the
medical field. I'm right now.I'm studying kinesiology and health. So something
in the medical field is you knowsomething I'm considering. I could see it
being doctor z Yeah, would yoube okay with that? All right?
Zarah kan yema with us. Thanksfor coming out, so you appreciate that.

Terry and I will have something ofthe questions coming up when Longgarton Weekly
continues on the log Court Network andthe long Gorn Radio Network. We welcome
you back to Loggarton Weekly with RodneyTerry from here Pluckers the west camp of
this location here in Austin. Let'sget to some questions here. Our old
pal mummon uh wants to know.I've seen this question before, and I

bet that RTE knows the answer tothis question. Someone gives you an elephant,
you cannot eat nor use the elephantto profit in any way. What
would you do with the elephant?You can not eat it, you could
not profit in profit in any way. What would I do with the elephant?
I probably with free the let himgoing that work. Yeah, there

you go. That's a good thingbecause what I always heard was the deal
about how to you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. I
mean, that's a way to lookat the Big twelve conference schedule, right,
It's one bite at a time,because how difficult this league schedule is
on an ID in night out basis. Oh absolutely, you got to you
gotta bring your a game and youhave to have a level of urgency every
night. Uh. Ethan from whomwe're gonna hear in just a few minutes,

wants to know how important it is, and we're gonna ask him this.
For the Corral to show up forthe next home game on Monday night,
you have the fourth rank Houston Cougar'scoming to the town. I think
it's very important. I mean,again, they bring a whole different energy
level to the building. You know, we go in hostile environments. You
know, we go over to OUand the Norman, they were ready over

there. I mean they had studentbody in there and they were ready.
They were they were rocking in there. You know, we go to BYU
and it's gonna be twenty thousand,and there's gonna be probably one of the
loudest buildings we played into this pointthis season. We need our venue,
the Moody, to be rocking loud. You guys make a huge difference in
the game. I mean, weplayed Baylor the other day and having you
guys back on campus what's huge forus. You know, we didn't have

everybody back for the Texas that game, and we felt that you know what
I mean. So you know,I think our guys feed off your energy
and what you bring to the building. So it's extremely important that we have
the Corral rocket. One of thethings that I find really rewarding about the
Corral is the individuality of a lot. Like, for example, we've got
Jack who you know, who's bebohat guy, and we've we've had so

many different Once when we were inNorman the other night, it's like eleven
guys all dressed in overalls there forthe student thing. Now, Katie could
pull off the overalls like she doesall the home games, but the guys
probably not so much, which iswhy it's a good thing to see all
the individuality displayed from all the guys. Again, I always talk about making
memories. That's what you're doing.I mean, you know, you guys.

Let the other night I talked toour guys about getting a chance to
make a memory. Going into Norman. No one thinks that we have a
chance to beat these guys eleventh rankedin the country. We know we're good
enough to go in and get itdone. We got to work the game
for forty minutes. But you guysbe talking about this twenty years from now.
Remember that time we went to Norman. No one thought we could win
the game, and you know whatwe did it? You know, and
the same thing for us student body. You know, you come to games,

you're making memories. You talk aboutthe rest of your lives. Where's
Archer? Where's Archer? There's Archer? I like this question, doje Valbay
remember doge playing played here in Texas? Recent addition to the staff, who
is Doe and what are you hopingfor to him to add to this group.
Those bal Bay. We had thosebal Bay for four years here.

He's from Turkey, came in andhad a terrific career for US. Went
to the NCAA tournament every year forUS as our point guard. His senior
year he was Big twelve Defensive Playerof the Year. One of the toughest
guys I've ever coached in thirty threeyears of coaching. So if you want
someone to job jumping a foxhole with, you want those bal Bay in the

foxhole with you. But toughest nails, really good player. Just finished up
twelve years of playing professional basketball andhe's back with US right now, mentoring
our guys, working with our guysevery day, and he's been a great
addition to have around. You couldsee him being a coach someday, couldn't
you. Oh? Absolutely? Imean those is the best. I mean
those had a great rapport with theguys. He played the game in a

high level, played on his nationalteam in Turkey, had a great career
for US here. Winner. Youknow, you always like rounding yourself with
winners. Those Balbay wasn't It wasa big time winner. That kind of
gets into my next question. Iwas going to ask you how important it
is to have guys who played thegame not that long ago. Nothing against

ogs like you were, you know, nothing against that, It's okay,
but how important is it to haveguys who have that connection a recent connection
to having played the game. Doseis one of those guys. You've got
other guys like that as well,in terms of the connection they have with
the guys. We have a lotof our former players that are still strongly

connected to our program that poor youknow, and mentoring Tory guys, which
is great. You know, TJ. Ford does a great job of mentoring
I guys. You know, alberBurdett comes to a lot of the games
and he talks to you guys,you know, you know, on a
regular basis. And you know,the Marcus comes into town. You know,
Jabori's playing here now and he's playingprofessionally, so now he's able to

come back and talk to you guyswhen he sees some things as well.
All these guys are watching the games, I mean, you know, when
they're not playing. Kevin Durant,PJ. Tuckers, all those guys,
they're watching it. They're watching thegames. Man. And if they get
a chance to interact with our guys, they definitely do so, and uh,
they're a part of what we're doing. All our former players, you
know, you put blood, sweat, tears in this program. You invested

with what we're doing, and inthat I know you feel is a very
important part of developing and continuing tohave your program perform at a high level
is the connection with those who contributedin the past. It's about family.
It's about family, and it's aboutagain. We came here, we wanted
to unite the family and again wewanted everybody to be a part of what
we're doing and invested in what we'redoing. We have former coaches, Coach

Penders, he watches every game,you know, Damien James. I could
go down the list of all theguys that sends me, send me text
messages after our games and they're alwayswatching you know. So again I say
that, guys, your record representinga long one nation, you're representing all
the former players. You know,everybody is watching what you're doing on a
regular basis. All right, Comingup next, we're gonna introduce you to

another one of the Corral Ambassadors,with longhornon Weekly with Coach Rodney Cherry from
Pluckers West Campus location in Austin,presented by the Texas Lottery, continues in
a moment, Max in the rightcorner, guarded by Rovolvo Saurus backing out
the dribbling out, picks up thedribble cross cordon pass sine te Horton in
the corner of Kenda Weaver primes inthe paint stops, holds his ground.

Fans wanted traveling out to astmas forthree. Right there, Max knocks it
down and Texas is back up threefifty five fifty two. We welcome me
back to Longhorton Weekly with Coach RodneyCherry. Big moment in the basketball game,
Artie there, Max knocking down thethree. Then Oklahoma scores and pulls

it within a point. There's abouteight and a half minutes to go.
It's fifty five fifty four, andthen your team out scores from nineteen to
four. You know what was lostin that that was a really big possession
in there was you know, Caytongot under cut and he took a really
bad and he was able to comeback and make both free throws. Those
were big, big free throws forUS. To stopped their run a little

bit, and then we picked upmomentualmly gain from that point, no doubt.
And you said, Cayden's feeling betternow, yeah, Kaing's better.
I mean, you know, obviouslyhe's gonna be sory. He landed rut
on the same spot that he's beennursing for the last two weeks. And
uh, but a true trooper Kategot him back into practice today and had
some really good rep today. Allright, we want to introduce you to
again one of our coral ambassads.We always enjoyed doing this every week.

So a junior from Stamford, Connecticut, majoring in government with a minor in
sports media, Ethan Rudney with us. Right, Yeah, yeah, I'm
here, Thank you everybody. I'mglad everyone came to my radio show.
Yes, you just take over man, Yes, So what do you want
to know? Well, I wantto know, first of all, how

does a guy from Stamford, Connecticutwind up at the University of Texas.
Yeah. I get asked that alot, And to be quite honest,
I don't know if I could giveone an. I mean, the weather
amazing down here, I mean comparedto up there. Academics here, top
notch, athletics here, top notchjust overall, and there's stuff to do
in Austin, which is always aplus. How did you get interested in

Longhorn basketball? Well, growing upin Connecticut, you know, Yukon was,
you know, the big deal.You know everyone. I mean,
I remember in elementary school and wewon the national championship. They were talking
about on the loud speakers. SoI've always been a big fan of college
basketball. You know, I grewup watching basketball my whole life. Obviously
I'm was not a great player consideringZericho Miema but about a foot shorter,

right, But you know, I'vealways loved the game. And when I
came here, I was like,yeah, I need to go to games.
So and that's how you got yourinterest in the corral. Yeah.
So I would go to games earlybecause I like to get in front row
seats, you know, talking topeople on the other team. And when
I would go early, you knowthere's these two people that notice one of

them is actually here tonight, womanand his friend who happened to be wearing
a Hawaiian shirt. Yes, Hawaiianshirt guy. Yeah. They basically said
I had a nice Windbreaker, whichI don't The wind Breaker has a whole
another story to it, which Idon't think i'll have time to get into
today. But they basically told me, you know, like keep up the
good work. You know, you'recoming early, you know, keep coming.
And then last year at Bama,I'm waiting obscenely early for that game,

and I run into them again andthen they tell me about the Corral
and then I'm like, yeah,I'm in all right, And so there,
Artie, I imagine you like hearinghim tell a story about guys like
mum And and Hawaiian Shirt Guy whoare cultivating the continued growth of the Corral
in its second season at Booty.No, absolutely, again, we want

to have one of the most intimidating, you know, venues in the country
in college basketball. And then youknow, again, how student body has
been great to this point in thatbuilding right now, you know, you
talk about last year, you talkabout this year. When they're in the
building and they're in school, Imean, it's it's nothing like it.
I mean, they create the energylevel. They will odd teams a lot
of times back and give them tremendousenergy on the court. Ethan so you're

majoring in government, yes, minoringin sports media. Yes, they are
very different. Yes, I know, so you probably want me to explain
that. Yeah, let me goahead and do please do So I want
to go to law school. Iwant to be in sports law, specifically
on whether that be as an agentrepresenting coaches, athletes, whatever, or

you know, maybe in the administrativeside. So I used government to you
know, help me pre law,and then I like sports media because it's
a lot of fun. Yeah,and I think that also helps me because
I get a lot of classes thattalk about, you know, sports and
how the media in sports. AndI probably didn't explain that great, but
anyways, so I'm getting a lotof background information for what will help me

in my future by getting these twomajors combined or major in min Okay,
so you really want to be aguy who goes through passes the bar,
becomes a full fledged lawyer, andthen as an attorney work that into the
sports media. I mean that there'sa lot of a lot of agents,
by the ways, are attorneys.So is that what is that what you're

yes? Okay, all right,So in the time you have left at
the University of Texas, what kindof mark do you want to make?
Now? I know you don't wantto make the same kind of mark Hawaiian
shirt guy did and get ejected froma game like Jerry Pollard did to him
a few years a couple of yearsago. But but what kind of mark
do you want to make in thecorral? Oh? I want people to
remember me, you know, Iwant opponents to remember me. How would

Jay remember you? What would youdo? Remember? This is a family
show, Okay, So I cansay some the stuff that I've said that's
on the tamer side. I don'tthink I said anything too bad right last
year. This is just how youknow, Mommy remembers this. We were

playing a very high ranked team andthey had a very high ranked player who
ended up going to the draft lottery. And then I want to say,
the first eight to ten minutes hehad no points. He wasn't doing very
well. So you know, personally, as a fan of basketball, I
want him to be doing better.You know, I want to see good
basketball. And this is probably whereI probably made it harder for you,

So I apologize. But so wehad Scooby the dog. He's like a
little dog who does dunks and tricksand you know, he was there and
as soon as he dunked, Ihad to point out to this lottery pick
that that dog has more points thanyou. You need to step up your
game. And he did. Hedid, Yes, he did. But
the Long Words stepped up their gameas well. Well. It's great to

visit with you. Hey. Wewish all the success of luck on again.
Government, law and sports media andall that sort of stuff we appreciate.
Yeah, thank you, thank you. All right, that's Ethan Brudney,
our corral ambassador for this week.Coming up, Artie and I will
take a look at the BYU Cougarswhen we continue with Longhorn Weekly from here

Pluckers the West Campus location here inAustin, percented by the Texas Lottery here
on the Longward Network in the LongWorn welcome you back here in the Longhorn
Weekly from Pluckers the West Campus locationhere in Austin. Before we get to

talking about BYU, we hadn't talkedthat much about Oklahoma other and a couple
of big moments in the game.But I thought it was very significant that
your team, after you got outto the lead and then Oklahoma comes back
and they have a one point leadat that you got the lead early in
the second half and you never surrenderedthe lead after that, and then just
widen the gap with that big stretchthat we talked about now on the stretch,

you know, we got off toa great stot there really in particularly
on defense. We really sat downand gought it really well, and we
executed on offense, made some shots, and you know, for a better
part of the first half, werein pretty good shape. You know,
we we have some points for turnoversaccount to change the momentium of the game
a little bit in the first half, but I thought we played a pretty
good first half with exception if youtake those turnovers out of there. So

I think the thing that at thehalf for us was to address that issue
there and continue to come out withthe defensive mindset. And I thought the
first four minutes we came out andwe really set the tone that we were
going to guard and we're going toexecute on offense and really kind of got
the game on our turn also dida great job on defense in the half
court, I thought, really preventingOklahoma from being able to get get comfortable

in a half court sat they shootthe ball really well at their house and
really comfortable, and thought we dida really good job of taking away guys
that really makes threes for those guys, and challenged those guys to make tough
twos, And thought we did agood job of really finishing possessions with big
rebounds. I mean, Dylan Mitchellhad thirteen rebounds in the game. Talk
about this, Sue had, youknow, ten rebounds in the game.

So I thought our guards came downand rebound four. So you know,
that was a big, big piecein terms of finishing positions. All right,
you're about to play your third rankedopponent in a stretch of four consecutive
games against ranked opponents. This BYUCougar team is kind of different than a
lot of the other teams in theway that they like to shoot the three
point For folks who didn't know,the other night they played Houston right down

in the wire, lost the game, but during the game BYU attempted thirty
eight three point shots. Yeah,I don't know, I'm gonna sleep.
And when you get with these guysshooting the ball the way they shoot it,
you know, one of the mostexplosive offensive teams we played all year
they averaged about ninety points at theirplace. They averaged about seventy on the
road in conference play. But theyshoot the ball extremely well. To your

point, they're gonna shoot thirty fiveplus threes. They make twelve threes a
game. It's gonna be a gamewhere we've got to communicate at a very
high level. They're gonna put alot of pressure on us in transition shooting
the basketball in the half court.They're gonna put pressure on you with their
movement that they make really good.They got an elite level passer and the
big guy that passes the basketball.So it's gonna be a big talking game

for us and urgency to get,you know, to make these guys have
to dribble the ball a little bit. But they're an excellent shooting team.
I mean, big, big timeshooting team. One thing that I thought
found interesting about the Oklahoma game theother night, at breakfast on Tuesday morning,
the day of the game, youhave the guys going through a walk
through there in the ballroom, andfolks don't know they've got a lane tape

down, and so they go throughsituations and there's a point where you're having
your guys come up trap and thenpeel off the trap to do that and
then get right back in the positionto defend a pass. And it worked
like clockwork when he had Kendall comeup and then peel back and then he
tips the pass and you wind upgetting it the other way, I mean.

And those are things that come througha lot of study from your staff
and things like that tendency and alot of cut up. It's a lot
of video studying things of that nature. You're giving a game plan away right
now, No, you know whatit was. It was execution for our
guys. You know preparation, youknow your scouting report, our coach,

you do a lot of great jobin terms of preparing our guys. Our
guys do a great job with withpreparing and then they've got the application.
They've got to go out to thecourt and carry it over with it.
But we were prepared. We youknow, we we call them punches.
You have to be able change defenses, do different things, get team out
of their rhythm. Oklahoma's a goodoffensive team as well, so you have
to do different things at different juncturesof the game. And you know,

we thought at one point, outof out of a time out. We
came in and we said, hey, we're gonna throw a punch right now.
We're gonna be aggressive, and we'regonna we're gonna try to keep these
guys on their heels. And theguys executed exactly what we walked through in
the in the ballroom that morning,and uh, we got a score on
the other end of it, nodoubt about it. All Right, We'll
be back to tell you about afew special things coming up on Monday night
when the Houston Cougars are here intown with Loggrton Weekly. Well that coach

Rodney Terry from the West Campus locationin Austin, presented by the Texas Lottery,
continues in the open weaver on thedribble, pendle down into the corner,
standing on the shot clock of theSooux. He'll rise up eighteen foot
or doe dagger in the heart fromdealing to sue. He's taking over Texas
up fifteen seventy three fifty eight.Well, back here on Longhorn Weekly,

we coach Harry and two guys interms of the scoring, really took over
the ball game in the second mMax Asmiths obviously, and then Dylan the
sue who really looks comfortable now,feeling much better since since coming off of
the surgery, his first double double, since the first double double, he'd
played thirty minutes for the first timeall year. Loan to be expected.

It was a little sore afterwards andeverything, but count rounding his way in
a little bit right now, youknow, in terms of playing, condition,
timing and playing at a high levelright now for us, Hey,
we want to let fans know aboutsee what's coming up with the big Monday
game. You have the fourth rankHouston Cougar's coming in now, and I

believe, if I'm remembering correctly,his first time Houston will have been here,
well, certainly the first time inMoody, but the first time they
will have played at Austin since goingback to the Southwest Conference days, if
I remember correctly. But in additionto that, Jersey Mike's Nasmith Trophy is
doing a campus business as part oftheir collegiate tour, So they'll be set
up in the concourse from seven toseven forty five with the one and only

TJ. Ford, a n ASmith winner from two thousand and three.
There for photos. Also listen upstudents free pizza first twelve hundred students who
are in line by five point thirty. Also, Monday's game is a stripe
out, so they'll provide free stripeout T shirts for the entire corral Orange

white, orange, right, stripeit out there. Also, American campus
communities are sponsoring cowboy hats in thestudent tunnel. I've seen that when it's
over there, all that banging that'sgoing on in there, that's always a
lot of fun. The on coreappearance from the men's and women's swimming and
diving team some of the best inthe nation. A halftime performance from roller
Bowler were good with rolla bola okay, and then also that features a routine

emphasizing balance and other tricks. Sothere's a lot of reason to come to
the game. In addition the factyou have the fourth ranked team in the
country coming in. No absolutely,I mean again, it'll be a big
ball game for us. But againI always the one one is in front
of me right now. I mean, we've Mark has done a great job
with BYU their top rank program.We're gonna have our hands full over in

Utah comes Saturday at noon, anduh, great challenge for us we're excited
about it. But they've got areally really good ball club. Artie folks.
And this is a natural thing forfans in media as well. They
look ahead and they look at uhbracketological prognostications and all that kind of stuff.
And I know, you keep yourteam focused on the here and now,

but the fact that you're in astretch where you're playing for consecutive ranked
opponents, can it not only dogood with just winning. I mean it
does a lot of good in thelarge picture of your successful We just try
to stay this court state, ofcourse. And again, you know,
you're working the game. You're working, You're working what's in front of you
right now. You know, bYU the big time shooting team. Uh

shoot, the defense is gonna beon a premium for us getting back in
transition. Taking care of the basketball. They're sneaky good offensive rebounding team.
Because it's gonna be a lot oflong shots. It's gonna be a lot
of long rebounds. Uh So thisgame for us, these guys are really
really good, and they're they're atough team to deal with. How how
important is it in practice and challengingto work on deep rebounds? Off miss
three. Since they're gonna obviously shoota lot. We have a drill call

circle of wagons and we put fiveguys out there and we got to move
around. We gotta talk. Wedon't know where the shots coming from.
They shoot the ball extremely quick andearly in their in their possessions. One
pass it can be able or justdriple down the shoot. So you got
to be ready all the time toblock out, no doubt about it.
Hey, we look forward to seeingyou on Big Monday at Moody Center where

the Houston Cougars are in town.But the next game is Saturday, one
o'clock Texas Time, twelve thirty yeartime from the Marriott Center in Provo,
Utah, the Texas Lawborns against theBYU Cougars, the next action in Big
twelve conference play. We thank youfor joining us. Thanks to Zarahuny,
I've been joining us as well.Read coach Rodney Terry. I'm Craig Wade.
Thank you for joining us, andwe'll see you next week right here

at Pluckers of Lawborn Week
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