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Hello again everybody, and welcome toanother edition Longhorn Weekly with Longrtons head basketball
coach Rodney Terry. Coming away fromPluckers the West Campus location here in Austin.
Longhorns come off the big Monday winover Kansas State. Now they get
ready for that other team from theSunflower State, Kansas Jayhawks on Saturday afternoon
at Allen Field House in Lawrence,Kansas. First of all, you know,
I know, coaches don't live inthe land of must wins. You've
got to go each day, asyou say, and live where your feet
are and all of those sorts ofthings. In retrospect, how important do
you feel the win over Kansas Statewas a good k State ball club to
get back on track coming off theHouston game last Saturday, Well, for
sure, I mean, Craig,I mean, we go into the Houton
game, and do you feel likewe need to win that game too as
well? You know, But no, every game we set out to try
to play our best and try togo out and compete to win every contest
that we have, and we puta lot into those games. And you
know, in particularly with the caseDate game, we had a quick turnaround.
We had a one day prep andpreparing for those guys, and we
had to keep by guys again mentallyand physically, you know, ready to
go. Hit the reset button andwe gotta go. You you bring up
a couple of interesting points, andI wanted I wanted to get you first
of all, when coaches are gatheringyour troops together after a loss, and
it was disappointing on Saturday, obviouslywith the way something was. We talked
about the whole thing about bringing thefight to it and everything and being physical
and all that. First and foremost, what goes into the job that you
and the staff to to make surethe guys a quick turnaround. He said,
you have such a quick turnaround forforty eight hour notice, you know
absolutely, And we said from thevery beginning in this league, you know
you have that was short memory andyou're gonna have that game with you for
one night, whether you lose orwhether you win. But again, an
emotional charge game over at their place, and you know, we didn't play
particularly well. We got back,you know, a bus ride back,
got a chance to meet with ourteam when we got back and just really
talked about what were the next stepsfor us to do as a team.
And you know, the thing thatI thought them try to echo the message
try, guys, is we needto get in tonight. We need to
stop preparing to win Monday night's game. Tonight. You know, tonight's out
of time to go out. Yougot to really take care of your bodies.
Get in and get your rest,you know, hydrate, you know,
because you're gonna need all your energycome Monday and we're gonna need to
have great pop all right. Andthen that gets to my second question,
and that was because it's only aforty eight hour turnaround, you know,
you have to, I guess compressthe preparation for it. Are there things
that go left a side or atleast prioritized a little bit differently because you
don't have as much time as younormally have to extrapolate it out over several
days. You got forty eight hoursto get it together. How does that
process work on being able to flipthe script in terms of the preparation what
you have to put in for theguys, well, you quickly turn the
page. In terms of personnel.A lot of times these games are gonna
get to one on one and youhave to really know the personnel that your
garden. You know we're going tobe to go out their actions, whatever
type of actions that are running with. It's a triangle actions, shuffle,
stag or action. You tell theaction, whatever the action is. There's
nothing we hadn't seen all year.Now it gets down to personnel. Who
am I garden? How am Igardener? How am I garden? Pick
and roll? How am I guarden? In the post? And then you
got to really lock into the gameplan on what we're trying to get done
with the team that we're compete against. Well, and then you and I
talked about this before the game onMonday. You had an unusual situation of
playing a conference opponent for the firsttime, and it's late February, someone
you've not seen out. It's gonnabe even really different coming up a week
from Saturday, when you've got OklahomaState, who you've not seen all year
long, and here you are inMarch to play a conference opponent for the
first time, first and only time. Same thing with Kansas State. How
did that change what you want thestaff in there? Because obviously Case States,
just like every other team active inthe portal different obviously about Tyler Perry
coming in and what he what hemight do. But they had some other
guys involved in that well, Sothat's all a part of it, isn't
when you're going up against somebody,even though it's a conference apart, it's
almost like an NCAA tournament game becauseyou're playing somebody you haven't played before,
absolutely on a quick turnaround. Youknow. I think what what's beneficial for
us is we've been in a situationbefore already with a Saturday Monday, so
I guys understand the quick turnaround.And again even earlier in the year,
you have situations that way as wellthat prepared you for the NCAA tournament because
it's the same thing. You win, you have a one day prep in
between, and then it's time toplay another really good opponent that you maybe
know nothing about or haven't had achance to see throughout the course of the
years. So you got to reallylock in to the preparation point that we're
doing over the next you know,day and a half or so. And
some of the guys, obviously youknew from Kansasity or Arthur Klomba what an
outstanding player he is, a gosign. You knew from his time there,
But there were other pieces. Wementioned Perry and obviously Dada aims other
guys there that you had gone upagainst before. Here's something else. I
think it bears repeating. I've talkedabout this before and I don't think it
gets enough credit. And that isthe job that your staff, your gas
and everybody that has to do tobreak down the video. I see it
with my own eyes with more allplane flights coming home and all the work
that goes in, and I wouldimagine it in a forty eight hour time
frame. It's really all accelerated toget you and the staff and everything what
you need to get the guys readyfor an opponent. Yeah, our staff
and our support staff, they doan excellent job, you know, in
terms of the preparation for the nextgame and having our guys ready to go.
And there's not a lot of sleepgoing on during the season, to
be honest with you, So there'sa short amount of time that you're actually
sleeping, you know. I mean, you know, again, we're right
back up Sunday morning and we're there, you know, till six o'clock,
you know, Sunday afternoon, youknow, getting ready in terms of having
all a lot of stuff with ourguys and getting ourselves ready for the game
on Monday as well. So quickterm will no different than what it would
be if you play an NCAA tournament. You play that night, you know
again, you're you're happy with theresult, you know you win. Now
it's on to the next opponent,and you're up to two am in the
morning trying to get the game andprep ready for the guys the next day
that you've got to present to them, and you got one day prep you
got to get ready to play thefollowing day. I would imagine also with
your staff, it really calls upona drawing on some inner reserve because what
you just laid out NCAA tournament.Yes, absolutely, you maybe up till
two o'clock in the morning or later, but everybody's got that adrenaline go one
because you just want an NCAA tournamentgame. Here you're coming off a loss
to Houston on the road, youhad a bus ride back and then having
to get that script flipped all ofa sudden. But that's why I say
it's a credit obviously to the staffto be able to re energize and get
the guys re energize. No,absolutely. I can't speak for all of
our staff, but even at thea loss them up to two in the
morning, myself again watching our tapeand you know, rewatching the game and
just trying to figure out how wecan get better. And then you're still
moving on to the next opponent,watching them and what they what they're doing,
because as soon as you get rideback up, you're right back at
it again. I mentioned at thegame because defenses were really controlling a lot
of what was going on, especiallyin the first half of the game at
Kansas State. I think I describedit as a taffy pull, a rock
fight, two or three other thingslike that, because you get into a
slog like that, a real grindergets physical, and then it's about defense
and turning it into transition offense.Oh absolutely, I mean again, you
know, we've been at our bestwhen we've had a lot of good pop
and high energy and activity on defenseand which leads in some of our easy
baskets and transition for office. Wegot great looks again the other night,
and they're gonna be nights. Well, you don't shoot the ball particularly well,
but you got to lean on yourdefense every night. Your defense has
to be with you at home andit has to travel with you as well.
You mentioned that your defense cannot beallowed to suffer if your offensive game
and going. How challenging is thatfor a coach of their staff and really
for guys amongst themselves not to letthe difficulties on offense if the shots aren't
falling or they're having trouble fighting througha zone or screens. Ever, how
difficult is it to make sure orchallenge you to make sure the guys don't
get down about that and to maintainthe level of your defense, which is
what your guys did the other night. Well, we have measurables all the
time that we're always you know,measured throughout course of practice in games,
you know, so again, theycould be deflections, they could be hey,
running the floor. It could becrushed in the basket, you know,
trying to get some extra possessions forSo there are always measurables in there
that again that you know, evenwhen you're not shooting the ball particularly well,
you can have an impact on thegame. I always ask you whenever
you call a time out, eventhough you're do one coming up on the
next dead ball or thirty seconds laterabout the field that you have in the
moment, about how important it isto stop whatever's going on at the moment
and get it going, no matterwhere you are on the scoreboard, of
the clock or anything like that.You had another deal like that the other
night and you guys responded out ofit. Yeah, no, absolutely.
I mean, you don't always wantto have to call a time out because
you're not doing well, you know, but sometimes you have to try to
group and hit the reset button andget going again a little bit. But
there are also times where maybe youhaven't had a lot of stoppage in play
and you feel like you need togive you guys a quick blow and still
get the media. So you know, there are different times and different strategies
in terms of taking time outs aswell. We've talked about a lot of
your guys on your chain, andwe've got another one coming up in a
few minutes. Gonna be fun tovisit with it, T Horton, But
I did want to give you anopportunity to talk about Max Asmis reaching three
thousand career points. He's now numbertwelve and closing in on being number eleven
all time. NCAAA scoring leader.It's an amazing thing to watch, even
having him only the one season towatch what he does, no for sure,
you know, And I think theone thing you can say about Max
Asmas is that you know, he'san everyday guy. He shows up,
he punches the clock every day,and he's consistent with what he does and
how he does it on the courtoff the court. And again, you
don't score three thousand points in yourcareer and win at the level that he's
won without being and every day guy. I think the other thing that's important
to point out here is and it'svery clear that opposing teams are gearing up,
teaming up either doubling him or tryingto take away clean looks for him.
But he doesn't seem bothered by that. And he's got other guys involved,
and other guys made big contributions offensivelyeven as they had Max clamm down
for a lot of the game.It's not a lot he hadn't seen in
his career, you know. Imean, he's always a guy that's been
game planning for and whether it's tryingto put a bigger guy on him,
whether he's trying to double team himand take the ball out of his hands.
I think the one thing I thinkthat is underrated with Max a lot
of times is that one, he'san he's a great teammate. Two he's
a he's a really good passer.And three, I think he's really improved
his defense from the start of theyear to what we are right now in
terms of trying to really go onhard on defense. The the other thing
that I was going to ask aboutis that here's Tyreees who scored nine points
the other night, but you thoughthe was really a huge extra X factor
in the game with what he diddefensively against Tyler Perry. Absolutely, I
think again, you know, whenhe comes out and plays with the energy
and the activity that he did defensively, and he's engaged talking and communicating on
defense and taking defense you know,personal and having a lot of pride in
it, I think it just spreadsthe other guys. You know. It
came in and it had great energyon defense as well, you know,
so it just went right down theline with different guys sitting down and guard.
Max wasn't scoring the ball very wellthe other night, but he was
doing a really good job on CamCarter, who's you know, arguably their
best player in terms of scoring thebasketball. So there are always a lot
of things within the game that reallyhas impacts on the game that you know,
other than scoring the basketball. Allright, a lot to come here
on Longhorn Weekly with Rodney Cherry andcoming out we're gonna visit with it,
T. Horton. We continue herewatched by those of you on a long
worn network and all across the stateof Texas on the Long Worn Radio Network.
From Layer Field, we want comingback to long Wron Weekly with Rodney
Terry from here Pluckers West Campus locationhere in Austin, present about the Texas
Lottery RT. I'll leave the introductionto you to our special player guest.
Okay, Uh eighth Bill Harden,better known as IT. He hills from
Roseale Catholic High School in New Jersey, and uh, you know, we've
been really pleased to have it years. Not only is he's a great teammate,
but he's been a great kid tobe around. I'll tell you what,
he has a great personality and I'msure he's gonna do a great job
talking today. Yeah, that's goodto have you it T. First things
first, I want I want tomake sure we get this out there because
I was visiting with and you rememberwhen you were at ucum Mark Daniels,
their play by play voice, andand I mentioned it and he said who
And I said it and he goes, We didn't call him that. We
just called him It's Hill when hewas when he was here? Was that?
Was that? Nobody called you itdown there at the in Orlando.
Well, I was a couple ofpeople on my team called me it,
but for the most part, likepeople around you, you u c F
called me by my full name.I'm glad. That's the first time I
ever heard to talk about my fulldays. Yeah, it's first time you've
heard coach college. Yeah, myfull name. But yeah, no,
it was something that's not a lotof people call me that that. Uh
you see to be honest, Yeah, well, uh, I'm curious and
I know a lot of long wordfans are as well, Rtie. How
did I t get on the radarfor you? In terms of it,
here's a guy and we'll go intohis basketball pass a little bit and the
other places he's played, but interms of being a grand transfer, how
did he come to be on yourradar and somebody you were really interested in
once he went back into the portal. Well, when he went into portal,
I can tell you right, thevery first call came from Frank Hate,
and Frank Hat was just like,hey man, this this kid can
really shoot the basketball. It's somethingthat we were still looking for as the
need, UH that we had forour team for this coming season. And
he's like, man, I meanwe had games where you know, we've
seen him in American Conference. Man, really like guys up and us in
particular. I think he's scoring likeI think he had like eight the reason
the game against against Memphis and UH. And then we also had Nick Matson
on our staff from UH from EastCarolina, and he was like, it's
a no brain lord when he shooting. This is the gay to take and
in it. In terms of whatyou were looking for once you were back
into the portal, what were thethings about Texas, about this team,
about this coaching staff for the peeltoo. Well, for one, I
would say, you know, thetradition here at Texas, I mean they
win here. You know, theygo to the tournament pretty much almost every
year, and that's something that youknow I haven't I haven't accomplished yet in
my collegiate career. So that wasdefinitely one of the reasons I was looking
for a great coaching staff that couldreally push me and that could really coach
me hard. I say that now, but like in the process of getting
coach start at a fund, Iain't goize it's definitely not fun. But
that's the only way. That's theonly way you got to get better.
If you're comfortable, you're not reallygetting better. And so he made that
known the first first time I camedown there to visit them, well,
actually the only time I came tovisit, it was a no brainer.
As soon as I got on campus, I was coming. That was that's
number two and number three I wantedto I came for the player development.
Once I seen what kJ was doingwith some of the guys down there when
I was when I came down tovisit, I saw I'm working I worked
out with them as well, andI felt like my game got up.
My game got a lot better justjust being in that one day, in
that workout. And so I meanwith those three things right there, it
was wow. Why not you know. One of the things definitely you just
heard was refreshing honesty there we're talkingabout it said, it's not an awful
lot of fun when somebody's trying tomake you better. No, and I
want to hear from each of meabout this. It T what part of
your game did you feel when youcame in, Yeah, I could probably
use some improvement and RT from thecoaching perspective when you saw it's game come
in and going, we really likehis shot, but and you know,
we'd like to do this. Letme start with you. It T.
I think his answer is definitely gonnabe similar to mine. He gonna have
a lot more to add. ButI would say defensively, like I'm gonna
keep it honest, Like when Icame in here, my defense was atrocious,
Like I was getting beat on backdoor was I couldn't keep nobody in
front of me. I was gettingscored on, and it hurt. It
hurt, honestly, But at thetime it's like I couldn't I couldn't do
much about it, and you know, I just continue. He tried to
work on that every day and bewilling to do it. Most guys aren't
really willing to sit down and playdefensive get better because you know a lot
of people trying to score, andI'm beyond it. Live I like to
score too. But at the sametime I liked I like, I like
to stop my my opponent from scoringas well, you know, instead of
just trading basketball. Was like Iscored, he scored. We ain't gonna
get nowhere. Yeah, all right. So so Artie, when when you
looked at him, like you said, both Frank Kith and Nick Nats and
both said, hey, this guycan shoot. He could definitely score.
Knowing you as I know you fromdefensive, was was that the next question
house? His defense? Well,it was, you know, and there
were times that we saw him youknow, over at you see, you
know, coach uh, you know, Johnny does a great job of coaching
defense as well, and they werereally good defensive team as well. And
you know there were clips that whereI would chow that he would be in
the passing lane and he runs somepasses down and and get some some offense
from his defense. You know.But but again, just like you know
a lot of places you go,if you want to win at the highest
level and and and try to doit consistently, you're gonna have to play
really hard on that end of thefloor. And you know, guys have
to buy into that. And Ithought I tea really start trying to buy
into understanding. Hey, I've gotto be a two way player. I
can't just be a one way player. I've got to defend on both ends
of the floor. And you know, not just now at Texas, but
I got to do that, youknow, in terms of my professional career
as well, I've got to bea two way player. And uh,
you know, and again, we'renot a program where you can come and
just rest on defense. You know, sometimes guys can go play offense and
they rest on defense. No,we want you going as hard as you
go on offense on the defensive endas well. So you know that that
was an adjustment for what was itthe adjustment process for you? It was
it also the fact where there's timesat least from where you were coming from
defensively, where you thought you wereplaying hard on defense, and then it
was kind of illustrated to you thatyou could still go a little further.
Is that how Yeah, let's justsay there's always another level you can get
to in terms of that. Butno, I'm not gonna lie at UCF
our parties were pretty our practices werevery intensive on the defensive side. So
you know, me, I hada pretty good defensive year last year.
I was like second or third onour team at Steels. So I thought
that was good enough. You knowwhat I'm saying, I'm okay to slide
my feet a little bit this anyother. But during the summer the problem.
So the problem is during the summer, it's like it's mostly you know,
training and skill development. You're workingon offense. You know, you're
not really necessarily paying attention or honingin on defensive skills or defense or anything
like that. You're playing defense andpickup, you know, but you're not
really you're not really getting the fulleffect of how you're supposed to play defense.
And nobody's on YouTube watching searching upoh defensive highlights, So if you
watching Gary Payton highlights, or youknow, if you watch some Kobe Bryant
defensive highlights or you know, andso, yeah, a part of it,
a part of it. But Ijust had to get better on defense
in general. You know, Artie, at what point did you see the
light really kind of coming on forit from a defensive perspective. I started
getting better toward the latter port ofnon conference play, you know, and
uh, you know, you hadyou had to buy import And again,
being a good defensive player, it'snot always the fastest guy, the most
athletic guy, or the person thatyou know can jump and do all these
things. Just it really gets downto want two And if you want to
do it, you can. Youcan be a good defender if you want
to be you know, be agood defender, you know, and you
have to have some pride about yourself, and you have to really want to,
you know, dig in and doit and stuff. But he made
a conscious effort that he was goingto try harder and play harder on that
end of the floor, and hegot better, and he continued to get
better in practice, and he carriedover in the game. It T.
Horton's are special. Guess at itT and I will have a couple more
on words coming up when we continuewith more and more weekly from Parkers to
West Campus flotations here in Austin presentabout the Texas Lottery continues in a moment
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The weaver left side Colomb will wasteno time in firing up a free missed
everything barely caught the class of aneasy rebound for Texas by Dyl at the
suit out Front. Now Asmas rightcorner goes to Mitchell Drives in Gon slam
Don and on time out Kansas State. We want to be back here to
Longhorn weekly from Pluckers. The WestCampus location in Austin. That was one
of those Dylan Mitchell flying slam dunks. Is he's still impress you guys with
how he can elevate and make thingshappen on the four it man, I
always wonder what they are is likeup there all the time. I wanted
to ask you a couple for folkswho don't know for it. This is
going back to his sophomore year inhigh school. This is your seventh different
school, going back to your sophomoreyear. You played the different high school
as your sophomore and junior and senioryears. Then Delaware is a freshman,
by the way, great answer triviaquestion. The only man in the history
of Longhorn basketball who's been both aDelaware Blue Hen and a taxas Longhorn.
That would be That would be it. Yeah, Then two years of Pittsburgh
one it's a transfer a red shirt, and then last year you see.
Yeah, So my question was goingto be on how big is the was
the adjustment every time when you weremaking those adjustments first when you were in
uh well even really starting in ahigh school before you got to the college
level. Yeah, I mean itwas more of a bigger adjustment changing schools.
At the college level, I wouldsay the high school game was was
pretty easy. It was fairly simple, not a lot of you know,
not a lot of new systems youhad to learn. It was just get
out there and just playball and goget a bucket, get stops. Uh.
But you know when you go todifferent colleges, you know, they
have different schemes, you know,say, they have different plays, coaching
style is different, and the teammatesare different all the time. And so
you know, just getting comfortable,like that process of just getting comfortable and
you know, learning like just eveneven just learning your way around the school.
It's it's it's been a it's beena smooth transition, I would say,
But I would definitely say like collegethe child's transitions. Okay, So
so out of that it Delaware toPittsburgh, Pittsburgh, the u c F,
u c F to Texas, whichhas required the biggest adjustment out here.
Yeah, yeah, yeah here definitely. Well, first of all,
just because you know the Texas brand, you know, you know, you
know who you're playing for. Andsecond of all, you know the conference
that we play in is is thebest in the nation. Obviously coming from
the American, it was a bigjump. So idea. It used to
the speed. Idea used to thephysicality, the intensity that you have to
have on every play, the amountof focus and concentration that it takes uh
stay on the floor to make theright places and make the right reads.
Even when you're tired, even whenyou tire, you still got to go
chase that man off of two ballscreens. You know, even when you
tire, you still got to lockin and hit that shot. But like
I said, academically, socially inbasketball, would you say, there's quite
a bit of difference between your homessee in the state of chech Yeah,
it's a world of a difference,to be honest. Yeah, I never
realized that. Uh, Jersey,we might be kind of crazy. Okay,
tell everybody a little bit about you'reyou're, the importance of your faith
to you and your name, becausea lot of folks may not have heard
the name before, and and andthe origin of that and and and your
folks and and your involvement in yourfaith. Yeah, it's definitely a first.
Uh So my name Ithiel. Mymy dad had seen this preacher a
while ago. I mean, he'she's he's dead and gone now. But
his name was pastor or was BishopEthiel Clemens, and he had never heard
a name like that before. Sohe was like, you know what if
I if I get to son,I'm gonna name him Itthio. So that's
how my name came about. Littlelittle would he know that, you know,
every time on the first day ofschool, I had to end up
saying my name three four times becausethe teacher didn't know I had to pronounced
my name. But yeah, uh, and behold, that's my name,
and I wear it with probably andI love it such especially my last name,
where my first names is like mylast name with a lot of pride.
Anyth has a meaning, doesn't it. Yes, yes, it has
a lot of different meanings. Butthe main meaning I found on the internet
was the son of God or Godis with you, And so then that
definitely leaves me back into the faith. Faith is everything to me because faith
is all I have. You know, I wouldn't I wouldn't be here without
God. Like I don't want toimpress that upon what you're just saying what
it means to you? What wouldyou say is the best part of being
a student athlete? At Texas andbeing a student at the University of Texas.
What's the best part of all ofthat? The best part A man
go to the student athlete? Oneis it your teammates? Is it?
Is it? The game is?It's a lot, It's a lot.
I gotta I just want to formulateit. The process. Yeah, that's
one of process into one. Idon't know, just like just being here
as a whole, Like the energyis is different here, Like the students
they really care about the university,the people they support, they support the
sports teams, they support any endeavorsthat the university had. And there's a
ton of there's a ton of connectionshere. You know, you can talk
to a bunch of people here forthem connections and just the opportunity. I
would just say, the opportunity hereis has been the best. Uh three
years down the road, five years, ten years, whatever it might be,
when basketball finally reaches its conclusion foryou and your life, what's next?
What's next? What would you liketo do? Well, hopefully it's
gonna be about seven eight. Idid say, y'all know whenever it is.
You know, it's a good question, man, that's a good question.
I would say, I definitely wantto do something with ESPN. Definitely.
I grew up on your broadcaster,hopefully man hopefully some sometimes good as
you and hopefully as good as you. We'll keep that in mind. You
may not have to go for thanksfor giving by appreciate it and UH our
team will be back to us whenwe continue on the Long Waring Network and
the Long Horn Ready Network from therefor back here Long Worn Weekly, Rodney
Terry, the Pluckers, the WestCampus location here at Austin. As we're
talking about Pluckers, a great foodfrom off you have a question here from
est Where's esto? Est was askingthe question what was the biggest Two questions?
One biggest transition that you noticed orencountered coming from UTAP back to Austin.
That was one, and the seconddid you have a favorite food spot
in Opasso? Wow? That's prettygood. Yeah, you know what,
I think the biggest adjustment coming backfrom UTEPUH to UH to Austin or to
ut was just I'd been a headcoach for ten years, you know,
and now I was coming back asan associate head coach and obviously a different
role in terms of you know,running your own program. And you know,
now you're taking a step back.And I said a step back,
you know, because again I coachedthe defense and Beer coached the offense.
You know, you were still heavilyinvolved in game planning and things of that
nature there, but uh, youknow, just taking a step back and
having a chance to to to reallylook at things again as an assistant as
opposed to being the one, youknow, making the calls and and the
final decisions on things. So itwas, it was. It was different,
for sure, but what you know, a role that I embraced.
And uh, I was excited aboutbeing back at Texas and uh had some
great memories when I was here previous, and uh, we were really focused
on trying to bring this program backto the level you know, where we
were when we were here previously andeverything. So, uh it's been great
to be back. Favorite places toeat uh in the ol Paso man so
much uh, so much good Uhtext backs. Yeah, I like Mexican
elder out there, you know what. Lots of plas. Yeah, I
mean a lot of good places.I have to think back right now.
One in particular, I don't knowif I had any in particular, but
I just hit them. I hitthem all. You know, I'm just
trying to think of the names rightnow. Don't blank on the names right
now because I've been going a fewyears. But you know, a lot
of great places to eat in thepass. Okay, I got a couple
of question, so a two partquestion from our number one fan, Jeene,
who ask you do you like inI L? Hey, it's not
a trick question. Do you likeit? I L? And? Uh?
Could you see it affecting a player'sperformance, either positively or negatively?
You know what I think again,name, image and likeness. It's probably
something that that probably needed to happensooner, to be honest, you know
what I mean. I mean,these guys and young ladies that that that
play in the collegiate athletics. Youknow, they they've they've done their part
for a long time. And uh, you know, I was around when
when when they didn't have anything,you know what I mean? And stuff.
I mean, you'd have kids thatthat will go out and play their
hearts out and play terrific and andagain have great you know, pride in
the school and institutions where they wereand they go home and they have nothing
in their pocket, that have nofood to eat, you know, and
so you know, and nothing forthat month for that matter, in terms
of having any type of come inthe in their pocket. And a lot
of times the families they come fromthey weren't able to provide them with anything
as well. So you know,you were left there with nothing to eat,
and uh, you couldn't even reallygo wash your clothes. So you
know, I think it's something thatthat uh was definitely needed. And uh,
you know something that again that wealways coaches. You know, you
have to adapt and adjust, uhin Indian, in any industry, and
uh, you know it's one thatI think we've all had to welcome and
and uh and say, you knowwhat student athletes or you know, they
should get compensated for the name,image and likeness, you know. And
uh, I guess the second partof that. Have I seen any impact
for you know, plane wise interms of good bad? I really don't
think it's really effected the guys inthe in that in that regards. You
know, I think again, Uh, anytime you're able to to to have
any income in terms of still beingable to play and have a passion for
what you you have a passion todo. I think you're gonna try to
do it, you know, toyour best ability. All right, coming
up, we've got another special guestjoining us with Long Worton Weekly with that
coach Rodney Terry from here at Pluckersthe West Campus location here in Austin.
Continues in a moment, Hey backto Long Hoardon Weekly, Rodney Terry's premiere
Pluckers the West Campus location here Austin. Before we introduced our special guest.
That was the moment there where MaxAxmis became a twelve player in NCAA history
to get to three thousand career points. And like we said, it's a
special moment even for a coach tohave that kind of thing. Oh,
no doubt about it. I meanagain I said that before many times.
You know, if a coach couldcoach Max Acemis every year, I mean
he'd do it. I mean hejump at that opportunity every every single time.
I mean, just an incredible kidto work with every day, winner,
special player. You know, wegot two more home games in the
Moody. I would encourage all alongWoan nation to come out and see this
special kid again. He's been anincredible guy to play the game with you
know, college basketball won the bestto play the game, no doubt.
All right, we got a specialguest with us tonight. Don't hesitate at
all, correct me if I mispronouncedyour name, but uh, I'm gonna
say it's Arc Shot Center. That'sperfect really okay? All right, Oh
that's like the name I was given. Okay, yeah, Hey, how
many times can you have an anI Feel and an Arc Shop on the
same show? You know? Uh, Arcshot is a sophomore from Missouri City
that's out in Fort Benn County downhere, Houston, chemical engineering major and
uh, and sometimes we have crawlambassadors and sometimes we have students, and
uh, he's a student also partof beav O hat Guy's group. You're
willing to admit that, Huh,that's my guy, that's my that's you
know what. Babo hat Guy isa lot of people's guy, that's for
sure. You know, he's he'san ambassador himself. So what got you
interested in long worn basketball? Sobeing a chemical engineer, I needed to
find ways to de stress. Ifeel like all I'm doing is work,
work, work, So freshman year, I try to branch out and go
to these games, and I juststarted enjoying being at the Moody the way
Artie got the crowd hype out allthese games, I couldn't I couldn't resist,
and I just kept coming back andback. I skipped a couple of
eight am classes to line up inline, maybe burn in a couple of
assignments late, but I definitely don'tregret being at these games and being there
to support the team and Archie.You're never going to be one to encourage
the student to skip a class,but but a guy spartish him as probably
could make it up. And you'reglad to have the effort, the big
time, big time the effort,you know. And I'm gonna go as.
I'm not gonna try to pronounce hisname and get a great job.
I'll go Artie. I'm an initialguy, you know. But no,
let me tremendous pride, you know, to come in and having a great
experience, you know, when youwhen you're able to do that as a
young person and again make new friendsthat you have lifelong friends with the rest
of your lives. I mean,you can't put a price tagle no doubt
about it. Let me ask youabout uh uh you apparently already have listed
what is one of your favorite Texassketball memories to this point. It has
to do with the TCU game athome less year. Take us through what
you went through for that TCU gamelast year. I think class ended for
me at like five, but Iwas just like, I'll skip this class
this one time. Lined up LAeleven or twelve, and I think it
was a night game and we werethere in the it was freezing outside below
I think it was. I thinkit was below zero or like below thirty
two, and we were out thereit was really high. I remember the
entire first half we were down,and then we had to run in the
second half where we cut it backto a two point game, and then
and then TCU again took the leadwith like five minutes remaining, up ten,
and then our team got the crowdall hyped up again and we came
back and was back and forth,and then Marcus Carr hit that dagger three
to end the to almost end thegame, and then the surge bar rebound.
I feel like all the emotions inthat game, like I couldn't I
don't even know how to describe.I think you just describe entire basketball game
there that was that that was reallycool there. And by the way,
I don't know if if it waslost to any bit. Did you notice
he said below zero and then thirtytwo he was talking Celsius. This is
after all a chemical engineering major.You know, what would you say to
students, because whether they wanted tobe a corral and bass or just be
a student at the game, howimportant is it to be a part of
this of what's going on. Ifeel like even to not like being the
one that's laying out T shirts orlike getting getting everyone to the games,
I feel like just being at thegame gives you that sense of community.
And like for me, I feltlike I was lost my freshman year.
I didn't have the right set ofpeople that I wanted in my life.
And through basketball, I met alot of great people. And these are
my closest friends that I have now, and like I could talk to them
about anything, whether it be aboutsports or just life. Like I'm grateful
for all every single one of thosepeople at those tables out there. Bevo
hat guy gives you good advice.Uh, let's talk not about women or
school, but otherwise it's pretty great. It's good to know our shots it
on with us. Hey, thanksfor coming, bod, you appreciate that.
Coming up, we'll talk about thisweek's a part of the Kansas Jayhawks
with Longhorn Weekly with Coach Rodney TerryPremier Plucker's the West Campus location here in
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head coach Rodney Terry from here Plucker'sthe West Campus Slowcation airon Anscamp. Now,
we mentioned at the top of theprogram the unusual nature of playing a
conference opponent this lateness season. Hadye hatn't seen before? That was Kansas
State. It's going to happen againon SAT against the Kansas Jayhawks. And
this is one of the best teamsin the country. Every year Billsels got
another great team, but it'll beit will be the first time you've gone
up against this particular Kansas Jayhawk team. What are your impressions? Okay,
you well again, you know Hallof Fame coach and coach seth and two
year in the Big Twelve. It'smy fourteenth year in the Big twelve.
You know, he's built an incredibleprogram there and you know every year,
you know Kansas picked to win theleague and you know this year was no
different. They picked the win theleague this year, and you know,
put together a really good roster,you know, with the big fellas inside,
big hunters, a load to dealwith and but Colors, you know,
as they merged as their star playerthis year, you know, averaging
almost twenty points a game. Andyou know, you got a starting point
guard that was a starting point guardon the national championship team that has been
there and you know, one ofyou know, several Big twelve championships.
So you know, they had agood core guys there that that they could
they could build around. But agood team team that could play inside out
out, team that can play reallyfast in transition and uh uh, they've
gotten better shooting the ball over thecourse of the season. Curious to get
your thoughts on Dwan Harris because he'sbeen here, you have been there a
long time running the floor show forthem. And when so much attention is
on a Hunter Dickenson or Kevin mcculloreven kJ Anam who played high school basketball
at West like Brock cutting him,this is uh, Dwana Harris seems to
be one of the keys to whatthey do in terms of getting into their
offenses. Is any good point guardwith it? Well, you may mention
the kJ one of the most improvedplayers in the league this year. I
mean, the guy that could scorethe basketball and and then you when you
put he in and Harrison the pickand roll and those guys the dynamic and
the pick and roll, they reallymake you have to decide how you're going
to go out to the pick androll action, especially with kJ improving to
where he can really score the basketballas well as been a really good pastor
as well. But Harris Man,he's uh, he makes the drink go.
I mean he's the one that stirs, you know, destroyed the stairs,
the drink and you know, he'suh, he can play on both
ends of the florid though. He'sa really good defender and obviously a great
facilitator initialar's their offense really well aswell. What Kevin McCullum we've seen for
a few years now. How aboutyour thoughts on what he's done, you
know, and he's had to battlesome injuries this year as well. Another
improved player. I mean, Imean he's shooting the basketball at a very
high level. Uh, This yearin conference play and elite defender as well.
Guy that gets his hands on alot of balls and plays tough.
He's always a tough competitor. Acouple other guys I want to ask you
about. You mentioned kJ Adams.I want to ask you about Furfey because
he is a guy that's kind ofexploded on the scene for them. Yeahurfy's
a Furfey's a young freshman, uhand they were kind of looking for someone
else to emerge throughout the course oftheir lineup, and he's been that guy.
He's he's a freshman, shoots theball extremely well. He gives them
a version of the young player theyhad last year. And Dick, you
know, Dick was a big timeshooter. You know, he's kind of
taken over that role a little bit. He's also a really good offensive rebounder
and does a great job moving withoutthe ball. But good player. And
then there's Hunter Dickinson, who wasa preseason Player of the Year, preseason
Newcomer of the Year, projected NBAdraft pick, all that kind of stuff.
He looks like a guy who cando a little bit of everything,
way similar to Ta Sue. Imean, with those two guys are unique
players in this league because there aretwo big guys that can pick and pop,
stretch the defense, and they canalso go inside and be factors inside
in terms of school in the basketball. Uh, when when you go into
and we'll talk about the environment inthe middle of it. But but I
want to ask you just about thematchup and then when you see them,
what are some of the things thatreally stand out to you that are must
dos to have a good shot towin this basketball game on Saturday. Well,
we got a value taking care ofthe basketball. I mean, anytime
you go down in field House,you have to put a premium on taking
care of the basketball because if youturn the ball over, you're kind of
feeding the monster a little bit becausethe crowd really gets into the game and
it really ignites those guys in termsof oh they play and how fast they
play. So you got a valuetaking care of the basketball. When we
saw that after Houston when they playedthey're a really good at Houston team,
no doubt about it. I mean, if you if you can value taking
care of the basketball and get shotson your term and get a shot up
every time, now come down andtry to defend and take away second chance
opportunities. Then are you're gonna beright where you need to be. Your
Your team has taken two of thelast three from Kansas, beating about twenty
points in the Bigtoral Championship game,beat them decisively here in Austin, And
what really stood out to me washow physical your guys played and how you
defended really well to take offensive weaponsaway from the Jayhawks. Well, when
we played over there at their placelast year, you know, we didn't
get off to a great start overthere. We turned the ball over and
you know, just like I saidearlier, they were able to get out
and play fast in transition and theythey convert and then they do a great
job of converting when they're playing intransition. So you know, I thought
the latter two ball games we dida much better job taking care of the
ball and with a much more competitivegames and both of those all right,
Well, back to wrap up thisweek's edition to Longgordon Weekly, the head
coach Rodney's Herford Pluckers West Campus locationhere in Austin. The Longhorton we think
continues in a moment as we continuehere for Pluckers the West Campus location here
in Austin, we talked to atlength about Borton, Dylan Desoue is to
this program, what he is tothis how important he is to this particular
team this season, and the thingsthat he continues to give you. Oh.
Absolutely, Again, he's one ofour more cerebral players both on the
court and off the court. Andyou know, he's one of those guys
again that's uh. You know,he's had to play us way into shape
and play its way through this seasonwith no offseason, which again has been
remarkable and again a big kudos toWarren, to Corey, those guys have
done a great job keeping him youknow, on the floor and keeping him,
you know, playing at the levelhe's playing right now with the way
they've managed him this season, wouldyou say that he is probably about as
close to being where he was preinjury and pre surgery and all that other
of stuff as he's been as heis he is, he close to it,
if not being all the way backyet. Well, I wouldn't necessarily
say that. I mean, posta projest injury. I mean, he
could practice every day without any issues. You know, right now he's not
He's not able to practice every singleday and take every rep right now,
and we got to you know,do a great job continue to manage him
throughout the course of a big willplay. But I would say he's close,
but I mean he's still a littleways away with that because he's still
experiences a level of sword AND's rightout the games as well. How about
the mindset that your team has tohave going on the road now two very
difficult places Allenfield House, historic venuein Kansas, and then we know what
Loveock's all about. Think going toTexas Tech for the last time. Well,
we have to be extremely connected.And when I say connected, that's
that's means you know, we're we'reon the same page with everything we're doing.
We're dialed into everything, and uh, you know, you plan for
one another and you have each other'sback, and uh, you know,
you're connected on the floor and youconnected off the floor. And it's funny
we were talking about how long agoit was or or playing Kansas for the
first time is here, it wasa long time since you play Texas Tech
January of the six It was nearlytwo months ago. Yeah, no,
absolutely, I mean they're a differentteam. We're a different team, right
now, so again, you knowwe got a big one hit a Saturday
though with those jails, so it'sgonna be a tough little bit longer.
Well, look forward to bringing itto you four thirty the airtime Saturday afternoon
five o'clock tip off here on theLoggorn Radio Network from Larfield and then Tuesday
night from Lubbock seven point thirty airtimeeight o'clock tip off. Our thanks to
it Horton joining us. Want toremind you we'll be back here. We
have two shows remaining, so Iwant to see out here at Pluckers for
head coach Rodney Terry. I'm CraigWay. We thank you for joining us
and we'll see you next week atthe same time right here on Lowburton Weekend