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March 1, 2024 • 47 mins
Coach talks about the crazy game in Lubbock and what Texas fans can expect this Saturday when the Longhorns take on the Pokes at the Mood.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Following is a near field presentation ofthe Longhorn Radio Network. Longhorn Weekly with
Rodney Terry is brought to you byPlunkers Wing Bar. If you don't like
our wings, we'll give you thebird Windstar World Casino and Resort. Over
ten thousand ways to play by Rico, an official corporate sponsor of Texas Athletics,

and by Saint David's, an officialhealthcare provider of Texas Athletics. Now

here's the voice of the Longhorns,Craig Way. Hello again, everybody.
Welcome to another edition of Longhorn Weeklywith d Terry, coming your way from
Pluckers the West Campus location here inAustin, Longgrns. Come off that big
win in Lubbock over the Texas TechRed Raiders on Tuesday nights and get ready
for a home game coming this Saturdayafternoon against Oklahoma State. So, first

and foremost I know it was itwas a good feeling. Well, it's
always been a good feeling when youcan go in the Lubbock and get a
victory. That We'll just say thatright up front. But given the fact
that your team again responded off aquick turnaround off the road trip to a
difficult place to play in Lawrence,Kansas. That was really big. No,

for sure. Uh, you know, we were coming off a tough
game over at Kansas. You know, I took a lot of ownership in
that game as well. I didn'tI didn't think I did a good job
of preparing my guys for the uhfor the Kansas game in terms of going
into the house to environment and havingto compete at the level we need to
compete. And so we got back, got back Saturday night and said to
the guys, Hey, you knowwhat I'm gonna do. My point,

I'm gonna do a better job,and I'm gonna have us prepared to play
in hospital environments and play with acompetitive spirit that we need to have,
and we're gonna lace them up andpractice tomorrow. And something we hadn't really
done. We knew to come backfrom a Saturday game and we'd have treatments
and you know, kind of walkthrough. But no, we're gonna lace
them up. We're gonna pick thepet at the level we need to compete.

And I thought we really played theway we practiced that Sunday. We
got out to pretty hard for aboutan hour or fifteen minutes, and we
like to call it a bone onbone And it was kind of a not
a bloody Tuesday, but it wasa bloody Sunday. It was a physical,
physical day, no do And normallyI've heard you talk about this sometimes

where a team comes off either abig win or a disappointing loss, that
next day practice sometimes isn't very goodfor whatever reason, whether emotions are down
or things get slippy. But yousaid your guys, you didn't have to
get them fired up. They wereready to go once you got them all
the floor on Sunday, And thatwas the really encouraging thing about Sunday.
You know, sometimes coaches got tocome in and they got to set the

tone in terms of how hard wehave to work that day. Those guys
came in with the right mindset.They came in that day knowing we had
to get better, and we hadto get better in the areas of just
being super competitive pushing each other.We made it very competitive and guys win
at each other. I mean,you know, we look at the play
that happened in the game. Youknow, we probably had about seven to
eight of those plays happened in practicethat day. So you know, it's

just that's how we have to playthe rest of the year. We have
to have a competitive edge, inspiritabout ourselves, you know. In taking
on Texas Tech, you said that, and you had mentioned this when we
talked about on the show last week, even before you got to the Saturday
game with Kansas, you said,there will have to be some things that
have to change from that first gameback on January sixth. You've talked about

a more physical brand of basketball oryour team lag We obviously saw that,
and you said, we're gonna haveto take care of the basketball and not
turn the ball over, and yourguys did a really good job of that
in that department. Yeah, forsure, Kraig. In Game one,
I mean, they scored twenty threepoints off our turn on which we didn't
do a great job of taking careof the basketball. They set the tone
in game one in terms of howheart they were going to play and compete,

and they won the fifty to fiftygame. Every loose ball they were
on the floor for it. Wewere reaching for it, you know,
and so there's a difference in reachingand getting on the floor. First to
the floor wins, and so youknow, we got a chance to change
our mindset in that regards. We'regonna be the first of the floor,
try to win the fifty to fiftygame, and try to play a physical
ball game. One of the examplesof that, by the way, and

I think we're gonna have it asa highlight once our special guest is with
us, was the point in theball game they're in the first half where
guys are diving the floor and broughtHunt again, flips the ball out Ken
the Weaver takes it in, getsthe basket and won. I mean,
that's an example of what you're talkingabout, right first to the first of

the floor. You know, Brockhad several plays throughout the course of the
game where he's first to the floor, Kindle first to the floor. Again.
We made it a point that weweren't gonna be ones reaching for the
balls. We were going to beon the floor first, and we're gonna
come up with those those those thoseballs and those winning plays. I asked
you in the post game about twoguys, and I said, obviously there

was the the expected contributions that wesaw, certainly dealing with to Sue with
twenty one points, we saw severalguys pitching the way they normally do.
Max hasmis back on track. Buttwo guys asked you and specific about.
One was Kindle Weaver with everything thathe gave you, and the other was
Katon Sdick, who seems and feelsand appears to be healthier now and had

a big first halfway in some keymoments in the second half as well.
He is. He's he's done amuch better place right now with the last
five Mall games, you know,really getting his footing back right now in
terms of not worrying about you know, whether it was his back and shoulders,
all of that's kind of out ofhis mind right now. And he's
given us a really good physical presence, you know. And he's done that
over maybe give a take, thelast five month games offensively, and he's

done it for his defensively as well. You were aressed frequently in press conferences
and media availabilities, and you andI talked about as well about how could
Max get back on track again interms of the scoring, his complete game
had been there in terms that you'veseen it, how he would really hunker
down play defense. Wasn't worried aboutthe scoring, but obviously you needed scoring

from him as well, and hecame up with some big baskets for you
in the contest. And you said, we got to do a better job
in the screening game, and wejust got to he's got to do a
better job in terms of creating hisown shot. All of that happened on
Tuesday. Well, Max is aconfident player. You know. He went
through a little stretch there where hewasn't scoring the ball at the level that
he had been scoring the ball consistentlythroughout conference plate, you know. And

but again I think, you know, going to more competitive practices, like
if you were out of practice today, I mean he was, he was
phenomenal today, you know. Imean, little guys get a little chippy,
and as they get chippy, getsgoing a little bit and everything.
But he he couldn't miss the day. He was going to day at an
incredible clip today. And uh,you know, he he'd watched the school.

He'll find a way to schol well. And the one other thing I
want to ask about with regard tothe Texas Tech game, and then we're
gonna move on to other things.But the uh, the point that you
made both with us on the postgameshow, and in the postgame press conference
is and you said it repeatedly,this game was won on Sunday. And
for folks who don't understand a lotof that that, like you said,

he came back, had the goodpractice, but all the preparation for being
ready was put in on Sunday,two days before the game, one day
before you flew the Lubbock and obviouslytwo days before you played the game.
Well, we had really good carryover. I thought everything that we did
that Sunday we did we did onTuesday night, you know. And like
I said before, you know,there were several physical plays. There were
guys running into the wall, therewere guys diving, diving over guys,

there were guys running in the guys. I mean, like the collision rogad.
So you know, we were uhwe were comic cos you on Sunday,
you know. But uh, butI thought we carried over again into
uh into the game Tuesday night.I thought our guys really had a mindset
that we were gonna sit down,we were we were going to really guard,
We're gonna refuse to retreat, anduh, we were going to stand
on our ground and really try todo a great job of guard. Those

were the other two things that youpointed out the team, uh at breakfast
on Tuesday morning. The thing ofguys, if we play like we practiced
the last couple of games, andif I'm courting you in correctly, you
tell me. But you said we'llwin, and we'll win, no problem.
And then before the pregamemail, yousaid to the guys, refuse to
retreat. Are you going to allowthe retreat to happen? Refuse to retreat?

It looks like all the guys toget a heart they did. I
mean again, we uh, wehad really good ball pressure. You know,
we stayed attached to shooters. Uh. I thought our guys really again
played with the big time competitive spirit. And you talk about playing with Jews,
we had Jews at an incredible level. And uh, you know,
when you do those kinds of things, offense comes easy to you. You're

able to make a big shot,You able to make a move in the
post shave and get an office andrebound when you're locked in and really playing
really hard on evenings. All right, we've got a lot to get to
on the program. What we willdo. We're gonna get to some of
your questions we'll take a look atSaturday's opponent, the Oklahoma State Cowboys.
But up next our special guests,Rock Cunningham joins us when we continue here

from Pluckers the West Campus location herein Austin, seen by those of you
watching them the Longhorn Network for allacross the state of Texas on the long
Wart Radio Network. From there,will welcome you back to Longhurt and Weekly
from Pluckers the West Campus location herein Austin, where that coach Rody Terry
Artie always allow you the honor ofintroducing our special guests, although in this
case, I don't think he evenneeds introduction. Yeh, I don't think

he really does. You know,there is West Lakes finess right here.
I mean, you know local hereAustin. Rod Cunningham team captain, leader
on our team and what that's whatthey do. He's ready to own,
you know, Brock is closing inon some records, like being the winningest
player in Longhorn basketball history. MoreWhen I would also say this, I

think you have also already has setthe record for most appearances at Pluckers by
a Longhorn basketball player. I thinkso. My first one was back in
twenty nineteen. Yeah, see,yeah, so it's good. It's good.
Good to see you again, Artie. I want to give you the
opportunity to talk about what he hasmeant to the program and how because I

know this you and Chocka smarted prettytight and and uh Shaka was was so
glad to see Brock when we wereup in Milwaukee for the game against Marquette.
And I know what he felt Brockmeant to the program. But I
know how you feel. I knowhow Coach Beard felt as well about what
Brock has meant to this program.Yeah, he's really proud of Brock's you
know, he how far he's comein terms of over the course of his

career, and you know now he'sreached a point in his career last year.
This year, he plays meaningful minutesand he's an impact guy for us.
He's a guy who who really caresthe hardness so on what we do
every single day and really trying todefend O Coulture at a high level.
What does it meant to you?I mean, you're a local product,
like I said, the Pride ofwest Lake, You're you're a local product.

What does it meant to you tobe such a big part of this
program here in this town that's beenyour hometown. To be here during these
six seasons. Uh, you know, I'm just kind of put one foot
in front of the other. Ithink I'll have a better grip for it
when I actually do step away fromthe University of Texas. But I've enjoyed
every single moment each year has beenunbelievably memorable and a ton of fun I've

just learned along the way. Okay, we'll get this part out of the
way. The game on Tuesday night, but before we get to the actual
collision itself, our team was talkingabout how in practice on Sunday there was
a lot of that stuff going on, right you guys were getting pretty fite
said some of them were very similarto the collision you were involved in.
Yeah. Absolutely, With a gamelike Texas Tech, we played how we

practiced, and you know, we'regoing to try and continue to work on
that the rest of the season.But that competitive edge gave us the edge
to go win that game. You'vealways played with an edge, you know,
So toward that end, take usthrough what you saw on your mind
with the ball heading over to theside and you were going over the side.
I mean, we know what happened, we know what what was ruled
by the officials and that sort ofthing. But take us what was going

through your mind, what you sawhappening and how you went on that.
Oh, you know, it's abang bang play. Ball's going out of
bounds. He's making them play forit, and we just ended up colliding
a little bit too far away fromthe ball. Ended up being ruled a
flagrant too. It happens. Butpart of the game. What did the
the officials say to you? Ithink I told him I was going for

the ball. He said something like, no, I don't know. It
got pretty loud in there after thecollision, Yeah, he did. He
got real loud after that. Ourteam, you know, first of all,
take us through what but what whenthe officials explained it to you?
A and then B will get intoall the high jieks that happened after that.

Well, you know what, frommy angle where I was that the
play was occurring and and happening inreal time, I thought there was definitely
a play on the ball where againBrock was making a direct you know,
you know, going to directly towardthe ball. You know. Now,
was there another guy coming at thesame time and he was trying to make
a play as well. I thoughtso too. But but as the two
were coming together, Blox you know, said, I'm gonna get the part

of the better of this collision.Not myself, you know. But but
I think there was clear intent ontrying to get to the ball. Yeah,
it was not an intent on tryingto hurt anyone. And again,
first to the floors, I mentality, first one that gets there has an
opportunity to come up with that ball. Well, and to be fair,
I also thought that what you weretrying to do was get to the ball
first and cut off the angle yepof the defender coming in. And then

because the angle was getting cut off, the collision ends up doing that thing.
So it happens. H they tellyou that you are disqualified from the
game. At that point you turnand for the broad smile you flash took
them to the Texas text students absolutely, which then incited all of the stuff

that got thrown on the floor allright running out the tunnel, I put
the horns up and immediately, Imean a dozen beer cans got thrown out.
Man, it was funny. Therewas a large one that hit the
floor first. Then there were waterbottles, and then I think what Cory
schlesserd you picked up there was avake pin or something like that. It
went as well. So there wasa lot of stuff that that happened on

that. So what did you doafter you watched the rest of it in
the locker room? Yeah, ittook a little while to get set up,
so I showered, got changed,listen to a little music, but
caught the last I think eight minutesafter we got to set up. Okay,
and uh and Rtie tell everybody again. But the conversation was like which
you have with Kelly South, thecrew chief. Once things were getting kind
of crazy because we were obviously ourbroadcast position was down by the bench,

so we could see all the stuffcome in, the ice, the bottles,
the debris, all that kind ofstuff. And I saw you call
the guys further out onto the floorbecause this was getting into a self preservation
bug, wasn't that well. Therewere a lot of options being thrown to
the floor, and then there wereoptions being thrown toward our ben. So
we started getting our guys onceward halfcourt, and I said to Kelly,
I said, Kelly, if wedon't get this thing under control, I'm

gonna have to protect my players andwe may have to go to the locker
room, you know, I said, you know, and every time they
throw something, that's a technical filefor us. So that's one, that's
two, should be three, butwe'll take two. And then and then
you made a point of pointing thisout that Grand mcastle On, the head
coach of Taxis Tech, did anexcellent job of getting off the bike and

telling folks he said this several times. This has got to stop. Who
were part of his words? No? Absolutely, I mean Grant McCastle has
done a great job there this year. He's done a great job, you
know, instill in his culture.He's coached his team really well this year.
I got a chance to coach Grantfor two years at at Baylor University.
He's a first class guy. He'sa he's a pigh character guy.

And uh, I think for himto do that, I think that really
did you use the whole situation.He gave us a chance to fit ta
game. But you know, astand up young man and a guy I'm
really proud of. What was hewhat was he like as as a player
when he was at Baylor, whenyou were on the Baylor's staff, Oh,
Grant, you know what, youknow what? He bought energy every

single day. And when he didn'tbring energy, I was on him pretty
good about it because there was somethingwe expected him to bring every day.
And and uh, there was atime that he was supposed to do really
well academically. He didn't. Hewasn't carrying his weight academically. So so
I gat apped him pretty good andtook him in the office with the coach
Miller and myself when we kind ofchancetdised him for but not doing a good

job academically. And he never forgotthat. All Right, we're visiting with
Brock Cutting and we're gonna have somefun with Rock coming up where he is.
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give you the bird. Thanks Chrisleft side how the rock cutting up,
left alone to shoot the three?God Rock knocks it down the three and

the log warns are up by twentyone forty twenty one down the fifty seconds
remaining in the first half, andwe welcome you back to long Arton Weekly
premire Plucker's the West Campus location orspecial guests. The guy I like to
refer to as the People's choice RockCunningham with us. You knocked down the
Big three. One thing you haveover the last couple of years looked a

lot more comfortable shooting the three andit's a pretty quick release on the catch
and shoot thing. Have you foundthat that worked for you better even than
taking a dribble or moving to aside to escape the defender to put it
up? Uh? Yeah, youknow. It's it's been a long process
trying to get my shot figured out, and this year where we had a
little bit of a you know,down period where we're getting it back right
now. But it's starting to feelreally good again. For folks who don't

know. Here's the number that mostcareer wins by an individual winning am with
us of victories in Texas long hornonback sketball history. Number one all time
is a tie aj Abrams and ConnorAshley who were there from six to nine.
They're at one hundred and nine wins. Third place. This guy one
seven. So the long runs aretaking care of business. You'll surpass it

before the regular season is over,right hopefully. Well all right, So
I mean that obviously it means alot to you, Like I asked you
about being a part of this programas well, and also you think of
all the teammates you've had, andI know folks have made a lot of
them talking about having playing for threedifferent head coaches. But the guys,
I mean, that's been the mostrewarding part of all. Let's playing with

these guys, right, absolutely.You know that the most wins all time
is really just who you've been aroundand who has coached you. I've been
blessed to play for three great coachessurrounded by great teammates my the entire time
here. So it's more of aprogram award than it is any personal Now,
because you're a grad student now ina sixth year. We talked about
this last year, your foray intothe average realm. How's that going?

That's going good? You know,I'll finish my masters this spring. Done
a few internships in different areas entertainment, marketing, real estate, so I've
kind of branched out to see whatfits me. But I'll play professional basketball
next year and I'll figure out whatexactly I want to do after that.
So you do plan to play professionalbasketball. I do somewhere somewhere, Okay.

Now, do you see yourself aslike a giant commercial real estate magnate
or something like that? What doyou see beyond basketball? Whenever that time
comes down the road, you know, I think you hit it right on
the head of commercial real estate.It's definitely a strong option. But I'm
eighteen to twenty four months out fromreally making decision, but real estate could

could definitely be an option. Allright, now, I've got to ask
you about something else. It's kindof important. I know what's been important
to you in the past, becausewe've talked about it, I think the
last few years, over the years, over the years, well we've been
here and that is what I've referredto as Brock tours the world. Uh,

because you had this deal when youwhen you've gotten done at the end
of the semester, you hop it, you hop in a truck, right,
and then you just take off acrossthe country. We're we're all.
Have you gone back to the sameplaces and where we're all with you go
on it. On these adventures,I've been as far north as Montana and

as west as San Francisco, LaSan Diego, all throughout Nevada, Utah,
Colorado, Wyoming. The only placethat I frequent is Laramie. It's
a unique town if you've never been, it's almost lawless in a way,
but just getting out exploring nature,finding buddies along the way, It's just
a nice way to disconnect. Laramieis almost lawless. Oh yeah, kind

of like your game a little bit, right. Okay, So is there
another plan to do one more tripafter this sixth season? Absolutely? You
know this one. I want.Don't have to be back for workouts.
My time at Texas will almost bedone, so I'll stretch this one out
for two weeks, maybe go asfar as Washington this time, but really

try and see more of the country. So this is all west, the
whole west. So you didn't haveany any desire to drive in Manhattan.
No, No Kansas for me quiteyet. Okay, And no, I
didn't mean Manhattan, Kansas. Imean Manhattan, New York, Manhattan,
New York. No. The onlytime I went west was when kJ Adams
and I did a road trip.We only went west for about east for

about two hours. Okay, allright, you brought up kJ for folks
who don't know. Of course,kJ outstanding player for the Kansas Jayhawks.
You were teammates in high school.He's talked about you being his best friend.
I know you wore the pink shoestribute to his mother whom he lost.
What is that that dynamic light.Being so close to a guy who

plays for another team that you gotto go up against, you know,
it's fun. I compete at thehighest level against him, but when we
were growing up, that's what youdream of. So I can't but not
play with a smile playing against him. He's had an unbelievable career. I've
cheered him on at every leg.He's had a really tough year and just
handled it like a man. Soit's been just a ton of fun and
rewarding for me to see him haveso much success. Do you have conversations

like, hey, I look forwardto going up against you again. Absolutely.
He's never beat me in one onone, so I'll hold that he's
got to get me before I retire. But we'll see what happens. Okay,
all right? In terms of what'sleft to this regular season and then
the postseason, there's three games leftin the regular season. What is really

important for this basketball team to doto achieve what you've got to achieve on
the floor, first against Oklahoma Steeleon Saturday, Big Monday game in Waycoat,
the rematch with Baylor, and thenhe closed out with Ou on Senior
Day the following Saturday, and youwill go through on this senior day,
right, I will, okay,all right, all right? So what

really stands out as to what youguys need to do to get where you
need to go over these next threeballgames. Well, I think the blueprint
was shown against Texas Tech. Ourcompetitive edge is what got us over to
the win the other day. AndI think if we keep playing like that,
with that much passion and energy,it'll take care of itself. And

if we lose one, you know, we'll be proud that the way we
handled it. But just playing ashard as we did the other day.
It's always great to visit with you. I appreciate this. I know we've
got some more time together on downthe road, but I appreciate you coming
by tonight. It's our last onecrank. That's it, the last one
there, the People's Choice. BrockCunning in with us. Coach Terry O
join us coming up. We'll getsome of your questions coming up when long

Orton Weekly continues here from plumfers onthe Long Morn Network and the Long Horn
Radio Network. From there, wewelcome you back to Longharton Weekly with Coach
Rodney Terry from here a Pluckers theWest Campus location here in Austin. I
want to make one correction. Wedo have we are gonna have an encore.
We're gonna have one more segment.We're Brock coming up when we have
our representative from the Texas Darling's joinus coming up next Sega. So by

popular demand and request, Brock willjoin us when we have our representative from
the Texas Darners. But we wantedto get also some of your questions.
Where's Naomi? Naomi has a question? No, Naomi is wanting to know.
Do you have a favorite story fromyour times going up against Texas Tech?
Not necessarily the Tuesday, but itcould have been, but anytime.

No, for sure. I'll tellyou what one of my fun is memories
was. We went over and itwas a year after we went to the
Final four. It was the Sweetsixteen team. The following year, we
went over and Bob Knight's coaching theteam at Texas Tech. And it comes
down to a one possession game thereand we were down and have a chance

to We have the ball and havea chance to win the game. So
Bob Knight doesn't put a gall onthe ball, so we get a chance.
We have a play that we calledtriple. We've been I don't put
it out there, we call ittriple. We're gonna get the ball at
half court. We're gonna call timeout. And it's a lot harder if
you have someone on the ball justto get the ball down the floor and
be in the call time left.He didn't have a lot of time left.

So we get the ball at halfcourt, we call time out,
and uh we've all all of usguys are been coaching with Rick Barnes,
and Rick Barnes to this day stillruns the same special situation type of play
and uh we called it Box Special, and uh we we ran Box Special
and uh we we we hit thegal off the fade and Brandon Mouton makes

the three, and uh we walkoff and h I think I kicked Frank
hat in the in the leg becauseI got really excited about what we just
won the game. It was abig game for us, and every time
we go over there's always a sellout, and uh we were able to walk
out of the building on the lastsecond shot and won the game. That's
that's a great memory. The otherone I would add to have probably to

like Kevin Durant had thirty seven pointsand twenty three rebounds in that building.
Yeah, Katy played it. Imean, kid, he had a lot
of great games of it, justone, I mean, but he played
great that night over there, andwe we walked away with a really good
victory over there. Expressman year aswell. All right, where's Amy?
Amy? With a question? Amy'swanting to know? Uh, do you
have any special pregame rituals or traditions? You know what? Uh? I

think you know, this year Ireally kind of got into uh and I
bought one. I bought one ofthese fall guys, a little paperback book
I got a received from my uncleChristmas, and uh it's a daily devotion,
you know, and uh, beforeevery you know, a lot of
times you're back in the locker room, for give it, take sixty minutes
back there, so you got alot of time on your hands. But
uh, I'll usually read about youknow, two to three of those three

minute devotionals, and uh it kindof just calms me down and try to
give, you know, try toput myself in a really good demeanor and
be able to you know, beready to coach my guys the right way
and now kind of be out ofmy mind when I'm out there coaching.
Yeah, well that's good. Iwill add this, Uh, when when
you have a practice, say thenight before the game and before practices,

you'll have the guys lock on andjog from one end to the four to
the other, channing the word togetherover and over, and the coaches are
on the side, arms locked,everybody channing together together together, go down
on the flour and back. Well, you have to stay again, you're
gonna Basketball is a team sport.You need everybody to do their role at
a very high level, and youhave to have a very connected team when

you go in a hustle environment likewe went in the other night. If
you don't have a connected team,you have no chance of winning the game.
So, you know, we needevery guy to be locked into what
his role is and locked into theteam and connected. CRRA with a question.
There, cr with a question,what has been the most rewarding part

of coaching for you? What's whathas been most rewarding about being a coaching
You know what I think the mostrewarding thing is I think is you know,
like you get a chance to coachbrought cunning Hammer. This would be
my third year we brought, youknow, and you you won't fully appreciate
it and get the rewards of ituntil once he's had a chance to go
off and become a husband, afather, a guy that's really doing great

things in his community. That's whatyou feel most proud of. I mean,
you know, obviously guys get achance to go on and play professional
basketball, that's great too, Butyou love seeing those guys go off and
become great providers and great husbands.And I've had a chance to coach a
number of a number of guys overthe years. And you start dating yourself
when you start talking about the numberof years you've been coaching, you know,
when you say you're in your yourthirty second and thirty third year coach,

and you're like, man, you'reold, you know. But you
go up against the guy Grant mccastand I had Grant for two years at
Baylor, and you know, Grant'sa great father with four kids. I
believe he has. And we sawMichael Schwartz up Their's coach. What he's
coaching right now is my associate headcoach for five years in Presido State he's
the head coach at East Carolina,and he's doing great things. A great

husband, great great great fathers,will and everything. So that's the emotional
warning for me. I mean,I get a chance to see my guys
go off and and be great husbands. He providers and really try to prepare
them for the game of life anduh, you know, still impress professional
habits for those guys. All right, coming up, Rock Hunningham makes return,

and you'll meet another member of theTexas Darlings with a love, Warren
Riegley Bamar Pluckers the West Campus locationhere in Austin continues in all that Isaac's
Nali Jennings against Rock Cunningham, andBrock knocked the ball loose, came up
with a steel, picked up themby Weaver. Here's Weaver splitting two defenders
place and and he's good of thesefoul How about Kendall Weaver picked up the

loose, change off the steel fromCunningham, drove in, laid it in,
got the bucket and wife. Welcomeyou back to Love Warren Ridman.
Now we're gonna introduce her special guestsat the moment. But we asked Brock

Cunningham to come back up here tobe a part of this. But also
that highlight rock. You went tothe floor and flick the ball out there
to Kendall. Take us through thatplay on what you saw, and then
Kendall doing the rest. Well,just tried to crawl with my defender,
got it out of his hands,dope, didn't really know where the ball
was, got lucky enough to hitit to Kendall, and he took care
of the rest. No, nodoubt about it. Okay, we want

to introduce you to the basketball chairfor the Texas Darlings, and so please
welcome Alexandria. Say who is withus? You know, Alexandria clearly has

brought her own cheering section and it'sgreat to see. Hey. Yeah,
right, So you're a secor fromHouston, Yes, majoring in sport management.
Yes. So what do you wantto do with a sport management degree?
Yeah? So whenever I first Iguess like with sports, I always
played it all my life. ThoughtI was gonna be like a sports ager,

like a sports reporter, just becausepeople are like, you can talk
so much and you know so muchabout sports. But honestly, my passion
completely pivoted my sophomore year, Idid an internship. I'm doing door door
sales. Absolutely loved it, andso now I'm gonna be working for Dell
after college. So wow yeah yeah, So Brock, is it encouraging to

hear that somebody has a plan forwhat they're gonna do with their life after
college? Absolutely? Hey, Honestly, I wanted to go into real estate.
That was a passion of mine fora while. So that's why I
want to be said that. Iwas like, Okay, that's something you
can definitely do too. I thinkwe're gonna kill it a Dell. Yeah
yeah, there you go. Allright, So what got you interested in
the Texas Star. First of all, we've had representatives to Texas Dardals nobody.

But explain a little bit for folkswho don't know. Yeah, so
Texas Donalds is like a spirit organizationthat's full of women, as you can
see, like empowered women who arejust intelligent and we just build each other
up. So we have like ourphilanthropy two where we serve it for the
boys and girls clubs, so hangout with little kids, help them out
with their homework. But I thinka big thing that we're really known for
now is we represent the men's andwomen's basketball team. So that's actually my

co chair Gianni right now and meand her. We basically foster relationships with
the men's women's basketball team, sothat entails going to all their home games.
I'm notavicating we've been to every singlehome game for men's and women's and
just doing like fun events with themoutside of basketball too. So yesterday,
just like having Kenda Weaver come toour general meeting was awesome and cheering him

on the week before having Aliah Morenjack Alanga. So it's just like creating
those really close relationships with them andgetting to know them outside of just the
sport itself. Rock, We've talkedabout, you know, the Corral and
what it is men and obviously withthe Texas Darlands what they mean. And
by the way, it's a hugenoticeable difference by the way at Texas women's

games, you guys being here.By the way, I'm just gonna point
that out, but thank you,Rock. How how much has it meant
to the team to have the Corraland the Texas Darlans their game man game,
Well, I'd said that Darlings makea huge difference at the men's game
too. Their presences immediately felt,you know, seeing them at home games
and having that consistent fan base rightright behind our bench and bringing that energy

has been huge. You know,from the time I got to campus to
now, the Darlings and the Cowboyshave done a great job bringing students and
energy to our games. What doyou like most about being a part of
that and what you guys do oryou could even describe some of the things
that you do before a game enduringa game. Yeah, I mean,

honestly, I think this semester especiallyhas been so much fun going to games.
So a little bit background, likewe don't just show up to the
games, like we're there two tothree hours before the game even stories and
so like with that, we werelike, what's something fun we can do
while just like standing in line,and so we'll help pass out the food,
We'll help pass out shirts, we'llhelp like literally do whatever they need

us to do, if anything.And I think through that it's just helped
us like grow a ton as anorg, like a lot of people are
now starting to know as compared tomy for semester being in Darlts of Spring
twenty one, like no one knewwho he were, so it's just really
cool seeing like how we've elevated himjust like grown since all right, I
was told to prepare for the possibilitythat you might come dressed in a long

horn onesie pajama thing, explain thatI know. I was like, I
want to rep the darlings, Iwant to rep my shirt. So yeah,
I was like, we're just gonnawe'll put the onesie to the side
for now, but you know,maybe we'll see me in a onesie later.
Do you wear the ones who dothe games? No, I don't
own a onesie. Honestly, Idon't own a onesie. Yeah, guy

Rob actually was saying to pull upin a onesie because this upcoming game on
Saturday is pajama theme. So ifyou're coming to the game dress up in
pajamas, all of us darlings aregonna see our whole section dressed on in
our pj's. So yeah, definitelycome ducked out that. That's uh,
And I'm glad you mentioned that becausewe did want to point this out.
There will be multiple opportunities to winlonghorns one see pajamas before and enduring the

game as well, So h whocame up with the idea about wearing pajamas
for the game. Not me,Okay, I don't know. I don't
know. I just got told that. They're like, hey, it's spread
the word to where pajamas And I'mlike, okay, you're okay with that,
right, Yeah, you guys,you're okay with that absolutely? All
right? Uh So Pajama Day inthe Corral on Saturday. Is there a

member of the Texas Darlans or theKerral that you know, like like Mummins
here tonight, he's a Keral alum, you know what you've got? So
if you is there anybody out ofthat group that you cannot wait to see
in pajamas? Oh my gosh,that's a very like on the spot question.

I can't wait to see in pajamaYeah, I mean you have you
have you have friends, You're you'regonna be curious to see what they look
like. Honestly, Lila, Ifeel like Lila back here. She's a
Egyptian as well, so I'm Egyptiantoo, But yeah, I cannot wait
to see. It's gonna look likea time. Okay, all right,
it's great to see you. Thankyou for coming. Out Alexandria and Rock

Cuttingham as well. Alexandria say fromTexas Darlings, Rock Cutting aam up next,
Coach Rodney Terry, and I wantto talk about the upcoming NTCHO with
Oklahoma State. The log Onon weekwe get Titans on the Lagron network with
the log One Radio Network. Fromlater, we welcome you back to log
waron Week. Coach Rodney Terry herefrom Pluckers the West Campus location here in

Austin. I know you've got abig kick out of Alexandria and Brock being
back up here. No, absolutely, I think again, I'm real big
on you know this time in theirlives. They only get a chance to
do it one time. It's aboutmaking incredible memories for the rest of your
life. True enough, all right, So you get ready to go back
to where we continue to talk aboutthis. We did it before the game

with Kansas, We did it beforethe game prior to Kansas as well.
And the phenomenon that I'm talking aboutKansas State is playing a conference opponent for
the first time very late in theseason, and now you've got it again
with Oklahoma State. This is,by the way, for the record,
the latest in long worn basketball historythat they have played a conference opponent for

the first time in a season.Now, it'll be the only time you'll
have Oklahoma State one time, butit's the latest that you've had that.
How So, what are your thoughtson the Cowboys, Because clearly they got
off to a difficult start, butthey've been playing better basketball here in the
second half of the season. They'replaying their best basketball right now. And
a lot of times Mike's teams usuallyplay their best basketball toward the beginning of

March. In the February, histeams really peak at an incredible level.
They're playing really good defense right now. They're scoring the ball at a very
high clip. They're playing with asmall lineup at times, which is can
call some adjustments for you as welland everything. But they got a really
good shooting team. They shoot theball extremely well. They put a lot
of pressure on you in transition,and they're playing the best basketball right now.

Yeah, And now, for folkswho don't understand, if they hear
somebody say, well a team isgoing with a smaller lineup, instinctively,
a lot of folks say, oh, okay, well that's easy enough.
Then you just yeah, muscling theoutside of them. But smaller lineups do
create matchup problems though, they reallydo. I mean, and you know,
you go back to the other night'sball game when Texas Tech went really

small, we started having some problemson the defensive end of the floor because
now we've got bigger guys going tosmaller guys, and you know, we're
switching on the different guys and they'regetting to the teeth of the defense,
and it really puts a lot ofpressure on you guys that sit down one
on one defense. I want toask you about another question because this has
sparked a great deal of conversation aboutcollege basketball teams across the country, and

a couple have been mentioned in theBig Twelve as well. And this is
uh the concept or the what hashappened, what has evolved this particular season
with regard to non conference scheduling.There there are some folks out there say
some schools can quote unquote game thesystem by scheduling non conference teams that they

could probably beat up on, butbecause they win by such a large margin,
they're helped in the net rankings onthat. Now, your team was
not mentioned as one of those becauseyou've had a toughing the non conference schedules,
But there were a couple mentioned inthe Big Twelve, and then there
were others mentioned across the country aswell. How difficult does this make this
for the concept of scheduling non conferencegames, because you want to be challenged,

you want to win, you wantto get rewarded for the wins as
well. Well. I think again, when you put together the schedule,
I think it's really important that youwant the who's in your league style of
play, you know, so innon conference you want to try to play
as many of those style of playsas possible that prepares you for conference play.
You want competitive games, you wantgames that are going to continue to
help you get better in your nonconference as you prepare for conference play as

well. I know for us,we every year at Texas we want to
try to have a milnkey game athome. Weren't able to have a Power
five more key game this past seasonfor a couple of different reasons. But
we will moving forward have a reallygood power five five, you know,
non conference game here, a homeand home, a home and away series

that we'll start uh with a reallygood team. Uh. But but I
think again, it's a balance becausewhen you get in the league, play
our leads. Our leads are sogood. I mean, when you're the
Big twelve was gonna be really goodagain this year, we know the SEC
is gonna be really good. SoI think it's a balance in terms of
how you really try to put togetherthat schedule, but it's one that prepares
you for conference play. Yeah,and then you've mentioned this before. You

refresh my memory on this, onthat scheduling formula where you go you say
nine four eight five works? Youremember that, grand that's a great memory.
No, you know what we gowith the nine to four model.
You could go a you know,an eight five model. You could go
seven six model. And what doesthat mean? Seven six nine four nine
a five You're gonna play you know, eight buy games that we get a

chance to buy games on you know, on our team is given an appearance
fee for coming in and playing right. So and then we'll play five five
Power Conference games. You know,so we played big Boy games, right,
so you got eight by games.You have five big Boy games.
This year we played nine by games. We played four big Boy games because
we didn't have a home and homeseries that we were able to play this

year, or we didn't have aBiggies Challenge at our place this year and
everything. So, you know,I think the first year we got here,
we we inherited a seven to sixthmodel, but we moved that thing
way back because it's tough. Well, roster wasn't set for it. We
weren't. We weren't prepared for that. We had one guy on the roster
at the time, and you're gonnaplay seven by games and six big Boy

games. We don't even know whowe have on our roster. And it'll
be interesting going forward when you getto the sec to it dealing with that.
Yeah, for sure. Again,you know, I think there are
again, there's all creative ways andputting together a really competitive schedule. We're
so much for the head right nowwith our schedule piece of it right now.
There were were a year ago.A year ago we were still just
trying to win games to keep myhead above water. You know. You

know, Coach Ogden and coach Matchand they've done a good job putting on
non conference schedule together for a betterpart. Right now now, MTS,
we're already kind of locked and loadedwith a couple of those. We go
to Mali the following year, notnext year, but the following year.
Already we're locked and loaded with that, and we have an MT right now
that there's a chance we'll play inand maybe not playing as well, uh

in the future as well. Allright, is it and you don't have
to name the school, but isthere a team, a school, a
program that you've told your staff we'renot playing it no matter what I mean,
for any number of reasons, anynumber of reasons. Is there someone
in your mind and you don't haveto name the school, but is there
somebody that's coming by and now we'renot doing that? Well again, I

think it just depends on what you'relooking for in that season, you know,
in terms of who you want toplay in the opponent that you want
to play, because you know withus moving from moving from the Big twelve
to the SEC that there are alot of opportunities if we choose to continue
to play Big Tree those schools,Well, we'll have opportunities to do that,
but it'll be on our terms interms of what we want to do
and how we want to do it. All Right, We'll be doctor to

wrap up this week's edition of LoggartonWeekly, we put Trodney Terry for Pluckers
West Campus location for saying about theTexas Lottery. When we continue at the
bath we walk in the Max LongGoarton Weekly Big MoMA. Thereon, we
were talking about max a'smis knocking downthe three You called the thirty second time
out right before that to set thatup that first half use their lose it.
Sometimes you do it, sometimes youdon't, But I guess it depends

on the opponent in the situation.Well, I thought the game the other
night, our guys did an excellentjob. After atos ATLS and after timeout
execution, our guys came out andI thought that everything that we drew up
and that we wanted to execute,we came out and did a great job
with the play you were talking aboutprobutely halftime. You know, we got
exactly what we wanted in terms ofwe're either going to get a shaft for
Max and we're gonna get a shaftforel block. I believe it was that

was in the game that was gonnaget a chance to raise up uh as
the field behind guy. But uhyeah, I mean it just kind of
if you have it you want touse it if you can. Yeah,
we do want to remind folks thatthe also students can follow the official Instagram
account of the Corral at the CorralUT for more information. There's gonna be

multiple opportunities to win long Horn onesiepajamas before and during the game. Maybe
maybe if it's a win, maybeyou put it on. So yeah,
no, I mean yeah, right, okay. Also, Texas Wranglers Blogs
to tailgate open all UT students outsidethe basketball practice facility starting at ten o'clock
on Saturday morning. Bevo will makean appearance at Adel Plaza from noon to

one, so fans are encouraged tocome out take a photom all right,
We'll be on the air twelve thirtySaturday afternoon the tip off at one o'clock
Texas against Oklahoma State and then theBig Monday matchup in Waco at eight o'clock
at Baylor. Next Thursday night willbe our final program of the season for
longhornon weekly. So we hope tosee out here at Buck's the West Campus

location. Thanks to Alexandria Say,who represented the Texas Darlings with us.
Thanks to the People's Choice Rock Cuttingin as well for head coach Tritney Terry.
I'm Craig Way. Thanks for joiningus. We look forward to see
to you at Mooty Center on Saturdayand the next week for our final show
of the season, right here onLogboard weekends
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