Episode Transcript
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Do you know me in studio today? Diane Watson is here today from the
Maria Public Library and we are talkingabout the Summer Reading Adventure. Diane,
Welcome to the show. How areyou today? I'm doing pretty good,
absolutely wonderful it is. We've gota beautiful day. We're talking about summer
coming and I know you guys havebeen listening to me on the air talk
about how we're going to get allthe preview stuff for summer coming up.
Well, one of those things iswhat your kids can be doing this summer,
and that is the Summer Reading Adventure. But I've heard there's a little
twist in there, a little bitthat it's not just kids this year.
Is that what I'm here? Yeah? Exactly. Yeah. For many years
we've wanted to include the adults inthe You know, we have reading logs
and things for kids and teens,and this year we had one of our
managers says, I'm just going todo it. I'm going to take it
and run with it, and shehas. So we have reading logs for
all age groups. I love that. That also means that we have reading
log or we have prizes for allage groups. So if you are a
little kid pre even pre school andyou know, zero to five. If
you want to read to your childand get them registered, you can bring
them in June first and get thereading log and then read to your child
and come back and you can collectthe prizes. The same with kids that
are grade school and teens. Andthen this year we also have the adults.
They have actually Susan has done aphenomenal job getting all sorts of gifts,
cards and prizes for the adults aswell. And you have a number
of opportunities where you can submit aentry into the prize drawings. I love
that. Well, you've got alot of things on the calendar, as
you have, so everything kicks offJune first, right, and it runs
until the end of July for thesummer Reading program, correctactly. June first
is when you'll come in and we'renot necessarily having a kickoff evently, we've
always tried to do like a bigkickoff event at the beginning an ending event.
This year, we're just going tosort of keep it where you can
come in and register and get startedwith your reading on June first, or
June second, or June third,or you know, any week within that
two month period and then get registeredand read, do your twenty minutes whatever
your log tells you to do,and then come back as you reach the
different goals and you can pick upprizes, and then at the end there
are a number of prizes that willbe given away as well. Okay,
we'll talk about some of the specialthings that you have going on with Summer
Reading Adventure, because I know thatthe Armstrong Air and Space Museum is coming
and you've had them before and theyare very popular. Just talk about some
of those special events and why it'simportant for our kids and families to come
out well. And I think alwayswe stress the fact that we want to
keep kids engaged all summer long.You know, the library and let's three
twenty have always been one of theplaces where you can come and you can
have activities for your kids to do. We don't want to hear that I'm
bored, absolutely mom, I'm boreddad, you know, and there's nothing
to do. Because if you cometo the library and you pick up one
of these sheets, or even getthe newsletter in your mailbox in the next
couple of weeks, put it onyour refrigerator, because what we want you
to do is refer back to itoften, Like you said, Armstrong,
Air and Space is coming in June. We have robotics camps. We have
a couple of different age groups forthat so called the Library and get registered.
I know there are still some openingsfor the older group. Okay,
Ohio Nature Education is going to bringa program animals you love to hate.
So if you have some animals youdon't want to want to then I would
not come. But there's a lotof kids and families that will come.
We have an Enchanting Expeditions Magic showwith Dana Hill. Dana was here last
year with magic and he did awonderful program and I think we wanted him
to come back. And the otherfantastic program last year was the Circus Pop
Giant Bubble Guy. That room wasjust a bunch of kids that were just
reaching out for bubbles, and thenof course he ended up putting a couple
of kids in bubbles. I didremember, So it was great time for
families and kids. And then ofcourse Swoops Pirate birthday party is at the
end, but we have another ladycoming that's going to bring her hedgehog and
do a program along with it.So I think it's just very intriguing that
you know, a lot of thesethings are happening, and that we can
stay kids and the families can stayconnected with their library, because that's what
we're there for, is to makeit purpose, purposeful for the families,
getting you in the library more thanonce. And then of course you can
check out books, keep the kidsreading, keep them engaged, and make
it happen. And of course,on the far right of this newsletter that
we're sort of cruising, it's engagementfor the little ones too. We got
laps at baby time, we gotstory times, and this year they've added
some story times out and about.So if you're going to be at Prospect
Park on June twenty fifth, orCaledonia Farmer's Market on June fifteenth, or
LaRue Park, you're gonna be ableto take advantage of some of those story
times out in the community. That'sreally cool. I love the fact that
you guys are getting out and seeingpeople where they're out enjoying the outside at
the same time of like going outto the trail and doing the book out
at tall Grass Trail, which isso much fun. You can do that
this time of year and really enjoythat, and you'll swap that book out
whatevery couple months or so. Well, actually, we just I was about
to do a post before I camehere. We were out there yesterday.
What's today today? We were todayIt's Thursday week, and we put a
new one out. We took theEclipse book down and we put one up
that that is more in line withsummer reading and Summer Reading Adventure. So
there is a new one this year. I would like to say thank you
to the leadership class because they tookon the videos and then we put together
QR codes where the you'll be ableto pull up the video that reads you
the spread neat and then another ladydid the Spanish version for us. That's
cool. I love that. Andthat's how a tall Grass Trails trail is.
Now there's an new one out there, a new book out there,
and we will be able to changeit out probably by the end or probably
in the fall. We'll change itout again. Okay, okay, so
you'll be able to enjoy that thissummer. And that goes out about a
mile right, it goes right aboutout to the to the lake. Right,
it goes out to actually to theroad, right, so that is
a mile, just just just shotright. Yeah, and then of course
you walk out, you have towalk back. Yeah, absolutely, it's
perfect. That's really cool. Iwhen you get your newsletter, you'll be
able to see all of the differentplaces that are giving us prizes. We've
got Carrol's Jewelers, Buyeries, UhSweet May Penn Station, Kennon killt Myers,
Nature's Yummy Treats Ready up, youknow, Cedar point, all of
those things that we are just soappreciative of, all of the community involvement
in making sure that we are puttingon a program that is going to be
very attractive to a lot of people. And when you see all these logos
of community participation, then you'll loveit just as much as we do.
That's really cool. So if peoplewant to get involved in the Summer Reading
program, let's run down that onceagain. All they have to do is
stop out at the library and they'reready to go. Correct, Yes,
yes, on June one. Alot of people, some people don't like
to register, but we would encourageyou to register because that's how you're going
to get the prizes. We wantto keep track of your hours of reading
and that's really how you keep kidsengaged and parents, and I would suggest
that if you are a parent,then do the reading challenges right along with
them, and then it makes itfun for the whole family. But June,
first come and get registered, getthe kids registered, and then start
reading and then participating in a lotof the pros that are going to be
coming along. And then there's ahalfway mark. If you read so many
hours, you hit your halfway markand you can come pick up a price,
as for the younger kids, andthen the finale, when you get
to all of your hours red onyour sheet, you'll be able to come
back and get another prize. SoI love that there's different levels, and
of course it's different for the adultsand for the kids. So I would
suggest as a family, just makesure that you are all participating because you'll
all get the prizes. Yeah.I'm going to be reminding about it all
summer long, so keep track ofthat. When we're on Magic ninety five
to nine in the morning. I'llhave the list here and just keep track
of some of those things. Butyou can certainly get the schedule of events
and everything online as well at Marianlibrarydot org. So you can get those
details there and learn about some otherthings happening. So this is great,
I love it. Great stuff.So the one thing I didn't say,
and I should have said a numberof times throughout this is Mariyanlibrary dot org
slash SR. Okay, so we'rereading SR. If you can remember that,
then everything we talked about today isunderneath that website or web page.
And then of course refer back toit often because sometimes we change them things,
you know, things happen. Butwe have spent literally months putting this
all together. It pretty much startsright after the last year's summer reading and
we start planning for this year.But when you get the newsletter, like
I said, put it on yourrefrigerator, refer back to it. And
one of the additional things that weare going to be doing this summer is
we have a number of authors thatare coming that are going to be free.
You may have seen Tea Williams earlierin the year where she was free
and we had a great group ofpeople come. Mindy McGinnis is going to
be more toward the teenagers, andwe're hoping we get a number of teenagers
that'll come participate in that and thatwill be July twenty second, and then
of course as we get close tofall, we're going to be doing a
author event where it will be opento the public and then there'll be a
lot of authors a read Local AuthorFair and I'm trying to see I think
Amanda Flowers Flower Yeah, September fourteenththe keynote for that one. Cool.
And then of course one of theauthors that we have coming up is Jane
Smiley, but that is going tobe for our Bookmarks Speaking Volumes event and
that is a fundraiser for the BookmarkSo and she'll be very popular, Yes,
she will be. Yeah, sheis fantastic. So looking forward to
that. So a lot of greatevents going on at the Mariam Public Library.
Course. The Summer Reading Adventure,set to kick off June first,
runs through the end of July.You can sign up anytime in there,
but obviously the earlier the better youcan get every all the materials you can
start reading and start checking those thingsoff to enjoy your summer. I love
it. Anything else you want tothrow in there before we're out of here,
Diane, thank you so much forcoming in. I appreciate it.
Your library is there for you,so we will see you at the library.
There you go, marinlibrary dot org. All the details you need are
right there.