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Joining me in studio today is Dianewatch Him with the merry And Public Library.
Diane, good morning. How areyou. I'm doing wonderful, wonderful,
wonderful. Yeah, thanks for comingin today. We want to talk
about things happening here in September andinto October around the marry In Public Library.
And first of all, I sawyesterday you had a line of folks
ready to sign up for the ALLProgram do a little bit of lifelong learning
talk about. Yes, we haveour Spring and Fall ALL program. ALL
stands for Adult Lifelong Learning and itis geared toward individuals eighteen and older who
want to take that deeper dive intoa subject. And what we do is
in the spring and the Fall weoffer about ten twelve, thirteen classes courses
that give you a little bit moreof just more than an hour program.
It's usually about an hour and ahalf or a couple of different programs on
a subject, just so you cando some lifelong learning. Right. And
Uh, the fall is coming upreal quick. Registration started and we are
getting people signed up for some ofthe classes. Uh. And we have
I think there's thirteen if I rememberright, there's thirteen classes in in the
fall listing. Now, if youwant to get a listing, you can
go to the library and pick abook up at the front desk, or
you can go to Marion Library dotorg slash all and you go to that
page and you'll be able to downloadone of the one of the books.
But we try to continue to geta plethora of subjects and different things that
people want to learn about. Andthis one I just sort of give you
a rundown of some of the thingsthat we have on the list. It
is we have introduction to calligraphy.We are really proud to say that we
have ballet met coming doing a wellnessworkshop. And then there's a sort of
a genealogy sort of history helping youdive into history, and it says if
these walls can talk, and that'slike finding out the history of your home.
Basic drawing, this one with coloredpencils was a hit in the spring,
so we brought it back in thein the fall. And then we
have a couple of gentlemen who aredoing the history of bluegrass music. And
then short history of the Earth.Wow, I don't know how that can
be done, and just I thinkwe have three classes on that one so
that that could be short, short, short, but we'll get there.
And then caregiving in you. Wealways try to also give you that opportunity
to learn more about caregiving GP orchat GPT and important consider drations. I
think that's a new buzzword that maybewill be one that sort of fills up
fast. I'm thinking that people wantto know about it because it's one of
those things that you know, likeAI will be discussed and it's just new
buzzwords, and we're trying to findpeople that are fluent in the subject.
Yell and then Gallian's bad, BishopBrown in America's first heretic. You know.
We got a couple of those historyones in here, needle Felting where
you'll walk away with a jackal lanternand then a funny thing happened on the
way to the White House is anotherlittle history lesson of sort of talking about
presidents on their way to the presidency. We try to get a healthcare come
back, and we always always seemto be asking Ohio Health, which is
a great community partner, and OhioHealth is going to do technology in healthcare.
And we've all seen an evolving changeand everything's online now and you get
to your my my app or whateverthat sort of. You have to follow
your your diagnosis, your prescriptions,and all of your doctor's appointments. It's
nice to have your whole chart there. Oh yeah, that's a nice thing
to have. Yeah, absolutely formany of them. Yes, and then
be enlightened within the dark of themoon's shadow. The Great American Eclipse of
twenty twenty four, we'll have twodifferent people talking about that, and it
is very important to make people aware, both of them that when there's one
coming in October and then of courseone in April of next year, that
is is going to have a significantsignificant impact on Marian and we want people
to understand that or at least knowhow to be be aware basically be aware
of what's going to be happening.So those are the list of classes,
and the All program is a littlebit different than any of the regular programs
of the library because we ask theindividuals that are registering for twenty five dollars
initial fee, which gets you twoclasses, and then for each additional class
you want to sign up for it, it's only five dollars, so you
can sign up for all of them. You can only sign up for one
of them, or two of them, or three of them if you want.
And the reason that we put alittle bit of a registration fee on
it is because we don't want peopleto sign up for every one of them
and then we think we have sixtyor seventy people coming in and they don't
show. So we want it tobe those people that really want to learn
a little bit more and do someof that lifelong learning. And we think
we have a lot of added valueto the list that we have this time.
As we do. We're already workingon Spring of twenty twenty four,
so we'll be doing something completely differentthen too, But we think that offering
it to our patrons just to continuethat lifelong learning is a great benefit.
We see that there. Last year, I think are in the spring,
we had near one hundred or rightat one hundred participants, which is pretty
good, and we strive to alwaysadd more. So I think we'll probably
go over that mark for the fall, and then the classes will run from
October second is the first one,and November third is actually the last one,
so it's only a month. Normallywe spread them out over the six
weeks, and this one these willbe done right before Thanksgivings, so you
still got time to plan all ofyour gatherings and things, but still take
time for yourself and become a partof a program that really does help you
dive deeper into a subject if youwant to know more about it. And
the other part of that is thatthere is a real social part to this.
We're bringing people together that ninety fivepercent of the time, or may
be high on that it is olderadults who are living alone, or retired,
or just want to get out anddo something, and this gives them
the opportunity to do it on avery reasonably priced basis and then connect with
other people of their same caliber.When I say that, I mean you
know, like friends and family orneighbors. And being able to do it
in a social environment where you canconnect with new people people based on your
interest is always a good thing.Exactly. One of the things that we
would like to say is we'd liketo thank the Marin County Council on Aging.
They have always jumped on board withthe All program because they see the
added value for those people that arein the community that need that that social
and that extra learning, and weare providing that and they see the value
in it. So they are helpingus with a grant that sort of supplements
some of the programs and bringing thepeople who are experts in their field to
present these programs. It's it maybemaybe a nominal fee for you, but
on our end, we do haveto pay for some of the some of
those people to come and do theprogram. And that's okay, that's what
we're here, that's what the libraryis all about. We're presenting it to
you. So the all program isreally what our focus is the next couple
of weeks. But as you know, September, we are still in September
a little bit, and it isalways our sign up for your library card
month, and I would be remissif I didn't say that, you know,
even if it isn't September, thatyou should sign up for a library
card, because there are so manythings that you can access or get with
your card that you are missing outon. First of all, you know,
reading and literacy and being able tohave access to hundreds and thousands of
books and materials at your fingertips.And then of course there's plenty of databases
that you can get into that youcan have access to because of your library
card. If you just go tothe website Marion library dot org and you
click on the find information, itgives you a plethora of database is that
you can search and research and thensome of them you have to have access
with your card, but most ofthem you don't. So just come get
your library card and then of coursebeing able to check out all of the
things that you need to do,and you guys will walk them through everything
you can do with a library card, because if you haven't had your library
card renewed in a while, youhave no idea do yet. No,
no, And I would say comeand walk through the library. It's changed
over the last couple of years.And if you haven't renewed your card,
like you said, you'll have tocome in and either get a new one
or renew it. Because we liketo keep the information that is in the
database updated on you, whether it'sa new email addressable, whether it's a
new cell phone or landline. Youdon't have any more that you may have
in the database, so that typeof stuff is is always being updated.
And you know, just compute yourcard. September. It says you're supposed
to sign up for your library card. But any month, any day is
good day to get a library card. Absolutely, you've got a author comment.
The Bookmarks are bringing in Jay RyanStrewdall at the end of October.
Talk about this author and what theevent is. Yes, this is the
seventh annual Speaking Volumes Series, whichis the annual fundraiser for the Bookmarks Friends
of the Mary Public Library. It'sa big one for them. They always
have the book say, oh,obviously that's pretty big too, but this
one is probably their second biggest.And what we do is bring in a
highly rated author and then of coursefor that day, and this day is
October twenty seventh, at six o'clock. If you have a seventy five dollars
tick, you can spend the hourwith the social, the social hour before
the program and you know, rubelbows with him and other people of the
community. And then of course atseven o'clock he'll come back and he'll do
a program, and then at eighto'clock he'll sign books. He is the
author of the Saturday Night at theLakeside Supper Club. That's his most recent
release and it was done just amonth or two ago, so it's pretty
recent and he'll talk about, youknow, how he writes books, how
he gets his thoughts, a littlebit about his history, why started writing,
you know, those types of things. We just had an author,
Jeanette Walls, that was at thelibrary and that one was free, and
we have a few more of thosethat were working on for twenty twenty four.
But it's just so interesting to hearan author. They're talking about their
life and then their process and whythey become an author, and then of
course where they get all of theirideas. And this will be no different.
He will he will be pretty amazing. I've listened to a podcast of
him and he talks about that typeof stuff. You know, he's a
regular Joe like everybody else. Buthe's just a writer that sits at his
computer all day and comes up withthis wonderful story. And he's got a
couple of other ones. So forthis particular event, the bookmarks, the
tickets are seventy five dollars, likeI said, for the six o'clock program,
and are six o'clock Social Hour andthen the program and then if you
want to just listen to the author, it's a thirty dollars ticket and you
can buy that online at Marrying,oh Bookmarks dot org or if you go
to the Mary Public Library website andunder events we have speaking volumes, it'll
it'll have a linked on yes,and those tickets are on sale now.
And then we would like to thankStephole and then Buckeye Optical and Ohio Health
for being major sponsors of this programand that's where the money from the bookmarks
comes back to the library. Everythingthat they do is focused on supporting the
Marrin Public Library and we appreciate allof the time, talent and volunteers it
takes to do that for every oneof the programs. For the book market
that they have opened, and theyare constantly going through the books there,
and then of course the book saleand last year they did Sitting Pretty,
which was you know, remaking somechairs and stuff, and they'll probably have
that coming up next year. Butit's it's it's a fundraiser that comes around
every year and this is a seventhyear and has been amazing. It sells
really well, so you need toget your tickets as soon as you can.
It does and we're looking forward tothis year as well. Good stuff.
It is the Marian Public Library.Diane thank you. Marion Library dot
org to get all of the detailsof what we've talked about today, including
details on the author coming and howto get those tickets and everything you need,
plus everything on the All program,and yes, we invite you to
get your library card not only herein September, but anytime. Once again,
the details are at Marion library dotorg.