Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well, that was kind of random. Mel shying for random
facts with Mel.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Taylor, I got some good ones. You know that Neil
Armstrong and the crew from Apollo eleven, they all had
to fill out customs forms when they landed back on Earth.
Refried Beans are only fried once. The name comes from
a mistranslation of the Spanish name frijoles of free Frieto's,
which means well, fried beans. Did I say that right?
Comet tails always points away from the sun. That's because
they're actually created by solar winds. The British they had
five hundred thousand cats enlisted in their army during World
War One. Mostly you need to kill rats on ships
and at basis. One of them, named Simon, even got
a medal for surviving a brutal attack and continuing to
kill rats. And the frozen margarita machine was invented by
this guy named Mariano Martinez in Dallas in nineteen seventy one.
He modified a soft serve ice cream machine to sell
drinks at his Mexican restaurant. So there you go. That's
a look today at your random facts.