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December 7, 2023 45 mins
The MEternal Podcast sits down with moderator Danisha Vaughn and Panelists Cynthia Bailey & Britni Ricard to discuss motherhood and mogulhood at the 2023 Mental Wealth Expo!
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Good, Welcome, Welcome. We'regoing to get started in about one minute,
because we're all about starting on time. Are you guys excited? Yes?
Good, good, All right,So just to tell you a little
bit about this platform that we've built. First of all, my name is
Kenya Gibson. I work with iHeartMedia. ME Eternal is a platform dedicated to

black motherhood. Right, So westarted addressing some of the things that were
going on in our community around theblack maternal health crisis, and one of
the things that I really wanted todo was elevate those conversations just around motherhood
in general, so that we aswomen of color, can have a space
to share and really inspire and empowerone another. So I'm really happy today
to be sitting next to the lovelyCynthia Bailey and the lovely Brittany Ricard.

How you guys doing? Wait isthe mic? Can you guys hear me?
Okay? Hello everyone, and Denishais my co host. Yay,
good afternoon. So we're excited becausewe're going to talk about motherhood today,
but we're going to also talk aboutmogelhood and just how to create balance in
our lives. And you know,we dedicate a lot of our times to
raising our children and our families.But sometimes as women, we suffer and

we don't take as good care ofourselves. And Cynthia is advocating in the
wellness space and doing a lot ofthings for women to help them be well.
So I wanted to talk about whatyou've been doing in that space.
Okay, thank you, hello everyoneagain. So excited to be back in
New York. You know, thiswas home for me for a long long
time. We'll always consider New Yorkto be home. So I am,

like I said, Cynthia Bailey.Most of you guys, if you didn't
know me from the fashion industry,most of you probably known me from The
Real Housewives of Atlanta. I wason the show consistently for eleven years until
I stepped away. And I ama woman of certain age and I wear
that as a badge of honor becauseI think that is it is a blessing
to wake up every day to liveand to live your life to the fullest.

So with that said, I've justumped into the health and wellness space
because it was just necessary at thispoint in my life. As you get
older, a lot of different issuescome up and things stop working, and
you got to just make sure you'rejust on point with you know, making
sure you're good, especially when youhave a super busy schedule. If you're
an entrepreneur or a mom or anything. You know, however busy you are,

you still have to make your healthyour priority. So I decided to
open well to start my own CynthiaBailey Health and Wellness retreat. I just
did the first one in LA Andwhat inspired me to do that was just
being able to connect with a lotof the amazing boss women that I get

to work with, but I neverreally get to hang out with because everybody's
so busy being great. And Iwas like, you know what, it
would be really nice if I couldput something together where we could actually have
real connection with each other and justtalk about everything. I was on my
couch at Lake Bailey hanging out withone of my girlfriends and we were just
like talking about our hormonal panels andwhatever. She's like, how's yours?

And I was like, oh mygod, I don't know. Should I
get that checked? And I did? Of course. It was low and
and I got like the pellet andit was like, you know, so
every time I see anyone, I'mlike, how's your test how's your testosterone?
How's your astersten? Girl? Youknow what I mean. So I
felt like I wanted to create asafe space for us to be able to
have these real conversations because we havereal issues going on. And if I
don't know a lot of this stuff, and I'm pretty in the mix,

I know a lot of people.I feel like other women may want to
just be able to have that kindof real connection and just talk about how
we really feel, you know,mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually,
all of that good stuff. Sostay tuned for my wellness retreat. I
do plan on taking it to thetropics next year, this four day three
or four day weekend and uh,you know, pour into each other.

I'm all about women empowerment and womenpouring into each other because we need each
other. That's great. Thank you. So I want to ask you,
Brittany, I heard you have alittle baby. Yes, yes, we
can get in to that. Sowhat I want to want you to talk
about is mom guilt. I thinkyou know. Can you have mentioned we

put ourselves last a lot as moms, and we put our mental health last.
Can you just tell us more abouthow you deal with the mom guilt
but still prioritize your mental health.Is my mic on y Oh. I
love y'all well. First and foremost, my name is Brittany Ricard. I

am the founder and CEO of ColdaSkan. Okay, yes, so I
I just had my son. Myson was born December nineteenth, twenty twenty
two, and oh we got someokay, some Sagittarius in the house.

Yeah, So how do I dealwith mom guilt? I'm still dealing with
it quite honestly. I literally wasjust speaking with my assistant Shai and about
how hard it is, and like, as soon as I get off panel,
I'm flying home. So I getemotion. I get emotional when I

think of it because I know thatthe work that I'm doing here is important
just as well, so having toleave him, I literally will make sure
that whatever it is that I'm doing, that it's time to the tea so
that I can hit that airport andget back home. So it's something that
I actually still struggle with when itcomes down to just being away from my
son. And I was speaking earlierabout how he's at a stage when he's

doing all his first and I refuseto miss it like a first step.
I don't know, I might justcancel the whole company. I'm not going
nowhere. If I missed my son'sfirst step, we got a problem.
Whoever booked me that day gonna feelme like, I'm just real adamant about
it. And you know, bythis being my first child, my first
and only child, I didn't expectto have this type of reaction because I've

witnessed, you know, my friendsand I'm having kids, and I didn't
understand it the way they'll be like, gim me my baby. I'm like,
girl, let his dad. Ihaven't. Why shut now, I'm
give me my baby, give memy baby. But it's it's it's a
struggle and I'm still dealing with it, you know, So just pray for
me, y'all. Yeah, well, I mean just the whole balance in
itself, right, because in Cynthia, Cynthia and I had this conversation about

like just balancing it all and likewhen the kids get older and how you
think that you have all this timeback and you're still just kind of managing.
So what advice would you give toBrittany who feels this way? Just
tell me used to being guilty fora long time, to continue to be
great, because it doesn't matter ifthey are babies or if they're grown.
My daughter Noel is now twenty threeyears old, and I still feel like

I'm making up for time that Iwas not there because I was focused on
my career right and in my mind, I always you know, the moment
I decided that I was going tobecome a mother, I decided that everything
that I would do would be forher. Like so when you know I'm
working like crazy, I'm like,but this is for you, so I
can make sure you're good, youknow. But at the end of the
day, although I made sure shewas covered, her dad, Leon me

Leon wasn't there. His mom wasthere. Leon's mom wasn't there. My
mom was there, and then shehad a full time nanny, so noelh
was covered. But she got tothe point where it didn't matter. She
didn't want anyone else except me.So now we're actually connecting, reconnecting as
mom and daughter at this point inour life because now I've made some career

changes, well, I have moretime because I don't want to lose my
child because I'm over here trying tobe great all the time and trying to
keep my career going and trying tobe successful. So Noel is She's always
been a priority, but I reallyprioritize actually spending real time with her now
where you know, we do momdaughter trips. I you know, I

go, I spend a lot.I split my time between Lake Bailey,
which is in Atlanta. I justnamed the lake. You know, I'm
just extra, But it's in Atlanta, between Lake Bailey and Atlanta, I
mean Lake Bailey and LA. Andyou know, my team is in LA.
My my sorry, my manager,and my agents, everyone is in
LA. But mostly Noel is inLA. So that's where I really am

excited to go so I can bewith her and just you know, just
be a mom because it just doesn'tlike, like I said, like it
was actually easier when she was ababy because she didn't have your real sense
of time when I was coming orgoing. You know, she would just
be running to the door happy tosee me as a kid, and she
didn't know if I was going forone day or two weeks. But now

it's like every second counts, andno matter what I'm doing, no matter
where I'm in where I totally relateto what you're saying. If this phone
rings, where's my phone? Actually, Tasha has my phone, which is
very a normal because normally I keepit on me because I don't care what
I'm doing where I'm at. IfNoel for Robinson ring his phone when I
tell him about to answer it andmake sure she's okay, And I do
have a tracker on as well,just to make sure, not because I'm

trying to be in her business.I just need to make sure she makes
it. It was some of mypiece, make sure she makes it from
point A to point B because she'sout in the LA by herself, driving
and doing all kinds of stuff.So I'm like, I just want to
make sure you save child so Ican get some right. I think that's
one of the things that I lovebecause of where I am now, Like
I feel like me being an entrepreneur, I control my time. Yes,

no one can. I'm not clockingin and out on anyone's you know,
clock or anything like that. Some being an entrepreneur and being able to
manage my time and things like that, like if there's a booking and there's
something that's going on, I can'tmake it. I'm sorry, you know
what I'm saying. So that's importantfor me. And I know realistically that
for an average mother, you haveto get up, you have to go

to work, you have to bethere at eight and can't leave until four.
So I think that it's really reallyimportant for you to just make sure
that you just find the time.Find the time. I mean not everybody
can be an entrepreneur to where youcan control your time. You can do
whatever you want whenever you want to, but just make sure you put in
that. Just put it in time. I feel like kids, they know,

they see it, they understand it. You know. Yeah, it's
okay to say no too. Writelike we don't say no enough. Right,
let's practice as a matter of fact, let's everbody just say no,
no, no, okay, good, no, right, it's okay.
And as mothers, we need tolearn how to say that more often because
we can't be everywhere, right,We can't be everywhere? Yes? Yeah
amen. So the concept of mogolhood, and I think you could kind of

connect it and figure out what itmeans. But I thought about my own
life and I have three children.My son is a sage like you is
about to be two wow, threekids? Three? Yes, and I
do have a business and I havea career plus the three children and by
myself the three of course help fromthe dads. But I thought to myself

as I post everything I'm doing,everything I'm involved in, there are people
who reply and they're like, wow, I want to try this because of
you. So I thought to myself, like, how can we inspire people
more? And what guidance would youhave for any woman that either feels like
I only can choose my career oronly can choose my child. What guidance

do you have to inspire them tobe able to do all of the things
and not feel bad about it.You will take it up, I'll go
after you. Well. For me, I think that it's really it's really
just managing your time. Like Ican't advise you on how to do something
with your time that I don't causeI don't understand. I can't be in
everybody's shoes, you know what I'msaying, Like some people may have to

go to work at eight am,some people have to go to work at
eight pm, or whatever I thinkis really the basis of it is really
just prioritizing, making sure that youput yourself and your children first. Them
job's gonna be there. I assureyou, they will be there. Look
at the economy right now, everybodyhiring. I'm hiring. By the way,
if y'all need a job, y'allknow I just got that warehouse.

So but yeah, just make sureyou prioritize your time. Don't let nobody
take that away from you and yourchildren. Them jobs will be there.
I understand the whole process of acareer, but take control. I agree
with Brittany. I would say,definitely prioritize your time. And also if
you can't do something that day,then make up for that time. Because

like if one of the things thatI mean, even for my own birthday,
if I'm not able to do somethingwith Noeel on her birthday, believe
me, I'm gonna have to paytriple to make up for it. So
we'll do a birthday week where we'lldo take a trip together. I think
the point is as long as youmake yourself present to recognize and celebrate the
you know, these important occasions withthem, I think it's fine, but

they, you know, your familyjust wants to feel like they are a
priority as well, although they're likesuper proud of you for being like,
you know, a super boss andall of those things. And I would
also say, what else do wedo? Like, I know, we
can't always like I'm not always I'mnot always in position like I'm a boss,
but I still work for like I'man actress as well, so I
don't get to dictate my schedule thatmuch. I rarely get to dictate it

these days, to be honest,So I just have to when the call
comes, I just have to gowork. So as soon as I know
what I'm doing, the first personI call it is no One and be
like, listen, I have togo to Dubai for fashion week. I
have to do this, that andthe other. I'm gonna be gone these
amount of days. Number one,do you want to go? And she's
like, hell, yeah, Iwant to go. Absolutely, I want
to go. And if she doesn'twant to go, because sometimes she doesn't

want to go, she's like,you know, you gonna be working the
whole time. It's not gonna befun. We ain't gonna be able to
do nothing, blah blah blah blahblah. Because she's just growing up between
myself and her dad around this world. And you know, she's a little
I don't want to say turned off, but she's always like, no,
you're gonna be having to do allthis stuff and then the ain't gonna be
like a real vacation. But anyway, I always give her the option.
I always give her the option.Hey, I got doing this move.
I'm gonna be in Seattle for twoweeks. Do you want to come and

try to work from there? Like? What do you want to do?
She's like, no, I'm good, mom, Just go ahead and do
your thing. So I think thatgoes along with when they get older,
just making them feel included and makingthem feel like, hey, I gotta
do this, but I still wantto be a part. It's because when
I rap, I love being inthe hotel hanging out with Noel watching Netflix.
You know that's still like time thatwe get to spend together. Yeah,
that's so good. I just wantto touch on moglehood a little bit

more too, because I think weall have our own version of what that
looks like. So if I hadto ask you both, what is your
definition of mogle hood? Ooh,my definition of mogo hood is just you
know, keeping yourself in a positionto not only take care of yourself,

but to take care of your family, and doing it in a way where
you're able to just make it work, you know what I mean, whatever
that looks like. Again, Ithink it's very individual. You know,
we all have our own stuff anddifferent needs and different responsibilities. So it's
not a black and white situation.Like what works for me may absolutely not

work for you. I could justtell you how I make it work and
then you can try to, like, you know, use that as some
kind of inspiration to modify your ownsituation. But yeah, mogo hood is
just being that mom, being thatboss, and finding that balance that makes
it work for me. I'd haveto say. I feel like when you

think about moguls, you think aboutsuccess and being successful, and I get
this a lot. I think peoplecorrelates success with a certain financial gain,
and that's not what success means atall. When it comes down to success,
it means for you to set agold and accomplish it, and once
you've done that, you're successful.If you want to be a stay at
home mom and you choose to so, if you set out to be a

stay at home mom and you accomplishedthat, and you are a successful stay
at home mom. I don't toomuch put too much energy as far as
equating success with like a dollar amount. People may look at me and feel
like I'm successful, but I haven'tobtained the things that I've dreamt of obtaining
the things that I want to do. One of them is to be an
awesome mom. I mean, I'mstarting out pretty good, you know,

y'all see me. But when itcomes down to moglhood, that's what I
equate it to be a level ofsuccess. And I set that tone based
off of anything that I'm choosing todo, and I choose to accomplish in
life. And once I do that, it's like we all moguls. Like.

It's not just about being no bosschick. I understand the concept,
you know what I'm saying. Icome up here with my fly suits.
I get it. But at thesame time, it's not just about that.
It's really for me, it's aboutsetting a goal, setting a standard,
and actually accomplishing it. It doesn'tmatter if you got a thousand dollars
or a million dollars. If youset a goal and you accomplish it,

consider yourself successful. Consider yourself amogile mom, consider yourself like that.
You're up here, you know whatI mean. Don't please, please,
please do not get caught up inespecially when it comes down to social media,
of what you think a boss is. A boss is not just somebody
that's sitting here gotten you know,getting the g wagons and doing this,

that and the third or whatever.But it's it's about setting a goal and
accomplish it. You do that,you're a boss. You're a boss in
my book. If there's anything youset up, you're a boss to me.
So, no matter our definition ofmogulhood, I think, and that's
why we're here today. I thinkthat we need to include prioritizing our mental

health. So what I want youto just talk about a little bit.
Both of your brands involve wellness,correct, So how do you foresee expanding
your brand to really advocate for women, mothers or whomever to prioritize their mental
health through your brands? I think, well, of course I'm not familiar.
I don't know how familiar guys arewith me, But you know not

just recently purchased my own warehouse,and within my warehouse, I'm building a
daycare and anyone that works for megets free daycare. Wow. So just
understanding the stress of like, forinstance, with you, you said that
you you know, you worked andyou had to. It took time away
from being with your daughter. Buthere you come to when you come to

kotea skin, you don't have.Your child is right upstairs. You don't
have to have that separation and wonderingyou know what's going on with them.
So I am a woman that actuallysuffered from mental health issues. Back in
two thousand and seventeen, I dealtwith a lot. I was evicted from
my home, I lost my car, I was sexually assaulted. I went
through a lot that year, andat a point in time, it caused

me to lose my faith. Andthat's when I knew. I was like,
it's bad when you go to questioningGod and his word and his work
and listen, I got my friendhere Sorrita, she's always that's my bible
thump or right there. But yes, it is, it is, it
is. But I knew when Igot to that point that it's like I
felt defeating. It's like, nah, I shouldn't be questioning the Lord.

I should be trying to figure outexactly what's going on. And I found
my mental strength and because I hadnothing else, and I went to a
church. And that's another thing too, because I'm not I believe that there's
good Christians and then there's people whojust don't necessarily visit church homes. I
think that when you have a relationshipwith God, that's the only thing that
matters. And so when I foundmyself questioning the work of the Lord,

I knew that it's something needs tochange, something has to change. And
I was in a deep, deepstate of depression and I had no where
to turn to. I just gotdown on my knees and I prayed.
I prayed heavy, I fasted,I stayed closer to God. I made
sure that I stayed connected with peoplethat was always speaking on you know,
speaking Him and speaking that until mylife. So when I started to see

a change in my attitude because itwas bad, don't talk to me,
you know. And when I startedto see a change in my attitude and
I started to look at things differently, I started to say I started to
be more optimistic, and it's like, Okay, my energy is shifting.
So that tells me my mentor isshifting and that's why it's important. So
when they told me that there wasa mental health expo that was going on,

I felt so connected to be here, like it was a musk.
It definitely was a musk. Sojust when you're dealing with mental issues,
find somebody to talk to. Findsomeone to talk to. And it ain't
always got to be your best friend, because sometimes they'd be just holding your
business, you know, till madday, we know, but find someone

to talk to. For me thatperson, I actually did go see a
counselor. I actually did seek helpand a psychiatrist. And don't be afraid
of that. I know our people. We'd be ready to stay out.
You ain't going to see no whack. It helped. It helped to be
able to unleash all the things thatI was dealing with and not feel judged.
It helped. So if you everfind yourself in a mental state to
where you're feeling like you're feeling bad, or you're thinking about suicide or anything,

find somebody to talk to, findyour professional. Do not look at
it like you're going crazy or somebody'sgonna judge you. That's not a y'all
can reach out to me, I'dbe asking that my DMS, I really
do I would. I so agreewith you, Brittany again. I would
just say that one of the biggestthings for me is just feeling you know,

when I was going through different things. The first time I really dealt
with any kind of mental issues werewas when I went through postpartum depression.
After I had no whel I justdid not know what was wrong with me.
I just was like overwhelmed. Iwas sad. I was like going
through all these different emotions that Ididn't know what to do with. And
you know, of course, youknow, I'm from like an old school
family, like oh, you'll befine, that's how it is. I

have a baby, you know,like they just kind of always pushed any
of those things. They just downplayedit always. I didn't come from the
kind of family was like, ohyou should go see a therapist, you
should do this. You know,this is like whatever. So I would
say, just you know, recognizethat a something is happening to you and
it's okay, and you're not alone. Mental health that's something that we all

have to deal with on different levels. It's just a part of life at
this point. You know what I'msaying, like, some days I feel
amazing and some days I don't.Some days I have to literally, you
know, just pray and will myselfto even get out of bed. Some
days it's just, you know,life is just normal. You know that
we all go through different things,different things, and we're affected by different

things differently. So yeah, Iwould I would say that, And just
one of the things that I've beendoing, even with my schedule being as
crazy as it is, I reallytry to take a day. And Noah
actually told me this because she doesit, because I called her one day
and I was like, well,she called me and was like, hey,
Mom, I'm taking a mental wellnessday, so I'm not going to

be you know, answering my phonetoday. I'm fine blah blah blah blah
blah. And I was like,wait, what's a mental wellness day?
You're telling a what And She's like, a mental wellness day. I didn't
even know what that was. Ididn't I didn't even know that that was
a thing. And she was like, and you need do the same thing,
you know, sometimes Mom, youneed a break. You just need
to turn it off the world isgoing to be fine without Cynthia Bailey like

you could just do it, andI started to do it. And that
was from the advice of my twentythree year old, not my therapist.
It was really noelh was like,you need to do it. So I
started doing it and whatever day itis, like mostly it's Sunday for me,
but if it can't be Sunday,well, Sunday's my day that I
try to do it. Sometimes youknow, things happen on Sundays. But
even if I do Sunday and myweek starts and it's crazy and i just

wake up on a Wednesday and I'mlike, I just can't do this today.
I just cannot do it today.I will call my team. If
it's anything that I can move around, I will call my happy team and
be like, hey, team,I can't do it today. Move all
these interviews around and I will worktriple tomorrow. Just let me have today.
And it's great to be able todo that, because who wants to

take a break when it actually wentlike on Sunday, I actually may feel
good and may not need them,No twelven this day. Sometimes you need
it when you need it, andyou never know where you're going to need
it. So if you can switchit up and just jump on those moments
and do it when it hits youin that moment, that's what it hits.
That's when it works for me.So I would suggest anyone that can

take your moments and everybody. Iknow, everyone's situation is different. They
may can't take a day, butif you could take three hours where you
can just have everybody out of yourface and you can just be still,
go somewhere, take a walk,go sit on a bench somewhere. Again,
I don't know everybody's lives, whateverit is. You just need to
be still sometimes and just take amoment to just decompress and let things go.

You know, I'm naturally a personthat stresses a lot because I have
a lot going on at all times. I'm actually sitting here already wondering how
many text messages I have because sinceI just sat down, then I have
to respond to before I get onthis flight, and I have to make
the six o'clock flight because I haveto be somewhere when I land. Like
all of that is always going on. I am a hot mess, okay

all the time. Do not letInstagram fool you. I am barely,
like, is my wig? Iwas like, is my wig sliding back?
Like the whole time, but Iwould sitting here, I was like,
lord, let me make sure it'snot sliding back because I only do
glueless wigs. I don't fool withglue. So anyway, all of that
stuff never shuts off. And thenyou know, for us, you know,
because I am a public figure andI'm in the public eye the moment

I step out my door anytime something'snot right down, Oh my god,
he saw I centhy girl. Shelook a message the divorce. Yeah,
She's like whatever whatever. So Iam was like, oh my god,
I look a mess. I'm gothe look good today. What's happening?
Do I need to get more sleep? What's happening? So it's a lot
of pressure to for folks on TV. I'll just say to to just keep
it going, just keep it going. And you know, we they you

know, Instagram definitely wears us out. So I'll just say that when I
wake up in the morning, thefirst thing I say out of my mouth
is not my will, Gods willbe done. And when I close my
eyes at that, the last thingI say, not my will, Gods
will be done. When I tellyou, I have alleviated so much stress
from just not caring about anything thatis not for me. If it's not

for me, I don't worry aboutit, and I do not want anything.
And if it's not sent by God, I don't want it. Know
way, Please don't bring it overhere, because everything is not sent by
God. So once you decide okay, if it ain't sent by God,
I don't want it. If itain't meant for me, I don't want
it, you just take a lotof pressure off yourself because you're like,

you know what, that's not forme. I just get to like just
have a light day today, LikeI don't have to be over there being
invited to this, that and theother day because it was it's just not
for me. God is moving mysteps and that just gives me so much
peace. Piece is a word peoplethrow around. But when I tell you
when you turn fifty six, becausefifty, you know, fifty five,
I was like, okay, fiftyfive, I'm like still close to fifty.

I'm in the middle. I'm inthe middle. I'm not like,
you know, say spend five.It's like I'm just a can go either
way. With this thing. Butonce I turned fifty six, I was
like, oh, it's close,get closer to sixty. So and then
you start thinking about I read somewhereif somebody said something about broken down into
summers, like I have maybe twentyfive more summers left. When I tell
you, I started booking flights andbooking vacations and going on dates because I

was like, ah, should givemyself some time. I was like,
forget this, I'm fifty six yearsold. Who want to go on a
date? We want taking on vacation. And I just started living my life
and not worrying about things that Icannot control because God is in control.
Amen. Amen, Amen, Sogood, so good, thank you.
So that's so good and it's sotrue. And I love that you were
so transparent about even the postpartumself,because I think culturally we are just taught

to be so strong. We havewe just have to get through it,
we have to push past it,and like we just sweeps up under the
rug and we don't address anything,and then we wonder why culturally and as
a community, we can't push forwardinto greater things. So I love that
we're normalizing these conversations and this iswhat this is event is about. And
I wanted to create an intimate spacefor everyone to be able to engage and
learn. So what I'm gonna dois, I'd like to open it up

to the audience. If you havea question for Cynthia or Brittany, I'd
love to give you all the opportunityto ask. And yes, ma'am,
hello, kay because and now mbecause m m yeah, yeah, m

hm hm. So your question ishow to let go? What was your
name? Nil? I'm gonna tellyou right now. I I haven't maskeded
a day yet. We're gonna lembecause my son, because my son is

in a bubble and a shell.And listen, I'm also building a little
thing at the bottom for in thebasement. So I'm gonna laugh, I
would say to you, and it'sso I would. It is hard.
It's very hard. I can't situp here and lie and act like I
just was like, okay, no, well you're eighteen now or you're twenty
one, now go do you Like? I am constantly freaking out. If

I call, if you don't pickup, I'm like call again. I'm
like, you know, She's likefinally, like mom, I need a
ten minute race period. If Idon't call you back in ten minutes,
then you can call the police andfind out what's going on, okay,
because I'm like, why an't youpicking up your phone? What's going on?
Like? What is you know?If I call, I just want
her to like literally drop everything andjump on the phone and be like bees,

mom, what is it? Andit just doesn't work like that.
So you just I had to getwith no, get to a point with
in the world where I've let go. But I have a well, I
was just I made the leash longer, and I know who I raised and
I know the type of child sheis, so I'm not There's certain things
that I don't worry about her doing. Thank god. She has a good

group of friends, a very smallgroup. She's not a big partier.
She's like, you know, she'sgone through like different phases, but right
now we're good. Like she actuallyjust likes being at home and doing all
her stuff. You know, doa lot of her work stuff from home.
So I have a little bit ofcontrol of that. And I do
have the three sixty tracker on her, like I said, and I highly
recommend that because once they start drivingand stuff, again. I think a

lot of this christis you just wantthem to be okay. I don't need
to know be all of in Noah'sbusiness. I am like, look,
girl, I was twenty three aswell, do your thing. Just be
smart and be careful. I justwant to make sure you're still alive every
day that I wake up. That'sit. So I would recommend that,
and you talk to them to say. She was like, well, I'll
do it, but I'm gonna puta track on you too. I was
like, okay, fine, wecan both track each other. Please track
me because I may need you tocome find me the business I've made,

gift mess around going to day andbe with some crazy person kidnap me.
We can put trackers on each other, so I don't want her. I
think the main thing is to justnot They just need to feel like you're
letting them grow up. They don'twant to feel like you don't want to
let them start their lives, becausethat's not fair. I couldn't wait to
leave my house at eighteen years oldand move to New York City started my

modeling career. When I tell you, I was camped down to days.
I can wait to leave my family. I was like, love you guys,
deuces, I'm out moving to NewYork. And thank god my mom
let me go. She let mego to New York because none of this
would have happened had I not donethat. Made that one single choice to
go to New York, and theneverything else followed after that. So let
them go. You got You're gonnado a lot of praying. Okay,

get that tracker. Keep keep thosecommunication lines open, hey, and you
just even make an arrange and sayhey, if you're gonna be gone all
day, you don't have to callme, just text me and say hey,
Mom, I'm good. Just havethat communication because Noel will do that
and be like, hey, Iknow I haven't talked to you in three
hours. I'm good. Hope youhave a good day. That's it.
And I'm like, oh, she'sgood, and then I go back to

my life. So keep those communicationlines open and just you know, work,
work it together. Because they wantthey don't want you to be like,
Okay, my mom, don't careanymore about me. I'm just out
here by myself. You by myself. You'll be surprised. They're like they
want to be ground, but they'relike Okay, mom, uh you know
I need you now, Like noelh'slike a grown up and a baby at
the same time. Have the timeso they'll they'll embrace it. Just come

to them correctly and not make itlike, oh, well, you gotta
do this whatever. They're your friends. That's great. I heard somebody's phone.
But speaking of time, we arewe are tight on time and I'm
all about being on time. Sowe appreciate you ladies being here with us
today. Thank you so much.This is so helpful, insightful. Oh
you only got some one question?Yeah, we we could have. Do

you want to say one more?Okay, we can say one more question?
If anybody else have a question?Yelling at me? One more question?
Okay, yes, ma'am. Mmhm oh, Brittany mm hmm,

yeah, mm hmm. It's notalways the easy mm hmm. Let me
ask you something is do you haveany anyone that you can talk to hi?

Friends? She can talk to Hi. So the thing is what your
feeling I felt, which I don'tknow what you're going through, but I
can feel that energy from you.And don't cry a girl, because please
girl, because crying is like solisten, what's your feeling I felt,
and where you are, I've been, and I know that. I don't

want to sound cliche and say,oh girl, just pray, just pray,
just pray, but I assure youthat it's what got me through.
You know, there's no there's notime, no timeline. Oh there's no
time the frame of when you're goingto be out of that depression or when
you're going to be out of thatmental state. So don't think that,
oh, I've been here for sixmonths, so praying isn't working. No,
there's I assure you God is fightingbattles for you that you don't even

realize. I'm promise you just keepjust keep the faith and talk to your
friend, have a conversation with abe vulnerable one thousand percent, and if
you feel like you can't do that, seek help. There's nothing wrong with
it. I used to get atherapist. I used to sit down with
this little white lady named Nicole,and I ain't understand why her name was
Nicole as a white Is that await? I was a confused, yes,

but I was able to go toher and let it out and leave
it there. And that was whatwas important to me because I was able
to leave it there and I didn'thave to you know, I didn't have
to worry about being judged. Ididn't have to worry about somebody going to
talk about what I've opened up about. So if you, if you were
at that, stay, can Ihug you? That's beautiful? Wind up

here and get a hug beautiful.That is beautiful. Okay, it's a

group that is beautiful. Thank you, it's okay. I'm glad. I'm
glad we took that question. Butit's like, you know, let me

tell you why, because listen,listen. Hey, hey, guys,
listen, listen. I feel likethis is a this is an opportunity for
a testimony, and I want tohear it. I want to hear it.
I know. Family relationship, it'sjust been so much and it's like
I feel like I don't have asupport system right, Like, you know,

I have my frien I can talkto her, but it's like at
times it's just like you don't alwayswant to put that weight with somebody.
Girl to Nicole, and it's likeI have a therapist and you know,
she's great, but at the sametime, it's still like I know I
have so much work I have todo, and I feel like that's the

hardest part. It's like getting thework, which is why I'm here right
Like I want to get through it. But sometimes I'm just in that dark
place and it's like I'm praying onit, and I'm praying on it,
but I just feel like I'm thinking, can I say something one of the
things that I would suggest for you? And you know we don't. I
I don't have all the answers,Like I said, I just kind of

work through things that work for me. But I would say, great that
you're here. You're already up inthe position, the first space where you're
trying to you know, have youyour harder conversations like this because somebody's life
or conversation could maybe inspire you tofeel a little bit better about your situation
or whatever. But I will say, and this is for all of us,

you know, you have to whenyou get into those dark spaces,
you have to protect your energy becausesometimes you'll be around people, even family
members, that will take you downeven lower than where you are already are.
And it just is what it is, you know what I'm saying.
So you have to like make achoice, like you already know you're dealing

with something, so you have totake control and say, Okay, you
know we're on a panel. Ilove my cousin so and so, but
every time I talk to her,she always makes me feel worse about myself
than I already feel whatever, whatever, So you can't talk to her like
that. You can't talk to her. You have to just take her off
the list. You see her whenyou see it. That's what I'm saying.
Yeah, and I was getting readyto say that. You have to

set boundaries, like I even Ihave boundaries. I even have boundaries with
Noel. We have boundaries because Ibe you know, as her mom a
cross her boundaries, She's like,might be crossing my boundary. Like You're
like, you know you're doing this, you're doing that. I'm like,
okay, because at the end ofthe day, it's not about like who's
the mom, who's the Daughter's aboutrespect. And you know, I can
be on the phone with my mom. My mom just called me and we
were on the phone. And youknow that generation, that's an older generation.

So that generation is a little negativenow, that just is what it
is. Okay. They did nothave a lot of positive affirmation back then,
so I'll be about my mama thatshould start going down the rapper.
I'd be like, hey, youknow what, let me call you later.
I'm glad, you're good. Youneedything, you need thing? Okay,
let me call you later. Youjust gotta get off the phone,

you know what I'm saying. Youjust have to decide what energy you allow
in your space all the time,but especially if you are in a dark
space, because that's the one thingthat you can control, because if you
feel bad, you can feel better. You know, people can make you
feel worse and you have to tryto be positive. And it's so hard
when you're in a dark space.Like for me, if I'm like I'm

waking, I'm like, oh mygod, Okay, I don't feel right
today. But whatever, I'm like, let me put on some music that's
gonna lift me up. I'll goand like, you know, I love
like any kind of inspiration from likeyou know, certain people I follow is
because they inspired me. So I'mlooking at quotes, I look at anything
that's going to help me just evena little bit, because even if it
doesn't open the door all the way, just even if it cracks it and

looks a little bit of lighted thatwill help you get through that day,
because it's literally one day at atime, and every day you have to
decide every day I'm gonna feel betterthan I did the day before, and
then you just wake up one day. And this is not everybody. I'm
not a therapist, y'all, Sodon't wear me out now. But I'm
just saying for me every day thatI just keep trying and keep trying to
bring in light and positivity and takeout negativity and take out bad energy and

walk towards the things that I careabout, the things that are lying for
me to be great in my life. Then it actually starts to work after
a while. And then you stillgotta pray. You just gotta pray.
You know, it's not just prayer, but prayer is a huge part of
keeping that faith going. But positiveenergy and taking out any negative energy out

of your life. I want,I really just want to encourage you to
keep the faith because where you are, I assure you, I see it
in your eyes. Girl, youreabout to make me cry. No,
I get it, I get it. Listen. I went through that turmoil
in twenty seventeen and I set init for a whole year, all of
twenty eighteen, I said in it, trying to figure out the way,
how, how to get out,how to get out, And in twenty

nineteen I birthed cod of Skin andturn it into a multi million dollar business.
You're going through this storm for areason. You're going through the storm
for a reason. I'm sorry.What's going on this is I'm really a
thug at heart. Y'all is goodin you, in you, and I

don't know what your struggle is,and I honestly it's none of my business.
I'm not here for you to sithere and tell your testimony and tell
your life. But I feel thatenergy and I'm praying over you. I
actually want to end this. Iwant to end this with the prayer Serena.
Come, yes, come on,if y'all don't mind, I'm sorry,
God, can we end this inprayer? If y'all don't mind,

please, as long as we prayingin the name of Jesus, right,
Okay, okay, come on now, yes, let's agree. Hold your
neighbor's hand, so yeah, ifeverybody can just take somebody's hand next to

you and just touch somebody hand let'shave a word of prayer real quick,
okay. Father, God, inthe name of Jesus, we thank you
God for this day. For Father, this is the day that you have
made and we're grateful for it.Father. I thank you God for our
sister that's here on this platform.God. I pray God that in the
name of Jesus, that Father,from the crown of her head to the
soul of her feet, God,that you would heal her. God.

Father, I pray that you wouldencourage her, lift her up and build
her up in your precious name.God. And Father, I pray that
from this day forward that she wouldunderstand her call her purpose. Father.
And even though she's going through thestorm, God, that is not gonna
always be like that. That thereis a day that she's coming out,
there's an exodus, God, thatshe's going to face. That this is
a temporary situation. And God,I thank you that bout time she returns

home, God, that her situationwould change in every area of her life.
God, And we thank you Godfor every person that's in this room.
God, Thank you Jesus. God. I pray God that in the
name of Jesus, that there arepeople here that are going through situations.
God. Some are going through thisand some are going through that. But
Father, I pray God that bytime they leave this room, Father,

that they healing their need God inthe name of Jesus, the breakthrough God
they need for their finances, theirhome, their mind, their body.
God. I pray for even physicalhealing. Father, for people that are
in this room, that you wouldtouch them. God, let no death
be their portion Father, and webind premature death. God in the name
of Jesus. And I thank youGod that all things are going to be

done according to your will, accordingto your word, in the name of
Jesus. And let's clap our handand thank you for what he's done.
Thank your God, Thank you Godwhom I mean. But this is what
this is, what this is for, this is what this was foreign.

Yes, yes, yes, beautiful. Yeah. So listen, first of
all, thank you Father, right, because this is what my vision for
this was. I knew people weregonna come today, and I just didn't
want people to leave empty. AndI'm just so grateful for everybody's obedience to

come here. Thank you, thankyou, thank you, thank you.
So I appreciate y'all. I meanjust I'm just overwhelmed. I don't even
have anything else to say. Thankyou, thank you, thank you for
coming out. You have to goif you want to kind of get out
here there m hm
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