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May 3, 2024 25 mins
In this episode of MEternal, we delve into the world of fibroid health with Dr. Yan Katsnelson from USA Fibroid Centers. Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the uterus, affecting millions of women worldwide. Early detection and treatment are crucial for managing symptoms and preventing complications.

Dr. Yan Katsnelson shares insights into the prevalence of fibroids, common symptoms, and risk factors that every woman should be aware of. Through a comprehensive discussion, listeners will gain a deeper understanding of how fibroids can impact daily life and overall well-being.

Moreover, Dr. Yan Katsnelson sheds light on the importance of early detection methods, such as regular pelvic exams and ultrasound screenings, in identifying fibroids before they become symptomatic. By recognizing the signs early on, women can seek timely medical intervention and explore various treatment options tailored to their individual needs.

From minimally invasive procedures to innovative technologies, Dr. Yan Katsnelson explores the advancements in fibroid treatment and emphasizes the importance of patient-centered care in improving outcomes and quality of life.

Tune in to this informative episode as we empower women to take charge of their fibroid health, debunk myths surrounding the condition, and navigate the journey towards optimal well-being with expert guidance from Dr. Yan Katsnelson and USA Fibroid Centers.

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Episode Transcript

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So my whole thing is, youknow, we were having this conversation in
the hallway about access and accessibility,and one of the things that I love
about your centers is that there's alot of them right so pretty much wherever
anyone is, they can stop inand they can be seen. And I
think that that's super important, especiallywhen you take a look at healthcare access

and how that affects communities of color. So can you just tell us a
little bit about what you do andwhy that is important for people to be
able to make sure that they canhave access. So access, to me,
it's multiple things. It's locations shouldbe very convenient locations. We'll have
almost forty in New York City alone, and then the first floors, then

the corners one two blocks from metroarea. There is to get We have
one hundred and seventy locations nationwide inalmost thirty states. It's also a time.
We work seven days a week inmany locations, extend the towers so
people that work can come before workworks least, but not last. Affordability.
We take all the insurances. Wetry to make sure that everyone can

afford the care, and if peopledon't have insurances, we work with them
to get the care that they canafford, so afford the access. It's
not just locations, it's locations time, make sure people can afford, and
then if we have those goals,we're able to achieve it. That's what
you say clinics about bringing cure.So we focus on a few very common

conditions that's super common and affect tensof millions people, and we focus on
treatment that one and done. Youcome, we'll get the fixed, and
you go with your life and it'sall done in the office out patient,
and number of conditions that we cantreat it increases, a number of patients

that we can help with innovative proceduresgoes up. So I think that's the
future and no hospitals and no suffering, but very short, out patient,
easy procedures that can return great qualityof life. That's great because I think
that's a huge misconception, right,especially when it comes to fibroid health.
Right with women, we sit around, we have cramps, we feel pained,

we just kind of pretend that it'snot there, and then it progresses
into this huge problem later on,right, which can lead to other negative
things. So when you say thatit's affordable, and you say that there's
a solution. I mean, wewere talking about one of the procedures that
you do where you don't even haveto necessarily it's not evasive right where you
have to be cut open. It'spretty it's a needle hole. So fiber

I think it is incredible. LikeI was shocked. I was. I'm
a heart surgeon. I was trainedto bring him in the Vents Hospital and
Harvard, I was faculty at theUniversity of Chicago, spend a lot of
time on the magic of heart surgery, heart disease, vascular disease, and
eventually we started doing treat vascular diseasein the cat leb. You know,

it's on this X ray guidance.And then we add the doctors that the
name of the specialty called interventional ideologists, basically the ideologists, so they can
understand and read all the X rays, but they do interventions and they have
a license to basically treat any organin the body through the needle hole.

And then what we'll learn. Ilearned about fiber disease. I could not
imagine that thirty forty million women sufferand the treatment of choice is hysterectomy.
It's removing the ordinance when since midnineties, procedure called utuhe fiber symbolization is
available, but not very well known. It's available because it's done by this

obscure specialty interventional ideologist, but mainstreamdon't know. And let's say through needle
hole, you know, either mostlikely we do it through a needle hole
in the rest, and we bringthe catheter that goes through the body towards
the arterists that feed blood vessels thatfeed this fibrids. We clog them and

like a stop you know, wateringthe plant, and the plant dies and
disappears, and the same way afibri doesn't disappear, and a procedure take
twenty to thirty forty minutes, sixtyminutes, an hour later, patients can
go home covered by insurance, donein an office and then and nobody knows.

So thank you very much for asking. Well, I was going to
say, why do you think alot of people don't know about this?
Oh, that's not a nice topicto discuss, you know, they're more
exciting, sexier topics to discuss.And people also don't sometimes understand that such
a common things that's all and alwaysbeen around can be not normal, and

it's a graduate It's not like you'vebeen okay for twenty years cuddenly you have
a like a heart attack or severepain like appendix. It's a progressive disease.
You know. I assume that menstrualperiod is not very pleasant now and
it's a big range of what's normalfor women. And it's hard to sometimes

to kind of in a daily lifeto understand, oh, this month is
worse than before because it's always pain, how much more pain? But in
general, you know, rule ofthumb is if it really hurts you,
if it affects your life, slowyou down. You need to think about
this. Why not to check?And the check is just ultrasound, you

know, transvaginal trans abdominal five toten minutes study. And it's what I
like about Fiberard diagnosis. It's veryobjective. You just see it or not.
It can be as a grape orcan be as an orange. I
mean, you see it. It'snot like you guessing. And if it
is, wow, that's the opportunityto fix it. Right at what point

do you see your patients? Right? At what stage is a woman really
in a lot a lot of pain. Like, what's the typical turning point
do you think when you start tosee people take action? It's a great
question. You will not believe theanswer. It's very late. When people
research hysterecto me like they sick andtired. I'm done, no more kill

children. I don't do kids.I'm forties, mid forties, late forty
fifties, and I just enough isenough, and lets the plan for hystrectomy
and the search, oh, theiralternative for hystrectment. That's how they find
you'll fee but the right way,right way. When people have symptoms and

symptoms like heavy, prolonged bleeding,menstrual period, what does prolonged four or
five seven days is prolonged? Somewomen have two three weeks non stop and
bleeding in between the periods heavy thatmeans a lot of blood. Many women
take medications for an email. Theyhave this an email almost normal for black

women to have an email, Andthey take hormones. Not very healthy.
They take iron and then have constipation, not a lot of fun. Some
have a iron transfusion, ooh,not good. Some have a blood transfusion
with all the risks of HEPSI andother things. I mean we're talking about

very very very common thing. Orthey just walk around with such a low
hemoglobin and if they have a dentalprocedure or car accident or some like this
really small thing, they bleed alittle bit, but they bleed to death,
or they bleed after delivery. Youknow that's yeah, sometimes bleeding is
the cause of death. Matern maternala problem. And if you start normal

hemoglobe in fifteen sixteen fourteen, youcan blink half I mean theoretrically speaking,
and you still have plenty of hemoglobin, plenty of red blood cells. But
if you start with seven eight offour, we had patients that had hemoglobe
in four. I don't know howthey were walking around, and you have

no reserve. So that's basically bleedingthing. But also because it's tumor,
right, because it just grows insideand it shouldn't, it affects other organs.
It puts pressure either inside the uterusa lot of pain or outside.
You know, if it's forward,it's a bludder. If it's if it's

backwards or other sides can be colonAnd that's why people say, oh,
I have a small blood and nothingwrong with the blodder it's something pressing,
kind of blooder and also topic notvery sexy, but it is actually sex
life. It's a big issue,big issue when women have a pain and

she shouldn't should enjoy it normal partof life and women have a pain.
There's another killer symptom literally killer babykiller symptom is infertility problem fibers number one
reason for miscarriages called spontaneous abortion moreoffensive word, but miscarriages two three,

four. And many women learn aboutfibers when they have the lost babies.
A few times the desperate that cometo the doctors start in fertility and they
have why is that? Why isthat we you know, fiber its be
nine tumors, right, not malignantkill babies. Because if you can imagine
something in size of I don't plumor orange is inside the uters. It

com pits with the baby short spaceand food and blood. So what's really
crazy for me personalist a doctor,is I know the secret. I know
that we can fix it, andand almost nobody else knows. And that's

what was a kind of burning desireinside of our team and our doctors,
like we had to get it out. Yeah, we have to get the
word out, and we started FabrateFighters organization non for profit when Cinta Balli
and many other amazing women join us. And so it's and thank you for

inviting me to another Yeah, Imean, I think this is such an
important conversation. And I and oneof the things we were talking about earlier
is like the earlier you address itright, the better your chances are to
rectifying the situation, especially when youhave such a you know, super solution
to it being quick and easy tofix. So it's a great point.

So you ask me when people callus, and I said, unfortunately thirty
years later, when they basically wastedquality of the lives. And when you
get the treatment early or find theresolution early, multiple benefits. First of
all, fibrids are smaller, soit's much easier treatment. You know,

you don't have to grow them.That that's number one. That's a smaller
thing. But the biggest benefit thatyou have normal life. You can instead
of suffering in bed and pain,you'll go to college, you'll go to
work, increase your fertility, increaseyour fertility, increase your income. You

know, it's not it's a physicalproblem, for sure, it's start,
but it's also mental problem. Depressionfeeling incomplete, incapacitated, limited, it's
a it's a social problem. Nonormal family life, no normal sex life,
no normal you know, social life. You cannot go out, you

cannot wear whites. You can alwayslike I've seen now a five fighters.
Women they just they have this,you know, like you watch me,
I watched you kind of they Imean that that's a reality. You know.
It's like they come, where's thebathroom? So okay, we know
where's the bathroom. Now we're comfortable. So you're building your lifestyle around being

around your top of mind all thetime. Yeah, your limitation, that's
that's terrible. And that's also economicproblem. So if women don't go to
work, and many jobs are hourlypaid, right, don't go to work,
you don't get paid, so youmake less money because you work less
men. That's terrible. And ifwomen will know that the solution is so

easy covered by insure soty sixty minutetreatment outpatient that you go home, it's
like wow, risk and benefit,Right, that's how we make a decision
our life. Will it hurt,will it help? Will it how much
will it cost? Like is itworth it? So lack of information lead
us towards not fre any longer.So I think talking is super important.

Yeah, and congressionally it's even comingup as the topic. So it's been
for almost twenty years. Stepan itJohn's Fibers Research and Education Act, they
again worked in twenty twenty three.They made a nice progress in the US
Senate and Congress. There was abill that actually passed. Similar bill in

Florida about research and education where everywoman is eligible for free ultrasound covered by
insurance for fiber its and and iffibrates is found, it will be a
disease that need to have attention andrecord it in the state database. So

it's very very important because they knowhow much it affects women's life and how
much opportunity it will unlock for awoman, young or older woman if this
thing will just go away. Yeah, So what do you see the future
of fibroids look like? I mean, you have such an innovation in terms

of like the treatments that you offer, but where do you see I guess
the space at large in terms ofwomen's health. I think the fibriates should
be gone like a crooked teeth isgone in America, right, like everyone
can in middle school can get theteeth straightened, and it just state pasce

for this, it's God given rightalmost because that's how we believe it provides
better opportunity. So this same way, if women start suffering from fibriid disease,
she needs to be confident that itwill never ever ruin or limit her
life when the moment is right,better early that will ask for if they

are candidates for minimal evasive treatment andfertility friendly treatment, no surgery, no
removal of organs, no cuts tofix the problem that can lead to normal
fertility and seizing the symptoms in earlyage, and feel confident that she will
not suffer like mom or grandma orAlan or sister. So that's the sense

of control over your future. Andfibers should be gone eliminated as a class
of suffering. I think that wouldbe major. I can imagine you know,
women of color or white women,no fibroid suffering, no hystracting me.
No, it's a huge solve forsociety. Absolutely. Yeah, happy

wife, happy life, Yeah happythe motto no motto. Yeah. So
I kind of want to talk alittle bit about the experience of going to
the obgyn because we were having thisconversation a little bit earlier, like you
go to the obgyn, you're havingissues, you're having problems. You might
not be able to articulate it,like exactly what you're experiencing. What would

you say is a misdiagnosis rate ofsomeone who might go to the obgyn and
their symptoms might be overlooked or itmight be foreseen as something else other than
fibroids. It's a great question,you know, it's such a common thing,
and some doctors, not all ofthem, but some doctors might have
a kind of sense like, oh, twenty twenty five, thirty years old,

too young to do big surgery.So what's the point to diagnose early?
And although diagnosi is very very easyultrasound or women just delay going to
the doctor and asking or not mentioningthat they have the appearos worse and worse
and they have other problems, soit's just not uncovered. And if it's

uncovered, there's no actions. Thereis a tendency to delay, and many
conversation goes like this, no,Mary, you have a fiber disease,
but you know, let's try.Maybe you'll get pregnant and when you're done
with the babies will check it out, we'll do the hysterectomy eviction, right,
So unfortunately, but the real thingand one of the reasons it's in

general in medicine, you know,the specialty were invented to do surgery on
certain parts of the body because generalsurgeon cannot treat everyone for every reason.
There was specialization. In Guinea cultureis basically surgeons specialists, you know for
the women's organ But this new trendin the last twenty years, thirty years

and medicine, like I'm a heartsurgeony, right, so my specialty was
significantly affected by interventional cardeologist one.Instead of open heart surgery and even smaller
surgery, we just do a tinyneedle hole and do stems and then open
arteries and save patients from heart attackwithout any big surgeries. Even change valves,

you know, put the valves withoutsurgery. So the same thing for
most surgeries can be change replaced withinnovative treatment through the needle hole all and
it's done by interventional ideology. Soexample for guinecology for women's health is U
turne fiber stmabilization. The examples alsofor urology, so I don't want Guinea

coulogists feel like, oh my god, there were just the only one changed
by the progress heart surgery. Iwas my specialty was very much changed.
Urology too, behind prostate hypotrophy.Like when men need to wake up at
night and go to the bathroom,many and women know when the husband or
whatever partners go there. Apparently insteadof big surgery can be also shrinked by

prostate artery imbolization. So more andmore and more treatments coming, even for
arthritis for nies, we can dosuch a procedures. So I think women
just need to know that sometimes it'snot old fashioned guineacologies, right, you
know, it's a little more complex. It's a little more complex than others,

specially that they can help. I'msure if they will ask Ginea culotures
what about UFFE they can they willget more answers because it's listed in all
the websites. But they can justgo straight to interventionual radiologists like USA Fibrate
Centers, and that's what we do. We specialize so when patients call us

for example or schedule online, whenI come, we do comprehensive examination,
including ultrasound either trans abdominal or transnationalultrasound. If needed, we do intimudual
biopsy to make sure there's nothing wrong, especially for women forty forty five years
old. No cancer, no badthings do peraps may if needed, so

we do all of it. Ifneeded, we order arrange am rise and
two or three weeks later after gettingapproval from the insurance, you know,
the private insurance and managed medicaid,we straight medicaid. We do the treatments,
everything out patient. Everything is straightforward, so you don't need to go

to multiple places, right, Andthat's the future. You know, you
ask what's the future? You makeit one phone call, you come one
time, you get all these evaluation, you come a second time for a
couple of hours. One hour forprocedure, hour to recovery, two three
days at home, maybe cramps ifyou have a luxury, not to go

to work. And that's it.Normal life is back. What's the youngest
patient you've seen? Twenties? Wow, twenties. We the worst thing,
youngest patient that we have not seen. That was one Instagram. We do

this Instagram meetings every week, Ithink, And there was one girl and
she's crying in the bed and it'slike, oh, I just had a
procedure yesterday. You know, myheart sounds like what did we do wrong?
Like we don't have patients suffering likethis and in a hospital bed.
So she's I think twenty six orso. She had hysteracto met yesterday and

today she learned about your feet.She didn't know that you TENE fabric andmblization
is an option. She's twenty six. She had all the dreams about family,
about children, she did not have. Now she learned. So that's
what breaks my heart. Yeah,the patients that we don't see it's irreversible.

Well, you know, I lookin some database and mendicate patients and
then many girls mid twenties yet restrectedme. You know, they call hystectomy
Mississippi appendectomy. That's how lightly youknow, it's received. And yeah,
and sometimes it's perceived like, oh, no more children, let's remove it,

but sometimes that's not always the case. That's not always the case.
And after that, when you removeit, there's a purpose for the uterus
in addition to child bearing. Youknow, no more orgasm, right because
no construction or contraction of uterus,and then everything falls down. So you
know, you have a prolups ofand and then difficulties to keep urine and

other It's disaster, right. Youknow, why would someone subject yourself to
such possibility of suffering if you wouldknow? So the main reason people subject
themselves to such suffering because they justdon't know. That's why what we do,
what you invited me to speak aboutis what the Maternal Podcast is such

important way to educate and give powerto women to make the best decision about
day life. They body and listenwe people talk. You need to know
about your financials, right, manageyour this need to manage your diet.
You know what you eat. I'msure it's important to manage your body,

of course, of course. Well, I want to thank you for being
here today. I mean, Ifeel so enlightened and I learned so much
about fibroids. You know, I'venever had an issue, thank God.
But you know, at the sametime, there's so many women that are
out there that may be have symptomswho have been putting it off. So
I'm hoping that this conversation enlightens themas well and empowers them right to pick

up the phone to call you andmake an appointment, because it could be
life changing for them. That's thegoal, to change life to the better
to every woman who calls us.Awesome, well, thank you for being
here on Eternal today. Where canpeople reach out and connect with you and
your team? You say fibrid Centersdot com. You'll say fibrid Centers dot
com and they can schedule online andthere will be phone numbers to call as

well. But you can google yousay fibrid Centers and we'll bring you to
the right place. That's great,happy to help. Well, we appreciate
having you. Thank you for comingtoday, Thank you for inviting again.
Yes, pleasure and you're listening tome Eternal on iHeartRadio and until next time.
Thank you. Oh we have afree consultations all right, yes,

oh for good that's okay, youcan put it in there, yes,
well covered by insurance, but justin case, we're having a free that's
great for people to know, sothey can go to your web site find
out more information about and they canschedule there as well for the KAISO awesome.
Great, well, we appreciate youcoming and we welcome you to come
back anytime. Thank you, allright,
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