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April 10, 2024 30 mins
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Hit the snooze button too many times. Here's what you missed. A woman
claims she is single because of herjob. It's the Mike and Diane Show,
a ninety five point one WayV.And yes, you're about to hear
what the job is. Okay.Savannah Bone of Florida says she can't get
a date because she is a crocodilehandler. Oh that ain't stopping any man.

I'm just letting like, there's noshe from Florida. I assume yes
she is. There's plenty of guysdown there that are like, that's awesome.
You would think maybe it's hm.I don't know, maybe it's not
the crocodile job. Maybe it's maybeit's maybe it's her, maybe she's looking
for that could be well, Savannahsaid, quote, my job affects my

dating life and the way that Ibelieve most people are afraid to date a
strong woman that works with prehistoric beastson a daily basis. No, honey,
it's your personality. Maybe they're afraidof me. No, maybe they're
the animals side. I need tosay this. No man is afraid to
date a strong, independent woman.We're afraid of you. She should she

should sing that Taylor Swift, it'sme. Hi. Yeah, Like I
what I just said makes no sensebecause I was like, it's not you,
it's you. But if you knowwhat I mean, now you know
what I mean. She says,I'm sure there's somewhere someone out there,
but it's just hard to find.I think it's just dating in general,
just from single people that I know. It doesn't I think she's blaming it

on the job because I think it'sjust tough overall, no matter what your
job is. But as far asdating, I mean, this is what
she blames it on, that herjob. What do you think would be
the worst job to have when itcomes to dating? What might scare off
potential dates? Think about that oneand give us a call at six ZHO
nine four eight four WayV. Whatjob do you have that would scare somebody

off? It's not a five pointone WayV. The mic and in show
single because guys can't handle her job, That's what a Florida woman says,
because she's a crocodile handler, andshe says guys don't want to date her.
So the question is, as faras dating, what would be the
worst job to have? It couldscare off potential dates. Amy from Port
Republic, What do you think.I met this great guy and I really

liked him, but then I foundout the funeral director. And I know
that's like a necessity of life andit's great, but it just kind of
breaks me out a little bit.I can see that. Yeah, that,
Yeah, it would be a littlescary. Although, like you said,
necessity job security, and I mean, somebody has to do it nashurally
make the lives of people easier,you know, the good the ones that

do a good job. But Ican see with dating, Yeah, I
can kind of know that. Here'sthe thing. As soon as that guy
starts talking to you in like areally calm voice, you're like, oh,
you're doing work voice to me,Yeah, And it's like, oh,
imagine coming home with a frustrating dayat work. Like, what does
a frustrating day at work look likefor that guy bathing people? Yeah,

we actually have to deal with people. Oh well, that is a good
answer. It's a shame. Hewas a nice guy though, and then
the job was a deal breaker.But thank you, Amy, You're welcome.
Ninety five point one w A yB. Good morning, Mike and
Diane, phone tap time. Rememberthat crush you had in third grade.
Usually it's somebody in your class orwhatever. What if that person never got

over the crush and they've just beenwildly in love with you their entire life,
and then one day, thirty yearsfrom then, they called you out
of the blue. Here you go, Here you go? Hello? Hey?
Is this sewey? Yes? Helpyou? Hey? So this is

a will. Do you remember fromthird grade? Will? Oh honey,
that was a while back. Idon't. I don't know if you remember,
but you were my first kiss.Oh I do remember this. Wow?
So I got your number and Iwanted to call you. Yeah,
how did you get my numbers?Facebook? Oh? Okay, all right.

Yeah. So I got invited tothis wedding and I was wondering,
if you're not busy, if youwouldn't mind like being my date? Oh?
Oh honey. Well, I mean, I'm really flattered, but that
I'm married and I have three kids, and I mean, it's been a
long time since third grade, Iknow, but it just feels like yesterday.
Well, third grade was a reallylong time ago. We didn't even

go to the same school. Soremember how I told you you were my
first kiss? It's kind of embarrassing, but you were my only kiss.
Oh well, okay, don't laughat me. I'm not laughing at you,
will, I promise. I amso so sorry you're laughing at that.
You're Oh my god, I'm notlaughing at you. I just it's

I'm so sorry. I wish Icould help you, but you know,
I'm married, and it's just,Oh, Will, maybe you should call
someone else, like, you know, a therapist. It's always been you.
It's just I've seen three therapists.Oh okay, well, you know

I really need to go. Waitwait, wait, don't go, don't
go. I have a question.Okay, okay, do you do you
remember your sister Anna? Yes,of course I remember her sister. Well,
she actually set you up on theradio. Hi, this is a
phone tap. It's Mike and Dianefrom POINTYV. Oh my god. I
was trying to be nice to youso you wouldn't kill me or something.

Oh dude, that's crazy, Anna. You scared me at that. Oh
man, that was a good one. All right, let us know how
we can get Anna back. Okay, Oh I will believe I will.
All right, have a great restof your night. Rotten robots are taking
our job, Diane. Oh no, robots are taking our jobs. And
there's only one thing this could possiblybe. Let's do it. I've just

been handed an urgent and horrifying newsstory, and I need all of you
to stop what you're doing and listen. No, I mean not exactly our
jobs. Oh okay, where'd youclarified? But dogs. There are some
dogs that are losing some jobs inAlaska, where the Alaskan Department of Transportation

in Public Affairs has announced that theyare quote unquote hiring buying headless, four
legged robotic dogs to perform in thewoods and scare off wildlife from the airport.
Did you say headless? Headless?I mean, what if you're going
to go that far? Give thema head? I don't know, for

ten extra grand I don't know ifI need a head, need something moving
around. The robots about the sizeof a Labradory retriever and can handle all
types of terrain. That's terrifying.Yeah. Last year there were ten incidents
of airplanes hitting animals on the inFairbanks. So these these dogs, fake
dogs have a quite important job.So you know what, maybe they do

are doing a pretty good job.Yeah, keeping the other animals safe exactly
as long as they're in this case. I like this idea of the robots.
Yeah, I'm good with it.I guess I mean ten incidents where
an airplane is hitting a deer.That's bad. So let's, you know,
put up a bigger fence and amoat. Let's put up a moat.
I think I'm a big moat guy. Now, let's do moats again.

You've been watching too many Disney movies. Always have a moat. Yeah,
the castle. Yeah, let's dothe moat again. No, that's
it, all right, all right, Well, technology is working in this
case. I don't take over ourjobs. Please. No one can possibly
do this job worse than us,So don't even try. Don't try.
Matt from EHT is looking for asecond date up date with a woman named

Lauren. Good morning, Matt,Hey, how's it going right? How
you doing I'm doing pretty good.I'm great. That's good. You could
probably be a little bit better,because we're assuming that you have not heard
from Lauren after your first date,So tell us about her, and please
tell us about the date. Yeah, so Laura and I we went on
our first date. It was reallynice. I had a great time.

We went to a hibachi girl.Yeah, it was like a little show.
The guy was cooking the food infront of us. The food was
really good, you know, andI was trying to break up. Like
the weirdness you know between the guythat was cooking and us trying to have
like our little you know, datemakes sense. Yeah, I mean,

who doesn't like kibachi? It wasit was also really good. Yeah.
I like that idea for a firstdate because it is entertaining and sometimes it
can get awkward just the conversation.So I like that there's something else going
on. Yeah, like you,there's that beginning part where you have the
awkwardness, the middle part where you'renot necessarily talking, but you're kind of

watching this guy cook for you andyou don't necessarily have to carry the conversation
through, and then what's the foodcooker? I think we just gave everybody
a great first date idea. You'renot going to be able to get a
reservation enough. But Matt, youhaven't heard anything, no calls, no
texts. Yes, So that's theissue. After the hibachi day, which

I thought went well, I haven'theard back from her at all. So
I don't know what happened if shedidn't have fun, I don't know right.
Well, that's why we are herefor you. So what we will
do is we'll put you on hold, We'll play a song, and we'll
try to get Lauren on the phoneand get some answers. Does that sound
good? Yeah, sounds great.Thank you guys, you're welcome. Coming

up next on ninety five point oneWayV. A few minutes ago, Matt
told us about first date with Lauren. They went to Hovachi, had a
fun time, but he has notheard a word from her after that first
date. So, Matt, areyou ready? We're gonna give her a
call here. Yeah, I'm ready, I'm I'm crossed my fingers. Okay,
hopefully she'll pick up your just incase. Hello hus Lauren, good

morning. Sure, it's Mike andDiane. I don't blame you. It's
Mike and Diane from ninety five pointone way V Radio. We host the
morning show. Oh yeah, Hi, Hello, how you doing. I'm
okay you guys, it's good.We are living the dream Lauren as always,
But we do have a reason whywe're calling. If you have a

minute, one of our radio familymembers by the name of Matt gave us
a call and he was telling usthat he went on a date with you.
He said it was fun, hehad a great time, but he
hasn't heard a word from you andreally just wanted to get some answers.
So on his behalf, would youmind telling us about the date and what
you thought about and why you haven'treached out. I know he had fun.

Yeah, God, I feel awkwarddoing this, but basically what happened,
I guess. I mean, like, look, Matt, super nice
guy, very sweet, he paidin everything on. There were a couple
of red flashs where I was justlike, I don't know about this.
So like the first part, sowe went out to a bashi, right,

yeah, that's what he said.But you know that part in a
bachi where they fling the suit intoyour mouth, Oh yeah, catch it?
You know usually like you either touchit, you's here, or you
don't, right, and then you'rejust like, oh, move on to
the next person, you right,didn't catch it up and started kind of

like yelling up, not yelling.But he's just like getting onto the club
to be like, throw what betterone more time? One more time?
Throw better, throw it better?Linging himself over me and everything and then
up knocking over a pickled drinks andstuff and like we're not the we need
people at this table, right like, and he like went to drop me

off, and he got out ofthe car, which I thought was very
nice, walst me halfway to mydoor, and then I keep walking and
then I turned and he's like noteven there anymore. Like he didn't even
walk me all the way to mydoor, and it's kind of dark outside
and everything. Oh wow, it'sjust like where did he go? Right

exactly? That was like a secondstrike, So the second so he left
before the door was open. Helooked before I even knocked my door.
Hmmm, I'm thinking high tailed aboutto the hibachi to try'racting. Well,
let's ask him, because Lauren,I have to let you know that Matt
has actually been listening in So Matt, yeah, at least you know now.

So laur right, let's start withthe first part the hibachi. What
was up with that? Hey,Lauren? Uh? I mean I didn't
think it was that big with youwe were at the hibachi. I mean
I think it's pretty fun, likeyou know, when they throw the food
at you get pretty into it,like, I don't know, but I

didn't think I was being like rudeor anything. I just I wanted the
guy to throw it correctly, andI didn't feel like he was. Drinks
are expensive, though, and ifthey get knocked over anyway. Yeah,
I don't know. I didn't thinkit was a big deal. I didn't
even know that she saw anything aboutthat. I want you to picture yourself
at the other end of the tablewatching a maniac man launch himself across to

catch a zucchini flying through the air. I guess right, I don't know.
I mean I should, I shouldturn it down, like I go,
okay, well, that's nice ofyou to admit that's good, that's
progress. And what about the secondpart when you dropped her off? What
was up with that? Uh?I mean, it's kind of embarrassing,
but I want to be honest becauseI don't want her to think I'm rude.

I had to go to the bathroomreally bad, that makes sense,
so I watched her or I didn'twant to have an action, and so
I don't know. I high tailedit back and I had to go to
the gas station real quick. Allright, Yeah, we don't need any

more information on that. Obviously hedidn't want to use her bathroom on the
first dage. So Lorden, I'msorry. I should have I should have
said something. I should have Ishould have we a for a second longer?
How how No, it's really okay. I have a real question,
and this is dead serious for neitherof you. For Diane, yes,

how the hell am I going toexplain to my kids what I do for
a living? How am I doingthis that I have to sit here and
listen to this guy say I hadthe pooh. Well, my answer is
they don't listen to the radio stages. They'll never know what is happening,

all right, I guess asked thequestion. We have all the reasonable answers
outside of him being a maniacs.Yeah, my bad, Daddy's going off
to a real job. You'll neverknow he's going off the mental all right.
So Matt was the one who calledus. So, Matt, if
Lauren agreed, would you want togo on a second date with her?
Yeah? I would love to,and we could do something different than HBOT.

Yeah, I gets that. Iall right, Lauren, it all
is up to you. Would youwant a second date? After hearing Matt's
explanation on both points for the firstday, would you want a second date?
A non Hibachi date? I mean, look, I appreciate the explanation

and everything, but this is allkind of like getting a little too weird
for me. Your nice guy.I don't know if the spark is there.
I just I don't think so.Sorry, Sorry, man. If
I get a cool I did havefun. Just think you would have had

a second date if you pooped yourpants. I gotta go by. We're
done. We're done. It's nota five point one WayV phone tap time.
And you know I'm cheap. It'swell documented on this show. I'm
a cheap person. Well, Ihave a great business idea for a virtual
assistant that everybody wants. But theproblem is that software is really expensive.

So what if I just pretended tobe a robot? Here we go?
Hello, Hello is Alison? Thereis she Alison? How are you?
My name is Dave. Hi,I'm good. I'm calling on behalf of
your husband, Mike. We've heardyou had problems with your virtual assistant.

What he said? You are nothappy with Alexa, and I'm here to
help. I don't need help withmy Alexa like what is he talking about?
Like, why would he call youAlexa? We are told Alexa is
bad, Dave is good. No, my Alexa is fine. I know
how to use my Alexa. Itseems Mike not happy with Alexa. Mike
like Dave. Mike bought two yearservice through Dave. No, Like we

have an Alexa. Why is hedoing this? Like getting a completely other
thing like an Alexa coust money.It's obvious Dave better than Alexa. Oh,
I've never heard of Dave. Likewhat is Dave? You can ask
me anything, ask me question,Ask me about weather. Okay, what's
the weather? Hold one second?Uh, it looks like it's gonna be

sonny out. What kind of isthat? We will tell me the temperature
and everything. Alexa. Lie,They've always tell truth. They've play your
favorite music. What's your favorite song? I will wait by the mammal sime
up with a sign. That's apretty stupid song. Allison, what are

you talking about? Opinion? Ifyou're a robot? What you mean not
robot? I am? I am? I'm robot, I am Dave.
I now understand what happened last night? You've got an argument with husband?
What is who are what is goingon? Like signed up to your service.
We used to work together and hepaid He paid me to act like

a robot and be your virtual assistant. I can help you with relationship advice.
I don't need any relationship advice.Oh I think we do. Step
one, learn to cook better.That has nothing to do with relationships,
Dave. Step two, turn onradio? What turn on? Right?
All right? This is Mike fromMike and Diane. Heides, it's a

phone tap and I'm tired of beinga robot. Mike called us, said,
you guys gotten a little what desand you wouldn't leave him alone about
his about his Alexa fixation. Sowe wanted to get you back and get
you on a phone tap. Ihate it. I do too. I
hated this with all of my being, but I did it, and I

did it for him. So youcan thank him for this and we can
get him back at any point.Oh my god. Yes, good morning.
It's Mike and Diane on ninety fivepoint one WayV. And just like
that, it happened yesterday, thetwenty twenty four solar eclipse. It was
such a build up. Everyone wastalking about the eclipse. Although we took

a little break to talk about theearthquake on Friday, but otherwise it was
all solar eclips all the time.So I think it was kind of exciting
in a way that everybody was talkingabout the same thing, like one of
those things that brings everyone together.And it was kind of cute because my
name across the street had a littleviewing party and I look out my window.
I guess they forgot to tell meabout it. Yeah, yeah,

I look out my window and they'reall sitting there in their beach chairs,
just all looking up. Kids,adults, everyone on their on their driveway.
So it was kind of nice.It got a little I was kind
of in the like, my sonis gonna love this, yeah, road
he and he did for like theattention span that an eight year old boy
has, right, So he wascool with it for seven minutes of the

like hour that it went. Butas soon as they crossed that line where
it was like now the sun's startingto come back out, he was done.
He was out. I was insidefor like half of it because I
just didn't. I saw it alittle bit, and I was like,
cool, like let's keep let's keepthis thing moving. That's what I did.
I had too much to do,so my hobby was out there watching

it, and I just I cameout because we had the had the glasses
and looked at Oh, that's prettycool and that kind of thing. But
my wife was on face time withme because she was in Florida at her
mom's house, and I just messedwith her the entire time, like I
would turn around face the other wayand like open my eyes really wide and
look into the sky and pretend likeI was looking at the sun, like

like I just tortured her the wholetime. And my mother in law made
my wife stop tanning and come insidein case like the world ended. So
I had my wife make her atinfoil hat, she said, And I
don't think she appreciated that very much. I'll tell you what. It was
eerie though, at one point whenit got dark and cold, it got
dark and cold and just dreary.Yes, and it did. It happened

quickly. That was That was kindof eerie, for sure. It is
very weird to me, and I, by the way, science people,
I'm very big on space and scienceand I understand how it all works.
But it is weird to see howbright it is at ninety nine percent,
and how dark it is at oneand then immediately how bright it is at
ninety nine percent coverage, like onepercent of the sun can light the whole

sky. Yes, and that wasthat was cool to say. That was
eery, but cool to say itwas. Well. The next one,
August twenty third, twenty forty four, my sister texted me and I said,
oh my god, that's my birthday. Yep, and I'll be cashing
my Social Security check. Yeah,that's it's moved twenty forty four. That's
moving from the northwest to the southeast, so it's going the opposite way,
right, it's I believe. Totality. Oh my god, that was totality.

That's the word of the year.Totality. That was the drinking word
yesterday. Totality. Shout out tothe people on the news reporters. Yeah,
that were crying, legitimately crying onthe air about how excited they were

when it happened. They cried,well, good, it's nice to see
people excited. I don't you knowwhat. It's nice that they're not crying
over tragedy like like they usually Iknow, but they were legitimately overwhelmed and
cried, Oh, well, goodfor them. Yes, doesn't affect me.

I know, well it does becauseI had to watch it. Oh
okay, yeah, I had towatch them cry. Well, we hope
you had a great solar eclipse day. We got to wait twenty years for
another one, and it's going tobe a beautiful, beautiful day in South
Jersey, so hope you enjoy thattoo. Listen, I'm just gonna say
this. If I'm ever on TVin Little Rock, Arkansas crying, come
save me because I need saving.Being goofy can help your relationship. It's

a Mike and Diane show on ninetyfive point one WayV Forget about those surprise
getaways or those huge romantic gestures likeon The Bachelor, and get ready to
get goofy. Experts say the keyto staying emotionally connected to your partner and
keeping the bond between you strong isdoing small and silly things as a couple.

There's a therapist in Relationship Coach,and she says it's an excellent way
to lower our stress hormone and increasethe happy hormones. We can use that
as well as increasing connection, Shesaid, making the time to do something
together such as singing in the showerthat's not going to happen. Can't improve
our relationship by reminding us of theconnection that we once had. Now,

I do like some of these otherthings on the list, as far as
doing cute, goofy things with yourpartner which can connect you more than like,
like she said, these big gestures, coming up with a pet name
for each other and using them whenyou feel playful. I think most couples
have a pet name. Yeah,this is all going south already, go
ahead, I'm testing out new recipesand cooking together again. Oh I know,

cook yeah again. Everybody's watching theTV show where they start the cooking.
They cut through all the cooking partand they get to the eating.
How fantastic it was. They're notyelling at each other, like that's not
the right com for like what measurements? Maybe that's just not your goofy thing.
Creating your own dance routine to yourfavorite songs. Yeah, they do

that on TikTok. That looks cute. Losers. Oh okay, come on,
have you ever seen them film those? No? Oh they look so
dumb. Oh my god, theylook so dumb. Yeah, I guess
playing rock paper scissors to decide whogets to choose the restaurant for dinner.
Yes, but both will actively betrying to lose and then judge the other

one. Okay, yeah, notworking. Going for a walk together which
not only boost serotonin, it givesyou a chance to talk. Oh,
I definitely believe that one. Iagree with that one. Let me ask
you a question, being goofy,I've never seen my wife laugh so hard
at something I did then yesterday,So would could being goofy be considered sitting

through and breaking two chairs in oneday? Is that your Why not?
You didn't plan it, but ifyou if you get a laugh out of
it, both of you. Actually, I've done that with my husband too,
and we laugh about it. Yeah, she laughed at the first one,
But then when I moved over tothe next one and went through that
one, that was a real lowpoint in my life. What kind of

chairs are you sitting on? Theywere, Oh, okay, all right,
that makes sense. Sure did makeme feel good. Sending a random
text during the day to say somethingfunny or sweet, just they'll let them
know they're on your mind. Yes, we can do that, all right.
Let me concoct one, right,now, my wife, you should
write something about falling through the chairs. All right, let's see what can

what can you say? Good morning? Good morning? Is there a chair
I can fall through? Today?We can do better than that. Oh
okay, let me think, Letme think. Report the chair at work
is in one piece? Is not? Is fat proof? Is? Okay?

See she'll get a little laugh outof that. Good morning half report
the chair is fat Oops, Iforgot the Oh I got to edit it.
The chair I moved too fast?Chair at work is fat proof?
Got it? All right? Sentit. She's gonna wonder what the original
said. You know when you seethat edited message, Oh you can see
it. You hit that little editedbutton, it pops up. Oh,
thank you. I didn't know that. I've only gotten one edited message,

and I was like, oh,I wonder what it was. Thank you.
My husband and I make up sillysongs that we sing to our dog.
So that's kind of our little goofyway, you know, and keep
us goofy. Yeah. My daughteris literally literally the goofiest person you've ever
met in your life. And shejust she'll keep me loose. She'll keep

everything loose in the house to apoint. Well, What's what she say?
Go on a diet, you fatslob. That's what she said back.
So I don't think this goofy thingis going well. He's joking.
Come on, laugh, Mike laugh. She didn't answer yet. That's what
that's how I in my brain.That's vision her response to go right,

stay goofy everyone, you'll stay togetheras a couple. Yeah. Coming Monday,
the return of Pay your Bills yourchance to win one thousand dollars nine
to five weekdays on ninety five pointone WayV. We're Mike and Diane On
Wednesday, April tenth, which happensto be National Siblings Day. I'm sorry,
let me go post that picture thatI post every year of a kid

crying in a corner. Sorry Mikethat you're an only child. But think
about this. You have two children. They're siblings. Yeah, they fight
like siblings. Everything's great as wetend to do yep, and you can
do that throughout your life. Irealize my sister and I are so different.
I'm like my mom, she's likemy dad. And the bottom line
is we would do anything for eachother even though we're so different, and

I think we appreciate each other moreas we get older. Yeah, I
feel bad for my kids. Inmy aspect, I feel bad for my
kids. They won't have any reallynephews of their age, Like they're going
to be significantly older than any nephewcousin they have. Yeah, well I
could have worse problem, I guess. Huh. But they have each other.

They do. They fight like siblings. Yesterday McKinley stepped on landing that
led to a wrestling match. Everything'sgreat, everything times good times. I'm
having so much fun. Now,what did you do growing up being an
only child with games and stuff likethat? Did your parents always have to
step in? And you want toplay candy Land? You want to do
things like that? Uh? My, My my best friend growing up was

PlayStation? Oh gotcha? That waslegitimately it like my you know, as
a parent, you can't always bethere, especially when my dad worked in
the city. My mom worked somemore out, my grandmother was there.
My mom worked at home, solike there was you know, we were
running around a lot with sports.But for the most part, I was
just video games. And you know, even if even if you have siblings,

a lot of people just do thatanyway. The video games there doesn't.
Yeah, yeah, you know,I honestly thought about that, and
I sort of got I thought aboutthis a few days ago, like,
if I had a sibling, Ihad somebody to play with in the house,
I probably wouldn't have learned some ofthe social skills because I had to
get out of the house to gomeet somebody. Oh I see, I
had to go outside and meet theneighbors and play with them. Right.

So, if you want your kidto grow up and act like a clown
on the radio, have one,okay, Otherwise have two? Otherwise three
four five. Yeah, there's somewoman texting her husband right now. Yeah,
get it going. We need asecond one. We can't have one.
That's like Mike can't have one.I'll be holding twenty. No pressure,

Yeah, figure it out. Well, take some time today to let
your brothers and sisters know how muchyou love them. Let Landon and McKinley
know. It is National Siblings Day.
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