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July 10, 2024 • 26 mins
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Episode Transcript

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This question has come up many timesin my life and I need some help.
Please. It's Mike and Diana onninety five point one WayV. Do
you tip the owner of a salonif they do your hair? Some say
no, They say, hey,they own the salon. The stylists who
work there don't. They work oncommission. They don't get the full tip.

But this is the owner we're talkingabout. Then I've heard the other
argument where they've got expenses. Whenyou own a business, if you've ever
owned, when you know the taxes, the bills, the payroll, the
supply, a lot of expenses arecoming out. So the few people that
I've asked in my life, theyare about fifty to fifty on this.
Because my stylist for a long timewas doing hair in her home and now

she opened up a small salon.So before I go there, I just
want to make sure because I neverreally know when it's the owner. So
let us know what you're thinking,give us a call, or let us
know in the free iHeartRadio app.Just open up the app search WayV,
tap the red microphone your message.Do you tip the owner of a salon?
Well, when I get my hairdone at the saloon. Yeah no,

but I would say yes, youprobably should because it's two separate jobs.
Just because they own the business doesn'tmean they're not giving you a service,
completely separate jobs. They might dohair, but owning the business has
nothing to do with cutting your hair, you know what I'm trying to say,
Like I do, they're running abusiness, right, but their business

is cutting hair. They technically don'thave to cut the hair if they are
running the business. You know,I'm trying. I'm trying to articulate this
now, you because you're separating themin your mind, a business owner necessarily
doesn't even have to do hair.They could just see the money behind it
and do it. I guess.The only argument maybe against that, which

I like how you're separating the tworoles, So thank you for that.
That that's helpful. Okay. Theonly argument I guess is that they keep
the full commission. Where is thestylus working for the salon wouldn't keep the
whole thing, but I do.I like separating that in my head.
I well, that's part of owningthe business. Okay. Cool, Well
that I think that is helpful,Thank you very much. I mean,
I don't know if I'm off base, but I think I'm right on par

Well, we'll find out. We'relooking for those talkbacks. And also,
like I said, gives a call. Thank you ninety five point one way
V. Good morning. It's Mikeand Diane, and we were wondering,
if you get your hair done andthe salon owner does your hair, should
you tip him or her Morgan forBrigantine, What do you think? I

do think that I kind of goback and forth about it, but in
the end I tip them because itfeels a little special, a little exclusive,
because owners don't always do everyone's hair, so I didn't think, you
know that way, that's a thought. Yeah, they usually do people that
have been with them for a longtime when the shop was just opening or

whatever. But as I get new, new other beauticians in, they don't
do those people's clients, so ifthey do you, it's kind of special.
I'm just coming to realize I haveno idea what happens at a salon,
I said before, a lot toit. Yeah, well, it

kind of ties into what you said, Mike, because with having to run
a business, it is so timeconsuming and you're dealing with managing so much
that you do have to step backa little bit, I would assume,
and not do everyone's hair that walksin, except for your longtime clients who
insist that you're the only one whocan do my hair. And we've all
been in that situation. You're theonly one who knows my color or something

like that. So Morgan, Ireally like that take on it. It's
a special thing that they're taking theirtime out of running this hectic business,
and you should tip so thank youso much. You're welcome. Mike and
Diane on ninety five point one WayVa heads up. A haunted doll is

for sale on Etsy. The sellerclaims it is possessed. Her name is
Billy, spelled like Billie eilish bI l l I E and she's for
sale and she's made. Evidently itis, is it? I thought Etsie
was more crafted like personalized things atleast or Facebook shop. There's a whole

paranormal collectibles thing going on a worldof those type of collectibles. So Billy,
this allegedly haunted doll has lifelike greeneyes and brown ringlets and a terrifying
backstory. Let's see, if Iwant to tell you the whole backstory.
It's pretty sad. This doll wasa brilliant florist, trapped in an abusive

marriage and then brutally murdered by herhusband after he discovered her pregnancy. Whoa,
oh that was So that was thespirit. So Billy's spirit is inhabiting
this doll. So the spirit ofBilly, who was wrong big time,
is inhabiting this doll, which isup for grabs on Etsy for about four
hundred and seventy seven bucks. Yeah, okay, yeah, Well I'm telling

you that must be big business,that paranormal business. I have a couple
thoughts. Would you like to hearthem? Yeah? First of all,
if you're the type of person thathears this and it's like four hundred and
seventy seven dollars, need it?Uh, get a life? Why are
you inviting that into your house?Even and we all know it's not real,
But why are you inviting that intoour into your house? It's psychotic.

Two, If this, in factis an actual haunted doll and you
want it and you want to getrid of it, why are you selling
it? Get rid of it?Yeah, I can understand rid of Yeah,
just get rid of put it inthe trash, although it might go
back up in the house, likehurting me a couple years ago. Yeah.
Yeah, put a creepy doll inthe garbage and next thing I know,

I found that thing with the garbagecan't open. Yeah, an out
of it. See that? Yepyou should. Oh, Mike, you
lost your opportunity because they're saying thisis big business on Etsy. You lost
about five hundred bucks. No,I didn't lose. I sounds like I
got an advantage because I'm just goingto go buy a doll, rub it
in the dirt outside for a littlebit, get a backstory, and I'm

just going to start writing backstories.Okay, this is my new business.
If you think, do you thinkI won't do this? I will?
Oh, I know you will.I will definitely just lie to all of
the all the haunted people, likethis doll jumps through hoops to try and
kill you. No, no thousanddollars, because this one promises to protect
an avenge. It's new owners,so it's actually protecting if you because she's

so pissed at everyone else, it'llprotect the owner. So you need a
better backstory that you know she's notmad at you. The Haunted Doll.
Okay, I promised that this dollwill bring you money, but it will
be when you least expect it.If you think about how it hasn't brought
you money yet, it won't bringyou any money. Yeah. So if

you're thinking about how this doll isa failure, the doll is gonna be
a failure. You have to justforget about it. You have to pay
the five hundred dollars and forget aboutthe doll forever, and one day it'll
bring you money. Well, thinkabout this. Annabelle, who is based
on a real life story. Themovies they made them, She made them
a lot of money. Yeah,what like three four? They have spin
off on the movie. So there'ssomething to it. These dolls can make

money. The dolls that I'm gonnasell will make you money. You just
can't expect to make money right away. Sold. All right, Mike,
you better get going on that.But in the meantime, we'll find out
who buys Billy the Haunted Doll.Mike and Diane's second date update on ninety
five point one WayV Piper from Lynnwood, Good morning, Good morning, Hey,

hey, how are you? I'mall right right now, who are
you looking for a second date updatewith Al? Al? Okay talks about
Al and your first date. So, actually, Al is my boyfriend.
I know this is second date update, but we've been dating for eight months

and I just don't know. Idon't know what to do. Okay.
I was sorry to interrupt there,but we don't hear that very often.
It's usually looking for a second maybethird day. We get sometime third day
maybe. Yeah, so you nevergot one eight months? So I mean,
what led you to call us?I mean, you just you haven't

heard anything. How long have younot heard anything from him? I'm like
a couple of weeks now, okay, okay, and nothing that you can
think of that, I mean,that's a long This is a ghost it
sounds like, I mean after eightmonths, yeah, pretty much. I
just I don't know what happened.It's the weirdest thing. No, really,

he just kind of disappeared on me. Is he in the CIA?
Oh god, I hope he's notin the hospital. I only say that
because we've had this not exact likewe've had like the first eight and the
guy ghosted her and then he waslike that was in a car accident and
we actually did talk to the andwe talked to the guy. Yeah,
yeah, oh yeah, all right, all right, Well, feeling weird

about this one? Yeah, Idon't know about this one. So what
we will do is put your onhole, Piper. We'll play a song
and we'll try to get Al onthe phone. I'm hoping, yeah,
and get some answers for you afteran eight month relationship. We need to
get to the bottom of this andthat is coming up next on ninety five
point one WayV. Quick question,Diane, do we really want to do

this like on the air, Likethis feels like it's gonna get weird?
We got to try for her ninetyfive point one WayV with Mike and Diane's
second date update. A few minutesago, we talked to Piper from lynn
Wood with an unusual sir clumstance.Not a second date update. She's actually
been dating a guy named Al foreight months. All of a sudden,

Al is ghosting her. She hasno idea why so, Piper, We're
going to get Al on the phonein just a moment. All right,
did you try nothing? I meanevery time I call, I go straight
to voicemail. I think he hasme blocked. It sounds like it.
Yeah, I mean we have iton this end, so it's not going

to come through your phone, soit should work. Yeah, let's give
it a shot. Here we go, We're not blocked. Hello. Hi
is this al? Yep? Thisis out speaking? Good morning Al.
It's Mike and Diane from ninety fivepoint one w A y V radio from

a morning show. Say hi tomy co host Mike here. Hello,
how are you? How are youdoing today? Okay? I mean did
I win something? Not today,but keep but definitely listen to us because
we always give away stuff on ninetyfive point one w A YV. She
plug. But now we're calling becausewe got a call from one of our

radio family members and I'm sure youwill recognize her name, Piper. And
Piper was telling us the situation thatI mean, normally we're calling people for
a second maybe third date, butthe eight months that you guys had dated
and then all of a sudden,she's just not hear anything. Obviously,
we're able to get through. Imean, are you in the hospital,

and the CIA like, are youokay? Al, I'm okay. I'll
tell you what's not okay is theeight months wasted, and you know what,
I'm not sure that I even reallywant to like go into it just
because you know, it is theradio. I'll be honest. I mean,
things were not cool, and soyou know what, then that's that's

it. You know, you don'tget a second chance with me. I'm
a catch. I know what Iam. And oh god, screw it
up. That's it. You knowwhat are you talking about? Yeah,
Piper, by the way, hasbeen listening in al Oh good, yeah
good. So why don't you tryto work it out? We would be
so happy if you could at leasttalk it out. Okay, But I

gotta be honest. I mean,look, we're you know, this is
not a public setting. I meanI don't really want to talk about it
like this on the radio, butI gotta say, Piper, you should
know you know what's going on.I don't want to hear that you don't,
because that's it's just bs. Wow, we were we were supposed to
look at apartments together and then Ijust don't hear from you like that doesn't

make any sense. Oh that's cute. It's little actor putting on as if
you don't know what's going on.All right, I mean, I talked
to your friends and they said,like nothing was wrong, So I don't.
I don't. You're right, I'mhousey. Nothing's wrong with me?

What's wrong with you? So that'sthe question. You know, I have
so many questions right now. Idon't mean to like be the third wheel
here. She clearly has no ideawhat you're mad about? No idea you're
clearly he's she knows, she knowswhat's going on. All right, Well,
how about can I do like amercy kill here, because like,

I'm just gonna say, I wantthis content so badly of what you have
going through your head versus what shehas going through her head. But we're
not gonna get anywhere together, likeright, am I wrong? Like he's
not gonna say it, and she'snot gonna know until he says it.
So can you please just call herand tell her and then if you have

to hang up, hang up.But she's got to know. I have
to know too. Maybe we cando a part two on this, yeah,
exactly, because I need to knowtoo. I'm dying over here.
I need to know. So canyou just when we get done here,
just either text unblock her, texther and call her or call her and
just tell her what's wrong, becauseit's the right thing to do. I

hate to be weird. I'm notblocked on everything. I mean, if
she wants to go through and figureout what I'm not a blocked on and
all right, we'll look to her. But it's not it. This isn't
a game show, like, it'snot Legends that had hidden temple here trying
to find your way through, like, just you're not blood. Okay,
great, unblock her and tell herif you're gonna be so tough on this

call about I'm I'm a great catch, Well tell her why she's not yours.
And it sounds like it's it's overin your mind. There's no chance
to change your mind, so youmight as well let her know. Yeah,
no chance. And guys, she'splaying you. She knows we're not
doing this. Just tell her ifshe already knows to just tell her now

on the air. You don't wantto tell her now, not on the
air, okay, all right?Well, uh, this relationship obviously doesn't
sound like it's it's gonna work outafter eight months. Sorry about that,
but good luck in your next relationships. And if you tell her, maybe
she won't. If she do,you think she's making a mistake, maybe

it won't happen again. It's aPSA. All right, guys, Well
thanks for reaching out. Okay,thank you, Piper. Try again.
Yeah, sorry, Piper, Thanksguys. I will rarely do this,
Diane. It's ninety five point oneWayV. I'm gonna give a recommendation.

Oh, because I find that alot of the times I know, like
where we work and what we dofor a living, sometimes they feel hollow.
When we're like, this place isreally good, it's like, well,
obviously you're going to say that.I'm going to tell you this chicken
guy, really good guy, Fiedi'schicken guy. Yeah. We were there
on Friday. We were set upon the boardwalk. First. Let me

tell you about all the things Isaw immediately when we got There's a woman
who clearly had too much a drink. And don't forget we were there at
noon. Walk right by stood infront of our tent, looked us all
in the eye and then just screamedfor along. Screamed like a like a
like a Yoko Ono scream. Holidayweekend. You never know what can happen.
Then stopped screaming and walked away,didn't say another word. Then Batman

showed up Batman. Yeah, yeah, the the Atlantic City Boardwalk Batman.
Okay, in reality and in theory, uh, the Atlantic City Boardwalk Batman.
And if you don't buy what Imean by that, you know exactly
what I mean. I mean.This was this was one of the best
Batman costumes I've ever seen. Andyou know my personality, see you know
by the best, what I meanby the best, just finn on it.

But I'm back to the chicken.One of the best sandwiches I've ever
had. Really, My guy Antoinecame out, who is the general manager,
came out, said high and waslike, I'm gonna bring you guys
some sandwiches. This was like anhour into us being there. And then
me and the WayV crew, therest of them, Mary Anthony, we
stood there and we looked at eachother, were like, so those sandwiches,

when are they coming? And thenhe came out with them, and
he came out with five of them, and we're three people, We're like,
this is going to be awesome.And then he started explaining what they
all meant and I and I know, like I put on a proud face
when people do that because they're proudof their work, of course, And
in the same breath, I'm like, get out of the way. Let

me get to the food, right, we need to eat the sandwich.
Yeah, But as he's talking,I find myself staring at him with my
mouth open and I'm like, no, no, keep telling me more.
Like the way he was explaining everythingwas so good and so compelling him,
like, dude, you need ashow. Like he's like, the tomatoes
are cut at an eighth of aninch. Antoine, if I get it

wrong, don't get mad at me, because I'm I'm trying to remember.
There was a lot of measurements.Yeah, but like he's like, the
tomatoes are cut at an eighth ofan inch, so that you know it's
there, but it doesn't overpower thesandwich. Good point. The pickles are
a sixteenth of an inch. Same, And he's going through the list of
the five different sandwiches and he's like, this one's my favorite. I'm like,

that's mine. I was like,I don't care that one's mine.
And it was the limited time.It was like a Korean barbecue. I
did actually did a review, soif you actually want to see Batman that
I told you about. Go toour Facebook page because I did like a
sandwich review of it and Batman makesan appearance in that. Oh I got
to see this. Yeah, it'sfun and a lot of people don't realize
what the the old pizza reviews thateverybody does, the Dave Portnoy one bite

pizza reviews because you say one bite, everybody knows the rules, and then
you proceed to take as many bitesas possible, like you don't see good.
Yeah, and my wife, whohas watched them before, goes,
you took more than one bite.I'm like, that's the joke. That's
the joke. Like you say you'regonna take one bite and then you eat

the whole thing, and you can'tfake something like that when you taste testing.
Yeah, I'm gonna definitely go toFacebook and watch this because you could
tell, yeah, buy your faceand everything that you love this sandwich.
I'm sure it was fantastic. AndI also got called out by my wife
for not eating it daintily like it'sa it's a gigantic Korean barbecue sandwich.

Oh, you gotta go for it, dripping with good stuff. You gotta
go for it. But like that, like Anthony, one of our promo
guys, he's like, I wantthat one. I'm like, I'm not
gonna fight you on it. Youlook scary right now. He had that
look in his eye of like andeven Mary. And you know Mary,
Mary is an indoor cat, andI'm gonna break her out of being an

indoor cat. I'm gonna make heran outdoor cat. Gotcha. She was
even like I want that sandwich inher like little timid way. I'm like,
no, no, Mary. Weput our foot down two ft in
the ground and he's like, Iwant that sandwich. Yes, And then
we made sure she got that one. I mean, genuinely excellent chicken guy.
It's it's a go out of yourway type of place. And I

know it was really busy over theholiday weekend. I saw a picture of
an order with the fries. Evenlooked really good too. Oh shot sandwich
and the fries. Yeah. Bythe way, shout out to the workers.
I forget your names, guys,I'm sorry, but they were at
the window. They partied with usfrom the window the whole time. I
love them. I love everybody overthere. That makes it fun. And

you know Guy Fierti, which Ijust like saying his name. Guy Fiertti
wouldn't put his name on something thatwasn't that to that standard, so I
definitely want to try it. That'skind of where I landed. I was
like, well, guy Fiati's notgoing to put out a bad problem,
no way. But then when youtry it. I'm only talking about it
because I it's like, go outof your way. Good, Like I
could drive over there now and goget one. We might go after the

show. All right, it's worthit, all right? Great? Well,
another shout out to Antoine, He'sawesome and uh and to Guy fi
Eddi's chicking guy. Thanks for havingwa YV and Mike for hosting them the
sports competitions. They were very,very big. It's ninety five point one
WayV and this story comes from oneof them. It can only land in

one place. I've just been handedan urgent and horrifying news story, and
I need all of you to stopwhat you're doing and listen. No,
we are going to the Mortal KombatContest World Championships. Oh wow, I
didn't know they had the World Championships. I'm not even sure if it's considered

a world championship or if it's justa competition. But I'm calling it the
world championship because I like drama.Oh okay, well, the winner and
obviously everybody knows. You know,some of these esports guys maybe not played
like actual competition sports slot up orstill at their age, so they don't
know how to celebrate correctly, likewhat a good winner looks like type of

thing. All right, Well,this guy won and decided instead of just
putting his hands in their and goinghooray for me, he threw his chair.
He did the chair hit a threethousand dollars light fixture, which he
now has to pay for. Nobig deal, he just won, right,
How much did he win? Well, he ended up taking responsibility.

He's going to pay for that threethousand dollar light. But to do the
math, he won five hundred andsixty dollars. Okay, So I don't
think this was the biggest Mortal Kombatchampionship you've ever seen. No, I
would think you would get more thanthat if it's a championship. Well,

he owes two and thirty five dollarsnow because it's a three thousand dollars light
he's taking a pretty big loss.Yeah, bigger than anybody else there actually
maybe outside of the organizers. Youcan't do that because I gotta read more
into this story. How many peoplewere in this thing? I win five
hundred dollars? There was like tenpeople in it. I had to have

been if there was any more.That's next level. He looked up his
chair and chucked it and just tookout a three thousand dollars. Yeah,
that'll teach him such tests while you'recutting it to pay off your loan.

Better luck next time. It's ninetyfive point one WayV The Mike and Diane
Show, and I am a horrendousbachelor. Really, Yeah, all by
myself is not a good place forme. Last night, we were on
the Ocean City Boardwalk enjoying family funnight. I came down alone and I
decided, you know, instead ofit was a late night at the boardwalk,

so I decided, you know,I'm just gonna I'm gonna sleep here
because I'm not gonna drive all theway home and then get up at before
the sun and get back down here, like it'd be like a three hour
turnaround. So I decided, I'mjust gonna sleep here. So it was
a big bachelor night for me.And I'm not talking about the TV show.
I had dinner before I came downhere, which was early, like

four thirty, and then I gotdown here and I immediately was like,
I'm gonna eat. I would besix hundred pounds if I was not married,
if you were just on your owneating anything you want. And I
don't know if like it's because itwas my one night alone, you know
what I'm saying. Like, Ihad pizza on the boardwalk as soon as

I got out of there. Istopped at McDonald's on the way home back
here. Yeah, And I gothere and I just laid on the ground
and just ate my McDonald's, watcheda movie on Netflix, and that was
it. That was my entire night. I would be seven thousand pounds if
I was a single man. Itsounds like you had a good night.

I dinna have a bad one.I'm not gonna tell you, but waking
up this morning, there are alot of regrets. There are a a
lot of regrets. Well, listen, it was your time to just let
loose. Yeah, we got dadDad's night Dad and hobbies night out and
just do what you want, andit kind of reminds me though you're sleeping
in the empty radio station. Yeah, kind of like night at the museum

where Ben Stiller's like sleeping over atthe museum. It was weird. There
were certain points because, by theway, these screens in here they don't
go off. So there was aa night light and it's the screen I'm
looking at, gotcha. They donot go dark ever at all. So
it was just me on the floorwith my little blankie and my throw pillows,

just like, ah, thank god, I can fall asleep anywhere.
You're lucky. I don't know ifi'd be. I guess if I was
that exhausted, i'd be able to. But I probably would have packed my
comfy air mattress. I was goingto, but I'm like, that's I'm
doing too much. I'd rather justdo it. Yeah, but i'd be
a horrible bachelor. So thank youto my wife. I love you more

today than I did yesterday. Ohand then that being said, are you
going to do that again? BecauseI know you're going to be appearing there
quite often. This is going tobe a repeat break every Monday. You'll
hear the same one about what didMike eat when his wife wasn't around?
Okay, and I do have somesuggestions for you for next time for the boardwalk great
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