Episode Transcript
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If you missed the show this morning, this is what you missed it ninety
five point one w A y Vand boy oh boy, we're gonna have
an easy day. On Friday,there is a takeover Mike. Yes,
Barefoot is in town, so wesaid, why not reach out to some
of the artists and see if theywant to come on and guests who came
through that door. Our girl marriedJustine Marria. Justine, we love you
because she is one of the performers, one of the artists at the Barefoot
Country Music Fest, and she's takenover on Friday. She's going to be
It's not the Mike and Diane Showwith like a special guest interview. It
is the Mike Diane Marashow. Ilike the sound of that. Actually,
MDM, can we bring her onfull time? I think now she's a
little busy. I don't think shecan do it. We can we can
potter in the Mike, Diane andMarras show. That's going to be great.
And Friday, I think it's lateafternoon she takes stage. It takes
is that a technical take stage ortakes it? I think you just skipped
a couple words in there, ButOkay, I thought it was son a
good but take the stage. It'sthe stage at Barefoot Country Music Fest on
the beach in wild And so she'llbe hanging with us. It's going to
be such a big day and sucha big weekend too. Luckily she's in
the area. Yeah, because she'sfrom Galloway, Yes she is. And
we're so proud of her and andshe's just done so much in her career
and to be one of the artistsand Barefoot, we are extra extra proud
of Mary Justine. So she's hangingwith us Friday morning. Good morning.
It's Mike and Diane on ninety fivepoint one WayV Summer officially arrives on Thursday,
although it already feels like summer.And we want to know are you
taking a summer vacation or a trip, because according to a new survey,
eighty percent of Americans think there's abig difference between the two, a trip
versus a vacation, And Mike,would you like to guess as to why
people are calling them different things?They are different things, they're on different
right, and why a vacation issomewhere you have to you know what I'll
call it a vacation is like aweek long thing you have to fly to,
okay, Or a vacation is alength of time, right. A
trip is short in and out bangbang, probably with your kids, so
you're just watching your kids in adifferent state. Is reality of that situation,
Okay. Vacation is supposed to besomething big, grandeur type of thing,
something does planned for a long time. I can see that well.
In this survey, the people definevacation as travel for relaxation, while a
trip is travel for a purpose,like an event, getting out of your
hometown, seeing the sites. Iguess the difference that I'm getting from the
survey is that you're on the move. Yeah, a trip, you're on
the move. Relaxation, which ismy favorite kind of thing, is that
you just you're you're relaxing. Duh. So I would I would say,
I'm on the beach, I gotmy frosty drink, I'm not on a
schedule. Yeah, I think.I think I love that because, like
I would say, if I'm going, let's just call something that that's like
three out Ocean City, Maryland.If I was going to Ocean City,
Maryland for a week, I'd probablysay it's my Ocean City, Maryland vacation.
If I'm going there for the weekend, I'm taking an oc Maryland trip.
Okay, that's my personal thought.Gotcha, I'm not taking a vacation
that's three days long and I'm justgoing Like when you're constantly go, go,
go, go go, what ifyou are going to let's say further,
you're going on you're going to Europeand you're going on a tour,
and you're gonna hit a bunch ofdifferent cities and you're going to be on
the move, on the move,just sleep and getting up to the next
city time frame that which I've donebefore. I think I might call that
a trip because I need a vacationfrom the trip. I'm exhausted. I
need a vacation from the vacation.It doesn't matter, like like if I
go all right, so all right. Another example, Dianee, Okay,
personally, when I went down tosee the Royal Rumble, I was in
and out in a day and ahalf with my son. It was in
Tampa. Was that a trip fora vacation? That was a trip because
you were busy, busy, Yeah, you were busy. You were doing
that was an event so that's whatthese people say, is a trip a
couple weeks later when we went downthere with the whole family for a week
trip or vacation in the pool onthe beach, things like that, Yeah,
vacation, thank you, ding dingding. Yeah. Okay, so
I think we're saying the same thing. Just say if we got to figure
it out, but hey, we'vejust got vacation or what a trip whatever
on the brain, getting ready forsummer and Memorial Day weekend. This is
one of those things that you knowwhat it is when you're saying it,
but you can't explain it. Yeah. I think we got to the bottom
of it, but we want toknow because we're really nosy and we'd love
to hear from you. If youhave a vacation or trip, either one
planned. Just open the free iHeartRadioapp search WayV, tap that red microphone.
It's called talkback, and then wecan hear where you're gonna go on
your vacation or trip and have agreat time exactly know what. We're gonna
play a game, me and you, Diane, We're gonna take these talkbacks.
I don't want you to tell usif it's a vacation or a trip.
I just want you to describe it. Oh that's tell us where you're
going, tell us what you're doing, and we will decide if it's a
vacation or a trip. Trip versusvacation. It's Mike and Diane on ninety
five point one WayV Hey, atthis point, I'll take either one.
I'll do anything her Fasi's vacation ismore for relaxation, So I'll drive into
the woods and run out of gasand have to hike back just for fun.
I don't care. That's more likea trip. That sounds like a
bad I'll visit the Blair Witch Project, like that's where where I'm at right
now. Anything at this point atrip or vacation. So we wanted to
know from your messages on talkback onthe free iHeartRadio app whether you were going
on a trip or vacation or youcan let us decide. Disney is not
a vacation but an experience. However, I recently got back from a week
in Cancoon where we did nothing butby relaxed by the pool and beach,
NonStop eating and joining in with pool, volleyball and water polo. The exception
was two days of excursions where wedrive an hour and a half from our
hotel to enjoy snows ATVing and swimmingwith turtles. H I would call that
a vacation vacation because the keyword wasrelaxation. There were a lot of activities
in there, a few more thanI would like. You said, can
kun that means a long plane ride? Yeah, it's a vacation. Yeah,
so distance your your I'm still goingwith. The trip is drivable,
okay, short term George, threehour road trip drive? Yeah okay,
So thank you for your message.We are calling that, hey, vacation,
let's go to can't kuon? Bringthe show on the road. We've
been trying that for years, thoughsalespeople won't sell it. I really want
to go. I love these storiesbecause it always feels like they happen in
places like this, Wyoming. It'sninety five point one WayV and it is
only time for one thing, andone thing only. I've just been handed
an urgent and horrifying news story,and I eat all of you to stop
what you're doing and listen. No, what am I talking about? A
non human mayor or a non adultmayor, non adult mayor? Yeah right,
I always feel like when we dothese stories, it's either a cat
was elected mayor of a town inIdaho or a child was a baby was
born and elected mayor of a cityin Montana, and then some people say,
oh, they'll do a better job. Yeah, well how about this.
Now in Wyoming there's a AI botrunning for mayor. Oh oh boy,
and people are excited about it,are they? Yeah? Vic v
C as a IQ of one fiftyfive and listens to it's you can stit
you. I'll get there. Youchill out smart one, Hey, chill
out constit you. I'm proud ofmyself. I don't know how I pulled
that one off. Yeah that wasa good one. But they're they're saying
that basically, this takes in allof public opinion, choose it up the
way AI does and spits out theories. And I gotta be honest, I
kind of like it. I kindof like that, like you're not going
to have a lean right right.But at the same point, I know
what I would do. I wouldsubmit the same really really really stupid thing
four hundred thousand times overpower the bot, gotcha. Yeah, see there's a
way around it. I am Ijust for a giggle, just for a
giggle. I would be like,having kats is illegal, and just see
if I can get that made alaw in Cheyenne or something like this system.
Yeah, because otherwise, if ifjust the regular suggestions went in,
then there wouldn't be any previous bias, then it would be a legitimate decision.
But I don't know. I mean, I like some AI things,
but that that's going too far.That's going getting a little freaky for me.
That's getting That's just that just getsthere. By the way, there's
quotes. I'm just a conduit.I'm disat dissatisfied with how public servants treat
the public or Yeah, I agree, but not all if I want a
machine doing it. Yeah, that'sthat's a tough one. What if it
malfunctions make cats illegal? I amallergic, so I maybe cats are people
chill out. That's the first thingthey came to my head of, like,
what's ridiculous thing that we can weWhat else can we put in there?
Well, you're lactose intolerance, Yeah, make milk, yes, make
dairy illegal. There you go,m put half the city of the dairy
farms. Yeah, that's right.We don't want to do that. God,
this is a tough one. Yeah, this is why I work in
radio, not Paul, why Istay out. Mike and Diane's second date
update on ninety five point one wA. Y V. Connor for Masland
is looking for a second date updatewith a woman named Carrie. Good morning,
Connor, how are you? Goodmorning? I'm I'm a little confused.
Okay, yeah, we hear thata lot. I met Carrie on
one of the apps and she wasbeautiful. We started chatting and like she
was really cool. We talked forquite a while, like several weeks on
the apps, and decided it wastime to do it. We went out
on an early dinner. It seemedto go really well. I can't get
her to call me back. Isent her a couple of texts. I
don't want to be they too aggressivewith it, but it was. It
was a really, really good dinner, and you know, we'd had such
a good time leading up to dinner. I just kind of want to see
where this thing can go. Yeah, especially since you had been talking for
several weeks, it probably wasn't awkwardas far as conversation and getting together.
No, it wasn't awkward at all. There wasn't you know that weird first
date fearing you kend of felt likea third date to me. And she's
just she's a spectacular woman. Ilove it, he said. It felt
so comfortable. It was like athird date already. Oh that's so nice.
I love that spectacular. We shoulduse that more often. Well,
yeah, what we will do aswe try to get some answers from the
spectacular Carrie, We'll put you onhold, Connor, We'll play a song
and we'll try to get her onthe phone. Coming up next on ninety
five point one w A y V. Ninety five point one w A YV
with Mike and Diane's second date update. A few minutes ago, Connor told
us about his first date with Carrie. Had a dinner date after talking for
several weeks before getting together, andConnor, you said, it went well.
You didn't see any red flags.Uh felt like a third date.
Yeah, it felt like a thirddate. It was so comfortable. But
you haven't heard anything. You reachedout to her and nothing. Connor called
her spectacular. Boom, that's abig word. That's why I wanted that.
Yeah, yeah, I like thatright, she is a spectacular woman.
Thank you. Ah, And eventhough she hasn't gone back to him,
he's still calling her spectacular. Ilove this, so let's get her
right now hopefully gets some answers.Hello. Hello, is this Carrie?
This is she Hi. It's Mikeand Diane from ninety five point one WayV
Radio. We host a morning show. Say hi to my co host Mike.
There he is, and I'm Diana. Hello. We were wondering if
you have a few minutes. Thankyou for not hanging up on us,
by the way, right away.We appreciate that. We got a problem
call on our radio show from aguy named Connor, one of our radio
family members, and Connor was tellingus he went on a date with you.
He was highly complimentary. Carrie.I have to say, we've never
had a guy call a woman spectacularor but he did. He said,
you're spectacular. Love the date hasn'theard anything from you, So can you
tell us on your behalf why you'reavoiding him? Oh my gosh, wow,
Okay, this is unexpected. Uh, that's very sweet of him to
check in this way. That's thefirst time that it was. It was
a great date. I you know, we have a lot in common.
We had a lot to talk about. Even though we'd been talking for a
few weeks already. I thought everythingwas fine. I was attracted to him,
things were flowing well. But maybelike halfway through the date, we
were like eating and he popped hisphone out of his pocket and he like
sets something up, you know,as we were talking, without telling me
what he was doing, and thenpropped his phone up like next to his
drink, and I was like,oh, you I assume it was like
a football game or something. Iwas like, oh, what, what
are you watching? And he waslike, oh, it's my it's my
son's soccer game. You know,it's happening right now. But I didn't
I didn't want to get out ofour date and I didn't want to miss
it. So I thought this wasjust like the best of both worlds.
And I live stream of his game. So weird. Yeah, yeah,
oh, I know they're doing thatquite often. Yeah, a lot of
game they all do. Yeah,they all do it. Now, they're
pretty much all do because there's onethere's a company money for that. Oh
okay, yeah, because back inthe day they didn't know they missed the
game. You miss it, okay, So you just thought that that shouldn't
be done on a date when he'strying to get to know you and he's
watching his phone. Yeah, Imean that was weird. But also why,
you know, we talked for likethree weeks leading up to the date.
Why not just pick another date.We could have gone out the next
night. I just thought it wasa little weird and like, you shouldn't
you shouldn't be here, you know, splitting your time. You should just
be at the Sun's game. Well, but I didn't want to reschedule on
you. Yeah, by the way, Connor's been listening in Hi Connor,
Hi Connor, I carried, it'sgreat to hear your voice. I just
I didn't want to reschedule. Likeit was. The game was supposed to
be the night before. We'd hadthis plan for like a week and a
half, and then it rained,so they moved the game to the next
day. Like I kind of thoughtyou would think it was sweet that I
was trying to do both, youknow. I mean, it's not like
it's his only game of the year. He has a lot of games,
and I love my son, butalso I'm really interested in getting to know
you, and maybe you can getto know my son at some point.
Maybe we can go to some ofthose games together. I did was the
first date, and I know I'mjumping way far ahead, but I thought
you would think it was really sweet. I just I feel like I feel
like we could have rescheduled it andand found another night. I would have
totally understood with this for me ifwe'd done that, you know, I
would have understood, and I wouldn'thave held it against you for rescheduling.
Now, this is just like kindof a non starter for me. I
feel like I was really worried ifI was worried if I tried to reschedule
that I might not ever get achance to go back out on the date
with you. Now, I meanthat I would have understood this. I
feel like just made it a littletoo weird for me. Well, I
just obviously I just made a mistake, But like I won't make that mistake
again. Could we maybe go tohis game together next time? Could we
could we go to dinner? CanI get a redo on all of this?
I don't think so, Connor,I'm sorry, Oh Man, Connor,
Yeah, you just do. Wedon't have to I don't have to
ask anything, but I gotta say, Connor sounds like a really nice guy.
He does. But Connor, Ialso need to say, go to
your kids game, like I knowthat he has a bunch every season.
I just normally miss game. Connor. Connor. Talk to any parent that
as a parent of an eighteen,nineteen, or twenty year old, any
of them, they are consistent onehundred percent when I tell them I have
an eight year old, and they'relike, dude, enjoy it. It
goes fast. See every game Imade him, I just made a mistake,
dude. But I'm I don't.I didn't want to even do this
because I didn't want to feel likeI was chastising you. Because it happens.
I understand. There's not one humanwho hasn't made a mistake. No,
not one. No, I'm outsideof me, but I listen,
not one, damn it, Diane, chill out over. There definitely not
one. So let me ask thequestion instead of Connor. Okay, Carrie,
we know Connor's answer, Carrie,it is hard to find a nice
guy. He's explained it. Headmits to me. It's huge that he
admits he made a mistake. Wouldyou want to give him another chance?
Maybe? Go to one of thegames together. I mean, that's huge.
A lot of guys even want totake a long time before you would
even meet their kid. That's whyhe's really that much into you. I
do appreciate that, because I knowwhat a big step that is. But
even all of this is a littleweird. And then now, you know,
wanting to take me to his son'sgame for our second date is also
a little weird. I just feellike we should. We can do dinner
ways where we are, Okay,I guess it's a no. Sorry about
that, Connor, But I'm tellingyou, I've said this before. We're
going to be getting calls for youto get some dates. Connor. Trust
me, you learn from your mistakes, and I think you did. And
we want to wish you both thebest of luck and and good luck to
your son. It is games.Yeah, thank thank you. It's ninety
five point one WayV. It's theMic and Diane Show. Today is quite
the interesting day for me, Diane. Yesterday it was Father's Day. Yes,
happy belated tomorrow is my birthday.Oh, happy early, my wife.
I'm trying. I tried something.I already text my wife. I'm
like, come on, it's mybig birthday week, Father's Day, my
birthday, and she's like, itain't neither right. Now, you're making
dinner, pick up the kids,like what are we having for dinner today?
What are you making? She's like, what are you making? And
it's not Father's Day and it's notyour birthday. Figure it out, buddy,
Back to real life. Back toreal life. Let you know what's
funny is she holds it to theminute. Now. Don't get me wrong,
I can make fun of my wifebecause she did a really great job
on Father's Day making me feel lovedand appreciated. But Saturday night, at
eleven forty five pm, we're getin bad after cleaning because we were having
everybody over. We lay down andshe starts like patner back, like rub
it, come on, come onin it not Father's Day yet, get
in here. I had the rubberback for fifteen minutes, and then she
had an alarm set. The alarmwent off at twelve. She said,
Okay, happy Father's Day, goodnight. You gotta be kidding me.
I haven't. She's got it tothe minute now. She was kidding with
me because she still wanted me torubber back. But Today is one of
those days where I'm just truly inbetween, truly in between birthday exactly.
It's gonna be quite the day forme. So pray for me today and
wish wish me happy birthday tomorrow.You know what I want to see If
anybody remembers wish me a happy birthdayon a talk back tomorrow, that'd be
nice. Yeah. And if youremember, just know, you get five
Internet dollars that count for open thefree iHeartRadio app and search WayV, tap
that red microphone and show some loveto Mike for his birthday, because I'm
sure getting it today from anybody inmy family. A mom slammed for something
that she said on instagrams Mike andDiane on ninety five point one WayV.
Nealie, a mom of two,is being called out for a recent post
that reads happy the pool counts asbath season to all who participate. So
she's basically saying the pool counts asbath time in the summer. Okay,
So some parents joined in with cheeringfor that time of year when they don't
have to bathe their kids after theyswim in the pool. Others are saying
that's nasty and disgusting that you're sayingkids don't need a bath because they went
in the pool and that is theirbath. Well oh god, oh god,
oh god, oh god. NowNelie said she had no idea people
would slam her like that. Shewas just encouraging parents to have fun with
their kids. And then she said, oh, I really do bathe my
kids after swimming. I was justsaying that, no, no, no,
no, doesn't. But again,I don't really think there was a
problem with that. Like, Iknow, soap clean, do you,
But if we're talking like two weeksof no actual bath, that's a all
right, that's an issue. Yeah, But like you know, da day.
Yeah, I mean I remember vividlyas a kid, my mom tossing
me like the shampoo and being likego to town, buddy, Yeah,
like okay, I'm clean. Yeah, I don't know. Well, I
remember I remember back in the daywhen I was a kid that if it
was just one of those days wherewe were in the pool all day with
my cousins and we were just exhausted, we were just get in bed,
we'd skip it. But like yousaid, we wouldn't go that long,
we wouldn't consider it a bath.But we may skip our bath or shower
that day. But I did thislast summer. As an adult, I
feel like I always have to showerwhen I get out of the pool around
the beach. I agree. Butthere was last summer Fourth of July party.
My cousin had shout out and Igot home and I would say,
like one thirty in the morning,which is really late for us now,
and I said, you know what, I'm going rogue and I'm not.
My husband got a shower. Isaid, nope, I'm getting right in
bed, and he said, well, we're washing the sheets tomorrow morning.
I said okay, and I gotright in. I slept like a baby.
So once in a while, Ithink it's fine. I liked it.
I liked it. I like thatyou said, like, oh,
I'm not taking a shower one thirtyin the morning, We'll just wash the
sheets tomorrow. Me and my wife, if we're getting home at one thirty,
usually it means we were drinking andwe crawl into bed and go,
no whatever, Oh there, goodmorning, we go. I'm not washing
anything. Well, I will layin my filth. I speak for every
man, every every every dirty personin the warld old. When I say
we're not doing it. I reboundeasily. Surprisingly you don't drink enough,
then we gotta get you going alittle more. So that's pretty much the
only time I'll do it. Butwhat do you think does the pool count
as bathtime? Leave us a messageon the free I heeart radio app?
Or are you filthy like Mike?We love to hear from you. You
can search W A, y V, tap that red microphone and leave us
a direct message.