Episode Transcript
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It is the Mike and Diane Showon ninety five point one WayV. Adulting
one oh one. It's a summercourse at Michigan State University and maybe we
all need this the world. I'mimmediately like, oh, this is so
dumb, But then my head,I'm going wait, no, this is
probably the smartest class any college hasever done. We need help. Okay,
go ahead, the university said.The Adulting one oh one program helps
young adults demystify the obscure reality ofbeing an adult through engaging educational sessions.
Each session contains important life skills andtools necessary to live independently because adulting is
not easy. I remember when myniece was maybe maybe fourteen fifteen, and
she saw everything her mom was goingthrough and just working two jobs and going
to school. Yeah, and shesaid one time to us, being an
adult does not look fun. Andwe all say, you're right, you're
right, And now I think youknow, at the moment, we sugarcoated
it. After we said that,we said, well, no, no,
there are some fun things like youcan buy whatever you want at the
grocery store, and you know,fun things like that, don't you want?
He goes, well, I dothat anyway now, but it's not
easy. So what would you teachin the course Adulting one oh one?
Or what would you want to learn? Very very basic mechanical stuff for your
car, changing your own oil,and I would then go with changing a
tire, right, financial stuff ofactually just flat out balancing a bank account,
knowing how to save, what theheck stocks are, where you should
put your money, the difference betweena four to one k and a roth
ira, stuff that you learn lateron in life. That is important stuff
for sure, taxes, Yes,so anything financial that was going to be
my answer. I thought about allof this all the time. Anyway,
you should have had this course.What would you add to the list?
What would you want to teach inthe course or what would you want to
learn? It is ninety five pointone way V Good morning. It's the
Mic and Die and Adulting one ohone. We could probably all use this.
It's a summer course at Michigan StateUniversity. So Charlie from Longport,
what would you want to teach orlearn in Adulting one oh one? Well?
I have some basic ones, youknow, there's like money and budgeting
ones. But I'm gonna tell youright now. The one thing I really
wish I could have learned an adultingone. O one, how do you
use a fire extinguisher? Oh thatis a great one. I just asked
my husband recently how to use it. It's in my apartment building. I
see it, but I'm just kindof crossing my fingers that like right now,
my plan is just like, don'tlet anything catch on fire, because
what do I I don't really knowwhat I do with it. I want
it to be like hairspray, whereyou push something. I just like score
now, but I don't think that'sright. No, no, not at
all. What is it, Mike? Is it? You pull the pin
and you have to pull the pinand then point the thing and okay,
by the way, that was thebest explanation you're gonna get. Yeah,
boo yah. Then you squeeze theother thing, you point it and you
go, you know what, weshould just google this or you pull up
George Costanza, y'all, fire andrun. Oh Jesus, that's another way
to do it. But we needto know this for sure, so you
know what, Charlie, lets YouTubethis today, Yes, because obviously our
goal is to never have to useit and That's why the other day I'm
like, well, what if Ithought the same thing and then he showed
me. But yeah, you canYouTube anything like Yeah, this entire class
could be done via just seven minuteYouTube videos. The only problem is we're
saying we're going to YouTube it,and then we'll forget and we won't do
it. Oh no, we won'tuntil you need it, and then you'll
be sitting there engulfed in flames watchinga seven minute YouTube video on how to
use a fire extinguisher. I didthat yet, No, oh, not
the fire thing, but I didthat yesterday with YouTube and fixing a garbage
dispuzzal Oh, as I'm underneath thesaink like looking up at my phone and
did you fix it? Fixed?Yes? Because I'm a man, all
right. I felt so manly.I felt so manly. That's a good
one, and it saved you alot of money because I had to pay
the mind done. Oh geez,well, Charlie, that is a good
one. And let's make it apriority to learn that. Okay, yes,
I want to like practice it too. You know, a video won't
just cut it? Yeah, itis ninety five point one wa yv.
It's my Diene show. I'm noteven sure what to do about this situation.
Hold on, there's construction outside ofour building. Can everyone hear this
over the radio? Yeah, listento this. Of course it stopped the
second I jackhammer going on. There'sa literal jackhammer, and it feels like
it is on the other side ofthis wall or this wall is made of
pa They're basically redoing the entrance toBayport one, where our studios are.
Yeah. So the by the way, we walked me and the show down
the hall walked out there before andwe checked it out, and there's literally
there's no like rebarking. And I'mnot a concrete guy, so I don't
know, right, I'm a littlenervous walk on this thing. Oh you
know, we were gonna go outthere with a clipboard and just start telling
them, like, let's work onthe shrubbery now. But it is taking
a little longer than they said.Okay, Oh I thought it was stopping.
No, it's still going. Yeah. A radio station is not conducive
to this kind of construction. Imean's certain jobs, I guess. Although
I felt so bad yesterday for ourcoworker, Kim. Her office is right
there yeah, and it's a milliontimes louder. And the poor thing had
to sit there all day. Yeah. No, she's literally sitting like her
wall is where they're jackhammering. Yeah, and she can't move from her office
because she's with her computers and everythingin her mind, her programs on it.
Yeah, she can't just pick itup and move. Ah. But
this is fun. We're having agood time. I think a lot of
people can relate. I mean,construction at the office, I'm not I'm
not sure people can relate. We'reworking radio, we work in the house
literals. They've paid thousands of dollarsto soundproof this room and it's shaking.
So I'm not sure a lot ofpeople can relate to what we're going through
right now. I think we needsome construction. Yeah, yeah, I
might bring me. I might.I might go out there and be like,
all right, guys with a clipboardand a little hard hat and be
like, all right, guy's goodwork. Let's go do some construction at
another project. It just happens tobe my house. I'm on in yep,
all right, pray for us.I thought it was just a wrong
number, but then the text messagesgot a little weird. It's Mike and
Diane on ninety five point one WayV. So, Mike, I got this
text I'm going to read to youfrom my phone, okay. And it
says it's from a nine to oneto seven area code okay, some New
York. And it says, Hi, Della, do you want to play
golf tomorrow? And I thought ofyou, because actually they should have texted
you you like to play golf?I would have said, yep, sure,
it on you. So my responsewas wrong number, which I thought
it was nice of me not tojust ignore it. Yeah. So then
I get a message back, oh, sorry, my assistant left the wrong
number. I hope I didn't disturbyour beautiful day, okay. So then
like, oh that was nice,beautiful. So then my response was no
problem exclamation point. So you wouldthink this would be the end of it,
right, You would think that,but I feel like there's one more
coming. So then I get anothermessage. I'm not sure if this chick
is trying to pick me up orscam me. So then the next message
I didn't even catch on might havebeen a scam. Okay, I didn't
think anything of it until now.So the next message is thank you,
you are a good man. Havea nice day. I'm Diana. What's
your name? Mm hmm yep,Okay, we're done. So yes,
I was done. I did notresponse, but this is it gets strange
again. Okay. So then I'mlooking back at the message and I'm like,
oh my goodness, that's so weird. And I noticed that the last
text was edited. Okay, nowinstead of my name is Diana, what's
your name? The edited text saysthe first part, you're a good man,
had a nice day. I'm KellyChen. What's your and the name
is caught off? Isn't that weird? That's a scam? Yeah, well
I knew at that point once itwas edited the name was changed, but
it was just so random. Butdo you want to play golf tomorrow?
This is? This is this isThis sounds like it's a a new way
of them scamming, because they'll go, oh, you must love golf because
you're a man, and and they'llget you what's your name? And then
and then maybe they hook me inthat I'm thinking it's some hot chick,
Oh you want to meet up?Or you know, what's your phone number?
Kind of thing. I would havekept going what I would have kept
texting him, No way, becauseI know, listen, if I know
it's a scam, it's no longera I'm not texting Diana slash no Elly
Kelly, which is really not eitherit's it's somebody, it's a man,
it's a it's a fifty five yearold, three hundred and fifty pound man
sitting home like, oh, sucha hot chick. What a hot chick
say in this moment? And hedidn't really want me to pick play golf.
No, he wasn't playing golf.He was using golf as a way
to hok you in No, Ilearned my lesson. I was just being
polite. Wrong number, so theydon't leave them hanging with the golf date.
Come on, I've learned. Thisis why sometimes you have to be
rude. You just got don't don'ttext back because like fifty to fifty it's
a scam? Right, like howmany? I mean? Unfortunately that's the
case. Now half the world isa scam. I've learned my lesson.
Oh well, I would have kepttexting him. If I know it's a
scam, it's no longer a scam, Like you can't scam me if I
know you're trying to scam right exactly? Well, once it got ed,
it wasn't one hundred percent short untilit got edited. Then I knew the
name changed. But anyway, ifyou get a wrong number, text beware,
don't fall into the trap like Idid. Send me a picture of
you. Let's FaceTime Mike and Diane'ssecond date update on ninety five point one
WayV. Rebecca from EHT is lookingfor a second date update with a guy
named Jason. Rebecca, how youdoing today? I'm doing all right.
How are you doing? Oh,we're living the dream. Just curious about
your date, so please tell usabout Jason and your first date. We
had such a great time, soI really don't know what happened. We
took a walk on the boardwalk.We were having tons of left just like
the conversation was flowing. We wentand played all the arcade games. It
was just a good time. SoI'm just confused. Yeah, that sounds
like a fun date. I likethat. Yeah, it really was.
It makes me want to go tothe boardwalk and play some games. So
you didn't see any red flags,any anything that stood out. You just
had a fun date and that wasthat. No, that was that.
I mean, it was just oneof those just easy connections. I felt
like there was no awkward pauses oranything like that. So I was surprised
when I didn't hear back from them. Okay, that is surprising. And
you tried him a few times,I assume, yeah, I did,
because sometimes after the first time,you're like, maybe they're busy or missed
it, who knows, And thenthe second time I just know, I'm
like, uh oh, yeah.We even we give this example quite often.
We had one guy who was inthe hospital. That's why he wasn't
answering. Yeah, hopefully Jason isnot in the hospital seven years ago,
but we'll find out. What we'lldo, Rebecca is push on hold.
We'll play a song and we'll tryto get Jason on the phone and get
some answers. Next on ninety fivepoint one WayV ninety five point one WayV
with Mike and Diane's second date updatea few minutes ago, Rebecca told us
about her first date with Jason,played some arcade games on the boardwalk,
had a great connection. She triedto reach him and has heard nothing back.
So Rebecca, here we go.We are gonna give Jason a call,
yep, hopefully he'll pick up findout what's gone on. Hello,
isis Jason? Yeah? Who's conIt's Mike and Diane from ninety five point
one WayV Radio. Here's my cohost Mike. There he is. We
host a radio show every morning.We were just wondering if you if you
have a few minutes, Jason,because we got a call from one of
our radio family members, and thankyou for not hanging up on us.
By the way, Rebecca called usand she was telling us she went on
a date with you, had agreat time, told us about the whole
thing, and she just hasn't heardback from you. So she's worried about
you, first of all, andthen just wants to know why she you're
not responding to her. So couldyou let us know on her behalf please?
Kind of weird being on the radiolike this. Now, we we
agree, but it's what we do. And she's she's the one who called
us. What Diane said, it'sperfect, all right. I don't know,
I mean, I just tend tolike, I don't know, maybe
it's my preference or whatever, butI'm just like, I don't know,
I just kind of like Aye morerefined lady refined fine, Yeah, I
mean here's like she was cool,but like you know, she's just like
I don't know, like one ofthe guys kind of she burped and she
was like playing the games too intenselyand like I don't know, she wanted
to like shotgun a beer, likeand you know, someone next to with
us like farted, and she justkept laughing about it. It was just
I don't know, like great person, just like you know, I just
have my I guess particular case.I don't know, refine. I'm thinking
like drinking tea like with your pinkyup? Is that is that refined?
Mean's glassy? I just want towe're just jumping. Oh yeah, by
the way, yeah, she's beenlistening in Rebecca. I just want to
tell you you sound awesome. Yousound like fun, Rebecca. Thank you.
I think I'm a great time.So I don't know what's wrong with
you. I'd listen. I'm gonnasay this. I would like to put
out there. I'm married to somebodywho's very much like you. You want
to hang out because you and mywife would get along very well. Absolutely,
you got a brother, any friends, I'm an only child if that
hasn't come through on this show inthe past. Oh yeah, I'm an
only child. Well, we'll tryto find someone for you. But you
know, even Taylor Swift Shotgunna beerat the super Bowl. Mean, come
on, it's all about balance.I consider myself a girly tom boy,
Like, I'm not afraid to dressup, but I'm also not afraid to
get down and dirty. So heonly saw it, Jason, you only
saw one aspect of Rebecca. Yousaw boardwalk Rebecca. Yeah, yeah,
board boardwalk. Rebecca's cool, butyou know, like I think she could
probably find someone who's a better Idon't want this, so you're not boardwalk
Jason. Rebecca, go find agood guy, all right. Sorry,
Jason, you seem like you're agood dude. All right, Just I'd
rather you find a fun guy.Jason's gonna find somebody more refined, and
then we are hanging out with Rebeccaon the boardwalk. Yay. Sounds like
a plan, because what we'll dois we'll take the second day budget that
the boss gives us and we'll usethat money and then we'll hang out.
Sounds like I love this idea.In the woods making bonfire and shotguns,
some beers and no, I'm gonnaplay arcade games. Okay, all right,
guys, Well, thank you andgood luck. Diane. Have you
ever seen the movie Weekend at Bernie's? Of course, many times. I
love It's ninety five point one WayV. And guess what I've just been handed
an urgent and horrifying news story.And I d all of you to stop
what you're doing and listen. No, I think you know where this is
going. I asked you, didyou like the movie Weekend at Bernie's?
And what was that movie about?That movie was about a boss that had
unfortunately passed away. Yep, Andthey wanted to stay in his vacation house
yep. So they propped him upto make him look like he was still
alive, and then kind of broughthim around to all the places, and
hey, there's Bernie. Two Ohiowomen have been sentenced for taking an eighty
year old man, loading him inthe car. I think you know when
I say eighty year old man,loading him in the car and take him
to the bank drive through to withdrawmoney from his account. Oh guess what
it worked. It worked. Theteller let him withdraw nine hundred dollars afterwards,
they drove them, dropped them off, and didn't identify themselves when they
dropped them off, and they werequickly identified because there's cameras everywhere to bank.
Yeah. Ass And by the way, your license plate right there,
yeah, right there on the thing. Yep. Yeah, probably not a
place you want to try to dosomething wrong. So sixty three year old
Karen Casbom and fifty six year oldLourene Bay for a l if you ever
do something wrong, I'm the oneto say your name, and like your
name's going to be in the news, I'm the one to say it because
I'll never get it right and nobodywill ever know it's you, and you
just make it sound like you're yodeling, and then it seems okay. That
felt like a shot. They bothpleaded guilty. Uh, and they are
going to jail for a long time. Good, I'm glad long time.
I mean that that's sick. Imean, I know we joke about the
movie haha, but that's in reallife. That is sick. In the
movie, the guy was actually alive. He was pretending to be dead in
the in the movie. In themovie, no, he wasn't they We
didn't prop up a real dead body, Diane. He's oh, oh,
I see what you're saying in thescript. He was, Oh, the
actor was actually a live man.Yes, you are correct. I just
had a heart attack. You arecorrect. We have had two moments in
the last two and a half minutes, Diane were I I felt like I
haven't known you. He got soin character. I wasn't sure. Now,
yes, the actor was alive.I can confirm it is point one
w A YV. Most people don'twant to do this by themselves. They
don't want to eat at a restaurantby themselves. According to a survey,
I would love to eat at arestaurant by myself. That would be heaven
to you. Yeah. Yeah,nice night out. Like a lot of
people like, oh my god,you drive so far for work, I'm
like, oh, that's my timealone. Oh yeah, that's true.
I get to just put on apodcast or put on music or the radio
and just zone out. Yep,until you get home to the zone.
You know what I mean. Please, yeah, yeah, you get it.
Well. More than half of thepeople surveyed said that they have never
eaten at a restaurant by themselves,and I got to say I'm in that
majority. I don't. I can'tremember a time when I've ever just now
we're talking about sitting down at arestaurant with a server. Now, I
have done the food court thing bymyself or at an airport, yeah coort
obviously, but not at a regularrestaurant. I don't think I've ever done
it and didn't sit like at thebar, like sit in a seat,
you know what I'm saying. LikeI've definitely gone and like, oh I
got like two hours to kill,let me just go get something to eat,
and gone to a restaurant, butsat at the bar. The bar,
Yeah, the bar is a goodoption, you know. And I
don't think I've ever sat down,looked at a rest look at a menu
and just sat there by myself.Yeah, that's the thing. Some people
love it, but I can getit. I usually just I'll just get
you know, delivery or takeout orsomething instead of actually sitting there and having
the whole experience. Yeah. Yeah, but maybe it's something we should try.
I'm in I'm I'm halfway there.I've sat at the bar. No,
I just got to move to anothertable. He's almost there. Yeah,
so give us a call. Whathave you never done by yourself?
Good Morning gets the Mike and DianeShow on ninety five point one WayV.
The number one thing people don't wantto do by themselves eat at a restaurant.
Let's check in with Chelsea from Ventnor. Chelsea, what have you never
done by yourself? Well, youknow, I've given this question a lot
of thought, and I'm like,I've never been arrested by myself, never
gone to jail. That's a goodone. I like how you put by
myself right. Well, I meanI've never been arrested period, But I
was thinking if I were to everbe arrested, I wouldn't want to be
arrested alone. I want someone tolike kind of go to jail with me.
I mean, it sounds kind ofscary going to jail. So that's
something that i'd want to do withfriends or it's a relative. It'll be
like friends in lockup. Oh mygod, Oh my god. Yeah,
that's crazy. I know. Allright, Well, Chelsea, we hope
you stay out of trouble, andwe hope you never do that by yourself too,