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Misery. I am miserable thinking aboutthis already. It's ninety five point one
WayV. It's Mike and Diane Show. I have a bachelor party coming up,
Diane in August, and I amcompletely miserable thinking about it because I
am now too old for this.I'm just too old for it. When
are these bachelor parties gonna end?I think it's this is the last one.
Oh, and I'm upset that it'slike the last one. But I'm
not because, like, this isjust so much money and so much time,
and I just I don't have itin me anymore. I don't have
the juice to go. Yeah.Also, guys, if you're gonna do
a bachelor party, like a bigone, hotels, don't do Airbnb.
No guy in their mid to latethirties wants to share a room with six
other guys. No one wants that. Just get the hotels. Hotels.
You wouldn't each have your own room? Would that be too expensive? I
mean we're we're middle aged, Diane, we can all get a room.
To say that'd be more expensive,well, you have every room. But
if it's if if we're sharing aroom with one person, that's way different
than sharing a house with twenty Okay, now, don't get me wrong.
The airbnb looks awesome. We're goingto Chicago and it's gonna be fun,
I'm sure, but I just wantto sleep. I'm to the point of
a bachelor party where it's not like, wa, go up and drink everybody,
let's go be men. I allof us are dads for the most
part. We just want to Thisis what dads do on bachelor parties.
You know. All the women arelike always worried about what men are gonna
do. No, no, wego and sleep. I want to go
sleep. I want a full night'ssleep. And now I have a house
of twenty people. I'm gonna bein a room with five other guys.
I don't I just want to sleep. Do they want to sleep or are
they ready to party it up?I think that there's a there's a there's
a handshake agreement that there's gonna bea flat out room of young dads,
room of young dads with young kidswhere we get there immediately put our bags
down and say good night, andwe all just go in and take naps.
Like I think that's the agreement wehave. But I am I'm I'm
over bachelor parties. I'm done withthem. I'm done. I'm done.
I don't want to I don't wantto drink all day, wake up tomorrow
feeling horrible. I don't recover likeI used to, and now I have
to get up and put on thewoot woot for my friend. Listen.
I love the guy, but couldn'tyou have done this in like a driveable
location. I gotta I gotta flyto Chicago to the drink. Why any
strippers not? Don't answer? No, that's the thing every see. That's
the other thing every female thinks.Every bachelor party is like strippers. Figured,
No, no, we're going toa Cubs game. Oh okay,
Like that's like I've only been onone bachelor party where they were one person
was like weirdly like we got togo to the strip club, and every
other guy there was like, areyou sure do we have to do that?
Like? Is that a thing wehave to do? I'm just like,
nah, I guess not. Ithink once you get there, you
have a good time. It'll benice to be away and you can always
make up for your sleep when youget home. Oh wait, you have
kids? No, you can't.Oh yeah, no, I won't be
making up any sleep ever. Prayfor me, everyone, all right,
good luck, have fun, Goodmorning. It's Mike and Diane on ninety
five point one WayV gearing up forthe Summer Olympics in Paris. I cannot
believe it. Opening ceremony coming upthis Friday. That's going to be exciting.
I'm I love the Olympics. Ilove watching sports that I'll never watch
again and then immediately knowing more thanthe athlete about strategy. Oh yeah,
I'd be like, I don't knowwhy they're doing that? What a bad
sub that was only trained for liketwenty years? Why are they doing?
What's the water polo coach too?You gotta run the flanks, you gotta
get the flankers up there, learningand learning as I go. Yeah,
so much fun on the sofa athome. Yes, go Team USA.
I'm really looking forward to gymnastics.I know a lot of people are,
but I've always been such a biggymnastics fan. This is kind of the
first year that I'm in the gymnastics, and it's only because I have a
five year old gymnast. Oh yeah, It's like I'm excited I'm excited to
watch it through her eyes. Oh, she'll definitely be watching. Yeah,
we're I mean, I'm hoping thatthere's just I can just go on like
one of the apps, I think, and just turn it on. Yeah,
and just random sport, you know, that's what I'm looking forward to.
Handball. Give me handball. Handball'shandballs are great sport. If you
have never watched handball, you're missingout. I might have to try.
It wasn't that wasn't on my radar, but now you never know. I
think we've did a break on this. But I was invited to the Olympic
Olympic tryout for the Olympic handball team. What Yeah, yeah, I was.
I went one match and I've playedone time in my life, and
I have an athletic history. Andthat's how desperate they are. Yeah,
you said it, not me,yep. Oh. By the way,
iHeartMedia is the exclusive audio partner forthe twenty twenty four Summer Olympics in Paris.
So I want to know since obviouslywe're not going to well, Mike
almost made the Olympics. This isnews to me. But you know,
I'm gonna try and find the emailI'm not going to make the team,
so it's time to fill in theblank. If blank was a sport,
I would win a gold medal.Feel free to leave us a message on
talkback. It's the free iHeartRadio app. Open that up search WayV tap that
red microphone. If blank was asport, I would win a gold medal.
You know, we're just having somefun with it, so I would
say probably. If shopping was asport, I would win a gold medal.
Absolutely annoying my wife maybe the silver. If your wife is shopping,
yeah she's not. She's not shopping. She would not win the gold.
You would win the gold. There, I would win the gold. But
if annoying my wife was an Olympicsport, I would win the gold.
Oh, you would win the gold. Oh. I know how to get
under those buttons with the best ofthem. And it's not even on purpose.
There wouldn't be anyone even close.You would get the gold. Yep,
I'm hitting buttons breathing. So watchingreality TV TV. Also watching reality
TV was a sport. Your wifeis good at that though, Oh she
could medal in that. Oh yeah, how fast you can change your into
your jommies after her work day.Oh yeah, gold medal for my Oh,
we're supposed to be talking about me. It's the best. By the
way I found the email. Thiswas for the Olympic qualifications for the twenty
sixteen Games in Rio Dijoneo, Brazil. I was invited to a tryout at
the Olympic Center in Colorado Springs,Colorado, on January eighth, twenty thirteen.
Okay, mm hmm, interesting Ididn't go. Oh so, oh
none of this matter. An opportunitylost. Mike could have been an Olympian,
could be wearing that gold medal rightnow as we speak. If it
makes you feel better, and thisdoes make me feel better, they didn't
qualify, so we're good. Okay, Oh, that would definitely make me
feel bad. All right, Sogive us a call or on the free
iHeartRadio app. If blank was asport, I would win a gold medal.
Summer Olympics in Paris, the openingceremony this Friday. It's Mike and
Diane on ninety five point one wayV. So we want to know if
blank was a sport, you wouldwin a gold medal. So Lauren from
Ventnor is ready to fill in theblank. Lauren go ahead. If blank
was a sport, you would wina gold medal. If stopping in bed
when I'm tired late at night andwaking up the next day realizing I made
a lot of financial mistakes. Ifthat was a sport, Oh my god,
so specific it is. I loveit. I love it. You
would win the gold. Oh,I'd probably win the silver, the bronze.
I just take them all. Youcan't even say, you know what,
give Lauren all of the medals.That's it. You know. I'm
with you because I've just come tolike, you know how people make the
list of things they need from thestore and it's not and it's not like
food. It's like we need,oh, we need soap, or we
need uh paper towels. Right,I'll just I'll just do it now and
I'll just forget about it. Nextthing. I know, there's seventy five
Amazon. The guy, the poorguy sweating as he's bringing I feel your
pain soap. But I'm not doingit in bed while I'm tired. I'm
doing it like during the day,just like oh I need this click click
click click bo it'll be here infour hours. Because it's too easy.
It's too easy. But Yeah,that's so easy to do just laying in
bed you're half awake, like,yeah, that sounds good. Yeah.
I've even done it with a trip. Well I one day and I was
like, oh my god, I'mgoing to Japan. This is when I
was single, I swear and Iwas like, oh my god, what's
that by book last night? AndI was like, you know what,
whatever you'llo and I went good,you know what. There is no competition,
Mike. We're awarding Lauren the goldmedal. Do I still remember that
song from when they made us playit on the recorder? Laurie, congratulations,
Thank you so much. We haven'tdone this in a long time.
Let's do it. Is it areel or a fake headline? Here we
go. I've just been handed anurgent and horrifying news story, and I
need all of you to stop whatyou're doing and listen. No. Tenty
five one one w A y V. Diane. You have to figure out
which one of these three headlines isreal. Oh this is fun. Okay.
First one up, Boeing announces zerogravity commercial flight zero gravity. Okay.
I would assume that has something todo with how they filmed Apollo thirteen
Okay, Number two a study laughtercan replace sleep for maintaining health. And
the last one, spray on sneakermakes history at twenty twenty four Olympics.
WHOA, these are tough. It'sa tough one today, it really is.
Because I can see all three.Let me, let me eliminate a
couple of them. Okay. Iknow laughter is so good for you.
You need it in your life,and it does improve health. They've done
studies. Yeah, but because itincreases cortisol, something in something in your
brain, whatever it is. That'sthe other one. That's Thanksgiving, right,
But I don't think it can replacesleep because again studies, you need
your sleep. So I'm going toeliminate that one, and then I'm going
to correct oh, thanks, Andthen I'm going to eliminate. Oh,
I'm gonna eliminate the zero gravity flight. I think it would just wouldn't be
worth it for that bad time forBoeing, and I just feel like it
would be more problems than it's wortha commercial flight, all right, am
I right? I would take thatflight if it was if it was real.
But it's fake. The spray onsneaker is real. It is a
cloud Boomstrike LS shoe. It iscreated by having a robot spray a single
continuous filament onto the foot, formingand to create the entire upper part of
the shoe in three minutes. Wow, it's gonna be worn by two time
Olympic silver medalist Helen Obree of Kenya, and it's gonna make history of this
year's Games, by the way,two times silver medalist. Just run faster,
Just run a little bit faster,not this one than he did the
last time. I'm just trying towrap my head. Yeah. Really,
I'm trying to wrap my head aroundthe spray on though. I mean,
that's amazing that they can do that. We've got press on nails. Why
not spray on sneaker. Yeah,I guess so. I hope they have
good support. See I worry aboutfeet. Well, she won the Boston
Marathon wearing these. Oh okay,okay's doing just fine. I shouldn't worry.
Then, don't worry. The shoesare going to be available, uh
for three hundred and thirty dollars inthis fall. The question I have is,
if they're made by a robot onyour foot, how are you paying
that it's money? How are youdoing that. Never mind, oh somehow,
yeah, never mind, all right, all right. Mike and Diane's
second date update on ninety five pointone WayV. Eric from May's Landing is
looking for a second date update witha woman named Milly. Good morning,
Eric, how are you? What'sup? Good? Hell? Are you
live in the dream And we're justcurious about you and your date? So
please tell us about Millie and yourdate. Listen, I'm even more curious.
Things things went really well, LikeI'm a little just just I honestly
like I have no idea what wentwrong, you know, like everything was
everything was really cool. We hada great time. We laughed, we
you know, we enjoyed great food, we enjoyed each other's company. Like
it really seemed to go really well. At the end of the night came,
we went our separate ways, hada little hugs, say goodbye to
each other, and literally it's sylumlike, gone's nothing, nothing, It's
weird. I mean, it's reallylike, I don't know, I've never
done this before. And then youknow whether to call or whether to just
let it go. But I genuinelyfeel like we like there was a connection.
I genuinely feel there was a connectionthere between us, and I think
that she did too. I justdon't I'm up. Yeah, I'm lost,
man, I don't know. Idon't know what's going on. That's
the most frustrating part when you haveno idea, at least if someone has
a sense that maybe the vibe wasoff, but it was the first PA
said something wrong. More like ifyou know, if there was something that
came up, or like an awkwardmoment or the no, none of them,
none of that. Well, I'mexcited because when you have no idea,
not you just saying the person inyour position on second date update usually
means we're about to get something insane. Oh yeah, I'm a little nervous,
but hey, we have to doit. So what we'll do is
put you on hold, play asong, and we'll try to get Milly
on the phone and get some answers. Hopefully it's nothing major, but we'll
see did you drive your car throughthe front door or with something crazy or
maybe hopefully it is just for radio'ssake. Yeah, play your music too
loud, squeal the tires, youknow what. It could be anything,
but we shouldn't even guess. Andthat is coming up next to ninety five
point one WayV. Mike and Dianeon ninety five point one WayV with second
date update. A few minutes ago, Eric told us about his first date
with Milly, had a great date, fell the connection with with her,
didn't get any red flags, andhe hasn't heard anything back from her,
so frustrating. So Eric, we'regoing to get right into it because we're
curious too. See what's going onhere? Here we go? Hello,
Hi, is this Millie? Yes, good morning Millie. It's Mike and
Diane from ninety five point one WayV. We work at a radio station.
We host the morning show. Youjust heard Mike. I think they're saying
hello. I know this is strange, but we were wondering if you have
a few minutes because we got acall here at the radio station from one
of our radio family members. Eric. Does that name sound familiar? I
went on a date with the Eric. Oh good, Okay, that's the
first step that you remember we madeit guys. So Eric, Yes,
Eric was telling us about your date. He loved the date, he thought
it was great, had it felta connection with you? Is stunned that
he hasn't heard anything back from you. So on his behalf. We're just
trying to get some answers, Soyou don't mind telling us, like what
happened, Millie? Oh, Idon't know. I'm I'm kind of actually
kicking out because I'm actually just tryingto decide whether or not I should go
on a second date because it's Imean, it's just okay. So we
were at dinner and he was tellingme that his dream is to own land
and have a farm and animals andall this, you know, not live
in a city basically. So Iam a city girl and I am not
the country girl, you know,And so if this really is his dream,
I was just like, do Ikeep going even though I'm not going
to end up at his farm?Or is it better to just want and
done and just be like, ohokay, Well, you know, your
dreams are different than my dream soit's not going to go anywhere. Oh
So I'm kind of struggling with whetheror not to go on a second date
because I am not I don't wantto, you know, have a bunch
of farm animals in my future.How do you know that? Have you
seen a mini cow? Do youwant to be drinking cosmos in New York
City at a happy hour or somethinglike that. That's right, that's right
exactly. I know Cosmo's on afarm. Yeah, well you can mix
your own, Yes, you can. Cosmos are anywhere. Well. Eric
has been listening in and he justreally was so confused, and I'm glad
that he got to to hear this. Eric, do you want to say
hi to Millie? Hey, what'sup Millie? Oh? Hi Er Okay,
I get it, I get it. So what now? Yeah?
What now? That's what I'm hangingon every word? What now? So
here, here's all right, letme step in and let's see if we
can get a little juice going,because I don't want my man Eric to
just give up right away. Justbecause somebody wants something doesn't mean that they
wouldn't choose They would choose that overyou. And just because you don't want
something doesn't mean you wouldn't choose themover not having that Does that make sense?
It's hard to find a good person. And if you need to sacrifice
a little bit or meat in themiddle, pick the teammate before you pick
the team. Yeah, because somethinglike that. But you know, life
changes and situations change, and wouldyou I mean but then I also understand
why she said like I wasn't avoidinghim, but I was avoiding him like
I was. I wasn't avoiding talkingto him. I just wanted to get
what I wanted first before what Iwanted to say first, before I told
him? Right? Are we?But she left him hanging though. But
we're in a tough spot right nowbecause I feel like we all we got
from him was I get it andhe gave up, And I don't want
him to give up. I don'tknow, Eric, did you give up?
If she would go on a seconddate and you guys could talk talk
more about this, would you beinterested in that? Or are you pretty
set in this is what you wantto do? This is your dream?
I mean it is. It's notwhat I want, It's what I'm going
to do what he's going to do. Okay, I got it all right?
And yeah, Millie, I havea question. Have you seen a
baby goat? I have seen oneon TV? Yes? Are they not
the cutest things you've ever seen?Ol? Pack is cutest? Well?
They spit? Oh? I thinkthey are cute? Packs are cute.
Then we're back, Yeah, we'reback. See have you ever felt the
love of a cow, The loveof a cow. Yeah, they're just
big cats. I've seen I've seenthose videos of like in in Europe when
they release the cows in the springand they just jump around and are just
so happy. You see those,Yeah, does that make you warm and
fuzzy inside? Yes? Thank you? But then again ask the question now
as a question. Now we've gota wavering so does a Cosmo now a
millie? Would you want a seconddate with Eric? Maybe you guys could.
I'm pushing for this because I justthink talk it out, get to
know each other more. It's it'sa second date. If things work out
great, If not, you know, it's understandable. But it would be
on us. Would you want itwould not be on the farm though,
would you want a second date?I mean, now that I've said what
I've said and he knows that I'ma city girl, I mean I don't
mind going on. And so wehad a we had a great conversation,
a great time. I'm not surewhere it would go, but a second
date is is not that big ofa deal. So like, yeah,
yeah for sure, Okay, maybeyou can raise cosmos. No, that's
my dream, don't steal my dreamEric, did you say yes, I
forget Yeah, I mean I'm totallydown for that. And you know what,
I'll name one of my baby cow'scosmo, Oh, hell get it?
Thank you, and name the otherone Tito. We got a thank
you? All right? Well,best of luck to you too. All
right, thank you. I'll bea farmhand. I saw Yellowstone. I
know what to do. Smmer's hottestaccessory. It's Mike and Diane on ninety
five point one. W A yV. Are you going to get a
food shipped purse? Hot sexy?No? No? No, okay,
well first I'm not getting a purse. Well, maybe you'll buy one for
your wife. No, because foodand fashion have joined forces for the must
have accessory of the summer. Foodshaped purses are the latest trend, including
Kate Spade's new three hundred and ninetyeight dollars Ketchup Packet Cross body bag.
It's a collaboration with Hines that featuresa decorative zipper that looks like a squiggle
of ketchup. No, because ifI buy it for my wife, she's
never gonna wear it because she doesn'tlike to. She doesn't stand out like
that. She doesn't like to standout. You know what I'm saying,
Like, I feel like that's astatement piece, like look at me,
Yeah, you gotta be classic.Yeah, she's just like, here's my
green bag. It goes over myshoulder. You know what. You make
a good point because I was goingto recommend this to Ed Sharon. Yeah.
No, he's Jodge just stand out. I'll just text him like hey,
Ed, Yeah, he's looking foryour text. He's in life with
Heinz Ketchup and he has done collaborationsand he travels with Ketchup. So I
thought maybe for his wife, butI don't think she's the type. She
seems pretty low key where she wouldn'twant to stand out. Yeah. Here's
the thing. I don't even knowwhose wife is, so she definitely doesn't
want it. Her name is Cherry. Another food Betsy Johnson has, she's
a designer, has a bag shapedlike a frozen cocktail glass. Now I
did google this one. It's reallycute and I'm thinking girls trip or vacation
would be nice for that one.Other designers have a Berry basket bag,
a sparkly watermelon purse, a chowoh this is for Cherry, a cherry
pie cross body and a glittery totethat looks like a vintage box of Kellogg's
cocoa pops. Oh, I'll takethat one. And there's even one that's
shaped like well, it's not food, but you may need it. A
bottle of Tom's the purse. Igotta be honest. When you started talking
bags and fashion, I kind ofzone out. Oh yeah, I think
you were into that ketchup bag talkfor a little bit. Well then I
thought about getting for my wife andwent all right, well I'm picking the
frozen cocktail glass of course. Duhokay, So which one of those purses
would you want? Ladies, ifyou have some free time, so hit
or you can open the free iHeartRadioapp search WayV and leave us a message.
We'd love to hear from you.It's your direct line to us,
Mike and Diane