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Mike Evans and the Memphis The MorningShow special edition of Pop Talk Your double
e En Esco right here, MikeEvans over there, and today we have
back with us the sports director overthere at Action News five. None of
the other then Doc Holiday, Welcome, Welcome, hey all, praise us
toil the most time. Thank youall for having me again with you know,
two legends in the building. Idon't thank you. You help us
keep up with what's going on.Man, Man, Hey, I'm just
doing you know, just trying todo my dude, Hey, I do
want that chick fil their chickens.They probably got that jump, that jump.
But you see what I did toI told him it's never good to
take the last one. You knowwhat I'm gonna do, right if it's
still there, I'm gonna take thelast one. Mike Evans going to do
it all the time. You know, it's so much going on in the
sports world right now. We waskind of talking off Mike about this,
not too much locally, but alot nationally. Let's start, Let's talk
about what we got going on inMemphis ten Any updates with the Grizzlies,
what's going on with the Grizzly,same same thing going on. Well,
just waiting on the draft, that'sall. You know. You got your
guys still rehabbing. I think TaylorJenkins said that, you know, Jah
probably be back to full basketball activities, you know, with his shoulder and
stuff this month. So you know, I don't see them casts, man,
I don't be looking for them cast. I don't be because they don't
be in Memphis. I mean,I mean, hey, it is what
it is. Z boy and Awas always here them casting heal the hood.
I mean, it's stay prerogative.Where where that is. Well,
you know what, I gotta giveit to John. John did say he
wasn't going to uh, he wasgonna stay in town. So I just
he I mean, we two generations. I ain't looking for him. But
you know, he got the AAUteam, so he started that and they're
based out of South Carolina. Souh, I think he's you know,
he's around. But and is itofficial he's no longer the face of the
NBA. It's now Anthony Edwards.No, you know what, they never
officially gave it to him, andthey haven't given it to Anthony Edwards.
They trying to get somebody to takeit. And it's I mean to be
honest with it. Anthony Edwards asa dog. He's a straight baller.
But Josh shoes and and and andand gears still ran high. Everybody.
You thank them, young children turningtheir back on the job because you know,
some immature mistakes he then made.I mean once he he wasn't playing
so out of sight, out ofmind. So once he hits the court
again and start get the yam andon people and embarrassing cats. Yeah,
they'll be talking about it. Wantto stay healthy, man, don't want
want the Grizzlies to be healthy.I want to see what they look like
eighty two games. Stay healthy.I know that's almost impossible for any basketball
team, but just to see whatthey can do. Yeah, it's impossible
for basketball because any little thing hurtsthe basketball player. Players went on rock
like coastball player got a strange superphysicality. Football player. We played through
stuff. But they lose a hairon the apple. Come on, man,
and what's up with these Memphis showboats? Man? What's going on?
I'm looking at the sports every morningor every time after they played a wait,
I'm waiting to see you win,boy, you gotta wait till yeah,
White, you better wait the nextbetter wait the next year. We
gotta wait the next season now.But I didn't call them the Memphis show
boats. Really, I just calledthem the show boats. You can't rep
Memphis and you don't live here.I used to say it on TV all
the time. Y'all don't live here. Y'all fly in for the home game
here. See this is an exclusive. They fly in. They lived in
Arlington, where all the teams livedin Arlington. You just rep in Memphis.
It wasn't like the first season you'rejust show boats. Man. What
it would take to get people excitedabout it is for them to be here
and then win. Yeah, atleast when they were winning that. I
mean they were five and five theirfirst season, so they were averaging about
four or five thousand fans. Imean the problem is that spring football it's
just hard. I mean, everybodythey didn't try, all kinds of leagues,
all kinds of iterations of spring football. People just don't. They just
show they don't own football and springman. I don't want football in the
spring. It gives me something totalk about. But I'm like, you
know, you can't flood the marketwith something that loses its value. Don't
flood the market with football, man. Let me let us wait until the
fall to get that. So giveus something to look forward. Yeah,
exactly. And has Penny formulated histeam yet or is that stilling the works?
Yeah, Penny doing his thing.I think he wants he still wants
to get a couple more players.Uh. You know, he made a
coaching change. He brought in thelegend Andre Turner, the legend that's who
you wanted to huh. Hey,look, I'm gonna tell you something if
it was up to me, becauseAndre Turner, William Benffort, keithh Lee,
Willie Beck, then basketball homes.All them dudes. They the reason
why I signed to play football atMemphis som Okay, they legends to me
because I grew up watching them.I ain't know anything about Memphis State football
after the basketball players made you signfor football because I used to hoop Mike.
I was a boxer. My firsthorse was boxing and hooping Thomas B.
Davids, wym and why Haven.Then I got into football. So
yeah, them dudes with legends tome. Man, So you had to
see Andre tryning to get joined tothat staff and peeping an alleged Yeah,
man, I love that. Thenain't from Memphis too, So all right,
n b A Finals. What ofit? Dallas MAVs versus the Boston
Boston Celtics. Is it gonna bea swede? No, Boston is up.
Yeah they are, but no,no, because we need those writings.
I mean, it's it's TV money. TV. TV networks do not
pay billions of dollars for rights toadir these games, to be getting sweeps
in five game series because you gottaget you gotta get a return on your
best entertainment. But you want entertainmentwas down to like does it trickle down
to the coach? Does it trickledown to the player? Like this one
they pulled somebody to the side,like hey man, we know you don't
make that shot, make that,make that, don't make that. I
mean, you know, you knowwhat I'm saying. I don't want to
make any accusations. I want toknow that somebody. Are they lose that.
How Penny's line is ma, mamagonna lose that house? Yeah I'm
out. But you know what,what was so surprising that first game of
the finals when Poyzingis came out likeout of nowhere, like, hey,
you back, Yeah, I meanBoston just boss is just a better team,
the deeper. Uh. You knowyou got Kyrie and Luca. But
this is Luca first time on thestage. You know they got Derrek Lively.
Uh. Them young fellas PJ.Washington, Dallas, Ain't you know
they're young? They young cats,and cats can say what they say about
Kyrie. Kyrie is a bucket man. Kyrie can get a bucket anytime he
want to. They talk about himstruggling in the first two games. Watch
what he does in game three.Uh in Dallas, man, dude.
But Boston, you know they've beenThey've been there so many times and it's
a big market that ready. Theygot so many great pieces add and Drew
Holliday. Then what Jalen Brown isdoing, and what Jason Tatum is doing.
Then you get Porzingis back, AlHorford, you got the veteran man,
you got you know, they justgot a squad. They got a
bunch of long dogs out there thisyear. They feel they got to win
because you know, you hear peopletalking out all the time. You know
they've gotten to a certain point andjust not gotten there versus Dallas. We
were talking Denver in Minnesota. Morethan anything else. They go, They
just a we're here, yeah here. Who would have thunk it? Who
would have thunk now? W NBA baby. They just announced, I
don't know, officially or unofficially,the women's Olympic team headed to Paris,
and all the headlines were saying,basically, Caitlyn Clark was snubbed. What
are your thoughts about that? Shejust know she wasn't snubbed. She she
you know, she doesn't deserve tobe there right now, That's all I
mean. You got grown women's yougot hoopers out there. Not that she's
a hooper, she's a she's arookie. And people talk. They can
talk all they want to. Iknow how it goes professional sports, college
sports, but especially in professional sports. You gotta earn your you gotta earn
that, right. You got thesewomen that's been grinding and hooping and winning.
I think they've won seven gold medalsin a row they have, So
when they go to the Olympic trainingcamp, she couldn't be there because she
was in the you know n Cdouble a turn up the final four.
So but she'll get her chance,but right now, she's just that game.
Because I have to listen to whatthe w NBA players say, like
cheniegoom Oka and Monica McNutt, whoplayed the high level, when they say
this is Olympic, I mean internationalbasketball. It's a whole different beast.
It's extremely more physical. It's awhole totally different game. And right now
we've seen that she's had. Sheshe struggles because she's not quick enough to
get away from them. Them.They they put that defense on them.
Man, it's like she can't goanywhere, you know. So she got
it, she has her game,has the mature now, she has the
skills set with the three point shooter, but she's shooting, but she still
has to get her mid range game. She hadn't gotten. She not quick
enough to get away from them.And they know that. That's why they
be like Pokemon, Pokemon, letme get it, you know what I'm
saying. So you know that's that'sall it is, man. And people
get into an uproar because you know, you don't you want somebody, you
give somebody something. Man, thisis the Olympics. You can talk about
marketability now, and that's what they'vebeen talking about the marketing Olympics. Trying
to win. You go with thebest of the best. You don't just
place anybody out there. So becauseI said, if they if they had
taken with that team and put ona team, you think she was getting
to ask now and the doc's point, I'm hearing that. You know,
it's just the landscape of the gameright now is more of an international game,
Like we have so many people fromoverseas playing now, so it's like,
I guess the competition is just differentnow. It's not what it used
to be. No, I mean, you know what it is, because
the game has grown. It's beengrowing over the course of the last three
or four years. So now it'sreached a crescendo because you know, they
got a superstar that they want topromote, that they're promoting against. She
had an outstanding college career, butnow you've got to prove yourself on this
level and I know how just howathletely. Sorry man, women, the
saying like hold on, that ain'tjust women coming into the league, and
what it was that all the theit wasn't Caitlin Clark. So I don't
blame her because if you get thatkind of support and you get that kind
of you get them kind of accolades. Of course you're gonna take her.
But it's her fans that disrespect thew NBA players that's saying she just gonna
come in and just start killing y'alland the like. Are y'all serious,
We professionals, We've been doing thisfor decades, So we're gonna have to
make her prove that. Don't meanthey don't like her. We're gonna make
you prove yourself everywhere I went.When I went from Little League to Lanier,
them dudes on the tun made meprove myself. I went to Leania,
the family and them prove yourself.Why prove yourself? Go from Memphis
University the Meanings to the Saint LordsRams. Prove yourself, dog. And
when you prove yourself, because that'show I did. Cats, I'm the
brothers O make it stut. Iprove yourself and once you tumblood because I
need to know I can go tobattle with you. So that's all it
is, man. Yeah, atrue athlete. Yeah. In the meantimes,
you can count the money because she'sgetting to get paid, getting paid
and at the same time, thenarrative is shifting for the ladies with the
w n B A, which issomething that I love wants the money right
now. She wants money. Imean that would be nice, but I
know that's not you know, possible. You give them the money now,
Oh yeah, definitely, because theydon't even make half of what the men
are making. But hey, itnever it has never been that way,
So we got our eyes on itnow. Yeah. I know it's gonna
take a lot of viewership's ticket salesbecause what entertainment. Entertainment? Yeah,
once, you know, once someTV networks paid two billion dollars to air
the w n B A, thenthat's when you start getting that loop until
that happens, you know. Soyeah, and and and when you walked
in earlier today, Doc I said, Stephen, ain't gonna gonna sprying on
you. Yeah, okay, thatsounds that sounds real good. Doc Holiday
is very critical of even Ain't Smith, as he should be, because he
just fly off the handle. Well, this is this is, this is
what I have to tell people overand over and over again. First,
let me let me address what yousaid right there where I'm from from Memphis.
You sprang on me. Come on, man, I ain't thinking about
the job I got. I gotbond money. Bro, I'm finna put
you right to sleep. It iswhat because I'm a man first, Yes,
sir, Now, I did seeSteven Ay, you know, in
LA for the Lakers Grizzlies games.I have been last year, so I
have been. Yeah, what I'mgonna introduce myself for trying to come introduce
him stuff to me. But Ihave been going at them for about a
year and a half straight at thatpoint. So I see him. I'm
walking through Crypto dot Com arena.He's sitting down, so he looked you
know how he looks up like thisright here. So I just looked right
at him. I just I justlooked right out and then I smiled a
little bit. Then he just droppedhis head. See to me, you
know, I've been on your domebecause I know you. You you know
me first of all, you're onOmega, so they have told you.
Not only but I know plenty ofcats. Well he's a member. No,
he's not the Bruhs. He's amember of the fraternity. But then
I know people in the building atESPN that have tried to talk. Man,
dog, you probably would. Youprobably would like him if you talk.
No, I wouldn't, bro Isaid, I can see his agenda.
I see the narratives he tries topush. So it ain't like I
dislike him. I dislike what hedoing. I dislike what he stands for.
Like, come on, dog,come on you and Shanny Sharp.
I know y'all popular and they fans, but y'all the people have to look
at what they're really doing. AndI see what they're really doing. So
yeah, I'm gonna call you outon that dog because you don't have the
same energy. If it's a magicallymelanated athlete, Man, you gonna don't.
You're gonna dog them like they waslike he and Shanny Sharbus on China
and Andrea Carter the other day.I saw that double team and them women
over talking them being dismissive. Theywouldn't. I mean the fact of the
matter, they wouldn't do that withany other race man of women. They
wouldn't do that because they'll get calledout on it. So you think I'm
gonna sit there and watch two brothersattack two sisters. Yeah, you could
say, my voice isn't big enoughNow it booms right to your ear.
Drums my boy, Because that's theworst kind of conversation they have anyway.
When you're talking, you're trying tomake a point in somebody. When somebody
actually tries to talk over you.Yeah, that's the most frustrating thing in
a discussion that you can have forsomebody's just they're not say anything, just
trying to talk louder than you.Then Mike, then he told them he
doesn't care what they say, right, they say, you don't care,
Come on, man, shit.But but you know, we've seen quite
a bit of disrespect of women commentators, and these women have played the game.
They know what they're talking about.You know, they're expressing their perspective,
their point of view. They shouldget the same respect as everyone else.
So I applaud you for standing upfor those ladies. Oh that's all.
I mean, that's that's gonna happenalways. Y'all need to get together
in octagon or something. Man,let's make this ain't happen. Like I
can see you see you're gonna,you're gonna, you're gonna gas like man,
you think you gotta screw on thisknee right now? I saw a
little training video when you're throwing alittle weak punches. Come on, man,
I can't, I can't. Isee it. Man, If you
do better, I stay off yourdome until then. I know. I
know that jend y'all pushing, bro, so I gotta call it out.
Oh wow. Now, as wecome to the close, my last question,
Doc Holiday. You know we're lookingforward to the twenty twenty four Olympic
Games in Patty. What are youlooking forward to with these Olympic Games?
Do you like to cover? No, no, I mean you to cover
to talk about them. Yeah,I don't watch them because of the time
thing, but I actually I do. I love the stories behind the athletes
and the Olympic Games. You know, I really see people not talking about
some own bowels. Enough. Man, that woman just the best gymnast ever,
but she's not getting a lot oftalk, but she should. But
I'm looking forward to because they're onour air on w MC, so we're
putting a lot of we put togethera lot of local stories of athletes and
with local ties. So I'm lookingforward to seeing those stories that our reporters
are going out getting and showing up. So I am looking forward to the
Olympics. But you say going,you touch it, then you got to
pick an event. I ain't.I don't want to go to Paris.
I'm good over here. I don'twant to Paris, Tennessee. I ain't
trying to get Paris. No,I don't want it. I'm good.
But like even in track, youknow when you say boat was running,
that was sensational. Yeah, butlike I'm looking at the sprints and stuff
like that, there's nothing nobody juststands out. Yeah, this year in
a lot, she has to proveherself still because them some girls running too.
You just got ran. She justgot ran down. Girl, put
them, put them, put thatblaze on it. So you don't have
any you don't have the personalities intrack and field, she is a merchant
one and women's tracking, I wouldsay, because it didn't look like it
was going that way. But shebecame a dollar though. Now she's a
dolling. Okay, well, I'msure we'll hear more amazing stories and the
tie ins to the Olympics with theMemphis Market and Doc Holliday. As always,
we thank you so much for youknow, stopping by the Mike Evans
smithhis morning show and sharing all ofyour amazing stories in this sports life.
It's good. Thank you for havingme. I'm just still laughing. Mike,
y'all, keep y'all, keep gassnight, Steve, I know what
you what you say is all love. Any final words, No, I
mean for real, just y'all keepdoing an amazing job. Thank you all
for having me. Man. Ijust you know, I think the most
tiph consy putting me in these spaces, had these conversations with y'all, and
you know everything he's doing in mylife. So you know, I'm just
thankful and humble. It's still,you know, surprising to me sometimes.
Thank you, Yes, thank you, thank you. Doc Holliday