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August 4, 2023 3 mins
TN Senator London Lamar and Randy Dixon talked to Stormy about The Elite Performance Foundation's Back to School “Chop and Shop” event this Sunday!
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Episode Transcript

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Mike Evans and The Memphis Morning Showminus Mike Today. I'm storming up in
here, holding it down, andI got company, y'all. We gotta
straighten up around here. That's whatI would tell Mike if he was here,
but he ain't here. Senator LondonLamar is in the building. They
y'all, hey, and she shebrought Randy Dixon with her. Hey,
Randy, Hey, how are youdoing good? You guys are doing some

real good stuff in the neighborhood thisweekend. Yes, I'm so exciting.
Okay, tell me about it becauseit's a back to school chopping shop.
Okay, So what's that about,Yes, ma'am. So we're having a
back to school drive where we're gonnaoffer free free haircuts to the young kids
in the area and also free backpackfull of school supplies okay to school,

yes, okay, So the haircuts. Whoever wants a haircut, come get
it. Yes, girls, boys, yes, okay, okay, all
right, and then they can comeshop for back to school back to school
supplies, yes, ma'am. Allright, Well that sounds awesome. It
looks like all star cast of barbers. That's what you're gonna have all our
cap So what we've done has gottena couple of barbers from different shops around

and want to help join in thefight of what we're trying to do.
Oh, that's a community. Sowe have some barber'sess that have come on
and willing to lend their talents fora couple of hours, to be from
one to three or until all thesupplies are gone. Okay, one to
three tomorrow, Yes, Sunday,on Sunday, on Sunday, Okay,
thank you for clarifying that. Yes, man hitchmall and August six, yes,

m m the day Drake was supposedto anyway. But I digress.
So we're taking the place. We'retaking this place. We'll do some good
things, that's right, until hecomes back. Yeah yeah, Senator Lamar,
how do you what are you goingto do tomorrow? You? I
mean on Sunday. So I havepartner with mister Dixon his organization previously to
the give or toys away for Christmasand other things in the community, and

so I'm really investing in his missionto give back to the Hickory Hill,
which is in my Senate district.And so what I wanted to do was
help out and provide resources and supportfor this back to school drive, to
give hair cuts, to give schoolsupplies to the kids, because you know
the other day it came out thatthree thousand kids are homeless Yea County schools,
and so you know, we don'thave everything to solve the homeless issue

right now, but at least wecan provide some sort of relief to the
students behind them what they need toat least be prepared for the first day
of school. Because we want astrong school system here in Menfisheby County Schools
and this is our way of givingback in I am committed to partnering with
the organizations in my district that isdoing the real work. Yeah for people,
Elite Performance Foundations. How long y'allbeen in business since two thy nineteen.

We started right when the pandemic heads. Okay, all right, doing
good stuff and I love it.Back to school chopping shop, yes,
man, chopping shop, chopping shopshop, some school supplies, it gets
chopped up. I love it.So go by and check them out.
Sunday one to three Hickory Ridge Mallgiving back to the community. You have

a DJ and snacks and all thatgood yes man, I love man.
All right, we'll see y'all Sunday. Thank you for coming by, Thank
you for having us
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