Episode Transcript
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Please you listening to Morning Drive withChristy Live on demand. Got to start
the morning by shouting out the LivermorePolice Department and Livermore's Animal Services officers.
You know, I'm not the biggestanimal person, but usually when that's the
case, you're surrounded by everybody inthe world who loves animals. Definitely don't
want to see any animals get hurt. But yesterday, I guess they had
to break into a jeep because someoneleft their dog in the Costco parking lot
and it was one hundred and onedegrees yesterday in Livermore, which is insane.
They did a temperature reading in thejeep and it was one hundred and
like fifteen to one hundred and thirtydegrees and someone just left their dog in
there with the sun roof cracked.So of course they came back in.
Their window was cracked, and theyhad to pay for the window, They
had to pay for the vet bills, they had to pay for the shelter
fees because they took the dog,of course, But I was just wondering,
if you see something like that,what is the laws? So here
it is if you see a dogor a pet or children in the car.
In California and it's hot, youare legally allowed to break the window
to try and save them. Youcan't just see a dog in the car
and be like Ooh, I likethat dog and then break the window and
try and take the dog. Ifyou do call the police first. Once
you see the dog or kids inthe car, you have to call the
police first, and then you haveto stay there until the police get there,
and then you have to well firsttry the door and if there's no
other way for you to get intothe car to remove the animal, then
you're allowed to break the glass.But they do have a good faith for
forcible entry law in California, Soif you do see an animal in danger
or you think they're suffering harm,just no, it's all good to go.
You could just bust that glass open, not to steal the dog or
the child, but to save them. And shout out once again to the
Livermore Police Department and the Livermore AnimalService officers for doing good and handling business
yesterday, because I do know itwas hot. Got some Michael Jackson on
the way and some Steve Winwood comingup for you as you start this morning
drive. Thanks for listening to eightiesplus Christie Live Michael Jackson versus Prince,
ask the question on Facebook search eightiesplus Radio if you want to jump in
and join the fun. It lookslike Prince is the clear winner. But
what do you think this morning?Michael Jackson and I am I just like
he has a lot more music thanI like Overprince. Okay, then,
so a vote for Michael one eightsixty six nine hundred one three seven Tap
the red microphone on our iHeartRadio app. We're both convinced they are both talented.
They both left their mark on music. But if you had to pick
one, which one are you picking? Thank you so much for the call,
right because an say thank you youtoo. Take care for the Crazy
on Folding Drives with Chrystial Live eightyminutes of commercial free music coming up at
seven twenty so just a few minutesaway. Today the Crazy Train is headed
out to Florida. Oh we're backat Florida again, favorite place. Yes,
indeed, you know, when youdo dirt, it always comes back,
and sometimes it comes back right away. There was a couple at Florida
who wanted to have a wonderful dinnerat the longhorned steakhouse restaurant. So they
ate steaks, they had cocktails,and then they dined and dashed. Oh
no, I know hate it whenI see this happen at restaurants. I
always go up and offer to paythe bill. Oh that's nice to you,
Christy. I just can't stand that. It's horrible. It's so horrible.
I'm always like, don't worry,I'll take care of it. That's
nice of you. Don't see mein a restaurant and dine and dash just
becaun't think that's what's gonna happen,but you know it will. But I'm
just saying. These people though,unfortunately, after they dined and dashed,
forgot one important thing their purse.No, So after the couple died and
dash, she realized, oh crap, I left my purse at the table.
So she came back and it wasall bad. Oh you don't have
time for it. Oh, clearlyyou don't have time to pay. We
have time to pay. See listen, that is instant karma right there.
Pay your bill and then you'll getyour purse. Hey, your bill.
But I mean they had her walletsor technically she could pay, but even
still that's when they call the police. And of course this has gone viral
online. And when you do dirt, like I said, the karma is
instantaneous. And that is definitely aword. So there. I think it's
a word, right, It isa word. I was like, that
didn't sound right, dine and dashpeople. No, that is your daily
crazy news story. You can ridethe Crazy Train every weekday at sevent ten
and nine forty and catch it ondemand too at eighties plus Radio dot com.
If you enjoy the Crazy Train,we'd appreciate it. If you tell
a friend, let them know everyweekday you can get your fix right here.
You need a little crazy in yourlife, we got you, we
got you. Come on, comeon, get a little crazy in your
life. Everyone's doing it while youI don't know. Man Savage Christie Live
a thirty five on eighties Plus atone of three point seven. Thank you
so much for listening. I'm Christy. Producer Karina is here and I would
love to meet you in person ifyou're free next Wednesday. There's a party
happening. Ooh, it's a blooddonation party. Oh yeah, that's right.
You're doing a blood drive and it'sin the city, right, Yes,
yes, yes, it is gonnabe a good time because by coming
and showing up and donating blood,you are a superhero. You're helping to
save a life, and you knowpeople need blood. And if you're ever
in a situation where you need blood, you're gonna wish somebody gave it.
I am AB negative, which isthe rarest blood type, so it's always
important to donate blood. What Fluster'scannabis in your shit? Why even better?
Yeah, Christy's blood and you'll feelreally shut up. I'm just kidding.
I'm just kidding. No, forreals, No, when is it
happen. It is Wednesday, thetwenty fourth, that's next Wednesday in sanfridce
Cisco, sixteen sixty three Market Street. I'll be hanging out from noon until
two pm. If you come outand donate blood. I hope they give
snacks. They usually do. Iknow, I always like, can I
get some snacks? Like you know, I like free food. I'm here
to save a life, but Ilike a freeze. I like a free
fee. I'll take them back up. Jesus. You know you gonna turn
them down, So come through ifyou can. Sixteen sixty three Market Street
next Wednesday from noon to two.You can help donate blood in all seriousness
if you do. You know it'ssummertime. Accidents happen a year round and
a lot of times people are busy. But if you do have time,
would love, love love to seeyou. We'll put the information on our
Facebook page as well. Every Tuesdayand Thursday, always talk about the crazy
viral trends and TikTok shenanigans, andthere's plenty to chat about coming up in
you Gotta be kidding Me? Thelatest? Would you call it a beverage
trend? Yeah? The newest drinkI guess drink, that's what you know.
Find out about it next on EightiesPlus Christie Lie. I am not
drinking that. I don't care whatkind of alcohol it is. That's rare.
I'm just kidding. Every Tuesday Thursday, I gotta talk about the crazy
viral trends in something called you Gottabe kidding Me Sink Drink Jungle Juice.
Have you heard of this? Thisis a new TikTok trend. Actually it's
been around for a little while becausethe tipsy bartender has been pouring loads and
loads and I do mean loads likegallons upon gallons of alcohol into random places,
including his bathtub. Yes, butnow his newest creation is the sink
drink. This is the sink.We got limes, strawberries, lemons,
oranges, fruit salad. Now we'regonna bust out some vodka, some tequila.
Okay, let's mix, come acop the whole kitchen. Se no
mind you, he's pouring this literallyin his kitchen sink with a stopper for
everybody to just come fill their cupup and enjoy. It. Seems so
unsanitary. Seems Oh no, no, no, that is one hundred reality
kitty. They did a study andthey said that there is more like nasty
bacteria in you're sink than on yourtoilet. Let that sink in stupid gross
People online are saying, well,there's so much alcohol that'll kill the bacteria.
I don't care. The alcohol willkill you. Okay. He is
pouring gallons of alcohol, gallons ofbox wine into the kitchen sink for this
so called sink drink. Tell youwhat you med think? Drink? Sorry,
what had the channel aretha? SoI can try your mine? Right?
Because it's not okay? Joke wentdown the drain. It you gotta
be kidding me, Christie live Michaelversus Prince, Valerie, what do you
think, France? I actually adorehim. Oh my gosh. We had
a New Year's Ease party one year. It was a pajama party with adult
It was we us our butts offto works like it's nineteen ninety nine.
So yeah, it happy to be. I'm with you Prince all the way.
I swear I look at this manevery day. There is a massive
painting of Prince in my living room. Thank you so much for the call,
Valerie. Absolutely, and you guyshave a wonderful day. Okay,
thank you, James. Who areyou voting for? Prince or Michael ooh
Man, the King of pop?That's easy, Michael Jackson. You know
Michael is winning online? Why doyou say Michael Man. I used to
have the Michael hat and Michael hat. Ben. I remember watching him get
blown up and getting Terry fried onthe Pepsi commercial. Uh uh uh,
don't do Micha like that? Uhhuh. The Thriller, Watching the Thriller.
I think everyone from the MTV generationremembers watching that video. Yeah,
Prince is cool, Like you listenedto all these young cats today. I
always referred back to Michael Michael,Michael Man. All right, I'll note
you're both. Thank you so much, James rocking a little. Thank you,
hey, appreciate it. Love hearingyou guys in the morning. Well,
thank you for listening. I alwayslove talking to you. Good morning,
Pete the coffee man delivering coffee aroundthe bay. Prince or Michael Soul.
Nothing against Prince. He's the greatartist, but Michael Jackson's music is
a little easier listening, and Ithink it touches your soul a little bit
more. They both massage your sult. Don't get me wrong, but I
feel you another notch for Michael.It looks like Michael might have eked out
Prince, but I guess when itcomes down to it, they are both
music royalty, Prince and a king. Thanks for playing a lung. It's
eighties plus and Window three point sevencoming up at nine t twenty. Your
chance to grab free tickets to checkout Girl from the North Country. It's
a musical at the Golden Gate featuringmusic from Bob Dylan. Should be a
good one. Got that coming upfor you. Back to the music in
thirty seconds. You're Listening to MorningDrive with Christy Live on demand