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July 20, 2024 11 mins
We're almost halfway through the 20's (the 2020's, that is), but if you want to take a trip back in time to the 1920's, the Trustees of Reservations can help you out with that. Their "Roaring Twenties Lawn Party" returns to the Crane Estate in Ipswich August 3 and 4, showcasing all things 1920's like jazz music, swing dancing, vintage clothes, classic cars, and much more! Trina Schell, the Public Programs and Volunteer Manager at the Trustees, joins Nichole to talk about this festive event.
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From WBZ News Radio in Boston.This is New England Weekend, where each
and every week we come together andtalk about all the topics important to you
and the place where you live.It's so good to be back with you
again this week. As always,I'm Nicole Davis. Now come New Year's
we'll be halfway through the twenties,the twenty twenties. Of course. The
thing is, though you might bein the mood to set aside all our

modern technology and channel the nineteen twentiesfor a day or two here this summer,
the Trustees can help you with that. As coming up in a couple
of weeks at the Crane Estate inIpswich, the Trustees are bringing back their
Roaring Twenties Lawn Party. This isan event that showcases all things nineteen twenties,
everything from swing dancing to vintage photos, jazz music, lots of art,

classic cars, so much more.Trina Schell is the public Programs and
volunteer manager over at the Trustees.She joins us now to talk about this
super fun event. Trina, greatto have you here now. Before we
talk about the party, for thosewho may not be familiar with the Crane
Estate, give us a bit ofbackground on the property and the house and
what they have to offer. Sothe Crane Estate was the summer home of

the Crane family from Chicago. Theyacquired the property in nineteen ten and built
this magnificent summer home and loved toentertain It was the place where they came
to relax and get away, youknow, from the busy time in the

city, and bring their friends andfamily with them. So they were all
kinds of entertainment at their disposal.A saltwater swimming pool, a boxwood maize,
the beach, you know, riding, sailing, walking in the garden,

so all kinds of leisure pursuits.So their main home, we call
the Great House, is still hereand it's a magnificent Stuart style mansion completed
in nineteen twenty eight. Now,I'm sure it's pretty popular this time of
year, because I mean it's agorgeous property. It's right by the ocean

and you get that nice breeze comingoff the water not too far away.
It's got to be pretty busy rightnow it is. We are in high
season. Crane Beach is packed thistime of year. We have kayak paddles
over to the Crane Wildlife Refuge.We're currently running tours of the house and

the garden and have a full suiteof public events as well as private events.
Well, it's got to be abeautiful place for getting married or even
just holding a beautiful party or somethinglike that. We'll talk about the big
party in a second, but Imean you could pretty much do anything you
wanted to there, if you wantedto really judg it up a bit.
Yeah, I will say this propertyconstantly inspired. May We're coming up with

new events, new ways to bringpeople onto the property, expose them to
everything that we have to offer.I feel very fortunate to be able to
work here. Sure, so howdid the idea for this lawn party then
come together in the first place?I mean, technically, yes, we're
in the twenties, the twenty twenties, but you're channeling the nineteen twenties here,

Yes, So that is very deliberate. The Cranes finished the Great House
in nineteen twenty eight, and wehave chosen nineteen twenty nine as the time
period that we interpret the property,particularly for our historic house tours. One

of our most popular tours is calledGuest of the Cranes. And in that
tour you are shown around by acostumed footman or maid as if you are
a guest of the family in thesummer of nineteen twelve. So that's really
within our real house. We lovedoing nineteen twenties events. Boston Swing Central,

which is a nonprofit dedicated to promotingswing dance, brought this event to
us. They had the idea todo it and thought that we'd make a
great partnership. So in twenty thirteenwe did the first event. We hoped

that maybe we'd have five hundred people. We had eight hundred and it kind
of grew from there so that it'snow a full weekend of activities. It
looks like you have so many differentevents crammed into these two days, and
Boston Swing Central Dance is a bigpart of this. But tell me a
little bit about the musicians who arecoming to perform so people can dance all

weekend. Yes, so we willhave music on two different stages, the
main stage and the Casino stage,and we've got Baby Soda Jazz band from
Brooklyn coming up and they're gonna havesome special guests, Kate the Critters and
Gordon Webster. We also have Johnnyg and the Dynamites and Ann and the

Fur Trappers. And then on Saturdaywe'll also have the Orleans Kids and on
Sunday Ruben Brothers. In addition tohaving music on our two stages, there'll
also be some roving musicians. We'llhave some music during our afternoon tea in

the garden. They're just gonna popup kind of all over. That's really
fun. And though if you're sittingthere just eating some pettifs or something and
all of a sudden some saxophonist comesup behind you, it starts blaring,
that's hilarious. So let's then talkabout the attire. I think that's important
because this is obviously channeling the nineteentwenties. I'm assuming you don't have to

show up looking like you come outof a jazz club, but it would
probably add to the ambiance if youdid. Yes, I would say that
ninety eight percent of the people comein costume. Lots of flappers, lots
of sort of afternoon attire for picnicking. But not everybody, you know,

has to do the full blown,you know, buy a vintage costume.
We have plenty of people who willcome, you know, in a sundress
and we'll throw on some pearls ora fascinator and call it nineteen twenties.
Really everything goes for this event.But you can see some amazing costumes,

including some authentic vintage. It reallyis the best people watching that I get
all year. I believe that.And honestly, if you want to channel
a little bit more, but youjust don't have anything in your closet,
you've got a vintage fair going ontoo, Yes, we do. Will
have nine or ten vintage bear vintagecrafters with all kinds of things, attire

accessories, all kinds of fun things. That's a great place to find wonderful
pieces and getting into the spirit too. I see you've got antique automobiles that
are going to be parked around theproperty. And I see too that you
need more antique automobiles to add tothe vibes. So what do you need?
What are you looking for here?So generally we are looking for antique

automobiles that are in nineteen twenties atthe early thirties. That we'll let that
slide. And all they need todo is get in touch with me at
Castle Hill and we have special parkingspot for them up on the hill so
that they're all clustered together, andthen they get free admission to the event.

They are exhibiting their car. Now, this is a picnic, and
I believe that food is a criticalpart of any event, and it looks
like you're going to have plenty ofoptions for people to choose from. Yes,
in addition to people being able tobring their own picnics, we will
have Fear of Foods. You canalso order a picnic through her in advance

and you just go to her tentand pick up what you've ordered. We'll
also have Beefy Boys who do burgers, chicken sandwiches that kind of fair Downriver
ice cream, and Dell's lemonade.You will also have some alcohol vendors.
We have our Bootleggers Garden where youcan find wine, beer, and meat.

And then when it comes to games, which is also very important for
any picnic. You know, I'mseeing some fun stuff here. We're talking
like a watermelon seed spinning contest,a pie eating contest. This is not
like your typical games here. Yeah, these are new this year. I
just thought that would be fun.You know, we try to change it
up every year and bring in somenew activities, new performers. So Saturday

we'll have a watermelon seed spinning contestand Sunday will be a pie eating contest
for children. Oh beautiful. Andwhat other long games do you have to
offer for people or should people bringtheir own? We have croquet and badminton
set up down in the bowling Greenand anybody is welcome to partake throughout the

weekend. Okay? Cool? Soall in all, really a great time.
And I guess the other important pieceof information here is tickets. Can
you just pay when you get there? Do you have to buy an advance?
What's the deal with that? Youdo need to buy your tickets and
advance? Okay? It is sixtydollars per person and forty eight for students

and Trust of Reservations members and childreneleven and under are free. And if
you want to come to both daysand get a two day pass you can
do that for one hundred dollars evenbetter. And then what about parking?
Is that going to be free?Do you have to pay for that?
Parking is included? Okay? Cool? So, and now what is it

looking like public trendsit wise? Isit relatively easy to get to you on
public trends that if people want tocome from the city or is it a
little bit of a car pooling situation. Definitely, carpooling is recommended. We
do have some people who show upby Uber or other car service. There

is a train station that will takeyou into downtown Ipswich. But we're about
five miles outside of downtown. Yeah, not a walk you want to make
on a hot weekend day when thesun is blaring. No, no,
okay? So where can people getthose tickets and learn a bit more about
the event and get other questions answeredif they want to? There is a
great website night called Roaring Twenties LawnParty dot org that has all of the

information with the musicians, activities,vendors, various participants and a link to
the ticketing site. Okay. Andthen if people want to find out more
about the kran estate in Castle Hill, where can they get that information as
well? That would be the maintrustees website. That is the Trustees dot

org, the Trustees dot org.All right, well, Trina, thank
you so much for your time andhopefully the picnic goes wonderfully and have a
great event. We thank you.Have a safe end, healthy weekend.
Thankfully, not so human and stickyout there this time, So enjoy your
weekend and have a safe and healthyone, and please join me again next
week for another edition of the show. I'm Nicole Davis from WBZ News Radio on iHeartRadio
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