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May 9, 2024 • 54 mins
Whew! Alot to discuss so get some wine! In this episode KT and Kayla discuss all the things that have happened over the past two weeks including how KT finessed her way into a Tik Tok influencer party, Kayla's SOHO House experience, and more. The ladies also talk about the Kendrick Lamar vs Drake fued and how this beef has changed the hip hop game forever. Enjoy!
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Episode Transcript

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The podcast. Welcome back to anotherepisode of ED. I'm I'm Katy.
Sorry we missed last week. Ididn't Yeah, sorry about that. YE
don't even know where we were.It was just a crazy week line.

I feel like the past two weekseven so so crazy. Honestly, we'll
get into that first little next butpetty thing, nothing too crazy. I
just feel like a lot of transitionsare happening in my life, and I
feel like there's always a certain timewhere everybody just wants to spend the block
and come back. So I gota text message from somebody who I think

we have plans twice and he canceledlike last minute twice, and he wanted
to reconnect, and I didn't evenrespond. I just automatically blocked because I'm
protecting my piece in this era.Amen, no more spending the block.
I don't have time for it.I'm old, I'm tired, I don't
want to do it. I lovethat you don't even entertain it just for
like the fun of it, youknow, No, I used to.

I don't have the energy. I'mtired. I got things to do.
Look, I got things to dotoo much. Yeah, what about you?
What you do Patty Girl. Okay, this was two weeks ago and
I was going to talk about thislast episode, but YO, guess how
I finessed my way into this TikTokshop party? You tell. So,
me and my friend shout out tojust scene. We were at Beautiful Isn't

She Man? And she just gotmarried. We were at brunch. We
were at Third Base in Hollywood,and we spent like three hours there,
had our drinks or whatever, andthen we were like, oh, let's
go check out this rooftop. Wewent to Mama Shelter, which is like
right down the street. We justwant to take kew pictures on the rooftop.
We did that. On our waythere, we passed my highlight room,

and Highlight Room had like this hugelit up sign that said TikTok Shop
and it was just like it waslike the logo and it was like it
just stood out in the street andwe're like, oh, what's It was
clear that it was an event orsomething, and we're like, oh,
what's going on there? We shouldlike try to go and see like what
it is. And so we walkup and there's like all this security,

but nobody's in line. It's likethey're waiting for people to check in,
and we're like, Hi, whattime is the event? We forgot you
know, you know, they werelike, oh, it starts at seven
o'clock. Okay, they were like, oh yeah, you were early.
We're just we're just you know,trying to see. So we're like,
yo, we had to try tofiness our way into that TikTok shop party
at all costs, like somehow someway. We had to figure our way in

there. So we had a twohours to kill, so we spent like
more time at Mama shelter on therooftop, and then when it came time
to like seven o'clock to like tryto check in or like six o'clock,
we got in line and we're likeyo, like there's potential that we could
be turned away, Like this islike an influenzer party because people started showing

up and all of these beautiful people, you know, all these influencers.
People get in line and it's likea lot of influencers that are in like
the techie side of TikTok, youknow, because it's TikTok Shop, so
it's things that they uh, products, the products that they sell, and
as they promote and stuff like that. So we're like, I just got

to act like we belong We gotto act. Did you have to embody
like just confidence like I belong here? I always do that. I just
had to. I don't got timeto act tim and shy because they can
sense that and then my act willcompletely fail. So we get up to
the front and I was like,jes seem, we're gonna act like my
name is on the list and you'remy guest, follow my lead. So

I get up there and I'm like, hi, Kayla Thomas with iHeartMedia and
they're like okay. And it waslike this nice black guy who we later
found out like playing the whole event, and he's looking down the list and
he's like, you said Kayla Thomas. I was like yeah, I heart
Media and he was like, oh, oh man, I don't know what's

going on. I don't see yourname. I was like, oh really,
I mean I talked to can yougo call them the head of the
TikTok shop because I I talked tohim like they know I'm coming. It's
a girl with without every buddy.And then he was like okay, just
step to his side a little bitand I was like, I have my
iHeart badge if you need, likethey sent me here. I should not

have done that. Sorry, Iheard been, I'll hear that. So
stepped to the side and he wastrying to find my name and like clearly
like I'm there, and I looklike I'm confident that I oh, I
belong on that list. Yeah,and he was like, can I see
your Ieheart badge like pulled it out. Thank god I had it, and
he was like, Okay, here'syour best band and I love that.

So yeah, I guess you couldsay my petty thing was like completely finessing
the hell out of like that wholesituation. Probably should not have said used
the iHeart name, but it works. It does work. That's how I
got into a lot of Grammy partieslast year. But I'm traumatized because I
could not get into was it whoseparty? Was it JT or something or

I think it was JT or YoungMiami or something. I could not get
into their party and maybe it wasDoja Cat. Either way, I got
turned away. It was so embarrassing. I'm like, I never wanted to
do that again. And it wasn'tme. It was a person I was
with That was like, because Iwould have quit five minutes ago, but
he just kept wanting to try harder, try harder, weet out the badge.
Like seven times they were like,no, get out of here.
Those two can't come in. Thenyou have to do like the walk of

shame in front of everybody else that'sin line. Couldn't get in before,
or I didn't even want to comehere. I'm so happy that it worked
for you. That's amazing. Yeah, it was such a dope experience though,
Like we went up it was likea full blown out party rooftop pool.
But they a lot of companies werethere about with the stuff that they

were selling. So Mac was there, so there are mac books and stuff.
There was like a headphone like allthis a technology stuff Like I can't
even explain it into words. Whoall the people that were up there.
But then of course then the influencers, influencers were there. Our job was
like to take pictures. We gotfree drinks, and then they sent us
home with a gift bag full oflike fourteen things. So I now have

I have like a ring camera,I have like five pairs of these these
headphones, I have tripods, Ihave speakers, all this shit that I
got. Yeah, and it wasjust like, oh my god, and
it was like the best night.And we got to network, we got
to talk to people like who workfor TikTok and just seem as like seventy

four thousand followers on TikTok, Ionly have six thousand. And it's crazy
because at those type events, thefirst thing that people ask you is,
so, how many followers do youhave? Oh? Really, that's oh,
that's the thing that they start with. I have a lot of people
came up and it was like,Hi, what's your name? And it's
like, so, how many followersdo you have? Golly? Six thousand
three? Wait? Did you justsay twelve? Yeah? Like what am

I? Like? What happens ifyou have twelve? Then they're like okay?
Or what like do they you gottause a lie girl? You cannot
go anywhere? Yeah? Right,But like everybody was like but I probably
everyone was like oh. I waslike, oh I only have six thousand.
She was like, oh it,okay, I only have sixty,
bitch, I said six thousand.Like so she's saying like sixty, Like
people are sixty thousand, sixty thousandtrying to make me feel bad some of

my way. That's that sounds likea bomb time. Yeah, And I
felt like those events you get thebest kind of like like expensive relief good
and even the bag it comes in, it's like thick and reusable. Yes,
come on, money and money andit just I don't know being Our
phrase for that night was like beingdelusional. It will get you placed.
Yes, girl, Team Delulu.We were delusional about getting into that thing,

and we made it work somehow somewhere. I also think it's because we
were pretty, because if I didn't, we didn't smile and like batter eyes.
I don't think we would go privagethe highlight regularly. I love.
Yeah. So that was that.Do you think our listeners have done?
I asked my girl to book ourflights to Mexico and she put herself in
first class and meet and coach.She's petty for that. I don't think

your girlfriend likes you, buddy,Yo. There is a video that went
viral. Did I send this toyou of the pastor that was asked.
It was like a conference of justpastors and one pastor asked another pastor,
all right, so if you haveone ticket for class first class and coach.

Where's your wife going? And hesaid, she's going to coach,
like I'm going to first class,like I she doesn't even like first class
and she and she sat there aslike that, yes, woman, like
it's okay. Like my my husband, like I serve him, like I
can have he can have the firstclass. I mean, I just don't
really understand the circumstances in which youonly buy one first class ticket or one

coach ticket, Like when you're goingon vacation with somebody, don't you typically
want to ride I too, Yeah, and sounds each other. It sounds
like to me is probably she wasmad. Listen to it, he says,
I asked my girl to book ourflights, which means she had to
pay. She was probably mad thatshe had to pay in the first place,
probably like this broke assa and waslike trying to be petty. I

can see that, But I alsothink like sometimes when you're the girl in
the relationship, the responsibility unfortunately doesfollowing you a lot of the times when
it comes to planning and figuring thingsout, Like the girl does do that
a lot of the times, Likeall right, I'll here's where we'll say
here's how we'll get there. Here'slike you know the girl, because the
guys sometimes are useless. Yeah,so so what do you think like should
But in the case of like,you know, one first class, you're

with your husband, who actually getthe first class, Like, why would
you not get the first Like whywould you thing to do? I think
so? Wouldn't you want me tobe like so comfortable on the flight?
That way, I'm a delight tobe with on the vacation Or do you
want me cranky on the flight becauseI wasn't comfortable exactly as the man?
You should give up your seat?I think so. I think so period.

Lacey from Englewood says, I learnedit's from TikTok. By the way,
my sneaky link has been moving funny, so I decided to be hilarious.
I put three hundred rubber bands onhis driveway. He has to pick
up every single one by one byone because you can't sweep up rubber bands.
Oh my god. Oh I've seenthat on TikTok and I did not

know that was a thing. Thatis a p And then I also,
what was the other thing? Ifyou like lick a jolly rancher and put
it on a window or something.You take it off the window shatter.
I've actually wanted to try that becauseI've never actually seen that happen. I
wish I knew these things when Iwas younger and I had the energy to
be destructive, because I'd definitely donesome crazy things in my day, but

shattering a window with a jolly rancheris not one of them. So me
and my friends have done something,so like what, I'm not you know
what? This wasn't me or myfriends. It was not me or my
friends, but somebody at one pointtip that I heard about online. Somebody
puts sugar in somebody's gas tank andthat like the sugar in the in the

liquid from the gas, Like Idon't know what kind of material it forms,
but your car is like done afterthat? Dang, So what was
the aftermat? You know what?This was so long ago, but I'm
pretty sure that it was somebody ina toxic relationship and they were just getting
their man and then the man gottipped for tat type stuff. Back when
you're young, you have the energy. Hell yeah you heard great? Run
yeah yeah yeah, So maybe likein retaliation, maybe somebody's TV got broken,

you know, or something like that. And I heard, I heard.
I think I read this story online. I got to do my research.
But crazy shit. Yeah, Itell you, how would your week
well? Past two weeks since we'vebeen off, Yeah, it's been really
hectic. I mean the TikTok thatthat whole weekend of the TikTok shot party
was probably one of the most hecticweeks I've had. I mean it was

that TikTok shop party. The nextday, I hosted a Pride event which
was so fun, which was fun. That was so fun. Yeah,
it was at the w and Idon't know. It was basically like a
fundraiser for Pride Pride three to sixfive, which is like programming that La
Pride does year round, and fundraiserslike that helped keep those events going.

They like to emphasize that La Prideis more than just Pride in the park
and a party in a park,you know what I mean, Like,
that's so much more to it,and they have so many different events and
so like, I was very happyto be a part of that. So
yeah, it was on a nicerooftop, free drinks. All my friends
came out which was so nice,and we paired it by celebrating Emily's birthday

as well. So after bar hopped, after where do We Go, we
went to l T Hunt No birthdayparty. That was awesome. That was
awesome. I didn't want to leavethat bar, but we had to go
meet the other girls and get someYou were the life of the parties.

Yeah, that was weird. Ididn't like. I was weird. You
need to go out with Kayla atleast once in your life, and it
is. That was a lot ofbut it was. It was a lot
of a lot of fun. Thatwas a night I definitely remember. Yeah,
And then we went to elt Hannoand dance a little bit. Like
all Emily said she wanted to dowas just like dance to some reggits home
music. And so I had togive my girl what she wanted. So

it was nice. We stayed outand I was completely sober the whole night.
I just did not I'm I thinkI told you, like, I'm
hunting your sober out. Yeah,at least harders. Yeah, I just
it doesn't work for me anymore.So Yeah, and then the next day
I went to a rare beauty eventSelena Gomez had like this pop up for

influencers in where was it Beverly Hills, Melrose whatever that is. It was
a really nice place, that's Ithink that's that's Beverly Hills or yeah,
so and it was really nice.So I went went with Lucy and her
friend and then just Seem and herboyfriend met us, and it was just
trying on makeup and trying your newproducts that she's coming out with and taking

pictures and it was just a funweekend of just like a lot of events.
So that was that weekend and otherthan that. Since then, like
my girl Joy finally came back fromfilming her movie or her TV show,
and then I interviewed kay Lonnie today. Oh how was that? It was

really really fun. I can't airit until after the twenty seconds in two
weeks, but I don't know,Like I was very nervous for this one,
just because I love kay Lonnie.She's one of the biggest, bigger
artists that I've interviewed while I'm hereat Kiss And it was a big deal
because only me and big Boy gotthis interview. Oh, so many people

wanted it. So many people inthis building wanted it, but like she
only did me and Big Boy andI found out about it like two days
prior, and yesterday it was likea really hard day for me, without
like disclosure too much. I receivedsomething in the mail that kind of like

hurt my feeling or like just triggeredme, you know what I mean,
And then did some digging online andjust sulting some things that hurt my feelings
and just like I don't know,and one day I went through so many
different emotions. I went through beingtriggered to being hurt, to being sad,
to being angry, to be embarrassedand being like to being happy and

excited. I don't know. Idon't want to disclose too much, but
it's just like I got some justreally it was like a lot of alarming
things that were just presented to meat one moment, and I had like
this outer body experience where I justfelt like manic the rest of the day
and then had to jump on airand be hen justin Bieber do a lipa.
It was just weird, you know, And it was one of the

hardest days that I've had in afew months and completely distract me from UH
prepping for kay Lonnie and also mademe even more nervous for Kaylannie, and
all these negative thoughts were coming tomy mind, like I'm not good enough
to interview her. She's gonna lookat me like who is this girl?
Like all these just nasty thoughts,like you're gonna you're gonna suck at this,

Kaylee, how are you gonna followup? Big boy? It was
a radio legend like all the itwas just like it was just a weird
day. And so to go fromthat and then come here and know I
just have to just like put thatall aside and just do what I do
best. It was hard, butI did it, and I would say
this was probably one of my bestinterviews that I've done. Kay Lonnie was

so sweet. She is my Zebagirl. We have the same energy,
she were the same age and weconnected over that. And afterwards she was
like that was the best interview.She was like, that was such a
cute interview. Thank you so much. Manager found me later and was like,
I just want to say before youleave, like that was a really
good interview, thank you so much. I was like laying her back,
you know, and remember I don'tknow if I told you this, But

like for a while now, Ihave felt so disconnected from people, like
started with the Brandy Interview Brandy event, Like I just it just wasn't I
don't feel like I'm making an impactor I'm really connecting with people. So
I feel like I was back onmy game, and I was. It
was such a blessing that that wasable to happen considering the terrible range of
emotions that I experienced yesterday. Oneemotional roller coasters are so exhausting, Like

when you go through so many emotionsin such a short period of time,
I just know I need like theillis nap after something like that, because
it genuinely has the physical reaction onmy body, like I'm exhausted afterwards.
But I also feel like, basedoff of these books I've been reading lately,
and this doesn't necessarily count as afailure. Whatever happened yesterday, but
just not a good feeling, nota good day, just emotional roller coaster,
not your best day, and itwas really heavy and I had an

impact on you. And I feellike when something bad happens, the seed
is planted and a seat is alsoplanted on the side of good of equivalent.
So however bad your day was,that's however good you know the next
day is going to be. SoI think that's probably why you killed your
interview, because you went solo.I think you kind of just shot back
up and did something amazing. Ithink that's kind of how the universe and
science works based off of the book. So that's that's a good analogy.

And I don't know, I'm proudof myself. I man, it was
just such a successful day considering howbig Kilani is. Yeah, I'm thankful.
And it also just shows me like, when the time comes, I
can I can do it, youknow, when it comes down to it,
Like I even if I don't feelgood, I'm going to perform,

you know what I mean. Andthat's the hard part about our job.
And I don't know if like howmuch you experience this, but it's just
like it doesn't matter what you're goingthrough when you crack open that mic or
you get on camera, you itdon't even matter. You know. Podcasting
is a little different because like youcan bear all your emotions, but on
the radio, nobody cares how sadyou are. They just want to hear
about Justin Bieber they just want tohear you know what I mean, Like,

doesn't Kaylani doesn't care what I wentthrough yesterday. She wants to answer
her questions about her music. SoI heard that radio personalities were scientifically proven
to be considered can be considered likepsychopaths because how on and quickly we can
turn it on and off, andsometimes like the lines get blurred. Yeah,
it's a performance at the end ofthe day, and I think it

sometimes can be pretty exhausting. Idefinitely think that that also translates to outside
of just the radio world, althoughI do think it is very, very
prevalent in the radio world. Ithink it's just that something that introverts go
through as well. I don't thinkit's the fact that you know, you
have to be outside and engage withpeople. I think it's the performative effort,

like putting out that energy to beHI, how are you like?
Just going day to day? That'slike everyday interactions, because if you just
say I'm good now, you havean attitude or you're nasty or you're not
fun to be around. If you'renot like, oh, I'm great,
how are you like? If youdon't do all the extra shit, it's
like, what's wrong with her?She's especially as a black woman, you
know, you got do the aboveand beyond before you're the angry, black,
nasty person. So I think thatthat is definitely an issue where we

should kind of find comfort and allowingor just allow people to be where they
are, don't make them have togo the extra effort, especially like in
everyday interactions. But for work,I guess you just can't turn it off.
So I can see the psychopath makesure in that because it was like
you were just sat and I justturned it on. I think there's a
lot of actors and actresses that dothat as well. Like I think Marilyn

Monroe was a character in comparison toNorma Gene and they say Drake is a
character in comparison to Aubrey. SoI just think that that's sick. In
the performing arts, Yeah, yougotta perform, baby, Yeah, that's
just the nature of the game.And we chose this. Yeah, and
that's just what it is. It'sall about not losing yourself. Yeah,
And I think that I've been doinga very good job of, you know,

finding that balance, but sometimes Islip and then I have days like
yesterday where I literally felt manic.I saw all this thing I said,
where it was like nothing in natureblooms all year around, and nothing is
good all year around. So don'tthink that you're going to be any different.
You can't be good all year aroundnothing else. You're not any different.
And that just gives me the greenlight. Oh give myself, Gracey.

Having those kind of days. Yeah, yeah, I didn't need to
be more gentle on myself. Ithink it's because I've been on such a
high for so long and I'm like, dang, when is it all gonna
come crashing down? There's I mean, I'm going through the worst breakup of
my life. Why do I feelthis good? You know, like,
why are all these blessings are happening? Friendships are growing, opportunities are coming.

I feel good. I feel happyif my body feels and looks good.
When am I going to lose itall? Yeah? When is the
other shoe going to drop? Whenis it? And then when it did
yesterday, I think I felt theimpact of it even ten times more than
I should have because I was waitingfor it. Yeah, because I was
like, does that make sense?If that makes sense? I thought you
were going to say because I wasso high that the drop was sold or

that too. Yeah, but Idefinitely think that that's something that we all
do as beings, Like when we'refeeling good, whenever things going great,
we're like, all right, what'sabout to go wrong? Because it never
goes great forever. And I know, I'm just trying to work on like
just enjoying the blessings as they're hereand just like really living that and appreciate
these moments. I know they don'tlast forever, but I just appreciate them
while they're here. That way,when I get back when I when the

lows happened, I have something tolook forward to, Like I'll get back
to my high because I know howgood that felt, and I love being
fully immersed in that part of lifefor that chapter. Yeah, what about
you? How is your week?My past two weeks? So? I
went to a networking event and Iinvited a couple of different groups of girlfriends,
which was pretty cool, had alot of fun, met some really

cool people. We I networked withan actor who actually knew Joy too,
which is funny. I gotta Igotta talk to her about but he seemed
really cool, a bunch of producers, a bunch of animation artists. I
told them that I do voiceovers andif you ever need a voice for your
cartoon, look into me. SoI made connections in that way, and
then I met really just amazing,amazing gentlemen. They were all Nigerian or

Ghanaian and they were like aerocraft engineersor entrepreneurs or whatever, and we all
could send them my way, youknow what. But the funny thing is
it wasn't even like romantic. Itjust seemed like we were really just talking
about goals and dreams and past experiencesand how we got to where we are
and where we want to be.So we were connecting at the networking event.

Then we left when we went toSoho house because they were remembers and
they were like, oh, doyou want to, you know, ride
with us to Soho house? Andwe ubered, so we're like, yeah,
let's let's drive. You promise notto kill us, like we won't
kill you. Like all right,cool, let's go. So they get
their cars and next thing you know, these matte black porsches are pulling up
and these I swear luxury vehicle andluxury vea con luxury thirty age Yeah yeah,

and then yeah. So we wentto Soho House, had an amazing
night there. The night ended,we all went our separate ways, and
fast forward the guy invited us outagain his the Whole House, so I
was able to go there. Lastweekend we went to our last week we
went to a great poetry night andI love spoken word. These people were
so amazing. I love the vibe. A's the Whole House a little bit
overrated, but you know, I'min the building. I ain't going to

I'm going to complain. I ain'twho I'm out of hands overrated that it's
just overrated. But it was justa really real which is a membership.
Looking into it, I think it'slike, maybe it's not too too crazy,
maybe like a five thousand a quarteror hellna. But I did hear
like they're not even excepting new membersbecause apparently the members are complaining about overcrowding
because everybody's a member now. Sowe were in there as guests and it

was a lot of fun. Though. So a couple of nights ass so
hosts so home making new friends,networking. I really really enjoyed these new
chapter or new wave of friends thatcame into my life. I met this
equestrian therapist. Her name was Belle. She's from here as well. She's
a new friend. She's like,I want to go to poetry that with
you. We've been texting. Equestriantherapy is like therapy with horses, so
I would love to see what shedoes with that. Maybe we could ride

horses in the water or something likethat. She just seems really really cool.
I've had a lot of events.Went to Beach Life Festival, which
is my first festival ever, andI don't even think it really counts as
a festival. It's not like Coachellastyle, but it what is it?
It's like local bands and stuff,right, I think it was local bands,
yet I didn't really know because theywere like they were saying the headliners.

It wasn't really my type of music, so I didn't really know the
people they were knogging them out.But I did fall in love in love
with this amazing reggae band called StillPulse and just having our setup like right
on the side of the stage andhaving like vip access who's heting Montana's best
friend Emily Osma, she was upthere. She sings no. She was
just in the VIP section where wewere drinking and watching the show. No,

she did not saying no. Shewas like cool, it was pretty
cool. I was like, thisis a cool event and just having the
VIP section and being able to goupstairs and sit and do the show.
And we had to go on tapefor an hour because the band like completely
watched us out while we were broadcastinglive. So for an hour I got
to just kind of watch the concertand walk the beach and see the setups.
It was a lot of fun.That stuffles are awesome. It was

super crowded. And try going toRolling Loud and getting concussed. You got
ton cuss that Rolling Loud girl.I was rampled, Like no, okay,
looks, why were you trampled?Because I like decided to try to
be in a mosh pit Like RollingLoud is like they can played terrible things
about money. Well because people RollingLoud attracts like you got the little uzy

crowds and the rich, the kidcrowds, the one that liked to you
know, rage. Okay, soyou have to think about the little you
know, high schoolers and little whiteboys that come and want to rage out
and how crowded they get. Sowhen I went to Rolling Loud, my
friend like, I was in themiddle of that and so when they like
were there, like open this shitup, open up, Like they trampled

on me and I had bruises thenext day. Oh no, be prepared
if you want to go to RollingLoud, you know. Yeah, So
I I went to that Fastball andI noticed that I paid, you know,
twenty dollars for a glass of wine. And I was like, you
know, when you were a VIP, yeah, you started to pay for
drink. Oh. I mean Igot free food, but drinks I had
to pay for. They had thebar set up and I did get card

it because I'm young, and thatwas fun. But yeah, I was
like, oh hell no, twentydollars for a drink. If I stay
here all night, I want tospend all my money, So let me
just get out of here after theshow was over. But it was a
really good time. Also, theweather's getting so beautiful out here. So
I've been doing a lot of hiking, a lot of just walking by myself
and becoming more immersed in nature.That has been really healing for me.

May is usually a very depressing monthfor me. I get really depressed every
single May. One Mother's Day,A freaking hate it to some month my
mom died, and I just like, even if I don't even think about
it, just naturally, my bodyjust knows or something, and my mind
just knows, and I'm just like, why am I sad? What's happening?
And I think I kind of justgo there. My body just goes
to that time exactly. It goesto that time period and it just was

a sucky, sucky time period obviously. So this is like the first May
where I'm actually not that depressed,Like I feel really good. I got
a new opportunity. I'm starting anew job very soon, so I'm really
excited to be producing this podcast onthe station that I really wanted to work
on. And I want to talkabout it more after I start, because
I don't want to you're talking afterthe Facteve, I got it, and
everything's like spify. I just wantto meet these people and and and get

to vibe with them. But Iam really really excited about this opportunity and
yeah, new jobs on the horizonbaby here, and I thank you for
it, So thank you for speakingmy name in some rooms and and uh.
And it's really really funny because Iwas I was working here at iHeart

and I was making coffee and Icame to a different floor to make the
coffee and somebody came out of theiroffice like, you know, what is
the coffee on this floor better?And I'm like, oh, yeah,
you have the dark roast up here. And he's like, well, why
don't you just take it back toyour floor and make it there? And
I was like, oh, I'mjust already here. And I thought about
it after the fact, like thathe just tried to carry me, Like
that's a problem for me. WhenI see him, I want to give

him so much attitude, but I'mreally happy I didn't, because he offered
me a job him. Yeah,he's a real cool guys. And I
noticed like now talking to him morelike you just have personality, yeah,
really like drive. You learned tolove his humor. Yeah, he's great.
He's really great. So I'm excitedfor this. Well, welcome to
the fifth floor. Yeah, Iknow this has been what she wanted and

I knew, like when I heardabout it, this would be perfect for
you. So thank you, thankyou. I know that this is going
to lead to even more opportunities withthe station that you wanted to work.
But listen, you you were onyour way. You know, yeah,
for sure, for sure. It'sdefinitely not nothing. The pay is nothing.
This needs that because I'm grateful forthat. God is good. Yes
girl, Now, bitch, weare living in history, honey, Drake

and Kendrick Lamar. I think thatthis is really going to go down like
as one of the greatest rat battlesto ever happen. Who you got first
of all, can get that outof the okay. So at first I
was trying to be team Drake becauseI've always been a Drake fan. And
you gotta remember where we're at.We're in l l A is Kendrick Kendrick

get Compton like that is West myfreaking mentor works with Kendricks, Kendrick's best
friends, Liken's best friend. BecauseI just man, I've been texting Tad
this whole time, like because Idon't know if you've been seen him and
Academics have been going at it backand forth. Oh really yeah, because

I'm talking to academics head. Heis so corny academics. But you know
what academics is freaking paid, andacademics was mentioned in both of their disc
tracks. Really, yes, saywhat you want about academics. He is
messy, he's not controversal, he'sugly, but but he gets paid and

he is one of the number onejournalists in this rap game. And I
respect his fuck think he's from Jerseyor he went to Rutgers or something,
so I gotta respect the Jersey andthem. However, I do think that
he's like such a messy girl.Oh yeah, so much. But you're
right, I cannock his because atthe end of the day, he's paid.
He's number one period Drake. Drakehit him up and said, stay

on your live stream. They bothlike little ground, so they both like
high school grounds. That's why theyare That's what the Internet say, That's
what the ticker talkers are saying.Okay, that's the only think about the
whole pedophile thing, Like, youcan't throw that out there if you don't
actually have facts. And I sawsomewhere that Drake is with the Universal Music

Group, right, and these pedophileclaims that Kendrick is saying against Drake is
really obviously hurting the label. SoI heard that they asked Drake to know,
they asked Kendrick to end the beef, to squash it. Don't even
respond to Drake's last one because it'sjust it's at this point, it's getting

to be past beef. You're like, you're talking about some legal Drake's the
cash cow too, Like I thinkthey just signed him for like four hundred
million, maybe a couple of yearsago, So if he gets canceled,
I think that that's But I didalso hear that him and Kendrick work for
the same like label, so itdoesn't matter where the money goes either way,
the conglomerate's going to be paid.That's something I don't really understand,
and I should know because I'm allup in the music industry. But like,

are they against the same label?Because in one of Drake's this he
was saying, your label gets fiftypercent of everything that you do. So
it's like, would that mean thatDrake's label gets sas he was, well,
just because they're on the same labeldoesn't mean they have the same deal.
But don't I don't, I really, I don't know one hundred per

if they're on the same label.That's just something that TikToker said, and
she said that she was a ghostwriter and this is what's happening in the
industry, and she seemed so convincing, so it seemed like it was true
everybody, everybody I know. ButI am like, I do think that
some of the allegations are a littlebit massy, and they aren't enough.
There aren't enough facts to back upa lot of the allegations. However,

the Internet is interneting and a lotof Drake's old tweets are coming up.
A lot of old friendships that hehad is coming up up, and it's
not looking too good for the boyand I and I want to say I
wanted to root for Drake too,Like when the meek Mill Drake thing went
down, back to back was myjam. I played it time and time

again in my car. I learnedthe game romon your Westley you can Never
check Me. I loved it.So I was like, Oh, Drake
and Kendrick, Yes, let's seewhat's about to happen. But I didn't
realize how smart Kendrick Lamar is,Like, oh, you're like, are
you a genius? Because I thinkthey I even think they teach his his
musical writings in Ivy League schools,like I hear they teach it at Harvard,

Like Kendrick Lamar is not a fuddyduddy, Like he really puts so
much intention in time and effort intoit. It was just it was just
the most swalllest annihilation I've ever seen. I just and then like it really
left me speechless. Yeah, Imean, honestly, they're both great lyricists.
I mean, who know, peoplesay that Drake has ghostwriters, who
know if he actually does. Butyou know, before I came to the

West Coast, like anywhere else yougo, it's team Drake, right,
especially East Coast Drake obviously up NorthDrake, but here they ride for Kendrick.
I have never seen a city ridefor like their their guy. Like
people do they write so hard thatI was like, Okay, I guess
I'm team Kendrick too, you knowwhat I mean? Yeah, Like I

guess it's muscle memory to automatically likein the beginning, say Drake, you
know what I mean, because ofthat's what it always has been for me.
But if you dive deep into thisbeef and if you really examine like
what each is saying, Kendrick gota hands down. Meet the Graham's was
freaking brilliant. That was the mostdisrespectful. It was like the most disrespectful,
but also like it was the mostpoetic body of work I've ever heard,

like the Penning the letter to hisalleged eleven year old daughter, Penning,
the letter to the mom and thedad. I thought that was better
than not like us. Not likeUs as one that you can bop to
in the cl It's going number onenext week on Billboard. But Meet the
Grahams was probably like the nail inthe coffin for me. I have to

think, I see, they're allso good. I feel like Euphoria was
just like, let's keep it friendly. And then Drake decided not to keep
it friendly with family matters. Butbecause Kendrick had the mole, he already
had Meet the Grahams in the inthe in the bank, so he back
to back that incent him right outand Meet the Grams. I do think
was so disrespectful. You have tolisten like with this face because okay,

do you think he went a littlebit too far when he said damn,
sorry sorry, but he said,uh, I hope your I hope your
daddy dies. He said, Ihope your son dies. You die.
He said, I want you todie because you're a pedophile and people like
you should die. Yeah. Ithink that was in one of the tracks

by no One, when he wastalking to the mom. He was like,
I hope your son is something diesor something like that. In a
way, he said he hoped Drake'sdies. I personally thought that was a
little bit too far. You werein an industry where rappers are getting killed
left and right. I mean weall saw xxx Tent and his dead We

all saw his dead body after hegot shot in his car on Twitter.
I mean I saw his eyes.Wait, you know I saw that the
street Drake killed them or had himkill That's that's that's the rumor. Where
did you get that from? Iwill send you the video you won't even
know on TikTok two months ago.Bitch talking about something. Now she get

information on ticket, I'm gonna sendit to you. That's my point is,
so many of these rappers are gettingkilled left and right and left and
right, and it's over beef likethis to say something as like outlandishes that
I hope you die. Ken.You know how many people ride for Ken
Dick. That will hear that andbe like, all right, now Drake
needs to die. And there wasalready a shooting yes today outside of Drake's

house. His security guard got shot. I want to see. I want
to get comes back out later,like I want to see if the security
gard relators not you know, godbless if it does. I think,
seriously, I do think that.I do think that I think hip hop
is back. I think that thisis what hip hop originally was. I
think that it's a battle of words, it's artistic. I don't think that

Kendrick literally met street street killed Drake. I think he met more pedophile killed
Drake, because if we're being honest, pedophiles are the community that the public
is most comfortable saying like that communityneeds to die. So I think that
he was just drilling in that he'sa pedophile type thing, not like,
oh, you know, blood's gangslike none of that. Like, I
don't think it was any of thattype stuff. I think that this is

just what hip hop is and Iand I love that it's back and I
love that this battle is happening.I think that the intention that Kendrick put
into that distrack is just so genius. He played the whole thing in a
minor, which is the white keyson the piano, and he didn't use
any black keys as he's writing thisletter to Black to Drake. And I

also think outside of the allegations,what Kendrick did that was so genius what
to kind of make us realize thatDrake doesn't stand for anything, like like
who is this man? He's beenplaying a character this entire time, and
we don't like he just goes withthese trends and these flows like who is
he? What do you stand for? What kind of person are you?
And he's like, he's not ahe's not a real person. He's been
playing a character. He's been playingin our culture. He's not even an

African American. He's from Canada.He doesn't know anything about our struggles in
America. And then he comes overhere and calls us slaves and saying that
I wrap like I'm trying to freey'all, Like open y'all eyes, bro,
Like yeah, he's not a colleague, and it's like, oh shit,
So for us to never look atDrake like that, see him as
you like rap along with him,and then like for us to all give
him side eye just off of thatcouple of tracks. I just that is

true when you think about like theartists that make a huge impact. I'll
throw Meek Mill right, prison reformis like his huge thing that he stands
on. Yeah, Kendrick is bigfor the community in Compton. Right,
we're going to be in the blackcommunity, like we're gonna be all right.
He always talks about our struggles withtheeputality. He's never he's like the

first one. Right, you're right? What does what is Drake's main mission?
Does he stand for anything? LikeI know he's always trying to wrap
Canada in the sixth but what doeshe do? Who does he give back
to? Is there any charities thatall I know of is really ovo?
That's just his label. Like whatdoes he pour his money into other than
clothes and bags and girls? Yeah, and even if you don't even put

your money into it, Like whenthings happen in this country, I don't
see you speaking out. I neversaw Drakes a Black Lives matter. I
never saw him say anything about trayVon Martin. Until you use a George
Zimmerman reference and you're like you're aboutto sing George Zimmerman on Kendrick Lamars,
so you're about to kill this blackman like like it's just yeah, I
can't even listen to Drake the same, to be honest with you, like
I can't even rap along with you. Who I do wonder how this is

going to change his influence. Imean, let's be honest, Drake is
the biggest rapper period. I wouldsay pop star actually, okay, it
makes sense, yes, absolutely,I mean club banger, his arena tours
like sold out. I would now, I wouldn't say best lyricists for sure,
but I would say biggest pop starrapper absolutely Drake. Now, I'm

wondering how that is going to change. If people are going to stop going
to his shows or stop but inhis music do they think he's corny?
Now? Like, will this goaway in two months and where everybody else
is focused on something different, becausethat's how our attention span is. This
beef is going to be over andin two months it's going to be somebody
else and then Drake is gonna putout another hit and we're gonna be back

in the clubs working to it exactly. Who knows how what the lasting effects
of this is actually good. Idon't think Drake is canceled. I think
Drake, I don't think, Andit's fine. I do see a lot
of people defending and writing for him, and he has a loyal fan base,
and Drake really is a good time. Like I don't want to lose
Drake's catalog. I just don't wanthim to say the N word anymore.

But he probably and I'll rap alongprobably in a couple of months after I
forget this. But and I justthink also like the so you don't think
that makes people should say the Nword. It's not about him being mixed.
It was about him one never speakingup on the issues, Like you
only come here to profit from ourculture. You you you would you you

know, you know, to mergeyourself into it. You adapt it,
you reiterate, and you do itand then you profit off of it.
But you don't give back or youdon't speak about our issue not you can't
exactly because j Cole's mixed too,nobody's saying like Ja Coles say the word.
It's like, but Ja Cole alsospeaks up for our issues, like
Ja Cole's not American either, Soit's not even that you have to be
an African American. But j Coleswoke and he understands our struggle and he

doesn't just act like it's just oneall of our hip, none of our
hop. And I think that's kindof what's happening with Drake right now,
or what's what's coming to light withDrake. I don't think that he's over,
but I just think that the mostgenius thing that Kendrick did, and
my favorite thing that Kendrick did.I think he released the song in the
summer, so now everybody's going tobe in the club bopping to you know,
you being a colonizer and like it'slike we're gonna wrap it along to

that like ov ov oh yeah oostands for other vagina option, like he
just ate him up. I don'tknow if you listen to these lyrics.
He said, you you f dWayne's girl while he was in jail,
I thought, And then you gothis name Tat, like just he just
says Tatter. Yet Yeah, itwas freaking crazy, and then mind you
I have never Like I was onKasanat's live jump intoween his live and Academics

Live and they were breaking down allthe lyrics and I was up late at
night because it was like Drake droppeda disc and then fifteen minutes Kendrick.
I'm like, was Kendrick like waitingwith that one or did he hop in
the booth right after Drake did andthen like put it like it was just
too crazy. It was like backto back to back and again and again.

It was just like probably the craziestweekend. I do think that this
is like the biggest moment in hiphop for this generation. Back to day,
I'll see it'll be too pacing,biggie, but I think that that
was this. This was that yeahfor twenty twenty four and it was good.
I think it was like we neededthis. We need to get in
the boof, Like there're too manypeople are talking smack online, like the

girls need to do this, youknow, Ice, Spice and Lotto talking
rapping Pardi b Nicki Minaj doing Twitterfingers getting a boof and go back to
back and forth. But I seewhy why Cole apologized, Oh, I
wouldn't want to be demolished by Kendrick. No, they're still dissecting like every
single like he didn't he didn't wastenot one bar, like every single bar
is a disc and yeah, likeit's just it's something I've never seen before.

I'm definitely going back to his firstalbum to like listen to. I'm
gonna get my Kendrick catalog up andthat's what I want to do now.
So she helped me come a wholefan. Now she gonna learn all the
larrious from eight. So at theend of the day, congratulations kDa on
his successful win against Drake. Itwas quite an entertaining weekend. Thank you
for that. We needed it.And I want to see how Drake comes

back. I don't think you will, all right, Petty wore the week.
I'm gonna give mine to Vlad.Kind of bouncing off of this whole
situation. First of all, Idon't I don't like Vlad. Don't judge
me because I literally just found outhe was a white man, like oh
yeah, like during this whole thing. But yeah, so he was inserting
himself into this rap beef. Imean, everybody was giving their two cents,

right, so Vlad said, Kendrick'snot like us needed a better mix.
It takes away from the song.Now, this woman, who I
guess is a professor at Princeton University. She has it in her bio on
Twitter. Quote tweeted it and said, you are white. This is a
black focal fair, right, Sothen Vlad comes out and says, good

luck being a professor at prince andhe added Princeton. At Princeton again,
I doubt the university supports their facilitytelling non black students to shut the fuck
up about anything hip hop related becauseof their skin color. Then he was
like, don't try to change yourwords now. I'll be reaching out to
Princeton about this on Monday. Andthen they were like going back and forth

and him basically and he kept addingPrinceton. He said, it's a permanent
record every university has. When Iwent to Berkeley myself, people few ignorant
and bigoted comments at you publicly andthen act like they they're getting bullied when
they get a response, typical victimmentality. Go ahead and take that at
Princeton out of your profile, sweetie. You just omitted it. You just

admitted it's not even true anymore.So Yeah, I think this situation,
like even if he wasn't gonna callPrinceton and like actually ride on her,
him adding her and getting this somuch public attention, like Princeton knows about
this, and she probably will loseher job for a comment like that.
Well, he tagged Princeton like times, and then the Shade Room reposted it

and they tagged Princeton like y'all.Just the girl was like, I graduate
from Princeton before I my contract wasover, Like it doesn't matter, and
he was like, well, it'sthe permanent record whatever, you'll never get
hired there again. But I thinkit backlashed on him because it's like,
first of all, we're gonna ridefor each other as a community. And
you didn't clap back at anybody elsebut the educated black woman with the Princeton

like you could have. There wereso many men saying things to you,
like everybody was saying, that's you. That's the person who decided to clap
back on And not only did youdecide to not keep it about hip hop
any longer, you decided to bringin her job at a mainly white university
that we don't get into. Nowwe get into the building, you want
to take that away from her becauseshe hurts your feelings, your your fragility
is showing, sir, And Ithink it really it really backlashed on him

because the black community ate him up, like it did not go the way
he intended, I think. Andon top of that, the girls an
author Morgan Jerkins, who is RonnieJerkins something or another. She's waving to
Ronnie Jerkins, the famous producer.She's an author. She has so many
books. Everybody's like, where canI buy your books? Like, and
she put the link and now everybody'slike supporting her as an author, which
is probably her dream outside of beinganyway. So that definitely, absolutely he

should have stayed in his place andnot said anything. But I do feel
like on one folk like so shewasn't an actual professor, her contract had
just ended. This. I feellike if she was, like, say,
a prince and professor. If Iwas a prince and professor, I
wouldn't have said like that, saidsomething like that on a public platform,
knowing that I work for a pwI and they do have the right to

fire you for something like this,absolutely because if it can be seen as
racist in their eyes, So ifI worked for them, like or if
I work for iHeartMedia and say somethinglike that, like I I just got
to be careful of the things thatI say on public platforms like that,
I feel like she she shouldn't havesaid anything. She should not have said
that's fair if you're gonna if you'regonna have your employee in your or you

just gotta be ready to for otherpercussions. Yeah, but yeah, that's
just that's exactly why a lot ofpeople are talking about keeping the culture because
it's like you're you're you're now threatand our employment when this is just hip
hop, Like that's just that's justwhat it is. Like you argue,
you have different opinions and at theend of the day, day is a
black thing, like and you justyou have a you have a seat at

this tape, Like but if yourvoice isn't your voice isn't the main voice
in the conversation. Sorry, Charlie, I'm sorry if that rich your feelings,
It just say is what it is. Yeah, I'm gonna give mine
to Kendrick Lemar because not only becausehe ate drink up and spit him out,
which I do have a crush onhim now, Like that was just
the sexiest thing I've ever seen.Okay, Bennie, he's like five feet

even, but I'll put you onmy back and run. He's so cute.
Anyway, he removed all the copyrightsfrom all his disk tracks, so
you can get paid if you likereact to them, if you remix them.
You can post on TikTok and likereact to his dis tracks, and
you can also get paid for doingthat because yea, the copyright. So
he's like, have a field daywith this. Guys. Here you go,

everybody, come at your You knowwhat, I should have put out
my petty ward of the week metroBooman. He was. He was kind
of the one that he yes,he's kind of started all this with his
track like that with Future Kendrick andhim, and he's all in the mix
of it too, And Drake toldhim to go make beats and blah.

They got some beef going on,and he said he put out a BBL
drizzy beat and was like, everybodyhave a feed Oway Phil day. Whoever
gives me the best like disc trackagainst Drake, I'll give you a free
beat. That's petty. That's petty, So that's your ward. Now you
want to change it, No,I'm gonna get We have three Vlad metro

Booman, and I feel like metroBooman and Kendrick are like ganging up on
Drake hand in hands. So I'mgonna give it to those two. I'm
gonna give it to a Metro.I'm gonna give it to Metro Booman.
All right, Petty Award is theweek period. I guess Metro one.
Since that's that's all right, Sowe're gonna get into petty malt just from
Hollywood, right, Dear Kayla andKayla, would it bother you if your

boyfriend's girlfriends female friends call him daddy? Huh, my boyfriend, he's a
flight attendant. He has a lotof female friends. It's like six to
eight of six to eight friends andin this friend group they call him daddy.
You were his girlfriend, would yoube offended by that? Something's going
up in the air? Girl?I heard that, and I know this

is true for the restaurant industry,everybody's like sleep, sleeping and freaking and
dating and taking. And I heardthe same thing for flight attendant data.
So he probably slept with a coupleof them friends. Girls they are they
call him that airplane doing a songcalling him absolutely. I think that is
crazy? And he would you callyour best friend daddy? No? So

I do have a female or agroup with a male friend. We call
him William. That's not his name, but he's like because if you have
watched your girlfriends they had a malefriend named William. It was like those
four girls and Williams he's our William. No, he's our daddy. Daddy
is something. First of all,I don't even like, I don't call
Yeah, I don't even. It'snot a thing for me. It's not

that it makes me. I've doneit before. Yeah, I've done it
before because they want to look atI've got that because he asked me to.
But I just don't feel comfortable doingthat and moving forward. I'm not
gonna do it anymore. But like, just call your friend, hey,
daddy like they see him as morethan there's a reason why there's some like
yeah, if I call the mandaddy, like, oh, he's a

zaddy, Like oh, he's azaddy, but that means I think he's
fine, Like oh he's a ohhe's older. That's for like an older
man. If you're fine like that. Nigga's a zaddy. But Kendrick after
he released that, Kendrick Kida isa zaddy. Zaddy But yeah, I
say that meant like about men I'mattracted to, not like in a moment
where you're like you're my daddy,but oh he's a zaddy. But yeah,

No, if I'm calling somebody becauseI'm attracted to them, not because
like they're my friend. Also,you can't trust flight attendance. They've gone
too much like up with him?Girl? What are we saying? What?
Sorry? All right, I gottrust issues. Anyway, We out
of here. Good lack? Yougot coming up this week? Yeah?
So what do I have coming upthis week? I have another interview.

I'm interviewing Ray when not our friendreal influence ser Ray love you Ray boyd.
No, this is the one thatsays I found myself in a new
position then sense editions. You don'tknow the song at all, do you?
Okay, Well, she's coming onThursday, so I gotta part for
that. Me and Emily probably goingto see Beauty and the Beast this weekend.

We love going to plays, sowe go to as many as we
can, so we'll probably do thatthis weekend. Uh, you're trying to
go to Lucy's hate workout class onSaturday? Okay, what time is it?
Nine o'clock in the morning on Saturday. It's matt really in Englewood.
But I need to go. Igotta get back to work, and I
lost all my I need to go, and I keep telling you I'm going
to go, and I haven't been. So I'm gonna go to at least
one. So if you want tocome this weekend, I'm probably gonna go.

Okay, I want to my assback, so I'm back working.
I'm gonna actually go to work outin like six hours, go to pilates.
You see how big my butt is. Go look on my instagram.
Stand up, Go look on myinstagram. Oh yeah, wow, Actually
that's pretty nice. That's pretty nice. You can look at like my legs
have like pilate nice, but Ihave. I've gained like almost ten pounds

working out does that from palate period. So if you want to get a
butt, get pilates. Well itworks like if I think she got oh
my bad, my bad, shehad a personal trainer. Some of us
can't afford that, but I sawthis week. I'm getting back into the
gym with it. I want togo to the class with you, hopefully
this Saturday morning. Back to work. I have like a lot of plans

with friends down, busy, andI'm back. I have to tell you,
Oh, well, be back sextweek okay. Follow me at Kayla
Thomas forty, follow me at theand if you need any advice, ask
that Paage podcast dot com. Wewill talk to you next week. E
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