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May 22, 2024 • 56 mins
Its the season FINALEEEE! In this epsiode KT and Kayla are joined by their co-worker EJ to discuss the Diddy and Cassie video, a black woman being casted as Juliet alongside Tom Holland in the play "Romeo and Juliet" and the backlash she is receiving, friends who are secret haters and more! Enjoy!
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Episode Transcript

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The Petty Is Podcast. Welcome backto another episode of Petty I'm Kayla,
I'm Kayla. How you doing.Happy? Last episode for a while?
Happy, last episode for a while. We about to be some traveling shortening.
We are you leaving, then I'mleaving. So we're gonna resume at

the end of June. And it'sperfect timing because we just got a bunch
more workloads on both of our plates. Oh my gosh, did we Yeah,
it's nice to figure out how tonavigate that space and then they come
back. Yeah. I think that'slike the smartest thing, because man,
I didn't realize how much work thatI was at it. I should have
known. I'm adding a whole newstation, yeah to my everyday routine,

and Kiss is already a lot ofwork, So just doing another one,
I was like, wool a lot. And I put in perspective, it's
like each as five six different stationsand I'm only doing Kiss in Minnesota,
and it's like a lot. Thefact that he is five to six every
single day is absolutely crazy. Andhe's so high energy every time you see

him, like he's always willing totalk and give you conversations. Yeah,
talking all day that's why he's richas hell. Go ahead, he no,
I have not. I don't knowwhat it is, but it's something
something. Go ahead anyway, girl, Okay, yeah, I guess this
is kind of petty. So myseatbelt has been broken and my passenger seat

for oh my god, girl,oh my god, it's been months.
It's been there. Listen, nobody'sin my car, but like sporadically,
Emily or like what you, somepoint, Brandon will be in my car
for going somewhere. So what Iwill do is I'll use like from when
I'm buckling my seat, I'll usethe passengers. Oh my god. But

it's because one at first, Iwas just so lazy. I did not
feel like giving up my car toget it fig right, and there was
just so much going on. Andthen one person that I went to to
get estimate was trying to tell methree hundred dollars to fix a seatbelt.
I know you, and I'm like, absolutely not. And so I guess
my petty thing is I went rightover across the street to their competitor.

Good, right over to their competitor. He's charging me fifty dollars less,
not that much, but I'm gonnaI'm gonna go with your competitor, because
why the hell you charge me threehundred dollars for? Why? Is?
I feel like it should be atleast it only should be like seventy five
dollars to fix a seatbelt. Seriously, but fifty dollars save. It's a
fifty dollars save. And I justimagine them watching you drive out of there

a lot and they go right acrossthe street into the other exact exactly.
I wasn't they faced each other.That's so funny. Bye, It's so
funny. My petty thing is Iam about to go and see some people
that I used to work with,and I'm super excited to see a bunch
of people. But they hired agirl that I don't like. But I
guess the girl is telling them thatshe knows me or whatever. So I

got, how do you know thisgirl? I know her through a mutual
friend. I don't even know herthrough work, but I know her through
a mutual friend. And she justalways I don't know if it was like
some weird competition thing. It justlike she was mean to me every chance
she got, like potatoes, takea little shots, a little singers there
and it's just like, Okay,I didn't engage her at the time because

I really was just trying to havea good time and I wasn't for the
bullshit, but she was just likeweird. Anyway, fast forward now,
I guess she works while I usedto work, and I have to go
there, and they're like, oh, you know such and such home,
you could call her when you gethere, and I'm like, nah,
just I'll just call you. Iam not even going to acknowledge this,
so I hope that she didn't waslike, oh, I know, Kayla,
and we cause we're not right.No, I remember exactly how you

acted, exactly how that made mefeel, and I will not know.
I don't forgive. I don't Idon't purious petty things our listeners have done.
All my friend does is talk herway. All my friend does is
talk about her social media and beingan influencer and how many followers she has.
I'm so tired of it, soI reported her paid day. You

gotta support your friends. Well,you know what's crazy People be laughing about
social media and saying, oh,you only got a thousand followers and picking
on their friends because they're trying tobe influencers and bloggers or whatnot. But
Charlie Dmilio makes seven hundred and fiftythousand dollars a post. Wow, do
you understand how much money that is? Oh got her post on TikTok,

Like, if you really are popping, you can make bank. Nara Smith
just based off of just getting inthe kitchen and making like her snacks for
her kids millions of dollars. SoI don't knock nobody who has five hundred
followers who's trying to be the nextbig thing, because it could very much
well pop off. Oh, itcould happen tomorrow. It's not just a

douban boost. It's very much yourbusiness these days, and people can get
very rich off of it. SoI really don't understand reporting her page because
all she does is talk about it. It just sounds like you're not really
her friend. You could just belike, you know, let's talk about
something else or change the subject,but report her page. Come on,
girl, hater. Someone said,my crazy roommate has been eating my food,
so I decided to start using herdishes her silverware. Oh okay,

you guys don't share dishes and silverwareOkay, did me and my roommate used
to share it? No, wedidn't share dishes and silverware either. Really,
when I lived in Roanoke and itwas a roommate that I had found
on Facebook, everything was separate.Like you have your half of the refrigerator,
I have my half of refrigerator,my TopWare, my silverware goes on

this strawer and yours is on yours. So like you don't we don't know
each other, you know what Imean, and so like to share just
wasn't a thing. Yeah, No, I get it. I missed the
college roommate phase. My college experiencewas different. I lived in an apartment
and commuted love with my man.But I have remains when I moved out
here the whole time, the wholetime I worked. I worked two jobs.
And you can come in if youwant. No, Hey, Jay,

welcome, Welcome to the show.Grabba Mike. What's the what's a
petty thing you did this week?The pettiest thing I've did this week?
I saw that someone was being madea fool of and I did it nothing
period? Why not because I wasn'tme? No, because I am in
the era of if you like it, I love it. Oh yeah,

Kalyn and I talk about this.We had talked about He's in the era
of like, if it is whatit is, if their problems are not
my problem, because you got toomuch going on. I have a lot
going on, and I feel likeI have a tendency to take on other
people's problems stuff that had nothing todo with me, because I'm like a
fighter for the underdog, if thatmakes sense. But I am in the
era. If you like it,I love it. It was kind of

getting on me and she's like,well, you know, you need to
make sure that you're helping such andsuch out, And I was like,
we can't make our friend look bad, like we can't have them gone,
not necessarily like making somebody look badper se, but it's like you're saving
them. Yeah. Well, becauseI didn't say something right, I did.
But after that, if you likeit, I love it. I'm
not mad at it. Have youever had roommates? No broke before?

I have a room even in collegenever never really Im not in because I
didn't go No, oh it's asham, but a whole nother college is
totally a shame. Yeah, butI didn't know that you didn't go.
Not that you have to to dothis. This is literally an adult daycare
center. Honestly, honest and true, have a good voice. All right,

Well, I was going to askif you did. Did you guys
share utensils, but like a likedishes and stuff like that, I don't.
I don't think there would be anissue with sharing. My thing is
sharing the bathroom. I do notlike sharing the bathroom. I have roommates.
When I first moved to La,I live with two girls. We
shared all the utensils, and itjust went with the extendeds of the kitchen,
like just washing, that's it exactly. But our bathrooms we had three

separate bathrooms. Not closing the toiletlit when you flush is like my biggest
pet peeve. If you flush withthe toilet open, I firmly believe that
you got shit on your toothbrush andeverything else in your bathroom, and I'm
just not here for it. SoI'd rather not share a bathroom. The
one time that I had to sharea bathroom was in college, and it
was just it was just disgusting.Two brushes touching like next to myself.

I don't know if you're using mybar soap something I used to use my
brother stuff all the time, somethinglike that. But here's the thing.
The only reason why I don't wantto share a bathroom is because when I
gotta go, I don't want tofeel like you're in You know what I'm
saying. I don't want to dowhat you being in there and then you
come out and I'm smelling you.You know what I'm saying. Ain't nobody
got time? But none of that. When I go to death and I

want to be in peace, Iwant to take as long as I want.
I don't want to get rushed bysomebody else who's waiting, and I
take a forty five minute shower,and I will be damned if somebody's like,
yeah, forty five minutes. Waita minute, forty five minutes.
I love I'm a pisces. Ilove water, So all right, I
know you're going to say that Ilove water. It's just it's really a
peaceful time for me. I doit with the candles, sometimes with some

tranquil music, and I just sitthere. Oh, you become a prune.
I can't even say in the bathtubthat long. I watch drives my
Black Girls Sun's screen afterwards, andI'm a happy girl. You love her,
Black girls said screen bgs. Let'sgo period. Wait question, which
way do you face in the shower? I face the water? Okay,

I think that's a black people think, yeah, because I face the water.
Do you know there's people who don'tlike doesn't it burn your butt?
Like the water? And we dida topic on the radio and people thought
it was crazy that the first thingthat you do is face the water,
because it's like, well, whatabout your face? You're getting your face
wet. That's the whole point,right, And I'm like, well,

if we face backwards, our hairis gonna get wet. So well,
no, I need that water towake me up. Though. It feels
so good when it's directly on topof you. I like that feeling.
Yeah, okay, all right,I didn't know that was the thing.
Yes, really weird, fascinating.I love what can I be on for
like a full episode? That alittle ship that's a little bit you want

to stay. Well, you knowwhat's interesting is so you know the reason
why I have Did you hear thereason why he didn't say Cassie's name in
the apology? I did, butlet the listeners know, did you hear?
No? I don't know, becauseapparently when they settled that lawsuit the
day after she fiul did is,they had a huge n d A that
was ironclad that they can't talk abouteach other in public. So that's why

he didn't mention her in the inthe law that I apologize to the person
in the video, Like could younot say her name? Yeah? No
he can't. He could have said, I apologize to the person in the
video. What do you say?I just apologize, I apologize sorry for
my action, because when it firsthappened, he was all like, oh,
the truth will come out. Timehurt me so much, just first

of all, the video as itis, woe And second, you don't
know what that woman went through whenshe got back to the hotel room,
and your imagination just roams just seeingwhat he did when the cameras were there.
Imagine when he was in the roomdragged. That makes me so sad,
honestly, honestly, And I alsofeel bad just have her having to

relive it and watch it as it'severywhere, everybody's posting it, everybody's talking
about it. Yeah, and thenyour husband seeing you get dragged like that,
Like, it's just an awful situationall around it. She's a mom
now too, right, Yeah,yeah, that's terrible. It just makes
me so sad because he literally postedon his page in December, the truth
is something about the lie, likethe truth will be revealed, Da da
da, Like and you knew thisvideo existed, that's the thing. You

just didn't think that it would comeYeah, he paid thousand dollars not to
be released when it happened in twentysixteen. Also, I have a bone
to pick with the hotel who letthat be sold away and hidden and didn't
know nothing about it? You thinkthey knew or was it a sidebar?
You know? Like how you knowthese media companies get their stories, they
have people on the take that workthere. So do you think that the

hotel even knew that this video wasout there? I'm sure some people knew.
People in surveillance probably saw it,right like, some some people that
aren't high level probably knew what happened, and it was probably gossip around the
office. But fifty thousand dollars.What I want to know is, if
he paid fifty thousand dollars, whyare you allowed to release it now?
Don't you give him his money backbecause y'all clearly well you know, news
stations don't have to give up theirsources. Exactly. Somebody released that the

hotel, and I gave you fiftythousand dollars for that not to happen.
Who knows who did it exactly?So they got the tape downstairs, you
know this, right, they gotthe tape after they raided it, right
after the police raided his house.So that's how they got their hands back

on the tape. So at thatpoint, it's out of the hotel's hands,
right because did he had it andsomebody got it from Diddy? So
now it was a cop that yeah, who clearly who leaked it to CNN.
Well, I will say I amreally proud for people that I argue
with when it when it first cameout the whole the whole lawsuit, people
were you know, he didn't doit, or we need more proof,
or she just wants money, andI will go to a hotel. And

I did get some apologies, likeI fully apologize. I am did slim
thug or so who somebody else saidsomething it was slim thug? I know
it was that scrappy was saying likehe was on the side of she didn't
do it. But you know,it's crazy. Even after this video came
out, I was watching a TikToklive and someone said, that looks like
a green screen. That's not Diddy. Those socks didn't come out till twenty

twenty three. That's not This videois not real. Like people will do
whatever they can, oh reaching reaching, people will do whatever they can to
defend their their idol. That's nothim, that's fake. That's a I
oh my god, crazy, Andyou know it's so it's so bothersome because
even in his apology, he literallyonly acknowledged what we saw in the video,
not all the other things that weknow that were that we could assume

that he did based off of thatbeing the truth. It was just like,
I apologize for my actions that day. I was therapy, I went
to therapy, But what about allother times that your ed her that she
wasn't even the only one that there'sother people. What happened toner? What
how did she di On like YouTube, this guy was talking about how he

allegedly broke her nose and things likethat. So it's it's it's just really
interesting that that now everything is comingto life, if that makes sense.
I heard the kim Porter would likefight back, like you would see bruises
on Diddy's like arm and his likewrists and stuff, because she said,
I want you to have to explainwhy you have these bruises because of what
you did to me. M Yeah. I heard one of his other baby

moms spoke out and was like,you know, in just giving empathy to
Cassie, like, you know,I'm so sorry that you went kind of
mesa was is that the that's thefirst one? Who's the twins moms?
Is that kim Port? Oh uh, that's that's kim Yeah. Then yeah,
not the twins mom. So there'sthere, there's there's her. And
then remember there's another little girl that'sthe same age as the twins. It

seemed like it was a girl mom, though I thought the only girl he
had was the twins or maybe thebaby. Anyway, it was a black
It was a black baby mom becausehe got he got some mixed ones too,
I don't think so all right,well, black women spoke out and
said that. So but you know, going back to the lawsuit right quick,
and the one thing where people whereit made me mad when people were
talking about how she's only in frontof money. But people don't realize that

when you go to courts right andyou're suing someone high level like that,
you are going to relive that trauma. You're going to relive everything that has
been accused in that lawsuit. SoI think a lot of times people find
it easier to just settle so youdon't have to go through that trauma again.
And I don't think people are smartenough to even think about that.
That's true. But I also thinkit was Mesa Hilton Hilton that said that

that go out in support of Cassie. But I also think her taking the
settlement was even like more of astatement because it's just like, I'm going
to take this money, but thestory is out there now, I don't
even want to go through the court, like and I don't know how much
he paid her, but it waslike, I'm not even going to live.
I think she got low balled inthe whole scheme of everything, but
it's like, I'll take this littlepayment just because it's out there now and

your reputation is ever tarnished, andnow I think he's done, So I
think justice was served. I don't. And also I don't know if this
is true. But someone said thatit's the state that has to prosecute,
did he not Cassie. Cassie,the only thing that she can do is
to her money, right, Sowhat else does? What do people expect
her to do? Like go totrial, that's the state's job to do,

not Cassies. Well, I thinkI think that she can press charges.
I know in certain domestic violence cases, and this was definitely my experience.
Sometimes if you go there and youtry to press charges and then you
decide that you don't want to,the state picks it up and they follow
the charges anyway. But then Ididn't realize, just like how we've realized
in this video situation. Lapd saidthat there was a statue of limitations,

which sucks, man, It reallyreally sucks, like the videos out there
right there, and nothing can bedone about it. Nothing. And what
really bothers me is just because alot of people in that time were like,
well, why why wouldn't she leaveor you know, she played some
part in it. Why are youstaying someone who's never been in that situation?
Here? That part? That partdo you not know the cycle of
abuse question mark. And then inthat video that we're watching, you physically

see her trying to leave. Shehas her bag, She's going to the
elevator. Maybe he was in theshower. It was her perfect escape.
Time he sees her, he comesout in the twey, he drags her
back. Yeah, I on thesnatch his towel off it hit him with
it. He looks like such aAnd I hate a lot of the people
who are saying, well, sheneeds to take accountability too, right,
why are we saying that she's Somebodywas like, she needs to take accountability
for staying all those years? Whydid she stay? That's her fault too.

She has a part in all onhow all this played out. And
I was like, I think we'resteering away from the issue at hand.
This specific situation at hand is thathe put his hands on her. He
beat her up. Nothing else matters. It doesn't matter why she couldn't get
away at that moment, why shedidn't leave. There's so many reasons why.
And people who have been experiencing abuseknow exactly how hard it is to

leave. It's like a mental thing, especially powerful. Yeah, and did
he get I heard any blow uppeople's cars and stuff. He could have
easily killed her. She probably fearedfor her life and that's why she didn't
leave. And you know what,it's funny. You never know what she
saw to make her feel like shecouldn't leave that part, that part.
Do you guys think about his kidsand what they saw? I mean,

Justin Combs or whatever his name is, Christian Combs just came out with a
distract defending his dad. But doyou think, like my heart feels for
the girls, the twins, youknow, like they just went to prom
this past weekend. What did theysee? How are they feeling right now,
like you know, and what arethey going to accept from men?
Like I don't know if he wasa completely different character like behind closed doors

versus who he is in front ofthis He was blessed with three girls though
blessed No, I'm just saying soright right right their lives that are going
to be affecting, you know whatI'm saying. I just it's just yeah,
I don't know what kind of futurethey're going to have if that's with
their father. Normal. That's whyyou always have to be kind to your

future self and your future kid's self. Everything that you do now affects you
and your right that's coming up.And then I just think this person is
just like he's so manipulative. Ifyou read the Casey lawsuit or Cassie lawsuit
when she did try to leave afew times, and she's like young,
nineteen, early twenties, he's sendinglawyers and super powerful people to come to

her her house or call her phone. You don't know anything at that age.
You probably think your whole future isabout to be ruined because did He's
lawyers are like taking you down.So she probably she probably us staged just
just because she had no choice.And also she was really young when they
first started. She was nineteen,still a kid, still a teenager,
you know, like she was basicallygroomed. Yeah, can I ask an

ignorant question? I am not Ain'tnobody asking you, Siri? I feel
like I'm not sure on what theterm groom means. Could you explain that
to me? So basically, justlike manipulating someone and shaping them, shaping
them to be who you want themto be. Right, So let's say,

for example, for the child abuser, like you start off by the
small things to make it feel likeit's okay and it's normal, and then
you I don't want to work.Yeah, and then it's like progressive as
time goes on to the point whereyou don't even know that you are fully
in it anymore because because you trustnormally, at this point, you just

think that they wouldn't do that toyou, because they've been shaping you to
think that this whole time. Didyou watch Quiet on set or no?
I don't, you know what,I don't like watching things like that.
I also don't like watching like thevideo, and I hate when I see
news stations play videos like that overand over and over again. I don't
like watching that because I feel likeI've come from situations where people were being

uh, abuse, abuse, SoI don't I don't want to. I
don't want to see that, likeI don't. I don't like that.
That's fair. Yeah, it definitelywas. It was triggering it into a
lot of detail. I never wasbeat to the extent that Cassie was beat
to That was absolutely bonkers to see. But it definitely was trigger for some
of the domestic violence things that Idid go through. And just all the

people who are defending this powerful popularperson and saying, you know, why
wouldn't she leave or you know,why would she deal with that? She
has a role, she played arole in it two. And I do
think sometimes when you're in a toxicsituation, you do gain toxic habits.
So you're not one hundred percent innocenttoo. You know, you're not one
hundred percent innocent in the situation,but she doesn't. She's not at fault
either, if that makes sense.Yeah, and yeah, it definitely is

a triggering situation. Yeah, Ithink I'm too much of an impath to
watch because my initial thought is,man, could you imagine how she's feeling
in that moment? Like I startedthinking about things like that. I can't
just sit and watch a video forwhat it is, especially a video like
that, because I started thinking about, like, could you imagine like like
being in at and feeling like howshe feels. And then I think I

take it a step further, likehow I said earlier, like what happened
when it got into that room andit just it breaks? Does it breaks
your heart? Right? More soit can happen? Yeah, I don't
know. Just it makes me sosad, and like I think of his
apology video, and it's not sincere. I think it was completely a PR
person or a lawyer got together andthere was no true remorse. It was

simply because he got caught. I'min a PR group on Facebook and the
PR people who work in PR,they were like, you know, did
the PR rapps do a good job? But did he? And everybody in
the comments are like, absolutely not. That was the signs of somebody who
probably fired their PR team saying Iknow better, let me do it this
way because anybody who would you know, advise him to do that video did

not care about him or his reputation. Can I ask what do you do
in that situation? Though this,I don't think you should have said anything
yet. You needed to come upwith a proper plan with your team and
a better executed letter, maybe noteven a video, like a letter or
a post on Instagram, just sayingyou're sorry. And I think he needs
to mention her by name. That'swhat everyone said. It was missing.
You didn't address Cassie. This isthe first person you need to apologize,

not to us. You we evenbeat us, you know what I mean?
And I understand now because of thatwhatever you said, the NBA but
still it's like he need advise himto keep them comments on. Oh gosh,
that's his way of that. No, that's his narcissistic way of saying,
I don't care what nobody thinks becausehis comments have been left on when
they should have been took an off. I think people but damn forgot,

But I do. I did havesomething to say, but I will say
what you said earlier about it beingtriggering. I think that's why Alex Fine
spoke out and support of his wifeand then as he should has he's husband,
and also just tearing down everybody thathas beat a woman like that before
domestic violence. He was just sayingthat that's not a real man. Anybody
who knew about it and supported itisn't a real man. And I just

couldn't imagine seeing like like you weresaying, her feeling in that, and
then seeing somebody you love treated likethat in a moment. And I think
that you're right about he shouldn't havesaid anything just yet. I think that
we forget so fast. Our memoriesare terrible, and honestly, the next
scandal that out, we're not evengoing to be remembering Diddy. So he
should have honestly just waited till thenext thing came out where nobody was talking
about him and weren't so angry becauseeverybody's emotions were still so high at that

moment when the video just came out. Now your ugly face is speaking about
how sorry you are, and youlook all stupid and ugly, like nobody
want to see that dumb shit rightnow. So I think he definitely should
have waited, But I honestly don'tthink there's anything he could have done to
redeem himself. Chris Brown done.Chris Brown has been. I mean,
granted, he makes music and he'smore acceptable, but he can't shake that.
He's never going to shake that.And Ditty's is even worse because you're

just like a grown ass fifty yearold William Man acting like this, like
a fifty year old man with daughters, act like not not to say what
Chris Brown did it in your twenties, you do dumb things, but like
that that was still extreme. Butbro, yeah times are I don't know,
but and Chris year old man doingsomething like that, yeah too old.
Chris Brown has somehow gotten back intothe good graces of everyone. People

love him, his shows are likesold out and blah blah. Do you
ever think that Diddy has a chanceto to win back him or his love
or of his fans or is hecompletely done? True? I mean anyone
true, that's anybody ever really beencanceled. I still watch the Cosmic because

I thought Kanye was gonna get canceledand he yet he made a huge ass
comeback. But don't get me started. We are playing him. So I
don't even know who that is hesaid the congratulation. He said, the
edword is a white man. He'sa country singer and he's the nword.
It's a train wreck. But apparentlyyou are not that. But I don't

know if it was you. No, it was like the A Like he
just thought he was like a youknow, and unapologetically about it. Yeah.
Yeah, So I don't know ifanybody ever is really canceled. So
here's just did He's so ingrained inhip hop? Could you taken his catalog
out of hip hop? Like likeR Kelly? I mean R Kelly is
not as deep. I don't thinkit's did her Kelly has Kelly has his

hand in a lot of R andB and that you like all of these
songs that you have no idea thatR Kelly wrote. No, I understand
that, but to the level ofDiddy, Yes, no, no,
did he? Did he? Diddy'sI feel like you think Diddy's more.
Your career went went longer, Hiswas longer than r Kelly. Yes,
Wait when did they both come outfrom nineties? I personally think that our

hmm, I think R Kelly hasmore hits than Diddy. I think Diddy's
actually on. Are we talking aboutthat they're actually on or that they're actually
here's a question, do me afavor. But our same with R Kelly
production produced all of that. Namefive songs that this is a point that

I'm trying to make name five songsthat are just Diddy songs. Why can't
I think of any Diddy song?Right? Jess? Did he? Yeah?
He is? He like like that. Listen, listen because he's like
he has a lot to listen.All right, there's one. But you

were talking about how you now namefive artists and like missing when when when
Biggie died? Like, come on, come on, come on, I
can't do R Kelly either, butyou can't. Right now on the spot,
I just want to say trapped inthe closet, which is like a
disservice, like honestly to that thatpro five R Kelly songs Honey, Love,
unbelievable, be happy, step inthe name of love, love letter

because you you just try to thinkabout that while you were said of the
question, no, do it fordid? That's the point I can't because
I don't want to prove no.No. I think get on the Google
at and think that R Kelly ismore of ingrained and leg than you got.

I personally think, yeah, butR Kelly is in jail right now,
right in the abuse of all kindis bad, sexual abuse, it's
all bad. But do they eitherhave them have a chance to get back
into people's you know, like ChrisBrown did, I personally don't ride with

the masses like I'm done. Idon't. I don't like Chris Brown.
I don't like him. I don'tlisten to his music. He proved who
he is as a man. I'mgood on him. But I don't even
done with Drake after Kendrick Lamar,like, I can't even listen to Drake.
I'm done. I'm done. That'sa person at nineteen, right,
is that the same person at anisolated incidents. But if that's your character

and there has been more instances thanjust that one incidence, and then that's
who you are. So has therebeen more incidents of yes? Again,
he did the same thing to Cruccim get here. Yeah, yeah,
you didn't know about all Crouchie andthat was like, well, that was
like I got some stories off thismic. Well we're about to share some
stories. Yeah. No, Idefinitely I think that that's just who you

are as a person. Unfortunately,until you do some deep healing, until
you do my Flaska stripped the egofrom the bottom. Ken advises, Yeah,
and then you got Trey songs aswell, who has been beaten women
as well, Kayla, Trey songshasn't been confirmed. Yes, happy Palmer
told us about songs is definitely wrongsof people have come out. Sorry,

I believe every where you talking aboutkeep a job Palmer. She would be
a great I feel like she wouldbe a great interview on this podcast.
I love. There was a situationwhere I saw she was walking up the
the Gayala steps and this reporter says, Kiky, how does it feel to

be so beautiful? And she said, you should know it's not the nicest
thing to say this, and itdidn't miss a beat. So I shout
out to key her and she wentthrough it too. I forgot about her
situation was this year as well withher with her baby daddy. They had
a domestic abuse situation too, andthe same thing happened. People were like,

she's lying you guys, don't underyou. He she abused him too.
Da Nobody wanted to believe her.It's like, I feel like we
can't after the character has shown whohe is, like for you to to
talk about her and the way she'sdressed on Twitter in public, and then
I just don't think that that's toofar fetched from somebody who tries to humble

a woman with her hands as well. But yeah, I just think it's
so sad that even if you havevideo proof, there are still some people
out there who will say, well, there's more to the story. What
did she do in the hotel roombefore she left? And I've already had
a combination with one of them afterthe video leaks, Like I just want
to know her role and it's likeyou just again, as somebody who's been
through not not to that extent,but something like that, like, bro,

it's just not It's so easy,right, Can I just say the
one thing that I cannot stand aboutsocial media? I think there are so
many different plus about social media,but there are also so many different downfalls
because it gives these platforms to peoplewho aren't professionals, if that makes sense.
So a lot of times they're justout up there yapping and talking about

stuff where they heard or stuff thathas no merit. And I think that's
the one thing that drives me upthe wall because now everybody has an opinion
even though it's wrong. A lotof people be just loud and wrong,
and I think that's the one thingthat drives me up the wall. And
it'll go viral on TikTok and sothat will it makes it seem like,
oh, everybody's thinking this way becauseit got millions of you, so this

must be the you know what Imean, And it's like, stop stop
it. You're not a professional,you're not a journalist, stop talking,
stop talking. And they always havesomething to say. So Romeo and Juliet
there's a whole controversy around that withTom holland Oh my gosh, did you
guys hear about this? There's aplay in London. I think it's London,
and it's like a just like ashort play. Basically, Tom Holland

plays Romeo, and then a blackwoman. Her name is what's her name,
Francesca, I can't say her middlename Rivers and uh, she's a
black woman. And a lot ofpeople were very upset about the casting.
People are upset, we're calling herjust discussing things, a monkey. She's
too dark. Juliette is supposed tobe a white woman. This is absolutely

crazy, like and of course praisingTom Holland, Oh he's an amazing Romeo,
but she just doesn't fit. Thisdoesn't feel right, does it.
I think the one thing two things, two part. The one thing that
makes me so I think sad.I've been just so sad lately. The
one thing that makes me so sadis because when they disagree with the way

how we look, we are automaticallya monkey. Yeah, isn't that crazy?
Yes, it's sad. It's disappointing. And I didn't even like how
what's his name Tyrese or ty didcalled himself that I was so saying,
I look like a monkey, Likeyou're giving in to what people like he's
already said some things where it's likehe has a mixed kid and he doesn't
want his kid to be raised asa black man. And it's been a

rumored that doesn't like black women.But now he's with April Jones. I
guess who's a black woman, andI guess that. But yeah, him
and him looking at the camera withall these at this mixed table talking about
something. You look like a monkeywith your face shaved. Disgust me.
Don't say that. It makes meso sad, and I think I've seen
it. Also, like who thewoman who plays Cynthia Rivo, who plays
Alpha but New Wicked Movies, she'sblack as well. Then of course we

have Halle Bailey who was a littleMermaid and she got the same type of
backlash. Ariel was supposed to bea white girl with red hair, and
but specifically in this case, itmakes it breaks my heart because she kind
of like addressed the comments and stuff, and she's expressed that it's been hurting
her, you know for sure.But she's an amazing actress since she got
that role alongside Tom Holland for areason, And it's just so sad that

people can't look past how she's howshe looks. You know, I think
that we'round the time where we're challengingEuropean beauty standards. Now we're expanding what
the standard of beauty is and it'sbecoming more inclusive. And unfortunately, when
you're kind of the trailblazer or thetrendsetter and at the beginning stages of that
change, you get the brunt ofit and it's so hard. But her

doing this and exceeding in it,I think is going to just be the
change in the trajectory of the waythe world needs to go. But you
realize, and I don't know ifI'm speaking out of turn here, but
I feel like when black folks startedto wear their hair a little bit more
natural now, like with like yousee you turn on the news and you
see anchors with braids and people withtheir beards or like or curly FROs and

stuff like that. Do you thinksince we've stopped conforming And not to say
that if you perm your hair orhowever you wear your hair is your prerogative.
You can do whatever you want todo, because that's on you.
But do you think because people stopconforming to the European way of look.
If that makes sense that it startedto get more aggressive, if that makes
sense, or am I overthinking itor has it always been that way?

I think maybe it's always been thatway. I think society naturally just wants
us to always have the straight hair, you know, and look. White
people are praised, you know whatI mean. So I don't know.
There's actually a trend going around onTikTok where it's like a black woman's like,
white women hate when we're considered whenblack women are people of color or
women of color are considered prettier thanthem. And I saw a lot of
black women stitching it, like,yeah, I've had an experience where I

had a white friend and some guywas interested in me over them, and
they showed their true colors at thatpoint, like I can't believe he likes
you. What is he like aboutyou? Like, I can't believe he
thinks you're pretty. So there wasa white woman who stitched the video,
and it was my first time seeingher perspective, and it was really insightful.
She said that, you know,she ran track and just that there
are standards of beauty and whatever they'rearound that's just what their culture, you

know, praises. It's not thatthey don't think black women are beautiful,
it's just that we have a differentstandard of beauty and their stand like our
beauty is just different, Like theydon't consider our beauty to be on the
same it's like basketball versus football.It was the beginning of the time.
So she said that, you know, and she realized this when I guess
one of the people that she ranwith on track was missing and the coach

was has anybody seen her? She'slike, the really, really, really
beautiful girl, and she started namingpeople and she was like, no,
no, no. It turned outit was the only black woman on the
track scene, and she was like, she didn't even cross my mind,
and that that's when I knew theway my way of thinking is problematic.
So I think it is normalized andpeople don't even understand what they're doing and
how much of an effect that hason somebody. They just kind of normalize

that this is just the beauty standardand if you don't fit in this box,
then you're just wrong, and that'sjust what it is. And unfortunately,
again Francesca is just getting the bruntof it because I do think that
she's beautiful. I think that she'schallenging beauty standards and I hope that Roommeo
and Juliet breaks all the all theall the records, all the records.
And we're just going to keep onexcelling work to keep getting the lead roles
in places that people think that weshouldn't. I commend Hallie Bailey Cynthia Rivo

for you know, paving the way, and they can be mad at if
they want to. We're gonna keepon being in doing things that we shouldn't
be doing, like on you know, radio stations, because we got DJ
Hair who was the first first blackman on Kissa and Kayla the first black
woman. All we make a history. I mean, I folks ain't going

nowhere. You know. Yeah it'sinteresting, but oh you want to talk
about hater aide I do so.We You know, you can excel,
you can pray for praise and prayfor success, but do you think prayers
against you work? So I sawthis during TikTok and it really shivered my
freaking timbers. This girl was sayingthat she was friends with this woman for

years. They're even the godmother ofeach other's children, and they got married
together. They did a lot together, and one day the woman called her
out of the blue and just said, listen, this has been weighing heavy
on my heart. I genuinely hateyou. And the only reason I'm sharing
this is because I think it's physicallymaking me sick, living with this hate

in my body. And everything thatyou know you tell me in confidence,
like whether oh I'm worried about,you know, becoming homeless, or I
just got diabetes. I would praythat you would become homeless. I was
happy when you got diabetes. Iwanted the worst for you, the worst
for you. And everybody's like,yo, like, why would she admit
that? People said the girl waslying. She showed the receipts, she

showed the text messages, like there'sanother story I want to tell you.
When you told me, you knowwhatever, maybe you were having some marital
troubles. I prayed that you inyour head, like just praying for everything
to be your downfall when you're confidingin somebody. I didn't know people could
play so dirty. I didn't evenknow people like operated that way. Well,
that goes to what you were saying. Why if she hated this person

so much. How could she evenstand to be around her? How could
she even let her confide in her? You know what I mean? Like,
why be around this person? Whybe her friend if you hate her
so much? I don't know.I I personally couldn't be around it.
I can't think guess some things.Was it a benefit to her to be
her friend? And she felt likeshe needed to pretend to be her friend,

so because she got something out ofit, Maybe that's keep your enemy's
closer type thing. Because I hateyou that's close to me, so I
can you know, I don't know. I think I'm too old for that.
Break all your plans, but alsothink about how it physically made her
sick. That's to pray against someone'sdownfalls. Life and death is in the

power of the tongue, and youwill neverver like seriously, don't underestimate how
you speak will come right back toyou. You can't pray for someone's and
first of all, I don't thinkprayer works like that. You can't pray
for someone's downfall. I think thatgoes against every and Plus, my grandmother's
prayers are way too strong for yourprayers for my downfall. I should pray

into a different god, like aa satan. But obviously if you're if
you're praying, if you're actually playingto rebuke or block that, if you're
not actually playing praying for protection,I do feel like you you also have
to realize that good will always outweighbad and always. But if I don't
know that someone's praying against me,and I'm not thinking, I'm just saying,

oh no, that's true. Yeah, absolutely, So to go through
all of that and not like someoneyou have to feel like, how many
cares? Yeah, that's that's amental illness. Right. Do you ever
feel like you, guys had ahater friend that was secretly praying against you,
praying against me, Yes, notpraying against me, but like just
maybe a secret hater friend. ButI feel also feel like your body and

your spirit will tell you when something'soff. My discernment is so real and
I can feel when somebody That's howit was with my back in New Jersey,
my old like coworker. She Iknew she was only sticking around because
of the benefits that she got frombeing around me, So being on the
radio, you know, getting opportunities, and then the minute that she got

fired. She didn't want to bemy friend anymore. It's like she stopped
talking to me. It was becauseshe no longer could get reaped the benefits
of being my friend. And Ihad felt it. I had felt that,
like, you know, I waskind of putting her on and helping
her, and that you know,secretly she didn't like me, and it
all and it all came out after, you know, she had secret animosity
that I had said about something thatI had said to her a year and

a half prior to everything, andshe just kept it silent because and I
was like, well, you shouldhave told me, Like I didn't mean
to hurt your feelings. I didn'tthink it was worth it. You didn't
think it was worth it because youdidn't really like me, and you just
wanted to reap the benefits of beingmy friend. And you knew in the
minute that you were done with me, it would be it would be raped.
You also got to pay attention topeople that don't clap for your wins

if you're supposed to be friends.But I feel like people are so good
at being fake. What do youmean, Like sometimes people can still clap
for your wins, but secretly theyhate you. I think I did have
a super hater crole. You needto give yourself more credit or you're just
saying in general, No, Ido believe that. I do believe that
people don't cheer. I think youyou, deep down in your spirit know

when someone is not for you fair. But me, when I love,
I love heart. So if Ilove you and you're in it takes me
for me a lot, a lotfor me to be like oh maybe yeah,
yeah yeah, So it's like youmight be showing me things. It's
like, but I also think peoplethink like me, So I would never
not want the best for somebody thatI consider closer. That's like, I

love you, I want I wantyou to win just as badly as badly
as I want me to win.So it's hard for me to think that
you're close to me and you're you'resecretly not wanting me to win. So
I do think I had a hatefriend. And she would say things like,
for example, when I moved toLA and I started working out,
she got a gym membership too,and she's like, oh, no,
you're not about to move to LAand get your body right, And it's
like, what does that got todo with you, but it's just something

you brush off, like oh,that was just a comment that was weird.
But it's these comments that you keepkind of making it where it's like
yeah, no. I also hada friend and well who it was like
congratulations, but there was always abutt and I couldn't understand because no matter
what, like I could be homelessand starving and my friends up, I
am gonna yes girl, I'm sohappy for you and genuinely feel that way.

Yeah. And so when I wasrealizing and listening to her talk,
I realized in that moment, shewants to always be above me, want
more than me, because she literallysaid congratulations, but in other words,
that should be me. But whenyou've realized this is interesting. People do
not get this. When you realizewhat's for Kayla is for Kyla, what's

for Kayla's for Kayla, what's forme is for me? There is nothing
that anybody can do. I havegreat favor with God, and my faith
is so strong, and I'm sogreat at I'm so good at manifesting and
like I have done this for yearsand I truly believe also that nobody can
take anything away from me that Ihave worked for that I have prayed for

So even if this girl over hereis praying that I don't think that she
gets a job over me, thenmaybe it wasn't for me. I don't.
And that's what I've realized over thepast few years because I've struggled with
just like, who's really for me? Who's really not for me? But
God got my back and that it'sbetween me and God, that's it,

not you. So if you youwant to pray against me, you want
to pray for me, you wantto be on my team? Cool?
If not, then okay. Butyou also have to realize we're also human
too, So a lot of timeswe may I think, think some things,
but then is that really the case? You know what I'm saying,
You know what I mean. Like, I think changing your way of thinking
also helps with your discernment a lot. I think you have helped me with
that a lot, especially in thepast year. I always used, I

would say used to because I don'treally do this that much anymore. And
I know you'd like notice that too. I have changed my thinking. I
used to not think the worst inpeople, but maybe like and helped me
with that. Yeah, it's howwould you explain how my think pick it
up when it so, a situationhappened and it's like, oh, well,
this person doesn't necessarily like me,or it's because that this other you

know, personality decided to do thisand they want to get back at me.
And I was like, well,maybe it has something to do that's
greater than that. Maybe you know, this situation didn't work out because you
know, the person knows the personone on one, so it's not necessarily
about you, but the situation,if that makes sense, you know what
I mean? Now? What theway my brother says to me is like

you're not as important as you thinkyou are, Like you're not and everybody's
mind, everybody's thinking about themselves justway you're thinking about yourself, So like
nobody's out there to just pair youdown and go. Everything is not about
me exactly, you know. Butthen the situations where where we changed our
way of thinking. There's been severalsituations and I'm talking about you and I
specifically where it's come out and ithas nothing to do with us, nothing

to do with us. One situationspecifically I'm talking about and I'm like,
I don't know, I think it'sbecause of this, and you were like,
no, it's and then it waslater Yeah, a week or two
later we found out the truth.So I definitely and it was how it
was. It was just taking yourselfout of the equation. Yeah, that's

what it was. Yeah, AndI'm definitely learning to do that more nowadays
because and it's a more peaceful journeyin life thinking that way. I definitely
have have had that experience as well. I think even with one of these
interviews, I thought that something wentreally bad and it wasn't even that case,
and I thought, I definitely somebodyhated me in these hallways, but
they waved at me last week andthat wasn't the case. But I definitely

told myself this full story that wasn'teven true. So I think we all
all can do that as far asprayers against you. So I did say
the beginning of the season that thisis the year of talking after the fact,
and I have been doing that.I have been speaking after I actually
attained things a lot of the times. But I do think I used to
not do that, even as recentas that Bay opportunity I had last year.

I think I spoke about it toomuch. I really do and I
think everything I was reason no,no, yours would be whatever. But
it was just so perfect that itwas everything I prayed for. And for
it to not come through, it'slike, who didn't want that for me?
But also think about this, whatif it's a miserable situation and that
was everything happens for the reason.I'm sure think about it. It's true

because look at the opportunities that youhave gotten now here in the l a
in the city that you actually wantto be in. I'm not even logged
in, but yeah, like,look at the opportunity. You're happy now,
all right? Buy you, jlove you, thank you. You're
happy now you're in a much bettersituation. And I know for a fact

that that situation would not have workedout for you. I I hear that,
and I believe you. I reallydo, I really do. But
you know it just it's just inthe back of my mind because now that
I'm not speaking about a lot ofthings until they actualize, they are actualizing,
Like wow, like now it's actuallystarting to happen. So I do
think power of the tongue, neverlet your right, which your last stand

is thinking, and just keep thinkingto yourself because I don't know who doesn't
want the best for me, AndI think that people existing like that,
actually praying against you is wild tome. So I'm definitely more protective.
Yeah, I'm learning to shut mymouth as well. And it's not even
just about opportunities, it's about howI'm feeling and inventing. I think I
talked about this in another episode,but I vent too much to too many
people, trying to get too manypeople's opinions. Oh he did this to

me, he broke and like I'mspeaking giving it life, I'm giving it
life to too many people. Toomany people know my business, and then
it's like no, like go toGod. And that's what I've learned to
do most recently, is like Ican cry and scream, but like do
that to direct that to God,you know, not to everybody else.
And I've realized that that I've beenhealing quicker doing that rather than venting to

any and everybody that will listen.And So I don't know, cause again
I think some people are even happythat you're going through it, lokay,
like oh probably yeah, so Ijust I probably probably am in But you
know what, if there's anything thathas happened to me in these past six
months. I have become a betterversion of Kayla period. And you can

pray against my downfall. You canbe happy that I am out of this
relationship and I'm quote unquote or notdepressed. But like my growth, I'm
happy with this journey that I'm wantto even in the midst of the pain,
and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I wouldn't trade it to be
back in the relationship. I wouldn'ttrade it for any of the blessings outweigh
the bad, absolutely, absolutely,and I think that's how you know where

you're You're where you're supposed to be. Yeah, when the good always the
bad, and I just think alot of the times there's question marks and
more bad than good, and justmore stressed than it's worth. We're clearly
not doing what we're supposed to bedoing. And it's going to continue to
happen until you start doing that.When you start doing what you're supposed to
be doing, it starts to alignand just blossom. Petty Award of the
Week, I'm gonna go first,So I'm gonna give mine to what is

her name, Jasmine Krock? Isit Crockett. She who is she?
Is? She? What? What? What was that congress as a congressman,
they were having a congress meeting,and this is what happened. Order
Rocket. I'm just curious, justto better understand your ruling. If someone
on this committee then starts talking aboutsomebody's bleach blonde, bad built, butch

body, that would not be engagingin personalities. Correct, what now,
Chairman, I make a motion tostrike this. I don't think that's trying
to find clarification on what question.We're not gonna We're not gonna do this
like you guys earlier, literally orget clarification. Look at calm down,

calm down, no, no,no, because this is what yougnized.
Don't want mom down. Please tellme to calm down, y'all. And
then you're out of control as amister chair, are you okay? I'm

just curious, just to better understandyour ruling. If someone on this committee
then okay, So while we're doingthat, the microphone fell. No,
kid, does my cheek? Ican't see. No, you're not bruised.
You're so beautiful. But that wasso funny. What happened? The

microphone just fell apart and fell onmy face. So beautiful. Anyway,
I got you good, Yes,Jasmine Crockett, hilarious this. First of
all, I can't believe this actuallyhappened in Congress, like in congress,
like these are our leaders. Soapparently Marjorie Marjorie Taylor Green was saying something
about her fake eyelashes, her fakeeyelashes, you can't read because your fake

eyelashes are getting in the way.And then they told her to apologize,
striking from the record. Marjorie likeshe refuses something about attacking somebody's personality,
which apparently is okay. So herresponse was, well, if I called
you a bleach blonde, butch body, bat built or something like that,
okay, girl, beach body dad, period. I love it. Everybody's

commenting on Margie marjor retailer Greens,like comments with like six bees, And
I love that because I think shecan't escape that and she's a terrible person
and she is a butch body,bat built, bleach blonde like her body's
crazy. That was crazy. I'mgonna give it to fifty cent is definitely
my favorite person these days. Ithink that he is the funniest role in
the history of life. So afterthe whole Diddy situation, he tweeted,

now, I'm sure Puffy didn't doit. He's innocent. This proves nothing.
This is what his lawyers are goingto say. God help us.
That's what he posted with the pictureof the video and fifty cent is so
funny to me. On top ofthat, he was also pitching them all
the documentary about Diddy and being guilty. He was doing that. Did he
do it? Did he do it? He was doing that since Cassie first

made her allegations, and now finallyit did get picked up by Netflix after
a betting bar. So not onlyis he trolling Diddy, He's now making
money off of Diddy's mistakes. Ilove it and I'm still give it to
a bad bitch, believe that becausethat was just crazy, only because my
goodness is doing for America and weneeded that for years. Betty, you
wo ut a week, I justget into some petty mail. Let me

read it, Let me be thelet me be the last one of the
season. All right, you everhad your man or guy? You ever
had your man or guy? Yourdating turn around and flip an argument on
you, But you literally are theone that did not do a single thing
wrong, but question them on somethingand you end up the one feeling crappy
because they flipped it on you.Then start questioning you on things, questioning

you on things and make you feelbad. I love my man, but
I feel like I can't win whenwe argue. Girl, he's gaslighting you.
He's a gas lighter. Girl,you gotta leave my cheekerts Yo.
You keep touching it. You reallygot fucked up. I probably get to
end up with a black eye orsome shit. Yes, sonymore, yes,
Oh wow, sorry y'all laugh.I thought it was like, wow,

anyway, leave your man. Itsounds like somebody who's a gas letter.
It sounds like a narcissist. Yes, girl, go to the first
get some stuff like what any icewith NEOs burn or something on it?
Not for a bruse. It canhelp, how Kayla? I don't got
kids yet, Kayla, I justassume newoshills everything. Anyway, We're gone

away for three weeks. Leave yourman. She's right, we are going
away. So yeah, that wasseason three. Make sure you guys catch
up and listen to everything. Yeah, and hope you guys do well.
Catch flights because we are period.Yeah. In the meantime, if you
always have any vice, ask atPettige podcast dot com. As always,

we are so excited that and thankfulthat you guys are rocking with us.
Thank you for all of your comments, all of the likes, all the
streams. We're gonna come back biggerand better. Here are you every season.
Make sure you follow us at thePettish Podcast. I'm a black Eyed
Kayla, Kayla Thommas forty, I'mso bad and I'm at the Kayla Austin.
We're going to take Carecula's idea
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