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March 14, 2024 • 56 mins
Hey petty people!! In this episode KT and Kayla recap Kayla's epic birthday weekend. They also discuss the Tik Tok ban, theimportance of having a good friend circle, the Kate Middleton conspiracy theories, Draya's pregnancy and more! Enjoy!
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Episode Transcript

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The Petty Is podcast. My havethose on work today? It's okay,
girl, welcome back to another episodeof Petty Ish. I'm Klea, I'm
Kati. How you doing, Kat? It's good, girl, girl.

Yeah, my gosh, Like I'mjust thinking about what we did, Like
I don't even it was so much. I just felt fabulous. I felt
fabulous, Like I just I hadlittle to no plans. I feel like
nothing was really solidified, set andgold. This is what's happening, especially
like the last minute when I tryto make the reservations and everything. But

my god is so good. Itwas everything I wanted and I didn't even
know what I wanted. But I'mlike, this is so perfect. I'm
just grateful to be filled with genuinepeople love, people that are willing to
go out of their way from meand the pretty petny because I'm not a
cheaper. Where do we get?What was the restaurant congress? It was
we went to hide away and hassaaway. We're just away. We were
away, way right, So wewent to hide away and those in Beverly
Hills beautiful. First of all,I didn't realize how sccary it is driving

up those Hills, Beverly Hills.Oh yeah, the hills up in Beverly
at night, like I've done itbefore, but like at night when they're
when there's off the hills, there'sno railings. I feel like I'm driving
on a roller coaster all the timein La, like I used to be
in a flat Lander where all theroads are just flat. And these mountains
and these hills are super scary.They were anxiety inducing. Yeah, but

the dinner was fabulous. The dinnerwas fabulous. The food. The food
was great. I was it waslike a Mexican Ish place that we had
steak to salt. Uh saw somebodyfamous? Yo. I was shine really
hard to find out who the girlwas. Google. You're supposed to take
a picture, you know who itwas. Oh, I didn't tell you,
No, No, I thought that, but I know I'm saying you

took a while to find out that. Yeah, yeah, so we could
like google imature. I took herpicture posted on Google. A little creepy.
What if she had seen me?That's why we're going to these places
often. So yeah, like it'sa girl from Cruel Summer Hulu. I
was like, who is this girl? I know, I watched the show
with her in it. But yeah, so it was nice being at like
a nice place where you know,it was really nice. I was really

grateful because I again didn't really knowwhat I was doing, so I had
nothing to wear. I just ordereda TikTok wig and I'm so grateful.
I did one of my TikTok wigand I love that. But those TikTok
waves are really nice to come through. Okay, they magic trick. But
I am so grateful that I gotsick on New Year's Eve and I ended
up staying in the house and notgoing anywhere because that dress I wore for

my birthday was supposed to be myNew Year's Eve dress that I never got
to wear. So I'm like,oh, plans last minute, let me
throw this dress, throw this wig, make up and boom lashes, so
in a bonnet, in a bonit. I burned my first one.
Can't burn my house. And yeah, but yeah, that hideaway was a
lot of fun. And then wewere gonna go to the club after,

but it was so funny. Islike we all went home first so that
we could like regroup, I couldlike park my car at home. Then
uber safely Kayla could change her shoes. Yeah, and then me and Joy
was gonna meet us out there.And then Kayla calls me and she was
like, do you really want togo? And I knew instantly she ain't
want to go. Can I tellyou? I feel like lowkey, like

nobody really. I mean, Iknow everybody would have won, it would
have gone had I been pressed aboutit. But daylight Saving time really threw
me the fuck like it threw meoff. I am exhausted right now,
Like it's seven forty five as werecord this, and I will be editing
this tomorrow because I am tired.I am went to bed at nine oh
one pm. It's so crazy howone hour can change everything. I don't

know what it is. It lookslike a two hour nap today. Just
so thrown off. And I hadso much to do, but like I
can't get right. I can't.I haven't been right since Saturday, Same
bro, same, And then wewent to brunch. Well we missed the
club part of brunch because it wassupposed to be like a castaway Every Sunday
they do like a dance floor DJ. It's pop and time that ends that

too. I believe we couldn't getthere before too. We got there three,
yeah, a little bit of three. So but we had such a
good time. The server was reallynice. He gave us a free rounded
drinks. I thought I found thisbeautiful server. I thought he was beautiful
and I don't care. Wait,can we please just pause and talk about
the whole interaction. We could talkabout that, and then we're also going
to talk about how our server wentabove and beyond for us. And then

you felt the need to cut histip because because he made joint wait for
her drink and a food. Okay, yeah, we gotta talk about that,
but I mean it. Okay.So seeing Kayla in her element I
was strong and her flirty element waseverything. So she spotted this waiter.
He was like it it's fifty,bitch. I no, he's not his
fifty. Oh he's like forty okay, two, okay, he ain't fifty.

First so he had like this beer, this gray beer, like a
pepper, and automatically Kyla was like, I want him, I want him.
I loved him. So we waslike spotting him all night. There
was one night where and then hestarted the iron care Well. Can I
tell you how many times I awkwardlymade eye contact with him every single time
I was talking about him to youguys, I'm like, there he goes,
and the whole table looks and he'slike looking right back at us.

We'll wait for next. Awkward eyecontact. So many times, and then
there was one time he came overand then I don't know what you said
you were. You would like,hey, beautiful, you was beautiful.
No, just my birthday or somethinglike you won't get me something or something
like that. Oh my god.Yeah, I had a mad friend seventy
fives. But I was like,I think you're so beautiful. He said
thank you, and he told mehis name, and then I said,

tell me happy birthday, beautiful.He said happy birthday, beautiful, and
I said, no, you're beautiful. You just tell me happy birthday.
He said happy birthday, and thenhe did send that's a desert dessert.
He was really busy with his tables, and he was like, listen,
I don't want you to think I'mignoring you. I'm just really busy right
now. But I want to sendyou dessert, and I want to take
you out for your birthday whenever youhave some free time. And I was
like, cool, give me themdigits. He ran them shits in my

phone. You feel me like alittle thought he he is. And I
was just like text him for takingme out, and he was like,
what the are you available? Andsecond day pictures? I thought that was
a little oh my god. Okay, So the first thing when she gets
her number is he texted, that'sso her selfies. Mind you he's still

waitering. We're still at the restaurant, still there. Why are you sending
me selfies? And I think,my mom, I'm like, okay,
maybe he wanted her to see himoutside of his work clas a lot different
clot can put this shit on.He could, and he was at tow
I peeped, oh yeah, myknees because it's not one. It's not
like you know, he's a Applebee'sMcDonald's type waiter. Like that's probably a

six figure making waiter right there isnot cheap, honey. Yeah. And
it was so funny because our waiter, like he came over at one point
while the Kayla's dude came over andhe was like, hey, bro,
thanks for letting me three thousand dollarslast week. Oh my god. And
then by and he said it again. It was thirty thousand the next time,
and I'm like, we need thatthirty thousand back. We've out here

the good. He is a goodfriend that Kayla tried not to tip.
Yo, why you do that?My bad? My bad? Okay,
God, what do you guys tipwhen somebody doesn't do a good job?
Okay, no, no, no, I understand he did do a good
job. I forgot, bro,I was late. For God, that's
the situation. This is the situation. So he did hook us up,

mind you. We came after brunchwas over, and he still gave us
a brunch menu. Might and whenhe served as a bunch menu because that
restaurant's closed between brunch and dinner onlydrinks are allowed by Laide told us the
host told us you cannot eat duringthis hour. He's like, I can
make it happen. What y'all wantto eat? Yes, because you were
starving, and gave us like threefree mimosas to try, Like these big

ass mimosas. I forgot as thenight goes on, because joy comes later
joy, And after joy came,he kind of started like falling off a
little bit, like he wasn't comingaround the table. It took him a
long ass time to take both ofher orders for her drinks and her food.
And my boyfriend that came over likethree four times. We ain't see
R seven it, but my boyfriendwas checking right, and I was like,
Enjoy was getting annoyed, like itwas almost time for us to go,

because Kayla had to be a workof five thirty minder at this point,
she hasn't even ordered and it's likefour forty five, and she was
getting annoyed, and I was like, where is Like where is he?
He was so attentative in the beginning, like where is he? And I
guess like Aliah was right, maybehe was like, oh, already got
all. I got them. Youknow, I did this for them.
You know I'm gonna let them doit. Yeah. I let them do
them And didn't really realize Joy itwas, you know, so when it

comes time to pay, I waslike, I'm only getting to him ten
dollars At how much was I check? Because I didn't pay? I mean
it was my birthday. It wasthree hundred, three hundred, Yeah,
and you gave him ten dollars ofyour fortune life that's so fucking so.
I gotay, I had a friend. Listen, I want to know from

the from the crowd. When someonemind you, I forgot that he did
a good job because I was lit, all right. So when a server
doesn't do it good job? Howmuch do you pay? How much do
you tip? Twenty percent? Youstill do twenty percent even if he says
terrible ass server. I always dotwenty percent because when I when I started
working in the restaurant industry in AtlanticCity, New Jersey, all the restaurants

that I worked at were super duperduper racist, and whenever a black table
came in, they said that theyweren't going to tip them, and then
they gave less than service, andthen we'll get mad when the black people
didn't tip them. So it's likeI go above and beyond and be like,
so you could feel like a dumbass for giving me bad service,
and you still got your twenty percenttip. And I wanted to write a
note like, even though your servicewas less than because you thought I was
going tip, here's your dumbass twentypercent. Enjoy it and don't spend it

all in one place and do betternext time. Yo. Okay, not
me, Okay, not me?But you never waitress before, right,
No, so maybe I can't relate. You're going to get that ten dollars
if I feel like you did terrible, I'm sorry, that's it. No
matter what the bill is, you'rejust giving ten. I'm just giving ten.
So in my mind, I'm like, I'm gonna give him ten dollars
when in reality, in the grandscaring things, I should have given him
more. And so then when afterI told everybody, I was like,

yeah, I was proud too.I was like, I give him what
you got to tip him. Igive him ten. They were all like,
I never I never got those reactionsbefore. I felt like a broke
bitch. I felt so like embarrassed, and I said, wait, I
thought we were all in agreement,agreement that he didn't do a good job.

And they're like, yes he did, Kayla, like he gave us
for what. I was like,oh, yeah, you're right. So
I went back. I left,Kayla had to go to work, but
I was like, and any reinforcement, I just I was scared to go
by myself. So Aleah and Joycame back with me. I was like,
I want to go up to himand apologize. You did I went
because I was like, I wonderif he's even noticed, and Leea was

like, he probably didn't even notice. But Joy was like Joey was like,
oh yeah, he right, hedefinitely noticed. Kayla word he did
not notice. So I went backto him like, oh my god.
And then I was like, listen, I'm so sorry, like I like
didn't realize that it tept you onlyten dollars, like you deserve so much
more than that. Let me here'sfifteen more. And then somehow we got

onto we talked real quick, andhe because I think he loves you.
Last time I went to Castle,he was like their VIP, make sure
you treat them right, and hetreated us like VIP and I know he
probably thinks I'm so bro. Yeah, And so then somehow we got on
the subject of him doing music,and I was like, oh, come
on my radio show. Mind you. I never say that. I never
tell people that I'm on the radio. I never like brag like that,

like, oh, come on myradio. So she's going to be on
the new hitlist, stop listen,listen. I said, I never bragged
like that, but maybe in mydrunk mind, I felt like I needed
to make up for it. SoI was like, come on my radio
show. Like I did to youten dollars, I'm gonna make up for
you. You can come on myshow. I'll play your music on the
radio. And then so another radioserver came up and was like what,

well, what station you want?I was like Kiss FM, and they
go what. I was like,oh fuck, Now I got to really
honor by and so yeah, sowhen we go back to Castaway, are
you going to not going back toWe're never going back there. He's not
coming on the new hit list outsideof offering a new opportunity to this artist

who's been begging for this moment hisentire life. What else did you do
Petty this week? Hm? Hm? Oh, I blocked you temporarily.
This bitch is mean. I know. It was only a matter of time
before you blocked me. You youblack daddy. It was only a matter

of time. Oh god, Ican dance. I'm learning how to dance,
take dance classes. It's currently becauseKayla, No, I didn't.
That wasn't right for you to sayagree like you're supposed to. I wasn't
stiff to post it, or didyou post it? I deleted it right

after it was like one, two, four, like girl and one and
two, and that's what I felt. Were you counting? You are listen?
This is what happened. So Iin this new era that I'm in,
it's bad, she's cute, SoI really want to I've always wanted
to learn how to dance, LikeI've always watched these dance videos and they

feel they look so sexy, butnot only that, I'm sure they feel
so confident. And I've always justwanted to learn how to dance. And
so I told myself, Uh,the last six months of this year,
I'm gonna start taking dance classes andI'm gonna as embarrassed as I might be,
I'm gonna go take these beginner classesand I'm gonna go and learn how
to work. I'm gonna learn howto move my body. So it's just
another element of feeling good about myself. Right. So there's this TikTok dance

that's going viral and I learned itand I was so proud. I videoed
myself before I went to Kayla's birthdaydinner and was on fire, was fired,
thank you, And I showed Troyand Trey's like that's good. That
terrible. And then later that nightI posted it on my close friends and

I was like, hey, guys, this is me, like I want
to start dancing, and you know, no judge. This is a no
no judgment zone because it's my closefriends, but like, how did I
do? And then the next post, I said, anybody who laughs automatically
gets blocked. I thought that wasfunny. It's not funny, so she
got blocked. Hello bye, Pattyas in her bag, like I's up.

So I have been. I wascraving Jersey Mikes one day and it
was my first time ever going toJersey Mikes near my house, and I
swear LA is the most annoying thing. Like it says something's like three minutes
away, but then the parking structureis complicated, and it's just always something
for me. I don't know aboutyou, but it's always something. My
trips always end up extra extended.So I wanted to go to Jersey Mike's.

I went around the corner like threeor four times, passing the parking
lot. I finally found some kindof parking lot that looked like it was
Jersey Mix parking lot. I pullin and I started seeing reserve signs and
names and stuff, and I'm like, all right, I think I'm in
the wrong spot. The parking attendantwalks up to me, and I'm like,
I'm sor sorry, I just gota little bit turned around. It
gives me a dirty look and likerolls his eyes and like walks away without
acknowledging my apology. So I gotin my car, I drove past him

and I flipped him the bird.Yes, that was it. I'm here
for it. Yeah, fuck him? Did he see it? Yeah?
I don't know. I guy,contact head, see you like pointing your
strong finger, like drove off anyway, petty things our listeners have done.
So we got a d M andthe DM's name is Kayla's name is Kayla's

And we got a DM of podcastbiting our style, using our verbage.
I forgot about that. Shout outto QL. That's one of my best
friends. He's sweet. You methim not in person, you just FaceTime
me while you guys were one together. That's right, that's right, that's
right. They poured into me andI loved him ever since. Oh my
god. Yes, So he didsend us this clip of was it?

Who? I don't know? WhoI know? April Jones is on the
podcast. I don't know who else. I don't know who the host is.
You can't remember who those is.They were They were talking with our
girl, Tory Hart, asking upthe exact same questions we asked, why
are you working with the ops werefor word bar for bar, bar for
bar, every like the exact samething that we had asked her. They

asked they watched our because you knowhow when you work in this industry,
if you have an interview, theway you do show prep is by watching
other interviews. But the key,I think is to make it your own
and make it something that they didn'task or like, get something new that
this viral is going this interview isgoing to get cliped on, Like what
information did you get that new?They asked her the exacts like was that
our interview with just y'all two?What was it like that? And my

thing is it got on the Jazzminebrand, so it actually made it to
a blog, which is crazy becauseoh, we made it to blog scale
He did too, but like Ithought, it was crazy how our exact
that that information had already been putout there by us, So why would
you want to That's the thing.I interview all the time, right,
and I'm always looking for new waysand new information to bring out of people.

So if I know that she hasalready answered this question a million times,
it's already been put out into theworld, it's already be on the
blogs, I'm not going to askit to get on my content. What
it's not original, it's borderline plagiarizing, and you stole our shit. We're
for word bar for bar. Yeah, that's not cool man, that's not
cool man. But at least weknow that we're doing it right. And

I'm happy that they watching us becauseit's only a matter of time before we
you know, I don't know theblueprint for this shit period. Period.
So Savannah out in Culver City said, I let my ex think I had
sex with someone else so he canfeel the hurt that I felt whole time.
I just wanted to be understood foronce. Period. I feel like
we've all done something like that before, Like you've been hurt by somebody,

so you say that you did thesame, it did something to them to
make them hurt, when in reality, you ain't do shit. No oh
I have I mean no, ifI say something I did that shit.
Oh I did that. Shit.If I'm trying to hurt you, I'm
hurting for real. Oh yeah,you hurt you? Go there, Yeah,
I'm gonna go there. I'm goingto I don't talk about it.
I'd be about it, but Idon't like to hurt people. God bless
If I do hurt you, it'slike, oh, you mess up there

or anybody. Okay, someone elsesaid, I'm a divorce lawyer, and
one time I paid a girl tomatch on a dating app with the ex
husband of my client, and thenevery time that she went on a date
with this guy, she would weara wire and record all of their conversations.
That is some that you got moneyto be wasting because the fuck you
gotta do all that. Maybe it'sjust like, you know, not worry

about that person anymore. Yeah,go hire, But as a divorce lawyer
to like record somebody else's I don'tknow, I don't know. Maybe they
don't get you more money. Mmhmm. Okay, all right, my
shit's still refreshing. That's fine.So can I talk about my cat real
quick? Oh? Sad? Okay, mindude. This was in the midst
of Kayla's birthday Shenanigans and daylight saving, so like this is why I'm so

thrown off. Then I'm so thankfulthat we didn't end up going to the
club because when I because when Iended up getting home, I saw that
my cat was like in a lotof pain. And mind you, like
about two days up until that point, he had been having some breathing problems,
but I just thought that he wastrying to cough up a hairball and
it wasn't anything. But I scheduledhim a veterinarian appointment for this upcoming Wednesday,
and I was like, okay,like maybe he's just not feeling whatever.

The night of your birthday dinner,I get in bed and he is
like wheezing, and I don't knowif you guys have ever seen a cat
with asthma, but like their nextstretch out low and it's like they're trying
to cough up a hairball but nothingcomes up, and then they're wheezing and
it just looks so painful. AndMila was doing that more than normal,

like it was like every ten minutes. And I literally was looking at him
and this sound and I sent youthe video. The sound in the sight
is so sk yeah, that isscary. It is so scary for especially
for what my okay, especially forlike just see my little baby. So
I was like and then I waslike, okay, I'm gonna take him
to urgent care in the morning.And then he kept doing it and I
was like, let me go,let me take him right now. There's

a twenty four hour urgent care herein Burbank. I took him to shout
out to True Care two Pets,True Pets first whatever. I was there
and with and thankfully they were ableto get him seen very very fast.
I was like, please, like, can you is there any way that
you can see this process? Butbecause at first I trying to tell me,
I'll be sitting here for four hourswhen there was nobody else in the

lobby, and I was like,please speed this up. Like, they
ended up getting him in uh,did X rays on him, and I
had to pay fifteen hundred dollars orthirteen hundred dollars for them to keep him
overnight, which was now at thispoint, like in the morning. I
went home for about four hours,slept, woke up. By then,
they had done chess X rays,did blood work, they had sedated him,

did all this shit to make stories. Okay, they said his vitals
were normal, his organs were normal. So sometimes asthma can be or those
symptoms can be disguised, or heartdisease can be disguised as those symptoms.
And so they ruled all that otherstuff out diabetes and they were like,
yeah, like it's probably just felanasthma. So follow up with his primary
care veterinarian later this week. Butthis is what it is. Thirteen hundred

dollars boom by. So at thatpoint, like at seven o'clock in the
morning, and I'm like, Ibring him home. He's feeling better because
he has steroids injections. He nowis on steroids right now. I took
him to the vet today for afollow up and they are prescribing him and
inhaler. And now I have tolimit the sense in my house. So
no more freshener, no more candles, No more candles. And well they

said, like you might not haveto eliminate candles altogether because the candles are
so like everything's They were like,just monitor it. But like I used
to put carpet freshener down, Nono more of that. Oh yeah,
good, Yes, because because hislitters, so I make sure it doesn't
smell like a cat in the house. Yeah, and so I have to
Now it's like I can't do that. You know what it just for me

is insights because I'm like, youknow, I'd rather have a cat than
a dog because cats are a lotless expensive, they're a lot less work,
they're a lot more independent. Butnow I hear that you go home
one night after having an expensive dinnerand now you're reezing, And now I
got another fifteen hundred dollar bill andI got it four hours of sleep because
you have asthma. That's wild.Yeah, it gave me a taste of
what it's like to have a kid. Also, like the pain that I

felt in my heart watching him stufferlike that was just like, oh,
I got to take my baby now. And I couldn't imagine that being a
human because he's like yeah, itwas like it was scary, Like imagine
that being a your kid, youknow what I mean. And one of
my friends actually took her her childto the hospital to the er for like
respiratory issues as well, and Ijust can't imagine that feeling. And then

also getting slapped with such a bill, and like for the first time,
I know I need to get petinsurance all this stuff, but it's like
now you're going to now for Yeah. But like also, like imagine having
a kid and being slap of thehospital bill. What if you can't pay
that, you know what I mean? And having kids and it's just like
all of a sudden, I justgot hit with reality and like adulthood and
in a different way. It's ithits different when it's a bill that you

weren't expecting. Seriously, that's thoseare the most disrespectful bills. Yeah,
So that's what I've been going throughwith Milo. Hashtag pray for Milo.
Serious. It's potential that this asthmathing could just be a random flare up
and it might not be lifelong,maybe if we can get under control,
but usually it is like a lifelongthing. So everything, like my whole

lifestyle kind of has to change.That's different, different because again, everybody
always talks about how low maintenance catsare, but those huge adjustments when things
do go wrong, and nine timesout of time, I'm sure there are
really little meanance but the rare timesthat things do go wrong or the times
that things do go wrong it's athat's a that's a thing. So true.
A lot of cats get diabetes,so the medic there's lots of medication.

Medication is like I have to gopick up Milo's in hailer medication in
a few days and that's gonna costme another couple hundred and so this weekend
I didn't just spend maybe like twofucking thousand dollars, like who to almost
three thousand dollars with your birthday?Sorry, but listen, I just I
want to say, like, that'sthat's definitely something that people who want to
own a pet need to think about. Something you know, if you if
you're looking into pet owning, andI know that during the pandemic, a

lot of people felt lonely and theywere just taking in these cats and dogs
and that's why there was a bunchof strays out there because after the world
open bag up, they were likeright them over you. So it's just
something that consider because pet owning isn'tisn't just funny games. It's not just
a companion and a friend and acuddle body. It's like, nah,
this is really responsibility, and youneed to be prepared for that responsibility because
if you didn't have the money orthe care, who knows where Milo would
be, you know, rest inpeace if that, if you didn't have

it, you know, if youdidn't go out to be readied to make
sure he was good. What youmean, and if you didn't do it?
Because some other girls scare me too, talking about some oh cats only
have a lifeman of four years afterthey're diagnosed with asthma. Why would you
say that? Why would she say? Yeah? She was like, but
you can defy the odds. Shewas trying to be helpful. I don't
know if that's the same thing,Caleb. She was trying to be helpful.

She was like, my cat gotdiagnosed with as what they say the
life man is four to five yearsand it's been four years, girl,
and he's strong, he can soMilo can do it. I was like,
bitch, this is business. God, Milo is living for fifteen years.
Don't play with me. Oh yeah, mylo got this. I wanted
to share that I went to VisionaryWomen this week, which was also amazing.

I feel like my birthday week wasamazing. Even before we went to
the dinner Visionary Women. I've beentrying to be a part of for a
while now, what is it.It's just women who make changes in the
community and in the world. So, for example, when I went to
the awards ceremony, it was peoplethat are members of Visionary Women. And
the people that wanted the awards werea woman who is a lawyer and only

fights for domestic violence victims women andhave saved so many lives and had so
many cases to have impacted because herlaw firm is strictly for women who have
been a victim of domestic violence,or you know people who are covering you
know children who are in foster care, or just a women. Actually,
it's all all navigated to our women. There was one that I really related
to. Her name was marl Anderson. She was beautiful on the inside.

She's actually she has a show oniHeartRadio as well, and she is an
interior decorator and she was just Alsoshe was talking about how when she was
struggling, she didn't know what shewas going to be able to feed her
kids. She fed in peanut butterand jelly sandwich or his faver cereal for
that week, and getting him ahot meal was really really hard for her.
And she really values those years ofputting the time in before she got

to the point that she's at now, and now she's to the point where
she's donating fifty thousand dollars to theorganization while she's on stage, and it
was just such a beautiful and justempowering event to know that this is possible
for you and people that look likeyou. A lot of the women that
one were black women initially, soI was like, wow, like,
this isn't exclusive to just, youknow, a certain kind of woman.
It can be somebody that looks likeme. And as they're giving these awards

for people who have impacted visionary womenand the you know, the standout members,
Gwyneth Paltrow and Nicole Avon came onstage. Nicole Avon is the daughter
of Clarence Avon and Jackie Avon.Clarence Avon is what they call the Black
Godfather because he gave so many blackpeople opportunity in the entertainment industry and made
sure that they got equal pay.So he everybody speaks very highly of him.

They have a Netflix documentary about him. And actually I got Nicole Avont
to sign my book. She wastalking about her parents. Sharon Stones spoke
very highly of her parents, GwynethPaltrow, and it was like star Startard.
I'm like, wait, who isthis? Where am I? But
she kept talking about the loss ofher mother and the sudden loss of her
mother and her father, and theyspoke very highly of them. So the
story was there. They lived ina mansion, they were very successful,

and the mother was home alone.Jackie Avon was home alone and robbers came
in and they just shot her squarein the back of the head. Boom,
dead gone, rest in peace,super super super sad. They said,
this woman was so elegant when shespoke, pearls came out of her
mouth. She was just the classiestact you ever will meet. And it
was awful. And the only reasonthey found who did it was because he

was bragging about it, bragging aboutdoing this to them. And then a
year and a half, LEAYR.Clarence Avon passed away and they say,
I was of a broken heart becauseof what happened to his wife. So
now all this woman has is herselfand her brother. And she wrote a
book about how she turned her griefinto grit and grace and what she's done
from that. For that, herfather actually was alive when she was writing

the book, so she spoke outhim in present tense, but when he
passed away it was when the beforethe book got published, so she has
a nice little page about him inthe front of the book. So I
just really I respect people that turnedtheir deep, deep trauma and grief into
success and also help for others,you know, because I can't wait to
read how she got through that griefand navigated that, because that's awful to
experience. And it was her birthday, Her and her mother shared the same

birthday and they were just so shewas able to celebrate her birthday. The
visionary women and people just speaking veryhighly of herself and her mother. Just
I've never experienced anything like it.Women supporting women, so many tears,
so many hugs, just so muchlove. And again meeting Nicole Avon at
the end of all of it andhaving her sign my book and just being
being able to be like, youknow, I lost my mother too,
and it's just very inspirational that you'reable to turn your pain because I know

that pain into something that's going tohelp so many other people. And happy
birthday. My birthdays in four days, and she just said you know,
we were able to connect with thaton that level, and it was just
it was it was very very Itwas a beautiful week for me. God,
I'm glad you got to experience that. And you know, it's Women's
History Month, and I love itbecause there's so many excuse me, there's
so many events happening right now wherewomen are sharing their stories and events for

women and celebrating women, and Ijust think stuff like that is just so
beautiful. And I love like hearingpeople's stories and where they come from,
and they use it to inspire otherpeople, right, and not just you
know, fall apart because of it, because that's liable to make anybody,
you know, lose themselves. Yeah, And I think that the story gets
told way too much that we're caddyand we're against each other when we're competing

for men, and these stories ofus supporting each other and uplifting each other
and crying on each other's shoulders doesn'tget told as often as it should.
So it was really nice to beI like that. I think it's amazing
kind of speaking of the same thing. But we all know that TikTok is
about to get banned, right,No, I saw that what does that
mean? What do you okay?And so it really hurts me because TikTok

is away. Yeah, so holdon. So like, TikTok is a
way to share stories, and forme, it has been such a safe
space to connect with people who Irelate to on so many different levels,
people who are heartbroken, people whohave lupis like And I don't know if
people who've been following this know thatlast week they passed a ban to move

it to the next level to beofficially voted on whether they want to ban
it or not. That vote istomorrow Wednesday, the thirteenth, when this
comes out, the House of Representativeswill be vot voting. So I don't
know if anybody has seen on yourTikTok. You should have gotten another uh
like this alert from TikTok that saidcall your representative, help TikTok stop,

Help stop the band of TikTok becauseyou know, we want to this is
our community. This is the waythat we share stories in community and communicate
with other people. There's literally nothinglike TikTok. It's my you know,
I'm new to it, but Isee so many more supportive comments and you
can look as crazy as you wantto, and nobody's gonna be like you
look like that hair like that,Yes, your story. I've experienced that

as well. I love it.I love it. I love it too.
And I was like, I washaving this conversation with my cousin and
she was like, you know,I go through these stages where I want
to delete social media because I justend up comparing myself to other people and
it's not good for my mental health. She was like, so what should
I delete it? Which one?Which one should I delete? I got
Instagram, TikTok. Should I doteboth? And I was like, well,
honestly, Instagram can go because thereis a bunch of fake people with

fake Instagram likes, live, fakefollowers, everybody in the bikini with their
six pack. But TikTok is soreal, so real, and I love
how they shape your algorithm to yourinterest. So if your heartbroken and you're
researching stuff about people who are alsogoing through the same thing, your whole
timeline is going to be how peopleare going through it as well, with

no going no contact. If you'reinto food and cooking, you're gonna end
up on that side of TikTok,and it's the conspiracy theories and haunted places
like the Appalachian Mountains. You canlearn so much. Oh, yes,
that's not your TikTok, that's onyour algorithm. That's fine, it's great,
or you're on the love is blindside of TikTok. And I feel
like there's a space for everybody,and I think it would be so irresponsible

for them to get rid of it. This is actually also so many people's
livelihoods. Do you know that somepeople, some of these content creators,
they make six plus figures off ofTikTok alone, that's their livelihood. You're
cutting the livelihood of so many Americans. And so the House of Representatives say
that if TikTok agrees to share sella share of their company to the United

States, that we can have ownershipbecause they don't trust that. They don't
trust China, right a greedy AndI kind of understand in some ways if
you really get into the logistics ofit, like that China has a software
that could spy on all of ourstuff and get all of our information.
Stay that without TikTok. But okay, go ahead. Yeah, So they're
say, if you don't give uspart of your share, then we're banning
it. So they're gonna get ridof it on all apps, all app

stores on your phone, and thatwill be past tomorrow or that will be
voted on tomorrow. So I haveall my representative. Okay, I give
me the number because I need tocast it. But I also like,
I mean, at the end,I'm just not surprised, like these rules
that are being passed like this.We had so much freedom in twenty twenty,
you know, twenty fifteen or whatever, and now like all these rights

being taken away as far as withsocial media as we can have or have
access to, and you know,obviously women's reproductive rights, like these times
we're living in are so scary,and I know I may be a little
bit of a conspiracy theorist, butI'm also just starting to see people dressed
very like nineteen fifties. Like Isaw this women come in with the with
her old with her with her whiteman, and they were both dressed like

fresh out of a movie, andI'm just like, we're interracialdating should have
been illegal, and I'm just like, wait, what is like back in
those days when it was illegal andthey were both dressed like I was like,
did I just step into a timemachine? Why are you guys?
And I was waiting for them like, oh, we just left to play
because you know, it's l likeso you never know. But I think
that was just their gear. Thingsare mad weird nowadays, and I really
weird. I mean the rapture,the business keep talking, but yeah,

it's scary times. We're living inthe Yeah. So again that's just be
in the know about this kind ofstuff. You know, I'm on my
politics, you know, grind rightnow, you got to keep us educating.
Yeah, so as soon you mightnot be able to grow scroll and
tick tack, but man, Igotta start screen recording these videos now.
So speaking of uproar and the rightsbeing taken, uh, dre is having

a baby? That was that wasn'ta good transition at Oh I'm so sorry
sorry but yeoh okay, well Iwas trying to transition. It's that but
yeah, I mean she's kind oflike she's groomy. Isn't it groomy?
Why? Because he's all he's two, she's thirty nine? Is Raya Drea

and Jalen Green the basketball player thatshe is pregnant by him. Oh wow,
it's very weird because her son isalso twenty two right, right,
So it was rumored for a whilewhether she was pregnant or not, a
lot of people were saying they werespeculating that she was faking it or she

was doing it for attention. Mepersonally, if I was thirty nine and
I was pregnant by a twenty twoyear old, I'd also hide in my
pregnancy until my baby comes out,because I don't got time for this public
scrutiny. Now this girl's pregnant,her emotions are high. I'm sure her
hormones are raging. She's forty andpregnant, probably a crazy kind of pregnancy,
and now she got to deal withthis bullshit. She probably was just
having sex man, or you know, shit happens with a twenty two year

old. Though, you know,she was probably just probably just a hookup
that went wrong. Sometimes you hookup with people everytime. Sometimes you know,
you just never know, You justnever know. Kayla, that is
I think that's just absolutely disgusting.They're both legal. I understand that they're
leading legal, but like mind you, we all know that men's brains mature

slower than women. Right, soat twenty two, he technically still has
the mind of an eighteen year old, technically just out of high school.
That's what we think, right that. That's been our experience with men.
But there are some exceptions to therule. We don't know Jalen Green.
We don't know his maturity level.Let me higher at you for a second,
because you're now new to this Loveis Blind world. Last season,

there was a little couple called Miltonand Lydia. Milton was a baby,
a baby. They're like, yo, what's so Lydia thirty six year old
going to do a Milton twenty four? Maybe At the time, Milton was
the most mature man and the mosteligible bachelor at the end of the of
the experiment. Him and Lydia arestill married till this day. He was
the one the most mature man outof all the men who were ten like,
you know, much more acceptable age. So we don't know this man's

maturity level. Just because he's twentytwo, he could be twenty two.
He could be like forty five anda twenty two year old body. You
just don't know his mature Now,you have in common with the twenty two
years, you don't know well.And also we don't know Drea's maturity level.
Just because she's successful and rich doesn'tmean that she doesn't like to,
you know, maybe play video game. But also it's like when you find
somebody attractive, sexually attractive who isthe same age as your son, something

is not right there. Come on, now, what so their baby?
It's not her son, her heruncle is the same age as her fought
what what you know? I think, you know, it's crazy, but
I've met people who have uncles thatare younger than them because the mom had

a baby after their daughter. Justthings happen, and we can't just put
people in these boxes because that's whatwe expect ause society said. So they're
both of legal age, and ifthey get married and they're together for twenty
years, we're gonna be looking likeboo to fol because he's gonna be treating
her right, and we're gonna belike you treating like what. So Yeah,
I understand, and I do knowthat we have seen so many huge
age gaps before, but I thinkit's a little different. Just because this

guy just got out of high schoolfee like a few days ago. He
just graduated. Yeah, yeah,so that's the only thing. If he
was thirty and she was sixty,well he's okay, cool, but twenty
two is a little bit too.On the fine line, he's not the
almost twenty two year old. Whenshe'd be with him, he wasn't a
billionaire. Well, she's also successful, so she has a right to date
who she wants to date. Like, I'm not about to date no funny,

I'm rich, I'm drya what Ilook like, I'm supposed date the
guy from seven to eleven? No, I'm dating trad Jalen Rereen. What's
up nine millions over here? Youcan't find a rich, older millionaire.
They keep playing in my face.I've been playing out by too many of
them. Now it's time for methis show. Listen, the younger goods
are the younger guys are no better. Okay, well that's gonna play you

even worse than the older guys.Okay they are forty. Boy, you've
learned about these younger guys as well, because mind you, I'm not gonna
act like I having dated people youngerthan me too. Right, I'm twenty
nine and my last two boyfriends,well two of my last boyfriends were a
three years younger than me. Notthat big deal, but one take into
consideration that their brains develop slower thanours. But two, taking them and

uh capturing them is that the word? Or like cuffing them at such a
young age, especially twenty two andgetting them into relationship, uh, kind
of robs them of the experience ofbeing a thought, if that makes sense.
Thoughts are being getting with many womenyoung years exactly. That's why when

you see men who get married,specifically at mad young, they end up
cheating, right so, or they'vebeen with their high school sweetheart later on
their years. They end up cheatingbecause they want to go out and they
want to experience what it's like theyand it's it's like the natural men thing.
Unfortunately, you know what I mean. They want to get out,
they want to experience the world,they want to see what it's like to

be free, and then they goand end up being cheating. That has
been my experience with these younger guyswho haven't, you know, lived a
life. I think that that's definitelytrue. Would you want to be with
a virgin? Fuck? No,that's pay though. And I also one
day of twenty two year old.That's but listen, I feel you know,
at at thirty nine, just youknow, playing Devil's Advocate and not

dating your average twenty two year old. If I'm more of a forty year
old not just three year old older, I got mad experience on you.
I've been in this game way beforeyou were even born, son, Like
I can control you, then,that's just what it is. That's just
me like putting it like I cancontrol you, I can control your thoughts,
I can control your actions. Ican control everything you do. You
think it's going on here? She'sprobably and it's probably like she probably loves
them at all, but yeah,like she ain't going to have played probably

got to wrap around her little finger. That's a woman, he got,
that's a woman. Okay. Butback to the thing is like would you
do why wouldn't you want somebody that'snot a virgin? Why would I wait,
why would I want somebody who's notone who is a virgin? You
know? I I am yeah,yeah, you want to know what to
do with me exactly? And Idon't have time to teach you exactly.
So that that's not saying like tryingto shade you or anything, but I

was saying, that's kind of mypoint. It's like he doesn't know what
to do with her. He doesn't. Yeah, she's going to teach him.
He's going to do it right,but then he's doing but then he's
gonna want to go out into theworld and try that with you. That's
why I'm not going to build aman again. Okay, I'm not going
to all my hard work that I'vedone to make you into the man that
you are for you to go outand cheat on me because now you want

to experience it with other women.That's exactly how it is with you.
Sorry, I'm triggered as fuck becauseI know you just pointed at me and
aggress That's how it is with theseyoung these young boys who haven't lived a
life, Kayla. But if youwait, because I feel like that's just
what happens when you when you breakup with somebody, Like whether whether when
we're in relationships, are all learningstuff from us, and then when you

break up, they're going to applythat into the next relationship. You probably
learn things in your next in yourlast wayship that you're going to apply to
your next relationship. It's not becausehe was training you were teaching you.
It's just I know better now,So that's what I'm gonna do for next
time. So even me, likeI was, I was talking to a
guy and I was telling him howmuch I love to dine. You know
I love to dine. I'm tellinghim some of my favorite fancy places.
He needs, not a diner.He ate chicken every day. He wasn't.
He's somebody that eats for survival likea psycho. Doesn't enjoy food,

just eats to survive like a nut. And then next thing I know,
we're we're not really talking anymore.He's taking some other girl to the palm
or cat. Bitch, what whymy restaurant? You're at my stopping grounds.
You didn't even know these places existed. I taught you that, and
now you're so It's just what's goingto happen in life. Dogs, you
just gotta be like, yeah,you walk, you welcome. You not
one of man. It's already trained. Exactly what are you going to do

keep training them? What are yougonna do with a twenty two year old
girl? Anyway? Okay, loveis blind. Did anybody see I mean,
I'm not like, oh my god, what I was bline, but
the drama is real, and Ithink the drama offline, off the show,
like on TikTok, is more interestingthan like the Love is Blind addicts
on Facebook. Not that deep intoit, baby girl, but maybe next
season. So I don't know ifanybody saw this clip, and I thought

it was so telling about who youshould have in your circle. Right,
So some girl posted a clip ofa G eighty at the altar getting rejected
by by Clay right spoiler alert,Swart sorry and once he was like,
I don't think I think it'd beirresponsible, blah blah blah. She stood

there and was like okay. Shelooked at her fit, her best friends,
and her mama said we good walkedoff this walked down the altar and
all of them followed her right spokenthe non rebel communication, you just know
what to do, knew what todo followed her. It was like she
was powerhouse and down the aisle likethat that body that dressed that walk.

If I'm ever gonna get rejected,I want to walk away like eighty did.
Yes man, like you sitting hersmiling like and proud of yourself and
you just let a bad one goand I'm just I just know she loves
them, and I knew that shewas about to give him grace and give
him conversation that he didn't deserve andstill doesn't deserve. So after I saw
her walk off and her friends walkoff, I went into my phone.
But I did love the way hermom and her best friends rode for her,

Yeah, for sure. And sothen the other clip was I guess
a few seasons beforehand, and itwas this other girl who got rejected at
the altar and after he said no, she walked off, walked back up
the aisle, and the I don'tknow if it was her friends or his
side, but the grideswaids were laughing. They had like little face as in

like they never wanted them to getmarried in the first place. Nobody followed
her, nobody ran to check onher. She walked up the aisle by
herself. And it was just acomparison of the two friend groups, right,
the people who rode for a dand then the other girl who had
nobody in her corner as she likejust got her heart broken. And I
know I just like made put inrespective or think about who was in your

corner. Who's how do you knowyour friends? Are you your true friends?
How do you decipher who's in yourcorner and who will ride for you
if you get rejected publicly like that? You know, that's all That's really
funny because I'm definitely going through aseason, as you know, where just
I'm asking God like show me who'sgenuinely for me, and please get rid
of who isn't. And he's beendoing this thing and one thing I've learned,

it's just very very hard to telllike it was. And now just
talk about this one friend who Iwas very close with. I gave her
a lot of my time. Igave her a lot of my conversation,
I gave her a lot of mylove. I was there for her.
She would call me at eleven o'clockmy time, two am her time because
she's having panic, and I wouldstay up with her for hours after having
long days myself. And I don'teven know what happened was this, but
I just know she didn't wish meto have your birthday. We haven't spoken

in months. I don't know whathappened. I just prayed to God,
remove who's not for me, andshe removed herself. And I think and
I wouldn't have guessed that she wouldbe one of those friends that will watch
me walk away. Have I had, I gotten rejected, But I think
that these current actions are telling methat that's what it would have been.
So now it's just hard to tellwho would do that to you until you're
in that moment. It's true,very very true. You never really know

until something happens. Got to knowwhen it's dark out to you, who's
really with you. That's what Drakesaid. Amen. Yeah, But like
I guess, it's all about using, you know, discernment and stuff.
But I'm in a season where newold friends are coming back. I think
I spoke on this before how Ilost my two best friends in the entire
universe back in twenty nineteen, afallout that happened in the midst of just

a lot of chaos and then goinginto quarantine. It was just a rough
time for everybody. And it's beenfour years, almost five since we've spoken,
and I decided to reach out.Uh when was it when I did
this January ago? So it waslike, I think it was January,
Okay. I decided to reach outand I sent them letters as God had
waited on my heart to do so. Plus I'm out of the old relationship

that I was in, so Icould focus on that. And remember when
I said to God, please likeI please, like I can't let go
of this relationship. He said,Caleb, just let go, and I'll
give you everything that you ever wanted. He gave me my friends back,
and and I wrote those letters andI got responses from them, and it
was more than I could have everasked for. They had missed me just

as much as I had missed them. We were able to talk things out
like we should have done four yearsago. But we're all in a different
place too, a more mature placethan we were before to be able to
have those tough conversations. And sonow we're in the process of rebuilding that
friendship. One girl actually lives herein La. This girl was like my
best friend ever. But it's justshowing me like and just hanging out with

them and speaking to them again showedme like God is showing me who I
need to have in my circle.He's literally showing me before my eyes,
creating my circle of friends. Andit's not as big as I have once
had it before. I he friendhere, friends there friend there, but
like true honest good friends. Andsomething that Kayla had said to me recently

was, how, like, whatdid you say? I said, I
call people with my friend way tooquickly. I bring them into my circle
way too quickly after like one meeting. And I'm learning not to do that
because I get burned, but becausebut he's showing me right in front of
my face that these are the girlsthat I have around you and that I
want around you, Kayla. Andit's funny because I was actually just watching

a TikTok where it's like you canknow these things right, and then if
you don't fully fully accept and understandit, like it's not ingrained in you
yet, the universe is going tokeep teaching you the same lessons. God
is going to keep teach you thesame lessons until you get it. So
I think, you know, likeI need to be more guarded, I
need to not let people in.But naturally, I think you're just a
lover. So you're like, oh, she's coool, come on, come
on, that's got ya now.Yeah no, but you're getting better.

Yeah, you're teaching me that.I'm trying to get better too, but
yeah, for sure. So yeah. I mean, I think it's just
so important to have good friends aroundyou, and it's hard to figure out
who is. But like I thinkit's something that you just got to pray
about and have you know, discernmentabout. And yes, yeah, because
friends are so important and we putso much, you know, importance on
family and and and romantic relationships.And again, I think sometimes friendships get

put on the back burner, especiallywhen we have families and our own families
that we create, we don't pourin as much intention and love into our
friendships and those really, really reallydo matter. I've always been obsessed with
the show Sex and City Girlfriends whatever, and I feel like I'm really living
that lifestyle. Like, because I'mso far away from my family, my
friends are my family in this chapter, which is something I feel like people

go through typically in their teenage yeers. I've never experienced that, Like,
my family has always been my family. My family has always been my rock.
Like I'm not going out, I'mhaving a family get together. I
can't make it for my birthday familyget together whatever. So this is like
my friends are my family in thischapter, and like I am so thick
without you guys. I just Idon't even know what I do. I
think i'd be like genuinely deeply depressed. Like you guys make everything so worth
it out here. You make laso worth it and it makes it home

here and people act like they're toocool for friendships. I'm team teamless nobody
like you do. Yeah. Ilove my friends, I need my friends,
my groups. Petty Award of theWeek, Okay, I want to
give mine to Natalie Nunne. Thisis like a week old. But whatever
she did, she called out herex husband, ex lover for not playing
his part. So some girl calledstunner Girl. She was on Baddie and

she exposed Natalie for having affair inher husband. And there are videos of
them kissing and send there's text messages. But Natalie's defenses it was when her
and Jacob were on a break.I think they have like an open relationship,
but she she hopped on Live toclarify some things. Man, you
need to be listening to this too. You could have played your position so

much better. Your birthday gift couldhave came a couple weeks late. Who
cares? You're not Jacob? Like, no, for real, what you
really tried? It you thought onyour thirtieth birthday, I was gonna send
you a Rolex, I was gonnasend you some money. You thought you
was gonna keep getting money outn't.I don't got time for the weird shit.

I promised you on my fucking life. I don't got time for the
weird shit. Don't start coming overhere around Natalie nothing being weird. Don't
do it. You take a break. I took a break from from were
co parenting at its best too.I think we do. We do great.
I mean, I'm on the roadworking a lot, so I take
my breaks. Hey, listen,I need I gotta take a break.

Everybody texts me saying NDA. I'mnot saying I don't need these niggas to
sign. No. NDA's all myfriends. NDA. Fuck these niggas nds
No, No, don't care ifyou don't realize, nigga, you shouldn't
be it shouldn't be. No NDAsand oh it'stortionh nigga, I don't give
a fuck, bro, what arewe talking about? So basically, she

is admitting that she had an affair, but it wasn't a fair because they
were on a break, and she'scalling out her ex lover for yapping his
mouth like you should have paid yourplayed your position better. You could have
got your birthday gift, but youwant to run your mouth now You're not
Jacob. She is messy, messyand messy boots that Natalie Nunn is always
in some mess man, that's somemess girl. I don't even know how

to handle all that. I like, we can get her. She is.
She is pettysh perfect. But didyou see Kate Middleton trending as she's
missing that part missing and trending atthe same time. So I think that
I don't know if it's Kate Middletonor the Brits or the Royal family or
whoever, but they patty because KateMiddleton Middleton apparently got surgery Princess Kate in

January and she's been missing ever since, ever since her abdominal surgery or Tommy
tuck or whatever you want to callit, after she had all those kids
and now she was That was herfirst appearance. She made an Instagram pop
up and now apparently it wasn't her. It was photoshopped af I believe they're
claiming that she used the face fromher Vogue picture, the skirt of her
daughter is like off the hands blurry, it's just completely not real. So

we're still wondering where's Kate and she'sstill they apparently the British Family spoke out
said she was making a public appearanceas something that's happening soon. That's been
like proven to be a rumor.There's no schedule public appearance of hers.
We don't know where Princess Kate is. Is she okay? Well, I'm
on the Reddit popcorn. They're sayingthat the Prince is having an affair with

her best friend what's his will willit's having an affair and they're in the
process of a divorce allegedly alleged.So she's like not even living at the
Royal Palace right now, and soit's like everyone's trying to go into pr
mode and action mode what to do, and so they're trying to paint this
picture like they're all together right nowand happy family, when in reality she's

not even living there. You knowhow you're about to start I'm about to
start bringing the crown right now.That way, by the time all this
comes out, the writers could beahead of the game and it's about to
be the most dramatic tea in thehistory of life. But something is going
on and I don't even care aboutthe bridge that much. Royal family life.
Who gets the petty Award of theweek, Natalie? All Right,

petty so a mirror from South Central, right, Oh, this is our
petty mail. A mirror from Southwrites, Dear Kayla and Kayla, how
can I talk up this guy thatcomes into my work? He's so cute
and he's become a regular that comesin with one or two of his friends
every weekend, and he's my age. We always stare at each other and

smile too, but I'm just tooafraid to say anything else. I'm too
afraid to say anything else, soI usually just take his order and then
let him go about his day.How can I talk to him? Hmmm?
I tell him I think you're beautiful? Yeah, Kaylo be I mean,
you know, don't You ain't gonnaget rejected? Go these niggs,
Kyla is bold. They love meand talk to you like they little cute

girls. I don't know. Iwould just like. The approach that I
would do is just try to behis friend, to have a different conversation
every single time, to the pointwhere you can eventually feel comfortable to ask
for his Instagram and it wouldn't beweird. Oh do you have an Instagram?
Oh? Yeah, we should followeach other. What do you do
outside of this? Do you liketo hike? Oh? Do you like
to work out? Oh? Ilike to work out too. To start
a conversational, find a mutual interestof some type, and then you can

just take off from there. Andusually when you get the Instagram, then
you could start, you know,his story stories, and then maybe he'll
get the hint and make the firstmove, because I don't like to be
the first move, like, hey, we should go on a date.
I never know before, but maybeif you show enough interest in his Instagram
and his hobbies and shit like that, then maybe something can pop off.

You shall say, though, butI feel like women have a lot of
power and men love to be talkedto like girls. Let me all right,
we're getting out of here. Whatdo you have coming up? We
are doing trap yoga. We arebecause my birthday is Alma celebrating continues and
that's where you will be too.Do you have anything elselse ode of that?
What's work this weekend? I'm goingto a hometown Hustler on Friday as

well. It's like this mocktail placeand that's, you know, doing a
Saint Patti's Day things king about.That's fun. Yeah, And other than
that, I think that is it. My best friend is celebrating some very
big news, so we're gonna celebrateher on Saturday at a highlight room.
I want to come. I'm goingto be actually forgot, I'm going to
Vegas. Oh damn, I'm drivingto Vegas. My grand baby's gonna be

there. Oh you got it tomy grandaby. But yeah, so we're
gonna be celebrating my bff on Saturday. But other than that, nothing really
Yes, all right, well we'llsee you next week after we get back
from Highlight Room in Vegas. Followme at the Kayla Austin I'm Kayla Thomas
forty and follow at the Bettyish Podcast. Bye babe,
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