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March 27, 2024 • 47 mins
Welcome back! In this episode KT and Kayla discuss KT getting some harsh criticism from a listener, Kayla witnessing a man pass away and what a weird week it has been. Other topics include Diddy's homes being raided, the viral Cabo girls trip story and more! Enjoy!
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The Petty Is Podcast. Welcome backto another episode of petty Ish. I'm
Kayla. Kayla has a concussion.She just banged her head on the on
the board, Like, what isgoing on? This has been like the

absolute worst day ever. She alsojust got yelled at by a listener.
It's a lot going on today.It's not a good day. It's not.
But we have wine or san grio. Yeah, let me try.
Yeah, let me know if youlike it, because I don't like it.
I don't like it. It's okay. Kayla likes sweet wine. So
she's texted me I need wine.I was like, okay, don't be

showing that in the cameras. Thatwas like five dollars, Like, I
get that too much. Check outof the I just want to see how
much percent alcohol it is. Itdoesn't even say probably like non alcohol twelve
percent? Oh great, lit,all right, all right down it.
Well, did you have time topetty this week before you banged your head
and have like a terrible time?My gosh. So I have some new

neighbors across the pool from me whereJoy used to live. Okay, so
Joy moved out what like September thatlong ago. They moved in like a
month ago and it's a couple andnever met them, never talked to them.
But the guy likes to come outon his balcony all the time and

just stare, which is fine.I guess that's fine, but it's kind
of weird because like, my blindsare wide open, you know, he's
It's just always seems like he's lookingin my house always, and I'm the
naked neighbor. I can't be nomore because I really feel like he's actually,
like I don't know, just someweird vibes going on so now with
a girlfriend or just by himself.He lives with his girlfriend, but I

doubt he's actually trying to look.I don't know, but it just seems
like he's always trying to He seemslike a nosy neighbor, just trying to
see what's going on. I evencaught him one time taking pictures of the
apartments like she he was taking picturesof my Kevin the mel Karen. Yeah,
that's the vibe you're getting. Idon't know. So yes, so

recently and every time I see himcome out on the balcony, now,
I shut my balcony door and Iclosed my blinds like immediately every single time,
and like obviously he will see.He's very petty. I like it,
Why are you looking at my house? Bro? Yeah, no,
that's weird. Nobody has time forthat. And I'm won to take talk
way too much. There's way toomany many men out here that aren't just

Kevin's. Like he's trying to geta peek and maybe put you on the
website and then maybe post you tohis boy so that you know they could
come. And oh, you justnever know. I'm gonna take talk away
too much. I saw something onTikTok today where this man was caught having
a severed head in his scene becausehis mom found it. I saw that
he was psycho. I was like, oh no, how do you get

to that point? And he's likekind of reenacted for you, like to
the cop when he wanted to dothe interview. He was he was excited
retelling the story. It was reallyyeah, mental mentally ill. I am
living for teenage Kyla these years.So this guy broke my heart in high
school, not really broke my heart, broke my heart, but you hurt
my feelings a little bit. AndI guess he were still friends on Facebook

or whatever. He just slided tothat messages like hey, how you been
a long time to talk to AndI made sure to leave him on red
like he did to me in highschool. So that was just my patty
getting revenge for a fifteen year oldKayla. She's so proud of me.
I'm so proud of that. Okay, petty things our listeners did this week.
My friend always friends like she isshe is in a happy relationship,

and takes passive digs at us forbeing single. I saw her boyfriend cheating
on her at Applebee's and didn't tellher. We just changed our group chat
name to Applebee's. We laugh whenshe asked, why that's me? That's
so fucked up. That's mean,girl, that's not cool. I mean,
it sounds like you, but that'smaybe she's been jealous that you're single,
Like cause I don't like that.That's your friend and she's always just

because she frinds like she's in ahappy relationship. I feel like we all
do that. It takes passive digsat them for being single. What what's
a passive dig? Are you insecurethat you're single? Or she really taking
digs at you? Hmm, that'skind of nasty, especially like laugh when
she asked why, Like that's alittle corny, and to change the group
chats to Apple Like if I laterfound out that that's what that was about.
Those are not your friends. It'son site. I set up a

game two lies in a truth toconfront my best friend about hooking up with
my ex, and I recorded theentire thing. I like that a little
bit better. I like that too. That's something that I would do.
How was your week outside of thepettiness if I can thanks to My week
was good. I actually have areally good week. I think this is
like the first like pretty shitty weekthat I've a shitty day that I've had

in a very long time. OhGod is good. But it was Joy's
birthday weekend. I feel like Icelebrated that. It seems like almost every
day. Friday, what was ohFriday, that's when we went out to
eat. Yeah, so we setup her birthday dinner. We went to
Bakari and Silver Lake. It wasreally really nice, and then we went

to karaoke. That was fun,so much fun. I love karaoke.
Good. I love you girls.You guys are so fun. We had
a blast. We did. Wehad another girl named Joy and the party
it was like two Joys and Klasand it was she dipped off without saying
goodbye. She definitely did. Shewas not our friend. She was to
see what was happening because she dida song and it was like I had
him here. But fun times though, yeah, we had We had our

own karaoke room and we always getfree drinks because the guy who works there
hooks up Christine and Cat and likeJoy, like they all are friends.
So it was a good time.It was fun. And then what did
I do the next day? Well, then Sunday, Vivica Fox invited Joy

out to brunch for her dinner forher birthday because she couldn't come to the
dinner on Friday, and she toldher to bring me because I had met
Vivica with her at the end ofACP Awards and she really liked me.
And it was just so a goodtime. We were there longer than we
expected. We were literally cast awayfor five hours. Can I tell you
like Vivica is my girl? LikeI am living vicariously through you, like

I loved like Vivica Fox, Iwent through Vivica Fox phase where I watched
all her movies. I thought shewas the most beautiful woman in the entire
world. I wanted her body,I wanted her hair, I wanted her
COMPLEXIONCA is that good? She reallyis, and like, even in person,
she is so down to earth.And I was really nervous at first
because I got there and Joy wason a business call on the phone in

her car. Oh, and Iwas like I thought. I was like,
oh my god, I'm gonna isit gonna be awkward? Like I
only met her that one time?Does she even remember what I looked like?
So I went and like, hitin the bathroom, You're so cute.
For like six minutes, I wastexting my mom and my dad and
my brother. I was like,what do I do? Like she Joy
texted me She's at the bar waitingfor you, and I'm like, no,
I can't go out there. Butthen I was like, hey,

love boss up. You know It'scrazy because I'm around celebrities all the time,
but I've never hung out with one. Right, interviewing and hanging out
with two different things reletally different.So I went out there and immediately she's
like, Kayla, Okay, you'rehere, let's go get a table ba
a lot. And she is justlike the most down to earth person.
She is so fun to be around, great conversation. Uh, I like

she is just like she's so wisewhen it comes to the industry. She
told me, like, you knowthat I should attempt to be on TV
and stuff like that. I waslike, I don't know, but yeah,
we weren't expecting to be there forfive hours, but we had like
four rounds of drinks for it wasordering everything off the menu for Droid's birthday,
and it was just a good time. It's it sounds like an amazing

time. Whenever you're at a lunchor a dinner for four or five hours,
you know, the vibe is thevibe and the times are being hat.
Okay, that's a story for thebooks. I love that, I
know, I know. But thenother than that, like today was just
dumb. What a shift? Yeah, they was just dumb. Yo.
I don't know if today was like, well, say, I had a
really good interview and I was feelinggood. I went to then I went

to the gym and then treated myselfthe subway and I was like, it
was a really nice day outside.And then I have like really bad sleep
paralysis. Have you ever had that, like where you wake up you can't
move sleep aaralysis? Ruh. Ihave this. I have it all the
time, but it was never tothis extent where it's like you really feel
like you're trapped in your own body. So I what I'm from doing my

research, it's like you aren't allthe way sleep. It's like you're in
the rim your brain wakes up foryour body or something or something like that,
and it's like you're not fully sleep, but you're not fully awake.
And at the for me, I'mstill in my dream. I'm dreaming and
I can't get out of the dream, and I'm like stuck. So no

matter what I try to do,I try to move, I try to
like and I cannot, and Iphysically like I feel myself of trying to
scream for somebody to help me,to help me wake me up, and
I couldn't. And finally and Ijust had to wait it out. And
I don't know, it just itwas like painful. I've been there that
I think that that is one ofthe most scary experiences ever I had it.

I haven't had it in a reallyreally long time. The last time
I had like me and Aliah shareda bedroom. It happened twice, and
I remember always trying to call outher name because she was like in the
bed next to me. I'm like, but I can't like speak, and
then all of a sudden, likeI pop out out of it and it's
like super scary and it's hard togo back to sleep after that. But
yeah, and it's only when Itake naps in the middle of the day
that happens. It happens to me. I don't know, it's just really

really weird. I'll talk to mybrother, He's like, you need to
wiggle your toes like that helps youdo it, but I don't know,
maybe it didn't. So that justthrew off my whole rest of my day.
Bro. And then I come hereand I'm doing seven and midnight all
week and I just fell off onthe radio and then I get this nasty
call from a random listener and she'slike, Hi, I just want to

let you know that I am listeningto you at my house alone and you're
really annoying, Like I don't evenknow what you're talking about. Just thought
I would let you know. Andbefore I could even respond. They always
do. They always have a freakingcoward. And I know not everybody is
gonna like me. I can't.I would be dumb to think that every
all the millions of people in LAeveryone is going to like me and my

voice, my personality. But tohave the nerve to call up here like
it just it. I think itthrew me off for the rest of my
show, and I was just soon my head. I already still get
insecure sometimes because I don't get asmuch feedback here in La as I did
when I was back in Princeton,New Jersey, raising being. Everybody is
expected to be perfect, everybody We'reall good. Here. We have Ryan

Seacrest. Here we got big boyEllen k. Nobody has time to tell
little old Kayla, you're doing great, sweetie. Like, yeah, when
I was in Jersey, absolutely Iwas a rock star. But here,
like I'm still fighting to you knowwhat I mean, And so I don't
expect that. But I as aperson who is a words of affirmation person,
it's something that I lack here,And I don't know, just getting

your negative when you're not even gettingthe positive, the negative is church that
much harder. Absolutely, But Idid get one positive of the weekend,
Jess at u Joy's birthday. Yeah, you don't know who that is.
No, she came late. Ohyeah, yeah, she was at the
house warming show. She really wascomplimentary of my figure. Yeah, she
was like, Cayle, I justwant to tell you that your voice is

so infectious and like, I reallylove listening to you. And that was
like one of the first like goodthings that I've heard in a while too,
And it's just, I don't know, it just completely threw me off.
And just like people have a nerveto just say shit like that.
I don't know, just yeah,I think anybody who does that is like
super miserable. And it's easier tosay, like, you know, ignore
that, because who would do that. Who would do something like that call

the radio and just tear somebody down, And that's not somebody you'd listened to
anyway in the real world. Butit doesn't make it any less hurtful,
like those negative comments. You suckass. I'm sorry that experienced that today.
I had a really weird week.Two. Joy's party was so much
fun. We went to the dinner, like you said, and then you
ended up doing the card thing soI didn't like look for my card until

I went downstairs to go to Valetbecause we put you paid and then we
just cash after bind Modiu. SoI didn't need my card at that time.
But when I went to Valats,I went to look for my card
and it wasn't in my purse whereI where it should have been, Like,
there's no reason it should have beenanywhere else. I just had lunch
with somebody from the Lak show earlierthat day. He paid for my lunch,
but I did go to grab mycard because I was expected to pay,

and he was like, you know, don't worry about it, So
I put it back in my purse. Fast forward. Later that night,
we went to Joy's house and thenI went to go pay for Valet and
it wasn't where I left it.I'm like, oh, that's weird.
Maybe it fell out in the couchcushions we were sitting upstairs. I went
upstairs, looked in the couch cushions, it wasn't there. Came back downstairs,
my car was ready at Apple,paid for my ven for my Valet
and then like Forest did whatever,I'm checking my account extiviting nobody's using my

car. So I'm like, I'llcall the restaurant. I call the restaurant
and I say like, hey,did you guys find a car. They're
like, it's a private event rightnow. We'll check later and I'll call
you back if you find something.They didn't call me back, so I'm
like, okay, still monitoring myactivity. Nobody's using my car, and
I'm like, all right. Mondaymorning, I wanted to get something but
I couldn't. I was like,I would just get it later since I
don't have a debit card and Idon't run to the bank. I go

to my car, I go tomy other job. I look in my
passenger seat. My debit card isjust right there in my purse, Like
there's no way it should have beenthere, like right on top of my
purse, like not even in mypurse, like under my purse flab.
I open my person it's like rightthere. I'm like, that's so weird.
There's like no way it should havebeen there. So and I'm on

the TikTok where people live in thematrix, and weird shit like that happens
all the time. It literally makesno sense, like and I know it
sounds crazy. So then fast.Well, this also happened on Sunday.
Sunday, me and Aliyah. Ijust really needed to meditate. I needed
to go to my peaceful place,and I firmly believe one day God took
me on a date. He tookme to this peaceful meditation. There's no
way like it just was the mostbeautiful thing. So I go there often

whenever I just need to decompressed.I invited my sister and we went there
on a Sunday. We go tothe meditation garden and somebody's there meditating,
which can be weird. I didn'twant to interrupt her. So manally,
I'm like, all right, let'sgo. Let's go look at the largest
picture of the Crucifixion. We gothere. They're like, oh, we'll
be back at two o'clock. Attwelve thirty, I'm all right, I'm
getting hungry. My personality is aboutto change just because some food before I
get an attitude. She's like,all right, cool, let's go.

We go. We're leaving the it'sa cemetery and it sounds crazy, but
it's like a museum and other thingsat this cemetery. But there are bodies
there. I saw Elizabeth Taylor.It was really cool, like slept jo
Walt Disney's there. I want tosay, Michael Jackson's there. So it's
like a famous cemetery that also hasother attractions. Anyway, we're leaving the
cemetery and I see an ambulance andthe feed are like moving underneath the enblants.

I'm like, oh my god,what's happening. Menally, I make
a left and I'm like, oh, they're resuscitating somebody. They were giving
him CPR and they had like thelittle mouth thing. I'm like, oh,
it's nice that they don't do mouthto mouth for cessitation anymore. They
have a little machine for it.They're not putting their mouth on you.
It's like, oh, yeah,that's cool. We find some food.
We go back to the cemetery nowbecause we're ready to meditate, and I'm
sure that woman's gone and there's awhite sheet over the man and I'm just
like, so he's like passed on. I'm like, oh my god,

my god. Like me and Leaimmediately just are crying because like it's just
heavy, like you never I've neverseen anything like that. It was just
really really sad. All the workersare just standing around him while he's just
under his white sheet. So wemeditate, we pray, and then we
like continue to explore the cemetery.And there's this beautiful thing about the builder's
creed. It's called He's like mycemetery. I want it to be different
when I built it. That peoplethat think of death, they think of

it so heavily. They think of, you know, as an ending.
But when you believe in God,you know it's just the beginning, and
you know it's a beautiful new lifethat this person is going into. So
I just wanted to change the mindsetof a cemetary. I didn't want my
cemetary to bring sad feelings. Iwanted to bring happiness. I want you
to be able to smell the flowers, hear the birds sing, and it
does all that. I'm like,okay, So I felt much better about

seeing that person die and then readingthat, I'm like, it's just a
new beginning. We went about ourday and I'm like, Leah, do
you do you smell the flower?Where's mind you? My sister hasn't really
been able to smell since COVID.She can't smell anything, barely anything ever,
and She's like, I really dothey smell like really really strong right
now? Like right' you hear thebirds like yeah, they're singing really loud.
I'm like, it's so beautiful.So we had our meditation, we
had a beautiful day. It wasvery peaceful, that's for it. I'm

coming here and I'm stopping to getgased. I smell those same flowers,
Like there's no flowers. There's abunch of homeless people around right now,
like and you know those the drunksand stuff to hang out at the gas
station at ten thirty eleven o'clock atnight. So I'm like, all right,
weird. Then I go and getour wine that we're getting today and
I smell those same flowers at thewine place that we just went to.
And I don't know what's happening orwhat kind of messages are being said to
me right now, but everything justseems very connected in a really weird way.

Is that like it sounds it's reallyweird. Do it sound crazy?
No, you don't sound crazy.And I think those are the I don't
know when I hear those kind ofstories, when people like to say,
oh, it's like voodoo or whatever. I think of its like spiritual gift.
You know, maybe that's God signalingsomething to you in some way.
I really feel like smells, scent, your intuition. If you feel something

super strongly, then nine times outof ten it does mean something. So
universe is talking to me, andI don't know what I mean. Flowers
when I told you off air yousaid, are you gonna die? Is
when you smell like flowers or someshit, like you're about to have a
stroke. I mean, not sippingthe wine after she says it, you

guys the camera, it's just crazy. But no, I I never heard
that. But I just feel likemaybe I'm I'm about to receive my flowers.
Huh. In my blest way,I'm taking it like I'm taking it
as all positive things. I havenothing but peaceful and great feelings about everything
right now. Good. And maybeyou know that's there's the beginnings. If
I am dying, maybe it's thebeginning of something else. But I hope

that's not the case. I don't. I hope I'm gonna go through TikTok.
See if there's anyways bet strokes andheart attacks while I'm mad. There's
a google though, if you cangoogle it. Like, what is smelling
flowers mean? It's like the freshest, it smells so good, like I'm
in a garden. I mean whenthere are no flowers around out of nowhere.
Okay, stop stop, you gotphantasomea. I'm you. Why don't

I smell flowers for no reason?It's a condition that causes you to detect,
to just detect smells that aren't actuallyin your environment. Na, that's
stupid. The odors can be pleasant. It can be caused by aging,
trauma, seizures. Girl, yougot a brain tumor COVID nineteen. Okay,
what does it mean when you smellspots flowers? Spiritually? You experience

this phenomenon during prayer or meditation.Bitch, shade, stop, let's listen.
Let's listen. You may experience thisphenomenon during prayer or meditation when God
or one of his messengers, anangel, is communicating with you. The
most common fragrance that angel sin isa sweet one that smells like roses.
You smell roses? What kind offlowers are you smelling? I don't know
the different smells of flowers. Themessage simply that you're in the presence of

holiness and that you were loved periodeven just I don't get think that period.
Yes, it's it's it's blessings,blessings, blessings on, blessings and
blessings. Speaking of TikTok, though, did you hear about the cobo trip?
Stop it? Oh you didn't listento the whole thing with the well

yeah kind of what the one yivedollars? Then? Yeah? Yeah,
okay, So for those of youwho don't know this story, did you
did you hear that it was actuallyfake? No? I don't even want
to all right, So that thatso that situation itself was fake, but
the situation, but what they're talkingabout does genuinely happen in the real world,
right, So these girls went ona cobo trip, and then it

was three girls. There was abirthday girl who bought two of her friends
and two friends were not friends,right, so as then they didn't know
each other. There was beef,there was they didn't know each other.
They met each other like one timeover FaceTime. Okay. Basically the girl
one of the girls came allegedly camewith only one hundred and thirty five dollars,
but it wasn' an all inclusive resort. So apparently you know the broke

girl, her name was Natella.She was having people pay for her and
buy her things. And also thegirl who was telling the story brought her
boyfriend with her, brought her manon the Cobo trip, which is also
like huh, So she was goingon this rant on Instagram, I mean,
on TikTok about how the girl wasbroke, came to Cobo with one
hundred thirty five dollars, was supersuper drunk, was sloppy drunk the whole

time. She had to take careof her best friend and Natella. There
was an incident when Notella was likebutt naked in front of her man in
the bathroom, super super drunk.Yeah, so she decided just to go
on a little exposing rant. Butit turned out all not even be true.
So the friend bm broke going onvacation one hundred and thirty five dollars

after she thought everything was already paidfor. I guess was she in this
scenario, are expecting people to payfor her? Or was it like,
oh I can't make it and it'slike, oh, come on, I
got your sis? What type energywas it? We don't know. We
need to hear them to tell usout of the story. But there is
like a debate on social media.Should the girl have not even came or

should she wish? Who was inthe right, who was in the wrong.
I think see, everything is situational, nothing's black and white. But
I'm not really people. I'm notreally down with mooch cheers who just want
to be like mooch off others.They don't accomplish anything themselves. They you
want to be taken care of.I'm not really here for that. But
I am here for people who followin a hard time sometimes and they need

help. And I'm not going tobe like, girl, you need to
forget that out and like that's notme. I'm not gonna kick you while
you down. If I got it, you got it, Like let's go,
let's party, like let's go swimmingwith the dolphins. I'm what you
need. I'm not about to hearit make you be excluded if I got
it, you know what I'm saying. But I'm also if that's your personality,
then likely we wouldn't be friends anyway, and I would have invited you
on the trip. Well, firstof all, you're not my friend in
this case, Like I'll tell story, Yeah, Natilla is not her friends

that part. Why are you comingto Cabo? This is why girls trips
never work out. They never workout. You been on badgirl trips?
No, I'm just selling from thestories I've seen. You don't make I
actually have never been a background ship. But listen, listen, Why the

hell would you ever go out ofthe country with only one hundred and thirty
five dollars in her bank account ifit's all exclusive inclusive and I already dropped
the fifteen two thousand dollars that neededto be had for my flight, the
drinks, the food, and I'mjust thinking, Oh, we're going to
chill on the beach in the pooland everything's included. They gotta stay grass
at the resort. Why are youtaking yourself on land? Why are you

going on excursion? Why are yougoing? Like, no, you would
have stayed at the resort. Yeah, I agree. I think that if
you if you you should, youknow, expect to take part in what
you already paid for. And ifthese girls aren't your friends, I definitely
can't be the topic somebody's group chatas the bum ass bitch that needed to
hand, like, I will notgo, I will be in the room.
I will automatically get sick. Ican't come. I don't feel good.

I'm just going to stay out theresort. I ain't even gonna tell
you I got to my name.I'm just sick. A lot of people
were saying though, like, well, the girl should have helped out,
you know, and if that's yourfriend, but that when it wasn't her
friend at all. So if itis your friend, do you help out?
Are you like stay your ass homeand figure it out? I would,
but I would also be like,why did you come? Why did
you come? I'm so no,I'm sorry, but like, why did

you come? Like we're out ofthe country. Anything could happen. We
get kicked out of a resort,coming going anywhere with only one hundred and
thirty five dollars is not responsible,is not smart as an adult Mexico Ica,
what happened? You don't know whathappened. One hundred and thirty five
dollars goes a long way in Mexico, does it. It does? I
mean not the excursions of the resorts, but off the resorts. Yeah,

when you go to Mexico, thattraveling broke in twenty twenty four. Damn,
that's it, period, that's thediscusion. I don't want to hear
it now. I think I thinkI think people deserve grace. I think
social media got people acting like nobodyfalls on hard times? And yeah,
where are your priorities? Though?Why are you vacation? I could die
tomorrow, Kayla, I'm going onvacation. Let's bring it back to Kitty's

birthday dinner. What about Kitty's birthdaydinner? And when homegirl showed me her
bank account and I only had likefifty dollars in her That's not our friend
coming to a birthday dinner with nomoney. It's the same thing. And
then and then you are expected tocover you know what I mean? Like,
is that what she? No?Yeah, yeah, that's not my

friend. That's not my friend.Like like, but if my friend is
going on a hard time or myfriend like whatever doesn't have it, I'm
not gonna be like if my friendlike was like yo, I don't have
it right, and I'm like,okay, I got me and her like
say less like I just I don'tlike when I like, no, that's
corny, that's corny. To getyour life together. I never fall on
hard time. That just gives meholier than doubt type energy. And I'm

like that shit. No, Iwould have all the hard times, bitch,
don't don't come looking over here,right. No, I absolutly would
have my friend, but I wouldalso hope that my friend would be smart.
Like I am not going to oneof my best friend's weddings next month
because it's not financially responsible for meright now. Right now, I could
go, and it's in mind you, it's in Aruba, and it's a

lot of money, right mind you. I'm already going on a five thousand
dollars cruise in June. You know, I'm going on a bachelorette I got
something else. That's like, Ihave been spending thousands and thousands of dollars
and something had to go right,and it really wouldn't be financially smart for
me to go, and I it'slike, sometimes you just have to put
priorities in place. Oh no,I agree. I am the friend that

I'm sorry I can't make it.I don't got it right now, but
I'll celebrate you another way when Ican. I definitely am that friend I
don't got it. I don't gotit. I don't got it. But
that's genuinely when I don't got itbecause I also don't like I don't like
being the needy front. I don'tlike being the charity case. That's just
not my style. But I'm alsoyou know, a good friend that can
take care of the people that decideto be the charity case every once in
a while because they want to havea good time. You know what I'm

saying. We did that in collegewith a girl, not at thirty,
not a thing. No, allright, all right, well if we
did disagree, I got my girl, but we will also be remiss because
TikTok can't. First of all,why can't we take anything seriously as people
in twenty twenty four? Like allthe ditty memes and everything are like really
top level, top notch. Theinternet remains undefeated. Like y'all are so

stupid. How do y'all come upwith this stuff? I can't stand none
of y'all. Y'all crack me up. But isn't it wild? What's happening?
Yeah, so Diddy's house got raided, his California house as well as
is Miami house due to sex traffickinginvestigation. The Homeland Security were the people
that conducted the investigation. And yousaw his kids just outside in handcuffs at

one o'clock in the afternoon. Ofpeople are saying this, kids are slackers
because we're all doing home on aMonday at one o'clock in the afternoon.
Yelp, pajamas. But y'all judgmentsso because people's schedules be different, And
yeah, is this the end ofdid he? Absolutely we were watching the
downfall of one of the one ofthe greatest artists in hip hop history,

and I'm glad it's coming out.I'm glad he's being exposed. I mean
the thing like the Cassie lawsuit wasjust absolutely jaw dropping, so sad,
and then after her, so manyother people come out and say things,
and just hearing about his parties too, and how so many people in the
industry knew about this but just didn'tsay anything. You know. Yeah,

I think I've been going down thiswormhole of because I'm a former conspiracy theorist.
I've graduated, I've been better,but now TikTok got me back on
the conspiracy theories, and they aresaying this is the year of the exposations.
Okay, everybody's going to be exposed. A celebrity workship is coming to
an end. We are going tobe able to see, like whatever the
truth is. The veils being lifted, and it's continuously been happening, you

know, quiet on the set,Diddy, and just so many more people
are going to come to light.All these old videos are coming to light
that just seem a little bit morequestionable now. And it's absolutely about time
if this stuff was happening for along time, because hearing the victims speak
out, you know, first whatis it firsthand? Sure, their stories

are just super duper like wild,traumatic, deep cuts. Nobody deserves to
go through that. Nobody should gothrough that, And if you're the one
inflicted in that pain, then yeah, this has to stop. Yeah,
I am just so glad that we'rein a generation now where this is not
this is inexcusable. You know,for so many excuse me, for so
many years, like people get getaway with this kind of stuff, sex

trafficking, abusing people, hitting women. And now we're in the era where
we have social media, we havephones, we record things, and you
don't get away with anything and Ilove it. I love that the abusers
being exposed. I love how everythingis coming to light. You know.
As for Diddy, this is Ifeel most sad for his kids. The

twins are seniors in high school,and mind you, they lost their mom.
They look just like kim Porter bythe way, Like I was watching
their TikTok and it's just it's soscary how they much they look like kim
Porter. But yeah, this wastheir senior year of high school and this
is how they have to remember itby. You know, they're old enough
to understand everything that's going on,and imagine how they feel. I mean,

they probably are so embarrassed to evengo to school. They're embarrassed to
go outside their dad. His nameis tarnished. Their name is now officially
a tied to him. It's justlike this is the end of their whole
entire family. Yeah, even ifit's not true, which I doubt there,
it will forever be tarnished. Iknow they have to limit their comments.
I know when when the first Cassiething came to light and I read

that whole a lawsuit, I wenton the kids' pages, and of course
the trolls are attacking the kids aboutwhat their dad has done and how they're
terrible people because their dad is terribleas a terrible person and it's just really
really hard to go through. That'ssomething Christian kind of gave me a little,
so I don't know they might bein on it. Maybe I'm not
gonna say you're wrong about that,but I think Christian's low cutie. He

is unbothered right now. He justposted a video on Instagram his tongueing down
his girlfriend like she's a cutie too. Your dad just got rated and you
are posting thirstraps like bruh, gointo hiding, I would be missing.
I really don't understand the family's dynamic, like because it seemed like he looked
up to his dad so much,right, And I know personally, when
my say my siblings go through something, I genuinely feel like I'm going through

it, like I'm ugly crying.It might as well have happened to me
firsthand, Like when my brother wentthrough like I just felt like it was
me. It might as well havebeen me. I don't understand how somebody
you love and look up to usgoing through something so publicly humiliating. You're
sitting there like making it out.It makes me a question, like do
do y'all have a toxic relationship?Like are y'all cool? Like are you
trying to play it super cool?Like? So it's like, oh,

this is super innocent because he's init. So I'm not even worried about
it. Look at what I'm doing. I mean, that family is already
mad weird anyway, because didn't Diddy. Didn't everybody in that family date Laurie.
It was it Lori Harvey, ChristianColmbs dated Lori Harvey, and then
Diddy dated Lori Harvey. I believethat Lori shut those roomors down. She
said. She was like, theyasked, like, what's the craziestree when

you heard about yourself? She's likethat I dated a father and a son,
So which one did he did shedate? I thought she dated Christian?
Why was she printing around with Diddyand matching outfits? Then? Come
on, now y'all are on vacation. Y'all literally had matching outfits. I
believe Laurie. I believe Laurie.I believe the pictures. I mean they
were out in Cabo. I wouldjust having fun in Cabo. I didn't
sleep with them in matching outfits.He bought them. We'll have mercy.

Listen. I don't know. AllI know is that, like I already
felt that their family dynamic was alittle bit weird. But either way,
I don't know. Do you whatdo you do in this situation? Do
you ride for your family? Doyou ride for your dad? Listen?
Listen, listen, though you mindyou okay, picture this. You've seen
shit? You know shit is true, you see it, but you put

turn a blind eye because that's yourdad in this situation when they're up,
their backs are up against the wall. Do you what do you do?
What is like? What do youmean by turn on my dad? Like,
I don't fuck with him, He'sgoing to hell. I don't have
nothing to do with him. No, I was never doing to match somebody
I love. That's not a thing. No, hold him accountable, Like

what you just fucked up? Likewhat do you need? Like why are
you acting this way? With kindof therapy? If you're locked up whatever,
whatever you need to heal, I'mgonna be by your side through that,
like you're my family, right.It's kind of like the TikTok that
we just saw where the sun severedthe head, right, it's not funny,
but whoa that was? Yeah,So it's like, if you see

that happening, your brother has aset head, you know what I mean?
At what point do you have tobe like all right, like you
do have some mental issues, youare something's wrong. I have to turn
you into the police, because that'swhat they called the police. There are
certain situations where it's like, ethically, morally, I can't ride with you
if you witness rape, if youwitness abuse, absolutely I don't. If

I saw I'm holding my family accountable. Like I'm not no snitch or anything.
But if I see something that's absolutelyoutrageous, I'm sorry, Like I
can't. I can't ride with youin that. No, I feel you.
I mean, I definitely like willprobably call the cops. But like,
as far as I don't love youanymore, you don't mean anything to
me, that's not that's not anoption. You're you're going through this thing

alone, that's not an option.So yeah, I'll call the cops'll we'll
figure this out. He said head, he's trying to sever your head.
Next, then you don't love me, you gotta me or you like at
the end of the day. Buthonestly speaking, like, I think there's
a way to hold people accountable andhelp them grow through their ugly term,
their ugly times, their ugly decisions, and murder and rapeist obviously next level,
next level shit, But like whenpeople do bad things or they don't

act as their best self, Ithink people are quick to turn their back
on them and be like, oh, I don't fuck with that person while
they're going through ugly times. Butthen when they get better or they hail
you find out what they were goingthrough, it's like, oh, I
should have stuck by your side throughthose times. So I definitely give people
more grace, especially when I loveyou. It's not my it's not my
style to just be like, oh, fuck that, I never fucked with
you. Yeah, And it seemslike the I mean, Diddy's sons are

riding with him right now, andI mean that's what he needs. He
needs people right now because a lotof people are turning against him. I
know a lot of his associates.I know one associate came out today saying
that she will testify if they giveher immunity or something like that. So
I know more and more people aregoing to be coming out saying put it
completely, throwing Diddy and his companyunder the bus. I know he sold

all over volt TV today quickly becauseI know he doesn't want the company that
he built to be broke, brokeforever arne, so he hold it immediately.
His mule was also arrested today ondrug charges during like a federal agent
running mule akaa like his drug hookup. Okay, so the person who provided

the drugs, I guess that heused to allegedly drug women, right and
then do whatever or whatever happened inthe sex trafficking all that stuff. So
he got arrested at an airport today, twenty five years old. Used to
play basketball, white kid, thatwas just like basketball player turned music producer,
wanted to hang around Diddy, wasjust like doing whatever didd he said,

and then yeah, got caught up. So it just seems like everybody's
being taken down slowly but surely.And I don't know, it's it's a
very sad situation. But I hopeyou I hope people know that they're you
know, you're not untouchable. Andthis is what the lesson that people are
teaching the lesson that's being taught rightnow. And I know there's a lot
of people, especially in the industrythat we are in, they think that
they're untouchable. Harvey Weinstein are likeall these men thought that they were untouchable

because they have fans and they areso loved by the world and they have
money. But now look, evensome women are being taken down. I've
been watching that new trend too,about and I don't know what's about to
happen with j Low, but I'vebeen a j Loo fan for a really
long time, like since Selena hasa BDBD. But ba, I love
me some j Lo. But nowthat trend is happening where everybody's sharing awful

experiences that they've had with j Low, And she had to cancel her tour
because ticket sales were low, andnow everybody's like, oh, I'm attacking
her for this reason or I've hadthis experience or that experience, and it's
just not looking. No, nobody'scoming to the defense, like no,
no, Like trust me, she'sa good person. Because like everybody has
wild stories. The Beaute Phone die, The most wild story I heard was

the most wild story I heard wasthat she said one time she was shooting
a video and an EMT or ambulancetried to like get through and she refused
to shut down her video set,like y'all got to find another way,
Like they had the lights one andeverything, and she's just saying they had
to find another way because she's notshutting down her video shoot. So just
terrible things, even if it's notto the level of Diddy, just like
not being a good person no longer, it's not being acceptable. So I

think this is just the beginning ofa lot more people being taken down.
Yeah, a lot of people aregoing in on Jayla. The memes are
so funny. And then doctor Wenneymade a TikTok defending her, like,
you know, nobody's really asking whyshe's this way now, Doctor Wendy's getting
eaten up. Really, She's like, people are so mean. I'm like,
when doy, you knew that wasnot going to be a popular You
knew that was unpopular opinion. Youknew what you were doing when you post.

Yeah. I think what I thinkwith Jlo's situation is she needs a
complete rebranding. I think she isobsessed with still trying to stay young,
and I saw somebody say this onlinethat she needs to tap into aging,
show us how you are like asmom, cooking and making food for your

Why not what. I don't thinkshe has to do that. I think,
I mean, I think she's tryingso hard to it's nothing, it's
not about it's not at all aboutlooks. I think it's more so about
the way that she is acting.I think she needs to cater to her
just a different, different audience.I think she's trying so hard to relate

to gen Z and it's not workingright. And so maybe show how it
is as a mom, or showyour skincareteene, or do more get Ready
with me and do more vlogs andlet us see you behind the scenes.
But she never really lets anybody seeher like raw j Lo, right,
I can see that. I don'tknow, it's just more her real side,
show her, show her real bemore relatable. But I think that

she needs some deep feelings so thatshe can come down earth' a little bit
and become a little bit more relatable, because I think in her mind,
she's not relatable and she's not us, and she's better than us according to
what the stories are telling. Sofor it, you know, be more
relatable. I think that gen Zwould see right through that that they're like,
nah, gen Z is okaf andhe hearing her for sure. All

right, let's do Petty Award ofthe Week. I'm gonna give mine to
Ari Fletcher. So people have beenwaiting for her to do this Ceiling Challenge,
but she and she was saying thatshe was gonna do it like months
ago, because the Ceiling Challenge wasa thing like back in like December,
and she finally put it out todayor was it yesterday, but she put

her man in it with her,and instead of doing it to the Ceiling
Challenge song that everybody else was doingit to, she did it to her
man song. So it's kind oflike, I'm gonna give you guys what
you want, but I'm gonna,you know, respect my man at the
same time, my man, myman, my man. I like that.
I like that. That's a littlepetty. I'm gonna give my Petty
Award to Essence Magazine. So AmandaSills, she went on to Instagram and

she was really thankful to her herfollowing she was just saying, I just
want to say I just want tosay something. If it wasn't for y'all,
I really think I won't be doingshit because the industry I'm in does
not recognize me. She's like,she doesn't get invited to Essence Women in
Hollywood, she doesn't get invited tothe NAACP Image Awards. She's never been
on it. For Black Girls Rocks. She even hosted the BTM in twenty

twenty, it hasn't been invited backsince. So she's like, Black Hollywood
rejects me. And Amanda sales.One thing about her, she's just very
outspoken. She's very for the peopleshe fights against. She fights for,
you know, misogynistic racism, colorism, gender identity. She fights for all
that foreign policy things that people arehushsh about because they're scared about. Amanda

Sill is going to be on themicrophone like this is fucked up and this
is why, unapologetically, and shedoes it for a lot of black people.
So it's like, why are theblack people not supporting her? My
Patty Or goes to Essence Magazine becausein response to an Amanda Sills saying this,
they released an article with the headlineit's time to admit that it's that
being liked is more important than beinggood at your job. And the article

goes on to say that when youthink of Amanda Sills, the name doesn't
conjure up feelings that are like likable. You don't think likable we even think
of Amanda sALS. That's probably whyshe's not invited to these things. So
I feel like that's a woman thing. I don't think likability of men gets
discussed much. Women need to bewell behaved before they're unlikable, and then
they don't get invited to these things. And I think I says people need

to go harder for a man ofSeals. So Essence Magazine being a black
magazine, making that article after aman of sales just went off about everything
she's going through. Petty wop EssenceMagazine, Petty. I like Amanda Seals,
but I have heard from people inthe industry who have been around her
that she is not a nice person. We like her because of her strong
opinions and like you know, shetells it like it is. She is

unapologetic. But if you're a meangirl, no you're not going to be
invited into those certain spaces. Soyou got to kind of like despite the
bullet So, yeah, me andmy best friend were having that conversation.
So I'm like, I don't wantlike she was on Insecure, but she
doesn't hang out withsa right like therest of the Insecure cast like she's never
there. And I'm like, maybeit is something with Amanda that they don't
fuck with, but that's unfortunate tohear. Yeah, so, but I

think Essence Magazine should get it becausethat's like super petty, super petty.
Amanda ain't likable, That's why sheain't invited and Petty Award the Week.
Jenna from OC Rights Dear Kayla andKayla, do you believe in the saying
right person wrong time? I wasdating a guy and while I thought things

were going well, he ended upabruptly. He ended things abruptly because he
wants to focus on work, andat one time insinuated that I was right
in many ways, but I justcame at the wrong time. What are
your thoughts on that? I doI do think right time? When is
it right person? Wrong time?Is definitely a thing. Some people have
some maturity to do some and Ibelieve that in friendships too, you know,

Like I take my friends, forexample, that I just rekindled with,
like I feel like we well,I'll say speak for myself. I
was very immature in the time wherea lot of things that went down,
and like I needed to grow intothe best version of myself so I can
be a better friend to them inpresent day, right, And so that
can be in a relationship too.He's just not ready to be your person,

but that connection could come back around. Yeah. I think that a
right person wrong time is a thing. I think that in this situation where
you're dating a guy and then hejust ended things abruptly and said that you're
right, but it's the wrong time, I think that that could be an
excuse because if a guy wants tohe will and you don't find out until
hindsight twenty twenty it was the rightplace, wrong time. I don't think
in the moment people can really tellthat. I think after you grow through

the moment, it's like, oh, that was the right person, but
this was the wrong time. Sohim saying that in this moment, I
think he's playing in your face andthat's just his go to excuse to like
get out of the relationship. Peoplewould be like, oh, you know,
I'm just busy, have work,right exactly? I think the new
fuck boy is is that, Oh, I'm busy, I have work,

I'm working hard, I trying tobuild my brow I'm working on myself.
I'm in therapy. I'm just notready for you right now. That's the
new fuck boy. It's not you. They really be saying it's not you,
it's me. But it's really dumband they're playing in your face.
They're trying to act like they're doingit for mental health reasons, and that's
the tender they had good listen thankhim, period, Ali, which you
got coming up this week or tomorrow? I am interviewing Abby from Love on

the Spectrum. Yes, she WorldAutism Day is February is April second,
and Abby has a new song comingout and I will be debuting it on
my show. So she's coming intomorrow and I'm very excited to talk to
her. That's gonna be something newfor me because I've never interviewed someone who
was autistic. But I'm excited tohave a conversation with her and uh share

what help her tell her story tothe world about what it is to live
with autism. Her song is calledCategories and that's what the song is about,
about how what it's like to livewith autism and what goes on in
her brain on a daily basis.So I'm excited about that. I'm going
to the iHeart Writing Musical Words onMonday in Texas. It's here in La

on Monday. Yeah, And soI'm just gonna be preparing for that over
the weekend. I didn't want tohave a chill weekend because this past weekend
was crazy, and then the nextweekend's my birthday, and I'm already stressed
by my birthday. So I don'tknow it's going to be relaxing that oh,
So honestly, I can't. Iwas trying to think about what I
had going on, and I don'tknow. I don't think I have anything

going on this week, but Ican think of And if I'm forgetting you,
I'm sorry. But yes, Joeweek for me A yawning yeah,
you look tired face. Let's getup out of here, because freaking calling
into the radio station, pissing meoff, hating on you for no reason,
It's okay, it's okay, weirdo. I'm sorry, I have a
weird attitude. Two weeks in aRow. You're great. Maybe next week

will be better. Make sure youdownload the Portal one app. I don't
know if you can watch our oldepisode or what, but it was pretty
cool. We were on a gameshow this week and that was a lot
of fun. To make sure youfollow us on Instagram and see the video
from our promo of the game show. I'm at Kaitla Thomas morning, and
I'm at the Ta
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