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January 24, 2024 • 47 mins
Welcome back! In this episode KT and Kayla recap everything that has happened since their Torrei Hart interview went viral. They also react to the movie Saltburn and that opens up a discussion on the topic of obsession and fatal attraction. The ladies also talk about Tristan Thompson being suspended from the NBA, and the downfall of Wendy Williams. Was this their karma? Weigh in!

Follow the hosts on social media! KT (@Kaylathomas40), Kayla (@theekaylaaustin), and follow the Pettyish page (@thepettyishpodcast).

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Episode Transcript

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The podcast. Welcome back to anotherepisode of Petty. I'm Kyla, I'm
Katie, and we had a himas viral. Oh my god, that
you viral you big time now,girl girl, I wasn't ready for those

come oh my god. First ofall, we want to say thank you
so much to everyone who listened toour last episode with Tory Hart. We
weren't expected. Well, we hadan idea that it would get as big
as it did, but not tothe level that it did. We know
it would get big, but notlike it really took off really fast.

But you know, it was tellingthat before we started recording, you and
I had so much anxiety. We'relike, I feel like this is going
to be huge because we caught itright after the Cat Williams in Club Shaye
Shaye interview and she wasn't doing anymore press and he other tour, radio,
tour interviews or whatever, so weknew that like it might gain some

traction. We were her first exclusiveinterview, and we said a prayer intentionally
before we started recording. Before Toygot here. We did we were on
our knees. Well maybe not well, no, we weren't on our knees,
but we definitely had pads, pensbowed. Okay, arms up,
Christ came through. Yeah, butthen you know, some of the haters.
That's my petty thing for the week. I was clapping back all week

long. God is working on me. God is working on me. And
that's another thing that people were sayingin the in the in the comments,
like why is this podcast called petty? Like these girls seem so sweet and
so and so nice. The pettinessis like throwing me off. I think
we were just a little reserved forthat episode. We had to put on
a little professional Yeah, we couldn'tbe all like like crazy like we usually

are. And also I think thatit's petty ish, so it's not like
we're like deep with the petty like. It's like a little bit cute,
like Patty, Like we keep itcute. Yeah, passy, we cute
Patty. Yeah. And that's okay, And that's okay. So my petty
thing for this week, I thinkI was me and you both were just
clapping back and you know what,God, Like I said, God is
working on me because I need tolearn how to ignore the haters and you

know, embrace the negative the positivefeedback. Because we got so much love,
but much more love than hate.Love. There was a lot of
negative people. These girls are miserable, These girls are messy. This girl
in the yellow why she acted?Why is she trying to talk like she's
a white girl? And you knowme and my Twitter fingers, they were

saying, Oh, the girl withthe sister locks is miserable. The girl
with the sister locks is messy.Her questions are trying to provoke the negative
part of the mind. Uh,sister locks is super annoying. All of
her questions were about Kevin Hart thattime, email Kevin Hart, damn.
And somebody wrote like, I cansee why they don't got a thought subscribers

yet, And because there were blackgirls trying to act like I haven't been
called it oreo since like nineteen eightyfive, It's like, what are you
talking about? Oreo? That's crazy. But we reached one thousand subscribers,
so shout up. Yes, wehad the channel up for a whole five
days and our channel has reached usa thousand subscribers, so appreciate it.

But yeah, what's your petty thing? Oh my god, so my petty
thing? Actually I was clapping backto but I'll let you take that.
You was clapping back. I hadtime, bitch, because what you're not
about to do. What you're notabout to do, I don't respond like
I was like, damn kle becausewe had it off on all platforms.
It was YouTube, it was TikTok, it was Instagram, and we comment.

The one comment that really that reallystuck with me was the girl like
these pot these interviewers were so mediocre. Uh, they were asking mediocre questions
and Tory was so open and honest, and you girls just kept it complacent.
Really could have made this interview nextlevel, but you just chose complacency.
So I was this is dry asspage and I was just like,

this isn't my petty thing. Bythe way, this's just one thing that
I did. I was like,next time, when you get an opportunity,
when you get this opportunity, pleaseshare your interview with us so we
can learn to be as amazing atinterviewing and as perfect as you are.
Please give us some tips when youget this, because I just want to
be as next level as you withyour five ass subscribers. God bless,
but that was not my petty thing. My petty thing is I was going

home, and I live in thisobviously an apartment complex, and my garage.
I have to press my fob toopen my garage, and my fob
is a little bit like hood.It just wouldn't open my garage. So
I'm pressing it for like five minutes. It's not working. It's not working.
A car comes out of the garage, so the gate automatically opens because
somebody's coming out. And instead oflike backing up and letting me come in,

since I've been waiting for five minutesthere, they literally like waited until
I backed up and then drove out. Piss the me idle man. I
was hot. So then the nextday I see them in the garage.
I'm walking to my car going somewhere, and he's like, and it's going.
He gives me the polite little neighborsmile. I looked him up and
down and rolled my eyes. Don'tyou dare You don't know who I am.

I remember what you did the otherday, exactly your rude. You're
rude and were not friends. It'sbeef. It's beef, it's on site,
on site. That was my pettything. The fuck you that was
like so so rude, that isnot parking etiquette. Why is her baby
so frude into us? It's week, all right, petty things our listeners.
Then as someone messages us and saidshe she said, I always turn
my red receipts on when I'm arguingwith someone. I want them to know

exactly what time I didn't care,and then I'll go as far as the
post on my story after not textme back. Oh god, see that
was the That was the old Kaila. That was like twenty one year old
Kaila as well. That's funny.I'm thirty now that is as well.
Like, so it hasn't changed whatyou're saying. But is that what you
do? You can relate. Idon't do that anymore. God. I

used to back when I was twentyone and the in the college days.
I used to do that, turnon my red receipts because I want you
to know that I'm ignoring you.But I care enough to turn on my
receipts and posted my story purposely justso you know that I don't care.
Been there but that girl. Iput a divider down on the conveyor belt
for the lady behind me at Walmartwhile we were at the checkout she didn't
say. She didn't say thank you, so I picked it up and put

it back. No, girl,So I feel a little bit offended when
people divide my shit, like Idon't want you paying for my shit.
They can tell which is mine,what's yours. I don't need you put
the divider there. I do itfor people all the time. Are you
doing me a favor? Are youyourself a favor? No, I'm doing
us both a favor, So theydon't. There's no confusion because I don't

want to get your rice mixed upwith my stuff. And that's fine.
My rights don't want to be withyour stuff either. I'll put the divider
there when I'm good and bridy.I feel like when people put the divider
there and are like, she's notwith me, like I'm better than you,
don't let her Chris Tetes touch mind. That's how I take it.
I don't like that she's that dividedgirl. I did all the last one.
My mom took the battery out ofmy car so I couldn't leave,

so I covered hers in flower.Now neither of us going nowhere. Wow.
Yeah, I think you guys saytherapy a little bit, But yeah,
I mean, I'm a therapy Butanyway, like we were saying,
again, thank you so much forall the love and the support on our

last episode, Welcome to all ofour new followers and our new listeners because
we have a ton more. Sowe just want to reiterate what this podcast
is and what you can expect fromus. I know we reached a huge
audience with different age groups. We'vereached the millennials, the gen Zers,
the gen X's, the yeah,everybody, everybody, And so I know

not everybody is going to like thispodcast because we know we are millennials.
We are crazy, we are youknow what I mean. So if you
are here, that means you actuallyare interested in what we got to say.
But it's petty ish and we liketo have a good time. Yeah,
we just get a little bit patty. We just talked about some petty
ish and I know a lot ofpeople say that that's off putting and that's
going to turn a lot of peopleaway and get rid of the petty because
we're you know, educating nights girlsand that, but we're not. It's

pettish and we're gonna stay pettish.Right, nobody's telling horrible decisions to change
their name. Nobody's telling the daddyto change their name. And if they
are, they're still horrible decisions andcall me daddy. Oh respects. Okay,
we will always be pettious that sheis trademarked. So that's what that
is. We already pay for thisshit, Okay, So that's that.
Okay. But yeah, so themission of this podcast, we just want

you to come have a good timewith us. We share all of our
our lives, all of our drama, all of our tea. We are
our open book. But we're alsolike really into spirituality. We're always talking
about our relationship with God as wellas everything in between. We're always trying
to grow in our career and ourselvesand our love lives. And you know,
that's just this experience of going viralwas a huge growing opportunity for both

of us. I'm personally, Iam learning to try not to read the
comments and not to respond to everythingbecause all the we got so much love,
the negativity just hit so much deeperfor whatever reason, and those comments
just stick with you a little bitharder. So this has been just a
learning experience for us. Yeah,I mean, we're in a whole nother
bracket now, And I think,like you said, it's a learning experience

and we are in a different leaguenow, I think so, I think
we need to learn how to carryourselves as if we're in a different league.
And at the beginning of the year, we prayed for something like this.
Actually, back when we started doingthis together in twenty twenty two.
You know, we prayed for thisback when I started it back in twenty
nineteen. I prayed for petty Ishto be able to reach as many people

as possible. And I think withthat kind of responsibility and that kind of
platform comes a lot of stuff,a lot of bullshit, a lot of
negativity, but also a lot ofpositive. So we wanted to do We're
growing and learning the best is whatwe can. We're not going to be
perfect, We're not going to befor everybody. I'm not everybody's cup of
tea. Some people not gonna likeme and Kayla that's cool, that is

very cool. But we are gratefulfor everybody that is checking us out because
we got so many publications from BallerAlert through the neighborhoods, Yeah Flat TV
Crazy, the podcast like Crazy,Yeah Crazy. We envisioned and we prayed
for it to be big, buthonestly, when I booked the interview,

I didn't expect it to go tothat level. And I'm just beyond grateful
for the way we executed it andthe support from the execution of it all.
Yeah, throughout this whole experience,what do you think you learned about
yourself? What are you proud ofof yourself in this situation? And Yeah,
one, I learned that it's allaligned because the Toy Heart interview literally

fell into my lap. God literallysaid God. And the person on the
phone said, you have access totoy Heart, do something with it,
and I said, okay, Iam all right. Actually first I said
no, I don't have any usefor it. That I was like,
wait, wait a minute, Soyeah, exactly. So I'm just I
learned that it's all aligned and Godreally does have his hand on on my
shoulders, and sometimes things don't workout so that greater things can work out.

I also learned that I'm a prettyokay interviewer and I really just love
to connect and listen and grow,and I learned how to handle these blessings.
You get what you pray for,and when it's about to come true.
There's a ball of anxiety and emotionsthat come with that, and I
just know that God has told methat I'm ready for these blessings, so

I just pray that I navigate themcorrectly because we have so much more coming.
Yeah, what about you? Ilearned I'm learning to regulate my emotions
because, like you said, butleading up to the interview, we were
so nervous. Even though I dothis every day, I interview people all
the time, and I do itby myself, and I'm so comfortable.
I've been interviewing, literally, thisis like what I do. I've been
doing this for six seven years.But I think it was a different type

of nervous because one, I've neverdone it with somebody, and also because
I had a feeling that this couldbe big, you know what I mean.
I knew the amount of weight thatTory Hart's name carried, and I
knew whatever she said people were goingto snatch it up and I could potentially
be everywhere. And I know oneof my insecurities have always been just people

their eyes on me, and sobeing all over the blogs, in my
face everywhere. Of course, youhave those negative thoughts like oh, what
are people thinking? And then youlook at the comments and some are are
negative. But I really think thatI handled this really well. I mean
I had one mele down, butI feel like I handled it very very
well. Like at the end ofthe day, I'm proud of myself.

I'm so proud of myself or theway we prep for this interview, the
questions that we asked, the toughquestions, and that's what a lot of
people said to me and in thecomments is like, wow, I was
actually shocked at how bold they werethat to ask those questions because they could.
People were like I could never getthe nerve to ask those kind of
questions, and me the type ofinterview I am, and you guys will

notice, I don't hold back.I'm like the girl Charlemagne. Okay,
Like that's just I've always been.So what's your tea? Because I want
to know, but I don't know. I just like, really, the
way I think about it is,if we weren't going to ask those questions,
somebody else would have, So whynot us? And I think you
can take that into account for anythingthat you do in life. Why not

you? If you don't do it, if you don't see that opportunity.
Somebody else is and they're going toget that shine that you could have had,
you know what I mean. SoI'm learning to just embrace all that.
And I don't know, I'm justI'm here for the journey and the
and the ride. I know wehave a lot of exciting things coming up
in the works potentially, so I'mjust exciting for sure. It's definitely the

year of talking after the fact thatwe do have some amazing things lined up,
so just stick with us, andyou know, obviously the new people
just know that you're in for aride. And we again were much more
tamed in that interview. So that'sthe part two version of Yeah, you're
so funny. Yeah, that's sofunny thinking that. But I definitely did

have to get raki this week becausemy anxiety and my emotions were everywhere.
So I definitely take that regulating emotionsthings into effect, because it was like
I was like, Leah, Iam really all over the place. Bring
I can't I can't calm down,I can't stop reading the comments. She's
like, lay down, I gotyou. And then I literally felt like
so much better and focused, andI got up and just started working again,

and oh girl, I need tobe raking again. But I love
how people you shouted your sister outand some people actually wanted to sorry,
I got a burp, so peoplewanted to know like where they can follow
her. And then I also thatit was funny how you called out your
locktician. Can we talk about that? Can we? I really want to
have an episode where I was victimizedby Regina George, like that's what I

want to call it. And Ijust want to have all because I got
so many comments and dms like Isuffered from her too. I was scammed
by her too. One girl saidthat she gave her three thousand dollars for
extensions and all of the extensions fellout and locked by movie. Yeah.
So a lot of people in thecomments were saying that fifteen hundred dollars for

locks is outrageous? Is that true? No? First of all, I
live in La La, in anexpensive place. Second of all, if
you look at how much an installfor sister of Microlock's take is, that's
the pricing for them. Tory Hartsaid, hers took two days. My
sisters took two days. It's nota simple process. It's very time consuming.

Mine took seven hours, but thegirl was bullshitting in my head.
Should it took two days too?Yeah, so she was rushing on your
head, girl. Yeah, andthen charge. But yeah, that's just
the price. I did see alot of slack for that. Was like,
I would never pay fifteen hundred dollarsfrom my hair. You paid that
much and it's coming out already.Well, you spend your fifteen hundred dollars
however you want to. That's yourprerogative, and I'll do the same with
mine, okay, And I spentit on my hair and I'm happy with

it. I was just so surprisedthat how many people were commenting on on
that specific part. They really were. There were so many people. But
yeah, I mean clearly the lockworld is very feisty, and they were
like lock Titian, you made thatword up? You girls? Did it?
Im Like, that's the thing?No, that actually is a thing,
a thing. I just schedule comments. I'm so confused, crazy,

Oh my god. Yeah, theydefinitely were saying that that's ridiculous, but
that's how much they cause, Wait, so do you think it's actually cheaper?
Do you think it got back tothe girl. I did see her
tagged a couple of times, andI got a lot of dms like I've
been the victim and you're gonna hearfrom a lot more people. That's what
something, that's what, like someof the dms said. So I definitely
assume it got back to her.Let me see if I'm blocked. If

I'm blocked, she saw it,I don't. I don't know if you
are. I don't know if youwould being let's say, or Pettyish.
She's one of the girls that herlocticians sent her the interview of the podcast
and oh no, you're not block. Let's let's watch your story. She
posted anything are you watching from myaccount? Yeah? Is that crazy?

Whatever I get, don't get.I don't know her what if it's like,
don't listen to the Pettyish podcast.Pettyish and fuck this locked head,
this ballhead bitch. She's just sotweeting her man anyway. But yeah,
so yeah, stay tuned for that. So that's gonna be a good episode,
because that's I have a lot ofpeople say exposed too when it comes

to hairstylists, Ooh, we shouldreally, we should really get because I
feel like that's a thing that blackgirls go through, and it's just not
okay. If all women actually gothrough having bad stylists and getting it taken
advantage of it, I'm over it. Yeah, there's like a whole community
on TikTok that share their experience ofeither being left on red or not getting
their deposit back, or the girl'snot showing up. It's just ridiculous or
not be Oh and now I gota lot of hate for like this,

Why you don't take short cussage,do the research to see if she was
licensed? And this is what happenswhen you just try to take the short
route and you don't let your hairgrow and lock naturally. And AnyWho,
Okay, have you seen Saltburn?All right? First of all, Kayla,
you texted me watch Saltburn? Right, mm hmm. I'm like,
all right, it's a nice littleSunday night. Let me kick back and
put on this nice movie. Iwas disgusted. Disgusted. I had to

watch Little Bear on like Nick NickJunior. Afterwards, I was like so
disturbed. Yeah. So, ifyou haven't heard of the movie Saltburn,
it's on Amazon Prime starring Jacob Lordiand it is a very interesting movie.
Basically, it is about an obsessedman boy they're all in college, who

is invited to his friend's house forthe summertime. And you know, he
kind of plays like the innocent characterat first. You know, when we
first get introduced to his character,you think that he is a nerd and
kind of like a loser, andnobody wants to be his friend, and
he's like the outcast, and thishot jock is the most popular boy in

school befriends him. Side. No, it was very hard for me to
believe that that weird nerd guy wasa weird nerd guy because I personally believe
that he was so hot he wasyou thought he was hot when he was
humping the grave? Did you thinkhe was hot when he was eating that
period blood? I was so disgusted. I was disgusted, not his character.
His character needed to be put beyond, like I don't know, underneath

the earth. But even as aperson in his phone, I don thinks
them features was beautiful you looking features, yes, anyway, So you think
that he's like this nice character.But when he, you know, the
the jock, the hot jock inviteshim to his house for the summer and
you realize that he is actually notwhat he seems to be. He's like
this obsessive guy that has all tieredof ALTERI ALTERI your motive, you kidd

motive, and he is obsessed.He is rarely obsessed with the hot jocke
and it's just like he's, likeyou said, starts drinking his bath water
and yeah, like starts killing peopleand then he kills somebody the spoiler alert,
Sorry God, you're like ruining theentire movie. We should like bleep
all that. Sorry. Sorry.So I think that the way I would

describe it as you know you youyou feel like he is, you know,
the victim, and you want toprotect this person because he has He
comes from a bad life and hisparents are drug addicts, and he doesn't
to him he's the only child,so the rich can invite him moving with
his rich family. Turns out,this guy's a weirdo. And this is
why when people don't have a lotof friends, or if they're an outcast,

I will not be the person tovolunteer to befriend them, because there's
a reason nobody fucks with you.You think I'm not going to be the
one to f with you in everycase. In every I mean not every
case, but I'm not willing tonitpick who's okay and who's crazy. Like
I think, like when I wasa teenager, there was, you know,
a new guy at work, andhe was socially awkward and he used

to like just DM me all thetime on MySpace. It was back in
the MySpace space, but then likenever speak in person, and when I
tried to speak, it just likehe didn't speak back. But then like
I'd go home and I have madmessages on my Space from him. So
I had to you know, blockand distance myself because that's weird, what's
going on here? Yeah, Idid the exact opposite. When I was
younger. I always befriended the outcast. I think also because I was bullied,

not tear bad, but I wasbullied when I was younger. So
I always have a soft spot forthe people who seem like they are the
outcast or like nobody likes them,so I like to, like you make
them feel I feel like in someinstances, yeah, I think I have
and I think I've been I've beenscarred by so many different people. But
yeah, sometimes it's it's like whenyou try to help somebody and you try

to befriend somebody and maybe put themon or bring them into your friend group,
and maybe they try to take thefriend groups away for you or make
everybody turn against you. And thiswas more so when I was younger.
I mean I'm almost thirty, yeah, but definitely had some instances where they
became too attached to me and thenit became just way too much and then

try to turn everybody against me,and then it was just weird. Yeah.
See, I feel like it's it'salways a red flag. I know.
One of the red flags with somebodyI used to be really close to
us the fact that they one alwayshad a new best friend that like the
friendships never lasted. It was alwayslike they never lasted for whatever reason.
They don't talk to you anymore.They all talk to each other, but
not you. You're the one thatthey don't talk to anymore. Why And

you can't keep a job. Andit's also when you and it's not like
oh, because you don't have friendsor you struggle to make friends or you're
social awkward, you don't deserve friends. But if I ask you, like,
hey, what happened. Why don'tyou have those friends If it's everybody
else's fault and you have no accountability, that's more of the red flag than
you not having friends. If youwatch Saltburn, he was very much the

victim. Everything bad happened to himand he played no part in it.
And I had to do this,and I shoved my fingers down to my
mom's throat and like just all thesethings. But why Like, he was
the victim continuously, And I thinkthat's more of the red flag than not
having friends. So I should differentiatebecause people are socially awkward and they do
have anxiety, and they deserve friendsin this world. But they're all psychos

that will try to kill you anddrink your bath water and then also fuck
you, fuck your grave spoiler alert. I mean everybody's seen it on social
media, everybody's talking about it.Who cares? That part was just like
way like wow, I was souncomfortable, but it went off for way
too long. Yeah, and itwas my favorite hymn was playing in the
background. Oh really, that aremy vision or something like that. Yeah,

I think that that actually happens inreal life. There are some people
to the you would be surprised.I've read books and there's true crime stories
where people are so obsessed and Idon't know if it's like obsession tied with
a fetish, but there. AndI also watched an interview from the character

who played that yes, and hesaid that part wasn't actually in the script.
He improvised that. He asked fora close set and just asked for
him the director, and he said, I just want to see what I
what level I can take this to? What level? I wanted to feel
what obsession felt like in that moment, and he felt like that was the
natural and right thing to do inthat moment. And that just shows you

that. I mean, if hecan do that on the spot for and
he was just acting, imagine ifsomebody who was actually obsessed and I and
it's like, it's crazy because I'veseen relationships that kind of are a little
bit too much where it's like youare a little bit too obsessed with your
girlfriend, you to a point wherethis might be some fatal attraction type shit,
whereas like you will kill her beforeyou allow anybody else to be with

her. And that's kind of howit was in Self Borne. It was
like he felt like, Okay,you don't want to be my friend and
Moore, you're mad at me.I'm going to kill you because of that.
And I've seen that firsthand in somany different relationships that it's so unhealthy.
Yeah, I definitely have experienced thatto like, not not that extent
obviously, because I'm alive and I'mhere I'm talking about it, but definitely

my ex will say the only wayout of this relationship is in a body
bag. Oh you know, nobodywants you but me. Uh he was
what do you say? He said, if I just wanted to ruin your
looks, I just throw asked itin your face, like weird shit like
that, And I think, like, and I remember him alluding to the
fact when he was breaking into mymouths that he did like take clothes of
mind, personal ones of mine todo what with. I don't know,

I didn't I don't know if hewas just trying to intimidate me, or
if he was like, really thatsick, or but I believe that to
make me say that you are thatsick. But yeah, he sleeps with
your panties next to his pillow,especially, I blew not kidding out black
no, no, no, nono. But I do feel like I
do watch those things, those documentariesabout the women who survived or are the

women who didn't survive it, anda lot of the cases I'm like that
literally could have been made. Isee a lot of the details of what
I experienced in that. So I'mvery grateful because that stuff is happened.
That stuff does happen, and thepeople they walk around among us all normal
and they know how to like reallysuppress that crazy part of themselves to the

point where you want to be theirfriend and they become like they come off
really likable. Yeah, it makesme so sad that you are so obsessed
with somebody to the point where you'rewilling to take their life and your life
if you guys cannot be together.And one day I will tell my story,
but I've seen it like like wella lot of true crime or even
my my I had a friend whowas in that very scary situation and it

was like that it was like,all right, if you're not gonna be
with me, then you're not gonnabe with anyone. And I just don't
And I know it's some type ofmental illness for sure, but it's just
like I wish people would just lovethemselves to the point where it was like,
why do you feel like you can'tlive without this person? Or they
can't live a happy life without you? What kind of person is that?
I had a situation where I'm actuallyI was closer to the person who is

doing the I can't let you goor was doing the I can't let you
go, and it honestly seems likethey're operating in a space where they can't
help themselves, and it was scaryto the point where it's like I don't
care about my life or his,like whatever, how do you get to
that point? Though? Girl,I really have no idea. I think

mental illness does play a role,because I just I can't see myself ever
acting like that over anyone. AndI've been in love and I've been hurt
and I've been down for like evenafter my situation, I became so strong.
It's so much better than this.There has been times where I've been
hurt and I've been down in bedfor three days, like four days,
like oh, this man hurt myfeelings. But every single time I decide
to make a self investment and elevatemyself and make them regret it. There's

never been a chance a time whereI'm like, I can't be with this
person. I'm ready to throw mylife away and theirs. But people really
do feel this way. And Ionly feel this way but feel comfortable enough
to articulate it where it's like,this is just what it is and I
don't care and you can't say anythingto make me care. It's so sad.
I mean, I've seen a lotof cases where people take their life

because they just don't want to livewithout somebody, and I just I pray
for those relationships and you just gotto watch out for the red flags early
on, but sometimes you don't seeit, or the red flags can create
because you know, love is suchan intense emotion, you know what I'm
saying. So I like, I'msuper Saiyan in this, but being with
you for all those years broke somethingin me that I just can't fix it

and I don't know how to moveon. I'm just broken. Now that's
your problem. Yeah, I don'tknow either way. The movie was absolutely
crazy. It kind of just putsthings into perspective and it made me feel
like I just want to be carefulmoving forward of who I befriend, who
I'm in a relationship with, becausethese type of people are out there and

they are scary and they walk amongstus and they come off very likable.
They do walk amongst us, andI don't like it. I don't like
it. I think they need asign or something. Okay, So another
thing I want to talk about wasTristan Thompson. Did you see that he
was freaking suspended? No? Yeah, he was suspended from the NBA because
he was taking a performance enhancing drugs. So he is suspended for twenty five

games. It's so funny because everybody'slike he was taking steroids and in performing
enhancing drugs to like be average threepoints a game, you must be out
of your mind because they didn't work. You know what. I wouldn't be
like, yeah, comments, butafter my experience, I'm sorry you're going
through this Tristan and shit and peopleare like, yo, Tristan Thompson,
he is cheating in every aspect ofhis life. That what I agree with.

But karma too real, Hope you'redoing cool. You can't put negative
energy out into the world. Youcan't keep doing wrong things. You can't
keep cheating and trying to cut cornersin every area of your life and expect
to prosper. And I think we'rewatching the downfall of Tristan Thompson. I
mean, like he's done Chloe dirtyso many times now he's cheating on it
like in his career. I mean, the consequences are going to catch up

with you eventually. You can't.You're not gonna What I've learned in this
life is you're not gonna get awaywith anything. No, It's so true.
Like and I have a thousand percentbelieve you reap what you sow.
So if you are putting out negativityand it's not getting you yet, it's
going to get you. You cannotlive like that and not think that it's
going to bite you in. Butit actually reminds me of an interview that
me and doctor Wendy Wollshit not toolong ago, where we interviewed people who

put al Choppo in jail, butthey were living that that drug deal life
for Matt Long and their houses waslike a resort and they had money galore
and all the designers and all theguccies and debt. But they were like,
you know, we don't even knowhow many families we destroyed. Now
he went to jail for twelve years, She's about to go to jail for
three years, and you know,not being able to see her five kids
from like that. Shit always catchesup to you always. I always wonder

why I have lupus sometimes, Andno, I don't want to go that
deep and dark. But is itsomething because it doesn't run in my family?
You know what I mean? Isit did? I've heard of like
pastors talking about how like, youknow, you can if you have negative
energy in you, you know,you can develop certain diseases and stuff.

So was getting lupus a result ofthings that I have done in my past?
Maybe? I don't know. Youknow, obviously who does know?
Right? But I do believe thatAnd it's not necessarily like, oh I
put this out there, so thisis what I deserve? Is I don't
think God works like that, butI do think like maybe the way you
think or the way you I dothink that that can cause illness. And
even if it's like if you're astress bucket, or if you just you

know, are constant in anxiety,or you constantly just don't feel good or
or you're constantly looking for the negativeand things. I do think that that
does manifest itself into certain sicknesses.I always thought cancer in particular, but
that's true. I don't know that'sthat's what I do. That's true about
your mind creating things and making yousick. Because my mom also had breast
cancer and again didn't run in thefamily, and they said that they think

it's because of stress. And soI have dealt with a lot of stress
in my life and anxiety just basedoff of things and interactions that I've had
with people and just things happening andthe way that I've handled situations, and
maybe all that accumulated into me,you know, creating myself to have who
knows, who knows, who doesknow? But I definitely do believe,
like you know, I definitely lostcertain people because of my actions. And

I wasn't necessarily somebody who cut peopleoff or anything like that, but I
definitely grow up in a family wherewe rip on each other or we point
out each other as flaws or insecurities, and I used to do that to
my friends, and you know,I had to learn the hard way that
people don't really appreciate me and talkedto like that, Wait, what do
you mean by that? Like makingfun of people was a way I like

showed love or connected with them,like okay love, be quiet with your
big ass lips like something like that. And it's like, you know that's
after a while, that's like,that's not cool. And I had to
learn that the long way, youknow, the hard way and not the
long way. Had arned that somebodyconfronts you about that. Uh yeah,
I've got I mean people that arestill friends to my days, like until
this day. Like I remember oneof my close friends like, yeah,

kayak, here's my feelings when youdo that. And I'm like, but
you're so beautiful, So why doesit hurt your feelings when I say that
you're too skinny? But maybe it'sbecause that's something that they're insecure about.
And who am I to say,like, Oh, because I think you're
beautiful, you should think you're beautifultoo. Like if I'm not telling you
you're beautiful and I'm pointing out flawsin you in a joking manner, not
meaning to hurt you, yeah that'sgonna So now I definitely go over and

beyond supportance in my friendships, likeOh, well, you're so beautiful and
I love that about you. Andyou're saying, but it's a beautiful thing
that you recognized it and you changedit. Yeah. I mean I definitely
would rather be a light and pourinto people rather than take away and make
people feel like they're less done.That definitely is something I definitely try not
to be. But yeah, Ido over pour into people. I love
it. I love deeply. WhenI love, I love deeply, and

I think it's a gift in acurse. I like it. Yeah,
thank you, I like it.I mean it's whatever, you know.
What's so funny. I think thatspeaking of just you know, putting things
out there and getting what you deserve. I feel like the downfall of Wendy
Williams is like that story, likethe epitome of that lesson you think I

and I just want to really drawthis in. I cannot express to you
how much I loved Wendy Williams.I got the how usual I can really.
I used to record her like Wendy, I watched her daily. That
was my girl. Her downfall iscrazy. But I do believe you build
a career pointing out everybody's flaws andwhat they're doing wrong and making people kikey

about other people's misfortunes. It wasentertaining, it was cute, you were
great at it. But now alot of people can have a lot,
a lot to say about you,Yeah, a lot, because you don't
have that does she? I don'teven know she has access to her money.
She didn't for a really long time. I don't know if that changed.

Laura knows her husband cheated on her, like wos took half her money.
They didn't have a prenup like,and now he's trying to get more
money because he's broke too. Ithink he and I heard terrible things about
him as well, just living inLA And worst of all, she's very
very sick, like very sick.I forget what I think. It's graves
disease is what she has. Butif you see her, like, first

of all, I haven't where isWendy Well, there has not been a
Wendy's sighting in about two hundred andsomething days. Can we please find Wendy?
No, seriously, she has notbeen seen or heard. And it's
one I love her so much,so it works me. But that's what
a lot of people are saying this, this is kind? Is this her
karma for being such a nasty personto so many people? Nobody deserves to

have a disease. I don't deserveto have lupus. Nobody deserves to get
cheated on. And you know,but is this Did she have it coming
because of how much negativity she putout into the world. But then you
can argue, well, that wasjust her job. And that's what I
was gonna say, because a lotof people do like talk shit or have
negative upcomings and nothing happens to them. Look at Donald Trump, Apparently he's

healthy and living his best life andrace and whatever. I mean. I
don't know, maybe he's going togel I don't know, but I think
that from what I understand is theway she was on the stage very much
translated to she was off the stage, and I heard that. You know,
it was a terrible work environment workingon that show, one of the
worst jobs people have had, youknow, when when she's trying to make

shows happen out here. I've heardreally negative stories about the way her and
her husband went about it. Theywere just really nasty and rude to everybody.
Wasn't just so from allegedly I nevermet this woman, except for when
I was on her show. Iwas gonna ask, Wendy, way were
you now you doing my first post? My head looked so big that day.

I'm so embarrassed. My hook washooking girl. Oh my god,
Yeah, you gotta post this.But yeah, I I I never matter.
I just heard that that's that alsotranslate. But then you hear that
those stories about other people and theyare living their best lives. Yeah,
so it's kind of like, dang, what is it? But man,
Wendy was one of the greats.I had always looked up to her,
especially for me being like an interviewerand doing it so often and I'm trying

to be like the best at it. I want to be fearless like her.
I want to imagine how many howmuch hate that she got. I
mean, she would have done aninterview like this with Tory Hard as well
and ask the same questions, ifnot even more intrusive than us, because
she's fearless and she went there andthat's why she was so successful. And
I always wanted to model myself offof that, that that energy, that

fearless energy, but also in away where I'm not creating so much hate
towards myself, you know what Imean. I don't want to be labeled
as messy. I don't want tobe labeled as a hater or you know
what I mean. I want tohave keep some of my integrity. No,
for sure, that was my prayeras well. I wanted to be
just like Wendy Williams as far asher her talent and her delivery. And

I didn't realize like how talented shewas until she got sick and had to
have an end hosts for a littlewhile and just watching the show and them
delivered. Oh she is missed.She there so much drama has happened and
everyone's like, where's Wendy to reporton this? This would have been the
hottest week on the Wendy william Show, like she was it the way she
died, like she would we wouldhave definitely been on there. Would we

would have been on that screen behindthe purple chair. You know, she
would have had us up on air. She would have had they are from
Jersey. It's like she made funof my college one time. But anyway,
I will say, Matt respect toher. I definitely love her,
but h yeah, karma, karmadone. May have got that. I'm
not God, I don't know,but Karma may have got that. Ass.

May I got that? May haveOkay, petty ward of the week,
I'm gonna give mine to the BuffaloBills. So apparently they turned off
the hot water in the Chief's lockerroom after the game. So the Chiefs
won over the Bills by like threepoints in the divisional round of the NFL

playoffs, and I guess they weresome sore losers, so they turned off
their hot water. They say,y'all can't shower. Oh wow, you
know how cold? First of all, do you know how cold? It
was so freaking cold, it wassnowing. So to turn off hot water
during that, that's shady, yeshady. I didn't even know they could

play that dirty. I don't know. Just take your l respectfully, respectfully.
And then it was so funny toobecause they had Taylor Swift themed like
food. Also because you know Taylor'shave dates, Travis Kelsing's on the Chiefs.
He still had like the bad bloodof waffle fries, the Karma caesadillas,
Like, oh, they're so cute. That's cute. That is so
funny. I'm gonna give mine touh, Kim car I was gonna I'm

gonna give mine to Kim Kardashian.I never we never talk about the Kardashians,
but Kim Kardashian apparently on this latestepisode of the show, she was
or She said that she hasn't beento a game a gay wedding since her
second marriage to Chris Humphrees. Hetired of questioned his sexuality. Move on.

He doesn't understand why Kim continues tothink he's gay. It's infuriating.
Kim needs to move on. Uhjust like he has. She's really starting
to drag his name through the mudafter all these years. He just doesn't
understand why. But uh not nowshe thinks he's and not calling her marriage

a gay wedding or her wedding agay wedding like that is hilarious. I
never got gay byes from Chris Humphrey. I didn't either. I didn't even
know that that, but I guessreality was up for question. I mean,
I guess she would be the onethat would know no, no,
you can't trust the ex wife.They're the ones that's that always have something
to say, okay, baby,yeah, like they're not good, but

I do feel like, you know, the Kardashians have that reputation to ruin
a man. Once you hurt them, they drag you through the mud endlessly.
So I don't think him Kardashian isgoing to take her foot off of
his neck anytime. So just lookat y J. Even though y J
puts his head his head under theirfeet for whatever reason. So who gets
it? I'm gonna give it tothe I'm gonna give it to the Bills.

I don't like football. I'm gonnagive it to the Bills. I
think that's funny, super petty andit is it petty? And what of
the week? All right? SoI want to say, ever since we
uh, what is it? Amplifiedour audience, magnified our audience, we
have been getting some listener mail,so this petty mail is odd. Hello

girls, Hi, this is aweird start. Me and my partner girlfriend
fiance soon to be wife need yourassistance, advice, help, tricks,
tools, ideas. The list goeson and on. Okay, we're both
in our twenties and we're around twentyfour to twenty five from the UK,
and my partner has this really weirdfetish kink obsession for belly buttons, and

they list all these type of bellybuttons too. They go into so much
detail about every single word. Theysay, she has obsession for my belly
button because it's an Audi and itsticks out a little bit. I don't
know why I was born with thisbelly button poking out, uh whatever,
but you have it, and hereally wants this to work with her.
I guess I'm trying to skim.I want this to work with her,

to see if I like this feelingof my belly button being teased, blown
on, played with put my butmy skin is hyper sensitive to the touch
or it's ticklish, and I'm veryself conscious about having an Audi belly button.
I want to love and like andget used to my own belly button.

My current girlfriend is the only girlfriendI've ever had. I'm not surprised
because none of my other wait waitwait, wait wait wait. My current
partner is the only girlfriend that hasever seen oh that's ever seen my belly
button. Not the only partner I'veever had. That's why I was with
dried skin. It's only seen mybelly button because none of my other ex
partners have seen my belly button?How many times do we go, say

to where belly button? It's alot. I literally took it out seven
times. Where is the question inthis? We want to know what sort
of tummy activities that she could try? Now, why the fun are you
asking? Eyes? What? ThoughI know about belly button tricks and tabes?

I want to know how to messaround. Go one pornhub and play
with her belly in bed. Couldyou do a podcast episode covering everything,
including all of our questions, andplease let us stay anonymous? His name?
Say his name, Josh? WhatI need to see your Instagram?
Bro? What the fuck is this? So? So, the question is

basically, he wants to know howto not be insecure about his alli buddy
belly button, about his belly buttonand what activities they can do that's not
going to leave him too ticklish,I guess, But to be honest,
like, that's really none of mybusiness, Like, how y'all, Well,
what I can say about the insecuritypart, I guess is clearly she
likes your Clearly she likes you serious. Yeah, clearly she likes your value

button. So you know, maybeit's not something that you should be insecure
about because she loves that part ofyou. She's embracing that part of you,
and uh, she's willing to likeplay with play with it, you
know, so I can't you knowwhat, No, honestly, you need
to become more conident yourself without evenher letting you know that your belly putting
is cool. Plenty of people,funny people have audis. I have you,

haven't any, haven't any too,but yeah, liquors, let her
lick yours and finger it. Whoclean it? Please? Because there's a
lot of nasty value anyway. Next, yeah, you know what, don't
write, thank you very much.What you got coming up is we Oh

girl, I got meetings on meetingson meetings on meetings, because it's up
and it's stuck, baby, andyou know this. You're talking after the
fact, so we'll see. Okay, this week I have interview. I
have one more interview this week.Make sure you guys check out the new
hit list. Don't forget that.I am on air every single night on

CASSEFM. Yeah, so I haveinterviews, and then this weekend I am
meeting up with an old friend,which I'm very very excited about. I've
been like rekindling with a lot ofpeople this year. I think I had
I wanted to put my focus onthat because you know, I left my
relationship and I have more time tojust like more capacity to handle other things,

and I wanted to just rekindle withpeople I have been out of touch
with for a few years. SoI reached out and so we're gonna meet
up this weekend. So I'm reallyexcited about that, just to catch up.
But other than that, yeah,like I'm excited to see where we
keep going with petty Ish. I'mso excited to see where we keep going
with pet Yeah, we have alot of things in store, but also

we want to hear from you.Also if who would you guys like to
hear on the show. Do youhave any suggestions some petty people we can
you know, only Kicky with onthe show. Different topics that you want
us to talk about, you canalways let us know ask at Pettish podcast
dot com and that's all so whereyou can email us to your petty mail
if you need any advice on anythingnothing or your sex life because like bro

what but like anything else that normalpeople talk about maybe outside a coffee something
like that. Yeah, let usnot ask that pettish podcast dot com dot
com. Uh follow me at KaylaAustin. I'm at Kayla Thomas forty follow
that pettish podcast. That pettish podcast, the not well, the other one

was taken down, but still theystill. Okay, I tell you wait,
can I tell you all my pettything, another petty thing this week?
Okay, listen, So what happenedthe old pettish pot Instagram? The
old Pettish Instagram that I had withyou know, before Kayla joined the show,
I had no access to any more. So I had to try to
get it taken down. And Ihave Pettish trademarked. I started this brand

back in twentynineighteen, and so it'smine and so I had to you know,
flash my my legal documents to endup getting getting petty Pettish back.
So I have, I have,we have the Pettage podcast, and we
also have Pettish And this is mypetty thing because it's been a long time
coming since that page was taken down. I was just really, really really
uncomfortable with them publications, texting,tagging the old page because I really don't

want people thinking I'm not cold becauseI was nothing like this. God bless
this, but no, God blessGoss. We'll talk to you next week.
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