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January 31, 2024 • 44 mins
Welcome back petty people! In this episode KT and Kayla talk about all the blesings that has happened to them since the new year started. And they even have a moment reflecting on where they were this time last year. They also discuss Chrisean getting a tattoo of Blueface on her cheek and the Nicki Minaj and Megan Thee Stallion beef. They also discuss whether or not men like women being a "boss." Enjoy!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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The Petty Is Podcast. Hello,welcome, Welcome back to another episode of
petty Ish. I'm a little,a little under the weather. Cala got
RSV. Cayla got something. No, it's not COVID, it's not I
promise it's not COVID. I tooka test. I actually went to minute

clinic and I got there. Yeah, they were nice. I mean I
got RSV. I mean it isbetter than I having COVID. I guess,
so, how are you? You'redrunk? Girls? Yeah? No,
she came in here wreaking of alcohol. Honestly, I like literally not
reaking. But yeah, no,I had a I got invited to a

private dinner at the Palm where thechef was introducing some new menu items as
well as some new cocktails. Sowe were pairing cocktails and food and yeah,
look at you fans to get invitedto the Okay, I'm going to
the Van Go Experience next week,the Hideaway next month. I can invite
it to these signs you high class? Well, what petty ship did you

do this week? All right?What did I say? I did?
I haven't sorry, I'm sorry ifI'm calling this whole episode my bad?
What's my thing? On my thing. What do you mean my thing?
What's my thing? On my loaded? You ain't prepared? Charged? X
boo money? Oh girls high aftera gred And when I get a message

good morning beautiful, my my exboot he owns some plumbing bills. So
now that you're famous, really wantto slide back into the DS exactly?
Uh. He's like, hey,boo, good morning. I need your
beautiful voice on my voicemail for mybusiness. And I said, sure for
X amount of money period, that'sit, No good morning, no doubt,

sure just the dollar amount. Hewas like shaking my head. Damn,
boo, my voice is not free. What do you think this?
This is my money maker? Areyou kidding me? I'm claiming it.
So are you paid? Yeah?He said he's gonna pay. He sent
me discretion. How much that wasworth? I tell him that, I
said, yet because it's mad loveright now, it's okay. The price

will go up. I will goout just that right now because who am
I? You know who I actuallyshould have I should have consulted with you,
like how would you would you havecharge for this? But yeah,
he asked me to do his voicesmell for his little business. I mean
sure to charge his ass a littlesong something, because what about you do
wout? You coffee? That's whatI am. Coffee. Yeah you are,
okay? So I am, youknow, dipping and dab it into

the dating world. You know,I don't want anything serious, like I
want to take this year for meand for self love. But if somebody
wants to take me out, whicha few people have wanted to, who's
going to turn down some free drinksand some free food, right, But
my standards are so much higher now. I'm not just about to go out

with anybody or any anything or anyoneanymore. And if you don't mean certain
requirements, if you do the slightestthing, that's a red flag, like
is done. Like I already toleratedso much in my past, I'm not
tolerating nothing. Right. So thisreally nice guy, really really nice guy,
wanted to take me out. Hewas really like aggressive in the beginning

when it comes to like, okay, this is what we're gonna do.
I'm gonna take you out, I'mgonna want to done you. I'm gonna
do this, you know, takeoff your whole day. This is what
we're gonna do. And he wasvery very sweet. I mean the way
that he even like gave me hisnumber was I thought was cute. Some
people thought it was weird. Youknow those little digital like uh yeah,
like ID cards where it's like assoon as you it touches a phone,

all of the information pops up.Yeah, social media, social media tree.
Yeah it wasn't link tury, butit was like everything popped up,
his website for his company, hisuh you know, his Instagram, his
phone number, everything. As soonas she all he had to do was
tap my phone a little where.But it was cool. So I like
that and I thought it was cute, and so I agreed to go out

with him. And the first weekendI couldn't because I was super busy,
but I said, okay, nextweekend, let's plan for this day.
And it was like, okay,it gets closer to the time to you
know, confirm, are we doingit this day? Are we doing it
Saturday? We're we doing Sunday.I haven't heard anything. The last I

think of the last time I hadheard from him was like that Tuesday,
Thursday rolls around. I'm my friendswant to make plans, things are coming
up. I don't even know ifI should reserve Saturday or Sunday if it's
still happening. And the weekend comesaround and I hear nothing, absolutely nothing,
mind you. It wasn't solidified.We didn't say we're doing this specifically,

we didn't say okay, you know, but we had said it's going
to be this weekend. And Iheard crookeds and I said, you know
what, I've blocked, blocked.And my cousin was like, well,
what if you know, he comesback and he tries to afterwards or something
happened or maybe it was a familyemergency. I said, I don't care.
You could have communicated that, Hey, I'm sorry, we were supposed

to hang out this weekend, butthis, this, this, and this
happened. Nothing, silence, andwhat did he do? Literally that next
Tuesday, Hey, Dada just messagingme and me about something random, like
he forgot about that we were supposedto hang out that week blocks. So
now you're now you're gonna ignored.Now you're like, no more girl.
The dating pool is so trash.I was on the phone my future husband

hopefully before I got here, andI was just telling him that I was
I was trying to go on datesthis past week and I was on FaceTime
with one of these guys and he'slike texting my wrown FaceTime and I'm like,
oh, is it? Is itwork? And he's like no,
I'm like, oh, is itdrama? He's like, yeah, somebody
mad? I won't post him onmy instagram? Are you kidding? While

you're next? Like, that's notlike guy being mad at you about that.
That's not something innocent. And I'mlike, it's a girl like and
the fact that she thinks that sheshould be posted on the Instagram means that
it's more than just a right.I'm like, are you dating a lot
of people right now? And he'slike, I'm from LA. I don't
think that answers my question. Waita minute? Is that wait? Is

that the rest? I'm like,that's not a response dating a lot of
people. I'm from LA. He'slike, well, what I mean is
like, you know, I'm wellknown. I got a lot of friends
around here like you and I like, you know, like we're not necessarily
dating. But I'm like, thisis our first conversation and this will likely
be our last conversation, so youand I don't really count as a thing.
Or and like we're nothing. We'renot friends, we're not dating,
We're nothing. This is just ourfirst conversation and more than likely our last.

So I just wanted to know,like, you know, are you
dating a lot of people who said, well, you know again, I
I just have a lot of femalefriends. That was with my my middle
school sweetheart for like mad years,and then she started drinking too much,
so I dumped her. And nowyou know, he sounds like a ball
of chaos. He sounds like youare so corny, and I'm just like,

you know, you seem busy rightnow. Why don't you call me
a little bit later? Blocks blocks, absolutely, and that's the thing,
that's what I am. I amnot tolerating the littlest thing. You're getting
cut off. It's so easy forme to hate you. Yeah, absolutely,
and I think but it's not beinglike a bad person or hating somebody.
It's about standards, protecting your boundariesabsolutely, and I actually have them

now. So you missed you.You don't communicate properly enough, you don't
plan far enough in advance. Yourchance is gone there and there's no second
chance. Doctor, just going tothe next person, next date, next
weekend. So by bye bye,our listeners have done. If my cat
winds for food, If my catwinds for food before eight am, I

make him wait until eight oh fiveeight am, wait five am. I
also wake him up constantly during theday as punishment for waking me up.
That sounds like me. It's literallya cat, bro, No, it's
a cat, but my will bedoing the most. So I understand you
don't have a cat, so youdon't understand how that's shady because you know
I want Ash. I'm gonna gethim one day. But she was a

black cat. I do want ablack cat named Ash. I don't even
tit for tat with a pet.No, no, because my little be
but my little be walking on myface and it's like clockwork too, like
as soon as he doesn't get fedat a certain amount of time, if
I can't even sleep in and hewill literally walk on my face. So
MILO ain't getting on naps at day. No, my little banging the pops.

Y'all aren't gonna sleep because of y'all. Okay, I get it.
Someone said my ex Shee did onme, so I used his number in
Gmail to sign up to receive updateson the church Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints. Oh wow, all right, okay, all right, that's hart's
pretty petty. My mom won't payfor my grandma's nursing care because my grandma

paid for my aunt's sweet sixteen andnot my mom's. Wait, not nursing
care. Now you're holding a thirtyyear grudge, girl, But I do
know people like that. I stayaway from those people grudge against me.
You got it's those people that oneof their mom's like, what are you
gonna do when I'm older and I'mon my death bed? And then will

you take care of me? Andshe's and then they're like, no nursing
homeless people you take I'm gonna takecare of my Are you kidding me?
But my mom and dad are sofreaking fresh they can take care of themselves,
still have like butlers until they theydid die. They don't even need
me. Girl. It has beena good week, and I can genuinely

say, without a shadow of adoubt that this is the happiest that I
have been in such a long time. And it's not even just like happy,
it's actual peace. And you knowme, in my mind sometimes I'm
like, all right, it's toopeaceful. When's it coming? When what's

around the corner? Something the othershoe was going to drop? But like
I'm actually relishing and enjoying it.Yeah, girl, Like first of all,
Blessings on Blessings on Blessings. Igot two endorsements in like one week.
I knew about the one. Yougot another one. I had another
one, and I don't even knowif I can talk about it. But
it's in not till April, andit's actually a hosting event with a company

with a very major celebrity that I'mhosting, and so that is going to
be halleluj that is going to beamazing. But like that has happened.
And then I started reconnecting with oldfriends that I haven't talked to you about
four or five years, and thatcan be awkward. It can be awkward,

but this is something I wanted todo. This is something that I've
been wanting to These are people thatI've been wanting to reconnect with for such
a long time, but I don'tthink I had the capacity to do so.
I was dealing with so much dramain my relationship and dealing with that
and just the toxicity of that andbeing depressed from that that I had no
mental space for anything else. Andnow that all that is gone and clear,

I have space to fix my relationshipwith my mom. That's something that
I also wanted to work on.It's like getting closer with my mom because
I feel like we over the pastthree four years, we have kind of
you know, you know, haven'tbeen on the same page. And it's
kind of been that way kind ofmy whole life, and I wanted to
change that. I want to startprioritizing my family. Because my mom came

to me and said, Kayla,it really hurts me that you spend more
time with your friends and your family. You prioritize your friends over your family.
And it's true. I go toevery bridal shower, I go to
every baby shower. I'm in everyfreaking wedding. I fly here, there,
and there, all the way everywherefrom my friends, and I can't
keep stop thinking about my loopus walkwhen five people showed up, you know

what I mean. Yeah, Andit's like, and I know those of
the people who didn't show up weren'tmy true friends, and I know a
lot of my best friends would havebeen there, but it showed me that,
like, at the end of theday, all I really have is
my family. You could be gonetomorrow, Kayla, this person could be
good. I'm here, you knowwhat I mean? You know what I

mean? So, like, Iwant to start doing more with my family.
Instead of giving my all to soextending myself to so many people,
would they do the same for me? So like, instead of going to
a wedding that I really want togo to, I'm going on a cruise
that's been booked for a year anda half of my family. I've been
repaired, like I said, So, I'm repairing my relationship with my mom.
Did this start with the breakup andeverything when you guys connected, then

yeah. I think it's when Ifinally called my mom and told her actually
the specific details of the like theabuse and the toxicity of the relationship.
And that's when I decided, likeI need to get closer with my mom.
I need to like she's not goingto be here forever. At the
end of the day, She's gonnalove me unconditionally, you know what I

mean. Like, So, yeah, trying to reconnect with my mom and
reconnecting with these friends has like healedmy heart in so many ways. And
so I say all that to sayis God has kind of been keeping his
promise to me that he made withme months ago. And my prayer to
him was like, God, Idon't know if we talked about this,

but you know that meme whereas likeyou're holding a teddy bear. Oh You're
a small teddy bear, and thenlike God has a bigger teddy bear behind
his back, and you're like,oh my God, I don't want to
let go this teddybir. That's howit was for me and my relationship.
And I always remember God saying like, Kayla, just let go, and
I promise I'll give you everything thatyou ever wanted, and so I let

go whatever. And I always thought, maybe that's a may is that a
husband? But no, it camein so many different forms. It came
in the form of this podcast growingand exploding the way that I always dreamed
of it to be. I won'tsay what specifically because we're talking after the
fact, but you know, yeah, re kindlingly with old friends, my

relationship with my mom growing, andthen work is just exploding. And so
God has honestly kept his promise tome, and I could not be happier.
So I'm a little tipsy so much, No, just because like you
spoke so hard on yourself for solong, you know, and you just

really deserve it, Like you reallyjust have so many blessings. And I
just know every conversation that we had, like every single time you had a
negative experience or you weren't enjoying allthe blessings that you were given, it
was because of somebody else who justdidn't deserve that. So the fact that
you opened your eyes and you realizeyour blessings and you're just pouring into them,
and you're just recreating all these friendshipsand mending all these friendships that loved

you so much and deserve your lovein return, and you're giving yourself in
that way. It just makes myheart explode. I don't know why I'm
such a loser, but things likethat make me so happy. I attribute
a lot of it to you.I mean, like you were there when
I first got cheated on February four, twenty twenty three. Okay, you
were there. You're the first personI was in this chair and I literally

fell on the floor right here inthis room, and you were the first
person I called when I had gotthat message of finding out everything that happened,
and it was almost a year ago, a few like today, and
you were the one that spoke lifeto me when I was on this floor,
and I remember saying, Okay,I don't think I could continue life.
You were saying such heavy when likeit was the I know, I

was like, literally those were thethoughts that were coming to my mind at
the time. I was just sodistraught. I could not believe that my
whole world was crashing at that moment. And I remember even after, you
know, I rekindled the relationship,but I took him back and I still
suffered through things like you were therefor me, encouraging me, and you
never judged me too, especially beingthere and like you seeing it firsthand,

so I hit it you were seeingyour first hand, and then like also
then seeing me get back in it. You never and I was embarrassed to
show tell you, and and itdisclosed with you about like why why I
was going back, and I wasso embarrassed, but like you never you
never said anything like because I've beenthere. I've been there, and I

hated being judged for it, andI knew like you not telling me things
had nothing to do with me oryour respect for me or your love for
me. It had everything to dowith you. And whenever you healed and
you worked through it, I knewyou would be there to talk about it
and I will be there to listenif you ever decided to. And if
you didn't decide to, that's yourprerogative. But I just knew you as
a person and you as a friend, and regardless of your relationship or what
you decided, that never took awayfrom what you did for me and how

you're there for me. So Iwould never want to lose that because I
don't agree with your relationship, becauseLord knows, I could be like Heyla,
leave him alone. Next thing Iknow, y'all are married, and
I'm like, oh, maybe hewasn't what I thought you was. So
I just I'm just really really reallyreally proud of you, because it's not
easy. It's definitely especially when you'relike in love and you just realize,
like you think this person is it, but to realize that you have so

many people that are it in yoursoulmates and just want your love so badly
while this person's just rejecting it andpeople are like begging, like, yo,
Kayla, give me your love,and now you finally realize those people
will deserve it, and it's justso beautiful. I know it is,
and I'm glad that you're to experienceit with me and just to see I'm
excited to see the happy version ofyou two. And I know you're also

going through things, but girl like, you are prospering and you're and you're
hunger for this industry and you andyour passion and radio is like growing every
single day and I'm watching you goafter it and man, like, do
people have a lot to expect fromus this year? Thank you? Thank
you? I definitely feel that aswell. I feel like a lot of

things are happening. I'm actually startingto realize the network that I have and
and the people that really really loveme and want to see me win and
are willing to put their name behindme and behind this podcast. And I'm
just very very grateful. And thatwas my week, just meetings and networking
with people that have always been inmy life. But realizing that I've had
this access that I've never actually accesseduntil I had something to access it with.

And for that, Kayla petty ish. I'm so grateful that this is
the thing and that we're able tokind of just show our talents and and
share them with the world. Andalthough we do get a lot of hate,
and I'm done clapping back on socialmedia, that's for sure. I'm
not no told me, I'm uglylike and I'm not much to look at,
like, fuck you TikTok too,bro TikTok is wild with their mouth.

They are ruthless on that I reallybe wanting to fight, I really
do, But for this week,I'm done clapping back because I'm just so
grateful for the people that do loveimportant to me and take the time to
help me out and and and youknow, pivot me as opposed to tear
me down. So That's that wasmy week, just accessing and realizing and
accepting that. But another thing thatirritated and drove me crazy this week,

Krashan got another blue face that Ihave no words for. Krishan. I'm
done with her. I'm done withher. I'm about to unfollow her.
And I know she lost about likefour hundred thousand followers. Girl, what
are you kidding me? That tattooshe permanently ruined her face. I don't
understand why people have been following herfor this long. I never follow Sis.

I will never follow Sis. Shemakes me want to pull off my
fake eyelashes and then my real ones, Like why, yeah, you know,
I saw a TikTok that was reallyreally interesting and it said that this
is more than just being in loveblue faces her. God, it's more
than just a little love spell.She worships him. She unfollowed her baby

on Instagram so she can just havehim as her only father, like she
he denied her baby, he postedher baby's penis on social media. She
he has physically abused her. Hehas done so much wrong to this girl.
Are her and Jaden's so friends now? Because I don't understand. No,
Jason's off living her best life withwith with a girlfriend. She got
herself a stud. Let me findme under them rightly treated right in this

world. But so it's she idolizeshis blue face and that's the sad part.
And when you're under that kind ofspell whatever, like there no one
can help her, but God,I saw her on Live being like,
you know, y'all feel bad forme. I feel bad for y'all y'all
are y'all are disappointed in me.I'm disappointed in y'all. Y'all, y'all
talking on this junk. But I'mrich, though. I gotta imagine my

man gotta mansion, y'all. Broke, we got two mansions between us.
Let me tell you, I willbe broke every day until I die before
I accept that bullshit. Oh absolutely, let's listen to it. So I'm
so disappointed y'all too, because youit's broke, you will being worried about
the next life. And she's richliving in mansions. Bro Her nigga got

one. She got one, soboth they both got to there. You
feel me, like, what areyou talking about? I feel bad for
you too. So basically, shewas just, you know, coming after
the people who are discussing her financialsituation, and they're like, oh,
well, you just going with himbecause you're you don't have the money,

and he supports you and he buysyou things, and he, you know,
you can live in his house.And she's like, no, like,
I you know, I have thefinancial means, I have my own
house. So she's just choosing togo back, go back to that situation.
Sorry, y'all, naw, yougot Yeah. I never thought it
was anything financially or needing him.I think that she's way too far going

for that. I think that she'sgoing back because she feels like that's her
man, her man, her man, her man, and he can do
anything to her, and she's notleaving, and so she until she decides.
And I don't think we're we're we'regoing to be privy to when that
is like, because I think alot of us would have been walked away.
But she'll walk away when she's ready, if that ever happens. Yeah,
there's some there's something mental up there. But I sent you a video

on TikTok when she was normal backin her eyes, she absolutely wasn't she
was beautiful. She was beautiful,she was healthy, and it was before
all the tattoos. But I don'tknow, just to have a portrait of
someone's face on your face, youhave to be next level. I'm hoping
it's fake. No, that's real. She has so many tattoos. No,

there's no way. I can't evenget a guy's name in a hidden
place yet alone his face on myface. My face is sup pretty?
Are you stupid? That's crazy?Speaking of like financial situations and relying on
men. Do you think it's truethat men don't care about women being bosses?
They actually prefer you to not beNo, So listen to this video
that's kind of going gral right now. Like you know, men won't respect

over love any day. So it'slike, in order for you to really
be that woman in your household,you got to be able to take that
hat off at the door from thatbusiness. You might be the top riller
clip, you might have three folksalons that got that online hair brand,
but can you turn that shit offand be a woman at home because a
nigga don't give a fuck about youbeing a boss in the house. Right.

In my experience, when I've datedless than successful men, they didn't
seem to care about what I accomplishedor what I've done. But when I
dated more accomplished men, they definitelydon't want somebody that they're taking care of.
They want two people building an empireand then we build this shit together
for our generational wealth and our kidswill benefit off of this. So I

don't know what kind of men wantsome stay at home type girl that hasn't
accomplished anything. But in my experience, when I date more successful men,
they definitely want somebody who mentally orfinancially matches them. Yeah, I've never
dated anybody. I've never dated likea boss, like someone who can take
care of me, So I cannotrelate. But from what I can tell
from past relationships and relationships with myfriends, I can see how this is

true. And that is if youdate somebody. This is why I keep
saying men need to date people whoon their level, women who make six
figures, who have their own business, who are constantly busy and can't come
home and cook and clean for you, equally yoked, equally yoked, because
I feel like a lot of menget intimidated by that. I have been

in situations where I felt like becauseI made more money or because you know,
I was always doing this, ittook away from the fact that I
couldn't come home and make you asandwich. It came. It took away
from the fact that I couldn't cleanthe house all the time because I was
constantly busy. And that makes aman, and I think it hurts his
ego a little bit because he askedto do the cleaning and in the cooking

and the making of his own sandwiches, so he feels like less than a
man because society tells him that thewoman should do that. Yeah, even
if the woman's making more money,that doesn't make I think it doesn't matter.
I think men always think that theyneed to be the head of the
house and if they can't be infor some reason, they have to.
And this isn't all men, Thisis not all men. But they like

to put the women in their placeto make them selves feel better and that
and that was definitely like you know, my experience, and I did deal
with men who didn't work as hardand weren't as ambitious and also didn't bring
in And not that I'm rolling inthe dough, but you're definitely rolling in
less than the dough than I wasor willing to. But I also know,

like when you muffed up or whenyou weren't, you know, doing
anything, it was easy for meto disrespect you because I thought of you
as less of a man and lessthan a man because I'm holding down the
financial week. Granted, you cookand clean for me and whatever the case
is, But the second I getmad, you're a bitch because I'm the
man of the household, so Ican. I can kind of see it,
like, you know, both bothsides of the both sides of the

argument. So is a man askingfor you for money? Is that a
turn off for you? It depends. It depends on if like when I
needed are you there for me?Like is it a like do you have
my back as much as I haveyours? Or is it you never have
it? And I need to keepfilmed because not, you're a bitch.
Yeah, because Gail King actually toldthis story about one time she was dating
somebody. They weren't even a relationship, they were just like getting to know

each other. They were talking.He asked her for four thousand dollars because
he was having child support issues andthen also he needed money for like furniture
or something. I don't know.But he paid her back within like three
days. Okay, four thousand dollars. But she said he paid me back,
but it didn't feel the same.I didn't feel the same. It
changed the relationship for me. No, I'm not like that. A man

can fall on hard times and Iwon't be like you're less. I don't
like that. I don't like whensomebody falls on hard times and they need
you and then you're like, oh, you're less than because you needed me,
Like that's not okay. We allfall on hard times. Do you
all need even something that you barelyknow? I mean, this isn't your
boyfriend. This is somebody that you'vegone on a few dates with. That's
a different situation, right, Yeah, I wouldn't. I don't think I
would continue the relationship if I ifwe're on date three, you asked me

for some money, yeah, likewe have to be in a serious relationship.
There have been times where I havegiven my exes money for sure,
and of course they'll pay me back. I'm a fifty fifty type of girl,
and I think that's called because that'sall I've ever known. I have
not experience where somebody pays my billsor someone pays everything for me. So
I always am like, yeah,I'll split the bill, like that's how

it should be equally yoked whatever.So, but I don't know if it
was somebody that I'm just now gettingto know and they asked me for four
thousand dollars, would for child supportissues? First of all, you got
a child that's strung number one,Yeah, just seventy five years old.
What the fuck are you talking about? People got kids at that age.

But no, I feel like,definitely there was a time where I don't
know, I can't. I can'treally remember spending things fifty to fifty.
It was always more me or him. It was never like we pay half
on things. There were times whereI was dating people and we went out
to eat and I would take careof the tip while they took care of
the bill. But now I'm tothe point where I frowned upon you if
you ask me to take care ofthe tip, like, I'll take care

of it if I want to,but don't ask me to do anything like
I'll just offer. But yeah,that tell us some of the experiences like
enlighten me. And now that I'mlike out in the dating scene, I
hope to experience that. But like, what is the most a guy has
gone out of his way to dofor you? Like, oh god,
I can't, Like there have beentimes where people have flown out to see
me and then they take me groceryshopping and then they cook for me and

they'll clean my house, wow cleanyou what. I know that sounds really
fucked up when it comes out,but I'm not really like I'm not domestic.
I'm really not, Like I'll doit if I need to, but
I like, literally hate it somuch. And this man flew out to
see me, and my kitchen wasn'ttop notch, but he wanted you know,
I'm not a cookie though, that'snot my thing, so he wanted

to you know, he wanted toeat. Obviously, he went grocery shopping,
so he cooked everything, and Iwasn't about to get up and clean.
It was a new Sea's another circleon Netflix. I know what's going
on Netflix while he cooks and cleansfor me, which I really really really
appreciate it and love that man somuch. Other than that, like people
just when they fly out to seeme, like I don't have to touch
my wallet, like I want togo to the WB studios. I'm obsessed

with friends. That's definitely been somethingI've wanted to experience. I've been out
here. I've been out here threeyears. Can you make that happen?
Me? Say? Last? Andthat's how did guys say that? He
wants a passenger princess treatment. I'msupposed to eat your vagina while you get
it, Like I don't understand.I don't understand why men talk like this,
like are you I was like,okay, but I've had that too,

where men's like you know again whenI first stay like this is the
year that women are supposed to starttaking care of men. And that was
what happened throughout our relationship. Iwould put money on his fines because he
was a bad boy, and Iwould go to the plice station be like,
oh to paid money on his phonelike dumb ass. Yes, girl,
He's like, that's how I knewyou was loyal. And when you
put money on my fine, that'swhen I knew she didn't. Five seconds

later, you're getting a jail bird. I don't know if he was to
jail, but yeah, he definitelytake somebody else in jail one time.
Damn did you? Yeah? Andnow he's convicted of rape. Wow,
and he's going to jail. Yeah, what did he do? What did
he do when you pick him up? So everybody from Liberty knows who exactly
what I'm talking about right now?Yeah, I mean it just bruh.

This guy is crazy. But Iwe were all at a bar one time
and he gets like super super drunkand he has a problem with alcohol,
and one time, he just hewas just belligerent at this huge bar and
imagine a window this big, likeright here, he just punched it and
broke the window nowhere out of nowhere, got arrested. Me and my friend

picked him up from the county jailthe next morning. Had a worn out
for his It was crazy. Andthen other time he had like ran from
the cops after he got a dy. So I haven't talked to him
many years, but I just heardyou. I just heard that he thought
was found guilty of rape last week. So yikes, speaking of rape girl
rape and uh Megan's law and nicknobody, like for real, Like why

would Meganie Stallions say that? Andwhy would say that? It had Nikki
spiraling for five days? That's howyou know, Megan thee Stallion won.
One little itty bitty bar can getyou so round up that you are writing
think pieces on Twitter. You weregoing on Instagram live ranting talking about bigfoot,

get a big foot that get yourcontract fish one fish fish, redfish,
bluefishing, going on station head continuingyour rant, dropping a whack ass
disc bag. That was the samething that you were already tweeting on Twitter.
How old is it sallion? Sheis younger than us, she's like
twenty eight. Oh she's a babybait yea, and Nikki is forty one.

Okay, so I just want tookay pushing it there. Yeah,
she has no she really is.And I also, I honestly, I
honestly think that, you know,it was all lighthearted until like Nikki went
to like the dead, I don't. I don't like that. Conjure up
your mother and apologize. Yeah,I would be, and again I lost
my mom. Like that is justnot funny to me. That's not even

a little bit funny. Like Iwill go to jail, Like you don't
disrespect me in that way, Soyou don't respect her. People were saying,
when it comes to rap beef,nothing's off limits because you know who
did it. They talked about thedead family members, and back when they
did it, nobody blinked deny.But now that it's Megan thee stallion,

is that a sexist thing because peoplehave been talking about people's dead loved ones.
Now I think times have changed personallyin twenty twenty three, you can't
do what you did in two thousandand eight, two thousand and five,
two thousand gen Z don't play thatshit. That's first and foremost. And
I also think like it's just alevel of respect, and it's also a
level of reputation. Nicki Minaj's reputationhas been mean girl. You don't want

to see anybody come into the game, you don't want to see anybody else
win, And just that's just kindof solidifies that kind of narrative that Nicki
Minaj already has. I personally thinkthat also when you have to go that
low in an argument or in adisagreement, it's because you don't have much
intelligence about you or you have nothingelse to say. The second somebody calls
me ugly in an argument, I'mdone arguing, Like, clearly you're just

shout out dress funny. The secondsomebody brings up a deafen. Okay,
you lost, Like clearly you lostbecause you gotta go there. I think
going there is the automatic l Yeah. She started bringing up the case with
Tory Lanez, saying that she calledKelsey, which Kelsey said wasn't true.
By the way, get up onyour good foot with how you get shot
and there you know the fragment foot, all of that. It's like stuff

we've already heard. It was nothingnew. It was nothing that we've already
heard. The jokes about the footin Megan being shot hasn't didn't be like
it's it was. It was playedout, and I think I think Nicki
Minaj lost this one. And Ialso think that she didn't like she.
It wasn't obvious that she was talkingabout Nicki Minaj. It was very like

I insulted everybody in his shots.She said, yeah, I think she
even was coming for Rihanna in onepart. Yeah, that you could take
it that way. But she said, what is it? What did she
say? She said something dogged,dogged on a holler mm hmm. So
you're responding and you doing this wholena over the top shit? Are you
ahead? Dog you are? Areyou hollering? She's barking, And it's

nobody's fault that you married a rapeand she and think about Nikki. She
keeps talking about like, oh,well that's some thirty year old tea.
That was when he was fifteen yearsold. It doesn't matter anytime you guys
move. Every single year he hasto register as a sex defender. My
love and I get a little childish. You're not gonna even be able to

be around your man. Okay,I'm fifteen. Most people don't rape people.
Oh we all make them a sixat fifteen and our hand cringe,
girl, cringe. The week goingto Okay, Penny Water of the Week
for me is going to Sorry,guys, we had to make this episode

fast because we live with mahind that, so it's gonna be a little short
episode today. So Penny of theWar of the Week is gonna go to
Britney Spear and her fans. BritneySpears is fans. So so you know,
Justin Timberlake came out the new songit's called Selfish. It's his first
song in years banger by the way, it's like bringing back the old JT.
You know. So Brittany Spears alsohas a song named selfish, Oh

called Selfic. It came out intwenty eleven. And because you know the
whole feud between Justin Timberlake and JustinJustin Timberlake and Britney Spears, Brittany talked
about how he has done things toher. She talked about it in her
memoir. So people don't like JustinTimberlake because of Britney. Well, because
his song is Selfish. Brittey Spearsfans took upon themselves to start streaming her

old song Selfish from twenty eleven,and it actually beat out Justin's new song
on the iTunes chart. So rightnow, if you look, it's like
Britney Spears is number one Selfish fromtwenty eleven, and then Justin Timberlakes from
a few weeks ago a few daysago at number two. Those fans definitely
petty. But I will say Ithink Britney Spears spoke out in defense of

Justin Timberlake recently saying like you know, I love him, I love is
his song, and because he's gettinga lot of backlash apparently from him doing
his black set in her book andhim making her get an abortion or something
like that, which really makes mewant to read the book. My Patty
Award is going to go to KimBurrell. She is a pastor, I
believe, super religious woman and shewas at church join her sermon, feeling

herself and she was singing and somewoman joined in, and this was how
Kim responded, d this is solow God's using me. Don't sing with
me right now that I'm singing alone, nah ma'am man with that mask.

Let that mask work for you.I'm singing alone. Lord, I'll be
back. I feel like that wascompletely disrespectful. First of all, that's
somebody who just got the courage likesinging church and raise their hands and like
be a part of it. Forthe pastor to tell you to stop singing
when you start getting the comfort todo that, and like maybe I'm feeling
the priest too, or you totell me that you can only praise God

at this moment, right, Isn'tthe point of praise and worship is so
that everybody can be in one accordand like sing together and come in agreement
to God. God. Shut up, Like excuse me. She just wanted
her moment, and that's like girl, you kim Berrell, you always we
know you can sing sweetie, right, Like you didn't need to do that.
I'm doing it. I feel likeshe was trying to embarrass her.

And then she had an explanation.I feel like it didn't make it much
better. So here's the narrative.I'm in the middle of ministry and you
know how you close out a sermon, and I'm singing thank you, and
I'm thinking that I'm singing a soloand you always got that one, that
one that that's to join yet.And I heard it, y'all, and
she was singing, and I wasjust going for a thank ma'am. So

I'm sitting there singing and I keephearing her, and then the man in
front of her said that she's tryingto tell you, ma'am. So this
was somebody who was disconnected in theservice, but it was cool. That's
the type of thing that like turnspeople away from the church. I agree,
you know, like the church issupposed to be a safe space.
The church is supposed to be somewherewhere you could openly praise God and worship
without being judged, without someone sayingsomething to you, without the fear of

you know, people saying whatever.And the fact that she was pointed out
you with the mask stop praising God. That's like defeats the whole purpose of
coming together as a congregation. Thatwould be my last time attending that church.
I would have made a TikTok storyabout how Kimbrell is a bit and
how the fuck dare you and justlike, yeah, I just I wouldn't
go back in it. And Ifeel like even like when she because again

apparently the lady like Kim pulled herup at the end and they were able
to dance together, and she's like, you were trying to sing with me
earlier, and you were doing allthis and that, but like it wasn't
the time sing with me now,And you could tell, like the woman
she had to pull her out ofher shell for her to sing with her.
But I felt like her intentions inthat whole moment was to embarrass that
woman because I might not be likea center of attention type of chick.
I might have just been vibing withGod in that moment. Now you're pulling

me up saying how I was singingwhen I wasn't supposed to sing with me
now that like I'm not your clown, I'm not your monkey, like it
would just seemed like she was tryingto embarrass her. It was super wide
and she ruined her moment with God. I don't like that. So who
gets the Petty Award? Britney Spearsfans or Kimbero. I think Britney Spears
fans. I'm going to get Betty. Kim Barrell was a bitch. Yes,
she was still I still say BritneySears fans to have a twenty twenty

twenty eleven song Tray No Patty becauseof the same name, felt like,
come on, let that mask dothe work. Stop singing. I'm had
to get okay, We're going tohave to let the people decide. Let
us know you, let us knowin our DMS at the Betty Ish podcast,
what is the girl Patty Award ofthe Week? And then oh lord,
she's me to go out of here? All right? We got Patty

Mount and me done. Uh DearCayla and Kayla. This is from Sherman
and Pasadena. My partner and Itook a little break and I was intimate
with someone else. This happened lastyear. It's been months, but it
definitely took a toll on our relationship. What are some things I can do
to show him how oh wait,to show her how much I love her
and make her feel special and appreciateit, and please don't say do things

over time. It would be reallyhelpful if there's any advice on specific things
I could do to make him forgiveme, to make her forgive me.
That's a tough one, man,because those little breaks were you actually really
on a break or was it wasit was a break or was it a
breakup? Because I feel like breaksdon't even really count as breakup, So

like you're still together? Did sheconsidered cheating in her mind? I feel
like it's and this may be thismay be taboo, but I feel like
it's not really your responsibility to makeher forgive you. Like you did what
you did, y'all got back together. She decided to forgive you. If
she decided to forgive you, thenshe has to forgive you. It's not

like you have to keep working aboveand beyond to make her forgive you.
She came back, so she's here. I love you, you love me.
Let's not bring this up. Let'smove forward. But if you want
to keep bringing it up and beinglike you can go ahead because you don't
forgive me, I'm sorry. Ican't. I can't change the past.
I fuck somebody. I would say, just if constant reinsurance is something that

you can do, I'm sure thatshe would love to, you know,
get compliments on her body and sayingthings like, oh, you are the
one that I love, You arethe one that I want. There's nobody
else your body is so perfect,Like little things like that could help boost
her self a scene, because I'msure in her mind she's probably comparing y'all's
sex life to the sex life thatyou have with this person on the break.

So if you can make her feellike the only one that you want,
like the most treasured prize and actuallygenuinely mean it, you know what
I mean. I think that willmake her feel a whole lot of it.
That's nice. I think you couldsay, you know Kayla's advice too,
but she forgave you, bro.Sometimes it's hard to forgive girl.
Sometimes it's hard to get over things. I mean, I do, I

do understand. I agree you werehave to accept the responsibility of getting over
it. If you choose to stayin a relationship, you have to promise
to let it go. But it'seasier than done. I did it.
I was. That's why I believeif he cheats, whether it's emotional,
cheat physical, cheat, do notget back together. It will not work.
It will always be in the backof your mind no matter what.

I'm not gonna say you're wrong.That's why I'm walk away. I walk
away. I can't get over it. I'm gonna see it in the back
of my head. Oh yeah,position are you kidding out sneaking on the
phone now at this point, NowI'm accused. You love it. It's
a rap. Yeah, I'm aboutto go crazy for you. But God,
bless what you got coming up thisweek. I gotta get this R
S v PTA whatever gone. Scrammy'sWeekend, girl, you gotta get it

together. Grammy's Weekend. So Ihave a lot of things to do.
I have, uh, you know, these endorsements opportunities coming up, so
I need to, you know,film a lot of content this week.
I'm going to a movie premiere nextMonday, some Grammy parties this weekend,
and that's it. So just Grammy, Scrammy, Scrammy, Scramy's Grammy,
So don't you I got invited tovan Go Experience, so I'm going to

take advantage of them. And yougotta get back into working out because I
haven't done that for around the sameYeah. And then I got invited to
a couple of different events that I'mmayor. We got to go to a
Grammy party together at least one.Yeah, to do Friday. We figure
on out Friday. Yeah. Oh, and I'm also going to a networking
event for people who work in tech, so hopefully I meet people tomorrow and
see what happens with that. Butyeah, just networking, networking, networking,

so we'll see what happened. Yay. Well, you guys have a
great blast week. Please stay safewith there's something going around. It's covid
RSV all the above, so juststock up on vitamin Z and wear a
mask because I swear I got thiscough because someone coughed at me at the
club. I know that's where itcame from. You ain't wrong. I
was torking, throwing it back turnedaround, but no, I really I

really had that at the beginning ofthe year. I think it was that
and it just really was no joke. So God bless us. Journey ahead
anyway. We'll talk to y'all nextweek.
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