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April 17, 2024 • 66 mins
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In this episode KT and Kayla are joined by actress, rapper and reality TV host, Ta'Rhonda Jones. You may know her from the hit show on FOX, Empire. But now she is hosting a brand new dating show on OWN called "The Never Ever Mets." Tune in as the ladies discuss dating, relationships and what to expect on this upcoming season!

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Episode Transcript

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The Petty Is Podcast. Welcome backto another episode of Petty Ish. My
name is Kayla and I'm Kayla.What's that girl? Hey girl, we
got a special guest coming up.We do we are killing period. The

amazing Surrounded Jones be joining us.I'm so excited. She has a new
reality TV dating show coming out thisweek, so we're going to talk to
her all about it. And it'slike a black people show, So you
know, we got to support ourpeople, period. And I hope that
it gives us some dating it thatis some dating tips. Yeah, so

that's gonna come up. But first, what did you do? What did
you You threw me all the wayup. I'm sorry, Patty Is thinking
you did this week. I'm stilldrinking my coffee. It's earlier than we
used to recording. I got offof work like two three am, so
I don't know why I'm here.Hey girl, I had me and my
sister. We're dog sitting a dognamed Denim. She is the cutest thing

in the world. And you know, when you have a dog, people
just engage in in conversations because theythink, you know, you have a
dog. Dogs are cute. Yourname she so we have a Karen in
our building, which I appreciate,to be honest with you, because you
know, I feel safe. She'swatching everything, she's making sure everything's good.
But I don't really talk to her. My sister talks to her a
little bit more than I do.We have the dog, so she's talking
to us. But she's doing thislike black scent that I ate when older

people do, like hey girl,what's up? Oh my god, I
love like trying to do all that. Yeah, I don't talk like that.
You don't have to talk like that. I barely talk like that.
Like stop, it's not necessary,just be yourself. So she kept doing
it. I clearly shut like Ishut down because I'm annoyed and I just
want to walk this dog and goabout my day. But then she tried

to be cute and she's like giveme the dog, give me the lead.
She's like trying to just take theleash from me and be like joking,
and I just like got real seriousand health lee she and just stared
at her without smiling or anything,because like you're getting you're doing too much
trying to hug me to make surethat we're cool, and it's like just
stops this like, I don't knowyou, right, I'm just trying to
walk this dog like. I've seenthat one too many times, especially here

specifically with the black son. Yeah, white people will try to do that,
and they only do it to tryto relate, and little do they
know, that's not the way torelate. Like talking with slang, a
fake slang is not gonna make mewant to be your friend or talk to
you even more. It's actually gonnamake me like turn me off, so
turned off, so turned off.So I haven't spoken to her since,

But would you do, Patty.I don't know what is in the air
recently, but people are on myThere's been some weird stuff going on around
my apartment complex, and I don'tknow. People just are are weird and
rude for no reason. Oh myeyelashes falling off. It just came off,
no right there, hanging there,you go, you got it.
I'm glad I didn't do that.So people are just rude for no reason.

And I don't understand when people goout of their way just to like,
I don't know, let you knowthat they're having a bad day by
the way that they speak to you, like I'm coming I always try to
pep, you know, meet peoplewith grace, talk respectful to people.
Yeah. Always. So we havea communal laundry room at our apartment complex,
which is like the absolute worst relatedand that's why I bought like a

little portable washing machine for TikTok.I use it, yeah, but that's
gonna be hold me over. WhenI can't like do laundry or when I
need to wash in my underweares andlike smaller stuff, I want to use
the portable washing machine because trying tofight for a washing machine is like crazy,
mind you. We have like overtwo hundred residents in our apartment complex,
maybe even more, and six washersten drive what. It's absolutely ridiculous.

It's absolutely ridiculous. So I waswashing my laundry yesterday and I,
you know, brought all my stuffto the laundry room and I got it,
got in there, and there wastwo women already in there. It
was a younger woman and then anolder woman that just looks cranky in the
face. And I saw that allthe washing machines were taken by them too,
which by the way, is notsupposed to be a thing. Because

we got an email saying that you'reonly allowed to use two at one time.
Why because people were using all oneperson would be used all six,
which is absolutely crazy. And soI went in. I had my clothes,
and I didn't know if you know, who had what, if there
was any available, if there's stuffthat's gonna be done soon. So I
just asked both of them. Iwas like, hey, are like,

are you guys using all of these? And she whips her neck around me.
The older woman whips her Yes,I'm using this one and I'm gonna
be using the next three or somethinglike that after I'm done, and I'm
like okay. And I literally Ithe way that she said it to me,
with her neck snabed and her attitude, and I was like okay,

and then that's literally I was justlike okay, and she was like,
don't get an attitude. And Iwas like, yo, lady, you
can relax. I just asked aquestion. She was like, calm down.
I said, no, ma'am,you can calm down, because I
feel like she was trying to sunme or do whatever, I don't know,
to make you seem angry for justreturning her energy exactly. And I

was like, no, you cancalm down. I asked a simple question.
But I'll wait, and then shejust turned around and then but I
didn't understand where that energy came from. All I did was ask a simple
question. And if she got sodefensive and protective over these damn wash machines,
bitch, we pay the same amountof rent. You probably live in
a studio with your cat alone,so I probably play more rent than you.

Like you are miserable for no reason, and I don't know what you're
going through, but that's no excuseto project it onto somebody else. If
you're having a bad day, right, I simply asked the question, and
your mind you you're using more thantwo which I could report you on.
I could be a fucking Cary.I would have and pull a you on
you, you know what I mean? I would have. So I saw
this trend on TikTok where it's likeboomers get so mad when you return the

energy that they're giving off, likewhen they're being rude to you, and
then you give it back. Soit's like, how dare you talk to
me that way? How dare you? And it's just like girl, like
I'm just a mirror. I'm doingexactly what you're doing, so exactly talk
to people you want to be talkingto. It. Gone are the days
where respect is not mutual, youknow what I mean? Like I don't
care how old you are, andsome people might think that I'm younger than
what I am, but it doesn't. But when I speak, you're gonna

know absolutely not. You're not gonnatake advantage of me. You're not going
to disrespect me, right, andso like there's been just a lot of
that around like the our apartment complex, Like me and my friend were talking.
It's just like a lot of rudenessand weirdness. I don't know if
it's mercury retrograde right now or whatwas going on, but like, be
respectful. I told you I wasexperiencing that like two weeks ago, where
people were just like weird, likeeverything was just off. I don't know

what's going on, but I didsee something again where somebody apparently was in
It was another laundroom situation. Somebodytook somebody's stuff out of the washer and
then put it in the dryer withsomeone else's clothes that was drying, and
the woman came back to the washingroom to obviously move her clothes to the
dryer, saw the man there whoput her clothes in the dryer with someone
else's, and she let him haveit. She tore him a new one.

She said, that is so dirty, that is disgusting, Like,
don't ever touch my clothes. Itis hard. In this communal lawndroom situation,
it gives you the right to touchsomebody else's stuff, Like I understood.
We used to do that back incollege. You know, when people
are hogging out the washing machine,you put it on top of the washing
machine. But at this point,we're all grown adults. We all pay
to be here, thousands of dollarsfor you to touch my stuff and put

it in with somebody else's. Areyou out of your fucking mind? Well,
where's the line then, Kayla?Like so if and I'm just asking,
so, if your clothes have beenthere for you know, three or
four hours, like you said,there's only a limited amount of washing machines,
And now I live in an apartmentbuilding with communal washing machines too.
That's the first time I've ever dealwith it. But if you've been here
and like there's no washers, Ineed to wash clothes? What am I

supposed to do, like your stuffhas been here for hours. I actually
thought about that because I don't havethe answer. I really don't know.
I actually thought about that because thathappens at my apartment complex. It's like
they I'll be waiting for a dryer, and your clothes are clearly done,
but clearly you are out getting drinksor something. It just left it there
for out, you know what Imean? Right? So I was like,
why don't they come up with asystem where it's like they have laundry

baskets in there, or the likedisposable ones where it's like if after a
certain amount of time, if it'sbeen an hour, two hours, that
gives somebody the permission to take yourstuff out and put it in this like
disposable laundry basket where it's safe andsanitize, and then you put it to
the side. You know what Imean. I know I understand that,
like the disgustingness about somebody else,and I don't want touch anybody else.
I don't want to touch your underweareither, But listen, we all come

on out. If there's only sixwashers, there's only ten dryers, and
we have two hundred people, whatare you going to do at that point?
It's not fair. Yea. Somaybe if they have like gloves or
something that you can go and likeand then you put them in the you
know, the laundry room, andthen that gives you the right to take
somebody else's stuff and put it specificallyin this area, then maybe that will
be okay. But I know peoplewill still have an issue with that.

But there is no solution. No, there's not. And obviously in signs
like you know, return my clothes, it's just like it's it's wild.
It's wild. I don't even knowwhy this is legal, especially for the
amount of rent we pay in LA. We should all have our own washers
and dryers and parking spots. Butthat's a whole another ball game. Petty
things our listeners have done. Myex told me to fuck off and leave

him alone. He has nine warrantsin five counties. I gave them all
his updated information into the fuck offthat I like that. My gosh,
damn, he does sound dangerous andif he's talking to you, someone else
said. My coworker was trying toplay my boss. So I asked him

if he was feeling okay because hemust be sick to be talking to me
like that. Then I popped apiece of gum. Then I popped a
piece of gum and my mouth andmade direct eye contact while chewing. He
hasn't spoken to me since. Ifeel like gum makes things like next level
petty. I don't know why,like just chewing gum and what and what?

Oh God, you came ready.You chose violence that work morning?
I love it? How would youdo this? I'm tired. I had
work, work, work, work, work, and of course during my
work day, breaking news happened,so that just always extends my day and
makes it just a little bit morehectic. With Iran, I guess sending

drones to attack Israel, which isjust craziness in itself. I just can't
even mentally go there right now.But it was so funny because I typically
never have plans after work, likeimmediately after work. But my close friend
had a baby, and as youknow, we are family out here,
we are community out here, soI'm going to show up. And I

offered to babysit so she could,you know, work and make some money.
And I got off like two hoursafter I was supposed to get off,
and I'm like, I offer myhelp, and now this newborn baby
is like figuring it out on hisown for like two I'm kidding. He
was he with watch, but Isaid that somebody else is like somebody else's
I was supposed to relieve somebody andthey had to stay much longer to watch
the baby. But I did getthere, and it's been to good two

three hours with him, and Ijust love babies. They are so healing,
they're so therapeutic. But it's beenso long since I have been alone
with a newborn. This is likethree weeks month old who a little bit
of birth control. Huh yeah,just a little bit. But he's he's
a sweet baby and he's so thinkingcute. But he just had this like

he was crying for a very longtime. I didn't know what was wrong
with him. I changed his diaper. He just ate. I didn't know
what was going on, and hewas like, I was like, oh
my god. I put myself somechampagne and put a little binky in his
mouth and had him bopping while Itaught him about sex and the city girls
and why we don't like carry Bradshaw. It was a really good time.

But yeah, I had some birthcontrol, but do love my nephew and
work work, work, work,work, work work. That was my
week. That was it. That'samazing that she has you guys to help
out and do that though, youknow, and he's only a few weeks
old. Wait, maybe like amonth old? How is he a month?
Yeah? Yeah, yeah. Thefact that she had been kudos to
her for already getting back up andworking. Man, some people don't go

back stay on maternity leave for likesix months. Well, I think that's
like the goal. But I thinkwhen you work for yourself, you make
choices to be a boss and abusiness person. Money doesn't continuously working work
for you if you're not going outthere to make it. So that's true.
That's that's what happens on your ownbusiness. Baby, I got get
back out there. That is true. That's very true. Yeah. So
yeah, my week was okay.I don't know, like I think coming

down for my birthday week, that'sprobably why it's like a hard crash.
You know, you're on a highand then it's like back to reality,
back to work whatever. So whatI was gearing up for was my Stellar
Rosa Brandy event, and it didn'tgo as I had hoped it would.
You looked fabulous. Oh thank you. The hair, love the face,
Oh thank you. I think inthis case, I over prepared. This

was like a million dollar event.Brandy Norwood, we all knew was going
to be there, Hella influencers,and a lot of press was going to
be there. People Magazine was theirEbony Magazine was their food and wine was
there. It was a really reallybig deal. So I wanted to make
sure that everything was perfect. Onmy end. I was hosting, so
it's my job to keep the entirething flowing and great and energetic and so.

And I'm usually really good at this. I do this all the time,
Like this is obviously what I dofor a living, is hosting and
speaking for a living. So Iwas I'm not new to this, but
for some reason I had felt extranervous. And I don't know why the
added pressure because I've spoken in frontof people way more people than this.
It was. This was kind ofintimate, I would say, like two
hundred people, and I've spoken ina more massive crowd, So I don't

understand where the anxiety was coming from. But that day that I woke up,
it was on a Thursday, theevent, I woke up and I
was just like extra extra nauseous.I even threw up. I don't ever
get like that, no ever,ever before I event, like, obviously
I'll get a little nervous, andwhich is normal, but I was feeling

sick and leading up to the eventalso, like they gave me a script
that they wanted our main points thatthey wanted me to say, and I
was trying my best to memorize.Wasn't one of those clients that were like,
say this beat them and don't saythis when I say the like,
was it one of those type ofno. And I've worked with Stella Rosa

before, so they're pretty much lenientwhen it comes. They just want as
long as you say this, this, this and this and this is okay,
you can take the reins, you'rethe professional whatever whatever. And I
was like, okay, cool.But I had wrote out like my own
long form script and I didn't wantto steer away from that, and I
wanted to memorize it exactly. Idon't even know why I did that,
because I usually don't memorize things likethat, Like I feel like a good

host is stuff that comes off thefly. Stuff that comes out natural,
and I just wanted it to beso perfect, so I didn't want to
do that and then fuck it up. So I was like, let me
memorize it. So I spent daysmemorizing. Got to the event and it
was a beautiful event. I mean, there was pictures of Brandy all over
the wall. It was in thislike bike warehouse type of thing that they
just transformed it with the stage,my girl Mariana, I had my girl,

she was there because she was takingsocial media of me. Some of
my friends came out. It wasit was like overall beautiful event. It
was like open bar. They wereserving three cocktails. It was just an
amazing, amazing, amazing event.And I feel like at first I was
doing well, like I you know, was reciting what I memorized, but

also I know how to make itsound natural, you know what I mean.
So I was on stage, Iwas vibing with the crowd whatever or
whatever. But when it came timeto the biggest moment of the night,
when it was time to introduce theRibley family, which who created Celaris and
wines, who were going to comeon stage and then introduce Brandy. The

moment that everybody was actually paying attention, because you know, when I was
popping up on stage before at thatpoint, I you know, people were
drinking and dancing, and it wasjust like me rocking the mic like I
usually do. So you know,people were drunk, may or may not
have been paying attention, but everybodyknew Brandy was about to come on stage
at this point. And I gotup there and I forgot everything and I
kind of just blanked. And thathas never really happened to me before,

and usually I can recover, andI did recover in this day because I
don't know, like it was probablyworse in my mind than what it actually
was. And when I asked myfriends, they were like, oh,
I didn't even you know, itwasn't that big of a deal, Like
we noticed, yeah, but yourecovered. And so because I forgot everything,
blanked froze, and I was tryingto remember what I had memorized instead

of just knowing what needed to besaid and just going you know what I
mean. And that's what makes meso angry is that I didn't need to
memorize this as ex you know anyway, So froze what kind of was like
uh uh uh and then I likewas like, excuse me, that's fine,
but I wish like in that caseyou could I could have been like,

man, I can't even talk rightnow, I can't even think.
All right, let me say,you know what admitted joke out of it,
but it just I don't know.I felt like it looked very amateur.
In my part said the name ofthe guy's the family's name wrong,
which they emphasized to me a millionand one times, like you gotta say
this thing right, it's ribbily andI was like, Roboli, I don't
know, Okay, it's okay.Though it's okay, and that's what I

chalk it up to, and soI was like the rest of the time,
I was like, I'm reading thisshit. So I read off my
card. They came up on stage. I was so humiliated, and then
I don't know Brandy is. She'sjust like she's super super sweet, and
she gets up on stage and wellshe's up on stage, she sang did
or whatever, and then there wasa point in time where I had to
go back on stage with her anddo a raffle. So I get back

on stage. Trip of the steps. My life is like a series of
unfortunate events. It's like crazy,Like somebody needs to give me a reality
of all the crazy stuff that happensto me. It's a fun life.
A damn so trip up the stairs. I don't know if anybody noticed,
but whatever, get up on stageand she I was like, Brandy,
that was amazing, Thank you somuch for being here. And she goes,

She's like, thank you so much. You're doing amazing and mind you,
to the average person, that'd bea great compliment, right And I'm
not saying that it wasn't, butas a host, when have you ever
heard somebody like the talent compliment thehost you're doing great, sweetie. Yeah,
it was kind of like a sunningmoment, you know what I mean.
Can It was kind of like yeah, it was kind of like,

oh, does she think that Ineed this reassurance right now because I look
frazzled and frantic and I'm just like, I look like a new newbie at
this because never in my life hassomeone on stage on the mic said you're
doing great, gat like it waskind of amateur. I don't know,
it's just and I noticed again,to the average person, the people in

the crowd knew nothing. They werelike, yeah, but I guess to
like DJs and personalities like you,it's kind of like, ah, okay,
so you think that I need comfortin this moment anyway, so try
not to sick personally. We finishedour little segment. It was a cute
moment, done whatever, and thatwas it, and so I was like
taking it hard. I'm sure everybodyafter that moment completely forgot and continue to

get drunk. Brandy. She wassuper sweet. There's no not a bad
thing to say about her. ButI had I don't know. It reminded
me of when you said to mea couple of weeks ago. I don't
even know if you said this onthe podcast, but it was about connection,
okay. So basically you were sayingthat lately it's been hard to connect

with people, right, yeah,And I felt like in that moment that
was my issue. I am sogood at connecting with people and drawing the
attention of a room and making personalconnections just one on one as well,
especially when I'm interviewing. And that'swhy if there's one thing I'm good at,
it's interviewing. And I get toldthat all the time. It's like

wow, Like the connection that wehad, Like, I'm just it's just
a gift that God given me,right, And I really wanted to make
a connection with Brandy because I wasgonna be her MC and I tried and
it just wasn't there. And Idon't know if it was on my end
or if she was just tired,but there was no I wanted to have
a mo with her, so itwas authentic, You're not even I wasn't

trying to stand out, well morebe remembered. I was thinking, like
so that she would think of youin the future for more projects. That's
what I meant also, but Ialso wanted us to be able to get
up on that stage and it bean authentic connection to the crowd as well.
So that's why I wanted to makesure that I met her beforehand so
that it was like I wanted amoment. I don't really know how to
expribe it, but when I mether beforehand, it just wasn't It wasn't

there, And I also felt likeit wasn't there with the crowd. And
I don't know if this was becauseit was my first Hollywood party that I've
hosted, like I'm used to hostinglike freaking Juneteenth. So you got a
crowd of black people who are like, you know, super excited to be
there. I'm used to hosting little, you know, LUPUS events where it's
like everyone's coming there for a cause, but this was strictly industry people,

where it was like super Hollywood influencerheavy. And I've talked to a lot
of people in the industry about this, where they are saying, like,
you know, it's really hard tom see an event like that because everybody
is too busy worried about what theylook like on their Instagram and too busy
looking cute. They don't really laugh. Yeah, they're not laughing at the

jokes because everybody's there worrying about theiroutfits and the star And I think I
got my first glance at that becausethere I just felt like there was no
connection with the crowd. It waslike these influencers who have millions of followers
are just looking at me like whois this girl? And mind you it
could all be in my head,but I don't know. It was just
really really off. I think thatsorry that you had a rough time.

First of all, it's still anamazing experience. I think that everybody,
every single great person has a storywhere they're like, oh my god,
you won't believe the first time Ihosted with Brandy or you know, and
I think anybody in this industry hasthose stories. I still remember my cringe
worthy interview with Mike Epps where Idid not realize who was it Richard pryor
the comedian. I think he wassupposed to be playing him, and he
was like, that was one ofhis greatest influences. I'm like, how

does it feel to be playing yourgreatest influence? And he's like, that
movie actually got shut down. There'sa lot of complications with it. And
then the interview got super awkward afterthat because it was like a super touchy
subject editing it. It sounded fine, but it was just something where I
died on the inside and I waslike, I'm sorry to day, but
I just think we all have thosemoments, and at least we're in the
rooms and given the opportunities to havethese moments talk shit from the couch period.

That's what I said a lot ofmy friend who was there too,
she was like, well, alot of people couldn't even get up there
and do what you did. Shewas like, you know, you rocked
it, like you know, Iwas making my jokes and other than that
moment, I felt like I didvery well. But you know me,
I overanalyzed things and I wanted tobe perfect and I felt like I wasn't.
But you know what, I youknow, took it, took it
to the head like I did whateverI chalked it up to, like you

know what, it is, thelearning experience. Let myself be down about
it for one day, but thenI was like, you know, Kaylie,
You're gonna have so many more opportunitiesto do this. What are you
going to do differently next time?I'm not going to remember. And also
it was really crazy because I waswatching Coachella from home this weekend and bb
rexa who was one of the mainperformers, got up there and performed in

front of millions of people you know, who were at Coachella and at home,
and she tripped and fell on herface. It's like it was really
really bad, but she got up, she shook it off and continued to
kill it, and I was like, wow, that was very, very
embarrassing. I'm sure she died inside, but the fact that she could get
up and smile and keep going.That's if she can do that in front

of all these people. I canmess up and stumble over a few words,
say a name wrong, and thenyou know, keep going as well,
you know what I mean. Soshit happens. It happens all the
time. It's going to happen.Yeah, so it is what it is.
But that was that was my eventthis week. Wendy Williams used to
have a snippet on her show calledthe Fall of Fame or the instead of
the Wall of Fame or the Hallof Fame. It was like the fall

of Fame, and every time acelebrity had a public falling or tripping,
she would post it on her dothe little section about it. And it
was always the ones that set outwere the ones that were covered and kept
going as opposed to ones that justshut down, which obviously never happened because
these people arend Williams. So yeah, I think keep going is the is
the key there? Which did?Yeah? Period? Right, I'm really
really proud of myself and I thinkI'm just I don't know, I'm proud

of who I've been come over thesepast few months and my whole I feel
like I'm matured and growed. Crew. I also will say I went out
to like the club this weekend formy friend's birthday, and this is the
first time I went to a clubat a minute, and I had such
a good time celebrating my girl Jackie, so much fun, but I it

wasn't I don't know if it's becauseI just turned thirty, but in that
moment, no, I realized,like, this is not This lifestyle is
not for me anymore. It's kindof been felt like that, but I
was there and I don't know,I was being pushed and shoved by sweaty
people trying to dance together, andmaybe because I was also sober, I
just don't really like to drink likethat anymore. But I was like if

somebody had threw up on the floor, and it was like a lot of
twerk and and shit like that,and I was like, I don't know
if this is for me anymore.This is a lifestyle that I used to
crave, that I used to geta high off of, was going to
the club and being corded, ifthat's the word, or being sought out
by by men and who wants tobuy me drinks? And think I'm cute,

but I was turned off by thatwhole situation. I didn't want nobody
talking to me. My friend wantedmy friend wanted like this guy to like
come and talk to me, andI was like, girl, I am
not there anymore. I don't knowwhat it was, honestly, Yeah,
I definitely I do the club.I think, like the first time I

went to Highlight Room was with you, and that was probably the last time
I've been to the club and likeforever, in the first time in a
long time. I'm not really aclub person, but I like it every
now and again, you know,I like, I'll dabble, I have
fun. But as far as likethat's the move for the weekend out just
stay in the house in journal likethat's a lot more fun for me,
exactly, I don't know. Idon't know. I just it's just not

It's not what I want to doanymore. And I don't know what it
is that clicked, but I haveit. Just that lifestyle doesn't appeal to
me. And when it comes totrying to find a perfect man, I
don't know if he's at the cluehe's not at the club, I don't
I don't he's not at the club. I don't who knows. He might
be at the club, but Ijust was not interested. I was like,

this is not for me. AndI literally had an epiphany while I
was there. I was like,get me out of here. I can't
I can't do this. It wasa was a bunch of towerking. It
was a bunch of I don't know, you know, I've always I had
a friend, the one who justhad a baby. She was the queen
of like, we're out, we'rehaving a good time, and she's like,
all right, my uber's on itsway out, and it's like,
oh, all right, it's timeto go. So I don't know,

it's just it's just a weird situation. And for me, like I was
like, man, I need togo to the church and find a man
because my man is not here inthe club. I definitely went to a
party with one of the hosts here. He has an amazing Fourth of July
party every single year at his verylovely home, and I went and it
was a bunch of people there,a bunch of couples and it's like,

oh, how'd you guys meet,how'd you guys meet, how'd you guys
meet everybody's like church church. Imet her at church. We met at
church. I'm like, oh myGod. And but when I was going
to church every single Sunday, Ididn't think any of those guys were daddy's,
Like I didn't want to hit anyof them. Like I'm just like,
Okay, I'm super into Christ,super love, but like religious people
are weird. So it's so hard, like I don't like super religious people

like, but I also need somebodywho loves and follows Christ and has a
little bit of hood smarts about themyou can protect sir. And I know
that does that sound like a contradictionto because I've wrestled with that in my
mind too. It's like, ofcourse I want a man of God.
I want that spiritual leader that youknow we all want, But also I
want somebody who will go to theclub with me every once in a while,

who will drink with me. Whatif I want to have an edible
whatever or things that aren't considered likethe typical Christian relationship. So it's like
I think I've always been turned offwhen it's when people say, oh,
you need to find somebody in thechurch, because if I go and find
somebody at the church. Well,I have to change my lifestyle because he
the worship leader. If I wantto go home and smoke a joint,
are you gonna judge me? Like, and that's not of Christ. What
would Jesus say? Yeah, thefuck out my face? See, and

that does that consider a phony Christian? See, I don't even identify as
Christian. I don't identify as Christian. I don't identify as religious, Like
I just feel like Christian religion Catholic, like it was the cause for a
lot of evil things that happened.Like they justified slavery with Christianity. They
justified you know, anti abortion withChristianity. Like, I don't want to
be associated with a that shit.I'm just a follower of Christ and Christ

preach love, forgiveness, acceptance,non judgment. I just like to read
about him because he is. Igot a little crush on Jesus, especially
in the Bible. He was thatdude, you feel me. I don't
know if that's the so, yeah, Like I want somebody like Jesus.
And I think Jesus like even camedown like when he was here, like
and and broke apart all the rulesthat the people were doing. People that

were like, hey, you canonly pray at this time. You got
to face this way, you gotto eat that. Jesus was like,
well, he said, you know, I'm going to eat here. I
don't know what he said he said. I like that. He's like,
I don't follow these rules. LikeI'm like, listen, I'm here because
these rules don't matter. I'm here. So like I to somebody who is
lying, and I will say,I have met men that have been very

very very well versed in God andJesus and knew how to club and knew
how to drink, and like youknow, knew how to read a Bible
and meditate with me too. Solike they do exist. I just haven't
married them yet. There they're comingfor us. So I don't know,
because I don't know. I knowwhen it comes to the type of woman
that a Christian man would typically,you know, want when it comes to

marriage and stuff like that, Ifeel I feel like I'm not that.
I know. I like to goout. I don't think I'll like to
go to the club ever. Oncein a while. I like to drink.
Does that is that a off forthose men? I want to dress
up for you are going to makeme feel bad like I'm a woman of
Satan because I bought this lungeray ifI would to dress up for you,
if I want to wear some laneret, I'm not going to be I'm not

going to be a freaking fluozy.Am I am? I the woman of
the street? Like are you goingto be able to appreciate this woman and
have fun with her? Are yougonna be like no, let's get our
bibles? Like well, this kindof reminds me of the topic that was
going around social media when it comesto uh, devaluing women And I don't
know, have you seen this wholeMegan and Stallion challenge on social media where

they're like super twerking and stuff likethat. I mean, it's no different
than the ceiling challenge, whatever whateverchallenge that Meek milhammy watching, I forgot
those those torque challenges come they Itmade me think what do men think when
they see this on social media?When they do they though maybe not to
marry, but that's wrong. Okay, So there's the question I have.

It's like, do they look atthis and say, m M, that's
not the type of woman that Iwould want to date, I don't want
my women all over the social mediatowerquing her ash show and her KUCIAU.
You know what I mean. Andit was crazy because this one woman called
it out and LOOKI is kind ofwhat I was thinking, Megan thee Stallion
is kind of is she devaluing usand our worth? Y'all call it the

Meg the Stallion Challenge, But tobe honest, I think it's just yet
another way for women to devalue themselvesand ladies. I'm not gonna hold y'all
at this point is given tachy andit's given classless. I think I speak
for pretty much everybody when I saywe're tired of seeing it. It's played
out. There is no reason whywe should log onto social media. And

at the top part where it saysstories, there's nothing but a bunch of
naked women, half naked women,throngs, panties, short shorts, twirking
and showing they ass for what whatis y'all doing this for? Likes?
Attention, validation. If I'm notmistaken, y'all just did this a few
months ago. Y'all had a wholechallenge where y'all call it the ceiling challenge

where y'all was taking y'all phones tothe ceiling and y'all was twrking upside down.
We don't see, y'all ask fromevery single angle possible. We get
it. Then y'all say, oh, it's just the internet. It's not
a real place. This is areal place. Y'all don't care how y'all
perceive y'allselves. Y'all don't care thaty'all what y'all look like. You know
what this looks like. It looksclassless, and it looks tacky as hell.

So many most of y'all are moms. Y'all don't care what y'all kids
think. Y'all don't care what y'allkids might look like. Y'all don't care
about y'all image to them. Y'alltalking about a challenge. Challenge yourself to
be a better mom. Challenge yourselfto be a better woman. Challenge yourself
to be a better sister, abetter auntie. Go, challenge yourself to

read a book. Challenge yourself inways that's healthy for you. Y'all want
to keep getting up here selling y'allselfshort for likes and attention. For what
I'm not saying you gotta be anun baby, I show skin, I'm
not a nun. I still havefun with my girls, I still be
outside, I do all of that. But it's never been about what you
do, it's how you do it. Man used to have to go to

a strip club to see stuff likethis, to fantasize about stuff like this,
to desire women to move in certainways like this. But now all
they gotta do. The whole worldis a stage at this point. All
they gotta do is log on tosocial media, and it's a million girls
shaking their ass doing all types ofstuff, trying to outdo each other.
Someone in the commons said she mustnot know how to talk. Yeah,

she comes off really judgmental, reallylike this is how I do it,
so that's how everybody else has todo it. And I think that's super
whack. I also think like doingwhatever, acting away for a man's approval,
like oh wo, men like this, or who gives a fuck?
There's a man that will like it, there's a man that won't like it,
do you boo? However, Ido. I do agree that it's
becoming a little bit much. It'sdefinitely not my style and I don't really

care to see it anymore. AndI love asses. I look at everybody's
ass. I love ass like assis my thing. Men, ass,
women ass, I love ass.I will stare at your ass, compliment
your ass. I can describe itass. I love ass. But at
the same time, like it's justlike we're all like, y'all look like
all the same, y'all, y'alldoing the same thing. Y'all look like
sheep, y'all just following like theoriginal. Someone else said, then don't

participate. It's that simple. Letpeople live in the stage that they're in.
And I have to agree with thatsentiment. Like there was a stage.
I've had so many different stages andidentities in my like thirty years.
There was a time where I wasall I wanted to do was to work
at the club and show my assand wear a push up brawl and do
this and this, and that's thestage that I was in that made me

feel liberated. Now I'm in astage where I want to be at home
and drink tea and where and coverup and be modest. And so that
is true. It's like whatever,if they're in that stage, then let
them be and I try not tojudge because I have been in every single
stage. However, again, likeyou said, I do think it's becoming

a bit much. I think shedoes have a point. I don't know.
I don't I think that putting itall on social media and twerking and
leaving little to the imagination, Ido think it's making a lot of men
say that I don't want that,you know what I mean? And like
you said, it's not about themen's approval. Who now, a lot

of men who do like that,Like those women always have men, they
always wiped up. That's that's okaywith my single ass. So I don't
know. I just feel like me, I want to have a little bit
more respect for myself. And Idon't know, I feel like that's all
Megan. The Stallion's image has becomeis her ass, and it's just like,

what else do you have to offer? Come on now, all right,
I'm gonna I love when the Stalliondoes it. I don't know what
she posted all these other biddies thatshe got doing it, but when the
Stallion does it, I am watchingthat video seventeen thousand times in a row.
The Stallion has so much control overthose hips and that ass like it's
just it's art. It's art.The way she the way she controls it

as she goes art art. Goahead, Megan the Stallion, you go
girl, but the other girls.My might sound like a hatter, but
yeah, I just I don't wantsee y'all. Don't want to see y'all.
Y'alln't got the control, y'all ain'tgot the talent. It's not like
it's not even like you're like I'mlike, oh my god, Like it's
just like so like basic level tworking. Like but at the same time,
we were so we're talking like this, but were we at uh? When

we went to Joy's housewarming, didn'twe have like a twerking session that we
were teaching, like going on thefloor. And we definitely did the stealing
challenge too, just didn't get posted. Like so we sitting here talking,
but we definitely were We're doing ourown thing. Granted we're not all over
the internet because one we didn't postit to it didn't good enough to post.
And three maybe I can't work either, but it just I guys,

maybe there is a level of Ican't work like that, So maybe there
is a hint of jealousy bear aswell. And I was talking, it's
crazy because me and my friend werehaving this conversation about this specific topic because
I've been cheated on the past,She's been cheated on the past, and
specifically it's it's like they gravitate towardsscreenshots of ass. And I used to

find porn in my man's phone andit was all big ass and twerking,
and then his Explore page was likefilled with this women tworking and doing the
splits, and so in my mind, you know, is that what he
likes because that's the complete opposite ofme. But then you go and ask
them, well, is that ifthat's is that what you want? They're
like, no, I don't wantyou to get a BBO. I don't

want you to get ashots. Ilike you natural. I would never I
just like, looking at that,that's just the fantasy. But I would
never want to be with somebody likethat, because she's disrespecting herself. And
I've heard men say that so manytimes. It's what they love to fantasize
about, it's what they love towatch on social media, but would never
want their girls working on the socialmedia, would never want their girl getting
as shots and looking like that,and I think it's just like I don't

know, it just confuses the fuckout of me. I guess it's like
it is it that that virgin Marycomplex where it's like or that, Yeah,
it's like I can fantasize this,and it's very seldom that I think
people marry the best sex they've everhad, So like, you might be
able to have a wild good timewith that girl, like mad good times
with that girl, but is thatthe girl that I want to cuddle with
that night? Like I want tosee my girl as this, this virgin

Mary who like is untouchable and justmine, And even when she gets too
nasty, it's like I don't evenI don't. You're not that girl,
don't be that, don't do that, you know. But it's like I
do like to like escape in myfantasy sexual world with these other women who
do do this stuff. But Iwould never wipe them. I would just
bang them. And I think it'svery easy to separate from men, like
where it's like I don't have tolove you to have sex. It's literally

just sex. It's just physical.It's just like which is which I can
I can't understand it all as awoman myself, who the two are one,
my vagina and my heart are thesame thing. Cannot understand at all
at all. But I mean whatever, I don't know. Yeah, and
again because I was actually talking tothese to my I don't even who the
hell, so I don't do.But anyway, we were talking about a

guy she was dating, and thenshe found out that that he had went
to Colombia or Peru or somewhere wherepeople go to have sex, maybe Cuba,
because it's known that you could getlike cheap prostitutes over there, cheap
hot prostitutes over there, and heused to go there and do that.
When she found out about him,she was like, oh, I'm a
little bit disgusted. I don't reallywant to deal with you. And I'm
like, I don't think I dealwith anybody who ever paid for sex,
Like who, like literally of myex did that when he went on his

little two week trip. I don'tknow, maybe, but it's like I
don't know, like I just Ijust think the man that pays for sex
is like, eh, you can'tget it, like you have to like
physically pay somebody to do it.So what was my point, Well,
you know that kind of happened withKai Sinat too, dollars. He's coming

out it's not true, But let'sjust say in this case it's true.
Kai Sanat is somebody who has millionsof dollars, who was high profile girls
would probably sleep with would definitely sleepwith him for free, just because he's
Kai Sanat and he is paying fivethousand dollars to have sex, Like what
is that? I actually had amale escort on with Doctor Wendy. We

did an episode with this guy whois a male escort. He was super
hot and he was super informative onhow to please the women because we were
asking him like what do you knowabout women pleasing? And he into a
great detail about how you pull thehair correctly, and how you do it
aggressive versus correctly, and how tobring them to It was like very like,
oh, what's your name? Buthe said that he gets paid by

older, rich women who are eitherdivorced or just high profile and don't have
time to like date because they're sobusy, but they still want to get
their rocks off. They just payhim to, you know, do that
real quick and then go about theirlives so I guess it's the thing.
It's just so hard for me tolike actually take a guy like that seriously,
like you already paid for, Likeyou're not dope enough to just be

able to talk you away into somepanties. You gotta like give five thousand
dollars. Yeah, you're back.I can't. I can't with it all,
not the covering of the vagina inthe ice. I don't want to
again. I'm over. Like thedating scene is just so ghetto nowadays.
Ghetto getto ghetto, ghetto, ghetto, Okay, but it's like, are
we willing to date virtually? No? Wow? And they never ever met.

Apparently people have been dating virtually now. This is like I said,
we had a special guest coming up. We have a special guest coming up
to Moanda Jones. She is thehost of this show that never ever met.
So it's my people who have beendating virtually rather a short amount of
time or a long time, andthey're finally meeting in person to see if
their connection transitions into the real world. What of you were about to meet

the man you've been talking to onlinefor months or even years. I just
can't wait to experience your love thatyou have for me. I'm Toronta Jones
and I'll be your host. You'reall here today because you are in a
relationship with somebody you have never metin person before. We've been doing this
for twelve years. What you havenot met him in twelve years? Would

they be everything you hope for?I want to beat my husband, end
up marrying, have children, havea family. Could it be love at
her sight? Time? Do Ilook for real? Or would someone you
don't recognize show up instead? Shutup? I don't even know who this
person is. If she can't fish, he look at somebody pictures and then
it's just like the same person.Seven couples finally take their virtual relationships into

the real world. I like ourrelationships online, but real chemistry is in
the air when you're around someone.We kissed and I felt nothing. Their
online romances will be tested when theylive together for three weeks, flee and
lie. Will their connections deepen?I would love for this to go way
further than this, or well,getting physical exposed to fantasy behind the screen.

He still if they lie on untilhe could show me different, That's
how I'm gonna look at it.Will this be the start of Forever.
I think I'm in love. Thinkhe'll pop the question. I'm pretty nervous.
It's a big step. There's onechance to do this right or the
into the line. For these couples, why would you propose to another woman?
Between them? You have never saidabout the woman staying right here.

That's the woman you need to betold to much And it's the beginning.
There's and then for every day.All right, as promised, we have
our amazing interview with miss Toronda Jones, not only a rapper excuse me,
lady heroin, and then also anactress who bursts on this scene. Yeah,

I took it back Chicago. Wewent back to Chicago right now.
You also burst on the scene onthe hit show, the hit Fox show
Empire, where you designed your owncostumes, did your own makeup, like
unheard of craziness. Okay, fashionista, So you're also a fashion designer director
and now you're a host with theshow Uh Never Ever Met, is premiering

April nineteenth at eight pm Eastern Timeon own Welcome Toronto. How are you?
Thank you for having the time.I'm amazing. I want to know.
So what stood out to me wasyour fashion sense and how you got
the courage to dress and do yourown looks for Empire and the Red Carpet.

Where did you get your fashion sensefrom? And how do you have
the courage to put it out there? Well, first of all, it
wasn't on purpose. It was itwas budget reasons. You know you got
them. But I did go toschool for architectural drafting and fashion design.
I just didn't find my niche ado Empire. But I remember Lee Daniels

lining us up like a military line, going through everybody, like trying to
confirm the looks, to make surethis is how I want this person to
look. And the lady, thelate young lady, Jessica, who did
my makeup? And it was myfirst time ever getting my makeup done professionally.
And when he came to me,I was smiling so hard and he
was like, who did a makeup? No? No, I was like,

Jessica. He was like, it'stoo perfect, she's too beautiful.
I don't I don't like that.I want to look like relatable. Okay,
he said, you came to audition, He said, when you came
to audition, who did your makeup? And I was like, but I
literally threw on makeup because my momgave me a makeup kick because she kept

yelling at me. I didn't raisedthree boys. I raised as soon as
your mom. I remember just throwingAnd when I tell you, I looked
at like Casper the really goals forthe makeup that I was wearing back then,
and I got so mad because Ihad to. But then I went
on YouTube. YouTube university will teachyou that part. That part. So

I learned to do my makeup theright way over the course of years of
doing that. But Lee Danis wantedme to stick to my authentic roots,
and I thought that was so dope. So I think that's why a lot
of people were able to relate tomy character. He was like cousin cousins.
I love that. I love thatyou get to work with somebody who
you know once she encourages you tostick to your roots in your culture,

you know what I mean. Howwas it working with him? Lee?
Amazing? He's the realists, bigg'sin the game, the best in the
game exactly. And mind you,I didn't know who he was when I
went into the audition room. Thisis crazy wearing his pajamas, yelling at
me, him yelling at me yes, and me yelling back yes, and

we just connected right then and there, and I was like, yeah,
I like him. And then asthe time went on, I was like,
Oh, this is my whole boss. That's so funny. That is
so funny. So you've had manycareers obviously, like I said, rapper,
actress, director, fashion designer,and now host. What was your
favorite and what else do you wantto do? Favorite title your favorite career?

Like, yeah, out of allthe things with your favorite project that
you've worked on with your favorite wayto express yourself acting so express myself will
be rapping for sure. I loverating the rappit Who's is out of me?
I'll wait to buy my sleep wrapping. But the number one thing that
I thoroughly enjoyed working the one forsure? For sure, of course this
one, because this uh that neverever met. I was able to be

myself. I didn't have to redscriptor become anything else. But Empire has
definitely changed my life. Empire.Empire has changed my life in a major
way where I was able to explorethe world and meet different people. I
had never left the city in Chicagountil I landed to the Empire. I've
never too a plane plane before untilI landed the Row Empire. I was

able to buy my first home andmultiple properties and things like that because of
Empire. I changed lives because ofEmpire. So that just shows that,
like all you need is your footin the door and then boom. You
just see that one opportunity that oneperson has to take their chance on you,
and then now look because now youget to do whatever you want basically

this one. Yes, I seeyou all over TikTok. I remember going
on TikTok and you were like,and you're you like you said you love
to rap and you were doing coversof rapping. How did you get into
that? How did you know thatyou were good at it? I've been
good as those ten years old period, but I wasn't. I wasn't forced
to really push my music until Empire. Timbling we all know Chimpling like the

icon, Yeah, Tipling, MissyElliott brother Timbling Timbling. He worked on
our show and I remember Man tellingme like, hey, do it waiting
on? And then him hit meup and DM and me like, oh
I heard your music, juice,would you waiting on? So I started
really pushing the whole rapping in thekitchen and then like obviously time time changes,

so now I just do covers ofother people's owns. It took it
though, you snipe if it's littleLady Heroin want we want something to yours?
Like what was like, what's yourfavorite? What's your first rap that
you were never give us a littleteeth? Juice juice, But it's too
it's a lot of provanity in it. But it was about like I'll get
off the throw off the group becauseI got the juice. I got the

juice. That's all. That's all. So how did you get into hosting
Never Ever Met Again? Airing onthe own network on April the nineteenth at
a PM. How did you getinvolved in that? So? It found
me? Praise god, I justlooked he found me, Praise God.
I remember my manager calling me oneearly Monday morning saying, hey, Oprah

team, they're looking for a newTV show hosts for this dating show.
I threw your name out there andthey was like, oh, that's a
that's an interesting name. So theywant to interview you. I said,
okay, don't win. He saidtoday. I said, Oh, I
had just left the gym. Listen. I had just left the gym.
My hair was all over the place. I was steady. I hadn't need
watched a little, but I hadn'teven got my life that. I said,
let me get my life together.He said, no, you got

time to give you. I'll giveyou an hour and a half. Okay,
cool. And I remember interviewing withthe team and it was great,
and I waited and then they finallycalled me and was like yeah. And
I remember talking to the producer,one of the producers, and I said,
what made you choose me? Hesaid, oh, I ran across
from your video on YouTube of yourapping. Oh wow. So I always

tell people again that it circles backto that one. Yes, even when
I land the role of Empire,this is this is how I got it
through my music. So music isalways going to be that that thing that
does it for me and then obviouslydoes it for other people. Have you
gotten to be in the room withOprah herself? Not yet, I'm mad
an the process. The process didhappen pretty quickly, you know. The

process reality TV is a lot differentfrom scripted series and things like that.
So the proces was a little fastbut I'm sure, I'm positive it's coming.
So what can we expect from thisseason? So this show is full
of riveting emotions. There are somebeautiful lessons. There are some messy lessons

on what and what not to do, on how and how not to date,
on how and how not to court. Uh, there's there's some lessons
in there. But I don't Idon't want people to think that this is
just one of those messy reality TVshows. Either there's there's also a therapist
who comes in kind of got thecouples through their relationship as as in mine.

But I think that this is oneof those shows that is like it's
it's a beautiful balance. It's abeautiful balance. And I think dating is
one of our biggest issues today,Like we're straying away real bad where there
are a lot of gender wars andthings like that. But I think this
show is gonna like kind of forceyou to connect with your counterparts and your
constituents, your friends, your youryour relationships, your marriages and things like

that. It's gonna push you toconnect because there's a disconnect in the world
right now. I agree. Ifeel like it's more common to to meet
people veryly now and date kind ofonline before you start dating in person.
So it's only it was only amatter of time before we got a dating
show like this, and I'm sohappy that we're bringing this to the forefront.
So do you now that you've workedon this show? You did the
first season, it's recorded, it'sdone. Do you do you recommend dating

someone online for amount of time beforemeeting in person. Whatever your piece of
toast you prefer, whatever, butup you want to put on this toast?
I personally like the in person I'mvery old school, right, I
like the nostalgic of it all.But actually running into somebody at the gas
station or at the storm bumps,I'll drop a straw, he pick it

up. Yeah, it's romantic.I love because that's how you know the
connection is there versus me clicking swiping. You can show me what you want
to show me, but that mightnot be the real you. You know,
it's easy to put on a facadebehind the screen. It's easy for
you to be somebody else on thescreen. I'm done with virtual dating.

That's sure. Nobody likes it forreal stories. There are yeah, success
stories like Lonnie Love Girl. Shemet her husband or her significant other off
Ine gab Rats Sabe who's a goodfriend of mine. She met him off
Riah and look at them. Theymarried with twins. So that's true.

Stories dated virtually. Yeah, yeah, they're coming back to what you were
saying about how dating is just hardnowadays. Why do you think like a
lot of relationships aren't lasting nowadays?Because you see a lot of people,
you know, they're together for theX amount of years and then they break
up, and it seems like it'smore and more common now for people to
not be together. Why what doyou think the issue is? Again,
disconnect. There's a disconnect between people, and I think we've become too supicial

mm hm we have. We weplaced a certain expectation on people and it's
become unrealistic. We delusion though sometimes, And I think because we're trying to
live, we're trying to live otherpeople's standard versus living what's what's your standard?
What's yours is yours? What's mine'smind? This is what I prefer,

Let me what I prefer. ButI think because we're trying to keep
up with the Kardashians and we're tryingto keep up with the were trying to
keep up with everybody else. Thenext day, it's like nobody's staying your
text, brackets stall your text.So I saw, you know, the
Kenvin Samuels, who loves slandering,but he loves to a certain degree.
He very much he was very muchright. He had he had a little
commisense, you know what I mean. And I think our expectations on people,

and it's not just me, andas women too, we do it
too. Our expectations are unrealistic.And I think I think extending grace,
not only to yourself but to otherpeople is the main thing we need to
learn how to do. Because nobody, nobody taught us how to be a
good boyfriend or good sister, brotheranything. This is all trial and error.
We just all figured it out aswe go. Nobody's gonna get it

right. And nobody want to putit in the work for real, that's
true. Nobody want to put itin the work. So it's easy today
somebody virtually online and ain't I cancall you to tell you you're beautiful.
I don't have to court you,I don't have to pay for dates I'll
have to do. I could saysay you're beautiful bye all right and go
home by my life. It's notwork. We have to work for you.
No, Love is definitely something thatyou have to study. And I
think that it's been taught to usthat it's something that we naturally should know

through movies and pop culture and thingslike that. But it is something you
need to study and learn how todo correctly. And I do think in
today's age, love has become moretransactional. Like you were saying, what
can you do for me versus youknow, what can we do for each
other? How can we grow together? And I think, yeah, yeah,
these are things that need to beaddressed, need to be talked about
periods around. Yeah. What doyou hope is the biggest takeaway that people
will take from this series? LikeI said earlier, just hoping that people

would be able to not only relatebut connect. We all, like you
said, you did it virtually,you hated it. We all know somebody
who did it virtually. They hatedit. It either worked or it didn't.
So I'm just hoping that people takeaway from its with like, what
works for you works for you,what's for you is for you, what's
for you won't miss you? Justrelax and extend grace like we all got

to relax. Relax, where theday relax? So one more time,
can you just let us know where? Can we find the Never Ever Met?
And when we'll be erring? Yes, they Never Ever Met premieres this
Friday, April nineteenth, at eightpm Eastern Time seven pm Central Central Standard

Time on HBO Max and Own Network. And you see mokey Face day.
Yes, we were beautiful face.Thank you so much for hanging out with
us. We appreciate you and youhave a blessed day. It was well
bye, that was amazing. Shewas so sweet. That was such a

good time. She is absolutely beautiful, beautiful. Teach me how to do
your makeup, Teach me how todo mine. Oh my god, that
beautiful big smile, the beautiful bigwhite team. Now I need a bob.
Oh my god, that bob wasbobbing. But yeah, she was
a thousand percent correct about love beinga transaction and just people expecting what they
can't give, and it's just sohard to date in this real world.

Now, gheatto out here, butmake sure you guys watch it's coming out
this Friday. Also, we'll haveclips in our social media of the interview.
But let's get into petty ward ofthe wako. I am going to
give mine to Rick Ross. Didyou see this beef that Rick Ross and
Drake got going on it? Ohrecord, So apparently Drake I think,

dissed Rick Ross in one of hissongs and Rick Ross got a hold of
that accused Drake of getting a nosejob. Now it's calling him BBL drizzy.
He also came out with a DISCStrack for Drake and the picture of
the profile picture, the album picturewhatever is like a white man that looks
just like Drake, but like whatblonde hair and like a super corny looking

white man like saying that that's Drake, and Drake is saying that Rick Ross
doesn't have any hits unless Drizzy's featuredon it. It is getting messy,
messy boots. But I'm giving itto to Rick Ross for that BBL Drizzy
because you know that rumor is yeahthat he got fake abs. Yeah he's
BBL drizzy and gotob I would notbe surprised at all. I love Rap

Beef so much, like shout outto Kendrick for reuniting Rap Beef because it
seems right now. Everybody's against Drake. I think another dis track came out
because you know, Drake responded anotherdisc track came out yesterday that's allegedly Kendrick.
People don't know if it's real ornot. If it's AI, I
don't know it's I'm just here forit. He's coming at who Drake?
Oh good? You know what?Because at the same time, I really

did respect j Cole because he wasgetting a lot of backlash because like,
yo, you don't do that inthe rap game. If you if you
did, somebody you stand on thatship. But I don't know if you
heard like J Cole was like,yo, what I did was corny.
He came at Kendrick lamar he like, he never apologized. He just said
what I did was whack. Kendrick'ssick. He's hot, Like, no,
you said what you said? Whycan't we have accountability and growth?
It's rap beef and it's growth.This is what makes this is what makes

you money, This is what getsthe street. This is people talking.
You can't put out a seven minutedrill and then take it back, nah
bra that Jacob. I think thateverybody can grow, everybody can have accountability.
Everybody can support their fellow brother.It's it's beef when it's when it's
valid. But if I was whackand I came at you for no reason,
I was whack and I came atyou for no reason, the disc

was pretty not that great. That'sprobably why he retracted his statement. Okay,
I want to give mine a boozy. Okay, this might be a
little controversial, but I don't knowif you guys saw, but there,
uh, there was. I don'tknow if this was high school or college,
but a trans woman is competing ina woman's league for track and field.

So, uh, her name wasAiden. Her name is Aiden Gallagher.
Oh, a tenth grader. Okay, this is in high school.
She is a is a trance soshe used to be a man and now
and now she is a woman.She competed in the girls two hundred meter
race and completely dom like almost likelap them. It was absolutely crazy how

fast that she was going. Andpeople are upset because you know, this
has been a topic for a longtime. Should trans be able to compete
in women's sports? Because biologically,like, they still have the features of
a man, and so it's likethey're stronger, they're stronger everything. And
so I'm giving my petty word toBoozy because you know he never holds back,

He never like holds his tongue.He said, y'all need to this
is not funny. He said,y'all need to take y'all. First of
all, he can't write at all. Y'all need to take y'all in.
Y'all need to take y'all and makey'all own league on your own schools,
your own gyms. Sick of y'alldoing this to girls who have worked hard,

they hold lives to be successful.You blanks need your you need your
own everything. Parents need to boycottat the White House and stop this.
It's not fair. They need TransformerUniversity in Trent and trans hide. I

can't read any I can't so atthe end of that was so wrong.
That was so transphobic. Seriously,but I give it a penny Award of
the week because like trans University,like Transformer transformers University. That's so crazy,
Boozy, like what is wrong?Listen, let me tell you,
I cannot stand Boozy, but Ido think that you know, it wouldn't

be wrong if they had their ownleague, at least sports wise to compete
in that way is fair? Likethat genuinely, like we said, men
are physically stronger, they're physically likeI can't no matter how much I work
out, no matter how much Itry to be as big as a as
a you know, big man,I'm just never going to be as big
as a big man. Right message, wrong delivery deliverer. And even what's

a T. S. Madison?She is like my absolute favorite. She's
also a trans. She commented inthis and was like, he's right.
I mean he's not right with whata he's saying right the way he's not
he's saying it, but he's right, Like it's not fair for a tenth
grader who he and she's very liketall as well and very very clearly hit
hit her gross bert, So she'sof course she's gonna dominate these little girls

who are like five foot three,one hundred pounds, like of course and
in tenth grade, Like I don'tare you allowed to take the hormones?
Like are you? Are you?Just like I have no idea, I'm
not even gonna go there, butI'm just like, if you're just like
wearing the clothes or whatever, anyway, I'm gonna give mine to pirret he
we Oh shit, I'm gonna getmy vote to Okay, damn. I

like them both so much. RickRoss or boosy Rick Ross and Busy let's
do let's be saving Rickross. Yeah, yeah, that is a word of
the week, but okay. Pattymail Alexa from OC Rights, Dear Kayla
and Kayla, when do you feelcomfortable introducing a guy to your friends.

I've been dating a guy for aboutone and a half months and it's been
going really well, but we aren'tofficial yet. My friend says I should
bring him to her birthday next week. What do you think I personally like
to just enjoy my time with myperson or as as long as I possibly
can, before I start bringing aroundoutside people, because outside people just always

have opinions and thoughts, whether goodor bad. It's like, for example,
I bought a bunch of friends aroundeach other one time, and now
one of my friends made me realizesomething about one of my other friends,
and it's just like, yeah,God, I just want to you know,
that was wild? Yeah, Ijust want to not experience that.
So I say, if y'all don'teven official yet, y'all even date for
a month and a half if youhappy, because you to be happy in
your own world, and you know, bring him around with y'all are official

and secure and I have a strongfoundation. I like to get my friend's
opinions, and I think usually inthe past I like to hide my significant
other and keep him in a cornerand just to myself for a long time,
especially with my friends and family,because what if they were to say,
Kayla, he ain't the one,and me and my delusional mind,
I want to like stay in thisfantasy bubble. But not no more.

I think now I want to Iwant everybody to get hit to know them
up front quickly so that they cansee what I can't see, so I
can cut it off if it needsto be dead, sooner rather than later.
Usually I had this rule when itcomes to my family because when it
comes to meeting my family specifically,like I don't know, I feel like
six months is a good amount oftime, just because I don't want to

waste my parents' time. But mymom will had always been like, Okay,
I want to meet them right upthe beginning, so I can tell
you right off the bat. Ifeel something in the spirit, and I
always be like, Mom, no, six months, I don't want to
waste your time. But now Ithink I want to do things differently the
next time around that I date.I think I want to bring people the
person around way sooner, maybe amonth or two, just so I don't

end up wasting my time because yourfriends and family can see something that you
don't totally respect. I just knowmyself. I know I'm not ready to
receive information until I'm ready to receiveit, and that person. I trust
my own discernment at this agent,at this point in life. So I
don't know. Just I guess youcould go with me or Kayla. Yeah,
either way, it's right the wind. What you got coming up?

This week, I'm going to SouthCarolina for a bachelorette fun so I'm leaving
Thursday. I'll be back Monday ish. But yeah, so I can't go
to her actual wedding, which isso sad because I've been planning this cruise
with my family for a long time. I falls on that day, but
of course I was like, I'llbe at the bachelorette so I'm excited to
see her. She was on mycheerleading team when we were in college and

My other best friend is gonna bethere as well, so it's gonna be
good to see them after a fewyears. That's gonna be a good time.
Yeah. I think I just havework again. I have an event.
I can't remember what it is though. Are you coming? What is
it again? The Beverly Hills thing? Yeah, I have to see but
probably I should be able to.It just depends anyway. Either way,
it'll be a good time. Andwork work work, work, work,

work work period. That's a period. Well, thank you guys so much
for listening. If you have anyadvice, ask us ptshpodcast dot com.
Hit us up. I'm at KaylaThomas forty. I'm at the Kayla Austin.
And again, thank you so muchto mister Ronda Jones for joining us
on this episode of Patty Is.That was so awesome to meet you in
interview and talk to you. That'sright, we'll talk to you guys next
week. Heye.
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