Episode Transcript
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Kylie. I have to say,it is such an honor to meet you.
Thank you, This is amazing.You are our queen. I'll happily
um accept that momentarily. Thank you, no problem. Let me ask you
first and foremost all about your newsong, because it has gone so viral.
Padam Padam is everywhere. It's everywhere, It's on your shirt, You've
got now I see anything that's likeyou've got it, Like, oh yeah,
it's blown me? Why Like Iyeah, you know, you always
be hopeful with it with any songrelease, but sure the first song from
an album and is padamning its wayaround, which is just wild. Yeah,
that's a good way to put it. That really is. I love
the video and I wanted to askyou about that because the video has this
um almost like a nineties feel toit um if that makes sense. It's
a little I don't want to usethe word retro because I don't think that's
that's the right word to use,but it's got this vibe to it that
is just it instantly takes you tothe dance floor. Is that what you
were going for? Did you workclosely with the director to get there?
I worked really closely with Sophie Muller, who's done all my videos for a
few years and she's amazing, andwe both felt that red was the only
way to go, but she tookit next level so that the saturation of
the colors is fantastic. Funny youmentioned nineties reference because we had referenced some
all her videos and one of themwas a nineties where the red is it
becomes something else, so that plusa bit of we wanted it to just
be a bit other. So it'skind of weird things happening in really ordinary
places. I'm saying the pink hotelis ordinary, but you knowsh it's a
great way to put it. Thatreally is. It's visually, uh,
you know, diverse. It's it'sentertaining to watch when you're when you've been
putting together this new album, whichcomes out September twenty second, it's on
tension. As you were putting thattogether, was this song the standout for
you? Did you know you werejust going to lead with this one?
Um? Yes, and then no, and okay, truthfully, like we
because it's it's been quite a processand over time you have you do new
songs and then you get excited aboutthat, and it's kind of a horse
race. Sure there's one that itis out of the gates and everyone's feeling
that one's going to cross the linefirst, and then there's a you know,
another one coming through or one ofhad no one put any bets on?
Time does interesting things to songs aswell. That just kind of I
don't know some babies and others don'twell most of them, don't, you
know that don't make the race atall. You think of how many demos
and oh sure attempts to have,but for them did what it said it
was going to do in the beginningand be the first single. That's awesome.
And I have to ask, becausewe are Pride Radio after all,
we know that you were just inSydney for World Pride not that long ago.
How was that? What it wasthat experience? Like off the chart?
So it wasn't that because you performedwith your sister, right, I
did, And we managed to largelykeep it a secret, which was yeah,
brilliant, Like how do you dothat? Well? Firstly, we
for a split second considered that Dannywould not do the dress run and the
techniculd run, and then we quicklyrealized that's maybe not for the few people
that might know about it. Thatafternoon, we still thought the payoff was
worth it. So a special momentfor us. And I've had continuous feedback
since then, which doesn't always happen, but I think it was a real
collective moment yea, and one thatjust to kind of unite everyone. Yeah.
I've had a few people say Ijust needed to let you know,
just just express myself, right,Yeah. I think that was the feeling
throughout the city, and certainly formy moment. Yeah, You've always been
an incredible ally to the community,so it was a real thing. Was
thinking, we've got twenty minutes,which songs do we choose? Yeah,
I can imagine because you have sucha library, Like where do you even
begin? Yeah, but it wasit was like an amazing overall um event,
and I was proud to be headlined. Yeah. Well, I'm glad
that you worried like internationally. Ohyeah. He talked to me yesterday and
said said he just last minute managedto get a fly. Yeah. Yeah,
I have a lot of good faithback. I had some friends from
Washington, DC who went because CapitolPride is the host for World Pride in
two years in twenty twenty five,so they were there kind of scoping things
out, seeing how they were Yeah, exactly, yep. And your performance
they just wouldn't stop talking about.They still talk about it. Yeah,
So it's been fantastic. So thewhole the whole event was of scale,
which was not Yeah, yeah that'swhat I heard. It was just a
great, great place. Now,Um, obviously you were working on the
album behind the scenes while you weredoing all that. So how how does
this album come together? I mean, how how busy has it kept?
You? Read this pretty busy?Um? Yeah, pretty busy. I'd
say that like the start of therecording process was there was no agenda,
There was no there wasn't even reallylike a theme or anything. It was
just going in to be with peopleI love, love to work with.
Um, I have a play reallythat that's that's just an amazing part of
studio times when you you just havingto play and still I still marvel at
it that you arrive with nothing andyou leave with yeah or two songs,
six songs, and they might bedreadful songs, but you've made something.
They have made something that might reachthe world. It's it's crazy Yeah,
so the process was as and wheninitially and then as we got more material
and you know, the new it'sit's been pretty full. Yeah, imaginetration
to put any sentence together. Rightnow, it is busy, and the
positivity and the energy and the welcomeI've had here has been incredible. Yeah,
it's gonna be. It's only goingto get better, I think,
because, like I said, thissong has just been everywhere. But it
makes me wonder, have you everconsidered a music style that would surprise people
that you haven't done yet, thatyou want to do that might not even
be on this new album I've done. I've done quite a lot, like
I'm jazzi country, but like Gopeor you know, something like that.
Next album there's a press release sayingit's thrashman all that would be okay,
something else, but it's not somethingI'm considering right now. I would love
to see me I'm joking, butI'm thinking it could work. Maybe a
thrash Mittle Band's one, a coverof Can't Get You Out of My Head?
At some point? Maybe there yougo? Maybe do you plan to
do? I have really musical taste, so I appreciate all of it.
Well, that was my next question. What is your favorite you know music
to listen to? Well, clearlyI love pop and I love right.
I do like indie pop a lot, Okay, a lot. I like
your rock oh wow, as yeah, keep them coming. That's right,
I get it. That's I guess. It just depends what mood. I
mean, mood i'd like to bein. You know, there should be
a whole album now that's just yourmoods, you know moves. Yeah,
exactly. One more question here thatI've got to ask because the couple times
you've had, you know, um, the acting bugget and you've been in
TV and movies, do you planon doing anything new soon? Because I
still love you from your time onthat TV show Gallivant, if you remember,
Yeah, it was just the bestand it was such a little gem
that I was so glad we hadfor I think it was only two seasons,
but it was so great. Imean, yeah, but maybe it's
become more in your mind. Ilove being able to be invited on set
and have that cameo appearance because itkind of confeting my schedule and it's so
much fun and I love being onset. I started out acting yea from
eleven years old sixteen, so myyoung adult life, and there's something there's
there's something about it that just feelshome to me. I love that it
takes this, all these people towork as one too to make TV or
film, so asn't when I getto do what, I love it well.
And that's why that makes your yourvideos turn out so well. I
mean, you are acting when you'rein those, and they just have they
have that quality that well. Inthe case of Pretty Acting was Sophie was
my director was saying, just bereally removed. I don't think she said
the word weird, but just youknow, you're not You're not really here,
right, I kept trying to Iwas like, what would David Bowie
do? So all the scene atthe diner. That's why it's so kind
of Oh how am I year?Or this is? This is it's just
meant to be a bit odd.Oh. I like that was an acting
part. The rest of it,you know, was more about balance.
Yeah, get yourself on top ofthat beating up car in a cat with
three wind machines on you you doyou? I was going to ask about
that because I don't know if theyglued your shoes to the roof of that
car. But no, it was. It was a little perilous man.
But I just say there's we saypaint is fleeting videos forever. Yeah,
there's always something if it's not wateror harness work, you're flying or yeah,
wind machines on on on top ofher top of the car. Was
it was so old and rusted thatit kept it? Oh geez, we
can we move on? You reallyrisk your life for your art. Oh
well, I risk bruises and youknow, I definitely risk uh embarrassment because
you've got to do some things there. Oh sure, okay, right,
I know it all makes sense inthe end. You definitely need trust with
your director and so that I canattest to she's amazing and we're both really
really strolled to the outcome. Well, do you plan on working with Sophie
in the future? Then more videosfrom this album? Excellent? I can't
wait. Maybe you can tell astory across a bunch of different videos.
Oh imagine if we did a director'sdirector and artist. Yeah, what do
you call it? When you're you'relike when you get a movie and it's
a trilogy like a series. No, I'm not the cut, just talking
about so you watching a commentary,thank you commentary? Yeah, okay,
yeah, that would be that wouldbe a feel way too many secrets,
so fact, you know what,we found the word, but we're banned.
We're not doing it. Wow,Oh my gosh. Well, I
know that you're playing at Katie Euphoriacoming up in the June seventeenth. Anything
else that we should look out foryou, you know, performing the summer.
Keep your eyes open, okay,okay, keep your eyes peeled.
All right, that sounds good.I'm so thrilled to talk to you,
and I want to thank you fortaking time out of your schedule because I
know how busy you are, andI just want to thank you again for
you know, making this happen.Well, it was an absolute pleasure.
Thank you so much for your timeand for your energy. And see you
at the show. All right,we'll do all right, Thanks Kyl. Bye,