Episode Transcript
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All right, it's Pride Radio.My name is Houston, and on the
phone with me is DJ Castle fromOne Magical Weekend and Bear Jamboree. How's
it going doing great? How areyou doing? Doing good? Doing good?
So we're just a little ways out, maybe two months now from from
Bear Jamboree and One Magical Weekend.You are doing two sets for Bear Jamburee
this year, right, that iscorrect, So I will be doing I
believe it's Saturday night or Saturday afternoon, sorry, ten to four on Saturday,
and then I'm doing Sunday night,the very last dance from ten to
two. Oh wow, the lastone. That's awesome. Yeah, that's
a good way last dance of theweekend, looking forward to close out the
weekend. Yeah, that's really cool. No pressure, you know, definitely
not. You have to you haveto end on a high note. So
exactly, it's a little pressure,but nothing we can't handle, right,
right, right, nothing too bad. So when you're putting a set together,
like for the Bearwood Derby dance poolparty or this Stargazing dance pool party,
the one that ends the weekend,what do you take into consideration?
Because I I guess you're probably alreadyplanning it, right. I am a
little bit. So I'm always knownfor anthems. I have a DJ friend
who once said to me, whenI hear you DJ, I just get
happy. And so that's something thatI always carry with me when I'm planning
a set, is I think ofhigh energy anthems that people can sing along
to. That way, it's drivingthe energy throughout the night. I'm playing
throwbacks, i'm playing current hits,I'm playing remixes of old songs, so
I really try to make sure thatwhat I'm playing is recognizable to people.
Occasionally I'm gonna throw a deep cutin there, but for the most part,
my goal is to, you know, keep the energy up and have
everyone happy as singing along, andthat fits perfectly with what Bear Jamboree is
all about. Last year was myfirst year seeing Bear Jamboree, and it
was just it was so chill andcool and fun all at the same time.
You know, there was no pressure. Everybody was just there to have
a good time exactly. It wasa really great time. I remember I
think we had met briefly for amoment that there was at one point there
was a big rains from having rightin the middle of my set. We
just kept going. Was out theredancing in the rain. It was a
great time, and I had topack up because I had a whole bunch
of electronic equipment. Yeah, yousure did, I remember that. So
where are you based? Because it'snot Florida, right, I'm actually in
Cincinnati, Ohio. Nice, Okay, I am quite familiar with that area.
Yep. I moved here from theNorthwest Indiana area about eight years ago,
and since then, I've kind of, you know, just got it.
I've bounced all over. I've playedin just about every gay bar we
have in the city. Unfortunately,we had a lot of them closed.
That's been kind of sad. ButI'm still having great opportunities. I have
a residency here going right now.That's going really well. So, oh
that's awesome. Lots of cool thingson the horizon. Yeah, that's really
good. How did you get connectedwith the folks at Bear Jamboree? So
I got connected with Bear Jamboree inone match of a weekend because I was
dejaying North American Bear and World BearWeekend. Where was one of our entertainments?
Oh yeah, and she is theentertainment director for Bear J. Brees.
So she invited me to come andDJ and it's last year as our
first year as an amazing experience,had a great time. Everyone at one
Magic Weekend is just incredible. They'rejust the nicest people. They're so happy
to work with them. I'm reallyexcited to be going back this year.
Yeah, I'm glad you said that, because they really are the nicest group
of people that we have even everworked with. Too. It's uh,
you know, they're always willing toyou know, solve if there's an issue
where or just accommodate whatever you need. And they're really they make it so
easy. But I think it's becausethey're just you know, they want everyone
to have such a good time.And I'm saying it from personal experience.
Everyone does have a good time.They really do. And that's my biggest
thing, is I said earlier,like my goal is everyone needs to be
happy. Yep. So and that'swhat I you know, when I'm doing
a set or even when I'm justtalking to somebody, my goal is to
make sure that they're having a goodtime, they're engaged, they're glad to
be there, because we're glad they'rethere, right, exactly exactly. Now,
do you have a chance, whenyou're not spinning at Bear Jamboree to
go and explore all the different eventsand if so, which ones are your
favorite? Last year, my favoritething that I got to go and do
was Ripped Tide. I broke atoe during what during Ripped Tide? No,
yes, so I broke a toeat Ripped Tide in the in the
waves pool. Oh, the restof the weekend on a broken toe.
I had no idea. No,Oh my god, not breaking my toe
this year. Please don't wear watershoes breaking a toe this year? Right,
wear water shoes if you have to. Oh, no, that is
that's unfortunate. I that's the firsttime I've I've heard of anyone breaking a
toe I think at one Magic Weekend. I mean, I guess it could
happen as a freak accident, butbut wow, a freak accident. But
it was worth it. It wasworth it. That's good you and you
pressed through the pain for everybody's enjoymentduring the weekend. Yep, you just
you know the show must go on, as they say, that's right exactly,
Yep, that's for sure. Well, we're looking forward to another great
weekend, looking forward to your twosets there again. That'll be the Bearwood
Derby dance Pool Party Saturday afternoon andthen the Star Gazing dance Pool Party Sunday
night to wrap up the entire event, which again no pressure, but people
are gonna want to go out ona good memory. Exactly. I think
that the you know, last songof the night has to be Last Dance
May Donna Summer. It's you know, for the weekend. Yeah, star
Gazing, it's a classic anthem.That's right. I have a really special
mix that I plan on playing ofthat, So if you're there, keep
an eye out for me. Ohsee, that's good. There's no pressure
because you know what's built in.You know, you have to end on
that song, and that's something reallycool to look forward to. Absolutely.
Yeah. Well, well, thanksagain for taking time to chat with us
about what's coming up at one magicalweekend and bear Jamboree, and we look
forward to seeing you again this year. I look forward to seeing you too,
see you in June. All right, thanks again. DJ Castle on
Pride Radio, thanks so much.Thank you,