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May 15, 2024 9 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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All right, it's Pride Radio.My name is Houston. On the phone
is DJ d An. She's goingto be spinning at one magical weekend.
How's it going, Dan, It'sgoing great, it's going great. Hello,
Hello, Hello, happy to behere, Yes, happy to have
you here and happy to see youat one magical weekend. Now what are
you doing that weekend? What?What party are you going to be spinning

at? You know, what canyou expect? I'll be doing the Friday
night after hours. Oh call theNeon Party. Nice and yeah, it's
it's the first late night party.It goes from two am to eight am,
so a long set. Wow,I'm super excited about it. So

I have to ask for these overnightparties, you know, they're they're there.
I'm amazed at how many people canstay up all night long because I
am not that person. I'm youknow, in bed by two two am
on like a good night. I'ma night out, but not like until
the morning, early morning. Buthow do you prepare for something like that?
You know, day to day I'mnot a night out either. Okay,

over time, you know, Ihave a normal bed time, yeah,
pretty normal wake up time, andthen I've just conditioned myself over the
years for you know, one ortwo late nights over the weekend. So
for the most part, you know, the addrenales, especially on a big
weekend like this, the adrenaline ofseeing all your friends and just the energy

of the parties are enough to giveyou that good, solid boost. But
definitely a nap, a good dinner, stretching red bull and then just sort
of getting in the zone once themusic starts, so you just kind of
take the ride with everybody else onceonce I get going, yeah, it

sounds like it. So you startit to and you go all the way
to eight. Is there any pointin where you know, like your third
wind hits for sure? I meanobviously, you you know, once hope
is that the party is you know, busy start to finish. Realistically,
you know everyone's coming from Typhoon Lagoonthat night. Fortunately, yeah, yeah,

so they'll be with d J Apollobefore they come to me. And
the Friday night parties are always youknow, everyone's super excited because it's the
first day Typhoon Lagoon leads leads theyou know, the major crux of the
weekend, and it's such a greatfun event that everyone's spirits are really are
really good and really high, andyou know, the after hours are at

the hotel, so once everyone sortof changes and makes their way down to
the ballroom, then it's they startto trickle in. So for me it's
nice because then I'll get to sortof ease into what the journey is going
to be. It's hard to do, you know, peak time after hours
for six hours straight, so it'sgood to get that that easing into it.

I'm sure there'll be you know,like a peak time of the night
and that's always energizing. And thentowards the latter part, you know,
you just kind of read what thecrowd wants. Do they want to go
a little bit deeper? Do theywant to keep the energy up? And
if that's the third wind, maybeit's just for me, like playing is

always like it's definitely a conversation andlike a sociological you know, I'm watching
what everybody's doing. So if that'sthe next phase of the you know,
of my assessment of what's going on, then you know, then then yes,
it's I guess that's the third windis how do we how do we
end the story? So that's achallenge a good one though, right,

yeah, because you want to endstrong and then send everybody off to breakfast,
I guess at eight am. AndI'm sure you have people who you
know, it's hard to get themout of there where you're like, okay,
you got to go now now forreal? Well yeah, I mean
that's if I'm doing my job right, right, Yeah, it's hard to
get them out of there exactly,which is what you want. Yeah,

it is totally yeah, And Ican't stress enough how great it is that
it's in the hotel, So ifyou're at the Sheraton, it's super easy
to you know, find your waydown to the ballroom or even from across
the street where Bear Jamboree is atthe Crown Plaza. It's so convenient,
and you know, that's what makesthis weekend so great. But I wanted
to ask you a little bit aboutthe theme. So it's Neon Fantasy.

What are you expecting to see?Do you want people decked out in their
best neon? You know, lotsof glow sticks? What are you hoping
people do all of that? Okay? I think the one thing, yeah,
I think the one thing. Onemagical weekend has been really good at
over the years is creating themes thatare easy buy in for people. Right,

So if you get to sort ofyou know, artsy fartsy with the
theme, it's hard for people tosort of connect to it. But I
mean, who doesn't love a goodglow party or good knee on party.
So I expect to see everyone inglow glasses and short i mean wings.
It's endless, especially with the Internetand online shopping like you can make there's

glow everything there. Yeah, therereally is. So I expect to see,
you know, a dance floor fullof that kind of stuff, which
is neat for me. Yeah,it really is, especially when you're getting
the crowd coming back, you know, all hyped up from DJ Pallow at
Typhoon Lagoon for Riptide. It's goingto be a blast. That's going to

be a lot of fun, itis, It really is. Yeah.
So this is not your first yearat one Magical Weekend, right? How
many years have you been participating inthe event? Oh noah, I knew
you were going to ask that questionand I was, I don't know.
This is pro probably my maybe myfourth or fifth appearance I've done. I've

done a couple of the pool parties. I did the main party with Paulo
at House of Blues eight years back. Yeah, and I've done an after
hours this might be my fifth.I've done an after hours where I split
the night with Alexander, but thisis the first one where I've helmed the
the entire party myself. Wow.Well, it's it's great that you're right

in the middle of the night soyou don't get to you don't have to
miss any of the other events rightthroughout the weekend because you'll be hanging around.
I'm sure I will. I'll bethere all weekend, so I get
to work early in the weekend andhave fun for the rest of the weekend.
The best, honestly, that isthe best. What's your uh,
what's your favorite event through the weekend? Are you going to get to go

to Riptide? I am? Imean that is my favorite. It's a
favorite of my friends too, becauseyou know, I have a good I
have a good mix of friends andnot all of them are after hours people,
so I want to get them forthe first part of my set,
and that's that. But they allgo to the Rippide, so and then
you know, that's the first timeyou get to see some of these people

that come to One Magical every year. So it's like the reunion part of
it, right, So uh,there's there's just an excitement for that.
So I'm definitely going to go andthen uh, you know, excuse myself.
In a timely fashion, I canreset the look, get my you
know, get my glow a tireon, and get my head in the

game. So right, right,because you've got that, that is the
favorite. Yeah, what else areyou looking forward to over the weekend?
The pool parties are always Oh theyare like low key and fun and just
you know, daytime fun in thesun, and you know, I love
those two. But honestly, they'vedone a really great job of making every

party like a staple. There's reallynot like a miss, right, you
just they load it with great talentand wonderful venues and they're just you know,
they just have to do events.Yeah, they really are. And
it's the other thing too, isthat you you have all these events that
you can do, but if youwant to just hang out by the pool,

you can just do that too,right. That's what's kind of great
about One Magical Weekend. You canyou can and you know, I had
to tap out sometimes, and againit's great that a lot of these things
are right at the hotel, soyou can go take a breather and then
you know, clock back in,so exactly, it's super easy. Cannot
be easier, exactly. Yeah.So if somebody wants to, you know,

not familiar with your sets, wantsto listen to something or see what
you might be planning, do youhave a link where people can go and
hear what you've done. I do. I have a website dj dan dot
com and that has links to theschedule and everything. But you're not really
a website person. Not everybody isa lot of people, you know,
are familiar with the SoundCloud app,and all of my music is on SoundCloud.

I have done a one Magical Weekendpromo set that is a little bit
of a sneak peek of what aportion of my after hours might sound like,
and that is available on SoundCloud,and all my socials are DJ Dan,
DA, N N E. Well, I appreciate you taking the time
and congrats on all the success.Really looking forward to seeing you at One

Magical Weekend coming up very soon.Yeah, I hope to see you too,
and thank you for including me inthe series of interviews, and I'm
happy to happy to share some informationwith all you guys. And I hope
to see everybody, all your audienceand you yourself at all the parties that
one magical Yeah same here. Thankyou again, I really appreciate your time.
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