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May 15, 2024 7 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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All right, It's Pride Radio andon the phone right now is DJ Tim
Staney. Tim. How are youdoing? I am doing excellent? How
are you doing? All right?So Tim is part of one magical weekend
Bear Jamboree, specifically, right,what are you going to be doing this
year? So I'll be playing onSaturday the first and Sunday the second from

eight until ten o'clock. I havethe pup pool parties and I'm really excited
to be playing this year. Iwas actually an attendee at many of their
jamboree events last year and had areally great time and was honored to be
asked to play this year. Yeah, that's incredible. How does that come
about? Like you know where yougo from? Because I've heard this story
before where somebody is there as aguest and then next thing you know,

you're being asked to DJ the party. How does that? How'd that happen?
So there is actually an application process. I did send in a demo
last year and I didn't make lastyear, but I did get an outreach
this year from the organizers and Iwas really excited when they contacted me.
So again, having been at theevent last year, kind of knew what
to expect and was really delighted whenthey reached out to me and offered me

those two nights. So I'm overthe moon about it. I think it's
going to be a great event anda lot of fun and a lot of
camaraderie, and it's just a goodfun weekend. Yeah. And what I
love is that you've already been aguest, so you know what to expect
and you know what people are lookingfor, right, yes, yeah,
So tell me about the experience ofbeing a guest at one Magical Weekend.

Well, my husband I have hada great time. We actually stayed,
we were not at the host hotelthis year. I'm excited to be staying
at the Crown where all the eventsare. We were right up the street,
but we went to many of thepool parties and had just a really
good time. Met a lot ofdifferent people, some people from our area.
We're over in the Saint Petersburg areaof Florida. The met actually a

lot of people that we knew fromour area, but just a ton of
people from many many other areas.Also got to meet some of the other
DJs that I didn't necessarily know.So I'm excited to make some of those
connections, and I look forward todeepening that this year and getting to know
more people and just get more pluggedinto the community. Yeah that sounds awesome.

I love that you you know,you met new friends and some of
those friends are lifelong friends, rightabsolutely. Yeah, that's what it's about,
you know, the past few years, as we've been guests ourselves in
broadcasting live at the event, youget to meet everybody who comes through,
and everyone is just always in agood mood. I can't think of one
person I ever saw that was likegrumpy. No, exactly. And you

know what was kind of interesting whenI started DJing again after many years after
a hiatus, I was initially djayingon Twitch, so I actually met last
year in real life for the firsttime one of the people that I knew
from that universe at the event.So that was really kind of a cool
moment too, where I think thesethings kind of bring people together from corner

the country and the globe and weall get a chance to come and dance
and have a nice party and havesome camaraderie. Though. Yeah, that's
really awesome. I love that thatyou were able to, you know,
put a face to the name,I guess absolutely yeah. So when you're
thinking about your set, you know, having been a guest before and knowing

the party that you're going to behosting, the dance pool, puppy parties,
what goes into that? What kindof music are you planning? You
know, are you putting together rightnow? So genre wise, I am
a little all over the places ofDJ. I have very varied case.
Sometimes I like playing classic disco,sometimes I like playing circuit. Many times

I'm playing on house that's especially onTwitch. What I typically try to do,
though, is draw a set togetherthat has a common theme to it.
For me this year, I thinkit's probably going to be in the
circuity genre. But within that spacemusically, there's just there's new stuff,
there's old stuff. There's just awide variety that you can you can piece

together as a DJ. So whileI always try to plan for the unexpected,
of course, I am a plannerby nature, So I always will
have sets that I work on andI practice, and I think that is
practice is definitely important. So Ido invest a fair amount of time and
how I curate these things, andthen you know, you never know what's

going to happen when you get tothe event, right, There are always
always things that come up, andyou just be prepared for anything as a
DJ and hope for great weather.Oh yeah, yeah. Last year when
we were at Barry Jamborerie, wehad a you know, typical Florida mid
afternoon thunderstorm rolled through and uh yeswe did, yeah to move very quickly

inside. Maybe not so much forthe DJ, but for the guests.
That's true, that's true. I'mglad that you're having a chance here to
tell everybody you know, what goesinto and how much work you actually put
into planning these sets and wanting tomake sure everyone's having a good time,
because sometimes I think people think ofDJs as background, and to some degree,

all DJs are background, right,But you're also active and you're paying
attention to the crowd, and you'rechanging I would imagine changing your set depending
on what the crowd's doing, right, absolutely. I mean you always want
to have some some vers versatility andflexibility, and I think, like I
said, having a wide range ofgenres to draw from two, I think
it's it's easy to quickly adapt andand maybe kind of find the vibe.

So I'm really looking forward to thatthis year. I think we're going to
have a great time and as longas mother Nature has the best of intentions
for us, I think it'll bea wonderful weekend. So I'm excited about
it for sure. Yeah, weare too. It's going to be a
lot of fun. If somebody wantsto check out you know, your music,
your style, your sets, wherecan they go to listen to what

you've done in the past. Sothe central area to really find everything related
to DJ tim Stany is DJ timStany sta nyy dot com and from there
that'll get you out to my Twitchchannel, my mixed cloud, and then
all of my social media. SoDjtimstaney dot com. Now do you outside
of your time djaying that these partieson Saturday and Sunday, will you have

time to enjoy the event? Oh? Absolutely so. My husband and I
will be there. We're meeting somefriends that will be coming over, and
I think Orlando is just going tobe electric that weekend, So I'm really
expecting it's going to be a lotof fun. But I will distinctively be
in the pool a good part ofthe weekend enjoying as a guest that.

I'm looking forward to those moments too. Yeah, of course, what is
your favorite event of the weekend.Well, I've never been to Riptide and
I'm really excited to go to Ripside. I'll tell you that's everybody's answer if
they've been, and we have,I mean, it's it's definitely by far
my favorite event. Yeah, I'mlooking forward to. Like right, water

park is great music. You knowthere you go exactly, it's everything and
you can wander around. I mean, how often do you get a water
park to yourself? Exactly exactly.We're going to savor the moment, that's
for sure, right, exactly.Well, I want to let everybody know
there are still rooms available. They'regoing fast though. One Magical Weekend dot
com and your website was Djtimstainy dotcom. So it's s T A N

E. Y. That's where youcan listen to what Tim's working on and
what you know, get a littlesneak peek for Bear Jamboree and absolutely looking
forward to it and hope to seeall at the event. It's going to
be a great time. Yeah,thank you so much, Tim, I
really appreciate you taking the time totalk with us today. All right,
Cherry, thank you so much.I appreciate all privating those doings. Thank
you so much. You're welcome.Thank you
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