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June 2, 2023 7 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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All right, it's Pride Radio andI have a very special guest on the
phone. This is DJ Charlie Bwho's going to be at one magical weekend
spinning in one of the therapy poolparties. I believe you're playing Saturday,
June third, right, that's correctat twelve pm. Nice. All right,
so kicking off that day, that'sthat's a good time to do it,
right, Yeah, it's really great. It's getting everybody's energy going for

the day. You know, peopleare coming in from the night before and
starting to dance and sit by thepool and enjoy it. Yeah, that's
right. The night before is theTyphoon Lagoon Party, which goes till the
wee hours of the morning. Soyeah, they'll just be just be waking
up with you. That's right.I'll get them all warmed up. That's
right. That'll be good. Whatkind of set do you typically bring to

uh, you know, an eventlike this, Like, what do you
do to warm people up and getthem going? Yeah? So the theme
of my music is happy disco inspiredtea dance favorites, and so what that
means is some people say, well, what's the tea dance? Well,
that's where people are getting together inthe afternoon, they're just listening to uplifting,
upbeat house disc big club music whereyou can sting along and have a

really great time. This isn't yourfirst time playing one Magical weekend, right,
No, it actually is. It'smy very first time. I've actually
never been to the event time.Super excited for it. Okay, well,
that's gonna be great because our firstyear at the event was last year,
and we will supposed to be twentytwenty, but we all know what
happened then. So yeah, wewere there last year for the first year,

and it was incredible. I mean, everybody is there to have fun.
Everyone gets along. There's you know, like, at least from my
perspective, there aren't. There aren'tclicks or anything like that. You know,
everybody stands around, talks and partiesand like you know, they're dancing
the whole day. So you're gonnahave a great crowd, I think.

Um, the pool parties are likeno other that I've seen before, and
just the whole weekend is a lotof fun. Are you here for the
whole weekend? Yeah, I'll bethere for the whole weekend. Nice,
Okay, that's good. Too.Let me ask you, you know,
in your travels, have you haveyou played Orlando for I've not played Orlando,
but I played in Tampa not toofar away. Okay, Yeah,
Tampa's pretty close, very similar vibe. I will say that you know to

to that area. But you know, speaking of all the cities that you've
played in, what would you sayis your favorite city to play in?
Yeah? It's a tough question toanswer, but I know one of my
favorite places that I've been is partof our tet Oh. Yeah, so
it's just an awesome place to be. Lots of queer people at happy environment

as well, so that's definitely oneof my top three. Will put it
like that. Nice. Okay,all right, I like that. Do
you as a DJ, do youlike to produce your own music as well?
And do you ever drop that intoyour sets? Yeah? So I
do a combination. I love,you know, finding other people's mixes that
really excite me. What I findis when I hear a remix and I
start to get a little bit emotionalwhen I hear, oh, this is

something I got to put in oneof my sets. Nice. But then
sometimes there's just not a really goodone and I'll say, you know what,
I'm going to take this and I'mgoing to start making my own mix
of it, and that's where themagic off happens. Nice, Okay,
do you ever get people that comeup to you and say where can I
get that version? Oh? Absolutely, that's actually happened. That was recently
at Sydney World Pride. DJ's therewas like, hey, can you send
me one of your mixes that Ifound online because it's just going to really

rock the crowd. And so it'sabsolutely, that's awesome. How was Sydney
World Pride unbelievable? You know thatthat city really dredged itself in rainbows and
queerness and it was just unbelievable.I had such a great time. It
was one of my favorite I've beenall around the world to Pride, Yeah,
and it was one of my favoritesthat I've ever been to. Wow,
that's really awesome. I've always wantedto go and I saw like just

a flaw of photos from friends thatit went and some of the artists that
were out there too, and itlooked amazing. It looks like literally the
whole city just stopped for World Pride. Absolutely, and you know what,
I've heard there are folks that arethere, that are still there that said
it's remained a lot that way.It was still of rainbows all over the
place, a lot of good energy. Yeah, that's awesome that it left

the lasting impression. That's really good. That's really good. I hope that
happens when World Pride comes here tothe States. It's in Washington, d
C. In twenty twenty five,and I know the city's already busy planning.
I'm part of that planning committee,so it's we've been talking about it
for a while now. But youknow what, if you could improve on
anything, and it sounds like itwas good, it would be hard to

improve on. But if there wasone thing about Sydney World Pride you could
change, what would it be itwas? That's a really tough one because
there was just so much amazing aboutit because it's such a great location.
Yeah, you know, some ofthe days it was a little bit rainy.
So how if I could, youknow, play Mother Nature and change
the weather a little bit. Yeah, we would do that. We'll work
on that for DC. Sure,we'll just build a big dome over the

city. Yeah, no rain isallowed, no, right, man,
that sounds good. In all seriousness, Yeah, there wasn't a whole lot
that I would change with it.They produced it extremely well. I think
we have a lot to learn,a lot to be inspired by, I'll
say that much. Well that's goodbecause you know, like I said,
it seemed like the whole city reallycame together there. So it sounds like
they set the bar really high.Absolutely. Oh that's good. Well,

you know, maybe we'll see you, you know, even playing World Pride
in DC in a couple of years. That could be fun too. I
would love that played in DC beforegreat crowd. Yeah it is. It's
you know, until recently. Ilive in Orlando now, but we lived
in DC for about fifteen years.So yeah, it's a great city and
we always go back and for Prideevery year, but this kicks off Pride

months, you know, the onemagical weekend and if you're here for the
whole weekend, you get to experienceall the fun events that are happening as
well. Yeah, it's really exciting. You know. For me, one
of the things about going to theseevents, besides the DJing part, it's
just enjoying it and going to thedance floor because when you're there and you're
with your friends, you're laughing,you're singing along to the music. You
just escape from everything else in theworld. There's no politics, there's no

world conflict discussion, just there todance and have a good time. And
I love that and I'm so excitedto see what Magical Weekend has in store.
Yeah, I'm glad you said thattoo, because I think because of
all the politics leading up to it, now the crap that's been happening here
in Florida, I think people area little pensive. But that's why I
want to really stress that when youwere there, when you were here and

you're in the event, those becomedistant memories. They just they float off
into the background and you get tofocus on you and have fun. But
I think representation here is so muchmore important than it's ever been. And
we have a giant ally in WaltDisney World, so it's the best place
to have this event for sure.And if you look at the you know

what well Magical Weekend helps to celebrateand you know you have the Kindred Pride
Foundation. You know their mission issupport, education, promotion and celebration of
diversity, inclusion, quality, safeexpression, kindness, Like who doesn't need
more of that, especially in Florida. They days right exactly, and I
hate to say they have their workcut out for them, but they really
do right now. And it's justa great reminder for why we have Pride

celebrations in the first place. That'sright. Yeah, Yeah, we want
to be allowed, we want tobe out there. We want as many
you know, people from across thecommunity to come in and have a good
time together, because that's one ofthe strongest things we have in our community,
I think, is that, youknow, we we stick together,
get through it together, and we'llget through this too. But this event,

it's going to be a lot offun. You were on against Saturday,
June third, starting at noon atthe therapy pool parties. And the
good news is the host hotel issold out, the original the Sherton Lake
Buena Vista, but they've now spilledover into the additional hotels, so people
who buy those packages will still getto come into these pool parties. That's
how, you know, amazing,this is going to be. Yeah,
let's flood the city. Come on, everybody, let's go to one magical

weekend. Buy the tickets of onemagical weekend dot com. Yeah, it's
going to be great.
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